Drive DeVilbiss Healthcare Bellavita Lightweight Reclining

Drive DeVilbiss Healthcare Bellavita Lightweight Reclining Bath Lift with Blue Covers (470100312)

Brand: Drive DeVilbiss Healthcare
Origin: United Kingdom

29 Responses

  1. SummerKowalski says:

     United Kingdom

    Nothing like the video for ease of use and moving in and out of bath. Due to lack of space and difficulty moving in and out of bath it is now back in its box in the garage. It is only useful if it can remain in the bath but it still needs to be moved to clean item and to clean bath. Possibly suit individual with young carer.

  2. CindiGNOgt says:

     United Kingdom

    The hardest part of putting together was putting the suction feet in. Cannot see why these could not be in when received. We really struggled and and not physically handicapped, also trapped my thumb when the seat closed on it whilst fitting feet. Having had a new bath it was a lot deeper than the old bath, could get in no problem but was starting to Jane trouble getting out. Tried new bath love it. As that is the shared bathroom am having to move it after use, once dried. Did find it hard to remove the back rest so have left it in upright position. It was not hard to move out of bath.
    Certainly made bathing easier.

  3. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This bath chair has given me my independence. Together with the sliding attachment for the top, I am able to get in and out of the bath/shower independently. We have a normal bath with a shower over. Because of this chair we have not had to change our existing bath/shower. I can get in and out of the bath by myself and use the chair to sit down when, showering, get tired etc. if I wish too. It also looks good in a normal bathroom, not like some of the monstrosities we disabled have to put up with.

  4. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought this because after a 2nd knee replacement I was having difficulty getting in and out the bath without help, so this enables me to do so own my own. You do loose some space so not quite as full bath as usual, but better than not at all,
    Only concern is, despite reviews I need to charge the control after each use, and even on a long charge (all day) it only gets to yellow not green.

  5. Mozzypop says:

     United Kingdom

    It’s a neat looking item. Very easy to assemble, very easy to use and very easy to clean.
    The only issue i feel that should be noted is that the lift comes with a pair of side flap protectors. ( See Photos) These stop the side flaps on lift from getting stuck under the bath handles when going up.
    You will probably need 1 to 4 pairs depending on the size of your bath and person using the lift. These are surprisingly costly going from 9.58-28+ a pair! I found the cheapest pair on Ebay. Seriously…. They probably cost about 3p to make. Apart from that. Two Thumbs Up.

    5.0 out of 5 stars Great product.

  6. Joey Paur says:

     United Kingdom

    OMG This is the best invention ever! I came out of hospital unable to stand & lift my legs up to get over side of the bath. You just sit on the side of the bath on the seat flap on the chair, swivel round, someone can lift your legs round into the bath & the seat lowers you down completely into the water with the remote control. HEAVEN! Totally recommend this & well worth the money.

  7. ChaunceLovegrov says:

     United Kingdom

    Fits on a standard bath a doddle and it’s max height more than enough. Up and down buttons
    are fool proof and has a quiet and efficient operation. Remember to fit the two guide straps to the bath handles to avoid possible snags. Great value and highly recommended.

    5.0 out of 5 stars Easy to make and simple to use

  8. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our Usersit is a good bit of kit, mum can work it but make sure you push the lead right in or it don’t work fully. hard for an older person to push right i

  9. Fraser Simpson says:

     United Kingdom

    The battery are in the remote so there’s no need to remove the chair for charging! Very simple
    If I had to pint out something!
    The bottom the back come apart but can stay in one peace for transport however they slip apart a bit to easy !
    And secondly the chair is square at the back but most tubs are covered wasting precious legroom!

  10. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a great item for getting into and out of the bath. My only downside for this chair is the space it takes up once down. My bathtub is long and before I could put my legs straight out, but not now. And I sit about an inch above the bottom. That said, I can not fault the access this chair gives me that I didn’t have due to restricted mobility.

  11. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersDue to a serious leg injury get in the bath, the last five years, but I have to say since I’ve got this oh my God, it’s great I would not believe how much I’ve missed it. I would highly recommend this It goes up to 22 stone so if you have mobility problems I would certainly go for this.

    5.0 out of 5 stars Bath chai

  12. MistyPring says:

     United Kingdom

    It has kept my mother in law independent,it’s so easy to use the remote control is easy to understand and it lowers into bath in a very smooth motion,the safety features are great so if not enough charge in battery’s it won’t lower you into bath if not enough power to bring you back up.
    The battery charge is fast .looks very nice .

  13. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThis is a convenient, easy to use way to be able to bathe. It isn’t quite as good as having a bath used to be, as you don’t get as low in the water, however it lifts you up easily after bathing, so much easier to get out of the bath. Getting into the bath is also very easy and comfortable. I don’t find it slow to move.

    I am pleased with this product, and feel that it was money well spent.

  14. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersMy elderly Mum could not get into her existing bath so was thinking of either bath being replaced or walk in shower. Came across this and can honestly say it’s a life changer for her. Only criticism the instructions are terrible I cad to call them directly to clarify it’s set up correctly which cost a lot as classed as a premium number by my provider! Battery charge lasts a long time to. I would definitely recommend this item

    5.0 out of 5 stars Life change

  15. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersThe bath lift arrived before expected date which is was great especially as a public holiday. It is more compact than you think which is good, but the instructions I found a bit confusing but may have just been me. Just make sure you unclip the red clip (push back slightly, don’t remove) so that scissor action can operate. Also you can slide the top away from the bottom to reach the suction inserts. Once the instruction “battle” was over the item works really well and my mother who is very unsteady has not been phased by it as it does wobble a little in operation but she doesn’t feel insecure, however we don’t fully lower it as she doesn’t like the back recline action (prefers to be upright). Charging really simple. As it states be careful of the side flaps with any handles on your bath. Would recommend.

  16. Alison says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought this for my mother who has been unable to get into or out of the bath for a couple of years now, and has had to resort to sitting on a board laid across the bath and use a hand held shower. I wish you could have seen her face as the chair gently lowered her into a warm bath (with bubbles!!) She feels safe and secure and is even able to dismantle on her own to remove from bath as its easy to do and very lightweight.

  17. ConcepcLions says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI can now bathe without having to worry about getting out as it certainly takes you down into the water and out again with ease. However I would say a different result depending on your bath size. If your bath is fairly short you cannot straighten your legs, and if your bath is large and wide the water does not come up as far as you would like leaving you quite cold at the top. I guess if your bath is long and narrow it may be just right. That said, it is a simple way of enabling you to have a bath, without any extra fixings and fittings, and can be folded up and removed easily, so that it is not a permanent fixture. It is beneficial, but a luxurious soak up to your shoulders is hard to achieve, but for safety and support it feels very steady and I suppose you could say it does do what it says on the box.

  18. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The service and follow up after sell is very good. However, I bought this to the purposes of help my disabled friend when he fall down indoor up from floor (hopefully we won’t use it for that reason). The sit in the bath is for my own used, comfortable with book and a cup of tea 🙂

  19. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Enables user to have a bath.
    Could do with now buying the spinner for the seat so user can swing legs easier over side into tub.
    The only thing is obvious limit to how low the seat will go. User is fine to be fully reclined to “lay ” further back into water but has to shuffle self onto seat to be sat again. This a little tricky as bathtub long.

  20. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is the best option we found for us, we both have knee problems and find standing up in the bath from seated impossible. Very effective for both of us one with knee injury plus arthritis, the other with arthritis of the knees. Felt perfectly safe with it. We are both able to stand once seated and step over the side of the bath, if unable to do that bathing may be more difficult. Its portable so doesn’t ruin your bathroom decor. Only issues were, despite both being of reasonably intelligent and with some engineering skill between us, we found the manual for initial set up impossible to follow. An engineering friend did it and it took him a while to figure despite the illustrations. We had contacted the suppliers who did send us a much clearer guide for one of the instructions we were struggling with, but not the second. No doubt they would have done so but by this time our friend had figured it out. It does need recharging after every use, so don’t try and have a bath after each other. My husband thinks it is excellent, makes a whole load of difference to him as he struggles with the shower and likes to soak his injured, aching knee in the hot bath.

  21. MartaDenmark says:

     United Kingdom

    So happy that for the first time in 4 years that I can finally get in a bath ! I have waited a while to give a review. I have arthritis and cannot sit down in a bath but now I can , even managed to put it together much to my husband’s amazement ! It can be taken out easily so others can use the bath the suction pads don’t slip so I feel secure in the bath but they come away easily for removing from the bath . We are going to have a new bath put in this is a wide bath so we will have to make sure that the seat fits in the new bath but I can’t see there will be a problem as the sides of the chair adjust as the chair rises and goes down. Battery seems to last for a while so ideal if you want to take the chair with you on holiday and don’t want to take the charger. Charges quickly . Covers comfortable and the whole item is easy to keep clean. This has improved my life so much as showers are great but there’s nothing like a relaxing bath !

  22. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I deliberated for ages about buying this, but am really glad I did. It arrived really quickly and was easy to put together on my own.

    I had showered for past 18 months but after my knee replacement and some back pain afterward, being able to lie in water is wonderful to soak away aches and strains.

    It is never going to be as good as a proper bath where you can submerge yourself completely but it is a darn site better than only being able to shower! The water for me comes up to my waist and I just use a jug to douse my top half in hot water. For me, the water reaches the parts I want to soak (knees, hips and lower back).

    The suckers do work, but are slightly are on the curve of the base of my bath, but I never feel insecure as my bath is not much wider than the chair. The handset flashes red if there is not enough battery to get one down and back up again. I would recommend providing you manage your expectations.

  23. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought this for my mum after a fractured leg and surgery meant she would struggle to get in and out of the bath alone.
    Price is very reasonable for what you get, a lot better than some other more expensive chairs I’ve seen.
    It is so easy to put together and take apart that I was sure I’d forgotten or missed something!
    The suction pads work well. A little too well if anything! Sometimes annoying when you’re trying to get it out of the bath and every time you get one off another sticks down again! But that’s better than the alternative.
    The wings on the side give a nice smooth transfer from edge of bath to seat, and they fold up perfectly when lowered down.
    Handset is easy to charge and fit to the chair. Be aware you need to really push it in firmly so the red part disappears or it won’t work properly.
    The only downside is the noise it makes when coming up again, it sounds like the chair is struggling even though it isn’t.
    Seat pads are easy to fit and remove for cleaning.
    *Be warned though*, it is large so if you have a short bath you can’t sit on it and lower it all the way down as your knees will end up by your ears! Also, if you’re taller you may struggle to use this for bathing for the same reason. My bath is short and has a sloped back, which is fine for smaller people and comfortable to recline on, but reduces the floor space of the bath itself so this chair ended up with the seat just past the halfway mark. However, mum’s own bath is longer so she should have plenty of space there. She used it as a shower seat here and it worked perfectly.
    With the back she felt much safer than just on a bath board.

  24. Dave James says:

     United Kingdom

    Works fine – not sure how long it will last as side elements of chair are not proper hinges.
    Despite claims to be best at recline angle it does not really go back that far – and not as far as a different make we had before. Does go to a good height making it easier to get out of bath. Elderly user needs a neck rest for it to be comfortable. Rating 7 out of 10.

  25. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersI had a bath lift from the NHS until we moved into a house with just a shower wet room. This one is lighter yet still stable. It’s so lightweight that it can be easily lifted in and out of the bath depending on whether it’s needed. The two pieces of plastic that prevent the sides catching on the bath could be wider as they’re only about an inch wide so can easily be pushed out of position. Otherwise a really nice bathseat with a nice 50 degree recline to the back, also won’t let you lower it if it doesn’t have the power to complete the full lower/raise so no getting stuck in the bath. It would be great if it could take you lower but it does take you lower than my old NHS one so that’s a bonus and I understand the mechanics as to why it can’t go flat. Overall I’m most pleased with this item and no, I didn’t get a bonus for review.

  26. TaraCuningham says:

     United Kingdom

    I believe that this device could, with just a little more of the skills that designed it, be made perfect.
    Instead of having a back support that reclines to a semi-upright position, leaving you still having to use an aid to wash your back, it would be wonderful to be able lean right back to soak it in water – with or without support.
    For me the overriding need is to spare arthritic knees from lowering and rising which the Bellavita does perfectly. The refinement I mention above would, I believe, make the Bellavita unbeatable.

  27. Eva Smith says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI purchased this because I am now having difficulty get out of the bath. This was easy to assemble . I took my first bath with it and found it very handy to lower myself into the bath. I was disappointed that I could not lay full length in the bath as the inclined backrest would not allow this. The lower part of my body was fully immersed though. Washing was easy enough. Getting out of the bath was easy as I found that raising the seat to the top of the bath and swinging my legs to the side I could put my feet to the floor and stand up safely. I am 20 stone but it easily raised me up. I was a bit disappointed that I could not lay full length in the bath but now I can safely get out of the bath which was the main reason for buying this bath lift. I would recommend this bath lift to anyone who has difficulty get in or out of the bath.

  28. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 102 From Our UsersThis is a superb product, my arthritic wife loves it and uses it frequently. It is well made, rigid and safe. Assembly was easy and operation is simple. Sits firmly on its four pads. Leaves enough space for a shower. We leave it in situ as we are both a little feeble. No hesitation in recommending it. I did a fair amount of research before deciding; I read all the comments on it (and others) and now have some difficulty in understanding the criticisms. The user guide makes assembly very easy and it is not too heavy to put into the bath. The design and construction are both extremely good, it is not at all flimsy. Hasten to say that I have no connection with the makers. Photos show the seat up, down and space left to shower with the seat in the bath.
    After 6 months use: Superb product, my wife uses it three times weekly for an immersion with Epsom Salt and she loves it. I have used it a few times (18 stone) and it does exactly what it says it should. Very highly recommended.

    Added comment: August 2020: I stand by my previous comments as the seat has given excellent service. However – I am quite angry with the poor service offered on this product. Some 5 weeks ago, one of the plastic side guides that prevent the rising seat being trapped under the bath handles snapped – probably aged plastic. I emailed the maker and asked for a quote for two of these guides, one to use and one as a spare. I was told by them to contact their UK arm, which I did, repeating my request. Their reply was that they only dealt with trade customers and gave me a link to nearby stockists. I contacted one who told me that they probably had some in stock, later telling me that they had not so would order from the UK company. After chasing them, they said that the company was out of stock but would probably have some available in a month. That would make it about two months that the seat would be unusable. I managed to fit with tape a piece of the original guide but it is not trustworthy. I do not appreciate this very poor service.

    5.0 out of 5 stars A great product at a fair price

  29. LashondPerivola says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 32 From Our UsersI got this after almost giving up on getting something simple but effective to use in the bath. A very good price and not overly cumbersome. Arrived quickly, well packed and was very easy to put together. Comes in 2 large parts so easily transportable. The box itself it came in was admittedly heavy but with it dismantling into the 2 sections it’s then ok as you lift only one bit at a time. The back can be put on in the bath and it reclines to a good point electrically too. Easy controls. A great buy. I had many OTs trying for YEARS to find me a solution…all very over priced at THOUSANDS and some rediculous gadgets. I knew There must be something simple like this and I’ve found it!! Worth a try….it goes quite flush to the bottom too so you can have a decent deep bubble bath…not sitting bolt upright in a few inches of water!! Lol