iBasingo Titanium Foldable Chopsticks 1 Pair Lightweight

iBasingo Titanium Foldable Chopsticks 1 Pair Lightweight Reusable Chopsticks 22.8 cm 2-Section Chopsticks Travel Portable Utensils Outdoor Camping Office Tableware with Sack Ti1006T

Boundless Voyage Titanium Foldable Chopsticks 22.8 cm Outdoor Camping Portable TablewareTA1 titanium 22.8 cm Outdoor Camping Portable TablewareThe non-slip design of the chopsticks is easy to grasp and not easy to slip offMetal Chopsticks Reusable Utensils with Storage Bag You can easily use them to eat Sushi, Noodles or Rice.

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Material 99.8% titanium, handle is stainless steel 99.8% titanium 99.8% titanium 99.8% titanium 99.8% titanium, rivets are stainless steel 99.8% titanium, handle is stainless steel
Capacity 600ml, 1000ml 400ml, 600ml, 800ml, 16.4cm, 18.3cm 300ml, 450ml
Come with bag

Weight: 30 g
Dimensions: 13.6 x 7.6 x 2 cm; 30 Grams
Brand: IBasingo
Model: Ti1006T-B
Dimensions: 13.6 x 7.6 x 2 cm; 30 Grams