Ceramic Hob 4 Zones Electric Hob with Touch Control Built-in

Ceramic Hob 4 Zones Electric Hob with Touch Control Built-in 60CM Ceramic Hob, 9 Power Levels, 6000W, Timer, Child Lock, Hard Wired, Black Glass Ceramic

Weight: | 8 kg |
Dimensions: | 59 x 52 x 4.4 cm; 8 Kilograms |
Brand: | Cooksir |
Part: | CSC-D46001-BB |
Colour: | Black |
Batteries Required: | No |
Manufacture: | Cooksir |
Dimensions: | 59 x 52 x 4.4 cm; 8 Kilograms |
Origin: | China |
Reference: | CSC-D46001-BB |
Es ist einfach zu bedienen, durch die Drehknpfe. Das Wasser im Topf oder die Pfanne werden Recht flott hei. Nach dem Kochen einfach abwischen.
Hat einen festen Stand durch die mitgelieferten Gummife, einfach anheben und wischen.
Ist auch fr den Einbau geeignet, habe es aber auf der Arbeitsplatte.
This stovetop is the best. Easy to clean and love the lock it has for safety. My children even adore it. A must buy if you are in need of a stovetop.
Es muy versatil con sus cuatro puntos de calor, y el marco de aluminio le da mas resistencia a la vitro, pues yo he tenido una sin marco y se partio, habiendome costado mas cara que esta.
Tenemos una placa vitrocermica de un solo fuego que, a parte de funcionar bastante bien, nos puede sacar de ms de un apuro.
En mi caso, estaba haciendo obra en la cocina de mi casa y no tena encimera donde poder poner una placa y durante ese tiempo estuve utilizando esta que se puede poner encima de una mesa, para poder cocinar.
Eso si, hay que tener que cuidado porque, aunque no es mucho, la parte de abajo se calienta con el tiempo, como es obvio, y puede daar la mesa o superficie sobre donde la pongas.
A pesar de que solo tiene 9 niveles de potencia, calienta bastante.
Incluso, una cosa que tiene, que me ha gustado mucho, es que tiene auto apagado cuyo tiempo depender de la potencia a la que la pongamos.
Paint comes off if you use scraper provided. Needs to be etched.
The hob has now been fitted and is working perfectly
This was a life saver when we were having our kitchen redone. It just plugs in and turns on, simple as that. Easy to clean and takes up very little space. Even though I currently have no need for it I am keeping it as a reserve hob for the future or for my son to take with him to uni if he ends up living in a dorm!
I used this when I was getting my new kitchen fitted and used in the front room-don’t worry, I was careful!!
Very easy to use,
A great size,
Easy to store away,
Well made,
Very handy for a spare hob
Un piano cottura utile per chi vuole aggiungere al piano cottura classico a gas anche uno elettrico o come nel mio caso avere un piano cottura pratico per la seconda casa, dove spesso si ha un cucina con bombola GPL che finisce sempre la domenica o quando si hanno ospiti.
Questo piano cottura pu essere infatti installato ad incasso, ed essendo progettato per questo utilizzo viene ovviamente un risultato pulito e ben fatto, oppure utilizzato in emergenza all’occorrenza ma posizionandolo correttamente in quanto non dotato di piedini di appoggio.
Il collegamento alla rete elettrica semplice in quanto gi dotato di presa, la classica schuko, il consumo di 2200watt, praticamente poco pi di quanto consuma una stufa o un phon.
Non un piano ad induzione che quindi necessita di padelle e pentole specifiche ma un piano cottura elettrico con copertura in vetroceramica a filo, molto bella esteticamente, facile da pulire e che non richiede padelle e pentole apposite ma possiamo utilizzare quelle gi in nostro possesso.
I tasti funzione sono touch, possibile scegliere tra 9 livelli di potenza, un sistema di sicurezza spegner il piano cottura in caso di surriscaldamento.
Il s’agit de la 4 feux. Livre en 1 bonne semaine.
J’avais cass la mienne en faisant tomber un bocal sur le coin. Celle-ci possde un bord en mtal qui empche ce problme d’arriver. Elle est trs pratique avec les grandes casseroles qui se placent en diagonale, il est donc possible de cuisiner sur 4 plats en mme temps sans problme. Les touches sont fonctionnelles et le mode verrouillage est efficace et ne sonne pas en permanence si un objet est en contact avec la surface. Facile installer et un joint est fourni pour le contour ( poser soi-mme). En plus, l’esthtique est trs bien. Rien redire, pour le prix franchement c’est une trs bonne affaire!
Einfache Bedienung durch Touch-Steuerung
9 Leistungsstufen bieten viel Flexibilitt beim Kochen
Hohe Leistung von 2200W fr schnelle und effiziente Kochergebnisse
Kindergesichert fr zustzliche Sicherheit
Einfache Reinigung durch glatte Glaskeramik-Oberflche
Einzelkochfeld ohne zustzliche Funktionen wie z.B. Dual-Zone-Kochen
30cm Gre kann fr grere Tpfe und Pfannen zu klein sein
Das Cerankochfeld Cooksir ist ein solides und einfach zu bedienendes Elektrokochfeld mit hoher Leistung und Kindergesicherung. Es ist eine gute Wahl fr Menschen, die ein einfaches Kochfeld suchen, das sich einfach reinigen lsst und hohe Leistung bietet.
“Cerankochfeld Cooksir Einzelelektrokochfeld mit Stecker”
Das hier angebotene Ceranfeld ist vorrangig fr den Einbau vorgesehen. Hinsichtlich Leistung und Abmaung fr die kleine Kche absolut ausreichend.
Der Vorteil an einem Ceranfeld ist, dass man darauf alle mglichen Tpfe stellen kann. Bei Induktion ist man da doch eher auf Utensilien mit Eisenkern angewiesen.
Nachteilig ist, dass fr mich das Ceranfeld nicht unbedingt den neuesten Technologien entspricht. Ich mchte ehrlich gesagt die Sicherheit eines Induktionsfeldes nicht mehr missen.
Nun denn. Das Ceranfeld bietet dennoch eine moderne Technologie, wenn man sich das Bedienfeld betrachtet. Es hat eine Touchfunktion. Dieses geht eigentlich ganz gut, solange die Fingerchen trocken und fettfrei sind.
Sicherlich braucht das Ceranfeld zum Erhitzen des Wassers ein wenig lnger, im Vergleich zu dem Induktions-Pendant, aber so furchtbar lnger ist es nun auch nicht.
Was gleich geblieben ist, ist das Lftergerusch. Das empfinde ich als laut.
Die Installation ist eigentlich easy, wenn man mal vom Ausschnitt der Kchenplatte abzieht. Man muss nach dem Einlassen und Abdichten des Feldes in der Arbeitsplatte lediglich den Stecker in die Steckdose stecken. Dennoch muss man beachten, dass diese Feld in der Spitze eine Leistung von 2200 Watt hat!
—- Fazit —-
Technologisch wegen Ceran nicht auf dem neuesten Stand. Aber die Nutzung aller Tpfe mit oder ohne Eisenkern macht diesen Makel wieder wet.
Die Bedienung ist einfach, intuitiv und dank des Touchpanels modern anmutend.
4 Sterne!
En general es una vitro que se desenvuelve bastante biene, est bien construida y los acabados son buenos, el cristal se ve resistente y los controles y el funcionamiento son bastante intuitivos.
La vitro tiene nueve niveles de potencia que se pueden regular a travs de sus controles tctiles, tambin tiene una funcin de bloqueo para nios. En cuanto a la superficie si es cierto que tiene dos tamaos de fuego distintos, pero no podemos olvidarnos que slo vamos a poder cocinar una cosa, nunca dos al mismo tiempo.
El consumo variar desde los 1000W hasta los 2200W en funcin de la potencia que tengamos asignada.
En general es una buena vitro para una cocina compacta y nos ofrece la posibilidad de instalarla de forma incrustada o superficial. Recomendada.
Ich dachte zuerst, dass man die Platte auch so benutzen kann aber es ist ein Einbaumodell. Bitte beachten!
Die Glasplatte fhlt sich sehr hochwertig an. Dicker und robuster als eine normale Ceranfeldplatte. Die Oberflchenstruktur ist auch eine andere.
Es ist alles Zubehr dabei um die Platte in einer Vertiefung in der Arbeitsplatte zu versenken und fixieren.
Zustzlich ist auch ein Ceranfeldschaber beigelegt.
En primer lugar quiero decir que esta resea es sobre el modelo de vitroceramica pequeo de un solo fuego y no de 3 fuegos. En base a eso voy a dar mi opinion:
Me parece una buena vitroceramica pequea, tiene buenos acabados y es muy estetica para una cocina pequea. La marca Cooksir es una buena marca y la vitroceramica funciona de maravilla.
Tiene 9 niveles de potencia con controles tactiles y 2 tamaos de fuego para sartenes o cacerolas de diferente tamao. Tambien tiene bloqueo y apagado de seguridad por si se nos olvida apagar el fuego en 8, 4 o 2 horas dependiendo del nivel de potencia. Al apagar el fuego tiene por seguridad un piloto que nos indica que el fuego esta aun caliente para que no nos quememos o pongamos algo encima que pueda quemarse.
Tiene un consumo electrico que me parece mas bien bajo, de entre 1000W y 2200W.
La vitroceramica podemos usarla incrustrada o sin incrustrar en nuestra encimera, para incrustrarla nos incluye un marco y toda la tornilleria necesaria, al igual que en las instrucciones nos explica como realizar esta instalacion.
Me parece una buena vitroceramica de tamao pequeo aunque solo tiene 1 fuego de 2 tamaos por lo que solo podemos cocinar un alimento a la vez. Es buena y economica para una cocina pequea.
Excellent little hob. Versatility of either being installed flush mount into work top or or stand alone temporary use on top of surface.
Zero heat from the bottom of the unit so it won’t damage your surface. There are no standoffs on the bottom but I just used a couple to place mats underneath as there are some tiny screw heads sticking out.
This is a CERAMIC ELECTRIC HOB which is not to be confused with an INDUCTION HOB. This hob does not require you to have compatible cookware made from ferrous metals. When it is on and you hover your hand over the cooking surface without a pot you will feel the heat.
Easy to clean and operate. The glass top is pretty thick and seems to be quite tough but I would not go bashing it, treat it as glass and this will last long.
We used it for HOTPOT where there is soup and you cook meats/seafood – it was perfect. I’m quite sure it would be fine for regular cooking.
Great little cooktop .. at 50 time of writing, it is excellent value for money …
Piano cottura dal marchio “Cooksir”. Arrivato in una confezione con un imballaggio ottimale. La confezione molto adeguata al prodotto.
All’interno della confezione troviamo:
* il piano cottura;
* libretto di istruzioni multilingua, presente la lingua italiana.
Questo piano cottura in vetroceramica si presenta molto bene, i materiali sono ben fatti, il design molto elegante troviamo una piastra di vetro di colore nero lucido le dimensioni sono 52 x 29 x 6.4 cm. Sul piano cottura non troviamo nessun pulsante “classico” ma troviamo i comandi touch. Dotato di diversi livelli di riscaldamento molto utile per tutto ci che dobbiamo preparare. Compatibile con la maggior parte delle pentole. Dopo un po’ di tempo di inutilizzo il piano cottura si spegne automaticamente oltre ad evitare consumi anche per garantire sicurezza. Facile da utilizzare inoltre i comandi sono molto facili.
In conclusione un prodotto valido. Trovo molto comodo che si possono utilizzare la maggior parte delle pentole che abbiamo in nostro possesso senza acquistarne altre. Molto utile utilizzarlo anche quando siamo fuori casa, basta che sia disponibile una presa di corrente. La pulizia avviene molto facilmente. Per ora mi ritengo soddisfatto chiaramente bisogner vedere poi nel tempo la reale resa del prodotto.
Se ci sono problemi con il passare del tempo vi aggiorner tramite questa recensione.
* Ottimo prodotto;
* funziona con tutti i tipi di pentole;
* molto elegante.
* Nessuno.
Il piano cottura di Cooksir un prodotto pratico e pronto all’utilizzo in un qualsiasi luogo che abbia per almeno una presa elettrica da 16A. Io l’ho montato in campagna nel casolare di mio nonno materno dove non arrivandoci la conduttura del gas metano per cuocere la pasta o qualsiasi altra pietanza avevamo bisogno di acquistare ogni volta delle bombole di GPL, soluzione pesante e poco pratica.
un piano cottura elettrico, mono fuoco, con copertura in vetroceramica a filo facilissima da pulire e soprattutto ottima per lo scambio termico verso la pentola. Assorbe pressappoco quanto un asciugacapelli potente, ma nel giro di pochi minuti riesce a bollire 10 litri di acqua.
Pu essere incassato nel piano della cucina o utilizzato come faccio io sul piano stesso. Sulla parte anteriore ci sono i tasti a sfioramento, sulla destra il tasto di accensione, mentre al centro i tasti di regolazione del livello di cottura desiderato: sono 9 i livelli selezionabili e solo leggendo il manuale si pu capire quale il pi adatto al tipo di cottura che vogliamo fare.
Non bisogna per confondere questo prodotto con un piano cottura ad induzione, infatti questo un fornello elettrico con una resistenza in ceramica che si scalda sotto al vetro, lo si nota anche dal cerchio di colore rosso che si crea quando in funzione. Se da un lato una soluzione pi pericolosa rispetto all’induzione perch per raffreddarsi ci mette molto pi tempo, dall’altra parte c’ la comodit di poterlo utilizzare con ogni tipo di pentola o padella o bollitore o griglia che si possiede senza il bisogno di dover riacquistare tutto il set specifico.
L’ho fatto acquistare anche ad un mio amico che si auto-costruito un camper da un furgone e per realizzare la cucina, nel poco spazio a disposizione questa soluzione risultata la migliore e ancora mi ringrazia per averglielo fatto vedere.
Insomma, se non avete a disposizione una conduttura del gas, avete poco spazio o non volete spendere una cifra esorbitante per l’acquisto di un fornello, questo piano cottura elettrico di Cooksir la soluzione che fa al caso vostro.
Adoro letteralmente fare gita in campagna. Svegliarsi presto la mattina, respirare aria pulita, farsi una bella camminata, ma soprattutto durante l’ora di pranzo prepararsi un buon piatto magari con qualche alimento che si raccolto durante la mattinata per concludere in bellezza la scampagnata.
Ovviamente tutto molto bello, ma di base manca una cosa: un piano per cucinare. Ho sempre con me un accessorio che un mix tra un Power bank e un gruppo elettrogeno capace di alimentarmi per una ventina di minuti almeno un piano induzione per questo motivo ho deciso di sfruttare il marketplace di Amazon per poter completare le giornate in campagna con il pezzo del puzzle mancante.
Il prodotto arriva in una scatola discreta che mostra il contenuto con al suo interno tutte le indicazioni, grazie al manuale, per la prima accensione, la pulizia, ma soprattutto su come conservare il prodotto. Per l’alimentazione questo presenta una presa schuko che vuol dire dunque che a meno che voi non abbiate una presa diretta avrei bisogno di un ulteriore adattatore.
Questo non un piano induzione, ma un piano realizzato in vetro ceramica, che chi conosce bene sa quanto possa essere resistente, e presenta una sorta di resistenza subito sotto il vetro che di fatto riscalder la padella che andrete ad utilizzare. Rispetto alla concorrenza questo un prezzo tantino alto che per ben compensato non solo dei prodotti utilizzati dall’ottimo packaging, ma soprattutto dall’attenzione ai dettagli come ad esempio la possibilit di impostare ben nove livelli di riscaldamento che vi permetteranno di cucinare praticamente qualunque tipologia di piatto in pochissimo tempo.
Questo, nel dettaglio pensato per chi lo vuole incassare in un mobile, ma volendo lo si pu utilizzare anche fuori e utilizzarlo proprio come me o in casi di emergenza o eventualmente per scampagnate. L’ultimo consiglio che mi sento di dare nel caso in cui decidiate di acquistarlo, utilizzare sempre solo prodotti adatti per il vetro ceramica in quanto prodotti non adatti potrebbero in qualche modo alterare rovinare l’estetica e il funzionamento del prodotto stesso. In generale dunque consiglio assolutamente l’acquisto.
Marca: Cooksir
Placa Vitrocermica con una potencia de 1000W/2200W 1 zona y 2 tamaos de “fuego” de 13.8 cm / 23 cm con controles tctiles, 9 Niveles de Potencia, bloqueo y apagado automtico de seguridad por tiempo y/o sobrecalentamiento, incluye la encimera, burlete y rascador.
Mide 52 cm de largo por 29 cm de ancho por 6.4 de alto es bastante grande para tener solo una zona.
Este modelo con enchufe se puede usar sobre la encimera directamente o se puede empotrar incluye la tornillera necesaria.
La parte lateral y de debajo de la encimera se calienta poco pero se calienta pudiendo daar con el tiempo una encimera de madera por ejemplo.
En las instrucciones para su instalacin empotrada indican una distancia de 5 cm libre debajo de la placa para que circule el aire caliente.
Tiene 9 niveles de potencia de 1000W a 2200W incluye apagado automtico por tiempo de coccin, en el nivel 1,2,3 se apaga a las 8 horas, nivel 4,5,6 a las 4 horas y nivel 7,8,9 a las 2 horas.
Los controles tctiles responden bien son los siguientes: encendido/apagado, bloqueo, nivel de potencia – +
Tiene una buena potencia en el nivel 9 se llega “rpido” al punto de hervor del agua.
Cuando se apaga aparece una H roja que indica que la placa est caliente hasta que la H no se apaga la placa est muy caliente.
Es una placa vitrocermica que funciona bien, buen diseo con unos controles simples, la nica pega que le veo es que se mantiene calientes bastante tiempo.
Ma plaque induction un seul feu fait des sienne et elle fonctionne un coup sur deux. Comme c’tait mon principal moyen de cuisson c’est embtant. J’ai donc choisi de m’quiper de cette plaque vitrocramique comme deuxime feu. Il est possible de l’encastrer mais mon comptoir ne s’y prte pas, car la plaque une grande dimension. J’ai pu lui trouver une place, pose sur un meuble. Elle possde 2 diamtres pour s’adapter aux moyennes ou grandes casseroles. a chauffe instantanment et a fonctionne super bien. J’ai l’impression que c’est plus puissant que ma plaque induction. Elle semble aussi bien plus robuste. Par contre a consomme plus d’nergie. Mais on ne se retrouvera plus avec des dfauts de dtection de casseroles un coup sur deux comme c’tait le cas avec la plaque induction. Alors que mes casseroles sont bonnes car toutes neuves, de bonne qualit et compatibles induction. Au final je prfre la cuisine sur plaque vitrocramique je trouve a plus fiable et efficace. Seul reproche, c’est la taille imposante de la plaque vitrocramique et la consommation d’nergie. Pour saisir une viande c’est mieux que l’induction. Je vois surtout la diffrence ce niveau l. C’est un trs bon produit, qui a une bonne puissance. Pour faire bouillir de l’eau je continuerai sur la plaque induction tant qu’elle fonctionne encore un peu. Ce sera la mthode la moins nergivore. Au final, d’avoir deux types de feux dans ma cuisine est utile et plus pratique pour cuisiner.
Does the job! It’s sturdy, durable, and looks sleek. A lot more compact than a bulky gas hob, though it does require installation (I wouldn’t recommend using it directly on top of a counter), so it’s not as convenient or portable as a countertop hob.
It’s simple to control, heats up surprisingly quickly, and is quite versatile with the nine heating levels. The surface wipes clean easily and isn’t prone to scratches from the underside of pots and pans. I haven’t had any issues with heat distribution or my food not cooking evenly.
The child lock prevents the other buttons from working (though it is rather easy to switch on/off the lock itself, so I don’t see it as being the most effective with children). The plate also stays red when it’s hot, even if the hob is switched off, which is a great safety precaution.
Overall great value that I’d be happy to recommend.
This single ceramic electric cooking hob from brand Cooksir is really rather good. It looks very sleek and has clearly been manufactured using high quality parts and components. Just about everything oozes quality and it feels more than up to the task it was designed for. It comes supplied with a standard UK 3 pin plug and works direct from your standard mains socket without any need to hardwire in. This means it quite versatile and can be moved from one place to another with relative ease (obviously excluding any cutting of worktops – lol!). It has 9 different heating levels to meet your various needs and getting used to the temperature of each setting is pretty simple. Unlike induction hobs, this electric stovetop is suitable and works with all different types of pots and pans including ceramic, stainless steel, aluminium copper etc.
Design wise I personally happen to think it looks great. I purchased the single burner but kind of regret not getting the multi-burner now given how good this unit is to use. It has a polished black glass top which easily fits in to any modern home setting. The settings including those to control the power on and off are all located at the near edge of the cooker top and are touch sensitive. A simple plus and minus indicator controls increases and decreases to the temperature and it’s really rather responsive. A small digital display shows you the power setting and also wether there is any residual heat left in the unit. The latter is denoted by a red letter ‘H’ showing on the display.
There are a number of great safety features included with this electric hob including a residual heat warning, child lock, over temperature protection and an auto shutdown feature should you forget to turn it off.
Overall I really do like this electric cooker. There really isn’t anything to fault or dislike about it at all and for the price (just 50 at time of review) I think it represents superb value for money and is an absolute bargain. I would be more than happy to recommend this to anyone. A great product at a great price – perfect!
This Cooksir single ring ceramic hob is a good choice if you’re looking to add a compact cooking surface to your kitchen. It has 9 heating levels to suit a range of cooking needs, and a child lock for added safety. The hob is designed to be built into a work surface, so it’s not freestanding, but it comes with a plug for easy installation.
At 50, this hob offers good value for its features. However, it’s important to be careful when using it, as it will be hot after cooking and dissipates that heat slowly. It accepts all pan types (not just induction). Overall, the Cooksir single ring ceramic hob is a decent option for those in need of a compact cooking surface. It’s not the most advanced hob on the market, but it gets the job done and is reasonably priced. I give it 4 stars.
Wir durften das Cerankochfeld von Cooksir testen.
Absolut klasse ist, da man es zwar einbauen knnte, aber nicht muss. Deswegen steht es jetzt bei mir auf der Arbeit. An die Steckdose anstecken und man kann sich etwas zubereiten. Die Touchscreenfubktion – funktioniert einwandfrei. Die Tasten regieren sofort. Die Speisen erhitzen sich schnell und zgig.
Die Verarbeitung ist einwandfrei der Platte.
Fr derzeit 71,99 ein gutes Preis-Leistungs-Verhltnis. Hier bekommt man eine gute Qualitt.
Meine Beurteilung der Sterne die ich vergebe:
– Finger weg, viele Mngel, keinen Cent wert.
Es ist okay – Viele Mngel aber akzeptabel, je nach Anwendungsgebiet. Eventuell kein gltiges CE Zeichen vorhanden. Dann steht dies im oberen Text.
gutes Produkt – kleine Fehler in der Qualitt, Mngel vorhanden aber dennoch gerade noch so in Ordnung.
Super Produkt – hat berzeugt, jedoch kleine Mngel oder Preis nicht passend.
berragend oder absolut einwandfreier Zustand – absolut tolles Produkt in Qualitt, Nutzen und Ausfhrung. Es ist jeden Cent wert. Preis – Leistungs Verhltnis stimmt eindeutig.
Ich habe das Produkt kostenfrei zur Verfgung gestellt bekommen. Dies hat jedoch keinerlei Einfluss auf meine Rezension. Ich habe nach besten Wissen und Gewissen dieses Produkt ausgiebig getestet.
Dieses Cooksir Einzel Elektrokochfeld mit Stecker habe ich im Rahmen des Amazon Vine Programms zum Testen erhalten.
Die Lieferung erfolgte schnell und die Verpackung war ausreichend um den Artikel zu schtzen und keinen unntigen Mll zu verursachen.
Ich habe leider etwas lnger gebraucht um das Kochfeld zu testen. Das lag daran dass ich ohnehin schon lnger vorhatte im Garten zustzlich zu meinem Gasgrill ein Kochfeld zu installieren. Ich habe mir im Baumarkt eine Arbeitsplatte gekauft und darin dann ein Splbecken und auf der anderen Seite dieses Kochfeld installiert. Dafr ist das Kochfeld perfekt geeignet. Zwar htte das Kabel in meinem Fall gerne eine Meter lnger sein knnen, aber gut, ich habe mir mit einem Verlngerungskabel geholfen.
Das Kochfeld erhitzt mit seinen 2200W einen Topf mit 5 Liter Wasser zwar nicht so schnell wie mein Induktionskochfeld, aber trotzdem in akzeptabler Zeit. Vor allem da ich das Kochfeld im Freien benutze und es gerade nur um die 5C sind.
Die Reinigung ist supereinfach dank Ceranglas.
Die Bedienung ber das Touchfeld ist Geschmackssache. Ich mag das nicht, besonders mit Grillhandschuhen oder nassen Hnden reagieren diese Touchfelder oft nicht gut oder gar nicht. Da sind mir mechanische Drehknpfe immer noch am liebsten.
Ansonsten kann ich nichts schlechtes berichten. Ausser dass der Preis etwas hoch ist. Gerte mit hnlicher Leistung kosten teilweise 20% weniger.
Von mir vier Sterne und eine Kaufempfehlung.
We have been renovating an old house by ourselves for what seems like forever. In the summer , it was good. Doors and windows open and salads and sandwiches on the floor like a picnic.
Now winter is here and sandwiches don’t cut it.
Then this turned up for review and I was delighted to give it a go.
It is so easy to set up. Take it out the box, remove packing and plug in!! No need to install permanently.
Instant cooking heat! There are 9 heat settings and it works perfectly!
It is very sturdy , heavy even, but it can be placed anywhere there is an electricity source, even when camping in a designated camping lot.
Spills are easily cleaned up with a wipe and it takes little room.
We can now enjoy warm food with our labours and feel better for it! So much better than reheating in a microwave !
We are using this in our touring caravan as an alternative to the bottle gas cooker. The big advantage with this is that when you rent a caravan pitch the electric connection is usually included in the price, the connection is limited to around 15 amps but as on maximum this hob is only 2200W on high setting (approx. 10A) it will work without a problem. Especially as hobs switch on and off so are not on maximum all the time. The unit comes pre fitted with a UK plug and the cable has a strain relief so no issues around using it on the counter top. Although thee listing shows it used as a counter top device it does not have any feet underneath, I have added some non slip stick on feet which was easy enough, I think the maker ought to include these in the packaging, or pre fit them. It is simple to use with the 9 heat settings and the option of the small centre element or have both inner and outer for larger pans or stir frying etc.. The hob flashes H if it is still too hot to handle so you can tell when it is cool enough to store away. Easy to clean as there are no nooks and crannies and they supply a scraper for any stubborn stains. Looks really good and should save a fortune on gas costs and there are no naked flames so much safer.
Electric ceramic hob suitable for all types of pots and pans. No need to use any type of installation – just place in a safe spot, plug in and off you go. Only room for a single pan but controls are minimal and it’s so easy to use. My only niggle; it’s long and wide for a single element and takes up a lot of room. Lightweight and easy to move around and has childproof fittings if you want to use them. Only needs a quick wipe after use, when cool, but it does need gentle treatment around the glass surface. Just be careful, really careful, not to put your hands anywhere near it until it’s cool.
– Elektrokochfeld
– Schaber (Kratzer)
-Material fr die Fhrung, Schrauben und Halterung
– Anleitung
Das Gert ist top, man kann via Touch seine Stufe einstellen, sperren oder man sieht sofort, wenn die Platte noch hei ist. Auerdem kann man die Platte auch auf dem Tisch selbst benutzen, was ich bisher nicht getan habe, weil man so etwas eher in die Fhrung packt und nicht auf den Essenstisch. Jedoch wre das auch mglich. Was mir allerdings nicht so gefllt, ist, dass man nur eine Kochplatte hat und somit sehr limitiert ist, wenn es ums Kochen geht. Zwar ist das jedem bewusst, wenn man sich sowas zulegt, aber meist merkt man das erst, wenn man es hat. Daher empfehle ich eine Variante mit zwei Kochfeldern, auer man will es schlicht fr den Garten oder als Platte fr den Tisch nutzen. Aber in der Kche empfehle ich ein Kochfeld mit zwei Feldern, damit man auch etwas mehr machen kann und so nicht arg zu eingeschrnkt ist. Auerdem sollte man immer schauen, dass man die Platte nicht zu abnutzt, wenn Sachen “reingebrannt” werden. Dies kann sich spter negativ auswirken und daher nutzt bitte den Schaber (Kratzer), welcher im Lieferumfang enthalten ist. Ansonsten ist dieses Kochfeld von “Cooksir” nicht schlecht.
Ich hoffe, dass ich bei der Entscheidung weiterhelfenkonnte!
We have a workshop where we spend an awful lot of time, and this now lives there, and it’s excellent!
You can have it sent into a worktop so it lies flush, or you can stand it on the worktop so you can move it around. You just plug it in, and away you go.
We have used it every single day since it arrived, and it’s been brilliant. It heats up quickly; it’s done soup; it boils our whistling kettle several times a day and it helps to warm the workshop up! It’s not meant for that, obviously, but it was a lovely little bonus.
The hob itself has 9 temperature settings, and you just use the touch pad to turn it up or down.
It really is a very clever, efficient, wee thing and if you need to be mobile, or you need to build a mini makeshift kitchen somewhere, this will be an excellent addition!
If you don’t have a cooker for whatever reason or need an extra hob, then this could be a good solution. Unlike other plug in hobs I’ve tried, this one gets hot enough to cook just about anything and will boil water quickly. The hob has 9 different heating levels which range from just enough to keep a pan warm up to high enough to fry a steak. It takes up minimal space, has a child lock, is easy to clean and looks great. Recommended.
This Single Induction Hob is a lot easier than replacing our gas hob and surprisingly works just as well as a built in Induction hob.
The unit is big but not overly heavy and the single plug means it’s really easy to use, you just plug in and go.
The instructions are clear on how to use the hob and the buttons are self explanatory; you have a power button, a button to switch between temperature and power, depending on how you want to set the strength, and a plus and minus button. Then there is a timer and safety button.
The rings heat up very quickly when pans are placed on them, it’s really good if you need to cook in a hurry. The hob is designed well, with easy to access touch sensitive controls and a nice large cooking area. It’s also easy to clean as made from glass, and simply plugs into an existing electrical socket to work. This type of cooking hob is ideal for a variety of situations.
Firstly, it’s ideal for a bedsit or student room, as it takes up little space but offers efficient and easy cooking. The in-built safety controls, including auto shut-off, overheat protection and timer functionality, as well as a child safety lock ensures fire safety in a small environment.
Secondly, it’s ideal as a back-up hob for those who have an oil or solid fuel range, especially in the summer months. Thirdly it’s ideal for additional cooking space for large events such as Christmas, or for cooking on the table or outside. And finally really useful to take away camping I’d you have an electrical hook-up. So all in all very useful for lots of circumstances. if you can’t get a replacement for your hob or just don’t have one, this is a great alternative.
For the occasional use – you would get off just placing this on a work surface and all good. For more sustained use, there is mounting holes on the bottom of the unit making it far more reluctant to move about.
The hob heats up quickly – has touch control to change temperature and on/off which cycles the 9 preset heating levels. After use, the display has a warning to show others that it is still hot and shouldn’t be touched (pretty standard and expected nowadays).
It’s portability is quite good as it is just a 3-pin mains plug making you able to practically cook anywhere with a plug.
Ok, I had a quick read of the notes, plugged it in and boiled a large pan of water. Very speedy and easy to set the (9) levels of applied heat.
My main ‘concern’ is that, although advertised as such, I don’t think that this is really a free-standing item. I believe it needs to be properly fitted into a worktop and, when reading the notes in depth, that’s what is recommended.
When used in free standing mode, underneath the glass top it’s all metal and, on a work top, the metal is about 30mm tall, then the glass top. Although the whole is earthed (via the 3 pin plug) I wouldn’t feel safe using it unless fitted, which is the opposite of what I intended to use it for.
This item was offered to me under Amazon’s Vine where I am offered items free-of-charge for an honest review. Although I will be using this, I will first be making a frame to keep all that metal away from any spills etc.!!
This Ceramic Hob Cooksir Single Electric Hob with Plug has a lovely top surface that feels very good quality. It heats up very fast for an electric hob and works as expected for cooking. There is a child lock system and touch controls for on/off, increasing and decreasing the heat. It comes with all the fittings to install it, although it recommends using a professional to do the actual installation.
Although the hob is good quality, I would be reluctant to recommend it is used without proper installation. It has ventilation holes underneath and no feet, so it scratched my table when I was taking pictures of it. Using this hob free standing (or “countertop” as the description suggests) could block the vents underneath and damage your surface.
This is a great little hob and works very well. It would go well in a bedsit or office for instance but I really don’t recommend getting this hob for use free standing, it needs to be properly installed.
This is a small electric hob which comes on a plug.
It can be fitted into a worktop if you wish or it can be used stood on a worktop and put away when not in use.
I am using it as a mobile hob, allowing me to cook outside ( I have an outside socket obviously) when I’m cooking something a little smelly that I don’t want stinking out the house!
The hob is easy to use, heats my pans up quickly and is easy to clean.
It isn’t an induction hob so all pan types can be used on it.
I am genuinely impressed with this Cooksir brand ceramic hob, I love the fact I can use it on the worktop as well as fit into a worktop (with excellent instructions included with the general instructions and accessories for fitting it correctly). The ceramic hob doesn’t get hot underneath (though I put mine on a metal worktop saver rack). It’s got a decent length cable and a 3-pin plug. It has a touch control that’s very easy to use plus a child lock. There’s a button for changing the cooking zone from a small pan to a large one by pressing this button (the LED shows one or two horizontal lines to show which zone). There’s 9 levels of heat and as it’s not induction it works with all pans. I found it boiled a pint of cold water in 5 minutes on level 9 which was pretty quick. Please see my photos, I’m happy to recommend it to you too, it’s well made and works well.
Das Cerankochfeld erlaubt optimale Platznutzung mit minimalem Energieverbrauch beim Kochen.
Es hat ein sehr luxurises Aussehen und bringt mit seiner Oberflche neuen Glanz in die Kchenzeile.
Die Kochflche bietet eine Gesamtleistung von maximal 2200 Watt.
Das Feld lsst sich separat in der Leistung regeln dabei wird dies unkompliziert mit einem integrierten Touch Sensor bedient und bers digitale Display angezeigt.
Eine Restwrmeanzeige informiert nicht nur darber ob abgeschaltete Kochflchen noch hei sind, sie ermglicht auch das Kochen mit Restwrme, um Energie zu sparen.
Auerdem kann eine Kindersicherung aktiviert werden, um versehentliches Verndern der Kocheinstellungen zu verhindern.
Optisch berzeugt Kochfeld mit seiner pflegeleichten und edlen Oberflche.
So fgt sich das Kochfeld gut in jede Single Kchenzeile ein, egal ob klassisch oder modern und das zum fairen Preis.