DJI RS 3 Mini, 3-Axis Mirrorless Gimbal Lightweight
DJI RS 3 Mini, 3-Axis Mirrorless Gimbal Lightweight Stabilizer for Canon/Sony/Panasonic/Nikon/Fujifilm, 2 kg (4.4 lbs)Tested Payload, Bluetooth Sutter Control, Native Vertical Shooting
From the brand
Top Accessories
Dimensions: | 19.5 x 9.8 x 31.9 cm; 990 Grams |
Model: | CP.RN.00000294.01 |
Batteries Included: | 1 Lithium Ion batteries required. (included) |
Manufacture: | DJI |
Dimensions: | 19.5 x 9.8 x 31.9 cm; 990 Grams |
Origin: | China |
Me encantan los productos DJI, antes tena el RONIN S y siendo honesto era demasiado equipo para las cmaras que uso, entonces decid por comprar este mini, va de maravilla, con la pantalla ya no necesitas instalar aplicaciones en tu celular. Se siente muy liviano que te cansa menos. Estoy super satisfecho con esta compra.
Compratelo se avete macchine fotografiche leggere. Con quelle pesanti sbilancia troppo il peso e avrete dolori al polso durante l’uso, come nel mio caso con una Sony a7iv. Suppongo vada meglio con la serie a6*** (restando sempre in casa Sony).
Per il resto che dire…stiamo parlando della Dji che famosa anche per questi stabilizzatori e non per caso. Stabilizza molto bene, ha tante funzionalit interessanti (soprattutto usando l’app), leggerissimo.
Ma…con la mia macchina (a7iv di Sony), non sono riuscito a bilanciarlo col sistema classico (macchina orizzontale).
Infatti lo uso per quando devo fare i video in verticale (che al giorno d’oggi sono sempre pi richiesti). Invece per i video in orizzontale torno ad usare il mio, ormai vecchio, Ronin S finch non trover una soluzione.
Ancora una volta DJI non delude. Lo stabilizzatore, anche se appartenente ad una fascia di prezzo non elevatissima,si comporta molto bene.La possibilit di impostare la ripresa in verticale cambiando l’assetto un must-have. La funzione automatica di calibrazione dei motori di stabilizzazione fenomenale. Le riprese ottenute con la mia mirrorless, vengono fluide e professionali.Insomma per circa 50/100 in pi rispetto ai concorrenti nella stessa fascia vale assolutamente la pena. Consigliatissimo
Sono molto soddisfatto di questo upgrade. Vengo da un ronin rs2 e la cosa pi comoda la la connessione tramite Bluetooth, invece del cavo, oltre al peso e la compattezza che lo rendono facile da portare
Works well but takes a bit of time learning how to set it up and best use it. There are many YouTube videos that explain it. It is worth the effort.
Dji Rs3 mini spettacolare, finalmente dopo due Crane M3S, finalmente ho trovato quello giusto che fa per me. Molto bello b DJI RS 3 Mini, Stabilizzatore sempre una garanzia, i motori sono stupendi la costruzione ben fatta molto professionale. Il primo Crane m3S dopo un p i motori iniziavano a non funzionare pi, fatto reso preso un altro Crane combo stesso difetto, rifatto reso e preso il DJI RS 3 Mini, Stabilizzatore. Lo consiglio
Este estabilizador ha resultado ser una de las mejores compras para mi productor audiovisual, se ha probado ya para la realizacin de varias producciones de vdeo, y su funcionalidad y ligereza es muy buena.
Totalmente recomendable para su compra.
peccato che la batteria duri cosi poco e mentre sei al.meglio del lavoro ,ti lascia e puoi ripartiredopo 2ore di ricarica
He tenido la oportunidad de usar este gimbal en unos cuantos proyectos desde que lo compr y la verdad es que estoy muy contento con el.
***Sobre el consejo del vdeo que he subido, sobre cmo balancear el gimbal con un objetivo zoom, es vlido solo si vas a montar un objetivo zoom que cambia de tamao a la hora de cambiar de focal. Lo digo porque por ejemplo Sony tiene algunos objetivos zoom que aunque cambies de focal, el tamao del objetivo no cambia, como si fuera un objetivo prime. Y en ese caso seria mucho ms simple de balancear el gimbal.***
Ahora estoy usando este gimbal con una Panasonic Lumix GH5 M2 con el objetivo zoom Leica 12-60mm (24-120mm equivalente full frame) f2.8-f4.0 y el micrfono Rode VideoMicro, un setup que no supera 1,2kg. Viniendo de un DJI Ronin SC he notado mucha diferencia y cambios positivos con este gimbal.
– Peso y tamao reducidos. En comparacin con mi antiguo Ronin SC, el RS Mini 3 es muchsimo ms cmodo de usar, es ms pequeo y pesa menos. Aunque 300g de diferencia podra parecer poco, con un uso intenso cada gramo cuenta.
– Muy fcil de balancear. En mi caso, comparando con el Ronin SC, este gimbal es mucho ms fcil y rpido de balancear.
– Motores muy potentes para su tamao. Comparando con el antiguo Ronin SC, cuando usaba una cmara con un objetivo zoom, a la hora de cambiar de focal adis a la estabilizacin, empezaba a temblar y girar en todas las direcciones y tenia que apagarlo y volver a balancearlo, un rollo total. En cambio con este modelo puedo cambiar entre 12mm y 60mm (24mm – 120mm full frame) sin ningn tipo de problema y sin necesitad de volver a balancear siempre el gimbal.
– Opcin nativa de montar la cmara en orientacin vertical. Este a sido el motivo principal para mi a la hora de adquirir este gimbal, ya que casi todos mis proyectos, videos publicitarios, de producto, eventos pequeos de empresas, entrevistasson para redes sociales y mis clientes me encargan los vdeos en formato vertical. Aunque con el Ronin SC poda montar un brazo en L y montar la cmara en vertical, no era lo mismo, tenia los movimientos muy muy limitados y tambin problemas de estabilizacin.
– La batera tiene una buena durabilidad teniendo en cuenta su tamao.
– La rueda que tiene en la parte posterior y que se puede personalizar. La verdad es que uso mucho esa rueda, en principio con dos funciones, con el enfoque manual o para controlar la exposicin manual. Me encanta, muy rpido e intuitivo. Con el antiguo Ronin SC siempre tena que tocar la pantalla de la cmara o las ruedas y botones para poder ajustar estos parmetros.
– La pantalla que trae, que para mi tiene un buen tamao, es una pasada, sobre todo viniendo del Ronin SC, que no tenia. Siempre que quera cambiar algn parmetro tena de sacar el telfono del bolsillo y hacer todos los ajustes en la app. Ahora lo puedo hacer todo directamente desde el propio gimbal a travs de la pantalla integrada. Mucho ms rpido y cmodo.
– La opcin de montar accesorios con interfaz NATO.
– Cargar la batera de la cmara. Conectando la cmara al gimbal con el cable incluido me carga la batera de la cmara, opcin que viene muy muy bien para proyectos largos como bodas, bautizos, fiestas, u otros eventos. Con esta funcin he conseguido grabar un evento en 4K 60fps 10bit 4.2.0 unas 6 horas sin tener que cambiar la batera de la cmara. Aun no lo he probado en una boda pero segn mis clculos, podra grabar una boda entera con solo 2 bateras para mi cmara.
– Carga rpida de la batera. Aunque la batera dura menos de lo que dura la de sus hermanos mayores, tarda bastante poco en cargarse.
Esta claro que ningn producto es perfecto y este gimbal tambin tendr sus puntos dbiles. En mi caso, para mi estilo y necesidades no le he encontrado nada negativo, pero si que podra haber cosas que mejorar para otros usuarios como por ejemplo:
– Aunque en mi caso la durabilidad de la batera me da sobra para cualquier proyecto, es posible que se quede un poco justa para algunos usuarios. Y el echo de no tener la opcin de cambiar la empuadura con batera como la tiene sus hermanos mayores, podra ser un problema para algunos usuarios.
– Aunque ya tiene un tamao muy reducido, un diseo plegable para ser an ms portable no seria nada mal. En mi mochila cabe perfectamente y a mi personalmente no me molesta pero podra ser aun ms Mini.
– Se aprecia la funcin de montar la cmara tanto el horizontal como en vertical de forma nativa pero hay que mencionar que siempre que cambies de una orientacin a otra hay que calibrar el gimbal y si tienes que hacerlo para un mismo proyecto varias veces, podra suponer una prdida de tiempo y un problema para algunos usuarios. Para mi no es el caso ya que la mayora del tiempo lo uso en vertical y si se que el proyecto lo tengo que entregar en horizontal, entonces hago la calibracin tranquilo en casa un da antes y todo solucionado. Si tengo que entregar un mismo proyecto tanto en horizontal como en vertical entonces grabo en horizontal en 6K anamorfico 4:3 y estoy cubierto para ambos formatos (opcin disponible solo en algunos modelos de Panasonic).
Sin duda alguna la adquisicin de este gimbal ha sido un acierto total para mi, sobre todo viniendo del Ronin SC el salto ha sido brutal. Volvera a comprarlo de nuevo sin ninguna duda y tambin recomiendo su compra.
Bin noch in der Testfhase, mir war es wichtig , das es mit Sony a6000 geht. Der Gimbal geht gut, aber die
Steuerung mit Sony A6000 geht nicht ( ein und ausschalten, Zoomobjektiv ) Man muss schon noch auf der
Bedienungsanleitung hinweisen, das nur bedingt die Kamera geht. Aber damit kann man leben.
Die Verarbeitung ist sehr gut und die Handhabung OK. ben, ben , da kommen da auch gute Aufnahmen
zustande. Leicht ist das nicht, es gibt vieles auch zu beachten. Vom Preis ist es Ok. Billig und gut gibt es nicht.
Le produit est juste excellent. Stable, lger, montage trs facile. Possible de monter mon Sony alpha 7m3 sans aucun soucis en paysage ou en portrait (pour des formats Instagram par exemple). J’ai longtemps attendu une version stable et lgre pour remplacer le modle “PRO” qui reste trs bien mais pas du tout lger pour des usages moins “pro”
Por ahora lo he usado para grabar con una sony A7III y varias lentes. El estabilizado se hace rpido gracias a que puedes bloquear los ejes que no ests nivelando en ese momento, cosa que aligera en gran medida los tiempos.
La personalizacin en cuanto a velocidad de seguimiento, suavidad de los movimientos y dems es completa. Puedes hacerte cada uno de sus modos (3 en total) completamente a tu gusto. Es una fantasa en ese aspecto.
En cuanto a tamao y peso:
-Si es verdad que el pequeo tripode que viene es suficiente para poder usar este gymbal, pero se me hace un poco pequeo en la mano y sobre todo cuando dejas el trpode sobre una mesa o dems. No me da una sensacin de seguridad completa a pesar de ser de buenos materiales.
-La ligereza de este estabilizador es su mayor punto fuerte, tras una jornada intensita de grabacin de unas 9 horas, tena los brazos ms o menos frescos cosa que con otros estabilizadores que he probado no pasa.
-Otras cosas:
-La pantalla la he tocado y cambiado cosas en ms de una ocasin sin la intencin de hacerlo. Pero este es un problema conocido por DJI ya que tienes la opcin de bloquear la pantalla para evitar este tipo de accidentes.
-La estabilizacin general es buena, pero requiere, como cualquier otro aparato de estas caractersticas, de cierta prctica para que los vdeos queden suaves y no se note la “mano” detrs de la cmara.
En resumen, estoy contento con la compra y si tu equipo habitual de grabacin es ligero (menos de 2Kg) creo que a da de hoy no hay una mejor opcin.
Ottimo gimbal, compatto, leggero e dal prezzo abbordabile nonostante la completezza delle funzioni e le prestazioni. Decisamente migliorabile la base dove si monta la videocamera, che in combinazione con la piastra in dotazione alza eccessivamente il baricentro della macchina, impedendo il corretto bilanciamento dell’asse di Tilt con corpi muniti di cage. Nel mio caso personale, inizialmente stato impossibile bilanciare una Sony FX30 con cage e tantomeno una A7IV, in quanto anche abbassando al massimo la macchina lungo il braccio di Tilt, il baricentro rimaneva troppo alto (in termini pratici, andando a far puntare l’obiettivo verso l’alto, non c’era modo di far mantenere la posizione verticale). Ho risolto prendendo la base di ricambio appositamente realizzata dalla Smallrig, che abbassa il baricentro di 1cm permettendo il corretto bilanciamento dei corpi suddetti.
Se la DJI fornisse di serie una base concepita come quella alternativa proposta da Smallrig, non esiterei a dare 5 stelle.
The DJI RS 3 Mini is a fantastic addition to my camera gear. It’s compact and lightweight, making it easy to transport and use for extended periods of time. The stabilization is impressive, and the Bluetooth shutter control adds a level of convenience when capturing photos or starting/stopping video recording. The native vertical shooting feature is also great for creating content for social media platforms.
On the downside, setting up the gimbal can be a bit fiddly, especially for beginners. The sliders can be stiff, and it takes some practice to properly balance the camera. While it has a 2 kg payload capacity, I would recommend using a lighter camera and lens setup to avoid any balancing issues. Overall, it’s a solid investment for those looking to improve their videography skills, but be prepared to spend some time learning the ins and outs of the device.
The DJI RS 3 Mini is a 3-axis gimbal stabilizer designed for use with mirrorless cameras. It’s a lightweight and compact device that can support a tested payload of up to 2 kg (4.4 lbs). This makes it suitable for use with a wide range of mirrorless cameras from popular brands such as Canon, Sony, Panasonic, Nikon, and Fujifilm.
One of the standout features of the DJI RS 3 Mini is its Bluetooth shutter control, which allows you to control your camera’s shutter from the gimbal handle. This can be very useful for taking photos or starting and stopping video recording without having to touch the camera.
Another useful feature of the RS 3 Mini is its ability to shoot in native vertical orientation. This can be useful for social media platforms such as Instagram and TikTok, which typically require content to be shot in portrait orientation.
Overall, the DJI RS 3 Mini is a high-quality and versatile gimbal stabilizer that can help you capture smooth, professional-looking footage with your mirrorless camera. It’s well-suited for a wide range of applications, from vlogging and travel videography to more professional productions.
It now supports sony a6000, but only if you buy the lead as this model doesnt have bluetooth
This DJI RS 3 Mini gimbal setup arrived in a smart cardboard presentation box which was protected by a plastic bag. Inside the box was the gimbal itself, x1 RS mini tripod, x1 RS mini quick release plate, x1 small (40cm USB-C to USB-A charging cable, x1 short 30cm L shaped multi camera control cable, x1 screw kit (including a D-ring camera mounting screw) and a very basic set of instructions.
I ordered this for my partner for his new Sony camera and this is the first time that we have used a gimbal so we spent quite a while figuring it all out and setting it up. It is bit fiddly fine tuning the balancing on setup the first few times but I suspect we will get used to this. There are a lot of features we are still discovering with this and we have found that the best information is found on YouTube or on the detailed manual downloadable on the DJIs website. There is also a QR code which leads to a comprehensive step by step explanation video which is immensely useful for beginners. It is worth noting that if you are travelling with the gimbal you will need to recalibrate each time for use, which is a bit of a pain but from my research not untypical.
The gimbal is fairly light particularly for what it does, however I would say that we don’t really have anything else to compare this to. The build quality is excellent and you can tell the materials used are premium. Its ultra compact size makes it perfect to travel with — it measures 19.5cm x 9.8cm x 31.9cm so can easily fit in a backpack.
One of the main things to consider with this gimbal is that the maximum payload is 2kg and this includes any hoods or filters as well as the obvious body and lens setup. The camera and lens setup we are using is relatively lightweight and I feel like you can have issues with this gimbal with heavier setups. The second thing to consider is that you have a compatible camera in order to make full use of all the features of the gimbal. You will need a camera that has a USB-C connection to directly plug into the gimbal (also USB-C) for full functionality. You can stop and start recording through the button on the gimbal via the Bluetooth connection (providing you have a compatible camera) and once you have paired the devices it automatically reconnects every time you switch it on. The gimbal also works well with the app (DJI Ronin App) which also allows flexibility of features through your phone as well. This does require registration and yet another app on your phone but in this scenario, I think the trade-off is worth it, as the app gives you the majority of functions which can then be remotely operated.
The gimbal has an LCD full colour touchscreen (1.4 inch) with an easy and intuitive user interface — it is also very responsive. The gimbal uses a 3rd gen stabilisation algorithm and we thought that the resultant stabilisation is excellent. We will largely be using the gimbal to record videos of product setups for social media and if you want to shoot in portrait, you can mount the quick release plate onto the vertical arm and shoot as you normally would. I thought the battery life on the gimbal was really good and lasted an intensive afternoon of shooting with ease which we were very pleased about. It is a shame the kit doesn’t come with some kind of storage bag or pouch — but this is a minor quibble.
Priced at 339 at the time of reviewing, this is definitely a professional piece of gear which is designed for ease of travelling with as well as using in photography studio environment. It is a great lightweight option which doesn’t impact on the functionality and is easy and comfortable to hold over extended periods, particularly with the tripod attached. This was a steep learning curve for us but what a great piece of kit to learn with!
The DJI RS 3 Mini is an outstanding piece of equipment that has greatly enhanced my videography work. It’s incredibly lightweight and compact, making it easy to carry around on long shoots. The gimbal’s stabilizing capabilities are remarkable, providing smooth and steady footage even in challenging shooting conditions. The controls are user-friendly, and the overall build quality is exceptional. The DJI RS 3 Mini is an excellent investment for any professional or aspiring videographer looking to take their work to the next level. Highly recommend!
Il prodotto valido, stabilizzazione perfetta ma attenzione non supporta tutte le camere.
Spesso chi acquista uno stabilizzatore si basa solo sul peso che questo riesce a supportare non tenendo conto anche dell’ottica che va a montare sul corpo.
Questo stabilizzatore perfetto per mirrorless con ottiche non superiori al 24-70mm, ad esempio, un 70-200 / 70-300 e simili non li regger sopratutto se l’ottica viene utilizzata con escursioni troppo elevate spostando il baricentro troppo sul davanti.
Per quanto riguarda la stabilizzazione fa il suo dovere come la fascia RS3 – RS3 PRO – RS 2 ecc ecc a differenza che questo stabilizzatore non ha modo di utilizzare il focus motor (installabile sui modelli sopra citati) e il reven eye (trasmettitore wireless video, installabile sui modelli sopra citati).
VANTAGGIO rispetto agli altri modelli la possibilit con le medesime piastre di installare la camera in verticale, cosa non possibile sugli altri modelli se non acquistando la piastra Vertical Mount.
-Il fattore peso che questo incide parecchio sulle nostre braccia, consiglio la maniglia regolabile o la doppia impugnatura per scaricare ancor meglio il peso (dipende quanto siete fisicati)
-La trasportabilit e l’ingombro, molto facile da riporre in uno zaino.
-Il prezzo, quasi la met dei fratelli pi grandi e professionali, se lo acquistate per un uso semiprofessionale/amatoriale questo prodotto perfetto.
Detto questo di contro non ha nulla sapendo il prodotto che si va ad acquistare, chiaro che se si vuole spendere la met dei fratelli maggiori e si vuole avere le stesse possibilit che si hanno con quest’ultimi allora mettete da parte qualche soldo in pi e comprate i modelli superiori 😉
Certainly not lightweight as advertised – but good gimbal otherwise for stabilisatio
As with all DJI products I have used the DJI RS 3 Mini is superb quality built with top quality materials, looks and feels amazing.
This is my first time using a camera gimbal but I guess I have little experience as I have a DJI Osmo mobile 6 & 3 so some of what I learned with these could be transferred.
First I will start with the manual/tutorials supplied by DJI with past products these was all I needed to be up and running but with the DJI RS 3 mini I almost got stuck before I got out of the gate running they start from the gimbal being in the ready position but as I am new to gimbals I had no idea how to get it to this position and nothing explained this so I ended up searching Youtube videos and came across someone start up guide that explained this and it was easy enough maybe it was just me and I was just being to cautious but once I had it in that position I was fine.
The next big part of a gimbal is balancing the camera the first few times I tried this it took me a while and can be very fiddly when trying to adjust by very small amounts but keep going as with anything else the more you do this the easier it becomes and I can do this a lot faster now.
If you have used any other DJI product you will know you can only use it for a few times then you have to register for DJI Care Refresh (this is basically warranty) which is a charged product. For the DJI RS 3 Mini you can use it five times then you have to buy DJI Care Refresh you have two options one year which costs 35 or two years 55 there is no way around this so this is something to bear in mind when you are looking at the overall cost but as I said this is the same for all there products and for me it is worth the money when you see the support but you will have to judge that for yourself.
Compatible cameras there is a good list of cameras that will work with this BUT to use most of the features you will need to use the USB cable and you will see what features will work just using Bluetooth compared to USB cable. The cable that comes in the box is a USB-C to USB-C cable so my first problem I have four a Canon 90D, 250D and these require a micros USB cable so this will not work I checked online and there is a cable but of course you have to buy this but newer camera may have a USB-C connection and if yours do your in luck. Lucky I have a Panasonic camera as well and this supports USB-C so I will have to use this but something else to keep in mind is the USB connection your camera has. My Panasonic is a new camera and all the features also won’t work just by using bluetooth there is a third option you can download the DJI Ronin App on your mobile phone and this will give some features also.
Those are my two sort of grumbles out of the way you have to keep in mind the maximum payload that will be the camera, lens, any filter you have on the lens etc this all adds to the payload weight this you also need to keep in mind before you buy this gimbal if you work out you will be over 2kg then you know this is not the gimbal for you and you will need to look at one of the more expensive models.
Even with my grumbles once up and running I have to say I love using this gimbal it is an amazing device and has exceeded my expectations so far, I admit I don’t really do videography I mostly do photography which this will not help you to achieve better photos BUT this makes me more want to do videography a lot more than I have been doing in the past and with this great price compared to the other gimbals it helped me decide to make that leap into videography.
If you have used gimbals in the past you will have no issues with using this but being a complete beginner like my self it is a big learning curve but when you have a gimbal as great as this it makes the learning all that more easier. I definitely recommend the DJI RS 3 mini
Ich habe den DJI RS 3 Mini im Rahmen des Amazon Vine Produkttests erhalten und konnte ihn ausgiebig testen. Insgesamt bin ich mit dem Kamerastabilisator zufrieden und vergebe 4 Sterne.
Positiv zu erwhnen ist die kompakte und leichte Bauweise des RS 3 Mini. Mit nur 795 g ist er gut zu halten und eignet sich auch fr lngere Aufnahmen. Die Tragfhigkeit von bis zu 2 kg ermglicht eine groe Kompatibilitt mit verschiedenen Kamera- und Objektivkombinationen. Die Bluetooth-Aufnahmetaste ist eine praktische Funktion und erleichtert die Steuerung von Foto- und Videoaufnahmen ber den Gimbal. Besonders gut gefllt mir auch die Mglichkeit der vertikalen Aufnahmen, die speziell fr soziale Medien optimiert ist.
Allerdings sind auch einige negative Punkte zu erwhnen. Einige Kunden haben berichtet, dass die mechanische Levellings-Prozedur zu lang und schwer verstndlich ist. Auch die Steuerung ber Bluetooth ist nicht mit allen Kameras mglich. Es ist daher empfehlenswert, die Kompatibilitt genau zu prfen, bevor man den Gimbal erwirbt. So ist der RS 3 Mini beispielsweise nicht mit meiner Sony Alpha 6000 kompatibel.
Zusammenfassend kann ich sagen, dass der DJI RS 3 Mini ein guter Kamerastabilisator ist, aber aufgrund der eingeschrnkten Kompatibilitt und der lngeren Levellings-Prozedur nur bedingt empfehlenswert ist.
Gimbal compliqu la prise en main au niveau de l quilibrage mais une fois fait c est top attention de ne pas trop le charger. Ne pas mettre un teleobjectif ni le grip de l appareil sinon impossible quilibrer.
The Gimbal is much lighter than previous models (850g), making it easier to carry around for extensive periods. Despite its small size, it can impressively hold most DSLR cameras and some quite large lenses. It had no problem with my Olympus DSLR and a 70-300mm telephoto lens.
The gimbal is easily folded when not in use and becomes very compact for storage/transport. You do however need to recalibrate the gimbal’s balance for your camera each time you fold it up.
The setup instructions on the app were easy enough to follow, except for the video tutorials on how to balance the gimbal to work with your camera. The videos were in Chinese with no subtitles, making them difficult to follow. I later found that there was an English version available on their website. Hopefully this will be easily rectified in the future.
The gimbal’s battery has one major downside compared to its predecessors. The battery cannot be removed, preventing the user from swapping out an empty battery for a fully charged one to continue using the device. I found that the battery lasted for around 9 hours in total over 3 days of infrequent use.
Overall, it is a great camera gimbal that is a definite must for both beginners and amateurs.
Ideal for when videoing on the move. Relatively easy to set up once you’ve downloaded the dji app and balanced your camera. Works with all cameras but to allow Bluetooth connection and focus you will need to check the list to see if yours is compatible. I’m due to upgrade my camera to a Canon Eos M50 which luckily is on the list. Really enhances the filming experience and stops any jerkiness. Quality item and great way to improve your video blogging. Well impressed.
Fantastic but if kit well made and solid if a little heavy but for its size has many features love the touch’s creed display very easy to use , plenty of settings to tinker with but had it working straight out of the box . The gymbal is smooth and has a lot of degrees of movement the setup process was very easy with easy to read instructions although I did watch a few videos on the dji YouTube page too , sadly my camera isn’t compatible with the functions on the gymbal as it’s more for the modern cameras but works as a normal gymbal so time to save for a nice new camera 🙂 to take advantage of all the extra features came nicely boxed it feels very sturdy too
I just received this, so my review is mostly first impressions. I’m also a more casual user than a professional videographer.
I will be traveling a bit, and I wanted to get stabilized footage of areas I’ll be going to, so when DJI released this, it was super intriguing. I have the original Ronin, which I like, but was considerably more bulky. It was nice when I got it for use with a DSLR, but I have since upgraded to a R5. This was advertised to work with a R5 and 24-70mm f/2.8. Despite that, all of the initial reviews seem to be with Sony cameras, which doesn’t tell me much about its compatibility with my R5.
One of the things I really like about this is the capability to lock the pan/tilt/roll axes, which means you can balance each individually. I didn’t have this in the original Ronin, so this makes life so much easier. That being said, the R5 is bulkier than the Sony cameras, and I have to push the roll axis, in particular, to its limit in order to balance it. But according to the app, it’s balanced. It generally works with the screen flipped out, but I don’t think it’s as happy about that. I will probably have to remove the viewfinder eye cup because it can catch on the RS3 Mini when I invert the gimbal. I will be getting a RODE VideoMic NTG which I would like to mount on the camera. I think it should work fine, but it’ll probably limit some of the movement I can do.
I tried connecting via bluetooth to this, and while after a little bit a wait, it connected to the camera. I like this particular feature because it gets rid of wires. However, I was not able to get it to record or adjust focus by pressing the record button or dial on the RS3 Mini. Maybe that’s an R5 issue? Fixed with a firmware update? The included USB-C to USB-C cable allows for control of the camera. It’s not super obtrusive, so if that’s the option I have to live with, I’m okay with that.
I really like how light this is. It will be great for travel. It would be nice to have the battery grip removable so that you can really compact this down, but I imagine that would add weight.
I haven’t tried it in its native vertical shooting. Not sure how much I will do with that, to be honest, but I suppose it’s a nice option to have should I want to use it.
Those are my first impressions. It’s a nice little gimbal for a reasonable price. I think it’ll serve well in a travel situation to get stabilized video. Maybe there will be some changes for the RS4 Mini, but for now, I’m happy with this.
This RS 3 Mini gimbal weighs only 795 grams, perfect for travel photography/videography.
It can hold a load capacity of up to 2 kg, so can hold most pro sumer and professional SLR cameras and lenses. Shutter control is via Bluetooth that automatically reconnects to the camera after the initial pairing. It provides control photo-capture and video recording via the gimbal. Howeve be warmed it may not be compatible with some cameras expecially older models with limted Bluetooth integration.
Setting it up with your camera can be a bit fiddly especially caibrating it initially but once set up you are good to go. Changing its orientations from vertical to horizontal is very handy as I don’t have to remove anything to achieve this. Once you get the hang of it, the video produced is very steady and smooth. Even as I walk and pan around or follow a subject with the camera mounted in the gimbal, the video is buttery smooth and stabilised, so very happy there.
My only issue is Bluetooth. I tried it with a couple of my camera’s and althogh luckily it connected the set up was a faff.
All in all, it is a fantastic professional lightweight travel gimbalthough make sure to check compatibility with your cameras first.
I was blown away by the compact size and weight of the DJI RS 3 Mini. Despite its small size, the build quality and materials used are excellent, providing a solid feel in your hand. The quick-release mechanism for attaching the camera is also a nice touch and makes swapping between shots a breeze. The only thing it doesn’t have is an auto lock feature as you have to flick three separate switches manually.The DJI RS 3 Mini performs admirably in terms of performance. I used it with my Nikon camera, and the smoothness and stability of the shots far outweigh handheld footage. It performed admirably while walking and running. The different shooting modes and customisable settings give you creative freedom and the ability to adapt to different situations. Another outstanding feature is the ease of use. The DJI RS 3 Mini is simple to set up and control, making it suitable for both experienced and inexperienced users. Setting up the gimbal, getting started, and shooting all take very little time. The gimbal can be easily calibrated via the touch screen menu, and there is also a balance test available via the app. The app app also has some great features for controlling the gimbal’s movement, capturing images or recording video, and more. Bluetooth compatibility enables wireless control, and the battery life is adequate, with a two-hour charging time and a playtime of up to just under ten hours. Overall, the gimbal is sure to take your shots to the next level with its smooth and stable video, user-friendly design, intuitive touch screen, compact size, and powerful performance.
Il DJI RS3 Mini certamente un ottimo gimbal per funzionalit, forza e precisione dei motori e soprattutto per dimensioni e peso ridotto che lo rendono di facile trasportabilit; tuttavia, le svariate recensioni lette e guardate in giro, secondo me, tendono a non considerare i lati negativi che in ogni prodotto sono comunque presenti a seconda delle singole esigenze di ciascuno. A mio avviso perfetto con ottiche fisse di piccole dimensioni e peso: con queste, infatti, il bilanciamento risulta essere davvero semplice e veloce e la resa di utilizzo davvero eccellente. In questo caso si possono avere sulla camera anche matte box e piccoli cage sulla e con un po di pazienza, si riesce a bilanciare ugualmente. Anche se viene dichiarato idoneo a sostenere una Sony serie A7 con un ottica zoom tipo 24-70, il bilanciamento lo consente al limite (perdendoci molto tempo), ma va comunque rifatto ad ogni cambio di focale, in quanto allungandosi o accorciandosi il barilotto della lente, gli equilibri ovviamente cambiano. Si pu provare a non ricalibrare, ma i motori iniziano a rispondere con tremolii e segnalano in rosso di ricalibrare gli assi. Con lenti di questo tipo non si pu assolutamente tenere la fotocamera in un cage e deve essere assolutamente libera. Ad ogni modo, per me, lenti zoom non sono indicate su qualunque gimbal a prescindere, esistono altri metodi di ripresa se bisogna usare lo zoom, con un gimbal l’operatore di ripresa che deve muoversi. Ho visto montare in un video addirittura un 70-200, ma non credo sia realmente possibile un utilizzo coretto per “spazio di manovra” e per sovraccarico dei motori, sono recensioni fuorvianti e forse sponsorizzate. In sostanza, ottimo gimbal per chi vuol stancarsi poco per lunghe riprese o per chi si sposta molto e predilige un uso corretto di ottiche fisse e non gli zoom; funzioni con cavo e bluetooth molto utili, ma se imposti il follow focus non si pu pretendere la manovrabilit di una sistema professionale con manopola dedicata; pi utile di tutte la funzione ripresa in verticale che probabilmente il punto di maggior forza su cui punta questo gimbal: facile passare con fotocamera montata in verticale in modo nativo ed ha una possibilit di movimenti molto ampia. Quindi, pi che per produzioni video classiche, lo ritengo un gimbal molto pi adatto a content creator e chi pubblica sui social. Il treppiede di sostegno davvero molto piccolo e dall’aspetto poco solido. Il braccetto supplementare pu essere necessario per riprese dal basso e per agganciare eventuali monitor, microfoni etc., avrebbero dovuto inserirlo e non farlo pagare a a parte, ma questo, si sa, marketing.
There was quite a bit of excitement when DJI announced a smaller version of their well regarded bigger versions, the RS 3 and RS 3 Pro. Those two are very desirable but you can add 100 for the RS3 and around 400 for the RS 3 Pro to what the RS 3 Mini comes in at around. It’s still a big chunk of cash to hand over for many people, especially when it’s going to be marketed at the content creators and happy amateurs who might be unsure about getting a gimbal at all.
And that is a valid point. If you’re looking at buying a gimbal I would first ask yourself if you really need one at all? If you really do, then DJI make some of the best there are. If you don’t though, just pause and take a moment. Five years ago I thought I needed a gimbal. I spent 140 on a Zhiyun gimbal for my iPhone, and it was brilliant. So brilliant that I’ve used it five times. And I genuinely know it’s five times, I remember each time I used it. Then, two years ago, I had the opportunity to test a 230 FeiyuTech gimbal, this time a combined smart phone and compact cameras/small DSLR/mirrorless cameras. It was really, really good. I haven’t used it once since my tests. At all. I have many great ideas to use them, but when it comes to the execution I remember how much of a faff they can be to set up, so don’t bother.
And that’s what I didn’t have any idea about before I had a gimbal. How much effort they take to set them up. Some are better than others, but all need setting up to some degree. And the balance changes with different cameras, different lenses even. As the weight changes and moves around then it needs rebalancing.
The DJI RS 3 Mini, though, wasn’t that bad. I remember the hours of pain trying to get the FeiyuTech set up, but I don’t know if I lucked into it but the DJI sorted itself very quickly. There’s an option on the great little touch screen to calibrate it and after a bit of vibrating it pulled itself into the correct balanced position for my camera.
That screen is lovely to use, despite its diminutive size. The accompanying app is also quite good, which isn’t always the case. You can do most of the functions of the gimbal from that app so you can operate it remotely.
For its size, it really is very stable. I’m currently waiting for stock of a new mirrorless camera to come in so currently I’m using my venerable old Nikon which has a fair heft to it, but gimbal has had no problems with the weight at all. Because it’s an old camera and not on the compatible list I’ve not been able to try out the additional functions that compatible cameras can enjoy. I have been able to make use of filming and running around the garden after the dog and footage has been smooth and stable.
If I have a criticism it’s that there’s no auto-lock function. The FeiyuTech had a great function that you could unlock and lock all of the motors and with a single touch. With the DJI RS 3 Mini you have to flick three separate switches to unlock/lock the three axis. I believe the RS 3 and RS 3 Pro have the quick lock function. It’s a bit of an irritance, yes, but is it worth at least 100 more, I don’t think so.
It’s also still an expensive item. Yes, it’s a well known and respected brand, but it goes back to my original point of whether you really need a gimbal. If you truly do, but can’t stomach the price of the RS 3 and RS 3 Pro, then the DJI RS 3 Mini is a great purchase.
I own the RSC2 which is already one of the more compact gimbals but its still a struggle to fit in my bag so wanted to try the 3 mini. I paired it with an A7iii and a 28-75 lens which has some weight but not unreasonably, and can be handled busy the RSC2.
**The problems**
– It is indeed smaller, but that’s where the problems begin. I have relatively average / smaller hands but my hand just about fits on the handle. Being so compact however, that means your thumb doesn’t land on the joystick – it is too close so your thumb has to reach down uncomfortably. Attaching the tripod helps, but even that is shorter than the other gimbals. I don’t know why because it’s detachable so doesn’t make it bigger. They should give you a longer tripod to extend the handle length.
– And then there is the grip. When you hold a gimbal it normally needs 2 hands but one barely fits. As noted above, adding the tripod as a handle doesn’t do much to help as it’s so short. Holding it for long periods (I.e. for professional use) really is hard work on the wrists as you can’t spread the load.
– Another annoyance is the quick release plate – at first I thought it was brilliant because it has a little lip which stops it rotating – and that is brilliant. But you can’t use it with their other gimbals. The RSC2 for example has a sideways mounting plate so it points to the side.
– Disappointing that there us no form of case included. Not even a cloth bag to store it in.
** Good stuff**
– Portrait mode is cool. It’s a bit fiddly deconstructing the gimbal to get it into portrait mode and it’s a shame it needs to be rebalanced but at least you don’t need a cage anymore
– Quick release plate is great, except for the above caveat
– Bluetooth shutter release is…. ok. It’s cool to go wire free but if you want any other camera control its via the cable then you have to disable the Bluetooth or nothing works, but still it’s good if you don’t use the control dial.
– Build quality is, as always excellent.
It’s a great little gimbal but it’s just really uncomfortable to hold for any extended period of time. I will be using this with an extension rod and it still won’t replace my RSC2 unless I know I need to shoot in portrait mode. If this is your first gimbal it’s great but if you own the bigger brothers, I’d stick with them
This convenient, lightweight tool is perfect for capturing great video footage. It does what all the gimbals do: it helps to make great shots. It is a powerful tool with automated features like timelapse and tracking mode to help you capture amazing content. It has a supporting payload limit of 2 kg/4.4 lbs, which is plenty for me. You can download the manual online, and also you can find more detailed information, useful videos about this item on DJIs website.
The package arrived nicely packed. I love the 1.4″ touch screen display and how easy the zooming is made. The gimbal comes with other great features such as a locking mechanism to the tilt function, which means that it can be moved up and down and left and right. There is a vertical and horizontal mode, integrated bluetooth and zoom control. It has three axes (tilt, roll and pan). I am happy with the long lasting battery. If you don’t use it continuously, it could last 10 hours, but If you do, probably half of this time. This issue could be sorted if you carry a powerful battery bank.
Before activation you need to download the DJI Ronin App. I’ve done it via Google Play. The setup is smooth and the camera looks very secure in its place. It has a very impressive and clever design. I am absolutely thrilled with it.
I ordered this DJI RS 3 Mini is a lightweight, 3-axis mirrorless gimbal stabilizer as it is compatible with my Cannon camera.
Supplied well protected in branded box.
A tested payload of 2 kg (4.4 lbs), this stabilizer is supports a wide range of mirrorless cameras, making it a versatile option for professional videographers and photographers.
My favorite features of the DJI RS 3 Mini is its Bluetooth shutter control, which allows you to remotely control your camera’s shutter and video recording functions. This feature is particularly useful for capturing smooth, stable footage while on the move.
Another notable feature is the gimbal’s ability to support native vertical shooting, which means you can shoot vertical footage without having to rotate your camera. This is a useful feature for capturing content for social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok.
Very expensive but worth every penny.
Overall, the DJI RS 3 Mini is a high-quality, lightweight gimbal stabilizer with Bluetooth shutter control, native vertical shooting and OLED screen are some of the key features that make it stand out from other similar products on the market.
I would recommend this product.
This DJI RS 3 Mini, 3-Axis Mirrorless Gimbal Lightweight Stabiliser is an impressive entry level bit of kit for videography. I am primarily a wildlife photographer but have been venturing out into capturing video of all sorts of animals and this gimbal makes it so much easier to get hand held shots and it’s the same price as a decent tripod which I like.
I have been testing this out with a canon m50 and stock lens so it doesn’t have full compatibility but does connect over Bluetooth. Dji do have a great compatibility checker which helps, the stabiliser can also be connected with a usb c cable to cameras that support it, unfortunately mine doesn’t.
The app was a little buggy to start and would keep freezing if I tried to update the device or access the manual so hopefully that’s fix soon. When using the connection cable it can stream video through to the phone which is very impressive on supported cameras.
Setting the device up takes a little getting used to for someone who hasn’t used one before. This has manual locks which have to be disengaged on each axis compared to the more expensive version which is all auto and it has to be calibrated every time. On a flat surface but the included tripod makes this very easy and gives a longer handle to hold. I also like that there is a mount point to add a second handle for greater stability.
To use it is so easy, the touch screen allows access to all the setting which are also in the app and can be used to control the gimbal, the joystick is really easy to use to pan and tilt the camera and the app can set up sequences to capture movements and Timelapse’s which makes this an all in one device.
Overall this has a few bugs that I’m sure dji will have fixed in no time but it’s a fantastic value for money to improving any videography especially for getting selfie content for vlogging with a super stable camera.
I was immediately impressed when first handling this gimbal. It’s a compact design but not to the point where it feels cramped in the hand. It has a lovely grip which takes away the fear of being dropped. The form factor is very pleasing with a locking mechanism for the arms, which are also made of aluminium, which gives it that premium feel.
The clever design of the gimbal allows for your camera to change form vertical to horizontal in the space of seconds, without the need of removing anything. The charger is USBC and connecting & balancing the camera is very simple indeed. It’s all very self explanatory.
Once is everything is set up and you’re ready to start shooting, you’ll notice that the experience is very steady and smooth, even if you decide to go for a short jog. It does a wonderful job at keeping everything stabilised.
I’m overjoyed with this gimbal and it has been a big improvement over previous versions that I’ve owned.
You won’t be disappointed!
This is a review of the DJI RS 3 Mini, 3-Axis Gimbal. It comes in a descriptive box together with a basic sheet of instructions (a.k.a ‘quick start guide’) that unfolds, charging lead, tripod base unit, quick release camera mounting plate etc. It has a quoted maximum payload of 2 kilos but not having any equipment even near that weight I feel I am safe in that respect! I did go online to download the PDF operating manual which is more informative plus there are assorted videos on YouTube that are helpful, with some not so. The info screen is quite straight forward to navigate with a choice of languages to pick from. However you start off by charging the unit up via the lead supplied and then getting the gimbal to accept your camera via Bluetooth – if you camera model has it but there is a camera compatibility list in the specifications – in order to get the full enjoyment out of it. However getting a camera to balance is time consuming as it swings that way, then another way and so on – be prepared to be told by onlookers that you’re ‘not doing it right’ before then passing it over for them to have ago, with them basically having the same outcome. At the time of writing this review I feel I am ‘getting there’ but I think it’s perhaps it’s me that is possibly the problem as my holding it a certain angle does take a bit of getting used to as my first – or last – gimbal was totally different. It should be pointed out that there is hardly any sound, if any, from the assorted motors so ideal in possibly some restricted areas. Despite my initial antics, it’s a well made unit with my efforts and patience will be rewarded as I get more proficient with it.
Meine Z6 kann ich nicht per Bluetooth zum Gimbal verbinden.
Sofern die Verbindung klappt, bei der Z6II soll es gehen, scheint via Bluetooth nur Auslser und Film Start und Stopp zu gehen. Oder USB-Kabel. Das sehe ich als Nachteil.
Ansonsten glttet der Gimbal Bewegungen gut. Die Angabe, dass er die Z6 mit dem Z24-70mm f2.8 trgt stimmt zwar. Die Last ist aber grenzwertig. Die Arme bekommen durch das Gewicht etwas Schlagseite. Funktionieren tut es jedoch.
Besser geht es mit dem kompakten Z24-70mm f4.0. Mit Objektiven der Gewichtsklasse des 24-70mm f4 macht der Gimbal Spa. Wenn die Prioritt auf klein, unaufflliger und kompakt liegt. ist das mini eine gute Wahl. Wenn man etwas Reserve mchte, evtl. auch um das 24-70 fr alle Brennweiten von 24 bis 70mm nur einmal auf 40mm auszubalancieren und den Rest nach Kalibrierung von den Motoren machen zu lassen, knnte das RS3 besser geeignet sein. Ist halt mindestens 400g schwerer.
Ich habe meine Bewertung berarbeitet und das Problem der Schnittstelle zu Nikon nun weniger stark bewertet. Daher statt 2 nun 4 Sterne. Wer Nikon hat, muss ggf. fr sich entscheiden, ob er mit dem USB-Kabel klar kommt.
Sehr kompaktes Gimbal fr Reise oder flexible, schnelle Produktionen. Passt problemlos in mittelgroe Ruckscke.
Das Ausbalancieren funktioniert sehr schnell und intuitiv (wenn man bereits mit Gimbals gearbeitet hat).
Stabilisierungsleistung: sehr gut (getestet mit Sony A7S3 / A7M4 und 1635 PZ und 2470 GMii).
Bluetooth verbindet sich (mit neuester Ronin App) problemlos mit der Sony A7S3 oder A7M4, Aufnahme und Zoom (mit PZ Optik) lassen sich vom Gimbal steuern.
Das frontale Kontrollrdchen hat jedoch einen zu groen Drehradius (Throw) und die falsche Drehrichtung.
War auch bei lteren Ronin-Modellen dasselbe Problem.
Das lsst sich hoffentlich nach einem FW-Update endlich manuell justieren, einschlielich vernderbarer Richtung.
Der RS3 Mini hat nur links einen NATO Zubehr-Mount, was fr Linkshnder problematisch ist, da rechts z.B. kein Monitor oder Haltegriff zur Untersttzung angebracht werden kann. Konstruktionsbedingt ist der Platz zwischen dem (B-)Bgel (mit dem Ronin-Schriftzug) und dem Griff zwar etwas knapper als bei anderen Ronins, jedoch sollte hier in einer neuen Version auch ein (2.) Mount verfgbar sein.
Eine herausnehmbare Batterie wre fr Flugreisen wnschenswert, so muss das Gimbal immer komplett ins Handgepck, statt nur der Akku, was trotz der geringen Gre unschn ist.
Auch nervig: Registrierungszwang mit DJI Account, bevor das Gert genutzt werden kann – wie bei allen DJI-Gerten.
Insgesamt jedoch eine sehr gelungene, ultra-kompakte und tadellos funktionierende Stabilisierungslsung.
EDIT (nderung 2023-03-10): Die Drehrichtung des frontalen Rdchens lsst sich inzwischen ndern, auch die Drehgeschwindigkeit (Swipe-Up im Menu).
Leider lsst sich die Richtung nicht fr den “Joystick” verndern, was ein zentrales Problem bei den DJI-Gimbals ist.
Ansonsten bleibt zu ergnzen, dass das “3 Mini” natrlich nicht mit den schwersten, grten (Umfang und Masse sowie Lnge) Optiken bestckt werden sollte, auch wenn die Kombis noch knapp unter 2.000 Gramm liegen.
Es ist eine kompakte, extrem flexible Lsung, welche sehr gut stabilisiert.
Auch sollte man dieses Gimbal nicht als Hauptgert betrachten, sondern eher als mobile Ergnzung.
Als Standard-Zoom hat sich das Sigma 28-70 DG DN (gg. 24-70 GM II) extrem empfohlen (mittig, also bei 45-50mm ausbalancieren); als Weitwinkel-Ergnzung ist das Sony 1635 PZ fantastisch, mit dem Gimbal lsst sich die Brennweite problemlos ber das zuvor kritisierte Rdchen sehr weich kontrollieren.
Awesome gimbal!
I just started masters degree program for film school and this is so good to have for my shoots.
It takes a few minutes to balance, but once you’re up and running it’s smooth sailing.
I would advise watching a view short YouTube tutorial videos to spin you up speed if you’re not familiar with basic gimbal operation just to cut the learning curve, which is not much.
I can honestly say this is one of the best thing I ever got.
Very sturdy and great quality gimbal
You will definitely get what you pay for, and that would be one of the best gimbal on the market in my opinio
The first thing to say about this gimbal is about the size which is almost unreal. It is so small and lightweight in comparison to everything else I’ve ever used. This would be the perfect little gimbal for any vlogger, or for people who want to travel light. The size doesn’t at all seem to be a detriment in any way and it really does in most respects seem like everything you get in a larger model, just shrunk down for portability. I used it with a Canon M50, which to be fair isn’t the heaviest of cameras and none of my lenses are particularly big or heavy, but so far I have not seen any issues with this setup. The Canon M50 does connect via bluetooth, though it seems not all of the features work, so you can connect it with a small cable that’s included to open up every control feature and I didn’t really feel like this was an inconvenience. Just for simple control, like shutter control or starting and stopping filming, then bluetooth is perfectly fine and easy to setup to connect automatically.
About the setup, yeh it isn’t the easiest thing to set up at first, no Gimbals are really, but once you figure out the quirks and do it once or twice, it does fall into place and using the quick release plate along with the little adjustable locks become second nature. Quickly breaking it down and tossing it in a bag does become easy and again, with the size you can fit this into almost any shoulder camera bag without too much of a squeeze and then get it out and up and running within a couple of minutes. I didn’t really like that it forces you to register with the app during the initial setup, but then the app is great and so despite my initial grumbles, I resigned myself to the fact that I’ll be using it anyway, because it is actually really useful and a nice added feature to control the Gimbal from your phone, including the gyro which is crazy, as well as set up panoramas and control all the options and such. I guess I just don’t like the fact it forces me into this sort of thing.
Using it does take a bit of practice, but it’s worth repeating that it is so small and lightweight that I found it significantly more user-friendly than other Gimbals I’ve used, especially for longer shoots. It does weigh a little more with the tripod feet screwed in, but I found the trade off worth it as the feet work as a secondary handle to give you a little more stability in those awkward angles and it’s only something like an extra 50g. I really like the LED touch screen, having the visual aid is really helpful, it really cuts down on the learning curve and also it’s just nice to have everything there in front of you. You can also lock this screen too, so you don’t have to worry about touching it by accident and messing anything up. The battery is good, it takes about 2 and a half hours to charge fully and I reckon I got about 7 hours out of a full charge, with the Gimbal in full use, motors and all.
All the controls are really intuitive and I love that you can customise what the jog wheel does on the handle, from manual focus to shutter speed and just about everything else. The little joystick again is really intuitive and like I said, it does take some practice, but overall I found everything really easy to use, so for a beginner this does aim to get you going quite quickly.
Honestly. I think this is a really awesome Gimbal. With a name like “mini” and at the price point, you kind of expect something stripped back and minimised in function, maybe even compromised fairly heavily, but I never felt like that is the case with this at all. I think it is perfect for a vlogger or youtuber who wants something small and lightweight and that isn’t going to absolutely destroy a bank account. I’m pretty sure features like vertical mode for tiktok and insta reel videos are aimed precisely at that market, but I also think this is a totally legit Gimbal that any professional could use. I think it would probably be awesome for a wedding photographer, or anyone who wants a reliable Gimbal without needing a million flight cases just to go anywhere. To be honest, there is still a whole bunch of features I haven’t even used and probably never will use, things like gamepad controllers to control the motors and such, it’s that richly featured and in such a small package, it really is hard to find a fault. I’m willing to bet that this will become the go-to Gimbal for a lot of content creators out there, it’s brilliant.