Topcony 2K Wireless Solar Security Camera Outdoor, 360°

Topcony 2K Wireless Solar Security Camera Outdoor, 360° Rechargeable Battery CCTV Camera, WiFi PTZ Camera, Color Night Vision, Siren Spotlight, 2-way Audio, PIR Motion Detection, Solar Panel
From the brand

Dimensions: | 12.5 x 12.5 x 15 cm; 1 Kilograms |
Model: | ZS-GX6S |
Batteries Included: | 1 Lithium Ion batteries required. (included) |
Manufacture: | Topcony |
Dimensions: | 12.5 x 12.5 x 15 cm; 1 Kilograms |
Origin: | China |
Esta puesta en el piso de la playa y lo tengo los automticos de la luz apagados y no tengo wifi,pues la cmara de vigilancia va de lujo por la batera y con tarjeta sim
Brought this for my Dad’s birthday as he was looking for a camera and this one met his criteria. It has a very large battery so lasts for months and comes with a solar panel to extend its battery life. For the price you get all the features you need and enough storage to get you started, however can be expanded up to 256 GB which is useful if you want to store more footage. It’s pretty easy to install and my Dad didn’t have any concerns using the camera either, which is great since I’m always having to do IT support for him!
Picture quality is enough but not amazing as 2k/4k cameras if quality is what you’re looking for.
The camera also has subscription options if you’d rather store them in the cloud but since you can extend up to 256GB.
Installation is fairly easy if you know how to use a ladder/use bolts, etc to put it on the wall. I wouldn’t say this is easy for any random person, so just be prepared to ask a family member to set it up if you can’t do it yourself.
The app is what you’d expect and gives you all the options you need to view the feed and manage your camera.
This CCTV camera has a more than good video quality, microphone, two-way audio, color & infrared night vision, the solar panel recharges the battery quickly and the long cable allows the installation in the desired point. It has all the most common standard functions (recording scheduling, detection area, recharge and wifi signal statistics, siren with sound and lights, basic cloud storage), I recommend inserting the micro sd for the recordings, and the pro functions that you have to pay extra, but are not really necessary(AI detection, cloud storage, etc.). Considering the really low price for what you get, I highly recommend it. Another plus point is the app, CloudEdge, with Alexa and Google Home integrations. The USB port on the back is a bit fiddly and I sometimes had to sort out the cable as it wasn’t getting power, but that’s just a minor negative that doesn’t impact from the overall of a very good camera.
apporto prezzo qualit buono
in due mesi il pannello solare ha sempre tenuto in carica le batterie anche in giornate nuvolose…fra un anno aggiorner la recensione
wi-fi 2,4 GHz , perfetta
app di gestione Cloudedge, gratuita ,intuitiva e facile da consultare anche da remoto
messa in giardino alle intemperie , per ora OK….verificate di avere una buona copertura del wi-fi se la mettete in esterno
per ora direi che un buon prodotto
Ich habe die Kamera in etwa 20 Minuten installiert und eingerichtet, sie ist wirklich benutzerfreundlich. Es gibt viele Kameras, die viel teurer sind, aber fr das Geld finde ich diese Kamera hervorragend. Die Nachtsicht dieser Kamera ist schon hervorragend. Auch Tagesaufnahmen sind sehr gut. Eine super Lsung ist das Solarpanel, da ich keinen separaten Stromanschluss hierfr habe. Bins sehr zufrieden mit der Kamera inkl. Installation und Bedienung.
L’installation est aise . La camra est trs sensible aux dclenchements de mouvements, je ne rate aucune action. L’image nocturne est trs contraste avec son projecteur, les alarmes sont trs vite identifies et signales. J’utilise uniquement les enregistrements sur carte SD qui est un mode trs satisfaisant et fiable. Le rapport qualit prix trs apprci. Je n’ai pas encore pu tester la longvit de cette camra dans le temps.
Je recommande ce modle.
So easy to install and great for Wi-Fi locations plus bonus it recharges itself.
great produc
Prezzo accessibile, soprattutto in promozione (coupon). Estrema facilit di installazione / configurazione. App intuitiva ed esaustiva, connessione rapida, immagini nitide. Dopo una settimana dal primo acquisto, vista la soddisfazione, ne ho acquistata una seconda, a copertura del lato opposto. Finora batterie al 100%, con l’ausilio dei pannelli solari. La foto della prima telecamera acquistata stata scattata da remoto, via app, dalla seconda telecamera (installata ieri). Ho preferito inserire il cavo di alimentazione solare in una canalina autoadesiva, per maggiore protezione da agenti atmosferici.
Easy to set up to app and WiFi..
camera night vision ok… 2 way audio good with video and live feed. All in all not bad
Easy to install & download app. great pictures night & day. camera lights a bonus. easy to follow instructions. ideal using solar power panel. alarm warnings two way audio. i can see who is calling at the house. i sent wrong order number to Topcony to register camera, they replied promptly to ask for correct number which i sent, replied promptly they had received number & activated registration for me, excellent service from Topcony. camera excellent value. may well purchase another camera for the back garden.
This is just as good if not better than the most expensive ones.i love how you can check battery life on the app.
AGGIORNAMENTO DEL 5.2.2023 : Ho acquistato il giorno 3.2.2023 una seconda telecamera, uguale alla prima del 2 gennaio, sempre ottima e perfetta, immagine chiara, nitida e colori perfetti. – 1 Telecamera acquistata il 2 gennaio 2023, incredibilmente perfetta, immagine nitida, l’audio estremamente chiaro, perfettamente udibile anche a distanza. Semplice da installare, istruzioni anche in italiano, pannello solare per l’alimentazione di cm 17,5 x 12 con cavo lungo cm 2,90 molto utile e resistente, inoltre corredata di cavo USB per eventuale ulteriore ricarica della batteria, comprensiva anche di tasselli e viti per l’installazione.
Applicazione Cloud Edge molto ben fatta e con diverse modalit di utilizzo. Ottimo acquisto.
Very easy to install, works well. Panning can be a bit delayed when over Internet but easy to compensate for (nothing you wouldn’t get with any system). Picture quality is not brilliant not sure 2k. We live in UK very overcast and in winter and batteries still at 100% a month late
Arrivata in un solo giorno e montata in 10 minuti. Consiglio, come da istruzioni sulla scatola del prodotto, di mettere in carica con adattatore da 5v per portare al 100% la batteria, prima di procedere al settaggio con l’app Cloudedge, tra l altro facile ed intuitiva e , soprattutto, in varie lingue compreso l italiano, cos come il libretto di istruzioni. Qualit dell’ immagine e rilevazioni di persone con relativo invio di notifica su cellulare dedicato , eccellenti. La ricarica con pannello solare la chicca di questo apparecchio. La si pu montare dovunque. Ho solo fatto una modifica per mia necessit, ho acquistato una staffa per montarla distante dal muro perimetrale della mia abitazione per sfruttare la rotazione dell’ottica ed aumentare la porzione di spazi da tenere a bada. Comodo,anche,il sistema di rilevamento in notturna di eventuali intrusi con l accensione della sirena e lampeggio led per destare l’ attenzione ai malintenzionati.
Sono soddisfatto e penso di acquistarne un altra per coprire altro lato della casa. Per terminare , la possibilit di condividerla su altro telefono , quello di mia moglie, facile e funzionale. Ottimo acquisto.
Ottimo acquisto! era tanto che cercavo una telecamera con il pannello solare perch la dovevi installare in un punto dove difficile arrivare con la corrente. Mi occorreva con il wifi e visione notturna. Ho trovato questa anche con uno sconto eccezionale rispetto a prodotti simili. La confezione completa di tutto anche di stop sia per la base del pannello che per quella della telecamera come si vede in foto.
Montarla stato davvero molto semplice!
Ha uno slot per una micro SD cos da poter registrare se necessario.
La telecamera ruota cos da coprire se necessario pi punti.
Sto valutando di acquistarne un’altra per il spiano superiore! Per ora dopo un mesetto siamo assolutamente soddisfatti dell’acquisto.
Ho attivato anche i due anni di assicurazione aggiuntiva essendo all’estero, ottimo servizio offerto da Amazon.
I will recommend this CCTV,perfect for home in every corner.
Really easy to install, and picture quility is really good. I’ve had the camera up a few weeks now, and the solar panel is doing the job of keeping battery to maximum charge. Sirion is loud and the lights coming on of an evening is also a nice feature
posizionata nel mio giardino privato in una zona dove non era possibile arrivare con la corrente quindi ho deciso di provare questa cam con il pannello solare.
premetto che si trova in un luogo non molto soleggiato poich prende luce solo 7 ore al giorno, quanto basta al momento per mantenere una carica costante.
posizionatela vicino ad un router o un extender wifi in quanto pi alto il segnale pi veloce la risposta al movimento della cam e pi nitida la risoluzione.
la visione ottima anche in notturna poich ha due faretti che si illuminano in caso di rilevamento automatico dell’intruso( tramite app selezionate la zona desidera che volete far rilevare per evitare rilevamenti inutili), tali faretti possibile azionarli anche manualmente tramite app.
due aspetti fondamentali degni di nota sono l opzione allarme che pu essere sonoro o luminoso a seconda delle esigenze, e la possibilit di connettersi tramite app alla cam da vari dispositivi interconnessi (ovviamente avendo i dati di accesso).
il dispositivo presenta uno slot memoria che pu arrivare a 128gb ma ho preferito mettere una 64gb , anche se ti viene data anche l ‘opzione di utilizzare il cloud tramite abbonamento
L’objet prsente bien, bien emaball, notice explicative bien faite, installation aise (ne pas oublier de diffrencier son wifi en 2.4GHz et 5GHz), application bien pense et intuitive.
Malheureusement la detection d’individu (de mouvement) ne fonctionne qu’a moins de 5 mtres, au dela la camra ne dtecte rien ou alors en faisant plusieurd passages devant la camra (avec la sensibilit 10).
Prcision la dtection march la 1re journe peut-tre un dysfonctionnement ou problme matriel?
Edit: aprs l’criture de mon commentaire le service client m’a contact, ils m’ont aid bien configurer la camra, permettant une meilleure dtection (sans diffrences entre humanodes et autres).
Merci eux
Cercavo una telecamera da esterno da installare nella mia propriet e appena ho visto questa con pannello solare ho deciso di comprarla. Dopo circa due settimane di utilizzo continuo mi ritengo soddisfatto dell’acquisto. Innanzitutto si percepisce subito la grande solidit costruttiva del prodotto, con un buon design e materiali resistenti. Poi mi ha colpito l’alta risoluzione delle immagini, che risultano molto naturali, nitide e con colori vividi. Per quanto riguarda la batteria, basta montare il pannello solare in dotazione e rimane carica per molto tempo (fino a 6 mesi secondo il produttore) ed era proprio quello che cercavo per non doverla ricaricare ogni mese. Le antenne Wi-Fi hanno una buona portata e l’inquadratura si pu comodamente ruotare da remoto. L’applicazione fatta bene e permette la visualizzazione delle registrazioni archiviate, le notifiche di movimento e di batteria scarica e tante altre funzioni utili.
Telecamera ad uso esterno con semplice app di utilizzo e soprattutto dotata di pannello solare!! Perfetta per chi non ha cavi di alimentazione da rete elettrica! Fare attenzione alla copertura del segnale Wi-Fi! Consiglio di fare un giro della casa con il proprio telefono per controllare quante tacche avete a disposizione!!! Maggiore il segnale e migliore e’ la risposta ai comandi tramite app!! Sarebbe il caso di mettere un amplificatore di segnale wifi nei pressi della telecamera!!! Tramite app si pu controllare lo stato del segnale wifi alla telecamera!!! Perch funzioni al meglio deve essere superiore al 70% circa!!! Si possono fare frame e video!!! La sd micro e’da comprare a parte!!! N.B. nonostante il pannello solare non sia esposto a sud, d comunque energia alla telecamera! Consigliatissima!!!
Easy to install. Just set up WiFi and then download App to your phone, it’s really easy to do, just follow the instructions. Pictures are really clear, even at night. Has a light on it too. There is also an intercom so you can speak via your phone through the camera. It is great, we are impressed with this product and would highly recommend!!
Funzionamento dell’app intuitivo, qualsiasi skill della videocamera praticamente regolabile in remoto. Non avendo linea internet casa ADSL o fibra presso l’abitazione in cui l’ho installata, temevo che il router con sim a cui l’ho dovuto collegare non fosse sufficiente… invece funziona tutto perfettamente e il router si trova almeno a 6 metri di distanza dentro casa con una parete spessa circa 80 cm a separarli. Ottimo!!! Funziona da 2 giorni, batteria al 100% grazie al pannellino solare regolabile e facilmente piazzabile grazie al cavo di collegamento lungo almeno 2 metri. Spero di poter confermare anche a distanza di tempo l’ottimo giudizio al primo impatto!
Preis / Leistung sehr gut,
ich habe der Fa. mein Statement bereits geschrieben. Es sollte mglich sein, die Kamera ber wlan ein- / auszuschalten. Gerade bei Nebeneingngen z. B. wird so eine Kamera (wie bei uns) gerne benutzt. Wenn ich jetzt hier mehrfach ein- ausgehe, reagiert die Kamera darauf. Es sollte wohl mglich sein, ber ein update diese Funktion einzustellen. Ist einfach lstig, die ganzen Warnmeldungen durchsehen und lschen.
Aufnahmequalitt ist fr den Preis o.k., damit kann ich leben. Die Kamera erfllt ihren Zweck.
Wer mehr will, muss einfach auch entsprechend dafr bezahlen.
The Topcony 360 degree security camera is a great device to protect your home or premises. The device is very simple and easy to install and all you need to get it up and running is a WiFi signal. The device has a rechargeable battery and comes with a solar panel to keep it charged up so that you don’t need to run in any power cables for the installation. Ideal for protecting outbuildings that don’t have a power supply.
Setup is simple and easy via the phone app and the ease of use is very impressive. Works flawlessly over WiFi and the picture quality is very impressive. Love the PTZ functionality and how you can control it from your phone, can also playback and export video clips in seconds.
Great camera, easy to use app and fantastic value for money.
Having few wireless cameras, needed one exceptionally in the very high elevation we’re I don’t have power supply option. This solar power system comes very handy in those spaces.
First I needed to charge the camera in full at the start but later it went to charge it self from the solar charger. Even in dull days there were 89% in charge. Battery drain depends on various selected options if it uses human detection what ra ge detection is covering and so on.
Very detailed recording in day time and color recording at night.
Easy instalation with the step by step guide in app. Needs WiFi to be able to use app and view recordings on PC or fone.
In app using arrows you can tilt and turn the camera 360 degrees if you wish.
Overall satisfied with this purchase, can’t fault any aspect of it.
I bought this camera to put on my place in Spain. It was easy to fit, easy to set up and does exactly what it says on the tin. The app seems to work well, although I did have to get it to restart the device the other day. It would be nice if they did a version with an actual zoom lens on the camera.
So easy to use. Great quality and the solar panel power means it’s sustainable and ease of use is helped!
I love this smart cctv and its features and easy to access them which I’m very pleased to have it. I can now access my home from any where and anytime.. definitely recommend i
The night vision on this camera is excellent in its own right but additionally it has a motion sensor security light incorporated meaning that when it is activated at night the picture becomes full colour and really clear. I installed and set the camera up on about 20 minutes, it’s really user friendly. The solar panel has kept it charged really well despite poor weather lately. But if I did run out of charge there is also a cable so you can manually charge it but to be honest I doubt it’ll need it as its faring really well so far. I love that I can set it to record only human movement or select any movement so I’m pleased that it picks up my cat on that setting, which is primarily the reason I bought it. There are many cameras available at a much higher cost but for the money I think this is excellent, there’s nothing worse I’d want from it. It can record to cloud if you want to pay a subscription but I use a micro sd card and that is working great so no need for cloud for me. Highly recommend. Having problems uploading video or photos, am trying to get this sorted with amazon, but the other photos and videos on reviews show basically what l recorded.
Great little ptz camera, battery life has been great with pretty fast playback, the motion zone has been a god send and not creating false alerts, definitely consider buying the 128gb with the deal as it works out cheaper then buying separately
Great upgrade to my current camera, also the solar feature is amazing for keeping costs down. I will be recommending this to friends and family. Really clear and the app is simple to use/connect.
First job is to reset the camera before attempting to connect to the network, use the reset button attached to the camera back.It’s a good idea to insert the micro SD card with the screwdriver supplied with the CCTV, perfect fit to the screw. When you connect the camera to the mains some movement occurs, when it has finished press the reset button, you will hear a tune indicating it’s resetting. Connect with the ethernet cable to the hub . Open Camera App and add new camera as detailed in the manual. Once connected with new password etc. set date and time. Wait till settings have taken place. Now unplug ethernet cable to go wi-fi. All is good after a little while, perfect high quality picture, choose position of view or put intelligent tracking on. This camera is very impressive and it’s the second one of this model we’ve bought with 360 degrees. Also very good night vision. I wouldn’t buy any other and I highly recommend it.
Perfect for places where installation with wires is an issue, the quality of videos and pictures are impressive or a solar powered camera, first setup took me less than 1 minute and the app is super easy to operate and download the files to straight to your phone, worth it every penny.
* Para configurarla inicialmente hay que introducir la contrasea de una red wifi en su aplicacin, se nos mostrar un cdigo QR en la aplicacin que habr que ensear a la cmara. Despus de eso la cmara se conectar al wifi y ya estar lista para usarse. En general el proceso es muy fcil y rpido de hacer. La aplicacin tambin te ira guiado en el proceso con imgenes y con voz. Hay que tener en cuenta que nicamente funciona con redes de 2.4GHz y tendr que tener acceso a Internet.
* La cmara es perfecta tanto para interior como para exterior. Todos los botones y conectores estn protegidos con tapas. Tambin se puede posicionar boca arriba o boca abajo, ya que la aplicacin ofrece una opcin para rotar la imagen.
* La batera agenta mucho y se puede configurar distintas opciones de ahorro de energa
* La placa solar que trae es muy fcil de conectar y el soporte que trae permite instalarla muy fcilmente y posicionarla en cualquier ngulo. La salida de la placa es de 5v con un conector micro USB y una eficacia del 19.5%.
* Gracias a la placa solar y que funciona por wifi no necesitas instalar ningn cable, aunque tambin se puede alimentar mediante un cargador micro USB.
* Se puede insertar una tarjeta SD de hasta 128GB para guardar videos e imgenes.
* Tiene un par de luces led muy potentes que se pueden encender por la aplicacin o bien cuando se detecta movimiento. Cuando no hay luz esas luces se convierten en luces infrarrojas que permiten ver en la oscuridad con total claridad.
* Tiene audio bidireccional, lo que significa que puedes or y hablar a travs de la cmara.
* Se puede configurar deteccin de movimiento, con distintos niveles de intensidad, periodos de tiempo, zonas especficas de la imagen y permite emitir una alarma sonora y luces estroboscpicas.
* El movimiento de la cmara es muy suave y preciso.
Great CCTV camera. No wiring, so can be placed anywhere you like. Great picture and charges with the solar panel provided. How technology has evolved! I added a micro SD card. It was straight forward to setup. The android app tells you how to everything you need. I love the pan and tilt. Good to watch your property from you phone.
Premier point positif : l’installation est franchement simple, pas besoin de comptence particulire.
Second point, pas besoin d’une exposition au soleil toute la journe pour recharger la batterie. J’ai install mon panneau solaire un peu sous le toit (pas pu faire autrement) et a suffit pour recharger la camra. Jamais eu de coupure de courant.
Enfin, la qualit final est top, en plein jour comme en pleine nuit. Le dtecteur de mouvement fonctionne bien et en plus, on a la possibilit d’allumer les lumires de la camra et de parler/entendre via la camra. Rassurant quand on est en voyage et qu’on voit quelqu’un dans son jardin ^^
Bref, le produit est top et pas cher, l’application fonctionne bien. Je suis content de mon achat !
Ive been looking at solar cameras for some time, having previously used other battery based motion cameras. I wanted a camera I could mount higher up and not have to worry about taking off the wall to replace batteries.
I was also a bit worried about the solar aspect, as in rainy England during the winter, the sun is non existent, but I installed this camera in October and we are not into November and I have had no issues.
I have installed this at the top of my house and the solar panel which charges the batteries is discreetly positioned about a meter above and is angled toward the sky. It looks very professional, if I didn’t know I’d installed it, I’d be convinced it was a professional job.
The camera quality is great, perfectly clear both night and day, and viewing footage is easy and seamless.
If you’re in two minds about a camera of this kind, take the plunge and go for it – you won’t be disappointed
Highly recommended!
Utile telecamera di sorveglianza dotata di un piccolo pannello solare cosi da poter essere usata in autonomia, dotata di una batteria che viene ricaricata dal pannello durante il giorno evita la necessita di avere un cavo di alimentazione durante l’installazione, quest’ultima risulta molto facile intuitiva basta posizionare la telecamera per poi collegare il pannello solare che deve essere naturalmente piazzato in esterno, la qualit video ottimale e l’immagine risulta nitida, il tutto funziona con app dove possibile impostare anche la visione notturna e il rilevatore di movimento, che invia automaticamente un messaggio sullo smartphone quando rileva persone nelle vicinanze, la telecamera si puo fare anche ruotare tramite applicazione e si collega facilmente alla rete wifi telecamera pratica e poco dispendiosa.
I have placed this camera on my living room facing rear garden, now i can track my garden and also i can rotate to see on my living room aswel. This cctv has got so many function like 2 ways communication, also can switch light from my phone and can rotate 360 degree and i can switch it into motion detect which i get notifications on my phone great product with long battery life plus solar, so no need to worry about connecting with electricity if installing outside love i
Highly recommended!!! This Camera is great very easy to set up install where you want and to use it. Best part is that camera is wireless ,so you can install Camera where you want in your Wi Fi range , also is powered by solar panel which is charging battery, so saves you money on electricity . 360 feature allows you to set up view what suits you then you can monitor live streaming in your smartphone from any place.
Ein wichtiges Kriterium fr mich ist – neben Pan&Tilt – die Mglichkeit, Alarmmeldungen nur bei rein menschlichen Bewegungen im Rahmen der Einbruchsicherung zu erhalten und darber hinaus auch den Auenbereich zu beleuchten. Nicht akzeptabel sind dabei Kameras, die einen mit Alarmen (grundlos) regelrecht zumllen oder eben gar nicht benachrichtigen.
Ich habe bereits mehrere Kameras verschiedener Hersteller getestet; nur leider hat nicht immer jede das gehalten, was die Beschreibung versprochen hat.
Bei diesem Gert handelt es sich um eine Kamera, die ber keine Netzwerkbuchse verfgt und somit nur ber WLAN in das LAN eingebunden werden kann. Bei einer Entfernung von ca. 15 Meter zum Router (dazwischen liegt eine Auenwand) erhalte ich flssige Bilder. Sie verfgt ber eine sog. intelligente Bewegungserkennung, bei der der Sensor mglichst nur bei der Erfassung von Personen anspricht. Dabei lsst sich die Auslsung der Bewegungserkennung in verschiedenen Empfindlichkeitsstufen regeln und funktioniert tatschlich bei der Erkennung von Personen (HID) selbst im Dunkeln ausgesprochen gut.
In Verbindung mit der Alarmauslsung ist dabei auerdem das Hinzuschalten von den integrierten, recht hellen, LEDs sowie eines Alarmtons mglich.
Sowohl bei Tag als auch bei Nacht kann die Bildqualitt berzeugen. Selbst bei Dunkelheit besteht die Mglichkeit der Farbbildanzeige. Klasse.
Hinzufgen muss man jedoch, dass die Kamera ausschlielich mit der dazugehrigen Anwendung (CloudEdge) funktioniert. Hierzu ist auch zwingend eine Internetverbindung erforderlich. Wer damit leben kann ist mit dieser IP-Kamera bestens bedient.
Insgesamt bin ich durchweg zufrieden mit der Kamera.
Very easy to use. A very good picture. The smart app and notifications work flawlessly compared to my previous cameras. We will see vitality, because at the moment there is not much to say. So far only positives
The camera was easy to set up and install as no power supply required as it comes initially with a A5 size solar panel which in my case has to face south, I initially charged the camera overnight with a phone charger as only solar panel included and recommended by supplier.
Picture quality is ok, no zoom but with a 2K resolution you don’t need this.
The app is CloudEdge and not CamHi which was disappointing as my 3 other Topcony cameras use CamHi.
I also thought that we needed wall to wall sunshine for solar panels to work, when actually a day of bright weather is all I need, I have other solar panel powered devices outdoors, which all work even at this time of year. As back up we can also charge the battery with a USB cable, which is what we did before installing it.
An assortment of fittings, screws, and the USB charging cable are included with the kit; a micro SD card which isn’t included, can also be fitted for recording purposes. The CloudEdge app was easy to install onto our phones, and is used to alert us when anyone approaches the house. The microphone is useful for accepting parcels, or even warning someone off the premises when we’ve away from home. As the camera lights up upon detecting human movement, we found it useful, especially at this time of year to clearly see where the door keyhole.
The camera images are just as good as a wired security camera, and without having to wait for installation engineer, we where up and running within days. Thankfully the strong wind, flying leaves, and the night visitors, foxes, cats etc. haven’t causes any false alarms; and it has been extremely windy the last few days.
The unit looks, and feels really solid; the recent appalling weather hasn’t causes any damage, so complete wind and waterproof. The picture quality, even after dark, is very good; and the two way microphone works well, even from a distance. We are now very pleased to have this camera set up, especially in these dark winter months; a very good purchase, we both agreed; would recommend.
Purchased this to reduce my electric bill seeing it was solar, and I’m blown away by the build quality; it’s excellent. This beats every other camera I have, hands down. My biggest worry was how long the battery would last, but it never runs low, and the solar panel is East facing with little light. I’ve always had 2 cameras covering 1 area, but this covers all angles and the picture quality is perfect, and I mean perfect. With the powerful LED light, I can even get rid of my outdoor light too, because this does everything. With electric prices the way they are, i feel i need to invest and think outside the box. I have never known such a small LED light up an area so well. The good thing is you can have night mode, but when someone enters the area the LEDs come on, and you have full colour like it was daylight. A handy feature for me, and a key reason to purchase, I can now hear and see the kids playing while I’m working in the office; the mic picks up everything. Another nice feature for me, as an engineer, is you can see that the device is active with a very small blue and red LED. Would I recommend to friends and family, without a doubt I would, I can not stress enough, buy this camera before they sell out, or they have problems with part shortages? I’ll be getting another 2 when i have the funds.
Brilliantly designed with no need of drilling holes for electricity and no need cables for electricity.
Camera has 2K clear detailed image quality with possibility to rotate around threw the app.
It came with solar panel which can be connected and it will charge constantly the rechargeable batteries.
Personally love the fact how simple to set up and no need for professional installation, no need drilling the walls.
It has night vision as well which makes possible to see in peach black clearly.
Considering it’s all in one design image quality and price range I found it great deal.
When installing just need to check if camera has good wifi signal strength in prepared fitting place.
The motion detection is very impressive, and considering the security lights are small they are incredibly bright for a battery camera. Battery charge duration is good, night vision impressive. Software easy to setup, got it up snd running within 3 minutes. Impressive all round cctv camera!
This camera is a great deal! The picture quality is excellent, both day and night. The ease of operation is most pleasing and allows a nearly 360-degree horizontal sweep and a good up/down. Once configured and installed with an SD card, it is a simple task to save screenshots or videos. The included solar panel keeps the battery charged nicely during the day and if need be it can be charged with the included cable using a 5V2A adapter. The listen/talk feature is also simple to engage by simply pushing the touch screen button. Other great features include Siren, Voice, and Strobe Lights Alarm. Using the included location stickers and hardware the whole package can be mounted in just a few minutes and you’re up and running with a great feeling of security. Overall I would recommend this camera!
Auf der Suche nach einer guten Kamera mit vielen Funktionen bin ich auf dieses Modell hier gestoen. So wurde dieses kurzerhand bestellt und ebenso schnell geliefert.
Nach dem Auspacken wurde kurz die Bedienungsanleitung “studiert”. Die Einrichtung ist schnell gemacht und sehr einfach. Nachdem die Verbindung mit dem WLAN hergestellt ist, kann direkt losgelegt werden.
Das Solarpanel ist ebenfalls klasse. So wird der Akku immer schn geladen und es mssen keine Batterien getauscht werden. Auch mssen keine Kabel verlegt werden fr eine Stromversorgung. So kann die Kamera an jeden Ort platziert werden.
Testaufnahmen zeigen eine gute Bildqualitt, sowohl bei Tageslicht als auch bei Dunkelheit. Einfach klasse!
Als Speicherort bietet der Hersteller eine kostenpflichtige Cloud an, aber die Nutzung einer SD-Karte ist auch mglich. Also ist fr jeden etwas dabei.
In den Einstellungen kann viel eingestellt werden:
– Bildeinstellungen (Farbe, schwarz-wei)
– Alarmeinstellungen (Empfindlichkeit, Bereiche einstellen, …)
– Klangeinstellungen (Ton, Lautsprecher aktivieren, …)
Auch hat man im Batteriemanagement eine bersicht ber den Ladezustand der Akkus und kann kontrollieren, ob das Solarpanel einwandfrei ldt oder nicht.
Der Zugriff be die entsprechende App ist problemlos, auch von unterwegs, mglich.
Alles in allem bin ich bisher mit der Kamera zufrieden.
Using the app itself is really good including how to Pan tilt and zoom the camera. I have a 128gb memory card in it and recording footage is very easy in the app, very quickly you can go to to the BlueMotion lines to see activity.
The things that I really like is the fact that the camera acts as a security light as well at night-time.
Because the camera looks over my drive it is brilliant getting out of the car at night and having this provide ambient light (as well as the security aspect).
I like that the camera feels like it is built solid and is good quality. I’m hoping it would provide security cover for many years to come.
This is a great and very useful camera
-Installation: easy installation with the help of the bracket
-Size and durability: the camera is made of durable materials which seem to protective for long use.
-Easy to use:-: The software to handle the main functions of the camera is really easy to understand and self explaining.
– Best Features: the nigh vision, the light and the sire
I was excited to receive my new solar cctc camera! I already had the app, so connection and set up was easy, the camera itself is nice looking and sturdy, with the bonus solar panel, so you never have to worry about charging camera!
Picture quality is great, just what I needed to protect my new balcony steps.
Now I want one for the front of my house!
I would not hesitate to recommend purchasing this solar powered cctv camera, I’m impressed!
La configuracin es muy fcil. La instalacin tambin es muy sencilla.
Me ha gustado mucho el tema de la batera. Si no tiene muchas alarmas, se puede usar sin el panel solar, pues la carga dura muchsimo. Y de vez en cuando cargarla. Esto es bueno para las zonas poco soleadas.
La he tenido un da y slo ha consumido el 3% de 100%. Por lo que si est en un lugar no muy concurrido durar muchsimo.
La alarma es muy precisa, es decir no salta con el movimiento del viento en los rboles como si pasa en otras muchas. En mi caso, slo ha saltado al detectar movimiento humano. En este caso, la configur para que la grabacin la haga en color por la noche. Y las imgenes de noche son muy ntidas. Tengo varias cmaras y la verdad que en calidad y precisin no se parecen a esta. Y no es el engorro de estar saltando constantemente. Si, no verdaderamente cuando detecta a alguien.
Estoy muy contento.
The problem is, wiring! I have a shed, a shed to rest! But someone “lovely little blighter” broke in a week ago and stole my comfortable slippers!! My favourite Dad slippers that no other footwear can compare too! But now, this will go up and by the power of the sun I will catch the cheeky slipper theif if he tries to take anything else!