Star Wars Jedi: Survivor | PS5 | VideoGame | English

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor | PS5 | VideoGame | English

Dimensions: | 17.1 x 13.6 x 1.4 cm; 90 Grams |
Dimensions: | 17.1 x 13.6 x 1.4 cm; 90 Grams |
Origin: | Austria |
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor | PS5 | VideoGame | English
Dimensions: | 17.1 x 13.6 x 1.4 cm; 90 Grams |
Dimensions: | 17.1 x 13.6 x 1.4 cm; 90 Grams |
Origin: | Austria |
Jedi survivor is what a sequel to a game should be, more of the first game and better. One of the problems with this game though is it’s not quite stable, and there is so many visual glitches and in my case two soft locks. But apart from that, still fun like the first game and still difficult.
Another great game to follow on the story sadly I think it is the last one now. As Star Wars/ Disney are now taking the movies/shows down a very bad path with no story telling just preaching their own agenda now and do not care about Star Wars.
No crashes, smooth and engaging gameplay and great production value make this game a must have if you’re remotely into the Star Wars universe.
Strongly recommend!
Combat control is easy enough & the general game has plenty of content.lots of Rumours (side missions) to do alongside the main story.
My advice – don’t waste your time trying to solve the rumours until you have gained the skills you WILL need. (Merrin’s Dash for example). You’ll just end up having to go back & do all the bits you had to miss out the first time.
If you’re finding a particular group of enemies or a ‘boss’ really difficult, go into settings & lower the skill level. Defeat the bad guys, then go back to settings & revert to your original level. I won’t tell if you don’t!
Be prepared for a sore right thumb! It can take several attempts (& much frustration ) to get passed some run/jump sections.
Would have gave 5 stars but took 2days to update data, a patch is needed as the game is 150GB which is way too much for single disc…
Seller brilliant as arrived early.
Better than the first game and the first was amazing, the story is very grounded and having an older kal makes this game what it is because you see him go through being a Jedi and having pretty much no one to guide him, andthe chosen one returns with the best “HE IS HIM!” Sequence
The game is absolutely brilliant and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It is a vast improvement on the first one (which I really enjoyed), and the added fast travel makes it way less frustrating when you need to collect all the chests, databank entries etc.
The stances and skill tree have been upgraded and the customisation is also far better (although not enough ponchos!). I made sure Cal sported a manly mullet and handlebar moustache for pretty much the whole game and I didnt need to fight 99% of the enemies as they cowered at his super machismo appearance 😉
I loved the main planet Koboh as although it has ‘linear’ parts it felt more open worldy and I spent most of the first part of the game exploring.
The map is better than the first game; not great, but better!
The Negatives:
The game reverted to an old save and I lost about 5 hours of gameplay, which I was far from impressed with. In 2023 you should be able to have multiple saves rather than 1, so EA need to get out of the dark ages and fix this bug as other people have experienced this when looking online.
Performance mode is pointless as it lags on the PS5. What is the point of having it if it doesn’t work!!?
The cutscenes are laggy and had the speech missing a few times. Good old subtitles!
There were a few points where the characters adopted a Cristiano Ronaldo goal pose when waiting to travel to another planet and Cal’s lightsaber started spinning around on his back lots of times when on the Mantis.
It only crashed once, but lost about 20-30 minutes of collecting chests etc.
Overall I believe they have fixed most of the main bugs and it was fantastic seeing all the old characters growing and I loved the action and engaging plot.
The main tips I would like to share are……
If you complete certain quests / side quests you will unlock the location of certain collectibles on the map. I thought there was an issue / glitch with the game, but one quest unlocks chests, one quest unlocks databanks, one quest unlocks treasures etc, so don’t expect all the collectibles to be displayed until you’ve done all these quests.
The other thing is that you need to speak to everyone in the bar regularly to unlock missions, details about the characters, bounties etc. When you think it is glitched (the bounties not updating was a great example of this), just save it, and go back and chat to them over and over again or continue to progress the story and you will be able to Platinum the game and get all collectibles.
Put a strap on your control pad as there are 2 boss battles where your control pad will be close to being launched at the TV!
I would definitely recommend playing this and the first one and hopefully EA will release another one soon, without the glitches.
Jedi Survivor is a great sequel to Fallen Order. Gameplay has expanded and improved from the first.
Storyline for me took a little bit to get into compared to the first, but after 2 hours or 3, I was invested and I enjoyed it.
Definitely a game I’d recommend and one of the better Star Wars games to be released.
Stunning graphics and great story make for a cracking gaming experience. My only minor gripe would be, on some levels the spawn points are SO far apart that when you die (and you will), you have to retrace quite a lot of your steps.
Absolute brilliant game! Loved the story, was a really good continuation from the first game “jedi fallen order”. Jedi survivor is big step from the first game in many ways from character customization to visiting new locations with new lightsaber styles to lots of new skills. Yes the game had rocky start with performance across the platforms but did not affect my enjoyment at all. But now the game has had a lot of updates and now the game runs really well.
I actually bought a PS5 just to play this game (I had a previous gen console & this game wasn’t available on anything other than new gen consoles).
I am so glad I did, it has been the best game I have played on the PS5.
Everything was great, from the storyline to the game play.
I think this might actually be one of the few games I play again (after completing).
Such a shame that EA didnt give the devs longer to polish this. A great game with lots to discover, now with a proper 60fps performance mode with ray-tracing disabled. A good story with enjoyable combat and colourful characters that improves on the first game in every way.
Best Star Wars game since knights of the old republic. Truly epic. About 40 hours of gameplay so far and keep on getting sidetracked by all the awesome mini adventures. Especially loved the holo tactics sun game.
Gameplay is very fun, but progression feels a little rushed. As for the story, the first half feels a little slow but it’s definitely worth it
I’m not going to say it’s definitely worth your time, we all roll a little differently, but I think you’ll enjoy i
I played the first game jedi fallen order and really enjoyed the game. When this game released I got it week 1/2. There was a couple of bugs but overall this game was a great sequel to the first game. It basicly improved on every aspect of the first game and was a joy to play.
I also thought the story was quite good. I think it’s a good start to getting into star wars if you haven’t already.
And the graphics are probably the best I’ve seen on PS5, wondering how they done it. Though there are some lighting issues where it comes in a bit late, it’s not long but it’s noticeable.
I will say though that the performance of the game on ps5 is not great, 60fps is just unplayable for me and I had to go into 30fps mode which still had some performance drops. If you can live with playing a game at 30fps with some drops, then you should try but if you prefer 60fps, then this is not for you until they fix it.
Conclusion, Play this game if you want to get into star wars, want a fun difficult game, gorgeous graphics and you can stomach performance issues at 30fps, do not play if you can’t live without 60fps until they fix it.
Incredible when it works like it should, this why It’s only the second new game I’ve brought, complete con. Wait till it goes to 40 and all the issues will hopefully be sorted
I didn’t personally like star wars jedi fallen order. It felt very janky when it came to combat but this feels smooth and the combat has been improved greatly. Please only add to the combat for the next game. Story is amazing, combat is amazing world is amazing. The only gripe i have is that you have to replay the entire game to face the bosses. Personally i’m not a huge fan of new game plus mode. A seperate mode where you start with zero skills and items, similar to ghost of tsushimas legends where you have missions survival, story etc. That you could play through and unlock rewards would of been great. This would of worked really well with the added jedi chambers, and all the bosses in the game. Still a 9/10 but the replayability held it back for me, for being the best star wars game ever made.
Not played yet, here for folk with a slow download speed. There is a 150GB download to complete before you can even play from the looks of it. If you’re desperate to play just bear this in mind. Even with 380mbps which is roughly 45MBps real time download, it’s taking a good while.
To get actual download speed, divide your mbps by 8. This will give you the real time speed of your connection (bits to Bytes conversion).
Couldn’t the game makers have included 2 disks for this game for people with slow download speeds? Feels like cost cutting wins every time these days. For those of you with near dial up speeds, I suspect we will be in a galaxy far far away before the download completes
Edit: I’ve received my pre-order pack a week later!
The game picks up with Cal and BD1 on a mission from the start. Your force powers are great starting off with and you very quickly learn to use a double bladed lightsaber and also weild dual lightsabers. Oh, you also have all colours of kyber crystal for customisation.
The game mechanics work well. But every so often there are glitches in the frame rate. Not much to be bothersome, but you do notice it. Doesn’t affect gameplay, more so visually.
So far the game is great with the storyline, jedi powers, missions and additional support from your team. There is so much more going on.
Like I said I’m 3 hours in. I’ve completed the first mission and am now about 8% through the first planet…..told you it wasn’t a speed run.
I think updates in the coming weeks will fix the minor graphic glitch. Aside from that it is really fun and enjoyable right now, and there is a heap more to go.