DOUUCO Upgrade 5 Set Seed Trays with Grow Light

DOUUCO Upgrade 5 Set Seed Trays with Grow Light for Plants,Propagator with Heightened Lids, Growing Thicken Seedling Starter Growing Trays with Adjustable Window for Greenhouse & Gardens

Gardening Tools Complete Germination KitSeed Starter Kit with Grow LightGreenhouse Germination Kit for Seeds Growing StartingSeed Growing Germination Kit, Plant Propagation Kit

Size: Led 5pcs
Dimensions: 1 x 1 x 1 cm; 700 Grams
Colour: Led 5pcs
Manufacture: DOUUCO
Dimensions: 1 x 1 x 1 cm; 700 Grams
Size: Led 5pcs

27 Responses

  1. LucileList says:


    uerst empfehlenswert, durchdachtes Produkt, einfaches Zusammenstecken, beiliegendes Pflanzwerkzeug sehr hilfreich, in die Pflanze-Einstze passen problemlos 4×4 cm Anzuchtkartons. Preis / Leistung top!

    Top für Hobbygärtne

  2. Clifford Colby says:


    Die Samen keimen in den Boxen gut und wachsen ganz ordentlich

  3. Anonymous says:


    Mutter sehr zufrieden mit den Anzuchtkstchen. Ideal um Kruter Gemse ect vorzuziehen und fr den Preis eine gute Qualitt.

  4. Anonymous says:


    Habe ein gnstiges gewchshaus gesucht und dieses gefunden bin doch recht zufrieden es ist zwar sehr weiches Plastik aber tut sein Zweck. Zusammenbau Problemlos in paar min schnell befllt und bepflanzt. Das 10ner tray ist sehr dnnes Plastik hlt aber noch einige Aussaaten aus . Was mir gut gefllt ist die Gre *sie passen “senkrecht ” perfekt auf unsere Fensterbank* freu mich ber die kleinen Huser danke schn 🙂

  5. Anonymous says:


    Funktioniert einwandfrei! Nach 4 Tagen waren schon Pflnzchen da. Wrde ich wieder kaufen!

  6. Anonymous says:


    Ich mag die hohe Deckel. Bei manche andere sind die Deckel zu niedrig um zarte Pflanzen lnger zu schtzen. Auerdem ist die Qualitt des Plastiks ziemlich Feste wodurch eine lngere Lebensdauer an zu nehmen ist.

  7. Anonymous says:


    Hat gut funktioniert zur Anzucht von Tomaten und Chilis. Durch den durchsichtigen Boden kann man gut die Bewurzelung verfolgen.

  8. Anonymous says:


    die Anzuchtkstchen erfllen voll und ganz ihre Funktion. Besonders praktisch finde ich den USB Anschluss, das ich an eine Powerbank angeschlossen habe und es somit berall abgestellt werden kann. Meine ersten Smlinge sind schon perfekt gekeimt.

  9. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I was sceptical about these propagators but pleased to say I am impressed with them.
    Highly recommend

  10. LilianFOJpfg says:


    Die kleinen Gewchshuser sind fr den Preis in Ordnung. Sie sind stabil, die hohen Deckel finde ich gut damit das Grn nicht gleich darauf stt. Einzig die Kabel sind mir etwas zu kurz, die htten lnger sein knnen, damit man etwas flexibler sein kann.

  11. Anonymous says:


    Diese Ksten sind so primiv das es eigentlich viel zu teuer ist noch in Anzuchterde zu investieren. Die brechen schon beim grberen Druck in die einzelnen Fcher. Gebt lieber ein Paar Euronen mehr aus.

  12. PorfiriBlakemor says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Zu der Haltbarkeit kann ich noch nichts sagen. Ansonsten entspricht es meinen Erwartungen. Ich wrde den Artikel wieder kaufen. Ist fr den Preis gut durchdacht.

  13. JasperDNGN says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Only had them a week these got potted up a few days ago kept them in the boiler cupboard as that is the warmest place in the house

    They seem ok time will tell how good they are

  14. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Die Qualitt ist besser als ich erwartete.
    Was die LED-Leuchtung bringt, bin neugierig.- Lasse mich berraschen.
    Kann nun nicht mehr sagen, warte auf die erste Zchten.

  15. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    My brother bought me venus fly trap for my brithdaty recently.

    It took me back to my teens when I was into that subject in big way.

    They do like alot of light; comming from the bogs of missouri etc

    This set delivered for 30 quid.

    What better way of intorducing your people kids chilodren etc to growing seedlings their need for light water nutrients etce etc

    Its hard to know how to fault this.

    If only this tech was avialable 40 years ago!!!!!

  16. Anonymous says:


    Die kleinen Gefhuser sind sehr stabil ,gut zubefllen! Es gibt nichts zu meckern!
    Auf jeden Fall zu empfehlen!

  17. CyrilIfirv says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I have used these to propagate ten different types of seed, including chillis, which are quite difficult. All have successfully germinated quite quickly. What I particularly like is that the domes are taller than others I have seen, but the main disadvantage is that it has a short cable, so it really needs an extension.

  18. OrenSamuels says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    The quality of base, cells and dome surpassed my expectations, I would expect these to last for quite a few uses. Perfect fit for windowsills as well. Great value for money.

  19. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I absolutely love them, simple and usefulthey do the job nicely

    Fantastic produc

  20. RaeR00kgrlsvxvl says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I’ve only had the item a few days but:
    Set up was pretty easy
    The green inserts were a little too small for my needs but that’s more of a personal choice.
    The whole unit is a smaller than expected but it’s not a complaint, just an observation
    Time will tell (7-10 days to be precise!) as to whether it actually helps my seeds germinate.
    Great little product for beginner garden enthusias

    Still early days

  21. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I bought this to help with the germination of my vegeable seeds. Often it can be quite challenging to get seeds to germinate without a specialist prpagator which is what led me to choosing this item. It is great that the clear case allows easy visualisation of the interior so you can observe the seedlings progressing. This particular item comes with LED lights which are full spectrum which means they closely replicate natural sunlight and encouage seeds to grow as if under favourable growing conditions. The kit comes with multiple different LEDs which can be powered by USB and require barely any energy consumption. I am already getting my first shoots germinating for my first batch of spring vegetables so I am very pleased with how well this propagator has worked.

  22. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    They allow to grow stuff even in small apartments, I don’t have a lot of space in the place I live and this allowed me to make a small garden in my kitchen and grow some essentials herbs .

  23. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    eceived the kit recently and was impressed by the compact design, thought only one or two seed trays would be included but it had 5 sets of large trays as well as a multi-cable to connect to all 5 growers at once! Trays seem to be sturdy enough too, looking forward to growing many different things. Tools are also useful, with clear instructions on how to sow the seeds using them.

  24. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I like to know what I eat and prefer to grow my own vegetable, but since the weather in UK can be hit and miss, it’s really not easy to grow stuff in your garden or even in a greenhouse.

    This set of five seed trays is the ideal solution to growing plants indoors or / and in the greenhouse as it gives it enough light and warmth on those dull cold days.

    The lights are usb powered so you can plug them in to any usb socket, adapter or even a power bank.

    I’ve plugged in ours to a power pack that’s powered by solar panel and it’s been working great.

    I love the ability to control temperature and humidity.

    This kit is a great starter for any vegetable lover.

    If I was to improve anything, I would make the bottom trays stronger.

  25. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    They are fantastic great value seeds you plant will grow within 2 to 3 days they are totally worth the money I’m glad I purchased them 100%

  26. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    After getting a greenhouse last summer, we’ve started to grow so many more plants, herbs, vegetables and fruit plants from seed. We’ve used many of these small growing on trays previously, but these were the first time I’ve seen them come with the growing lamps included that are powered by USB. The trays are robust and fit together snuggly. We’ve plugged the lights into a power bank which seems to be lasting many many days providing constant light to the trays in our utility room. Hopefully in a few weeks, we’ll have plenty of items to grow on, as the weather gets warmer in our outside greenhouse.

  27. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    These are extraordinary for germination of seedlings.
    Works wonders.
    I have all of them in use with a powerbank.