GEMEK Portable Retro Camping Lantern, Hanging Dimmable COB

GEMEK Portable Retro Camping Lantern, Hanging Dimmable COB Brightness Tent Light for Camping, Party, Night Fishing, Hiking, Home Lighting, Outages Emergency [Energy Class A]

Weight: | 390 g |
Dimensions: | 20.2 x 12.2 x 12.1 cm; 390 Grams |
Brand: | GEMEK |
Model: | GD0235 |
Part: | GD0235 |
Colour: | Black |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | Yes |
Batteries Included: | Yes |
Manufacture: | GEMEK |
Dimensions: | 20.2 x 12.2 x 12.1 cm; 390 Grams |
Quantity: | 1 |
Ik zocht een leuke lantaarn die gemakkelijk te bedienen was, er leuk uit zag en een warm licht gaf.
Dat is dus zeker deze lantaarn. Hij is leuk, heeft een oplaadbare batterij die met usb C op te laden is en hij is ook nog eens dimbaar.
Er zijn drie led punten die 360 graden rondschijnen.
En de prijs is helemaal ongelooflijk!
I absolutely like this product, and I recommend buying this product, it charges nicely.
Funciona bien y hace muy buena luz, no me ha gustado que lleva pilas 18650 en vez de una bateria o unas pilas normales, lo cual dificulta reemplazarlas cuando las dos incluidas se agoten de uso por la edad
Lanterna molto carina , inserita nella tenda e devo dire che fa tanta luce, molto comoda ed anche bella esteriormente. Dura tanto anche la batteria
Bon preu, et ve amb dues bateries recarregables, per no te una ubicaci per la segona bateria
Bona llum amb regulaci d’intensita
Su material es ABS plstico, pero es lo esperado. Su beneficio es que pesa menos pero la construccin es de buena calidad.
– Se desenrosca por abajo para acceder a la batera. Trae una batera de regalo + cable de carga USB C.
Totalmente recomendable para adornar un jardn, terraza, como linterna auxiliar o en la mesita de noche.
Ausfhrung ist voll aus Plastik. Fr den Preis aber ok. Da sollte Mann nicht nicht dem hochwertigsten rechnen.
Lampe pour la cave, bonne luminosit, elle peut tre accroche, parfait.
Je recommande
Lgre, accrochable, rechargeable et bonne luminosit d’ambiance sur 1 table de jardin . Attention clairage moyen, pas 1 spot.
Une bonne lampe d’appoint pour le camping!
clairage suffisant pour de l’appoint en camping, les batteries 18650 sont un plus vous pouvez facilement trouver un chargeur et des batteries complmentaires.
So when I got this product, the box was completely damaged but thankfully the product was fine. I did find it odd that I had to keep it plugged into the USB cord for it to power on which doesn’t make sense. Maybe I had the battery inserted incorrectly. I don’t know why it came with a 2nd battery in the first place. But %100 recommend. It’s bright enough to use for s tent without disturbing others with the dimmer option.
Bought this for a family member, very pleased and happy to know they have the extra fabulise light for emergences.
J’tais ravie de pouvoir tester cette lampe dans le contexte actuel o on nous annonce des coupures d’lectricit !
J’adore le look rtro et un crochet permet de la suspendre.
Cependant, j’aurai prfr une lumire chaude et un modle rechargeable.
Having owned a similar lamp that was rechargeable I find that this battery operated one is much brighter and it retains its brightness for longer. – I can’t comment on the battery life as mine is still going strong with the batteries provided. But I am very pleased with this portable lamp.
It is good value for money and I would recommend it.
This is a great little camping lamp, powered by AA batteries, so no recharging needed. It has a nice retro, traditional feel and hangs up in your tent to help you see in low light. We have a few different camping lights we take with us and this is great value and performing well. Recommended.
Got this for my garden as it doesn’t have any outdoor lighting so it can get a bit tricky especially during winter months!
This lantern is honestly brilliant value for money at 12.98, firstly. So lightweight and easy to use – no need to fiddle with cables or finding a socket etc. The battery-powered functionality is perfect and so straightforward. Being so lightweight means I don’t have to worry about what I hang it onto as I know it’s not heavy enough to weigh anything down or fall off.
The design is also absolutely lovely with the vintage feel! I’ve not used it in rain but apparently it’s waterproof which is also great. The brightness is great too. Would highly recommend!
It is incredibly light, and whilst it does feel relatively well made, it also feels very cheap, but, it is, so can’t really expect much at this price.
It came with 3 AA batteries, it’s great they’re included, I’m not aware of the brand so I can’t say how long they’ll last and it’s a shame there’s no internal rechargeable battery but again, at this price I don’t expect it.
It does its job! It’s really impressively bright for its size and it is light to carry and comes with a hook. At 12.98 (also has a 5% voucher) I think it’s a very good price. Happy with it!
Eclaire trs bien, j’ai voulu la recharger et a ne se recharge pas, il doit y avoir un dfaut.
Je suis oblig de la renvoyer rmais je vais en commander une autre en esprant qu’elle se rechargera.
Dommage car elle est trs belle. J’ai reu une autre, elle se charge bien.
Je recommande.
-= Lieferumfang =-
– Campinglampe
– AA-Batterien (3x)
Die Lampe ist wesentlich kleiner als ich gedacht habe, sie ist komplett aus Kunststoff, jedoch gut verarbeitet.
Nach dem ich die mitgelieferten Batterien eingelegt habe, konnte ich sie per Knopfdruck eingeschalte. Der erste Drcker auf die Power-Taste macht die LED an, erneutes Drcken schaltet eine Helligkeitsstufe hher. Der dritte Drcker schaltet die Lampe wieder aus. Die Helligkeit ist ausreichend um im Dunkeln noch beisammen zu sitzen und an einem Campingtisch etwas Licht zu haben. Man kann die Lampe zwar aufhngen, doch man hat direkt unter der Lampe dann einen ziemlich groen toten Bereich, an den kein Licht kommt, weil es eben nur seitlich abstrahlt. Fr ein wenig diffuses Licht reicht dies zwar auch noch, aber um unter einem Pavillon sitzend noch Karten zu spielen, ist es doch zu wenig. Direkt auf Augenhhe ist sie zudem auch zu grell, also sollte man sie wirklich auf den Tisch oder an die Seite stellen.
Eine Anleitung wird nicht mitgeliefert, ist grundstzlich aber auch nicht notwendig. Die Bedienung ist ja ziemlich intuitiv, allerdings gehrt ein Datenblatt dennoch dazu.
Der Betrieb mit Batterien ist zwar praktisch, aber nicht nachhaltig. Da es die Lampe auch mit Akku gibt, wrde ich diese eher empfehlen, sie war jedoch nicht bestellbar, als ich den Artikel zur Rezension ordern konnte. Schade finde ich zudem, dass man es versumt hat, an dieser Lampe, trotz Batteriebetrieb, einen USB-C Anschluss anzubringen um AA-Akkus zu laden oder sie auch einfach mit einer Powerbank zu benutzen.
-= Preis/ Leistung =-
Das Preis-Leistungs-Verhltnis ist bei rund 27 in Ordnung, wobei ich denke, dass die Lampe mit rund 20 durchaus angemessener bepreist wre.
-= Fazit =-
Insgesamt ziehe ich einen Stern ab. Da ich das technische Design der Lampe fr berarbeitungswrdig halte, zudem ist sie recht klein und der Abstrahlwinkel fr manche Situationen nicht immer perfekt. Dennoch ist sie eine gute Lichtquelle, die ihre Einstze bei diversen Grillabendenden und Ausflgen erhalten wird.
This is a lovely little lamp, reminiscent of the old miners lanterns. It’s made of plastic so is very lightweight, and this is the battery version which takes 3 AA’s fitted into the screw on/off base.
It has two light sittings which you chose by pressing the on/off button, and it emits a fair bit of light on both. There’s a hanging hook on the top too so it can be hung up anywhere.
I’m going to save this for the summer months in the garden as I think it will look great.
A small cute but functional light.
It runs on 3 x AA batteries and comes with the batteries..
There’s a button for ON , and it has 2 levels of brightness, both are VERY bright.
In fact, do not stare at it as its an ice white strong light.
Great for travel.
Small but functional and works well.
Excellent value for money.
Cette lampe suspendre est trs jolie. Le plastique lisse imitation mtal est soign.
3 piles AAA sont fournies, et se glissent sur le dessous qui se dvisse.
Un interrupteur sur le bas permet d’allumer une lumire blanche sur 2 puissances, normale ou forte.
La lampe se pose ou s’accroche facilement, grce au crochet de grande taille.
Chez moi, je l’utilise plat dans mon atelier de bricolage, car lorsque je l’accroche, je trouve qu’elle blouit et empche d’avoir une bonne vision des choses vers le bas.
Pourtant a n’claire pas trs loin (300 lumens).
A mon sens, ce n’est pas adapt en camping : accroche en haut d’une tente, on est bloui, et elle ne supporte pas l’eau, donc inadapte l’extrieur.
A utiliser plutt comme dcoration dans un intrieur o a s’y prte.
Dimensions : 18 cm de haut, 11 de diamtre.
belle lampe , elle a un cot lampe de mineur ou de marin/pirate .
elle fait un super accessoire de dguisement , sorcire, passeur , faucheuse… .
fournie avec ses trois piles , elle a un bouton pressoir qui permet d allumer ou teindre.
pour sa fonction lampe de tente , elle claire vraiment fort , l avoir a hauteur d il fait vite mal . donc , pas trs pratique dans une tente . en mode suspendu .
elle est indmontable au premier abord , ni pour changer la lampe, ni pour y mettre un cache pour en faire une lampe plus douce .
elle reste satisfaisante pour son prix et peu s avrer utile a l extrieur. ou en dcoratio
It throws off a nice amount of light and looks as as good as a decorative lamp as it is a practical lamp.
As first impression I love it! It has a beautiful authentic look and feel to it. No installation required, once you insert the batteries (which is provided in the pack) it is ready to use, just switch it on. It is smaller than expected but it’s powerful enough to lighten the area and has 2 brightness settings (you press once for low, twice for brighter and third will switch it off). Would be excellent for camping but could also be used for garden or by the front door or even indoors for authentic feel. It isn’t USB powered and only works with batteries (not sure how long batteries would last). It doesn’t need light bulbs as it is fixed. The only thing is it’s hard to find the switch button as it’s same colour but part of that I am happy with the product and would recommend it.
Cette lampe est de taille moyenne mais claire vraiment de faon trs forte.
Elle a un petit look “rtro” plutt agrable.
Le bouton permet de dclencher l’clairage en position “normal” une premire fois (suffisant pour clairer dans une tente par exemple), un deuxime clic va faire basculer la lampe et mode “puissant” ( utiliser en extrieur car cela fait mal aux yeux sinon ;)).
Trois piles sont fournies, pour le moment elles tiennent plutt bien.
Le plastique utilis me semble quand mme un peu lger, je ne suis pas sur qu’elle rsiste plusieurs chutes.
Le crochet est pratique. Le prix (27) me semble un peu lev mais souvent en promo. Si vous avez le choix plutt s’orienter vers la version a batterie, peine plus chre mais plus pratique pour un usage rgulier.
Battery powered camping lantern for home, trips and every day use. Being battery powered this unit is long lasting and provided you take extra batteries with you, should keep going for as long as you need! It’s mega bright and covers a good area so great for a small family to share. Can be hung using the attachment provided or carried from the base. Several light modes to choose from too! Plastic build but made to a high standard.
This is a great camping light. Ideal for a campervan or a tent. It is battery operated and switches on/off by a button on the actual light. The light is not really warm, I’d describe it cold and it has two brightness levels.
The batteries were included which is a huge plus! It is bright for its size, would allow both for visibility and safety. The top part can be hang easily. Overall, a greatly practical little camping light.
Worth the value, durable, easy to use, two light modes bright and dim, a single button to turn on and off overall happy
I recently tried the GEMEK Portable Retro Camping Lantern and was thoroughly impressed with its features. This lantern has a dimmable COB brightness, which allows you to adjust the light level depending on the situation.
It is also incredibly lightweight and compact, making it easy to take with you on any camping, party or hiking trip. The hook and loop fastener makes it easy to attach to any surface, and the hook can be used to hang the lantern from a tree or other object.
The battery life is also surprisingly long, lasting up to 8 hours on the lowest setting and 4 hours on the brightest setting.
I would highly recommend this lantern to anyone who wants a reliable and portable light source while they are out camping or fishing.
Love this . It’s perfect for a attic space and the light is supper right it’s a ice white light colour very affective in the dark and it has a hook to hook anywhere you requeste light and it’s very easy to switch on Amd off simple button on base .
This is a lovely little retro camping light.
Made from plastic, this light is very lightweight and portable.
Requires 3 AAA batteries to operate which are includes in the box.
Push button to turn On/Off.
Nice bright, warm white light.
It may be one of the cheapest in its class. Costs just under 12 where others costs a lot.
– comes with 3 batteries
– simple to operate. Not too many complex operating chooses.
– 2 levels of brightness.
– looks classic. Apart from its original uses like camping, fishing or emergency uses, this is so cool to be used as a home decore item.
– water resistant so worry free to carry around as far as it is not drown in the water.
Delivered in its own branded box
Inside the box you get one retro camping lantern , this is made from plastic and has led lights inside . It’s powered by three AA batteries these are included in the box .
The lantern has a pull out metal hanging hook /handle . The batteries are inserted on the underside . There is a power button which when pressed also controls the lights which have two settings .
It’s lightweight easy to hold and hang also it’s very reasonably priced at 11.99 . There is the option to buy the usb charged model for a few pounds more . I’d be happy with eithe
This is a decent sized lantern, but the first time I saw the other side I was just wondering if the weather would be great, I find it emits a bright steady light 360 degrees, highly recommended as it’s so portable, powerful and trustworthy