eXtremeRate Replacement Custom ABXY Action Buttons for Xbox

eXtremeRate Replacement Custom ABXY Action Buttons for Xbox Series X & S Controller, Three-Tone Black & Clear with Carmine Red Classic Symbols A B X Y Keys for Xbox One S/X, Elite V1/V2 Controlle
From the brand

eXtremeRate is a gaming accessory development company, focused on quality and innovation. As one of the global leaders in video game accessories, eXtremeRate leads the way in the video gaming entertainment industry with customized, innovative items, and unique one-stop gaming modding solutions since 2010.
Dimensions: | 3 x 3 x 1 cm; 15 Grams |
Model: | JDX3M002-JY |
Manufacture: | Extremerate |
Dimensions: | 3 x 3 x 1 cm; 15 Grams |
Origin: | China |
Difficult install due to the design of the controller, but are quality buttons and look great. Fit ever so slightly more loose than the stock ones in my Series X controller.
I bought the purple faceplate from this company, and ended up wanting matching buttons. Install took a lot longer than it should have because I have massive hands and very little patience. I thought I’d be clever and save time by only partially disassembling the controller. Just do yourself a favor and follow the how-to video exactly.
Also be careful to make sure the tall battery contacts make it back out of the back plate when everything’s reassembled. I didn’t at first, and was wondering why my controller suddenly wasn’t working with a known-good battery pack.
Now that everything’s put back together correctly, these buttons are great! Clicky and there isn’t any wiggling or anything. Fantastic shade match to the faceplate, too.
Got all my mods from extreme rate and so far so good, makes the controller look tidy and quality seems fine, quick postage, just ordered my soft touch rear panels can’t wai
Firstly, these do require a bit up mold trimming to correct for any odd stickiness as the injection molding looked to be cracked off instead of carved off.
Secondly, if these are loose then they were installed incorrectly or the screws weren’t tightened enough as the pressure pad should remove any wobbling.
Thirdly, I Love Them. I wasn’t sure I’d like the fact that the option for the YBRG colored letters with white base wasn’t available, but the all white works great. Super satisfying to still have the clear tips within which the letters sit. Looks original. Feels great with no wobble or sticking. Yes, I did some injection mold clean up but that’s beside the point.
Ever since I purchased my 20th anniversary controller I’ve been waiting for ExtremeRate to release the ABXY in that shade of green! My plan the whole time was just for the X to be green. Over all I typically have good experiences with their products.
These buttons are awesome and especially great for those of us that don’t have all the button locations memorized yet. With replacement buttons it is really hard to find ones that still have the ABXY markings and it is incredibly helpful. I also love the look with the classic black mixed with the mono color lettering. Just what I wanted in custom buttons. They were easy to install as well. Was able to watch a tutorial and get them in perfectly.
They look and feel just like OEM. Great mld to your boring controller….
The controller is one of the most difficult controllers to take apart, especially to get to the face buttons. But it was worth it. This is my wife’s controller and she loves it.
I liked the product but they were the slightest bit loose and I’m very OCD. These are perfect for any regular person though good produc
My controllers looks pretty nice with jus the gold ascent and white buttons. Trying to access the face-buttons was like trying to run through hell an back with so many clips and screws that just made the installation experience a hassle. Unfortunately, maybe I’m gaslighting myself but feels like there’s seems to be a lot more play around the buttons that what I would like, maybe the way I had to deal with the rubber pad at the back didn’t fit or something,. Good thing I just got these so if it’s becoming a deterrence, I can just return them and go for something else.
The item arrived a day sooner then expected and was described as show
Very quickly delivered, was well packed and the quality is as good as the originals.
Awesome look just need the last 3 matching ones to be made and I’d be fully content! All in all they are great!
The buttons fit perfectly like the originals. Pretty easy to change as long as you are comfortable with taking the controller apart. It gives the elite series 2 controller a good look
I ordered a number of extremerate products to piece together the type of xbox series x controller I wanted. These buttons are a difference maker. The buttons combined with new faceplates, triggers/bumpers, thumbsticks, has left me with a one of a kind, bragging rights type of controller that I’m so proud of. I already have another controller project in the works, using extremerate products and can’t wait to see the results!
Auf diese dreifarbigen ABXY Tasten habe ich gewartet!
Ja, 3-Farbig. Warum? Weil schwarz, blau (in meinem Fall) und transparent.
Hab ich damals nicht verstanden, als die alten Extremerate ABXY Buttons als zweifarbig bezeichnet wurden.
Die Verarbeitung hier ist gut. die Tasten haben an den Seiten leichte Spritzpunkte, die ich mit einem Messer abgekratzt habe. Haben die Originalen Tasten aber auch.
Die Qualitt ist fast wie original.
Die Oberflchen sind vielleicht etwas mit Mikrokratzern berzogen. Knnte man womglich rauspolieren.
Fr blau kann ich schonmal sagen, die Farbe haut mich jetzt nicht um.
Ist blau, ist cool, aber irgendwie htte ich da gern was krftigeres, oder leuchtenderes.
Der Einbau war natrlich etwas fummelig, weil man den ganzen Controller zerlegen muss und die Platinen wegen den hauchdnnen, kurzen verlteten Kabeln etwas nervig sind.
Was man noch beachten sollte ist, dass die ABXY Tasten sich wegen der genderten Gehuseform zwischen Xbox One und Series Controllern unterscheiden.
Bei der Series ist die X-Taste ein Stck hher und die B-Taste wirkt etwas breiter.
Mglicherweise (da bin ich mir aber nicht ganz sicher) sind die Tasten oben herum einen Hauch breiter.
Von der Bedienung her ist das aber nicht dramatisch.
Das X sieht nur etwas komisch aus, wenn man drauf achtet.
Ich habe einmal diese Extremerate Series Tasten in einem One Controller verbaut und einmal One Tasten in einem Series Controller. Beide Controller haben Extremerate Frontgehuse.
Auf den Bildern sieht man den direkten vergleich zwischen diesen Extremerate Series Tasten und originalen One Tasten.
Auf den letzten Bildern sieht man dann originale Series Tasten.
Im Gegensatz haben diese keine Kerbe am bergang von schwarz zu transparent.
Die Originalen Tasten sehen klarer und strahlender aus als die Extremerate Tasten.
Alles in Allem sind sie aber genau das, was man braucht, wenn man seinen Controller weniger Bunt haben mchte!
Ich hoffe darauf, dass Extremerate noch weitere Farben herausbringt. Zum Beispiel auch grau. Damit wrde mein Series Contoller mit dem Case im Elite Design dann noch ein Stck hochwertiger aussehen, als mit der minimal zu kurzen original X-Taste.