Forspoken with Collectible Art Card Set (Exclusive

Forspoken with Collectible Art Card Set (Exclusive to ) (PS5)

Weight: | 100 Grams |
Model: | SQEA60.UK.24AZ |
Origin: | Austria |
Forspoken with Collectible Art Card Set (Exclusive to ) (PS5)
Weight: | 100 Grams |
Model: | SQEA60.UK.24AZ |
Origin: | Austria |
Firstly this wasn’t for myself but was a gift, based off reviews I’d have never bought this game, plus the promotional content was awful, bought solely on the genre for someone else.
The start of the game is rough, and I believe most reviewers probably played this part alone, then called it a day, because after a few hours this game is quite incredible, the combat system is quite steep to get used too, but once you figure out how the game works, it’s a very satisfying experience fighting.
The map is huge, is it “empty”? Yes at the very start, but progressing through the game, the terrain changes, enemies are revealed and through the story you start to understand why the area you are in is abandoned.
Is it a perfect game? Far from it, but there’s something unique about this game, the parkour movement, the combat system, and the spell system (which gets expanded more and more as you progress) is exceptionally fun.
I think the game needs to be essentially “redirected” by another team or let the original team finish and polish the game then release a huge patch, something should happen along those lines because this game is too good to be left as it is, and too good to be criticized in the way it has been.
Plus there’s celebrities in this game, well known voice actors, why didn’t the promotional content state this before release? A huge mistake.
But if you like magic, you enjoy a very satisfying and unique combat system and a massive map, and I mean massive, this is actually a must buy, just ignore the first hour or two, because they are not enjoyable if I’m being honest, they are essentially a very long tutorial that should be cut from the game, because it truly does get phenomenally better after.
I am playing this a year after release wondering what all of the wailing and gnashing of teeth about it being SO TERRIBLE was. The gameplay is great ! – as are the art and graphics. The plot is enjoyable, with a likeable main character and credible NPCs.
Sadly it looks like the reveiw bombers may have had their way, sales suffered amd a sequel is unlikely, I hold out hope….
My 2nd attempt to review Forspoken as the first, more detailed one vanished without a trace. Maybe Frey’s “magical enemies” are hard at work? Every review counts, so I kept this short and sweet. This game is unmissable , and I highly recommend it.
Don’t jump on the bandwagon for all the pointless hate it’s getting. if you’re debating getting the game do it. the movement is great the magic is fun and so far for me the story is pretty interesting too
Forspoken is very enjoyable and exhilarating to play.
I received my copy four days early and have been happily addicted ever since, returning to it at every opportunity and looking forward to playing it when I’m not.
There was a bit of an issue with the visual fidelity but a quick adjustment of both my TV settings and the game’s settings has mostly rectified that. “Performance mode” is definitely the way to go and I turned off HDR+, adjusted the brightness and gamma then disabled motion blur. The game looks much better now.
(Have to say I’m not fan of games being released with two or three different graphic seems slightly deceitful and like the developers are unfocused)
Frey is a total joy to control and the combat is fluid and exciting. More options open up the further you go and can totally change your playstyle as different spells become available (both ranged and close-up combat with support magic) but no one type of magic ever becomes redundant.
I’m only 14 hours in and the options are plentiful.
There’s some lovely character development going on here. Frey’s hostile rejection of the expectations of others is slowly worn away by the loving nature of the people who need her.
In one scene she coldly rejects them and walks away only to collapse and have them immediately rush to her aid from all sides. It was a beautiful visual moment.
I also wasn’t expecting the emotional gutpunch of certain events.
The world seems huge and the story is certainly engaging but I’m actually more of an explorer than a main story person and Forspoken certainly doesn’t disappoint in that area with a certain Metroid style of progression and revisiting previous area using new abilities. I honestly think if you just follow the story and ignore side content you’re going to miss out on the tragic backstory, the desolate atmosphere and full flavour of this beautiful game. There’s a hopeless desperation present in the destroyed lands full of shambling broken humans and break-mutated beasts. Some reviews have short-sightedly called this a vast empty play area. It’s not. It’s the remnants of a once rich world now torn asunder. It’s the point.
The compulsive naysayers within the gaming community have already started with the negativity but hopefully you give this game a chance and see just how wrong they are.
Update: finished story and side content. Platinum trophy achieved.
Utterly stunning game. I’m really going to miss playing this, it was genuinely the most fun I’ve had playing a game for years. Now I’m just running across the map enjoying the awe inspiring landscapes.
I don’t want it to end :'(