NordicTrack T Series Treadmills, Black

NordicTrack T Series Treadmills, Black

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Full-Body Training

Hop off the treadmill and follow your trainers to participate in high-powered cross-training workouts designed to get you moving and feeling good.

Get Out and Explore

Follow your favorite iFIT Trainers through breathtaking workouts filmed on location around the world, all while receiving professional instruction on your form.

Studio Classes Come Home

Stream high-energy LIVE and on-demand Studio Classes led by elite iFIT Trainers in a motivating and empowering atmosphere any time you want.

Trainer-Led Workouts

In Live Workouts, Studio Classes, and Global Workouts, your iFIT Trainer will automatically adjust your speed, decline, and incline to optimize your exercise.

Size: One Size
Dimensions: 185 x 91 x 138 cm; 92 Kilograms
Brand: Nordictrack
Colour: Black
Department: Unisex
Dimensions: 185 x 91 x 138 cm; 92 Kilograms
Size: One Size

27 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    La compre porque soy perezoso a la hora de hacer deporte en calle, y desde el 1 mayo junto a una dieta bsica, he perdido 14 kilos y mi mujer 16… en mi caso la uso 30 min todos los das si o si, sin fallar ni un da a una velocidad de 5.5 u 6… ni un solo fallo y en una bestia de grande, muy pesada cosa que te da seguridad… de momento sper aconsejable… tanto por la maquina como por su marca. Y en cuanto al envo genial por Amazon en su caja, forrada de maderas para no daar los cantos de caja….

    Gran cinta de corre

  2. Erik Sofge says:


    Ok, adesso lo posso recensire, lo uso sa un po’, leggermente rumoroso, ma nella norma, ha un buon audio, ci collego il tablet per guardare un film mentre corro o cammino, la sua APP non male, non l’ho ancora provata in tutti i suoi dettagli, i sensori per il battito cardiaco ci mettono un po’ a dare il risultato, ma non un problema ho un orologio al polso che fa quel lavoro, devo ancora provarlo con una cintura cardiaca, corregger la recensione quando la provo

  3. Andrew says:

     United Kingdom

    Very good treadmill altogether. Great for working out with many useful information on the display. Quality of treadmill is very similar with the ones used in the gym and the folding mechanism is so easy.Goog design and safety features. I really recommend to opt for assembly also, the team who did it for me was absolutely professional and very friendly, test it after and gave me some useful information also ,the extra 50 paid really worth either there are loads of videos available on YouTube how to put it together.

  4. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersA week, and a few runs in, and I’m over the moon with it. Built SOLID. Feels like it’ll last a long time. Nice basic quick settings for speed and incline.

    I don’t use the iFit integration so can’t comment in that.

  5. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 22 From Our UsersDas Laufband ist super. Alles stabil und fest. Gre passt auch. Und obwohl das Teil fast 100 kg wiegt kann man es problemlos auf und zu klappen.

    Aber die Lieferung war etwas stressig:

    Das Gert war wie immer pnktlich und nach 2 Tagen da.
    Ich habe gebucht Lieferung bis zum Aufstellungsort”. Und Altgert Mitnahme. Ich habe das auch mit dem Kundenservice abgesprochen, vor ab.
    Aber als die Lieferanten da waren, wollten sie mir das Laufband nicht hoch tragen. Obwohl ich das gebucht habe. Ich habe meine Hilfe angeboten, aber sie wollten noch einen vierten Mann dazu. Da es aber keinen gab, habe ich sie dazu gedrngt und wir haben es relativ okay hoch getragen.
    Dann wollten Sie mein Altgert nicht mitnehmen aber da ich wusste, dass das wieder problematisch wird, habe ich vor ab mir eine E-Mail schicken lassen, wo das besttigt ist. Und auerdem habe ich Ihnen erklrt, dass das deutsche Gesetz so ist.

    Und das beste ist: die wollten mir Tipps zum einkaufen geben das ich sowas doch bei hagebaumarkt oder so” kaufen soll

    Trotz der Umstnde habe ich Ihnen jeweils zehn Euro Trinkgeld gegeben. Aber ehrlich gesagt, bereue ich es.

    Falls mein Kommentar jemanden geholfen hat, bitte ich um einen Like mit. Ich wei, dass meine Zeit nicht umsonst war.

  6. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersEin bisschen laut, aber extra fr Nachbarn unten, habe ich eine Matte zum Unterlegen gekauft. Funktioniert einwandfrei. Fast 100 kg schwer, aber das Zusammenbauen ist wie Anleitung sehr einfach, braucht unbedingt 2 Personnen.

    Für privat ein bisschen groß.

  7. Daily Mothering says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersGreat machine and sturdy even of heavier people. Was fine when used by a 130kg user. Unfortunately wasn’t able to book a schedule build to my postcode, (half a mile away – no problem), so had to build myself. Was not too hard but time consuming and there’s plenty of YouTube videos to show you how. Was 1299 on main site but Amazon in sale brought this down to 699 (799 normally) so a good deal regardless. I did around a week of research on the various models around this price and the problem being is weight of user limited to 100/100kg. This machine is almost commercial quality. It was missing a nut to fold it but not impossible to replace locally and I don’t fold i

  8. ConnorJelks says:


    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersDie Lieferung erfolgte pnktlich zum Wunschtermin. Um dieses fas 100 kg schwere Gert in das erste Obergeschoss zu bekommen, mssen unbedingt zwei starke Personen anwesend sein. Der Aufbau ist recht einfach und gut erklrt, aber auch hier ist es erforderlich zu zweit zu arbeiten.
    Das Laufband ist sehr stabil und hat einen festen Stand.
    Die Laufflche von 51×140 cm ist richtig klasse, man hat keine Angst daneben zu treten und sie ist auch fr groe Personen gut geeignet. Man kann das Laufband zwar zusammen klappen, doch braucht es trotzdem viel Platz. Zu beachten ist, dass man eine ausreichende Raumhhe hat (mindestens 2,50m). Der Raum sollte gut belftet sein, damit man beim trainieren ausreichend frische Luft tanken kann.
    Der Computer ist einfach zu bedienen.
    Optional kann man per 3,5mm Klinkenstecker das Smartphone oder Tablet anschlieen. Der Sound der eingebauten Lautsprecher ist gut.
    Zustzlich habe ich einen Bluetooth Brustgurt fr die Pulsmessung bestellt. Er lsst sich einfach und zuverlssig per Bluetooth verbinden. Somit hat man immer den Puls im Blick.
    Neben dem manuellen Modus gibt es noch 20 voreingestellte Programme ( Kategorien: Kalorien, Ausdauer, Berglauf und Speed).
    Die Lautstrke des Gerts ist nicht so wild. Wir wohnen zum Glck in einem Einfamilienhaus. Aber auch mit Nachbarn sollte das Training zwischen acht und 20 Uhr nicht zu Beschwerden fhren.

    Nach einer Covid-19 Erkrankung muss ich mich wieder langsam an meine Laufrunden heran tasten. Mit dem Laufband geht das richtig gut. Man startet nicht zu schnell und hat die volle Kontrolle ber Geschwindigkeit, Steigung und Puls. Ich bin sehr glcklich mit dem Laufband und wenn man es erst einmal hat, wei man auch alle anderen Vorteile zu schtzen. Mit einer Hchstgeschwindigkeit von 16 km/h und einer Steigung von 10% ist mein Training mehr als gedeckt. Ich wrde das Teil immer wieder bestellen.
    WICHTIG: das Laufband sollte unbedingt innerhalb 28 Tage bei NordicTrack registriert werden. Dadurch verlngert man seine Garantie.

  9. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Paid 50 for assembly, well worth it. First treadmill box was battered and treadmill damaged (noticed by the guys who were assembling it) but got a replacement in the next few days. Wanted something robust having run on gym treadmills and got that, being used every couple of days and couldn’t be more pleased, absolutely recommended

  10. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersFirstly I’d like to comment on the delivery of the treadmill. I opted to just have it delivered to the room of choice without having it put together. I received a text to say delivery was 10mins away. The couple who delivered were polite & friendly. They asked if I wanted them to remove their shoes in the house. They had to move a couple of pieces of furniture & a rug to get the treadmill round a doorway, which after putting it in the requested room they put everything back carefully exactly where they had moved them from. They took care not to catch the treadmill on the walls as they moved it through the house. Excellent delivery.

    The treadmill itself is great. I’m really glad I opted for the nordictrack brand. The instructions were easy enought to follow. All of the required screws are in a blister pack, separated & numbered. The only time I needed help with putting it together was for putting on the folding arm underneath.
    I needed to alter the belt a little but the instruction manual shows how to do this and I also googled you tube videos.
    It is good & solid with a good screen and a ledge to stand likes of an ipad on. Really happy with this purchase.

  11. LinwoodTQTQ says:


    Una gran cinta de correr comprada a un precio increble y con descuento extra.

    La he montado yo sola, es entretenido pero no es complicado y todo est muy bien explicado.

    La compr en el amazon warehouse pero est nueva, no tiene ni un rasguo y vino perfectamente embalada. Me ha salido mejor que buscar una usada

    Una gran compra

  12. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersCouldn’t be happier with the this treadmill. I was extremely expressed with the delivery and Assembly service which I paid for. I have previously made the mistake of trying to put equipment together and decided to pay 50 for this service. Professional and polite and gave me a quick demo on how to use. Quality of treadmill almost as good as going to the gym and the folding mechanism is so easy.

  13. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersCons: the speed ramp while doing the preset workouts is too fast and a hazard for tripping.
    it goes from 3.4 km to 8 km/h in a less then second that might trip you. It is the same with the start up and stop. Fix the speed ramp and the treadmill is unbeatable at that price range.

  14. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersUtilisation 2 3 fois par semaine en mode manuel uniquement (reprise du sport).
    Ce tapis a vraiment tout d’un grand, dans le cadre d’un retour l’activit sportive il est vraiment parfait. Tremble assez peu en fonctionnement, j’ai tout de mme rajout un tapis pour attnuer le bruit et le tremblement.
    Au niveau des fonctionnalits, une plthore de possibilit mme si je n’en utilise qu’une finalement.
    Etant dbutant, je n’ai pour l’heure pas encore dpass les 8-9 km/h et inclinaison faible, je ne pourrais donc me prononcer sur les capacits compltes de l’appareil. A voir dans le temps.
    Petit point noir sur la livraison, colis en mauvais tat ce qui a rsult d’une barre de pliage “dfonce”, mais Amazon a t trs ractif sur ce point et m’a propos une solution parfaitement adquate.
    Un rgal l’utilisation quotidienne !

  15. JoycelyDowell says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersPortarlo al secondo piano non stato facile,i suoi 90 kg si fanno sentire tutti,detto questo cercavo un prodotto silenzioso e di qualit da poter usare in casa in un condominio,vi posso assicurare che non si sente nulla,lo consiglio

  16. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought mine direct a year ago when new release to uk. Had to wait 6 weeks but glad I did. I love ifit, the treadmill pairs well with android and apple products, when paired it works in same way as integrated monitor machines. It has good optional cushioning. Feels solid, even at 10% incline. It is a work- horse gets 30 to 60 mins a day most days and seemless performance. The auto adjust function for ifit is awesome too takes extra work out of the running.

  17. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our Users* NordicTrack is and brand name when it comes to treadmills and exercise equipment, which is the reason I went for this treadmill which at the time of purchase fortunately for me it was going at a very good price of 679.00 at the time of order (2nd January 2022) to which I’ve been using this treadmill for a few hours every week without any problems or issues due to the excellent build quality, to which I also received a Lifetime frame warranty, a two year parts and labour warranty and also the 10 year warranty on the motor, good deal around.

  18. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersAnche a me successa la stessa cosa che ha descritto Mary. Dopo averlo utilizzato per diverse volte, oggi l’ho acceso e non ne voleva sapere…la pedana di alzava ed abassava da sola. Poi ad un certo punto ha smesso, ma la paura tratta tanta

  19. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersL’ho acquistato in offerta, ed arrivato in poco tempo. Ma l’hanno consegnato solo fuori al cancello. Per salire cinque gradini, stato abbastanza difficoltoso essendo moooolto pesante anche senza scatola e portando un pezzo alla volta. La pedana il problema. Se il corriere disposto, fatevelo entrare almeno fino al piano in cui dovete montarlo, perch non fattibile trasportarlo. Il montaggio non era difficile, le istruzioni erano abbastanza chiare, non mancava nulla, c’erano tutte le viti pi una chiave per avvitare. Serve solo un giravite. L’unica difficolt stata una delle viti sul bracciolo, ho tentato allentando di pi la base, ma ho faticato parecchio per riuscire a girarla. Ma alla fine stato montato.
    Da parte, ho comprato il lubrificante, e ho iniziato l allenamento.
    Camminando, la struttura abbastanza stabile. come un tapis roulant della palestra, non si muove, non fa troppo rumore. L’ho trovato molto comodo. Solo quando si inizia a mettere la pendenza, si muove un po’ troppo. Ma facendo attenzione si mantiene bene. Non ho ancora provato la corsa.
    Un problema che ho riscontrato stato dopo averlo stoppato. Non voleva riprendere in nessun modo. Ho dovuto riaccenderlo e la pedana si alzava e abbassava da sola. L’ha fatto una sola volta, e spero non ricapiti. Ho notato che dopo lo stop, dopo un tot di minuti ricomincia da capo, non ha la pausa.
    In generale, stato un buon acquisto. Di solito faccio almeno un ora o poco pi al giorno, 4/5 volte la settimana e, a parte l’evento sopra citato, non ho mai riscontrato problemi.


  20. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Really impressed excellent treadmill and perfect for my’s solid and sturdy and love the space saving part..I was worried it would be to big but it’s a great price from Amazon with free delivery and assembling service which was brilliant and I recommend you get that saved heaps of time and hassle.

    5.0 out of 5 stars Great bit of ki

  21. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersCan’t comment on how easy it was to assemble because I paid for the installation service, but the 2 blokes seemed to do it with ease cant fault the installation guys, they were polite, helpful and very efficient. The treadmill itself is a bit of a monster, similar in size to those at the gym, seems pretty simple to use and its reasonably quiet, but i had it built in the garage so i wouldnt disturb hubby while using it early in the morning, overall i’m very happy with my purchase!

  22. Tom Caswell says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersThis treadmill has by far exceeded my expectations. I’ve only had it just under 2 weeks, but I’ve used it every day and it’s very close to gym quality.

    My dad was able to help me move/assemble it and it was pretty straightforward for the 2 of us to put together. It is very big and incredibly heavy though so I absolutely would not have managed on my own. Something to bear in mind if you’re not planning on ordering assembly.

  23. [email protected] Peter Larson says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 12 From Our UsersI purchased this treadmill last week. Firstly the pre-sales was great, i had a few questions which were extremely quickly answered via email. Secondly I ordered the item on Friday morning and purchased the treadmill and the installation. The item was delivered and installed in a room of my choice in my property within 24 hours which is extremely impressive from Amazon & NordicTrack.

    I have used the item daily since Saturday and it seems like an excellent, robust, built for a lot of use machine, extremely similar to the high spec/heavy duty ones you get in the Gym. Extremely simple for basic use, but also with the ability to pair with IFit it allows you to utilise more advanced and varied workouts which is an excellent feature.

    I would certainly recommend this treadmill & brand to anyone wanting a solid, robust machine.

  24. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    A great treadmill for the price, delivered on time.
    Easy enough to put together, could do with 2 people, but did manage it on my own in about 2 hours.

    Overall, a good bit of kit, especially when used with iFit!!

  25. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersNot the easiest to assemble however I found if you leave the screws loose on most things and tighten at the end all is good. Easy to use sturdy and and a good size running bed

  26. Anji Mehta says:

     United Kingdom

    Couldn’t use as sent wrong safety key , sent in a few days and now great .

  27. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Once using the iFit app & seeing the app controlling your equipment allows you to then just concentrate on your fitness session. The motivation is there if you want to get fit & healthy.