playvital Back Button Enhancement Set for Steam Deck, Grip

playvital Back Button Enhancement Set for Steam Deck, Grip Improvement Button Protection Kit for Steam Deck – 2 Different Thickness

Package Includes:
- 1 set Back Button Enhancement Kit (8pcs)
- 1 set Adhesive
- 1 set of Cleaning wipes
- 1* Instruction Manual
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for Steam Deck | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
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for Steam Deck | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Dimensions: | 12 x 6 x 2 cm; 18 Grams |
Model: | PGSDM001 |
Manufacture: | PlayVital |
Dimensions: | 12 x 6 x 2 cm; 18 Grams |
Origin: | China |
Ich war zunchst skeptisch, ob ein paar Gummimatten auf den Tasten wirklich so sinnvoll sind. Schon nach den ersten Stunden will ich sie nicht mehr missen.
Einer meiner grten Kritikpunkte des Steam Decks sind genau diese Tasten auf der Rckseite. Ich habe eher versucht sie zu meiden, als in meine Tastenkonfiguration einzubeziehen. Es fhlte sich einfach nicht nach einer natrlichen Fingerhaltung an.
Mit diesen Pads liegen die Finger bereits vllig natrlich auf den Tasten und sie sind ungleich besser zu drcken, was sie m.E. zu einem “must have” machen. Um das bestmgliche Ergebnis zu erreichen, liegen die Pads in zwei unterschiedlichen Hhen vor.
*TIPP 1*
Ausprobieren geht ber Studieren. Man muss die Pads nicht direkt aufkleben um sie zu testen. Einfach einseitig auflegen, Finger auflegen, umdrehen und die normale Gaminghaltung einnehmen. So kann man den Unterschied zwischen der Seite mit und ohne Pads ganz schnell einschtzen.
*TIPP 2*
Fr mich hat sich folgende Kombination durchgesetzt:
L/R 4 – Pads mit High Thickness
L/R 5 – Pads mit Low Thickness
Fr mich nicht mehr wegzudenken.
They stick on with double sided sticky tape, but it’s really strong and I’m confident it won’t come off. Once they’re on, man, does it feel so much better to hit those back buttons. It’s a night and day difference. They give you two different sizes per button for a total of 8 rubber extenders. I went with the biggest ones on each button because the more raised each button is, the easier it is to hit, but it’s cool that you can mix and match. I went with purple because I thought it looked awesome in the pictures. Wasn’t disappointed with the real life product.
Donnent un bon volume aux gchettes arrires, amliorant ainsi trs largement le confort. Je suis trs satisfait de la taille normale, un peu moins de la grande taille qui est un peu trop envahissante mon got.
Cependant, j’ai fini par les enlever pour une simple raison : la matire tant assez “mousseuse” les boutons ont tendance accumuler la transpiration au fur et mesure, jusqu’ devenir presque spongieux sous les doigts C’est trs, trs dsagrable.
Je mets 4 toiles aussi bien pour ce petit dfaut que pour la pose qui est un peu hasardeuse avec des stickers qui fonctionnent moiti. Mais le produit reste un indispensable selon moi, j’aimerais juste que la matire soit diffrente.
The steam deck is big in my hands and sometimes have trouble pressing the back buttons. This completely fixes that. But this may cause issues with more form fitting traveling bags for the steam deck. It fits on the default bag though.
The kit arrived in 2 days with extra pads and stickers on top of the carry case and alcohol pads!! Was so happy! the pads were very easy to install and are very solid and it’s so much more comfortable to play with them. I was afraid the pads wouldn’t fit inside the provided steam case but they do perfectly. It almost feels like they were made by valve themselves since its such a good quality! 10/10
It seems a bunch of people had trouble applying these and have rated the item down for this…. This is 100% user error! (Instructions below).
These are great, the double sided tape is very strong 3m tape. And they really do feel a lot better than without..
Instructions (for any double sided tape):
1. Clean deck buttons with alcohol wipe.
2. Apply tape to steam deck buttons, use fingers to push any air bubbles out..
3. Wait, no touching, 1-2 hours (or longer if you like)…
4. 4x remove backing sticker using tweezers or a blade. Alcohol wipe button. Place button firmly.
5. Wait, no touching 1-2 hours.
And then, you’re all done. They should be well attached, and will require a fair bit of force to separate…
Getting the adhesive tape off of the bumpers is an extremely tedious and annoying task. The best way to do it is to stick the tape onto the bumpers and wait for about 30 minutes for it to cure. Then take tweezers and try to pry the top layer off. It’s going to be difficult and annoying but in the end it’s absolutely worth it. This product has made playing the steam deck much easier and more enjoyable. Best of luck.
Bought them to give a bit more length as I have a case on my steam deck, I do recommend it thought the double sided tape they give isn’t the best.
Hacen justamente lo que dicen. Los botones traseros de la steam deck sobresalen muy poco por lo que se hacen incmodos. Si le pones una funda, por fina que sea, el tema se complica muchsimo ms. Esto soluciona el problema perfectamente.
Die playvital Anti-Rutsche Tasten…
+ fhlen sich griffig beim spielen an.
+ sind gut erreichbar.
+ sind optisch ansprechend (wei).
– sind etwas fummelig anzubringen, insbesondere das Abziehen der des Doppelseitigen-Klebeteilchens. Hier empfehle ich eine Pinzette, damit klappte es super. Insgesamt hat die Montage ~ 5 Minuten gedauert.
Sollte sich etwas an meinem Ersteindruck ndern wird ein Update folgen.
Wasn’t a fan of how my Steam Deck fit in my hands. The buttons just didn’t feel very good to press. After adding these I was finally able to use the back buttons comfortably and it completely changed the way I game.
Before I had these, the deck would slip through my fingers and I’d have to constantly readjust, with these it feels a lot better. It genuinely provides more grip not only with the buttons but with the whole device bc I can rest these buttons on the side of my pinky fingers. Obvious subpar at filming and skin installation but I’d say these are a winner.
These work really well, just use a tweezer after sticking to it to back button of steamdeck to peel off 3M sticky to place your grip. I used the lower profile ones, seems perfect for me. It also makes holding the deck with a better feel when you rest your fingers on them, the material is soft rubber but with a pattern you can feel. You are given extra 3M pads if you mess up or want to change to other grips. If you take your time and follow instructions you should be able to get it right first time everything is labeled which button just take time and line it up right, I used an angled tweezer to apply them.
They were easy to install and feel really good. They don’t feel flimsy like they are gonna fall off and give the back buttons a tactile feel. I have had them on my steam deck for a few weeks now and my one big complaint about the deck, at least for my hands, is that the buttons on the back are pretty much flush with the system and while they are not hard by any means to reach, it becomes a little more difficult when you put a grip case on the deck. I used the largest size on these button grips and they work perfectly and extend the buttons to exactly where I want them. I highly recommend!
i have small hands and using the rear buttons on the steam deck without these extenders was pretty difficult. these have made a HUGE difference – i’m even finding that i can play for longer sessions without pain since the thicker buttons make the entire deck easier to grip. genuinely one of the best purchases i’ve ever made for my deck!
very easy application and they come with extra 3M adhesive so you have some room for error. love them, would buy them again in a heartbea
These feel awesome to use. I have rather thick case do these are very good to have. My only gripe is how damn hard it is to remove the adhesive covers; made installation needlessly complicated. Literally had to use tweezers and numerous prodding just to get the covers off to stick them in place. Just for that I took off a star! IDK why there isn’t a tab to allow easy removal.
But once I finally put them on, after a frustrating time taking the covers off, it feels amazing to use.
And honestly just works as expected. I used the thinner option and it feels great in hand. Also comes with a small pouch for some reason you can use for anything else. Presentation is perfect overall and the product works as intended. Grips come with 4 sticker sets so you can install and reinstall them many times.
When I initially got the Steam Deck, I didn’t think the back buttons were going to be something I would use very often. I wanted the Deck to mainly play single player rpg’s or platformers, but I wanted to test some FPS games to see how I would like it. Surprisingly, I enjoyed playing Apex Legends and Bioshock Infinite on the Steam Deck as well and then it begun, the button customization began. Being able to bind the back keys to most games made it that much easier to access your tactical and/or healable items. Then, I started realizing that the buttons were a little difficult to consistently press, so I ended up buying these life savors, and now I feel like my input time has decreased, making it a whole lot easier to press the buttons. Would recommend to anyone who makes use of the back buttons!
I have a rare type of MD in my hands and it’s really hard for me to press on the rear paddles. I cannot even reach L1 and R1 so i bind those keys to the rear.
This is really a game changer for me. Very comfortable to rest your fingers on and takes much less pressure to press the back paddles. L5 and R5 are actually usable to me now.
I cannot recommend this product enough for people having a hard time pressing the back paddles. Or even people who want a more comfortable gaming experience.
I’m using the thinner ones if anyone wondering.
Despite the seller saying there is only one set of stickers included, I decided to give this a shot because it would be easy enough to cut out carpet tape if necessary. Fortunately that isn’t necessary, as there are actually four sheets included (so you have four tries to get this right, or can share with a friend).
That communication issue aside, I’m really quite impressed on the presentation…zipper case with mesh that can be repurposed for who knows what (I’m putting my USB charge adapter and joystick caps in there for now, but it would also fit ear buds and a charging cable quite easily).
The adhesive is 3M and it grips very well to the SD button. Getting the backing off of something that is precision cut is a little challenging – I suggest you find a pair of fine tweezers or a hobby knife and poke at the corners until you find one that wants to lift. It’s not that difficult.
The buttons are a soft rubber and I’m finding the slimmer ones to be just enough to get access to those troublesome buttons. They do grip to the adhesive, although given how smooth the grip surface is, it can easily be peeled off, as well. I took the tip of a sharp knife and lightly scored a hatch pattern on the back of the button in hopes of giving it a little more something to grip onto. I expect this will be fine, but I do see the possibility of the buttons coming off through regular use. Perhaps that’s why they included that really nice carry case :).
Removing the adhesive from the button is really easy. Just press with a finger or thumb and roll it from the edge.
Overall, I think this is an excellent product. It would be a 6/5 if the buttons could be engineered to stick a little better. But at this price, I’m not complaining!
Makes the back buttons easier to hit the adhesive tapes sticks great they do not budge at all.
Hated the standard back buttons on the deck this makes them way easier to use.
worth it. so much easier to use those back buttons.
I honestly thought it would’ve just been a cool perk to have on my steamdeck. But after using them for a week I can say these are a complete gamechanger in how I use my deck. Alot more options of games with the easier access to the extra buttons.
These work wonderfully. They make pressing the back buttons on the Steam Deck much easier. They have a soft rubbery feeling with textured tops that feel good. They stuck on easily and seem to be stuck pretty good, but not so hard I couldn’t take them off if I chose.
They came with extra wipes, and stickers and since there are 8 total (2 different sizes) you could technically purchase 1 package for 2 Steam Decks. Very happy with the product. Shipping was a little slow, but not horrible.
Nachdem ich es vom Elite Controller gewohnt bin, mit den Backpaddeln zu spielen, kam ich beim Steamdeck mit den Standard buttons nicht so gut zu recht. (zu spter Druckpunkt)
Mit den Pads spielt es sich mMn. deutlich angenehmer.
Einzig das Aufbringen der Pads ist eine Tortur.
Totally worth it if ur planing to extend the original rear pads comes with a mini pouch
This is a must have upgrade to the back buttons. Feels great to press the back buttons now. I opted with the thick option. I feel it also adds added stability to the deck since you can rest your fingers on the buttons now. Pressing feels much much easier and there is plenty of alcohol wipes and double sided tape in case you mess up. Take your time putting these on. You won’t be disappointed. Now to test the durability of these.
You get the double sided stickers in which you stixk on first then lay the thin or thicker pads. I used the thicker pands and its elevated where your finger lay on them perfectly. They also have a Nice grip on them aswell. What i also liked is that they added a few more sets of stickers for just incase one of them doesn’t stick anymore. Stickers do feel solid thoe. Its a good buy
Fantastic add-on for the steam deck. Comes with it’s own small hardshell case, multiple adhesives so you can re-do if you mess up. And being able to mix and match the heights for optimal grip is nice.
a tient bien et a facilite le clique sur les boutons de derrire de la steam deck
I love them. They fit good, and stick great. Even comes with a cool protective case for the second pair. PlayVital never disappoints.
Completely fixes my issues with the back buttons, makes them much easier to use. I did have some trouble using the double sided tape at first but they send you plenty of extras. You need to apply the tape to the individual button enhancers first, then it takes a little bit of work to peel of the paper without removing the adhesive. You should use a paper clip or something similar to wedge between the paper and adhesive and then keep the adhesive pressed against the rubber and then peel the paper off, then you can just put them on.
It honestly feels like they should have had these to begin with.
Wow such a huge difference specifically with a PTU case on its just perfect highly recommended
These are easily worth the money.
I never liked the back button configuration, pushing them rather than sqeezing. These are a nice compromise.
I would love to see case that includes a backplate and ‘rings’ that your fingers go into allowing you to pull the triggers with greater accuracy.