Amazon Basics — Universal soundbar TV mount

Amazon Basics — Universal soundbar TV mount, adjustable arms for mounting above or below television, black

Universal Compatibility & Easy Installation

Universally compatible with a wide variety of television sizes and models including Samsung Q flat and curved panel TVs, the AmazonBasics speaker mounting bracket is a trustworthy, functional solution. Enjoy easy installation with included tools, hardware and instructions.

Dimensions: 68.58 x 3 x 4.29 cm; 916.26 Grams
Model: S01
Manufacture: Amazon Basics
Dimensions: 68.58 x 3 x 4.29 cm; 916.26 Grams
Origin: China

19 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    Soporte de una barra de sonido bajo una TV. Fcil montaje gracias a la articulacin regulable.

  2. RenateWyatt says:

     United Kingdom

    How do you review something as basic as a fixing bracket? I bought this to fix a soundbar to the telly. It took about half an hour of squeezing myself under an arrangement that is too heavy to move as a unit and that I felt disinclined to take apart. After that, however, the soundbar was securely clamped to the rack that holds the telly and all else, and I haven’t given the thing a second’s thought since. On these grounds, highly if unenthusiastically recommended.

  3. Anonymous says:


    Ottima soluzione per fissare la soundbar alla tv facile da installare

  4. Anonymous says:


    prodotto funzionante, ma per il montaggio non ci ho capito nulla, troppi pezzi e una marea di viti. alla fine l’ho montato a modo mio e sembra reggere

  5. Rob Longley says:


    Esta versin se adapta a barras pequeas hasta la ms grande gracias a la extensin extra. Tuve dificultades porque ninguno de los tantos tornillos incluidos ajust a mi barra pero lo solucion comprando unos genricos en una tlapalera por unos centavos ms. S recomiendo el producto por su calidad, resistencia, versatilidad y precio.

    Gran ajuste y versatilidad

  6. PatriciaNesbitt says:


    Un po’ complesso nella ricerca della misura corretta. Comunque una volta installata fa il suo dovere.

  7. ValorieMcQuille says:


    Utilizzato per installare sopra al televisore, per questioni di spazio laterale e sottostante, i satelliti frontali del nostro 5.1 Yamaha. Trovato il prodotto robusto, facile da assemblare e adattare anche grazie a tutte le tipologie di viti, bulloni e dadi presenti. Ottimo acquisto, superconsigliato.

    Economico e duttile

  8. Kelley14Yrugj says:


    El soporte es de muy buena calidad pero los tornillos no todos estn de acuerdo al tamao de la tele, tuve que jugar con algunos otros tornillos que tena y los espaciadores hasta que pude ajustarla. Fuera de eso la calidad es excelente y se ve muy bien.

  9. Anonymous says:


    Muy fcil de instalar. Muy buena calidad de material. Medidas universales

  10. Anonymous says:


    Prctico para poner el soundbar arriba del TV. Me pareci bueno. Con algo de paciencia hubiese quedado mejor instalado sin embargo lo considero muy til

  11. FOHHarveyrexne says:

     United States

    This “Kit” has most of, if not all the parts necessary for different configurations that you will probably ever need to attach a Sound Bar to a TV, or on the wall under a TV.

  12. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Easy to install and sturdy enough for what I needed.

  13. Anonymous says:


    I purchased this item to mount my Philips sound bar below my 40 inch Samsung TV that was attached to a wall mount. First off my TV is a bit rounded at the bottom therefore I had to take the TV off the wall mount and then take the attachment on the TV off to properly fit the X standard sound bar mount to the wall mount piece. This was not a straightforward install I had to play around with the settings on each of the holes and then use different types of screws and nuts that did come with the mount but I also used different screws that came with the tv wall mount. Well I had no issue putting this together in the end it did take me almost an hour to figure everything out due to the age of my TV and the sound bar that I purchased recently. I could see having a newer TV and a higher quality sound bar this might be easier to put together but I would be wary for those that have TVs that are five years and older or $150 sound bars that might not have the proper mounts on them.

    Pros: Should fit most tvs and sound bars that have flat backs and proper screw holds.

    Cons: this might feel like a puzzle if you have all your equipment to attach your sound bar to your TV with a wall mount.

    For the price, this felt like a no brainer but it did take an hour out of my evening to put together.

  14. The Cajun Boy says:

     United States

    Good mount and does what is designed to do. I did have to go to local hardware store and buy four M4-0.7 x 45mm with washers to mount to my TV. The ones that were provided in kit were too short for my application.

    Good mount and does what is designed to do. I did have to go to local hardware store and buy four M4-0.7 x 45mm with washers to mount to my TV. The ones that were provided in kit were too short for my application.

  15. WilliamFavela says:

     United States

    Super easy to use and all the extra provided hardware made it so I didn’t have to get creative at all to mount my soundbar how I wanted, truly a universal kit with easy adjustment.

  16. Les Shu says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersLoved that sound bar’s mount came with all hardware crews and bolts for your install. The final result is exactly what I was hoping. The quality seemed good. The design and mounting position can be easily adjusted for the best look. It went better than I anticipated. Would definitely recommend.

    Loved that sound bar's mount came with all hardware crews and bolts for your install. The final result is exactly what I was hoping. The quality seemed good. The design and mounting position can be easily adjusted for the best look. It went better than I anticipated. Would definitely recommend.

  17. MariaKemper says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersIch habe diese TV/Soundbar-Halterung fr unseren Wohnzimmer Fernseher gekauft. Er sollte damit einfach ordentlicher aussehen, indem die soundbar nicht davor auf dem Sideboard steht, sondern ber dem Fernseher hngt.

    Das Modell von AmazonBasics wurde schnell und sicher verpackt geliefert. Es kommt in einer typischen AmazonBasics Kartonverpackung daher, ohne viel Schnickschnack. Und das finde ich gut.

    Ausgepackt und gleich losgelegt. Die Bedienungsanleitung ist ausreichend und eigentlich das System auch intuitiv. Man kann die Halterung so am Fernseher montieren, dass die Soundbar entweder am oberen oder am unteren Rand des TV Gertes schwebt. Das geht bei einem stehenden Fernseher natrlich besser oben. Das wre auch die Position gewesen, die ich gewhlt htte.

    Leider vereitelte mir meine LG Soundbar das Ganze. Die Soundbar hat keine Schraublcher fr Wandmontage. Somit lsst sich an ihr auch diese Halterung nicht montieren. Ich habe es kurz mit den Aussparungen fr Wandhaken an der Soundbar versucht, ein richtig sicheres Anhngen wre damit aber nicht mglich gewesen.

    Schade, jetzt verschwindet die hochwertig verarbeitete und optisch wirklich wertige Halterung erst einmal im Schrank, bis ich mir irgendwann einmal eine neue Soundbar kaufen werde.

    Da das AmazonBasics Produkt aber hochwertig verarbeitet ist, sich einfach montieren lsst und sicher auch an unserem Fernseher perfekt gewesen wre, bekommt sie von mir verdiente 4 Sterne. Wichtig vor dem Kauf ist aber die Prfung, ob die anzubringende Soundbar entsprechende Halterungslcher hat.

    Qualitativ gut - bei unserer soundbar leider nicht passend

  18. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    You receive a very well made bracket which is for popping a sounder on to the TV wall brackets, top or bottom.

    Not the easiest thing to work out, but the brackets attach to the TV brackets that you have, the bracket then screws to the soundbar, hiding the bracket, the hardest part is doing all this while trying to balance the TV and then putting the TV back on the wall, it adds more weight to lift.

    I like the finished look, it makes the TV and bracket look like they belong to each other.

    Priced at just under 18 Its great value, you’re need a had to install etc but well worth doing.

  19. [email protected] Bob Herman says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersIl kit universale composto da sei elementi in metallo ed una quantit innumerevole di viti, rondelle e distanziatori; ero un po’ scettico all’inizio, perch ho un TV Samsung Curvo ed una soundbar Philips che supporta Dolby Atmos (quindi con casse rivolte verso l’alto), ma dopo qualche ora di studio e di prove, ed ho ottenuto un risultato soddisfacente senza, tra l’altro, ricorrere a elementi o attrezzi che non fossero gi presenti nel kit (fatta eccezione per un cacciavite a croce).

    Nella confezione troviamo:
    Manuale di istruzioni
    x6 elementi (braccia) in metallo nero.
    x2 M4 x 16 mm (croce)
    x2 M5 x 16 mm (croce)
    x2 M6 x 12 mm (croce)
    x2 M6 x 16 mm (esagonale)
    x2 M6 x 16 mm (liscia)
    x4 M4 x 40 mm (croce)
    x4 M6 x 16 mm (croce)
    x4 M6 x 35 mm (croce)
    x4 M8 x 20 mm (croce)
    x4 M8 x 50 mm (croce)
    x2 M6 a farfalla
    x4 M6 autobloccanti
    x2 M6 zigrinato
    x2 M6
    x4 M8
    x8 10 mm
    x2 4 mm
    x1 chiave esagonale
    x1 brugola

    E’ un prodotto universale e come tale cerca, nel bene o nel male di adattarsi alla maggior parte televisori e soundbar che rispettano gli standard. La mia esperienza data dall’installazione di questo prodotto con un Samsung 40″ J6300 curvo del 2015 con Vesa 200 x 200, e Soundbar Philips PB603/10 (lunga poco meno di un metro, e i cui attacchi sono posizionati proprio alle due estremit della soundbar).
    I tre elementi (2 per tipo, che compongono braccio sx e braccio dx) si uniscono in modo da formare 3 differenti combinazioni, in tutti i casi, la scelta di questa combinazione dettata in primis dalla distanza delle viti sulla soundbar (se verso il centro probabilmente vi serviranno gli elementi pi corti, se verso le estremit, come nel mio caso, dovrete usare la combinazione di tutti e 3 gli elementi) e dalla grandezza del televisore. Un’idea ci viene fornita a pagina 19 del manuale, ma io ho usato una combinazione che non era indicata.
    Nel mio caso infatti ho dovuto configurare a 90 gli elementi e collegare le staffe ad un solo aggancio vesa, fissando per tra di loro quelle due parti di staffe (tv e soundbar) per stabilizzare la struttura.

    E’ un kit completo e robusto, il montaggio non proprio immediato ma perch, per l’appunto, un prodotto universale.

    Come recensore Vine ho avuto modo di provare e testare il prodotto prima della vendita al pubblico, non ne conosco il prezzo e quindi il mio giudizio non considera l’aspetto economico, tuttavia, un prodotto che mi sento di consigliare solo se:
    1) non avete voglia di fare due buchi nel muro (o non potete),
    2) non vi piace appoggiare la soundbar su sul piano,
    3) siete soliti cambiare molto spesso tv ed impianto audio e quindi una soluzione universale come questa la scelta pi indicata

    KIT universale OK, le istruzioni sono indicative, con tempo e fantasia si ottengono buoni risultati