The Callisto Protocol Day One Editio

The Callisto Protocol Day One Editio

The Callisto Protocol is a next-generation take on survival horror from the mind of Glen Schofield. Blending atmosphere, tension, and brutality with terrifying moments of helplessness and humanity, The Callisto Protocol immerses players in a pulse-pounding story where unspeakable horrors lurk around every corner.
Set on Jupiter’s dead moon Callisto in the year 2320, The Callisto Protocol casts players as Jacob Lee, an inmate in Black Iron Prison. When a mysterious outbreak throws the moon into chaos, Jacob must face his darkest fears to defeat the bloodthirsty creatures that stalk him as he unravels the dark mysteries at the heart of the powerful United Jupiter Company.
The Callisto Protocol challenges players to master a thrilling blend of hand-to-hand and ranged combat, including a unique gravity weapon once used by Black Iron guards to control the prison population. Players will be forced to get up close and personal with their grotesque opponents, hacking off limbs, blasting off legs, and getting creative with whatever is at their disposal to survive each life-or-death encounter.
One of the most hostile, isolated environments in the universe, Callisto looms large over Jacob’s desperate struggle to survive. Players must not only contend with the horrors of Black Iron Prison, but also the centuries-old secrets that plague Jupiter’s long-dead moon, both above and below the surface.
Dimensions: | 10.21 x 0.79 x 16.99 cm; 68.04 Grams |
Dimensions: | 10.21 x 0.79 x 16.99 cm; 68.04 Grams |
Origin: | Austria |
Reference: | PS5-CallistoProtocol |
I just completed the game and I enjoyed every bits of it, from beginning to end. 17 hours of game play, Beautiful graphics and storyline. I don’t know why some people don’t like it, it was fantastic.
Game was ok, not massively long and controls are a bit awkward. But if you can get this game for under 20 worth a play
It’s only negative is that it tries far too hard to be like Dead Space so it lacks it’s own identity, really. The main character is a bit bland too, definitely no Isaac. I enjoyed it though, a bit of a dumb sci-fi story, kind of predictable and the end was quite daft but for a 10-12 hour experience it was a lot of fun. I usually sell games once I’ve played through once, with the rare good/excellent ones being kept for future playthroughs and this one has not been sold yet.
I got this for a great price. I was very happy with the game & its very similar to Deadspace as its the same people who made it. Im still playing it as its very challenging. If your like horror fps this is for you.
It’s not quite dead space level though but worth a look.
Combat can feel a bit clunky at times but once you get the hang of melee it’s decent.
I didn’t pay 70 for it so it was well worth the look if you like the horror , Sci fi style games.
Game is okay, looks great but I suffered the day one curse of so many updates
about what i expected. overall good but its not dead space.
So good looking on current gen consoles I thought it was an Unreal 5 engine game, it’s the best looking Unreal 4 game I’ve ever seen, it’s not scary but it is creepy, great story and once you get a handle on the combat you will love every second, new patches have made this a must buy and a showcase for the PS5 and XBSX/S consoles.
I personally don’t understand all the low review scores for this game – perhaps they’re because the bar has been set so high. This was a great game – interesting story, fantastic art direction, enjoyable meaty combat. I played this after finishing elden ring and it is exactly what I needed it to be and more; just good old video game fun.
Can’t wait for the sequel.
Great graphics and atmosphere. Not scary at all but the combat is pretty fun once you get used to it. The baton is the best weapon and I hardly used the guns until near the end. Hard mode is fairly challenging especially when mobbed by enemies. It’s quite a short game but well worth buying if you enjoy survival horror. Took me about 20 hours to earn the platinum
Close Combat is a bit tricky so get the hang of, boss fights are a little vague on how to kill them. Good plot to the story but the whole thing felt sort of rushed. Like not enough face time with the characters until the very end.
You can craft new weapons and upgrade them as well as your kinetic arm thing, they call it GRP.
But yes, it’s a good game, very tough at some points and frustrating but it was alot of fun….oh and there’s no playthrough plus mode either. Like you can’t play through again with your upgraded gear.
Ive just finished the game on default difficulty & found the level of challenge about right for me. The final boss battle was a bit annoyingly tough. Gave up trying on default for this & finished the game on the easy level & I struggled with that.
I thought the game was really great otherwise. It’s an amazing looking game, enjoyed the story & gameplay.
I would definitely recommend The Callisto Protocol to anyone especially if you are into this genre of games.
I would say it was easily worth at least 8.5 out of 10.
Fantastic visual design; enjoyable-yet-repetitive gameplay; not particularly scary, but overall, it’s worth a playthrough if you’re a fan of ‘traditional’ horror games which require you to trudge one bloody step at a time, whilst managing inventory and knowing that death could be round the next corner if you’re not ready.
*the visual modes are:
* 2160p*/30fps with Ray Traced shadows reflections and transmission (the game has significantly improved lighting effects)
* 2160p*/60fps (no RT effects)
*with temporal upscaling (4K-looking presentation for most of the game).
The story I actually enjoyed contrary to others, it’s pretty much easy to establish what’s going on and will happen but just because it’s predictable doesn’t make it bad. The fighting mechanic is good but not as fun as dead space but the eerie and scary atmospherics were brilliant. It’s a bit short but not crazily so. Defo worth playing and hopefully a second instalment will be infinitely better.
I actually really like this game the graphics are phenomenal. However the story is a little short being around 10 hours or about 12-14 if you’re like me and want to collect everything. The combat does feel a bit weird at first but you soon get used to i
I had higher hopes for this, and while it was for the most part quite enjoyable, it just doesn’t hold up when compared to Dead Space. The scenery looks fantastic, the combats pretty good and if you’ve never played a Dead Space game you probably will enjoy it more, but with the DS remake on the way it’s little more than a place filler. Buy it cheap or bide your time!
You’ll love it or hate it. The combat system is a bit strange but it is what it is. Don’t go in thinking it’s a Dead Space game and you might not be disappointed . A lot of the negative reviews are about the combat and limited enemy types but loads of games have little enemy variation and it didn’t real bother me. Quite enjoyed it. The game does look incredible.
As per the title really. Quite a short linear game. Very cool setting. Graphics and audio are great. Was fun to play, not as scary as expected as a lot of the jump scares are just too predictable. Combat very janky. To summarise, get this at 30-40 quid and that’s about right. Don’t pay full price for it. I enjoyed it but would give it a solid 7/10. Not the 10/10 it’s been hyped to be.
I think the game is nearly great but has its floors.
Not enough different monsters, hard to change weapons when fighting, weapon upgrades are very expensive. My experience was with no game bugs.
I think if it had a manga or a anime show or film, it could of (the game) had a more connected storyline, to make you feel more connected to the character, as when playing the game it could of brought you in more then it did.
EAs Dead Space from ps3 days cost 37million too make, cant find how much Callisto was to make, I bet same or less.
Hope this game gets a second, with improvements of course.
If this was real, i suppose you wouldnt see loads of different mutations in 10 hours or more it takes you to complete the game. As only humans are in the jail.
Glen is one of the original creators of the Dead Space franchise, widely considered some of the best horror games around.
TCP was largely marketed to be a spiritual successor of sorts, to Dead Space.
Does it succeed?
In my opinion – mostly.
– Great atmosphere
– Visceral & brutal combat
– Incredible graphics
– Awesome PS5 DualSense integration
– Solid 60FPS performance mode
– Amazing sound design
– Stellar performances from the cast
– Creepy and disturbing enemies ‘Biophages’
– It feels great to have a next gen Dead Space style game
– Very linear, not much to explore
– A somewhat predictable story that leaves you wanting more
– Towards the end, the story goes a bit more Resident Evil than Dead Space (cannot take it as seriously)
– Environmental story-telling (audio logs, scenery) is lacking
– Far too many “jump scares” that just become annoying (enemies in lockers / chests)
– No new game+ (at the time of writing)
– Some frustrations with combat (you cannot really run away, and it’s easy to get overwhelmed)
– Some frustrating checkpoints can mean lost progress
– Skews more towards action than horror, especially towards the end
In conclusion – if you like this style of game (Dead Space, The Last of Us, Resident Evil remakes), you will absolutely find something to enjoy here. Just note that it didn’t fully live up to the hype leading up to its release. It is not Dead Space 4.
Some of the issues can be fixed over time to hopefully ensure this is a better game by the end of its release cycle. Despite all that, I really hope it grows into a franchise, there is a lot of potential here.
people giving this a bad review after only play 1hr of them game ignore them the game is amazing beautiful graphics an amazing gameplay alot complaining about fps an needs a patch what game doesn’t need updates on release they all do thats why they uave use play the game a report back what they have missed an they have been all over the updates 100% buy the gsme same developers as dead space 1 an 2 you wont be disappointed