ARCTIC MX-6 (8 g) – Ultimate Performance Thermal Paste

ARCTIC MX-6 (8 g) – Ultimate Performance Thermal Paste for CPU, consoles, graphics cards, laptops, very high thermal conductivity, long durability, non-conductive, non-capacitive

Weight: | 8 g |
Dimensions: | 12 x 2.8 x 1.7 cm; 8 Grams |
Brand: | ARCTIC |
Model: | ACTCP00081A |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | ARCTIC |
Dimensions: | 12 x 2.8 x 1.7 cm; 8 Grams |
Habe die Wrmeleitpaste bei der CPU und GPU verwendet.
Das Auftragen und verteilen der Paste funktioniert Problemlos.
CPU und GPU haben stabile Temperaturwerte unter Last und noch Spielraum nach oben.
Bin sehr zufrieden und meine Erwartungen wurden nicht entuscht.
Hola! Soy Vctor y espero que esta resea te ayude a conocer la ARCTIC MX-6 (8 g) y tomar una decisin informada. Vamos all!
La ARCTIC MX-6 (8 g) es la gran sucesora de la archiconocida MX-4, una opcin destacada en el mundo de la pasta trmica. Desde el momento en que la apliqu, qued impresionado por su rendimiento excepcional, quedando mejor que opciones de ms de 4 veces ms precio de Thermal Grizzly. Con una formulacin avanzada y propiedades de disipacin trmica muy tops, esta pasta trmica ofrece una solucin efectiva para mantener las bajarle esos calores a tu CPU, ya sea en condiciones de uso estndar (donde en mi caso con una lquida de 280mm no me ha pasado de los 30 grados en uso normal) o en cargas de trabajo intensivas como el gaming o la edicin de video. (con OC jugando no me ha pasado de 55 mi 5800X)
Excelente conductividad trmica: La ARCTIC MX-6 ofrece una conductividad trmica superior, lo que ayuda a disipar el calor de manera eficiente y mantener la temperatura de tu CPU.
Facilidad de aplicacin: Su textura suave y consistente facilita la aplicacin uniforme del compuesto, lo que garantiza un contacto ptimo entre la CPU y el disipador de calor.
Larga durabilidad: Diseada para resistir altas temperaturas y ciclos de uso prolongados, la ARCTIC MX-6 ofrece un rendimiento constante a lo largo del tiempo, sin degradacin significativa.
Versatilidad: Debido a su viscosidad es compatible tanto con PC’s y porttiles como con consolas (PS4, SWITCH, XBOX ONE, etc.)
Precio moderado: Aunque ofrece un rendimiento excepcional (el mejor que he probado), es cierto que el coste de la ARCTIC MX-6 puede ser ligeramente ms alto que el de otras opciones en el mercado pero an as no puedo recomendar ninguna otra, en todo caso su antecesora, la MX-4.
No incluye aplicador: A algunas personas les gusta aplicar la pasta con un aplicador pero aqu no viene.
Recomendara su compra? Definitivamente, la ARCTIC MX-6 (8 g) ofrece un rendimiento excepcional y LA MEJOR relacin calidad-precio para aquellos que buscan mantener su CPU fresqusima y funcionando de manera eficiente. (Con GPUs an no la he probado pero he visto videos y… )
Y a ti, que ests leyendo esto… Gracias por haber llegado hasta aqu!
Leyenda de mis reseas:
5: Increble! Este producto es excepcional, su precio, calidad o caractersticas lo hacen valer totalmente la pena.
4: Muy bueno. Destaca por encima de la media, aunque tiene alguna cosilla mejorable.
3: Del montn. No tiene caractersticas sobresalientes que lo hagan destacar entre otros productos similares. Meh.
2: Bastante decepcionante. Ya sea por su calidad o relacin calidad-precio, deja mucho que desear.
1: Pobre. Este producto es malo, no se lo recomendara ni a mi peor enemigo.
Espero haberte sido de ayuda
MX-4 ist seit vielen Jahren eine beliebte Wrmeleitpaste und wird gerne fr den professionellen und privaten Gebrauch verwendet. Aber heute werden wir ber die MX-6 sprechen. Ich benutze diese Wrmeleitpaste seit etwa einem Jahr und kann sagen, dass sie nicht schlechter als MX-4 ist. Ich wrde sogar sagen, dass es dichter ist und die Wrme besser ableitet. Es ist schwer zu sagen, wie schnell sie trocknet, aber nach fast einem Jahr Arbeit in Laptops blieb die Paste flexibel. Das heit, MX-6 muss nicht hufig durch frische Wrmeleitpaste ersetzt werden, sie hlt lange die Werkseigenschaften. Noch ein wichtiger Faktor – der wunderbare Produktpreis bei Amazon. Natrlich, es gibt GELID GC-Extreme, Prolimatech PK-3 und Thermal Grizzly Kryonaut, aber wenn sie einen angemessenen Preis und gute Leistung suchen, dann schauen sie sich den MX-6 genauer an.
I’ve long been a fan of Arctic products. Their fans are silent but powerful, their liquid coolers are the best on the market, and what goes perfectly with those? Arctic MX series thermal paste! People will spend twice as much or more on things like KPx or Kryonaut but get the same performance, so why spend so much when you can get the same results at a reasonable price?
Arctic has terrific products and the rare time you ever need to talk to their customer service it’s as equally top tier. Just get it, you won’t be disappointed.
Easy to apply and good temperatures. I used this for my CPU. Is this the best paste out there? I do not know but it is good. It is quite thick but I found it easy to work with.
L’Arctic MX-6 un ottima pasta termica, facile da applicare e con delle ottime performance. Gi la MX-5 aveva dimostrato di essere un prodotto degno di nota. Non posso che dire lo stesso anche per la nuova pasta termica. Il prodotto non elettricamente conduttivo, quindi lo si pu utilizzare in pratica ovunque.
Si presta perfettamente anche anche ad un utilizzo sui notebook, la pasta rimane molto compatta.
Meritano menzione le MX Cleaner e le comode salviettine che nascono per ripulire per bene la superficie prima di applicare la nuova pasta termica. Il liquido nel quale sono immerse fa egregiamente il suo lavoro, lasciando la superficie limpida e pulita.
Arctic ha unito un riempitivo in carbonio con un gel siliconico che dovrebbe garantire non solo una diffusione omogenea, ma anche la giusta pressione con il plate del dissipatore per un’aderenza ottimale. Inoltre, sempre secondo i dati dell’azienda, una singola applicazione dovrebbe garantire prestazioni costanti per ben 8 anni.
Pasta trmica de gran calidad, reduce la temperatura del procesador y grfica de manera considerable.
Existen existen un montn de pastas trmicas y marcas, de diversos rangos de precio, llego a pensar que existe mucho marketing detrs porque tras probar gran cantidad de ellas hay muchas que funciona de manera similar, destacando esta artic por su buen rendimiento y calidad precio.
La recomendara totalmente.
I have an EK Dark 240mm on a Asus Strix Z790-E Gaming WiFi with a 13700K. I originally used the AIO with the it’s applied from factory OEM paste. Hitting 100C in Cinebench 24 (note that in most case scenarios your system will rarely run full throttle).
Ok. Let’s try some MX-6. Removed AIO block from CPU. Applied a pea size of MX-6. Re-seated the AIO block back on the CPU. Pffft! It can’t be that good! Like, what, 3C maybe?
Shockingly I saw temps drop 5C to 10C in Cinebench 24! I know! Crazy talk! O-M-G! Never once did it hit near 100C ever again. Mostly hit 90C. They put magic pixie dust in this stuff.
Yes, MX-6 is that good if it’s properly applied.
Die ARCTIC MX-6 Wrmeleitpaste hat meine Erwartungen bertroffen! Sie sorgt fr eine hervorragende Wrmebertragung zwischen CPU und Khler, was die Temperatur meines Systems deutlich gesenkt hat. Die Anwendung war einfach und die Paste blieb zuverlssig stabil. Ich schtze auch, dass sie in einem praktischen Auftragswerkzeug geliefert wird. Insgesamt eine groartige Investition, um die Leistung meines Computers zu optimieren!
Ha sido la primera vez que realizo un cambio de pasta trmica, no ha sido muy complicado la verdad. Antes el portatil llegaba a 96 grados y se cerraba el juego y ahora no pasa de 70 grados. Una maravilla.
Obviously better than mx4 and MX5. I don’t even use the thermal paste they send with coolers because this is usually in the top 3 of any thermal paste review. This is the best IHS to cooler thermal paste, hands down.
Pour ma part, Arctic est dj une trs bonne marque.
Celle-ci ne droge pas la rgle et fait trs bien le job sur un processeur i7 7700HQ et une GTX1050.
Les sances de jeux se passent bien au niveau de la chaleur et du refroidissement.
Bien sr d’autres marques existent, mme mieux mais plus cher aussi.
Donc pour moi c’est parfait.
Provata la versione da 6g comprata e restituita quella da 8 grammi. La siringa della versione da sei non aveva l’etichetta messa come fosse un prodotto falso. Per il resto posso dire che la pasta molto pi densa della mx-4, quasi secca. Scaldandola si spalma meglio. Il problema che se sbagliate nell’applicarla e risollevate il dissipatore dovete tornare a spalmarla. In teoria secondo arctic la maggiore densit servirebbe a garantire una maggiore durata dell’applicazione, ma se non volete problemi vi consiglio la mx-4.
I have been through a couple of different paste from corsair, notcua, some generic ones I got with coolers, and I decided to try out this artic paste with my cooler sense artic seems be killing it with cooling, and this paste does well, I swapped my CPU so my old one went to a friend and I could tell from temps we ran it turned out well, I’m not best with paste I just go all modern art, and I have had times I need repaste get temps right, but this did job 3/3 times first time
I read many reviews that said the MX-6 was difficult to apply. I have admit the MX-4 is smoother and easier to apply, but I used a bunch of the sticky thermal paste before, which was a lot harder to apply. So I was positively surprised about the consistency of the MX-6. Yes, it is somewhat firmer, more gooey, but it sticks well to the CPU. I will definitely use it again.
Utilise dans le cadre de la rparation d’ampli de puissance pour les gros transistors. Plusieurs ampli rpars qui tournent depuis plusieurs semaines et aucune surchauffe, la pte thermique est conforme l’attendu. Deuxime achat dans ce conditionnement, vraiment idal pour pour ce type de rparation.
I will probably be using this paste for everything from now on. Its works. Ive used it to repaste so many things. My pc, old consoles, new console that dont require liquid metal. Have had zero issue with it. The only bad thing is how hard it is to spread it sometimes. Yes i know its a standard practice to just use a pea size amount and then squish it but some devices i wanted to make sure the entire die was coated to ensure there were no issues. Still a great choice.
J’ai achet cette pte thermique car c’tait la seule disponible rapidement et de qualit. J’ai longtemps utilis la MX-4 mais, aprs avoir dcouvert la grizzly, je l’ai vite remplace car plus performante. Cette MX-6 est lgrement plus efficace que la MX-4 mais reste en dessous de la grizzly, je trouve ainsi le prix relativement lev au vu de ses qualits et retournerai chez la concurrence.
I used this in a precision 5540 i7 laptop. I spent months trying to find a way to get my thermals under control. I used thermal grizzly, Corsair, and some off brand paste with little to no noticeable change in thermal performance. After three days of this stuff on my laptop, I see a reduction in time it takes to reach peak temp and also overall temp under prolonged load. This laptop would ping 100c the instant it had to think and now it takes several seconds to hit that point, and many times does not even hit it. Overall temps are down 10 degrees under extended load without any added fans to assist and not propped up off the desk surface.
Overall really great stuff. There may be better out there but for the price this can’t be bea
It lowers CPU temps by up to 11C and is easy to use. However, it oxidizes and dries faster than other thermal compounds, and the viscous consistency makes application a bit challenging. It may also require reapplication over time and is not ideal for spreading. The initial temperature improvement may vary, and it can be messy if not applied carefully. It is also not the most affordable option.
Overall, this thermal paste is a good option for overheating laptops, but it has some drawbacks that should be considered.
The Arctic MX-6 is a high-performance thermal paste that is easy to use and offers a 20% improvement in thermal conductivity over the MX-4. It is non-conductive and non-capacitive, so it is safe to use on all types of CPUs and GPUs.
I recently replaced the thermal paste on my I9-9920X with the MX-6 and I immediately noticed a difference in temperatures. My CPU was running about 5 degrees Celsius cooler under load.
The MX-6 is also very easy to apply. It comes with a small syringe and a plastic spreader. I just applied a pea-sized amount of paste to the center of the CPU and then spread it out evenly with the spreader.
Overall, I am very impressed with the Arctic MX-6. It is a high-performance thermal paste that is easy to use and offers a significant improvement in thermal performance.
High thermal conductivity
Easy to use
Non-conductive and non-capacitive
Long lifespan
Comes with a syringe and spreader
None that I have found
If you are looking for a high-performance thermal paste that is easy to use, then the Arctic MX-6 is a great option.
I have used mx4 a few times and it worked well to bring the ceiling temps down to 85 87c. I still was not happy with the temps and wanted it to go down even further. After a copper shim modding to the heatpipe and an MX6 application, i was impressed that i was able to see the temps where i wanted. This stuff brought the temps down to peak 82 85 C. May not sound like much but it is a huge improvement. The fans dont blast as hard and the temps sink really fast from heavy loads around the low 30s mid 40s. This stuff is excellent for overheating laptops. Cpu is a intel 6600u with temp junction at 100c
After the laptop, i decided to repaste my main rig by replacing the mx4 that was in there from a few years ago when i last replaced the thermal stuff.
Normally my fan speeds where 30%-60% variable with temps ranging from 34c to 67c, which is not bad at all. After replacing with mx6, i was able to change my fan curves to 20%-60% with variable temps ranging from 30c to 55c! Thats an impressive shave off of the average temps i get. Once in a while the temps hit 60, 62 but for like a nano second…this stuff is excellent! The cpu was a ryzen 3 3300x running stock with turbo boost. No overclocks just yet, but everything seemed to run excellent and fairly cool. Very happy with the results especially during heavy load.
I plan to repaste a few more cpu and gpu’s with this stuff in the near future. Right now everything is running great. Very impressed with this stuff
“Arctic nous propose avec cette MX-6 une excellente alternative aux meilleures pte thermique du march. Son prix est certes plus lev que ce que quoi Arctic nous avait habitu, mais le produit est trs performant et reste trs comptitif. Pour nous, c’est un excellent choix qui viendra remplacer aisment les meilleures ptes thermiques du march. (”
C’est en lisant ce test que j’ai achet cette pte thermique. J’en ai test bon nombre, c’est vrai que celle-ci fait le job ! Test sur CPU et GPU, y a pas photo.
Cette pte thermique est indniablement une des meilleures sur le march en termes de refroidissement. Que vous l’utilisiez pour un CPU ou un GPU, elle assure une performance optimale. Sa consistance et sa capacit dissiper la chaleur sont impressionnantes. Je recommande vivement pour ceux qui recherchent le top en matire de refroidissement.
Prestazioni simili alla NT-H2, quindi siamo a buoni livelli lungo tutto l’arco di utilizzo delle temperature estreme a cui sono sottoposte le ultime CPU.
Tutto bene, se non fosse che purtroppo l’oggetto arrivato in cattive condizioni.
Ich habe einen Rechner mit viel Leistung. Somit gehrt auch bei kleinen Dingen, wie der Wrmeleitpaste, darauf geachtet, dass es den anderen Standards entspricht.
Mein Ryzen 9 wird von der Paste perfekt verpflegt und meine Khlung kann tun was sie tun soll.
Kauf ich gerne wieder!
+ Preis Leistung ist sehr gut
+ Bedienung simple
+ Menge mehr als ausreichend fr ein paar Verwendunge
Ho comprato questa siringa di mx5, in quanto la mx4 (che possiedo ed uso per altro) risultava poco viscosa per alcuni tipi di intervento. Questa mx5 stata usata su una steam deck per favorire e migliorare la dissipazione di calore. Ovviamente non da miracoli, ma ho notato che lo scambio di calore superiore, infatti riesco a mantenere le temperature qualche grado (3/4) al massimo pi basse di prima. Ovvio che non parliamo di un intervento fondamentale, ma avendo le competenze e le possibilit, ho voluto effettuare questa prova. La consiglio fortemente per tutti i suoi usi, tranne per la steam deck. Poich alla fine per soli 3/4 gradi in meno, non ne vale molto la pena effettuare un intervento del genere. La pasta perfetta ma non pu far miracoli in progetti gi angusti di loro.
Ich nutzte zuvor auf allen Systemen immer die Arctic MX-4, mit der ich sehr zufrieden bin.
Nun habe ich mir mal 8g der MX-6 bestellt um diese so gelobte Wrmeleitpaste zu testen.
Zur Anwendung kam die auf dem System meiner Freundin.
GPU mit AIO Wasserkhlung (Umbau NZXT Kraken 12) und der CPU mit dem Lamellenkhler be quiet Pure Rock 2.
Die Paste lag einige Tage unter Zimmertemperatur, da ich schon in diversen Videos gesehen hatte, das die sonst ein wenig mhsam zu verteilen ist.
Das ist sie auch wirklich im Vergleich zur MX-4.
Ich gehre zu den ” Spachtlern “, klebe also die Prozessoren am Rand sauber mit Tesafilm ab und trage dann die Paste mit einem Spatel sauber und lckenfrei auf.
Sicher gengt auch die Klecks und drauf Methode, aber ich habe Fun an dieser sauberen Spielerei.
Die MX-6 ist wirklich sehr widerspenstig, selbst bei sommerlichen Zimmertemperaturen.
Erinnert mich ein wenig an Fensterkit von der Verarbeitung und zieht fast immer einen Faden.
So nun aber zu den Temperaturen vorher und nachher Idle/Leerlauf ohne Last:
GPU Diode vorher 34 Grad nachher 30 Grad
GPU Hotspot vorher 46 Grad nachher 41 Grad
CPU vorher 36 Grad nachher 33 Grad
Diese Werte gengen mir um mich bei Artic recht herzlich fr dieses Produkt zu bedanken.
Ich werde nun auch zu Hause, mein System auf die MX-6 umrsten (CPU mit Alphacool Eisbr) und die RX 6700 XT.
brigens, die alte Paste war ca. 6 Wochen im Einsatz, da die AIO und ein neues Gehuse verbaut wurden.
Found this easy to apply and got total coverage with my 1st “Test Pressing”. Now been running for a while on a pretty high spec I9-9900KS and the results are impressive.
I built my own PC using ARCTIC MX-6. Many years ago I bought the ARCTIC MX-4 and had no trouble with it. My son built his own PC before mine he used the ARCTIC MX-4 which he had left over from a previous build he then decided he wanted to use my ARCTIC MX-6 after doing some gaming tests he told me his PC is now running 6c lower.
I’m using coolmaster h500m with tuf gaming x570 plus wifi motherboard and amd 3900x cpu.
In summer time with 25c outside my cpu is 38-40c in normal mode mode in winter time 30-32 in normal mode but this is just with standard amd prism air cooler with overclocked all cores to 4300 Hz. All stable even in hard workload.
Very good cpu paste. Impressed.
I’m an Arctic Silver user from way back and after a loooong hiatus, I needed a new tube of thermal paste for an i7-12k scrounge build I was working on. I hit the reviews and ended up buying the most expensive little 1g tube of crap I had seen recommended. The only thing it was good for was running out very quickly as I was seeing temps in the mid to upper tolerance range at idle. No fooling.
Getting back to my roots, I checked on Arctic to see what they were up to, or if they were even still around. I hadn’t seen them mentioned in the reviews “I” had found anyway. It was like “Hey…what about, you know, those guys whose stuff I used to use…oh yeah, Arctic!” Low and behold, they were indeed still around and pretty busy cooking up their latest heat killers; the MX line. I ended up with an 8g syringe of Arctic MX-6 for A LOT less than I paid for a few measly drops of “the other stuff.”
With everything set up, I started benchmarkin’ and stress testin’ like a madman (like I usually do) to see where I stood performance-wise, without even thinking about my new tube of old friend being part of the mix. I went back into the motherboard’s CMOS to check temps and fan speeds, because it’s very helpful and informative in that way (what a nerd), and I noticed the CPU temps were right near the shutdown ceiling, but holding. WT?!? I immediately hopped into the case to check the cooling fan with it still running and what I saw was both ridiculous and amazing. (Now to fess up)
What did I see? Well, like a dummy (hence the review title), I hadn’t noticed that a SATA cable had come to rest upon one the CPU cooler fins, completely stopping it…dead. As soon as I freed it, I sat back and sighed as I watched the temps come back down pretty quickly. Again, what a dummy.
What was amazing was that through 9 different 3D benchmarks and a slew of stress tests (about four hours) the dang thing never topped out and shut down. With no active cooling. I repeat, NO ACTIVE COOLING. Pure heatsink and Arctic. Incredible! I will never, ever look anywhere else again. As always, what a fantastic product from Arctic, and huge props to them for always having my back!
ARCTIC, I LOVE YOU! (I’m thinking about getting a tattoo)
I hope this helps somebody out there…
Keeps my itx Mobo quiet and cool 2-4* cooler than mx4
I was sceptical about getting this as I normally use mx5 or artic silver but I thought I would give it a go and I’m glad I did
I’d say it’s at least 50% better than either mx5 or artic silver I used it on my gaming laptop and Xbox series x and I it improved the heat transfer on both so will definitely be getting more
Used this to repaste my 6900XT’s GPU and used gelids pads for memory and VRM/mosfets my edge temps never get beyond 80c on air since. No shim mods all stock beyond new pads and paste. Loving the results.
Used this for a custom 13th gen i5 build and also reworking a RTX 3070 video card. Absolutely amazing how it transparently passes the heat to the heatsink. Probably the best bang for your buck out there in thermal compounds.
A lot of folks don’t realize that after a few years (at the most) you should reapply thermal paste. I previously ran on Noctua’s thermal paste and decided to give this one a shot. I cannot comment on whether it was a direct difference because of the fact that it was new, or simply because it’s that much better. What I can say is that it was easy to spread, good value, and is noticeably keeping my PC cooler.
Me ha dado buenos resultados , la utilice para un imac del 2011 que se calentaba mucho. Recomendable
I am a systems builder as an important part of my profession and I use a lot of thermal interface material. MX-6 was tested against many “top tier” brands and found to be either on par or better than all of them. The formulation of MX-6 makes it a successor to MX-4 and not MX-5(which despite the bad press was an excellent TIM as well). MX-6 is THE thermal paste to buy!
Muy buena pasta trmica. Mejor que otras mucho ms caras. Todo un referente.
I bought this to pair with my 5900x and for any other projects I might need this for and I got to say this has exceeded my expectations. If you ever were in need of decent thermal paste and were willing to Shell out a couple extra bucks then buy this. This plus my $60 all in one cooler helped tame the Beast.
Ich benutze schon seit Jahren ARCTIC MX- Produkte und bin immer sehr zufrieden, egal ob MX-6 oder MX-4.
A falta de ver como se comporta en durabilidad, me ha resultado muy cmoda de aplicar, y la marca es un plus de confianza.
Giving four stars because it’s a little thick to spread and cleanup is harder than most paste.
Combine that with the fact there’s a few degree C difference from thermal grizzly kryonaut but it’s much cheaper.
Habe es fr meinen Gaminglaptop gekauft.
hatte mit der MX4 immer so 80Grad beim Zoggen jetzt immer so 77/76 Grad. Bedeutet aber auch das algemein die Lfter viiieeeellll weniger angehen. echt geil
Nickel, J attends de voir la diffrence avec la mx4. Trop peu de temps pour juger, mais semble trs correcte.
Pour voir par curiosit la diffrence avec l’excellente MX-4 que j’utilise depuis des lustres avec pleine satisfaction.
Sans que ce soit transcendant, la MX-6 apporte une notable amlioration du compoundage thermique par rapport la MX-4, mais cette dernires est bien moins chre et bien suffisante pour des configurations “normales”.
Cette MX-6 est rserver plutt pour des configurations “pchues” et/ou souvent utilise en limite de pleine charge du CPU, mme si “qui peut le plus peut le moins”.
Bref, excellente pte thermique.
Tal y como se describen y temperaturas a raya de 18C con refrigeracion liquida
Ogni cambio di processore e scheda madre utilizziamo tra noi amici sempre Arctic
It was used on a gaming laptop and the performance was great on the processor and graphics card. The temperature did not rise above 76C for the processor i7 12GN and did not exceed 65C for the graphics card rtx 3070 TI.
I highly recommend buying the produc
I simply cannot justify the price of this stuff, but compared to generic heastsink splut i definitely makes a difference. Ridiculous price but i think that is just “the market”
It lowered temps on both the GPU and CPU by about 2C, compared to the MX-4 that I had. This reuslts in both lower temps and lower noise from the fans! I would spend the extra few euros on MX-6 instead of cheaping out and getting the older MX-4.
La pasta trmica para procesadores de alta gama es impresionante. Su fcil uso lo hace ideal para cualquier persona, incluso si no tienes experiencia en el montaje de hardware. La aplicacin es sencilla y precisa, gracias a su consistencia perfecta.
Adems, su corte es excelente, lo que significa que no hay problemas de sobrecarga ni problemas de rendimiento. La relacin calidad-precio es increble, ya que ofrece un rendimiento superior a un precio muy razonable.
Sin duda, recomendara esta pasta trmica a cualquiera que busque un rendimiento ptimo para su procesador de alta gama.
Pour gagner qq degrs c’est une bonne pte thermique surtout quand on sait que les nouveau ryzen 7xxx et Intel 13e gen chauffe beaucoup 🙂
Don’t let the low price fool you; this is by far not a “budget and low quality” thermal paste and is a beast in disguise. I tried thermal grizzly aeronaut before but it was too watery and I did not like it. Bought this one along with thermalright assassin cpu cooler to pair it with and it was absolutely the best decision I ever made.
The paste wasnt too thick. I’d say it was the perfect level of viscosity, making it easy to spread and easy to work with, not to mention it’s cheap to get. According to some YouTube benchmarks, this performs just as good as noctua h2.
My set up:
Ryzen 5 5600 + Thermalright Assassin 120 SE
Cinebench R23 10M, 65c at 60-70% fan rpm
Normal Load (browsing): From 34 to 32C
Cinebench R23 10 Mins: From 87 to 83C (Max temp) highest CPU power draw 253W
Pretty nice paste for its price, looking forward to applying it on my GPU and VRAM
1. Discard the 1st pea size portion paste from the tube as it most likely hardened a bit
2. It is not as watery as MX-4, but a bit “elastic” like rubber, so pressing it down when applying helped it stick to the surface
3. Applying a thin layer of the paste yielded better results than dunking a load on the CPU
…denn mit so einer Tube kommt man ewig aus und man erneuert Diese ohnehin nur alle paar Jahre.
Die Wrmeleitpaste ist absolut spitzenmig. Leider habe ich keinen exakten Vergleich zu vorher, da ich den Airflow in meinem System parallel dazu durch zwei zustzliche Gehuselfter und kleinerer nderungen im Innenraum verbessert habe.
Ich habe einen i9 9900K (ohne OC aktiv) mit einem beQuiet! Dark Rock Pro 4 in einem Pure Base 600 Gehuse mit insgesamt 4 Gehuse-Lftern. Im Idle habe ich nun ca. 27-30C je Kern, vorher fast 40(!!!). Unter Last kann ich ebenfalls einen Unterschied ausmachen, so um die 8. Ich vermute, die Paste macht schon einige Grad aus. Die alte Paste war brigens ca. 4 Jahre in Nutzung.
Ich behaupte fast schon, wenn man dieses oder ein sehr hnliches Gehuse hat wie bei mir und (entscheidender Punkt) bei Luftkhlung bleiben mchte, gibt es kaum noch Optimierungspotential. Natrlich ist der Airflow beim Base 600 sehr bescheiden, da es fr eine geringe Lautstrke + Minimalismus kreiert wurde. Und auch Lfter mit mehr Power kann man installieren – zur lasten der Lautstrke. Ob das viel hilft, bezweifle ich allerdings ein wenig.
Das Bild dient nur zur Hilfe fr absolute Anfnger, ich bin wahrlich kein Profi. Ich denke aber, der Aufbau ist aber schon recht gut.
Von mir gibt es definitiv eine Empfehlung und ich schliee mich daher den vielen positiven Vorrednern an.
Utilizzata per processore e scheda madre si rilevata molto comoda da stendere e soprattutto mi ha fatto guadagnare 10 mediamente nell’ uso gaming/quotidiano.
La consiglio.
I had previously bought thermal grizzley, but it only lasted for one application.
I needed to take the radiator off the CPU which meant reapplying the paste, and I didn’t want to pay a lot for one application again.
So after researching this I bought it.
Most of the benchmark tests I saw had it performing better than any other brand.
It applies very nicely, just the right consistency, and it is actually 4 degrees cooler than the grizzley was. Plus there is a LOT more in the tube.
This is for sure the one to get on all accounts… Performance, Cost, amount, ease of use…. and performance again.
I don’t even use my Astronaut paste anymore, now that I got this. I put this on a 12900k with a Arctic Liquid Freezer II 360 cooler and a Thermalright contact frame, and the temps were within normal orbit. Not out of this world like with the Astronaut paste. I’m also using this paste with a Ryzen 9 5900x w/ a H150i Capellix, and a 5950x w/ a Liquid Freezer II 420.
** After opening a brand new tube or a tube that’s been sitting around for a long time, there may be some stiff paste at the tip of the tube. Squeeze a little bit out on a paper towel until the consistency has more slump.
Achete pour le renouvellement annuel de pte thermique celle-ci fonctionne trs bien. Je l’ai utilis pour remplacer de la Kryonaut, qui commenait scher aprs un tout petit peu moins d’un an, sur un 11700k OC au frquences d’un 11900k (4.9 all cores et 5.3 single core). La pte a une viscosit plus leve que la MX-4 mais s’tale bien. L’application se fait sans mal. Aprs 1h de test de torture sous Prime 95 le rsultat est concluant. J’ai gagn 2 degrs en burn sur le package CPU pour plafonner 92 degrs au lieu de 94 degrs. En revanche les tempratures max de chaque cur ont globalement baiss de 3 4 degrs et aucun n’a dpass les 93 degrs en pointe contre 96-97 auparavant. J’utilise un AIO Coller Master ML360L V2 ARGB en refroidissement. Si la pte tient dans la dure, mieux que la Kryonaut par exemple, c’est parfait. Mme sans a le rapport qualit prix est excellent.
Hallo und einen schnen guten tag und ein frohes neues jahr wnsche ich ihnen allen
also bis jetzt bin ich sehr Zufriden mit denn Produkt (((( ARCTIC MX-6 (8 g) )))) ich habe es bei mein laptop auf den CPU drauf gemacht intel i5 und der wahr meistens immer so bei 70 bis 80 grad und nun ist der momentan so bei 43 bis 55 grad gut muss noch da zu sagen das der lfter auch noch etwas voller staub sast aber sonst so in Allgemmein bin ich sehr zufriede
I had previously been using Arctic Silver 5 as my thermal paste in all manner of electronics as it always worked well and was easy to spread, however it was capacitive so I always needed to be careful during my applications. However, after owning my GPU for nearly three years, I wanted to repaste it. I also upgraded my Ryzen 1400 up to a 3700x super cheap, and wanted to see if I could achieve cooler temperatures with Arctic’s new MX-6.
I am VERY satisfied with the results. To test out thermals, I used a flat 50% fan curve on both my GPU and CPU and played Portal RTX, using a save that started me in GLaDOS’ chamber, playing through the fight, and finishing at the credits. During this I kept a temperature history using both CoreTemp and HWMonitor. I could have run prime95, but I wanted to see how real world usage would be affected.
With a fresh application of Arctic Silver 5, my CPU hit a max temp of 69C. GPU hit max temps of 73.4C hotspot and 59C GPU.
After cleaning everything off and applying MX-6, the max temps were as follows: CPU hit 63C and GPU hit 70C hotspot and 57C GPU.
So, a 6C reduction for my CPU and a 3.4C reduction on GPU hotspot. Excellent. Running the game a few times, the numbers were very consistent.
Okay, so with the most important part out of the way, thermals, now I can mention application. It is a very viscous compound. Was much harder to apply than my old tube of Silver 5. However, the method I’ve used to apply that worked with MX-6 is to take the tube and place is flat on your chip. Slowly apply pressure to get paste to come out, and, while keeping the tube flat, “color” in the chip/Integrated Heat Sink. The thermal paste will spread rather evenly allowing you to have control of where the paste goes. The viscosity wasn’t a problem using this method and was much easier than trying to use a credit card to spread, or even the plastic wrapped finger method. Regardless, keep in mind the viscosity. The big plus here though, is that while Silver 5 was capacitive, MX-6 is nonconductive and noncapacitive. If you make a mess with this stuff, your components won’t short out, so for someone that likes to just place a pea sized glob on their board or you need to do a repaste quickly, you can do so without worry with this stuff.
With my results, I’m now looking forward to repasting my wife’s Lenovo X1 Extreme Gen 3 laptop and can’t wait to see the heat delta. With 8g of paste in a tube, I know I have years of use out of this single purchase. Very happy with the results.
La he usado para renovar la pasta de un MSI con un i7-12700K y 3080Ti Notebook y las temperaturas han bajado 15 grados, respecto a las temperaturas de stock (siendo el porttil nuevo) la pasta demuestra ser mejor bajando temperaturas unos 7-8 grados ms que la original.
Especialmente notorio en esta CPU que es famosa por su tendencia a calentarse, el thermal throttling casi desaparece.
Adems su viscosidad hace que el reparto de pasta sea homogneo y facilita su aplicacin. La textura es totalmente uniforme algo esperable en este rango de pastas.
No esperaba tanta mejora, bien por artic.