WiFi Humidity Temperature Monitor, Smart Life Thermometer

WiFi Humidity Temperature Monitor, Smart Life Thermometer Hygrometer Sensor with Remote Monitor and Notification Alert, High Precision Alexa Room Thermometer Indoor for Baby, Pet, Garden, Office

- Package Included:
- 1*WIFI Temperature and Humidity Sensor
- 1* Sticker
- 1* User’s Manual
- When your sensor battery is low, an alert will be sent to your phone via the app.
- We provide a 12-month after-sales service for the indoor thermometer hygrometer, please feel free to find us if there is any problem!
Weight: | 20 g |
Dimensions: | 8.5 x 4.5 x 2.5 cm; 20 Grams |
Model: | lt-uk-075 |
Part: | Lt-uk-075 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Coikes |
Dimensions: | 8.5 x 4.5 x 2.5 cm; 20 Grams |
Facili da installare sia in esterno che interno, semplici da connettere con l’app e poi te li ritrovi in Google home e/o Alexa
Ora posso monitorare la temperatura esterna ed interna, senza avere grandi pretese…
Das Coikes Smart WLAN Temperatur Hygrometer ist eine ausgezeichnete Wahl fr die berwachung der Raumtemperatur und Luftfeuchtigkeit in Innenrumen. Als Fachmann fr Smart-Home-Technologie kann ich die Leistung und Funktionalitt dieses Produkts uneingeschrnkt empfehlen.
Die Einrichtung des Smart WLAN Temperatur Hygrometers ist einfach und unkompliziert. Es kann mit der Tuya Smart Life App verbunden werden, die eine intuitive Benutzeroberflche und umfangreiche Funktionen bietet. Die App ermglicht es dem Benutzer, die gemessenen Daten in Echtzeit zu berprfen und aufzeichnen zu lassen.
Besonders hervorzuheben ist die Kompatibilitt des Gerts mit Alexa. Dank der Integration mit Amazon Alexa kann der Benutzer das Thermometer Hygrometer bequem per Sprachbefehl steuern und die aktuellen Daten abfragen. Dies bietet ein bequemes und hands-free Erlebnis fr die Nutzung und berwachung der Raumklimadaten.
Die Smart-Home-Funktionen des Coikes Hygrometers erweitern die Mglichkeiten der Raumberwachung erheblich. Es ist beispielsweise mglich, benutzerdefinierte Benachrichtigungen einzurichten, die den Benutzer warnen, wenn die Raumtemperatur oder Luftfeuchtigkeit bestimmte Schwellenwerte berschreitet. Dadurch kann man zeitnah Manahmen ergreifen, um ein angenehmes und gesundes Raumklima aufrechtzuerhalten.
Die Kombination aus Temperatur- und Luftfeuchtigkeitsmessung macht dieses Produkt besonders vielseitig und ntzlich. Es kann in verschiedenen Anwendungsbereichen eingesetzt werden, sei es in Wohnrumen, Schlafzimmern, Bros oder sogar in Gewchshusern.
Als mgliche Verbesserung knnte eine grere Auswahl an Smart-Home-Integrationen in Zukunft interessant sein, um den Bedrfnissen verschiedener Benutzer gerecht zu werden.
Zusammenfassend ist das Coikes Smart WLAN Temperatur Hygrometer eine ausgezeichnete Smart-Home-Lsung zur berwachung der Raumtemperatur und Luftfeuchtigkeit. Mit seiner einfachen Einrichtung, der Integration mit Alexa und der Funktionsvielfalt bietet es eine benutzerfreundliche und intelligente Mglichkeit, das Raumklima zu berwachen und anzupassen. Fr Smart-Home-Enthusiasten, die ihre Umgebung optimal im Blick behalten mchten, ist dieses Produkt eine empfehlenswerte Wahl.
El termmetro/higrmetro cumple con su cometido, a travs de la aplicacin Tuya Smart es muy rpido para conectarlo y te da una informacin muy completa hora a hora de la temperatura y humedad que ha medido comparndola con el clima que ha habido en tu ciudad. Y tambin puedes consultar la temperatura y humedad a travs de los dispositivos Alexa.
J’ai acquis 4 de ces capteurs. Installation trs facile avec une application SmartLife (j’utilise pour ma part Nedis Smartlife). Trois de ces capteurs sont dans la maison et un est dans une serre (aluminium et verre), tous sont connects directement au Wifi de la maison.
Une toile en moins car dans l’application l’historique de donnes de temprature et d’humidit est donn par heure (et non en temps rel).
Paket kam am nchsten Tag an.
Zu dem Thermometer selbst, die Installation in der App geht sehr schnell, Gert wird automatisch in Smart Life erkannt.
Temperatur Verlauf wird gespeichert, Aktualisierung alle 5 min.
Nun zur Genauigkeit ich hatte es mit einem TypK Fhler und Messgert von Voltkraft +0.2 Crad Celsius unterschied gemessen. Das ist fr mich voll in Ordnung. Zur Genauigkeit der Luftfeuchtigkeit kann ich nichts sagen da ich nicht vergleichbares zum messen habe. Aber ich denke das passt auch, alle 4 neben einander haben 3% Punke unterschied.
Zur Laufzeit der zwei AAA Batterien kann ich nichts sagen da noch nicht lange genug im Betrieb.
Ottimo prodotto di per se, con un applicazione comoda e funzionale. Peccato solo che in reti Wireless 2.4 con pi access point raggiungibili mettano in difficolt l’apparato, richiedendo la rimozione e riposizionamento delle batterie per ottenere un funzionamento corretto.
Buon prodotto, l’applicazione funziona bene, permette di vedere in real time temperatura e umidit, e mantiene lo storico con granularit ora / giono / mese / anno. E’ possibile estrarre i dati storici facendoseli mandare via email.
Trs utile pour comparer les tempratures de chaque pice de la maison. Capte bien le wifi alors que je n’y croyais pas ! Bravo !
Very tiny sensor which can fit anywhere in home it’s powered with 2 cell batteries and comes with double sided tap just put cell inside and install its app .plus point is that is app is available in AppStore and Playstore and you can easy monitor your room temperature and humidity
buona accuratezza e discreta sensibilit al segnale wifi. Riceve solo sui 2.4Ghz ed compatibile con i sistemi di domotica pi diffusi
Avec 2 piles AAA au lithium j’espre qu’il va durer un moment. Il est trs petit et se glisse sur n’importe quel meuble. Les donnes semble cohrente avec un autre appareil fixe que j’ai. le logiciel Smart Life ne m’a demand que deux minute pour le comprendre et ajout l’appareil. Je suis satisfait du rsultat.
Works allright. The only thing is that Google Home displays only the humidity. Tuya Smart displays both humidity and temperature.
They have always worked just fine. You must buy good, heavy duty batteries tho, as cheap ones run out quick.
Easy to connect to “SmartLife” app and Alexa integration practically takes care of itself.
Accuracy is average, but absolutely good enough for a greenhouse or outhouse.
I found accuracy to be about 1.5C out a few times when compared with professional temperature devices.
Humidity is fairly ok as well.
For the price they are excellent value for money, as you can remotely monitor temp and turn on heaters or dehumidifiers as needed. I have 15 of these for work reasons and never had a complaint.
I must say again, good, heavy duty, long life batteries are a must. That way you will get quite a few months usage.
Its false economy otherwise.
No doubt i will be buying more, especially when they are on special offer. Not bad at all.
Set up easy in Smart Life App. Simple to see temp & humidity. Graphs output.
It’s nice to know in a three bedroom house, what the temperature is upstairs and downstairs, so I have two and they are very accurate and surprising. How upstairs keeps quite warm, even though I’m only heating downstairs?
This device is highly effective for monitoring the temperature of the room in which it is situated.
A sticker is provided in the product box, allowing it to be effortlessly attached to any vertical surface. By following the instructions detailed in the user manual, setting up the device is relatively straightforward. The device records the temperature hourly, and once it has been paired with an Alexa speaker, Alexa can report the temperature upon request. The thermometer’s name in the Alexa app must correspond to the manner in which the temperature is requested by Alexa. For example, if the thermometer is located in a bedroom, the device in the Alexa app must be renamed “Bedroom.” and the following question has to be asked: “Alexa/ECHO, what’s the bedroom temperature?” in order to get an answer.
One notable feature of this device is its ability to export the recorded temperatures to a .xls file, sent to an email address. Furthermore, the device enables users to monitor the temperature of their room from anywhere.
All things considered, I am content with this product and would recommend it to others.
Used to keep an eye on the house temperature while we was in Australia
Using to monitor conditions in my greenhouse – perfect for the task and good range on the WiFi connectivity
Got two pack, one to monitor temperature and humidity in my server shelf and another one to control garage dehumidifier. I have scene set up when temp is above 14c and humidity is over 60% to switch on WiFi plug to start the dehumidifier. Very accurate sensor and works with smart home app, good product.
This is the future, can check room temperature from your smart phone, no need to get up and walk to the thermometer sensor. Using the smart app was so easy to set up. The sensor is so small and light weight can use blu-tack to stick it up on the wall. Only around 7cm in length.
Very easy to set up
And download the app
It lets me know the temperature and humidity
Commande de chauffage, dshumidificateur et clim. Installs pour certains dans les dressings ils sont petits et discrets.
Ho acquistato questo termoigrometro per la seconda casa di campagna.
L’ho posizionato all’esterno in una zona protetta dalla pioggia e nonostante i muri spessi funziona perfettamente.
Ottimo la possibilit di poter vedere lo storico di temperatura e umidit giorno per giorno mese per mese e anno per anno
Got this to check humidity in my home and my daughter’s who has problems with damp. Works well. Bit smaller than I expected but that’s no problem. This is a great little product & very simple to set up on your Phone or tablet. The only slight niggle i have is i would have liked to have a rechargeable battery built in, instead of the 3x AAA batteries needed. I would definitely recommend this to anyone needing a mobile temp & humidity stat.
Now have six of these doing various tasks around the house not the fastest updating but reliable, easy to set up using the Smart Life app too
Great to monitor humidity from your phone and ensure the air is good quality. Helps to ensure skin doesn’t dry
This is the second humidity temperature moitor purchased as we were so pleased with the first. This brand was easy to set up, quite accurate.and reasonably priced.
This is quite a nice little temperature unit it doesn’t have a display but is very easy to link to the smart life app and use that to link to Alexa
Je me sers de ce thermomtre pour rguler la temprature de ma serre.
Compte tenu qu’il est compatible Tuya, je peux facilement crer mes automatismes avec l’application SmartHome grce un trs large cosystme avec un grand choix d’quipements connects.
Je peux consulter la temprature et l’hygrometrie actuelle est passe de n’importe o et pas seulement du rseau local.
Le seul truc savoir, c’est que le capteur a une grande inertie thermique du fait de sa compacit et de la prsence d’une pile l’intrieur, il faut donc plus d’une heure pour que la temprature se stabilise aprs un changement brusque.
Ensuite la mesure est conforme mes autres capteurs.
J’en suis trs content, je vais en mettre partout, mais je vais les acheter en packs, c’est bien moins cher.
j’ai achet un pack de 3, il ressemblait beaucoup, je pensais qu’il s’agissait du mme modle sous une autre marque (NIKJEBDF). En fait pas du tout, le boitier est un peu diffrent, il utilise 2 piles AAA au lieu d’une AA, la prsentation dans l’application est aussi diffrente (et un peu mieux) et les 3 capteurs donnent une mesure quasi identique et meilleure que le Coikes. Bien sur le prix est plus de 2 fois moins cher par capteur…
I found i very quick to set up and easy to read, I set the app up in 5 minutes and navigate very easily on the app to find the humidity temperature
Good price for value. Easy to install, great app. Good qality, small device.