Glangeh Car Phone Holder Wireless Charger, [Automatic Coil

Glangeh Car Phone Holder Wireless Charger, [Automatic Coil Alignment] 15W Max Wireless Car Charger, [Upgraded Metal Hook] Air Vent Car Mount Compatible with iPhone 14 13 12 11 Pro Max, etc

Dimensions: | 14.3 x 9.1 x 2 cm; 280 Grams |
Model: | W5 |
Manufacture: | Glangeh |
Dimensions: | 14.3 x 9.1 x 2 cm; 280 Grams |
Il supporto si stringe con una ghiera il che rende stabile il fissaggio alla presa dell’aria del cruscotto. Lo snodo regge il peso di cellulari anche un po’ datati e le alette di tenuta lo rendono perfettamente adattabile ad ogni modello di telefono. Pratico e maneggevole anche con una mano sola.
Ottimo rapporto qualit prezzo.
Ich durfte im Rahmen eines Produkttests diese “Handyhalterung Auto Mit Ladefunktion, [Upgraded Metal Hook] MAX 15W Fast Wireless Charger Auto, 360 Drehung Automatischer Induktive Ladestation Auto Kompatibel mit iPhone 14 13 12 Pro Max usw” von der Marke Glangeh testen wofr ich mich bedanken mchte und was keinen Einfluss auf meine nachfolgende Bewertung nehmen soll!
Die Handyhalterung wurde schnell und sicher geliefert ohne Transportschden oder optische sowie technische Mngel in der Verarbeitung aufzuweisen!
Die Halterung fr den Lftungsschlitz lsst sich einfach installieren, funktioniert einwandfrei und hlt wirklich Fest!
Die Induktivladestation ldt tadellos mein Samsung Galaxy S8; S10 und S21ultra mit einem QC3.0-KFZ-Adapter in QC-Geschwindigkeit auch trotz dicker SPIGEN Hlle die sich um mein Smartphone befindet!
Beim Laden wird das Gert nicht unbedenklich hei, Einflsse durch Sonneneinstrahlung nicht mit betrachtet, und schaltet vor berhitzung auch rechtzeitig das Laden ab!
Was ich persnlich etwas schade finde ist dass das Laden nicht Geruschlos von statten findet.
Man hrt doch wenn die Umgebungsgerusche Leise sind ein surren!
Alles im allem trotz einer kleinen negativkritik ein gutes Produkt welches definitiv 4 von 5 Sternen und eine Kaufempfehlung verdient hat!
Ich hatte schon diverse Halterungen fr das Lftungsgitter, diese waren jedoch alle sehr wackelig und haben sich bei greren Schlaglchern schon mal gelst. Hier hat man endlich mal eine Handyhalterung fr das Lftungsgitter, die sehr stabil ist und nicht wackelt. Der Greifarm ist nicht nur durch eine Feder am Lftungsgitter hlt sondern durch eine Drehmutter und hier uerst stabil fixiert werden kann. Ebenfalls sehr stabil ist das Handy da ich es seitlich Fixieren kann. Kippt auch bei Bodenwellen nicht gleich runter.
Ladefunktion ist auch gu
Trs pratique, il tient vraiment bien il fait bien son job , mon iPhone 12 Pro Max charge merveilleusement bien. Je vous recommande
++ geschtzt verpackt geliefert
++ leicht ausgefhrt
++ stabiler Aufbau
++ gleichmig gefertigt
++ einfache Installation
++ es passen div. Smartphone-Gren
++ integr. Induktionsladen
+++ berladeschutz
+++ berhitzungsschutz
— der Betrieb ist nicht unbedingt geruschlos, manchmal pfeift das Gert
— die 15W maximale Ladeleistung sind f. aktuelle Verhltnisse etwas wenig.
Trs pratique pour les trajets, plus besoin de brancher mon portable, plus qu le poser serrer et c est tout je suis satisfaite il fonctionne bie
Sobald der Halter fest ist, wird die Pfanne des Handyhalters mit auf die Kugel des am Lftergitters montierten Unterteils gesteckt, berwurfmutter anziehen, schon kann die Halterung genutzt werden. Die Montage ist somit kinderleicht und in krzester Zeit durchgefhrt.
Die Halterung hlt bei mir ein recht kleines Telefon sowie ein eher groes Note Modell einwandfrei, hier ist man wirklich extrem flexibel ohne erst die Halterung anpassen zu mssen. Das gefllt mir gut, hatte ich bei wesentlich teureren Halterungen schon erheblich schlechter erlebt. Die induktive Ladefunktion funktioniert bei beiden Handys ebenfalls problemlos.
Ein sehr kleines Manko habe ich festgestellt, das ist aber eigentlich schon jammern auf hohem Niveau. In der Pfanne ist ein Gummipuffer, dieser soll verhindern das sich die Halterung im Gelenk bewegen lsst wenn die berwurfmutter angezogen ist. Das hat bei mir als Grobmotoriker 😉 nicht ganz zuverlssig funktioniert da die Kugel einfach zu glatt ist.
Ich bin daher kurz mit einem 80er Schmirgelpapier ber die Kugel rber, durch die rauere Oberflche hebt es auch bei mir nun Bombenfest.
Im Fazit eine sehr gute Handyhalterung, deren Preis- Leistungsverhltnis bei dem aufgerufenen Preis von 23,19.- in meinen Augen absolut passend ist.
Ich gebe hier gerne gute und verdiente 4 Sterne und halte die Handyhalterung fr empfehlenswert.
Vielen Dank fr das Lesen meiner Rezension, ich hoffe ich konnte euch bei eurer Kaufentscheidung untersttzen.
A good quality fast wireless charger that fixed nicely to the vent. Installation was simple, although I did need to use a longer cable than the one supplied. The little arm that protrudes into the vent can be tightened without fear of breaking the vent – the nut will click to prevent overtightening, which I think is an excellent feature. Putting your phone in and taking it out with one hand is very simple.
The only issue I’ve had with it has been that the arm is quite long, which means it does stick out quite a way. If it is near your steering wheel, it might interfere a little and it does bounce up and down quite a bit. However, it does seem to be very well made.
The fact that it charges whilst holding your phone is such an added bonus. I find using sat nab drains my battery so this is great. It automatically closes on the phone so fits it perfectly and holds it nice and sturdy. I use this every time I’m in the car now!
Despite being somewhat plasticy, this item is still sturdy and charges my phone well. It’s a plus to have a USB cigarette socket included.
Glangeh Car Phone Holder Wireless Charger is a 2 in 1 – phone holder and a wireless charger with a max charging power of 15W. The charger works with 5V/9V/12V on a max 2Amp and gives an output between 5W-15W with a receiving distance that should be under 6mm.
The mounting system is metalic and its designed for those flat air vents and is so easy to install. The holder is recommended for so many types of Iphones but I will suggest to take off any cover because the side holder doesn’t offer such a big surface of grip and may fall.
Overall I find this product very versatile and helpful.
Well working wireless charger for car use. Charge my iPhone 13 well and quite fast.
Hold phone good to.
Also package includes qc car charger if needed faster charging.
For that price I can say is very good item.
And surely I can recommend it to all.
This charger works great in the car.
The sides and bottom are all adjustable, so I imagine this would be able to fit almost any phone out at the minute.
I have not been in the car on a long enough journey to comment on the speed of the charging. Although wireless charging is generally slower than a normal cable.
It comes with everything needed to get charging.
The clip that comes to attach to your air vents is very well engineered and shouldn’t come lose unless intended.
It does make a strange “wurring/wizzing” sound for around 10/20 seconds when you start your car up. Even if nothing is charging.Grea
This car charger is easy to fit, even with one hand while you try to record your escapades with the other.
The novel extending clamp fits nicely on a Ford Focus vents which are often too wide for other phone holders. The phone is securely held and it’s not fallen off once.
When you plug it in you’ll hear a whirring sound as the wireless charging part finds it’s centre, this basically adjusts automatically when you put your phone in the cradle so it fits exactly where your phone needs it to.
Not the fastest charge, but it’s nice to know you’re not going to run your battery down listening to music on your phone while in the car.
The press button release of the side arms is nice and feels solidly made.
The small 12v/cigarette lighter socket adaptor is compact and of good quality.
Not the cheapest of it’s kind, but it certainly feels like you won’t have to buy another one in a couple of months.
This appears to be unusual. It is well-built and functional, but there are a few aspects that I found bothersome or annoying.
The automated coil alignment feature allows the coil to be automatically aligned with the phone coil after clamping the phone, making charging more effective and less likely to overheat. The car wireless charger is highly compatible with all wireless fast-charging mobile phones: 15W fast charging compatible with Huawei, 10W compatible with Galaxy, and 7.5W suitable with iPhone
The mounting method is effective. The vent clip is spring-loaded and requires some force to open the clamp – but it also holds fairly effectively. The unpleasant thing is that you will almost surely touch the back of the unit numerous times during installation, and even when it is not connected to power, the arms will open and close, which is rather annoying!
Overall, it performs as promised, however, it is more expensive than other car holders and has an inconvenient function.
I’ve used this for a couple of weeks now and honestly have nothing bad to say about it.
It’s easy to put in the car and feels a lot safe than my old phone holder and has the benefit of it charging my phone as well.
ice easy set up, works well, good price, fast delivery
plugs into the vent well and stays in place ok, charge rate is as expected and phone stays in place well, good value for money
Its is a strong good car phone holder with wireless charging option that enables an easy handling of charging phone while driving. The holder is well built.
Chargeur de voiture sans fil. quip de la prise de voiture et du cble, et une tte de fer est installe pour le fixer.
Il a une bonne stabilit et ne tombe pas.
Sa recharge sans fil est correcte, mais la prise allume-cigare qui l’accompagne doit tre utilise pour un meilleur rsultat.
Sa charge est environ une demi-heure plus lente qu’un chargeur filaire, ce qui est normal.
Les bras s’ouvrent et se ferment manuellement.
Cette chose est bonne car elle n’a pas besoin de l’lectricit de la voiture pour s’ouvrir et se fermer.
En revanche, il ne possde pas de moteur l’ouverture et la fermeture automatique comme les autres chargeurs, ce qui est plus pratique.
Je pense que le prix est lev par rapport d’autres produits similaires.
La livraison a t trs rapide, en une journe.
I like this dual purpose holder. In addition to clasping the phone, it’s also a fast charger and it really works. It clips neatly into the heating grille and remains secure. The holder has a quality look and feel and it charges very quickly. Much faster than via the car’s USB port and charge cable.
It looks built to ladt and full marks for doing exactly as promised.
This Glangeh car phone holder/ wireless charger arrived nicely boxed with car charger, cable, user guide and all the fittings.
The measurements are exactly as per listing description.
It was easy to mount it in the car.
I have it fixed to the air vent.
Angle can be easily adjusted, so I can see mobile phone screen well.
This wireless charger looks and feels well made, sturdy and durable. It is stable and holds my mobile phone – Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra safely.
Clamps are soft so haven’t scratch my phone.
Clamps must be closed by hands, I use to my previous charger with automatic closure, so I must remember to close it manually to secure my phone.
I’m not sure if manual closing/opening is plus or minus…
I had wireless charger before, but I’ve upgraded to this one as this one is very unique as has automatic coil alignment.
It works well and charges my phone fast without getting hot.
I don’t know how to check if it has coil alignment, but it is making some buzzing noises when phone is inserted before it starts to charge it, so maybe it is because it aligned coil magnetic field…
It isn’t the cheapest wireless charger on a market but seems to be working well and I like its practical design.
Its regular price is 29.99, but it is currently on offer with 30% off voucher taking the price down to 21, what is very reasonable, so I would happily recommend this charger.
Pleased with this new car phone holder and charger. I use my phone as a sat nav and use the app Maps. It’s his charger aligned well with my iPhone and the charge was super fast.
I thought looked a little chunky but got use to it pretty quick. Great value for money and do recommend.
The automatic coil alignment car charger was nicely presented in a box. It’s high quality made and durable. The light on the charger is red when not charging and blue when charging.
It’s has automatic coil alignment so you will hear a noise while it’s searching.If you have a problem with it not charging it could possibly be because it’s not aligned correctly and you may need to remove your phone and try again as that happened to me and I thought it was not working.
Once correctly aligned you no longer need to adjust it unless you change to a different phone size.
I currently don’t drive so I use this to charge my phone at home when I want to use my phone but it need’s charging at same time.
Feels like holding a phone grip wireless charger which I’m yet to find but would be mega handy for me this is my new favourite wireless charger because I can travel with it and use with a Powerbank to charge my phone wireless
It’s definitely value for money and I highly recommend.
Support tlphone induction pour les tlphones compatibles, sinon la charge est possible galement mails il faudra brancher le cble en plus au tlphone donc moins pratique et moins d’intrt.
Fixation uniquement sur grilles de ventilation compatibles, bien vrifier si votre grille est adapte la fixation, car pas d’autres possibilits de fixation.
Modle assez imposant de part sa taille mais trs stable.
Ouverture et serrage manuel des pinces de maintient.
La charge rapide est possible grce l’adaptateur chargeur QC3.0 fourni avec le support.
Ce support de voiture induction est livr avec une notice rdige uniquement en Anglais, avec un cble de recharge USB-A vers USB-C et avec un adaptateur pour allume cigare compatible charge rapide 3.0. La puissance de la charge sans fil est de 15 Watts maximum. Le support s’adapte aux smartphones de 4.7 pouces minimum jusqu’ 6.5 pouces maximum. Le chargeur est dot d’un systme qui aligne sa bobine automatiquement avec celle du smartphone pour une meilleure charge. Le support pourra charger des smartphone munis de coque mais l’paisseur de celle-ci ne devra pas dpasser 6mm. La coque ne devra pas galement tre quipe de logement pour carte bancaire, ni d’anneau en mtal, ni d’aimant et ne devra pas tre en mtal. Le crochet qui sert fixer le support aux grilles d’aration est en mtal. Le joint de rotation 360 permet de rgler l’angle de vision comme on le dsire. Le support de tlphone est d’une excellente qualit de fabrication. Aucun dfaut de fabrication est noter. La qualit des matriaux utiliss est trs bonne, voire excellente. La surface du chargeur sur laquelle repose le smartphone est trs douce et ne risque pas de rayer le smartphone mme s’il n’est pas muni de coque. L’adaptateur pour allume cigare est aussi de trs bonne qualit avec ses deux ports USB. Un port est de type USB-A et compatible charge rapide et l’autre est de type USB-C, charge normale. Un cercle lumineux s’allume lorsqu’on met le contact sur le vhicule. Le design de ce chargeur est vraiment russi, c’est un bel appareil.
A l’usage, ce chargeur a des avantages mais aussi des inconvnients. Lorsqu’on insre le smartphone entre les deux pinces et que l’on les resserre, on entend la bobine du chargeur qui s’aligne avec celle du tlphone, ce n’est pas du tout gnant. Le chargeur est bien maintenu entre les pinces et ne risque pas de tomber. La charge fonctionne parfaitement et semble tre assez rapide. A ce niveau, aucun problme de charge est noter. Les points ngatifs de ce chargeur, mon avis, concernent l’installation du chargeur et son maintien. En effet, je trouve le crochet mtallique trop petit et j’ai eu du mal le fixer aux ailettes de mes grilles d’aration qui sont verticales. J’y suis tout de mme parvenu. Mon smartphone pse presque 250 grammes et il a tendance basculer vers le bas mme en serrant trs fort la bague de serrage contre la boule 360 (joint de rotation). Lorsque j’emprunte des routes ou des rues cahoteuses le support a aussi tendance beaucoup bouger mais cela reste acceptable. Malgr que je trouve le crochet de fixation un peu petit, pour le moment, le support ne s’est jamais dtach des grilles d’arations. Pour dgager le smartphone des pinces il faudra appuyer sur un bouton qui se situe l’arrire du support.
En conclusion, je suis tout de mme satisfait de ce support de tlphone avec charge induction. Le design est trs russi, la matire est de qualit. La charge est efficace et assez rapide. Dommage que l’installation n’ait pas t simple mais cela dpend aussi des grilles d’arations de chaque vhicule. Il faudra galement serrer trs trs fort la bague de fixation pour ne pas que le smartphone ne bouge trop.
ce chargeur support induction est assez grand, il est simple installer. j’ai aim le crochet en mtal pour le fixer sur la grille d’aration. le tlphone est bien dtect mais j’ai du retirer ma coque qui est trop paisse pour tre compatible avec le support. le petit plus, le chargeur avec ses 2 prises USB pour l’allume cigare.
This is my third attempt on Car phone holders and I finally found one that can hold my phone in a good way and easy to use.
It is easy to place my phone and keep it fixed, just pressing the side holders and it is ready.
The wireless charger is perfect for not need to cable connect every time. The product has a good quality and the usb connector is perfect.
It is good recommendation for everyone.
Packaging for this was simple, no unnecessary extra cardboard and everything inside was packaged well and securely. Everything on the cover tell you everything you need to know and was (as far as packaging goes) really nice. Inside was:
1 x Wireless car charger
1 x Manual
1 x Charging cable
Overall, this little car charger is great. It grips firmly in the car vent and holds the phone securely.
Wireless charging works including through a phone case and everything you need is included in the box.
This being said, it does make a buzzing noise for a few seconds before it starts charging the phone which can be a little annoying but overall good product and value for money.
-Good points-
– Easy to setup
– Easy to use
– Easy to charge
– Secures well
-Bad Points-
– Minor buzzing on start-up
The description says this works woth IPhones but it doesn’t mention that it also works well with Samsung phones. It’s easy to install and chargers at a relatively decent speed. I am a delivery driver so I use my phone as a sat nav and take it in and out if my car several times a day every day. I was worried the constant plugging and unplugging of a charger would mess my phone up so I am really happy knowing that this will no longer be an issue
Installation of this phone holder is straightforward. It hooks into the vents of your cars air-conditioning and then can be locked in place.
Once in place, it feels secure and has been fine so far to hold my phone in place to use as a sat nav while driving and it can be used either vertically or horizontally.
It also has wireless charging capabilities, which won’t match up to regular cabled charging, but it’s great for the convenience of topping up your battery on the move.
It comes with a charger included, so you’ve got everything you need straight out of the box.
All in all, it does the job as expected, but it’s more expensive than similar on Amazon at 31.99, which was the price at time of writing.
I hope you found this review helpful.
This is a great sturdy phone charger for your car, it is easy to set up and install. It is wireless and the signal is good & strong at close range. I like the sturdiness of it and the way it is designed + how it looks and I love the price. All around it is a good car phone charger.
This locks onto my air vent easily and is a quality clamp, it also comes with the 12v adaptor and lead, it fits my s21 no problem and holds it firmly without moving around when driving, all in all, a very good car phone charger., it has automatic coil alignment when as far as I can tell from reading it aligns the charging coil with your phones perfectly for a sold charge every time, great little charger.
Love this as my phone is not magnetic but with this i can still charge my phone while adding the cable to get my android auto when i need it.
Fits great in the car and nice and secure.
Highly recommend
This is a quality car phone holder. They are easy to install and stable as well. And I like it that I can charge wirelessly as well. A little pricey but I guess it is worth it for its quality and ease of use.
This is great for using my phone in the car as you can move it to wherever you need and it charges it whilst it holds it.
Reu dans les dlais, produit bien emball.
Rapide et simple installer, produit complet : support, cble et allume cigare s’ajuste dans la fente et mode horizontal o vertical
A voir dans le temps.
Rapport Qualit/Prix : Correct.
Par rapport mon ancien je peux le passer en vertical sans qui tombe.
Alors Avis Utile ?
Ce support recharge bien le tlphone.
Nanmoins il est super imposant (cf photo).
On le fixe sur les grilles d’aration (une molette permet de rgler la largeur).
On peut rgler la hauteur si on a un grand tlphone.
Pour fixer le tlphone, il suffit de le poser et d’appuyer sur les deux gchettes pour les resserrer.
Pour le ressortir il faut appuyer sur un bouton situ en haut.
Le cble allume cigare / USB est fourni.
Support recharge sans fil a placer sur les grilles aration au tableau de bord, dans mon cas sur une VW sans aucun souci.
Toutefois l’ensemble est un peu trop loin de la grille et bnficie moins du refroidissement, mais bon.
Test sur un Oppo fine x3 pro la charge fonctionne bien. A noter que j’utilise l’adaptateur prise cigare livr et son cble USB.
Pour une fois j ene risque pas de me faire piquer par ma douce mon support de tlphone : Sa voiture est munies de clapets de ventilation.
la languette de maintien attrap le derrire de la grille pou rmaintenir l’ensemble bien en place.
Rien ne bouge, mme sur les routes cahotiques.
La recharge induction fonctionne mais chauffe plus que mon socle de bureau.
Fourni avec adaptateur allume cigare et cordon USB C.
Sa fermeture et l’ouverture des pinces sont manuel, je n’ai pas aim la position de la touche qui permet d’ouvrir les pinces pour librer le smartphone, elle se trouve l’arrire et difficilement inaccessible quand le tlphone est dessus.
Son chargement est correct et classique pour une charge sans fil induction parcontre elle est trs bruyante lors du dmarrage comme des grincement qui sont lgrement irritant pour les oreilles,
J’aime beaucoup le support qui s’accroche trs bien la grille d’aration, le support reste stable mme sur une route abm. sinon l’ensemble reste assez correct avec quand mme 2 points faible, la touche et le son irritant.
N’hsitez pas cliquer sur utile si j’ai pu vous aider vous faire un avis sur ce produit, cela fait toujours plaisir…