Suunto 9 Baro GPS sports watch with long battery life

Suunto 9 Baro GPS sports watch with long battery life and heart rate measureme

Designed in the Finnish winter

Robust and durable design made from the best materials to meet the demands of athletes and withstand any challenge.

Designed and manufactured in Finland! The high-quality stainless steel case and sapphire glass have been used in thousands of external hours of training in the harsh winter of Finland and its inlands.

Whether at home, at work or in nature, you don’t have to worry about your watch.

Mobile connected

The Suunto app is always one step ahead! It offers great training insights and social features to keep you motivated. Keep track of your daily activities and workouts. Plan your routes, use activity maps and calculate your speed and distance. Thanks to its advanced technology, you can also check your sleep patterns and general fitness. Share special moments and milestones with your friends on social networks like Facebook and Instagram and share your achievements with your followers.


Quick and exact recognition of your current location thanks to the GLONASS technology, which can be used in addition to GPS for improved tracking.

The FUSEDTRACK Assisted Tracking System comes into play for extremely long runs. By using specially designed motion sensors in combination with the GPS system, you can receive data with improved accuracy even when the GPS system is set to 60-second intervals.


Conquer new locations thanks to integrated navigation routes and sport-specific heat maps. Explore new places with no fear of losing your way.

Whether you’re exploring new areas or going off road, always feel safe thanks to the vigilant storm warning system, weather trends and sunrise and sunset times.

Share your new adventures with your community via the Suunto app.

Diameter 43 mm 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm 46 mm 43 mm
Weight 52 g / 62 g 81 g 72 g 70 g 66 g 29 g
Water Resistance 100 m 100 m 100 m 50 m 50 m 50 m
Glass Material Sapphire Glass Sapphire Glass Mineral Glass Gorilla Glass Mineral Glass Polyamide
Battery Life in Training Mode with GPS Up to 170 hours Up to 170 hours Up to 170 hours Up to 12 hours Up to 40 hours Up to 30 hours with Connected GPS
Weather, Outdoor and Navigation Features Pulse Oxygen, Storm Alarm, Sunrise/Sunset Times, Visual Route Navigation and Waypoints Storm Alarm, Sunrise/Sunset Times, Visual Route Navigation and Waypoints Sunrise/Sunset Times, Visual Route Navigation and Waypoints Free Offline Maps, Visual Route Navigation and Waypoints, Several Weather Apps via Google Play Sunrise/Sunset Times, Visual Route Navigation and Waypoints
Smartwatch Functions Smartphone Notifications, Media control on your wrist Smartphone Notifications, Media control on your wrist Smartphone Notifications, Media control on your wrist Smartphone Notifications, Full Smartwatch Capabilities Provided by the Wear OS Operating System, Offline music with Spotify Smartphone Notifications, Media control on your wrist Smartphone Notifications, Media control on your wrist
Heart Rate Monitor Wrist Heart Rate, Compatible with Bluetooth Smart Heart Rate Belts Wrist Heart Rate, Compatible with Bluetooth Smart Heart Rate Belts Wrist Heart Rate, Compatible with Bluetooth Smart Heart Rate Belts Wrist Heart Rate Wrist Heart Rate, Compatible with Bluetooth Smart Heart Rate Belts Wrist Heart Rate, Compatible with Bluetooth Smart Heart Rate Belts

Size: One Size
Dimensions: 23.5 x 5 x 1.5 cm; 67 Grams
Brand: Suunto
Model: SS050564000
Colour: Charcoal Black Titanium
Pack Quantity: 1
Batteries Included: 1 CR2 batteries required. (included)
Manufacture: SUUNTO
Age: Youth
Department: Unisex
Dimensions: 23.5 x 5 x 1.5 cm; 67 Grams
Quantity: 1
Size: One Size

25 Responses

  1. Megan Klein Zottarelli says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersDespus de un ao de uso intensivo puedo dar una opinin real. Confiable, Resistente y Verstil son las tres cualidades ms importantes que definen este dispositivo. Durante el ao que lo tengo lo he usado en 170 entrenamientos de varias disciplinas (running, trailrunning, senderismo, MTB, bicicleta de carretera, natacin en piscina, natacin en aguas abiertas, ultimate frisbee, paddle) pudiendo concluir que son muy pocas las cosas que mejorara en este reloj.

    Lo primero que destaca es la solidez y durabilidad. Como se aprecia en la fotografa, el cristal no tiene ningn signo de uso, siendo prcticamente imposible de rayar. En la carcaza y la correa apenas se evidencian seales normales de desgaste.

    La duracin de la batera es notable y se corresponde con lo ofrecido por el fabricante. A menos que acostumbres a realizar actividades de varios das de duracin, nunca te quedaras sin batera en medio de un entrenamiento. Por otra parte, siempre est la posibilidad de extender el tiempo de duracin de la batera, sacrificando un poco la precisin (hay varias opciones prestablecidas para seleccionar la duracin de la batera).

    En cuanto a la versatilidad, adems de los muchos y variados deportes que ya estn incluidos, existe la posibilidad de agregar o modificar la informacin de la pantalla de forma personalizada para adaptarlo a los requerimiento o gustos de cada quien.

    La exactitud y rapidez de la informacin captada por los sistemas satelitales es excelente, apenas tarda pocos segundos en captar las seales y se mantiene sin ningn tipo de problemas.

    La calidad de la pantalla es buena, el sistema tctil funciona bien, aunque, como suele suceder, cuando hay exceso de humedad es difcil de usar. El brillo de la pantalla es suficiente, hay que aclarar NO es como el de un smart watch, pero para lo que est diseado este reloj, va muy bien.

    No hay mapas ni posibilidad de cargarlos, solo se puede generar un rastro de “migas de pan”, lo cual puede ayudar, en caso de estar perdidos en la montaa, a regresar al punto de partida. Si existe la posibilidad de cargar rutas desde Wikiloc para poder seguirlas, lo cual funciona bastante bien.

    Los datos almacenados de los entrenamiento pueden visualizarse posteriormente a travs de la APP de Suunto, acompaados de una serie de anlisis, datos y grficos muy completos.

    El aspecto ms dbil del reloj es el monitor cardiaco. Si bien es cierto que en la mayora de las ocasiones funciona bien, en algunos entrenamientos arroja datos errneos, por lo general de ritmos cardiacos mucho ms elevados que los reales, pudiendo generar confusin y, lo mas importante, generando datos irreales sobre nuestra condicin fsica. Para quienes entrenen basndose en el ritmo cardiaco, este problema se resuelve fcilmente con una banda de pecho que se sincroniza con el reloj.

    En conclusin, es un reloj excelente, que por su precio difcilmente encontremos algo superior en otras marcas, se adapta a la gran mayora de los deportistas de todos los niveles y est destinado a ser compaero de entrenamiento por muchos aos.

    Confiable. Resistente. Versátil

  2. TamraAllen1973 says:


    Ho comprato questa versione per affidarmi ad un altimetro preciso dato da fusud alti ( sono un appassionato di altimetri e misurazione di altitudine)…. nonostante ho selezionato GPS pi galileo che dovrebbe garantire pi precisione dei dati altimetrici ho riscontrato errori anche di 10/15 metri rispetto alla vera altitudine….forse con i i nuovi aggiornamenti spero di risolvere il problema

  3. CarlotaGuillory says:


    Die gleichen Probleme mit Pulsmesser am Handgelenk wie das vorher benutzte Suuntoprodukt, Batterie hlt aber viel lnger, fr 2 Tagesausflug bei hchster Genauigkeitsstufe ohne Aufladen ausreichend (Vorgnger ca 3-4Stunden). Armbnder lassen sich sehr einfach wechseln. Die Titanium Ausfhrung ist deutlich leichter, was sehr angenehm ist.

  4. Anonymous says:


    Io faccio running 10 km pi 8 di camminata veloce perci uno smartwacth non abbastanza attendibile i suunto tutt’altra cosa molto attendibile un po’ complesso all’inizio per via delle molte funzioni GPS preciso, nonostante sia abbastanza spesso e grande non si sente al polso prodotto di qualit robusto e affidabile prezzo un po’ alto ma lo preso scontato perci un ottimo acquisto

  5. Courtney Johnston says:

     United Kingdom

    The watch itself is amazing having had it for 6 months now. Battery life is good and the responsive touch screen is very good.
    The major bug bear is the lack of response from suunto itself, I have changed my phone and would like to reset my password. But no response from suunto, a tad disappointed in them. (Massive amounts of sarcasm). Kept the watch ditched the app.

  6. Anonymous says:

     Spain 🇪🇸

    Fabuloso y magnifico reloj deportivo, doy gracias de disponer de este magnifico reloj para mi entrenamiento diario de natacion y para realizarv senderismo, comprarlo os lo recomiendo

  7. ReganThatcher says:


    Suivi hyper prcis. Altimtre et baromtre trs prcis. Seul la temprature est prendre avec lgret car indique beaucoup plus lorsque les bras sont recouverts avec des manches. A voir en t. L’appli suunto est top. N’hsitez pas pour tout spo

  8. LaurenceCabena says:


    Golden Review Award: 19 From Our UsersPartiamo con pro e contro per chi non ha voglia di leggere tutto
    – Ben costruito e ben rifinito
    – Ottima qualita dei materiali
    – Cinturino premium
    – GPS preciso
    – FC al polso affidabile sul lungo
    – Altimetro
    – Contapassi
    – Batteria
    – Sistema di ricarica
    – Aggiornamenti Software
    – Oltre 80 modalit sport

    – Applicazione migliorabile
    – Non e possibile cambiare schermata durante l’attivita
    – Allarme temporale mai scattato anche in caso di forti temporali estivi

    Veniamo ora alle mie impressioni
    Arriva ben imballato seppur in una scatola piuttosto minimal
    All’interno troviamo l’orologio, le istruzioni per il quick start e il cavo di ricarica (le istruzioni complete possono essere reperito sul sito ufficiale)
    L’orologio sicuramente un orologio “importante” basta vedere le caratteristiche, spesso quasi 1,7 cm.
    Nonostante questo come visibile in foto, pur avendo un polso di 18 cm di circonferenza lo trovo gradevole anche per un uso quotidiano.
    Il display personalizzabile scegliendo fra quelli proposti cos come il colore e in base alla scelta anche le informazioni visibili cambiano.

    Io lo utilizzo prevalentemente per escursionismo corsa e attivit aerobica
    BATTERIA: sono molto soddisfatto della durata che risponde alle aspettative. Con tutto attivo, notifiche GPS , FC e un attivit al giorno che utilizza il GPS sono arrivato a 5 giorni. La durata ovviamente molto soggettiva, ma si arriva anche ad oltre 2 settimane. Il GPS e la cosa che pi la scarica ma in base all’attivita si pu diminuire la frequenza di rilevamento, ad esempio per il trekking ho usato BUONA ed comunque precisa.
    DISPLAY: le informazioni sono ben distribuite e risulta sempre ben leggibile, inoltre possibile impostare lo sfondo chiaro/scuro a seconda dell’utilizzo normale/esercizio. Funzione per me molto utile. Lo sfondo scuro piu elegante ma meno leggibile in determinate situazioni, mentre quello chiaro e di piu immediata leggibilit
    TOUCHSCREEN: Sempre preciso, pu comunuqe essere disabilitato per risparmiare batteria ed possibile fare tutto tramite tasti
    TASTI: danno una sensazione di solidit, si bloccano in automatico durante l’attivit, funzione molto utile viste le volte che li schiaccio per caso
    GPS: preciso, sia sul breve che sul lungo. Si possono pianificare percorsi da seguire poi direttamente sull’orologio utilizzandolo. Difficilmente riesce ad agganciare il segnale al chiuso (nonostante il GLONASS o GALILEO) contrariamente agli smartphone ma, una volta agganciato lo tiene.
    FC: il battito al polso su altri orologi che ho avuto non mai stato granch ma questo mi ha sorpreso. Sulla rilevazione istantanea non certo come l’elettrocardiogramma ma anche con solo 10 minuti di attivit il risultato e allineato con quello della fascia cardiaca.
    ALTIMETRO: se si utilizza il GPS per tararlo la misura affidabile, almeno finche non ci sono grosse variazioni di altitudine. La misurazione sempre affidabile mentre il GPS in funzione molto meno quando si basa sul barometro
    BAROMETRO: la pressione la misura, per nonostante questo l’allarme temporale non mai scattato ad oggi nonostante un paio di temporali estivi (aggiornero la recensione)
    CINTURINO: in morbido silicone con tutte le regolazioni che si possono volere e anche il blocco della parte eccedente
    ROBUSTEZZA: la qualit costruttiva percepita e molto alta, e posso dire anche robusto considerato che in ferrata mi capitato piu volte di scontrare delle pietre senza rilevare nessun segno sull’orologio
    AGG. SOFTWARE: ho gia ricevuto un aggiornamento SW segno che si pu sperare in ulteriori migliorie, inoltre l’aggiornamento e veramente semplice e bastato installare l’app sul PC e premere OK, f tutto da se
    RICARICA: la ricarica veloce e pratica, il cavo che poi una semplice calamita f un ottima presa sull’orologio, tanto da poterlo tenere sollevato (vedi foto). Si ricarica tranquillamente buttato nello zaino senza rischio che si scolleghi

    In conclusione sono molto soddisfatto ma nonostante questo non lo comprerei a prezzo pieno

    mutisport ma anche bello

  9. Anonymous says:

     Spain 🇪🇸

    Es mi 4 suunto y cada vez mejor. Muy cmodo. La pulsera de tela mejor que la de silicona…no suda la mueca.

  10. KatheriHowey says:


    Excellente montre que j’utilise en randonne avec mon compte komoot en utilisant la fonction guidage de la montre. Elle est trs lgre, je la porte jour et nuit. Ce que j’apprcie par-dessus tout, c’est la simplicit d’utilisation des montres Suunto: les menus sont clairs et simples (pas des centaines de menus cachs).

  11. JonnaT94upaeyii says:


    Ma montre avait probablement un dfaut d’altimtre, ou nous ne savions pas l’utiliser…. Quoiqu’il en soit mme la garantie dpasse de 60jours, j’ai contact la SAV ( partir de la commande), aprs un change trs technique du SAV et en moins de 15mn, j’avais un change standard sans frais supplmentaire.
    La nouvelle montre est reu en 48h et elle marche parfaitement.

    Suunto ne nous avait jamais du auparavant et l encore a t plus que professionnel.
    N’hsitez pas et si vous attendez un peu… prenez la suunto 9 peak (selon les modles elle est souvent en rupture de stock 🙂

  12. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Love this sports watch.
    Excellent data layout and statistics in app. The watch itself displays fitness, health, exercise and heart data very well.
    After coming from polar I was a little reluctant but I much prefer the suunto app and watch.
    The only negative I found is that the optical heart rate monitor not as accurate when in exercise mode but it’s fine in resting and normal condition. I tend to use an external heart rate monitor for exercising so not too fussed about this.
    Overall very pleased with this watch and would highly recommend.

  13. Emma Button says:

     United Kingdom

    Deal of the year! Already reduced price as nearly new, but then also add on a surprise Amazon discount and wahhay! Just the watch I’d been looking for having had a more complicated Garmin previously, really happy!

  14. Kimberly Gedeon says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersGreat watch, reliable GPS fix, but for all its dazzling features lacks some basic watch functioning that would be helpful and very useful. For instance, while in any exercise mode, that is, you’ve begun recording your exercise, you cannot utilize other basic features like a countdown timer (which I like to use as reminders to eat on long excursions). Another bummer is that you can’t save Points Of Interest (POIs) while you’re in exercise mode. For instance, while out running and recording the run I come across something interesting that I’d like to return to some day, I can’t simply drop a pin to mark the location. The watch is meant for sporting, but major functionalities, i.e. navigation features, can only be used to mark POIs in a non-sport mode.

  15. Ian says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersGute Sportuhr
    Tragekomfort geht fr mich mehr als in Ordnung.
    Display Helligkeit – sehr gut ablesbar bei Tageslicht – die Helligkeit kann in Schritten von 5% erhht oder vermindert werden. Das hat den Charme das man im Training auch was lesen kann bei Sonnenlicht und nicht erst Berhrung/Knopfdruck bentigt. Das geht je nach Einstellung natrlich auf die Batterielaufzeit. Allerdings ist das in meinen Augen vernachlssigbar, dafr lese ich die Uhr entspannter ab.
    Touchdisplay – finde ich persnlich berflssig – die Knopfbedienung ist prima.
    Abgesehen davon dass das Glas dann sauber bleibt.
    Trainingsmessung finde ich sehr gut.
    Herzfrequenzmessung scheint mir im normalen Tagesablauf nicht sauber zu funktionieren. Das Problem scheint die Methodik ber die Hautsensoren zu sein. Pltzliche Sprnge in der Messung sind dann die Folge – somit irritierend und nicht besonders akurat. Frage mich wieso in Krankenhusern via Finger Licht Sensor permanent korrekte Werte ausgelesen werden knnen (evtl. liegt es ja an der Dichte der Haut)
    Alle Ratschlge zur Verbesserung befolgt – hat im off-training modus nicht viel gebracht.
    Das ist brigens auch ein Grund warum die Schlafmessung dementsprechend “ungenau” ist.
    Bei der Schlafmessung merkt man wieder warum ein Touchdisplay nicht gut ist 😉 Eine falsche Bewegung und die Uhr leuchtet..
    Im Training – Radfahren in meinem Fall, funktioniert die Messung erstaunlich gut.
    Tolle Uhr, gefllt, Gre geht in Richtung Tauchcomputer 🙂
    Synchronisation mit der App auf dem PC oder mobil-telefon einwandfrei.
    Einige Funktionen habe ich noch nicht durchprobiert – bin aber bis dato schon sehr zufrieden.

  16. ShawnaPEOl says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersWatch was faulty. Could not adjust brightness. Previous buyer had the watch returned because of this and it was sold again as used without fixing it. Had to send it to Suunto for repair….

  17. [email protected] Sabrina Rodak says:


    Have had the watch for three weeks and so far I really like it. The look, feel, and functions are great and battery life is awesome. Jury is still out on the value of the watch but I can’t imagine wearing another watch since putting it on.

  18. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    No more chest strap! Does lots of stuff, love it. There is a YouTube video on how to go through the watch I would recommend. Might take y a few weeks to decide what you want the watch to do-

  19. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersHave been using Garmin Fenix 3 up until now but got tired of charging it almost every day and bringing battery packs on ultra marathons. Suunto is lovely and what i also like is that it is Made in Finland!
    Fully customizable, what i am missing is the Resume later feature which Garmin has, otherwise this one fully matches my needs as a runner and cyclist.

  20. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersComing from a Garmin for many years I was a bit nervous moving to Suunto. The 9 Bari has been excellent, battery life is superb and easy to use. It has good rugged looks. Only slight downside is the hr during excruciating is a bit hit and miss but most wrist hr watches are inaccurate and I have a chest strap so all good. It works perfectly for all day hr tracking however.

    The Suunto app is actually very reliable but lacks a lot of the lifestyle stuff from Garmin. Don’t really miss all that.

    All in all very happy with it and got me through a 50 miler recently with loads of battery remaining.

  21. LisaBeersixfobx says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersThis is a fantastic sports watch. A huge number of sports activities are pre-programmed into it. The Interface is extremely intuitive and simple to use. The battery life is exactly as Suunto say and copes well with long trail runs/hikes. The App is good, but as some other users have found it may take several goes to make it pair (makes sure its not in battery saving mode).

  22. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 21 From Our UsersI really like this watch. It replaced a Garmin Fenix 5. The Garmin can do more stuff and is much more customisation but for some reason the Suunto is easily my favourite.

    Suunto wins hands down on battery and athletic performance. I’d say the Garmin wins in nearly every other area particular smartwatch things.

    The watch actually doesn’t feel big on the wrist, it is comfortable all day. And the screen is clear an easy to read in bright sunlight.

    All in all a brilliant sports watch if you want to record your activities via GPS, the softwear is continually being developed and syncs seemlessly with Strava,

    I’m glad I made the switch from Garmin. But it isn’t black and white choice and others may prefer a Garmin.

  23. Michael Dorstewitz says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersThis Suunto is absolutely amazing! One of the best purchases I’ made. Battery is great, GPS is accurate and it works well when kitesurfing or wakeboarding so definitely worth the money!

  24. AishaZQNOywaj says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 11 From Our UsersThe latest flagship model of sports smartwatch from Finnish company Suunto, the ‘Suunto Unisex 9 BARO Watch, Black, One Size’ is a beautiful and highly functional watch. It is a large watch but comfortable even on a fairly small female wrist. The face is highly scratch-proof while functioning as a responsive touchscreen.

    Upon first unboxing the device, it is necessary to set it up and perform software updates by means of connecting it to a computer, which seems a little backward these days – why can’t this be done via the app? It is necessary to set up an account with Suunto for them to sync your info to, then once this is done you can try (operative word) to sync it via Bluetooth to the smartphone app. This is where things go downhill a little. There are currently two options of Android app to use – the Movescount one, or the newly-developed and not yet fully functional Suunto app. The reviews of the Movescount app on the Play store are deeply uninspiring, with many tales of horror about Suunto products failing to sync to it, and my initial optimism that the new Suunto 9 would overcome this was soon dashed. The watch synced well to the other, newer app, but unfortunately almost all the functionality you want currently resides in the older, dodgy Movescount one… The watch communicates perfectly with the computer app when connected via the usb/charging cable, but this doesn’t feel like enough for a device of this cost and calibre. Hopefully they will fix the app issues soon, although the Movescount issues seem to be long-standing.

    The watch display is gorgeous, with a clear screen and fairly easy navigation if you’ve used such products before. There are limited instructions provided in the packaging, but a great FAQ is available on the website. The Suunto 9 has capability to track many different types (and sub-types, e.g. Trail running, treadmill running etc) of activity, and has extensive navigation features available, although they are not as user-friendly as they could be, and novices may find them difficult to utilise. The wrist heart rate monitoring seems accurate, and marries well with pulse rate results taken with a blood pressure monitor. A chest belt which connects via Bluetooth is available separately if greater accuracy is essential. Please note that, unlike most other devices of this ilk, the Suunto 9 connects to peripherals only via Bluetooth, not ANT+, rendering obsolete older footpods etc which could have otherwise been used with it. This seems a shame.

    Overall this is a beautiful watch, with excellent features, just let down a little by the connectivity and ease of use.

  25. LloydDenson says:

     United Kingdom

    Comfy and not too heavy to wear. Doesn’t pinch the skin anywhere.

    Initial results show good accuracy for the heart sensor when I’ve been out exercising.

    The GPS and altitude seem to be pretty accurate.

    I’m impressed with the battery and the battery options.

    Overall I’d highly recommend this watch. I am aware that I don’t use it to its full capacity and therefore my review is lacking in some areas, but for all I’ve seen it’s an exceptional watch.