Amazon Basics Hotel Safe, Electronic Lock, Black, 14 l

Amazon Basics Hotel Safe, Electronic Lock, Black, 14 l

Weight: | 10.7 kg |
Size: | 25 cm H x 35 cm W x 25 cm D |
Dimensions: | 35 x 25 x 25 cm (L x W x H) |
Model: | 25RG |
Part: | 25RG |
Colour: | Black |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Manufacture: | Ningbo Safewell Safes Mfg.,Ltd |
Dimensions: | 35 x 25 x 25 cm (L x W x H) |
Quantity: | 1 |
Size: | 25 cm H x 35 cm W x 25 cm D |
Amazon Basics Hotel Safe, Electronic Lock, Black, 1 Cubic Foot. I am pleased to recommend the Amazon Basics Hotel Safe with an electronic lock for securely storing valuables. This safe is an excellent choice for those looking for a reliable and secure storage solution for their valuable items, whether at home, the office, or business. Made of durable steel with a black finish, the safe not only looks sleek but is also built to last. One of the standout features of this safe is the electronic combination lock with an easy-to-read display screen. It provides an added layer of security, and the motorized locking bolts automatically open the lock after entering the code, ensuring a hassle-free experience. This is great for anyone looking for a spacious, durable, secure, and convenient storage solution for their valuable items. With its electronic lock, motorized bolts, and sturdy construction, this safe offers excellent value for its price point. I highly recommend the Amazon Basics Hotel Safe.
Coffre assez costaud, poser dans l’idal deux personne en cas de fixation murale.
Les accroches sont trs solides (chevilles en mtal).
Un guide de perage en papier n’aurait pas t du luxe.
facile nell’utilizzo, ma veramente scarsa la robustezza, vero che nasce come cassaforte da albergo ma credevo che fosse pi consistente il materiale, ottimo invece il prezzo, peccato se fosse stata pi robusta sarei rimasto pi contento
Bon, c’est un coffre pas tres cher et la qualit va avec. Le but n’est pas forcment de le mettre en vidence car s’il est trouve on doit pouvoir l’ouvrir rapidement.
Neat little safe, easy to setup & use. Perfect for keeping passports etc secure in one place.
Cumple con las expectativas que buscbamos. Satisfechos con la compra
Points positifs :
– Le coffre-fort est trs solide car il est construit avec des matriaux de qualit
– Il est dot d’un verrou de scurit et de cls robustes
– Il comporte une tagre pour un rangement des documents et de l’argent
– Il est possible de le fixer au sol ou aux murs pour une scurit accrue
– Le verrou lectronique fonctionne parfaitement une fois configur
– Le rapport qualit prix est juste excellent
Points ngatifs :
– La configuration du code PIN tait un peu laborieuse et il fallait suivre attentivement les instructions
– Ce modle n’est pas protg contre l’incendie
Hoteltresor mit elektronischem Schloss in schwarzer Farbe und 14 Liter Inhalt (Volumen). Das Produkt ist hchst hochwertig / daher auch sehr gut verarbeitet. Preislich gesehen unschlagbar fair fr 72,58 , Stand: 04.12.2022. Das Produkt hat die Mae von 25 x 35 x 25 cm H x B x T. Der Einbau verlief ohne Probleme, die Befestigung ist sehr einfach. Entspricht einem klassischen Hoteltresor. Produkt weist keine Mngel auf. Hat einen mitgelieferten Regal. Zwei Schlssel vorhanden zum aufschlieen oder per PIN Code.
An diesem Hoteltresor gefllt mir vor allem, dass er sich auch an der Wand befestigen lsst. Bei mir ist er in einem tiefen Trockenbaurahmen eingelassen und mit der Rckwand an einer Betonwand fest verschraubt. Das Ding reit keiner raus. Gute Metallspreizdbel sind dabei, ich habe aber Markendbel verwendet.
Dank der mitgelieferten Anleitung ist die Programmierung der Codes ganz einfach zu bewerkstelligen. Fr mich ist natrlich nur der Privat”-Modus mit einem fest eingestellten Zahlencode von Belang.
Hinweis: Es sind vier R06-AA-Batterien erforderlich, die sich nicht im Lieferumfang befinden.
Ofcourse it is an high price, but totally worth it.
You really get quality! The safe box is huge, and giving a very strong, good quality impression. Materials are great, and the finishing is very well.
There is a hanging construction with it, so you can attach it to a wall for example.
It has a high weight.
It is looking very luxurious with the display and keyboard on front. Once you take of the metal plate, you reach the lock, to open it with the included key.
The inside is nicely finished and has a soft piece of soft, protective layer in it.
To me a highly recommended product!
*Vine membership doesn’t mean in any way that I’m obligated or paid to write positive reviews*
Cassaforte da hotel
Avevo in casa una vecchia cassaforte che ormai perdeva il colore ed era da cambiare, cos non appena ho visto l’opportunit di provare questa nuova cassaforte ho colto l’occasione al balzo.
La cassaforte ha un design molto basico, di dimensioni medie(50,8 x 37 x 20 cm)ed molto difficile se non impossibile da forzare.
Inoltre una cassaforte automatica, bisogner inserire il codice numerico e una volta inserito la cassaforte si aprir automaticamente. Altro punto di forza che facile trovare un posizionamento a questa cassaforte in quanto pu essere fissata sia al muro che al pavimento.
La cassaforte e devo dire che molto veloce, non appena inserisci il codice si apre immediatamente; inoltre di medie dimensioni ma dentro risulta molto spaziosa e potrete mettere al suo interno molti oggetti.
Nel complesso mi sono trovato molto bene con questa cassaforte, ha un bel design quindi molto bella da vedere e fa perfettamente il suo lavoro.
Ovviamente cercate un posto nascosto della vostra casa dove posizionarlo e che non sia visibile facilmente
Cosa non mi piaciuto?
Non ho trovato difetti nel prodotto
Cosa mi piaciuto?
Fa bene il suo lavoro
Cura dei dettagli
This is ideal for a little safe at home. No more losing those important documents. This is very much like the safes that you find in the hotels.
I found this really easy to set up and I love the fact it has a back up lock incase the batteries run out or you forget your code. It has a little carpet inside to protect your valuables although this could have been trimmed down better.
I still haven’t figured out what the ‘charging’ port is for if that’s what it actually is.
The price has come down considerably since I first requested this item so now its even better value for money.
This is a great addition to any home and its going to be ideal for me. We’ll worth it!!!
Wir haben uns diesen klassischen Hotelsafe fr’s Campen bestellt, um darin Wertsachen und Papiere im Camper einzuschlieen. Perfekt wre er noch, wenn er feuerfest wre, aber das wussten wir ja vorher und ist kein Kriterium.
Der Innenraum ist gro genug, um sogar einen15-Zoll-Laptop darin unterzubringen. Obwohl er relativ schwer ist, knnte man ihn ja komplett wegtragen, darum haben wir ihn zustzlich festgeschraubt mit eigenen Schrauben.
Das Befestigungsmaterial fr die Verankerung in Beton oder Mauerwerk liegt im Inneren des Safes.
Das Material besteht aus dickem und haltbarem Stahl in unaufflligem Schwarz. Die Tr ist mit einer Tastatur und einem Display ausgestattet, worber man den Code zum ffnen eingeben kann. Er kann aber auch mit den beiden Sicherheitsschlsseln geffnet werden. Das Schloss befindet sich vorne hinter der kleinen Metallabdeckung, die man mit dem beiliegenden Imbusschlssel losschrauben muss.
Der Tresor verfgt ber motorisierte Verriegelungsbolzen und die Scharniere sind verdeckt, so dass man die Tr nicht aufhebeln kann.
Die Anwendung ist problemlos und wir sind zufrieden. Das Preis-Leistungsverhltnis stimmt und wir empfehlen diesen kleinen Tresor gerne weiter.
I have a safe that I fitted about ten years ago in a cupboard under our staircase. I built it in under some units and bolted it down so that it couldn’t be moved for security. Around two years ago the electronic locking mechanism went wrong so when this safe came up I ordered it as a replacement.
On arrival, the first thing I noticed was how heavy this is, the next thing I noticed was that it was larger than I was expecting and is much larger than the safe that it’s replacing, this is my fault for not measuring properly before I ordered it. That said, I will be fitting this in place of the old one as the quality of this unit is so much better than my old one, it will just take me a lot longer to fit as I need to remove all of the units and framing then basically start from scratch with fitting this unit and rebuilding the units around it.
The safe itself has been built to a high standard with a good weight in metal. The keys and lock are of the security type instead of the cheaper house key looking ones, to open the door before the electronics are setup is a case of undoing two hex bolts using the hex key provided in order to remove a small cover from the mechanical lock. Once that panel is removed the safe door opens easily using the large security keys, two of which are included.
When the door is open, this safe has a shelf dividing the height in half allowing for a better storage solution of important papers and money to be kept safe. I can also see the bolt holes ready to be able to secure the safe in position anchoring it to the floor or the walls surrounding it.
Setting up the PIN code was a little tricky as it only gives you a very short time to complete the routine before you have to start over and being old I kept forgetting the next step, lol. Once I finally got my head screwed on the right way round and following a large and very hot cup of tea I managed to get the primary and user PIN codes setup quite easily, it is very worthwhile to read the streps involved several times before attempting setting it up so that you know exactly what to do in the shortest possible amount of time.
Now that everything is setup, the electronic lock works perfectly and feels quite substantial. Comparing this to my old safe, well there really is no comparison, lol, this safe is exceptional and feels very secure, just so long as you don’t keep the backup keys next to the safe, lol.
For the price, this safe really is the best quality that I have seen, it was only 20 more expensive than the old one which was just a cheap old thing. This unit isn’t fire or waterproof you will need to pay a lot more money if you require that level of protection but as far as locking things away securely against theft goes this safe is superb and comes with everything required.
Secure, heavy, well built and great value.
Geliefert wird von Amazon Basics ein Hoteltresor, der sowohl ein elektronisches Schloss hat als auch 2 sogenannte Notfallschlssel.
Dieser Hotelsafe ist wie blich auen schwarz im Hammerschlag lackiert, er hat ein Ma von 20 x 5,8 x 37 cm und er hat ein ganz schnes Gewicht von 14,4 Kilo.
Mit der Lieferung kommen die erwhnten zwei Schlssel, eine Anleitung, das Befestigungsmaterial, welches aus Schrauben und Dbeln besteht und einem kleinen Imbusschlssel, mit denen man die Plakette, die sich vor dem Notfallschlssel befindet, abschrauben kann.
Man bentigt vier Batterien, um das Zahlenschloss zu programmieren, sie liegen nicht bei. Die Programmierung sollte man Punkt fr Punkt nach der beiliegenden Anleitung angehen, dann klappt es sehr gut.
Im Tresor selber liegt eine herausnehmbare Filzmatte und es sind an der Rckwand und dem Boden jeweils zwei Lcher vorgebohrt, durch die man den Tresor dann mittels der beiliegenden Dbel befestigen kann, ich wrde eventuell zum Befestigen etwas lngere Dbel verwenden, das muss man selber entscheiden.
Der Tresor lsst sich gut auf und schlieen, da gibt es nichts auszusetzen. Mir gefllt auch, dass er so gerumig ist ohne Zwischenfach.
Man sollte natrlich nicht 1 Million Euro in bar, sofern man diese berhaupt besitzt, dort drin verwahren, denn es ist kein Tresor mit einer Sicherheitsstufe, das sollte einem schon klar sein, aber um schnell ein paar Dinge zu verschlieen ist der absolut geeignet. So schnell ist er sicherlich nicht zu knacken, das wird schon ein paar Minuten dauern und aufgrund seines Gewichtes wird man ihn auch nicht so im Galopp wegtragen, bzw. hierfr sollte man ihn schon nach Mglichkeit noch zustzlich von innen andbeln, was die Sache des Diebstahles erheblich erschwert.
Er wirkt sehr wertig und top gefertigt, da gibt es rein gar nichts auszusetzen und
der Preis von zur Zeit 125,01 ist wirklich top.
battery powered passcode lock with a key override behind a plate (attached with hex bolts)
battery lock has decent enough features and code is simple enough to change following the instructions.
safe mounting points on back and underside.
Key override is behind a small metal plate on the front (this manually opens the door bypassing the electric part) useful if batteries die. however its attached by regular hex bolts and i would have preferred to see these replaces with security torx bolds at least (and will likely do this myself)
Cassaforte da hotel ma adatta anche per uso casalingo
Esteticamente bella , robusta , con display che si illumina indicando l’ apertura, la chiusura ed errore
Per l’apertura si deve digitare il codice di sblocco e in alternativa si pu usare la chiave (due copie incluse)
Lo sblocco automatico e display funzionano attraverso l’ utilizzo delle pile (4 non incluse)
Si pu fissare a pavimento o a muro
Il codice di sblocco si pu impostare facilmente, le istruzioni a riguardo sono chiare e presenti anche in italiano
La cassaforte misura 35 cm di larghezza, 25 cm di altezza e 25 cm di profondit
Ottimo prodotto
Se trata de una caja fuerte electrnica ideal para casa, pequeos negocios etc.
Viene dentro de una caja de cartn sin pretensiones, perfectamente embalada:
1. La caja fuerte electrnica en color negro.
2. Dos llaves maestras.
3. Una llave Allen.
4. Un manual que incluye el espaol.
La caja fuerte es de acero en color negro, tiene una capacidad de 14 litros y sus medidas son 25 x 35 x 25 cm.
En la parte frontal la puerta lleva una puerta con toda la numeracin, la cual sirve para incorporar una clave electrnica, que una vez se ha introducido se abre y cierra con la clave.
Para cambiar el cdigo por defecto lea las instrucciones del manual.
En el interior de la puerta. lleva un compartimento para cuatro pilas AA de 1.5 v., las cuales no vienen incluidas.
Su anclaje se realiza por cuatro puntos tantos a la pared o al suelo o ambos a la vez.
Las llaves que incorporan son maestras, las cuales pueden abrir la caja sin clave, una idea que me ha gustado, pero eso implica guardar bien la llave:
a) En su primer uso.
b) Si se ha olvidado la clave y a los 5 intentos se bloquea la caja.
c) Si las pilas se han gastado.
Para introducir la llave hay que quitar una chapa con la llave Allen.
Me ha gustado mucho.
Easy to install for amateurs in a domestic setting (once we had looked up how the bolts worked!). We wall-mounted it, although our insurance company did not require this. Neat looking when in place, and a good size to take a 15″ laptop and other items. Codes easy to set and change (like a hotel one) with a “Master Code” over-ride and a key for back up. Allowed us to retreive documents from bank storage and save the annual fee. had a good choice of domestic safes with clear information about them. Product was delivered promptly, and was well packaged too. Overall, very satisifed with the purchase and would recommend to friends and family.
In questo caso specifico l’interno talmente ampio da poter ospitare anche un PC portatile da 15 pollici, rendendola di fatto utilizzabile anche in un’azienda – purch sia ben nascosta. Nonostante sia di ottima fattura e relativamente pesante infatti non difficile da trasportare, qualora un ladro dovesse trovarla. Pu in ogni caso essere fissata al pavimento o alla parete, per renderla ancora pi sicura.
La struttura realizzata in acciaio spesso e resistente, di colore nero. Sulla parte frontale presente lo sportello dotato di tastierino numerico e display, con cerniere a scomparsa e bulloni di bloccaggio motorizzati.
La cassaforte funziona con 4 pile AA (non incluse) e pu inoltre essere aperta anche con le due chiavi di sicurezza fornite. E’ importante non perdere le chiavi altrimenti sar impossibile aprire lo sportello nel caso in cui le batterie siano scariche o il codice sia stato dimenticato.
In confezione presente anche un libretto di istruzioni in italiano che spiega perfettamente come programmare la cassaforte in base all’utilizzo (in casa, in hotel, che la modalit predefinita impostata, ecc) e come procedere al montaggio.
Da quando la utilizzo non ha mai dato problemi n ho avuto difficolt con l’inserimento del codice e l’apertura, per cui ritengo che le 5 stelle siano assolutamente meritate.
Es una caja pesada de esas resistentes que no la abres tan fcil, funciona con botones para poner tus propios nmeros secretos, adems de unas llaves de seguridad, ya he tenido otras ms baratas y bsicas pero esta me parece mucho mejor y ms resistente y segura, recomendable para que nadie pueda curiosear tus cosas, la veo bastante buena para cualquier negocio y hogares
Buena caja fuerte. Robusta, pesada, se puede anclar y tiene una capacidad correcta. Usa 4 pilas y tiene apertura automtica. Para cuando fallan las pilas, se desatornillan dos pernos para introducir una llave y abrir manualmente, cosa que no me ha gustado mucho. La mayor tienen su propio contacto para una pila de 9V y poder abrir.
No es una caja fuerte ultra-segura pero al menos servir para poner ms difcil el hecho de que puedan quitarnos nuestras pertenencias.
Der Safe wird in einer stabilen Kartonverpackung geliefert.
Der Safe macht direkt nach dem Auspacken einen sehr robusten Eindruck. Allein das Gewicht ist schon beeindruckend. die Tr und Seitenwand ist aus 4mm Stahl gefertigt und verriegelt mit zwei massiven Bolzen. Der Safe kann von Innen mit Schrauben an der Wand oder einem Schrank befestigt werden.
Im normalen Betrieb wird der Safe mit dem Zahlenschloss verschlossen wenn die Batterien leer sind (Batteriefach fr 4x AA Batterien auf der Innenseite) kann man den Tresor mit den mitgelieferten Schlsseln entriegeln. Das Schlsselloch hierfr befindet sich hinter der Silbernen Abdeckung auf der Vorderseite.
Das Programmieren des Tresors ist nicht ganz so einfach da man zum einstellen des Modus und der Kombination alle Schritte relativ schnell hintereinander ausfhren muss, daher sollte man sich am besten einen kleinen Plan auf Papier schreiben damit die Programmierung in einem Rutsch abgearbeitet werden kann.
Ich hatte auf Amazon ein bisschen nach kleinen Tresoren gesucht und dieser hier ist mit Abstand der gnstigste, ich hatte vor ein paar Monaten einen fr 149 EUR bestellt und wieder zurckgeschickt da dieser nur aus sehr dnnem Blech gefertigt war welches bei Lieferung schon verbogen war, dagegen ist dieser Safe aus mindestens doppelt so dickem Blech gefertigt und er macht auch nicht den Eindruck als wenn man da irgend etwas verbiegen kann.
Dennoch muss man anmerken das der Safe keine Sicherheitsstufe erfllt da muss man schon mindestens das 3 fache ausgeben. Der Safe macht aber einen robusten Eindruck und ich denke das er einige Minuten standhalten wird sodass der normale Einbrecher hoffentlich aufgeben wird.
Unter den kleinen gnstigeren Safes ein sehr robuster zum mit Abstand gnstigsten Preis, dafr fnf Sterne von mir.
You can select between two operating modes, hotel or personal. In personal, the safe retains its code between uses; in hotel, it has ‘amnesia’ and requires the guest to set a new code each time they lock the safe. Another really useful feature available in both modes is the operation log; it lets you determine the most recent few dates and times when the safe was opened, which can be really useful in the case there’s a dispute.
The safe is not purely secured by the keypad. There is a metal plate with two screws that covers a key access hole, and that’s how you get in if the batteries fail in the control panel or to perform initial setup for the safe. So, like most hotel safes, this is not safe from management – in fact, anyone with the master key can access the safe fairly easily. There is also a USB A port on the side of the control panel that is intended for a proprietary override keypad; Amazon doesn’t sell that component, but presumably if you could source one from the original manufacturer of the safe there would be various additional management capabilities available too.
This safe comes in three sizes. I have the most ‘cubic’, and while it’s great for jewelry/passports/etc, I think it’s probably the least well suited for installing in a rental. Most people will want to place a laptop inside, and the dimensions aren’t quite large enough for large laptops to fit here. I’d probably go for one of the other two sizes Amazon sells instead.
I really wish Amazon had offered the ability to disable the 15-minute lockout feature. I’ve had lots of frustration surrounding this – if a guest’s child tries the wrong code several times in a row right before checkout, it creates a crisis where people can’t get their stuff. I totally appreciate that this feature exists to prevent brute forcing of combinations, but it should be a user choice. It’s possible that a disable feature actually already exists in the firmware with some obscure key combination; if so, Amazon should document it in the user manual.
I love this Safe can fit all important documents and other valuable items, very easy to use, for the first time you have to use the key to open the safe, then insert 4 AA batteries, after closing the safe and pulling the key out you can just key your password and click lock which will instantly lock the safe and will open only when the right 4 numbers inserted.
You don’t have to use the same password as this safe accept any password 4 numbers each time you wanna lock the safe. The materials looks good quality made of steel with a black finish.
there is also locking bolts which provides extra security.
very satisfied!
The safe is perfect for smokers or anyone with precious valuables is super easy to access and really heavy duty. we opted out of mounting it but it does come with all the necessary hardware to do so. It’s very spacious.
This is a heavy and heavy duty safe. It is as good, or better, than any safe I’ve seen in hotels. I am very happy it has a secure, fail safe, back up key hidden under the metal plate. It comes with bolts to secure to the floor. I didn’t realize it needed batteries, but I ordered them. I can’t wait to try out the fingerprint feature. I think this is a high quality, durable safe. I would definitely recommend this product. It did have a small cosmetic defect on top, but it doesn’t affect the integrity in any way.
Coffre fort bien scell avec aucune prise pour le forage. La combinaison lectronique avec cran d’affichage offre une bonne garantie. Coffre lourd et compact en acier rsistant. Ce coffre est indestructible.
To be honest when I first started the programming and there was no single button on the battery side to change codes, I thought this is awful & cumbersome. And then a 6 second max time out between each step started really irritating me.
But gradually, during the attempts it started to dawn on me, this is designed for both hotel & personal use. It has to be designed with extra programming scrutiny & less possibilities of others doing their own quick change tinkering with the keypad.
So, after multiple re-starts, or practice in this case, I started getting into a zone. I finally set a new master code, set time/date for a super cool safe access log record feature, set mode from hotel to personal use, and got my personal access code set, my mind was changed to new appreciation.
The strict time sensitive walk through of the full setup showed me the extra level of security a safe’s programming method can add. Suddenly, the one button way to change a code seems basic compared with this safe’s security system.
Be Safe, take care. Thank you.
When I pulled this thing out of the box (more like flipping the box over and dropping it out the bottom due to the weight), I was pretty impressed with the build quality. It feels pretty solid for a non-fire rated safe. It’s heavy, probably weighing in somewhere between 40-50lbs.
The first thing the included manual has you do is to open the safe using the included keys (more on those later) by removing the keyhole cover with the included hex wrench, and put batteries in the keypad unit and reset the default password. During this process, I discovered an error in the manual. The manual says that the safe can use a 4 or 6-digit code. This is not correct. I tried to set a 4 digit code for testing and photographing, but the unit won’t accept 4 digits. It forces you to set a 6 digit code.
Once you set the passcode, you reinstall the keyhole cover. One odd thing is that you are forced to enter the passcode to lock the safe. You can’t just press ‘lock’. I found that to be a bit strange.
The keys are 3-dimensional. What I mean by that is that there isn’t just one up and down on the keys — there’s actually 2 of these. The key is shaped like + sign, with teeth on all 4, which would make this much more difficult to pick. Nice.
Overall, this is a nice bit of insurance to have at home to keep family members out of things they shouldn’t be in. If you bolt it down, it might make an intruder less likely to get into it as well. This isn’t going to be an end-all-be-all security option if you are wanting to protect things from burglars, but it’s certainly a start. It’s marketed as a ‘hotel safe’, which is a bit odd. I can’t imagine carrying a 50lb safe to a hotel to keep the housekeeping folks from steeling my iPad while I’m at the zoo or something. Maybe people do that, but I never would consider it. It’s about a 1cuft in size, so it’s big enough to hold quite a bit of stuff. Otherwise, I really like this safe. My next one will be a fire-resistant safe for valuable documents, etc.