1500W Electric Ceramic Heater Portable Space Fan Heater

1500W Electric Ceramic Heater Portable Space Fan Heater 90°Oscillation Mini Heater with Remote Control, Low Energy, Thermostat, 1-12h Timer for Home Office Bedroom

1. Please use a wall socket instead of a power strip during use.
2.Suitable for dry locations ONLY. This heater is not intended for use in bathrooms, laundry areas, etc. Do not use or store where it may get wet.
Weight: | 1.74 kg |
Dimensions: | 20 x 18 x 28 cm; 1.74 Kilograms |
Brand: | Elechelf |
Model: | PTC-1500ER |
Colour: | Black |
Dimensions: | 20 x 18 x 28 cm; 1.74 Kilograms |
As someone said, it is slightly noisy but it does job!
Need to read the instructions to be able to alter the temperature, can only do it when it is on ECO mode. Nice looking little heater.
Just a little bit noisy if close to it, but so far so good happy with purchase.
After using the 1500W Electric Ceramic Heater, I would say that it is a decent heater overall.
It has compact in size and easily portable, which makes it great for small rooms or offices.
The 90 oscillation and remote control are convenient features, and the thermostat and timer options allow for customization.
The design is also quite nice, as it is a minimalistic, nice dark colour and square shape and corners.
However, I did notice that the heater takes some time to warm up and keep the warmth in a larger room and meanwhile, is consuming quite a good amount of electrical energy.
It’s definitely more suited for smaller spaces.
Additionally, the compact size does come at a cost of limited heating power.
Although it is a small one and has to put some effort into warming up the whole room, I would still recommend this heater to anyone looking for a small, portable, and efficient heating option.
Perfect for cost-effective heating when you have the thermostat off given the current economic challenges! Easy to set up. Has a protection shut off for movement and high temperature, which is good. Excellent output. Works fine to heat any room. Good value – especially for the cost saving on bills!
Great little heater, warms up my transporter in no time at all, it’s great for keeping a constant comfortable temperature and is capable of heating a much bigger space than my little van, for the price it’s bang o
So this heater is good at close proximity, it gets hot no problem but the heatwaves don’t go very far anything more then 1 meter you may not fell any heat maybe better for a computer desk where your going to be close to it. Another thing as soon as you turn it off you feel cold again 😀 It could be confused as a bluetooth speaker looks like one. i was expecting something bigger to be fair maybe should of kept looking but will keep it as up close it does the job. Safety is great I tilted it and it turned itself off which is a good thing. The remote is fine but a bit stiff I found.
Small and powerful heater good to use at the campsite / caravan Especially because of the adjustable 1500 watts great for heating your caravan / awning in the spring / autumn. an awning does of course depend on the type of weather and the size of the awning. You can’t expect miracles from this. But in calm weather it is possible to get the temperature comfortable. For us a great stove for a nice price.
Der Heizlfter ist an sich ganz gut und im Moment sind solche Alternativen ja viel gesucht. Fr mich ist klar, dass es KEINE ALTERNATIVE zum “richtigen” heizen sein kann seine Wohnung mit solchen Gerten zu heizen. Letztendlich fr das nur zu hheren Stromkosten.
Als Alternative bevor die Heizung im ganzen Haus angeschaltet werden muss, oder um in einem einzelnen Raum die Temperatur etwas anzuheben funktionieren die Gerte ganz gut.
Fr einen Raum mit knapp 20 Quadratmetern braucht das Gert pro Grad Raumtemperatur etwa eine Stunde. Soll die Temperatur als von 15 auf 19 Grad erwrmt werden, so dauert das etwa 4 Stunden.
Der Stromverbrauch ist ok, ich denke er liegt im Durchschnitt.
Insgesamt vergebe ich gute 4 Sterne.
We use his in a large open plan space and it’s been a great buy. Takes the chill off the room in no time and it’s really easy to move around should it be necessary. Good adjustable heate
Der Heizlfter macht auf den ersten Blick einen guten Eindruck. Das Design gefllt und die Tasten sind schlssig angeordnet.
Der Heizlfter bietet auch einige Schutzfunktionen wie einen Kippschutz der den Heizer ausschaltet sobald er umkippt und eine automatische Abschaltung bei berhitzung gibt es auch, diese habe ich auch getestet.
Die Bedienung ist schnell verinnerlicht und auch die Fernbedienung ist nicht schlecht. Der Lfter erreicht schnell seine Heiztemperatur und durch die Oszillation wird die Wrme auch gut im Raum verteilt.
Ich empfinde das Betriebsgerusch auch als nicht so laut.
Beim ersten Betrieb riecht es auch noch kurzzeitig, dass habe ich aber auch schon bei anderen Heizlftern gehabt und ist Produktionstechnisch bedingt.
Bei den derzeitigen Strompreisen ist so ein Heizlfter ja schon fast Luxus und wir nutzen ihn nur um kurz das Badezimmer zu erwrmen wenn man Duschen oder Baden mchte. Das geht mit dem Lfter wesentlich schneller als wenn man erst die Heizung aufdreht. Der einstellbare Timer ist hier eine gute Hilfe damit das Lfter nicht dauerhaft luft. Man kann auch eine Temperaturobergrenze einstellen wo der Lfter dann abschaltet.
An der Qualitt und Verarbeitung gibt es soweit nichts zu bemngeln.
I was looking for something to warm up my bedroom and keep it comfortable. This heater works great and has great features like the remote control, thermostat, and timer. The 90 degrees oscillation is great for distributing the heat evenly around the room and it’s not too loud. I’m very happy with this and would definitely recommend it to others.
Wir hatten letztes Jahr fter einen Heizungsausfall. Nicht sehr schn. Um fr einen solchen Fall gerstet zu sein, wollten wir einen kleinen Heizlfter, damit man wenigstens einen Raum heizen kann. Bei Bedarf kann man sowas natrlich auch nutzen um in einem Raum die Temperatur schnell hochzukriegen.
Mit 25.6 x 16 x 14 cm ist der Elechelf Heizlfter ein guter Kandidat. Lsst sich bei Nichtgebrauch eben auch gut verstauen.
Geliefert wird der Elechelf PTC Keramik Heizlfter mit Fernbedienung inkl. Batterie und Anleitung. Die Anleitung ist dabei auch auf Deutsch und bebildert.
Das Gehuse ist ausreichend stabil und aus Kunststoff, Bedienelemente sind am Gert oben angebracht und dank der Piktogramme ist die Bedienung sptestens nach Lesen der Anleitung recht einfach. Auf der Fernbedienung finden sich die gleichen Bedienelemente.
Als da wren: 90 Oszillation ein/ausschalten, Timer von 1-12 Stunden aktivieren, Temperatur + bis 45C , Temperatur – bis 15C im ECO-Modus, Modus
zwischen HI (1500W) und LO (900W) und ECO-Modus umschalten. Und natrlich der Ein/Ausschalter.
Funktioniert alles einwandfrei. Habe den Heizlfter in meinem Bro getestet. Wie blich riechen diese Gerte etwas streng, aber es wird entsprechend schnell warm. Fr die ca. 20qm war die LO-Stufe mit 900W ausreichend um angenehme Temperaturen zu erreichen.
Das Display zeigt an in welchem Modus sich das Gert befindet sowie die Temperatur. Dieses lsst sich jedoch nicht abschalten. Die Lautstrke liegt in ca. 1m Entfernung noch bei unter 50dbA. Ist aber bei Gerten dieses Typs nicht unblich.
Zum einen schaltet sich das Gert nicht direkt nach Bettigung des Ein/Aus-Schalters aus, sondern es luft erst ein Countdown runter um das Ding runterzukhlen.
Wie blich schalten sich solche Gerte von selbst aus, wenn sie umkippen oder angehoben werden. Das ist hier wie blich ber einen Taster am Boden realisiert.
Fazit :
Also fr unsere Zwecke reicht dieser kompakte Heizlfter voll aus. Funktioniert einwandfrei und
ist einfach zu bedienen.
5 Sterne.
Not bad for the size. If you keep this heater on anything but high it’s just not worth spending your money on. If you keep it on low, it doesn’t blow enough heat for me personally but if you keep it on high, it’s good enough. You also have to be sitting/standing fairly close to it to feel any heat coming off. The temperature setting also confused me in the beginning because it wouldn’t change the temp, it just takes a little bit of messing around.
This little heater is worth it’s weight in gold and over the last few weeks earned all 5 stars I’ve given it. Me and my wife fell I’ll to the dreaded covid at the same time so we were both off work together so with the price of heating at the moment we set up this heater in whichever room we were in rather than heat the whole house, we’d close the doors plug in the heater set it to eco mode and set the temperature to 26 degrees and let it run, it took roughly half an hour to warm the room but then kept it at a toasty warmth at all times. It is so easy to use it’s almost plug and play as they say, we’ve run this heater for three weeks solid and it’s not faulted once and kept me and the wife nice and warm without the worry of a massive fuel bill. This heater will pay for itself in no time making it excellent value for money and well worthy of all 5 stars I’ve given in my review, I would of been lost without this little heater over the past three weeks. It’s very sturdy and very very quite whilst running and it has a cut out switch if it were to get knocked over, also having a remote control is the icing on the cake.
The heat is brilliant and it’s great value for the price
Ich habe in letzter Zeit einige Heizlfter getestet. Dieser 1500W PTC Keramik Heizlfter mit Fernbedienung 90Oszillierende Elektroheizung ECO Energiesparend Thermostat Heizung, 24h Timer, berhitzungs- und Kippschutz fr Bro, Wohnzimmer, Schlafzimmer” der Firma Elechelf” gehrt sicher zu den besseren, aber auch teureren Exemplaren.
Er ist solide verarbeitet, die Leistungsstufen und die Temperatur knnen individuell geregelt werden, mit 1500 W ist er aber fr grere Rume nur bedingt geeignet. Die Wahl und das anschlieende Beibehalten einer Zieltemperatur klappt in kleineren Rumen hervorragend. Praktisch, dass er wahlweise oszillierend betrieben werden kann. Mit der beiliegenden kleinen Fernbedienung lassen sich die wichtigsten Funktionen steuern. Eine CE-Kennzeichnung ist vorhanden. Durch den Kippschutz stellt er schon schon beim leichten Anheben sofort seinen Betrieb ein. Bei einem ersten kurzen Test funktionierte alles problemlos mit ausreichend Power. Die Lautstrke zumindest im niedrigen Level ist akzeptabel. Auf der Rckseite befindet sich eine brauchbare Griffmulde zum leichten Transport.
Allerdings besitzt das Gert keinen haptischen ON-/OFF-Schalter. Da ich es nicht dauerhaft auf Standby laufen lassen mchte oder den Netzstecker stndig ein- und ausstpseln will, ist das fr mich schon ein erhebliches Manko.
Insgesamt aber ein empfehlenswertes Produkt. Im Gegensatz zu einem hnlichen, krzlich getesteten Produkt liegt hier auch eine brauchbare Anleitung auf deutsch bei.
Hochwertig – Modern – 90 Grad Drehbar – Schnes Design – Kompakt – Fernbedienung – Heizlfter
Der Elechelf 1500W PTC Keramik Heizlfter mit Fernbedienung 90Oszillierende Elektroheizung ist in einer mittleren und schnen Verpackung geliefert und wurde gut gepolstert verpackt.
Im Lieferung ist der Heizlfter mit integriertem Netzkabel, eine Fernbedienung und eine kleine Anleitung in verschiedene Sprachen (siehe folgende Liste) enthalten. Der Heizlfter ist sehr hochwertig und gut verarbeitet. Sobald der Heizlfter an der Stromquelle angeschlossen ist, kann es direkt eingeschaltet werden. Wichtig dabei ist, es muss auf eine Ebene gestellt werden. Die Heizstrke lsst sich in drei Stufen konfiguriert werden. Es ist relativ leise und kann sehr schnell beheizt werden. Der Turm ist nicht all zu gro und kann berall gut hingestellt werden, sogar auf dem Schreibtisch stellen. Weiter kann der Turm in 90 Grad geschwungen werden und verteilt somit die Wrme besser in den Raum.
Ich bin zufrieden damit.
1x Anleitung in EN, DE, IT, ES, FR
1x Heizlfter mit integriertem Netzkabel
1x Fernbedienung
Einfache Benutzung
Heizt sehr schnell
Schnes Design
Automatisch drehbar
– Teuer
Der Heizlfter ist sehr hochwertig, der aktuell, reduzierte Preis von 49,99 ist etwas zu hoch gesetzt fr so ein kleinen Heizlfter. Ich bin trotzdem zufrieden damit und vergebe es 4 Sterne fr die Qualitt. Wenn es etwas gnstiger ist, kann ich es weiterempfehlen!
2000W Electric Ceramic Heater from Elechelf
This portable heater is medium in size but really effective. It impressively heats up very fast. Ideal to use in small spaces. It is compact and true to its size, as stated in its product details. It has a handle to make it easier and safer to transport. Tho it is small, it stands flat on a surface. It is straightforward to use. And there’s a safety tip under the unit that it switches off automatically when it accidentally falls down. No issue was noted after using it for two weeks.
Overall, it is quiet, gives enough warmth fast, and is very useful as a personal heater. Recommendable.
This little space heater is perfect! Super easy to set up and instantly warmed up the living room. The remote control is nice when you are on the couch and want to adjust the temperature you don’t have to get up.
The oscillating feature distributes the heat nicely so there are no cold spots in the room. Safety feature is sensitive. Unit turns off immediately if lifted or tilted from flat surface.
Overall, works great and i love the remote that comes with it. Very sleek and powerful. Ihighlyrecommendit to anyone looking for a space heater.
This ceramic heater is quite slim and does not take up a great amount of space. It comes with a remote which is great as I can keep the heater at a further distance. There are a couple of heating modes, including an eco mode which you could set the temperature.
The indicator lights turn on when you use the remote or the buttons on top of the heater. It will automatically turn the indicators off after awhile, with the heater still turn on.
Heating up a small room is pretty quick using this heater. It also saves electricity as I do not have to heat the whole house using radiators.
Overall this is not a bad little ceramic style heater easy to use portable light enough to move and puts out a fair bit of heat it easily heated up a small room.
Construction is decent. Feels like it could take a few knocks.
Noise is about TV loud (75bda on max)
Remote works fine but buttons can sometimes need to be pressed twice.
Dident check the power consumption over time.
Happy with device. Overall I can recomend
I got this heater because I needed a small and compact fan.
This was a perfect match
It looks good, modern and sleek!
This has made my life sooo much easier
A lovely heater fan where I can even put on the table or my desktop.
Its quite small but very powerful. It heats up the room very fast I must say.
Love it with hot and cool wind instead of just a heater.
It will be very useful when winter is coming.
This portable space fan is superb. It heats up a small area really quickly. The heater itself is lightweight and has a concealed handle,making it easy to move from room to room. Low energy means you can run it for a couple of hours without it breaking the bank.
The controls are on the top of the heater and there is a handy remote control to switch it in and off and regulate the required temperature. I highly recommend in this cost of living crisis and I know in the coming colder months mine is going to be in daily use.
2000W Electric Ceramic Heater Portable Space Fan Heater 90Oscillation Mini Heater with Remote Control, Low Energy, Thermostat, 1-12h Timer for Home Office Bedroom
This arrived well packaged and in first class condition as you would expect!
This is so much better than I expected…… Its compact and throws out a lot of heat, quickly warms up the room and is so easy to use as it can be controlled with the remote control or on the space heater itself.
There’s so many modes.
It’s not loud either like most fan heaters.
The quality and build is very good, it’s well designed and perfect for our needs as it saves putting the heating on if only using one room….. I just put this on and I’m warmed up in no time.
It’s easy to move from room to room with the carry handle on the top, it’s not heavy!
This is exactly as the description describes, does the job intended very well
I can reccomend this, I’m glad I ordered it as it will be used loads throughout the winter months.
Price is average.
This is an upright ceramic heater, it has a timer function which can be set from 1 to 12 hours, also if selected a 90 Oscillation function, along with up down temperature control and four heating modes.
The heater arrives in a box, inside of which there’s the heater, instruction manual and remote control along with a wired three pin plug.
There’s a convenient carrying handle just around the back along with a remote control that can be used within 5 meters and 60 degrees from the front of the heater.
There’s a choice of four selectable modes which are :-
HI mode (high temperature)
LO mode (medium temperature)
Natural wind mode
ECO mode The heater can be adjusted from 15 to 45 in 1 increments and automatically controls air output based on room temperature to save power consumption.
Heat is practically instant and it really is capable of heating a room very quickly.
As a general rule there’s a price to pay for that instant heat, electrical heaters can be expensive to run, but as a heater and utilised sparingly its great.
This is a reasonably well-specified space heater. It comes fully assembled with a remote control, a coin battery for the remote, and some fair instructions.
The heater has two power levels and an eco mode, a timer which will operate the unit for between one and 12 hours, and an option to oscillate the fan through 90 degrees. The room temperature can be displayed on the small screen which shows the various modes available for the fan.
In use the fan works fairly well. It is quite quiet but that is largely because the fan is not particularly fast – and you can’t increase the speed. The fan would not be effective in summer to cool. The oscillation is glacially slow but I’m not sure that matters. In eco mode it’s possible to set the maximum temperature you wish the room to reach – from 15 degrees to 45. In the other two power modes the fan remains on until turned off or the countdown timer time elapses if selected, The 2kw output is effective. I didn’t find the controls particularly intuitive but will get used to them.
The fan is quite tall at 42cm and therefore is a bit unstable. It could easily the knocked over. However, a button on the base of the fan which is depressed when in contact with the floor breaks the power contact if the fan is on its side cutting power to the fan.
The unit can be controlled via the remote control or via soft touch buttons on the top of the fan.
Overall a decent product. Four stars.
This is a bit like a fan heater with a ceramic centre which gradually warms up and cools down. It oscillates if you want. The fan can be set to be gentler than typical fan heaters so the blast of warm air may be less addictive. There is also an eco setting which allows you to set the target temperature at a lower setting than the typical fan heater – so that the warm air which blows out gently can be as low in temperature as 15 degrees C. On these settings it uses less energy than the max 2 kW.
But be warned, at this temperature, even a gentle breeze can have a cooling effect on the body. If you have an internal body temperature of 37 degrees it is easy to imagine that a much cooler breeze may actually be taking heat away from you!
Really with heating, what you put in is what you get out. So there is no magic solution which heats without cost. The real choices are between gas or electric or other energy source – and kW for kW gas is cheaper than electricity for many people. And between fast and slow heating – this can provide fast heat as well as slow heat. And between heating the body for short periods or the wider space for longer periods. I think this heater may be most effective at heating the body, quite fast, but potentially at less intensity than a fan heater. It stands about knee high – so good for lower body warmth. It is a little quieter than a fan heater, although still very noticeable.
Some more downsides:
– At the higher or medium settings the metal cage heats up fast. Although there are safety cut offs if the heater is knocked over, it is hot to the touch and I would be reluctant to leave it on with anyone frail.
– The power lead is not very long – around four feet – so it could be difficult to run it from a secure wall socket to the place you want to sit.
– At 70 it is quite a significant up front investment compared to a simple fan heater.
For more information on ceramic heaters, on which I have based some of this review, you can go to BBC Sounds – Radio 4 – Sliced Bread.
Note that there is a website for the manufacturer and a contact email. The heater arrived with an instruction booklet. My booklet was defective and contained instructions in several languages but not English, which I put down to a launch glitch – Amazon Vine reviewers are sent products typically when they have only just been launched.
On the plus side, like a fan heater, it is light and when not too hot pretty easy to pick up and carry from room to room.
My overall conclusion is that this performs a bit like an upmarket, slightly more sophisticated fan heater.
When sat on a hardwood floor, the safety cutoff on the underside protrudes below the base, meaning the unit doesn’t sit flat on the floor and can rock from side to side, not a big deal, but a strange design error in my opinion.
Unit only has one fan speed, which for a good size unit feels like an omission.
I can forgive the first two but my reason for four stars is that the unit heats upwards and not forwards. Even as close as 750mm to 1000mm, you can’t feel any heat directed onto your hand.
Put your hand above the unit within 500mm and the heat is abundant no issues with volume of warmth there.
If you can go in a room and close the door, i think this heater would perform really well. But for us, we can’t, so prefer heaters that you can sit in front of and have the heat projected directly onto you. This way you can use a lower setting to save money, but given time it still heats the room.
Remote controls all the functions and is a very welcome addition most heaters do not have.
Definitely recommended if you’re heating a room rather than a person directly.
This is pretty decent little portable fan heater. It’s a little smaller than I was expecting however I am happy to say it still packs a mighty punch despite its diminutive size. It measures just 10 inches tall by 5.5 inches in width and heats up in super fast time to the point you can feel the heat output in literally a few seconds. The unit appears well made from sturdy and robust ABS plastics. Internally it house a PTC ceramic heating plate and powers to 1500W on its highest output setting. It also has a lower power 900W mode should you want a slightly less intense heat and you have the option to set it to fan only for use during summer months. Where this unit differs slightly from others is it’s ability to be set to specific temperatures ranging from 15 degrees through to 45 degrees. You can select any range between these two points in increments of 1 degree via either the unit itself or the included remote control. Given the ridiculous price of gas at the moment (Nov ’22) I really wanted a way to heat a small utility room without putting the central heating on and this little beast not only fits the bill it also helps reduce the paper one than comes though the door perfectly too.
Given its small compact form it can be used pretty much anywhere you require it as long as you have access to mains power. One quite useful feature was the units ability to oscillate through a 90 degree arc meaning it can spread its heat more directional and evenly rather than just straight ahead. It has all the standard safety features you would find on a larger model including tip over and overheat protection. It even comes with a programmable timer that allows for between a 1 and 12 hour interval to be set for operation. I personally wouldn’t leave any portable heater unattended for this long so it’s not a feature I intend to take advantage of but I do recognise it would be potentially beneficial to some.
One alleged benefit of this smaller model is its relatively low noise output which according to the manufacturers is less than 40 decibels. Bear in mind that this is one the lowest setting! When in use on its maximum setting it’s certainly a fair bit louder. I have no way of being able to test or validate quite how loud it is but I can honestly tell you that it is not a unit I would recommend for a bedroom at night. Especially if you plan on whacking the temperature up to the higher settings. As I said earlier though, for its small size it’s surprisingly warm and more than adequately heats my utility room. I genuinely think it could heat other spaces well enough too, such as a living room or bedroom area but be aware of the not so quiet running noise you will need to consider.
Overall I am really rather pleased and impressed for what I wanted it for. For the price I genuinely think you would be hard pushed to find better. It does everything you would want, and ask it to, and it does it all very well indeed. There is absolutely nothing to fault or dislike about this portable aside from being a little on the noisy side. I would be more than happy to recommend it to anyone and everyone. A good product at a very reasonable price. Brilliant!
This small heater is the one that every household should have in they’re home , it heat’s up the room so quickly, you can set up the temperature that you want in your room and peace of mind the heater will do the work.
I Put this in my living room so 250 square feet turned my heat off because I wanted to see how well it heated without turning off to cool or just break all together. The item didn’t even warm the room 6 ft. away from me. according to my thermostat it stayed consistent 57-60 degrees didn’t move up or anything. I set the heater to 80 and still not difference. The air does not blow out heavy at all I moved it 4 ft. away from me and put on a table still could not feel the heat on stationary or ocilitating mode.
Just is more from a small office or something. I then took it up with me to the bedroom to see how it would fare as my bedroom is small in my condo and only fits a queen bed and 2 small nightstands there and it was a little more doable and warmed the room while I was sleeping but still that small chill in the air that you always try and get out or seems like the windows arent closed all the way.
Overall the heater looks nice the digital display is modern and readable and the plastic casing looks a little more like quality and higher end. The remote is also helpful but sometimes doesn’t read especially when its turning back and forth. But overall its meh I still have to run my heat which if I’m paying for the heat to be on ill just pay that and not that and an additional electric bill to run an additional heater. So as stated probably good if you have a bigger main heater on elsewhere that really heats everywhere to where this can go into a cold bathroom, bedroom, in your craft or workroom/garage and keep on eco or have it run for an hour or so and then leave off the rest of the day.
I unboxed this a few minutes ago and its sitting at my feet under my office desk. It seems to do the trick with heating my toes which is great. It oscillates and everything.
The unit itself feels plastic-y and not terribly heavy. It looks kind of like a radiator or toaster element with a fan affixed to the back inside a plastic case. I’ve used other space heaters that were made from metal and seemed far more stable. The box also claims that the material is a “V0 flame-retardant material”, but that is right next to the claim that it is a 16″ portable heater when in fact it is literally 10.5″ tall. I think it’s 6x5x10.5 inches (I measured with a sheet of 11×8.5″ paper as a comparison).
So, back to my headline: it feels just cheap enough that it could easily do some damage if you left it alone too near to something. The manual does show that you’re supposed to keep it 3 ft away from anything but that’s likely impractical for how I’ve seen space heaters used.
It has a timer (1hr-12hr) which is a nice feature.
Also the remote control needs to be at the same level of the unit and pointed at the front – I had to lean down to aim the remote with the unit sitting on the floor by my feet – the IR must not be topward, so that’s a little strange.
But, it’ll do the trick and heat my toes, and for that i’m grateful.
I bought this Heater for my office and it has been great. It’s a 1500W heater so it can heat up the whole room quickly, which is perfect for winter! The best part about it are the different settings. You can adjust the thermostat from 1-12 hours and also activate oscillation to distribute warmth evenly across the room.
For heating different places easy to carry.
I highly recommend this portable space heater for anyone looking for a quick fix to cold days .
I have no real dislikes and the most convenient feature is that it is very portable and quite powerful for its size. Heats up small spaces very quickly.
Very useful to have one of this in the house especially these days when the price of the gas is in sky hight. It has a modern design with very minimalistic look. Don’t expect that you will heat up the whole house with this as is a lot smaller than the usual fan heaters, but still very powerful and perfect for small flat, small to medium rooms, boxroom or for your office.it has built-in safety features such as a temperature controlling thermostat, tip-over protection, and overheat protection, which reduce risk of fire but I would still not leave this unattended or running overnight while you are sleeping. On the top there are a few push buttons to turn it ON/OFF, to set the timer and chose one from the 3 modes:
Mode 1 – Low heating which is great for this autumn days when the temperature is still not too cold, and the high heat which is the full.
Mode 2 — High heating setting for very cold days and to heats up the room quickly.
Mode 3 – It also has a Fan mode which can be used for helping the air circulation in your room.
It comes with a small remote controller which has the same function buttons as the main unit, but it makes much more sense to use this as it can be controlled from distance. The fan heater is able to oscillate 90 degrees from side to side, spreading the heat around a room properly and helping it to warm up faster. It doesn’t make any noise when it’s oscillating however the blower does generate some noise just like other fan heaters. It heats up very quick only takes about 7-10 seconds to start blowing hot air.
Great choice for the winter, this little fella keeps electric bills down quite nicely. Very pleased with this.
This heater is very good, it warms up my room very quickly, but keep in mind my room is not very big. I like the features this heater comes with, such as the remote which will allow you to fully control the settings while laying in bed, for example. I also like the safety feature a lot. The heater has something like a pin on the bottom, which will stay pressed in when the heater is placed on a flat surface. If you have pets for example, and they tip over the heater, then the pin will just come out and that makes the heater to stop. This will stop any fire hazards. Overall this product is very good for the money.
Easy to use, compact and safe. Comes with a remote to control the different heating levels and oscillation. The heater has a safety button that turns the heater off when lifted or knocked over. The surface of the heater remains cool to touch even after high temperatures,. The quality seems very well built and safe. Would recommend!
This heater is easy to operate, quick to heat, compact & fairly lightweight, so it very easy to move it from room to room and place it down to plug in to warm the room. We have playful cats that chase each other and jump all over the furniture, so we already know that the automatic turnoff when tipped feature does indeed work.
I can’t think of anything else that is important; this is a fantastic plug-in model, that works quickly, so you can turn it off again once the room has heated. Very handy in these days of continuous rising heating bills…
I think these ceramic heaters have a great part to play in these challenging times. I like them when there is just you in the house and you need to move around a bit. You do not want the central heating on, but you want that comfortable feeling of hot air around your body in an instant, which these ceramic heaters provide. I have three in the house, ideal for quickly warming a room either by really hot air on the hi setting, controlled operation on the eco setting or just on fan mode to provide circulation. For a small bedroom or study, absolutely ideal. If I was in a larger room, for a longer period, I might revert to oil filled heaters, but even then, these little heaters have a place. They are so easy to carry around the house, and provide instant heat, you can point it straight at yourself, or your partner, or have it in oscillating mode. On the eco setting, it spends more time in the off mode than in the on, yet still raises the air temperature very quickly. Really quiet in operation as well, either remote control or from the top of the heater, by simple touch switches. Like it a lot.
I got this as it said it was low energy and we all need to be using a little less energy (and money) at the moment. The fan is fairly small, but feels and looks sturdy enough. The instructions could have been better, so I was a little confused with what setting I had it on, and what the numbers on the display meant! It did heat up nicely though and you can set it on an eco setting, where I assume it switches on and off when it reaches the set temperature. I can imagine it would be nice for heating one particular area, and it’s small enough to place on a cupboard/table top, aiming the heat where you want it. I did check it on my smart meter to see how much it was costing, and when on a low setting, it was costing approximately 43p an hour (although I still do have a reasonable tariff at the moment, so if you going on the SVT at the moment, expect that to be a lot higher. Personally for me, it’s too expensive to run for any considerable time, and on my current tariff it would be on a level par of running my central heating for the same time and warming the whole house. However, depending on what you need it for, it is a good little heater and does heat up quick and well.
I’m made up with this.
It’s a really neat sized little heater
It heats up very quickly and cools down in seconds
Has an auto shut off safety feature should it fall on its side.
Comes complete with remote control, unit oscillates without a problem
I’ve taken mine outside into the garage, will be popping it on in the depths of winter
Highly recommended
This is a very compact heater and, as such, I’d say more suitable for a home office or smallish bedroom than anything much larger.
When turned on, it only takes a minute to heat up and blows out a strong blast of warmed air consistently. You can even make it oscillate so it spreads the heat faster.
There are options on the control panel to set the level of heat and the time it’s required for and, for my den (garage sized) it heats it up quickly and effectively.
I’m not sure what the cost of using this is yet, but suspect, in the long run, it could be one way to save on the heating bills for those who have to work from home in the colder months.
It’s not especially noisy either so unlikely to prove much of a sound distraction.
This little heater is one powerful little machine.
Very easy to use and heats a 5×6 room up in about 3 minutes. My upstairs is very warm but down not so much so instead of putting heating on all over I just use this in the large front room for 20 min then turn off and it stays nice and warm.
Can change heating and front panel doesn’t get overly hot so not going to burn yourself which is a bonus, also if it falls it’s an auto turn off so having kids this is a huge plus for me.
Very energy efficient in comparison to using gas radiators so I’m so happy with this and I did purchase another for my mother to help her over winter as she’s really worried about bills
As you know this current climate with the cost of living I am very reluctant to use my gas for heating so I have been using alternative sources. I seen this and thought it was a must have.
It came well boxed. It’s a lot smaller than I thought, I don’t know why I thought it was going to be bigger however it’s small but packs a punch. It looks sleek and will fit into any surrounding. Comes with a remote so no need to get up to turn it off. The temperature goes from at little as 15-45. It has a 1hr-12hr timer so you have a massive window of time of how long you can have this heater on for. It’s ideal for your bedroom as you can’t even hear that it is on. It’s so quiet it also swivels which you can control, which doesn’t make it any more noisy. It has 3 modes high low and eco, you can control which mode you want it on.
For its size it is really powerful, when it is on the highest heat setting it doesn’t take long to heat up a room. It’s small so you don’t notice it is there. It does have a knock over mode where it cuts of as soon as it’s not flat. It’s a really good powerful little heater. I have been moving this around the house depending which room I am in. It’s really a great little addition to the house hold. So far I have not had to use the heating in my house due to this. So much so I may even purchase another. The cable is long a good decent amount, it’s good and durable even if it was knocked over feels sturdy enough not to fall. Great value for money.
Really compact gem which produces a solid amount of heat.
Has temperature control and auto turns on when it notices a drop in temperature.
Quality wise its not really up to scratch. Found it to be really light/cheap feeling but function wise it works well.
This little heater packs a punch. I am pleasantly surprised at the heat this thing kicks out and really like the fact it has an anti tip device ao if it’s knocked over it stops working
Good 1500W Electric Ceramic Heater, easy to use, this heater comes with 4 modes with swinging function to provide a hot air covering a 90 degree, it comes with a good safety function is allows to turn the heater off if overheated, can be controlled using a remote control, with good remote-control range, easy to carry and stored when not used.
Works very good!
This portable electric heater is very effective at heating a room quickly and has a range of useful settings. It has a low setting and high setting and, best of all, an “eco” setting which enables you to set the temperature up to 45 degrees. The manual states that the low setting has a power output of 900W and the high setting a power output of 1500W, but it isn’t clear what the power consumption of the eco setting is, though I would guess this would depend upon the temperature you select.
The heater has a remote control. At first, I found it unresponsive, but eventually realised that it needed to be pointed to the bottom of the heater. It is very useful being able to control the heater’s settings from a distance.
The tip-over protection works very well and the heater isn’t too noisy, as fan heaters go. My only complaint is that the oscillation function (at least on the model I tried out) is clearly faulty. The heater creaks and judders ominously when this function is switched on (as you can hear in my video) and will only rotate to one side. I can’t help but feel this may not bode well for the longevity of the heater and, when you’re using an electric device which uses as much power as this, you really want to feel assured that it is in good working condition.
This is brilliant, very stylish – looks great as well as working perfectly! You can set to high or low heat as well as eco (where you set the temperature and it will automatically heat until it gets to that temp, and heat again if it drops below that temp). It also has a fan for use in the summer. The display shows the current room temperature which is really handy. You can also choose for the heater to oscillate or stay still. If it’s knocked over or moved it stops which is a great safety feature. Really pleased with this!
60 at time of review
Obviously it does what it says on the box, plug it in, switch it and and it starts blowing hot air, which is pretty much all you want. It’s nice and compact and reasonably quiet, operation is very simple, there’s a very comprehensive manual, but in all reality you don’t really need it, the button layout on the top is very clear and easy to follow.
When you first switch it on, it displays the ambient room temperature, but with a few flicks of the buttons it will display your inputs. It even comes with a remote control, not something I’d use myself, but for those that need it it replicates all the bottoms on the heater itself.
It has an auto off trigger switch should it be knocked over etc plus after you switch it off the fan runs for a while until it cools down. So all in all can’t fault this really, nice compact heater for small spaces
Hope my review was helpful
It’s 2022 and we live in unprecedented times with gas and electricity bills. I’m lucky enough to have a log burning oven, meaning I can stay warm in the evenings if I stay in the living room. The problem arises when I need to go to bed, and that terror of the cold bed sheets. Putting the boiler on for 30 minutes improves things, but even with thermostat regulating valves, the smart meter tallies up frightening costs. Whilst electricity bills are just as frightening, this allows you to focus your energy uses to single areas.
The first thing that is clear from the video is that this device is loud. It is as loud as a fan on its highest setting. This may be distracting for some, but I intend to just use it to heat a room then turn it off for sleep. It has a remote control and a touch sensitive set of controls on the top. The overall build quality isn’t great, being plastic a surprisingly fragile feeling. Nevertheless, it is designed to pump out heat, and it does this instantly. It has an oscillating and rotating function, meaning all areas of the room warm up, and warm up quickly. This fan has one main function, and it does it with aplomb. It will get use this winter.
It loses a star for the poor built quality and sound, but if you want to warm one area at a time, this will fit the bill.