BenQ ZOWIE ZA13-C Symmetrical Gaming Mouse for Esports

BenQ ZOWIE ZA13-C Symmetrical Gaming Mouse for Esports |Weight-Reduced | Paracord Cable & 24-step Scroll Wheel for More Personal Preference| Driverless | Matte Black Coating | Small Size

Weight: | 110 g |
Dimensions: | 12.1 x 5.7 x 4 cm; 110 Grams |
Brand: | BenQ |
Model: | ZA13-C |
Colour: | Black |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | BenQ |
Dimensions: | 12.1 x 5.7 x 4 cm; 110 Grams |
I have been using this mouse for gaming purposes and it has held up very well considering the price, there are no weights in the mouse but that is expected for what i paid for it, so far over the almost 2 months of use it still works very well, it has 2 mouse buttons that are conveniently placed and the scroll wheel is smooth with small but noticable ticks for if you only want to scroll so much. it fits my hand very well, i am 6ft and my hands are fairly large for my size but i have no trouble using this mouse, my girlfriend also used it and she has small hands and also had no problems using it, she is 5’2 with small hands so this mouse works for all i think. would recommend 9/10
I’ve used Zowie mice since the AM launched many many years ago. For reference my hand size is 20cmx10cm. I bought the ZA11 on launch and didn’t think it was a great fit at the time.
I use a relax claw and it’s just a huge palm mouse really and not a good one at that. I have noticed over the last few years though that the ZA13 is endgame for a lot of claw users despite the small size in comparison to their larger hands.
Mice usually have a compromise for me between maneuverability and stability. I want the smallest mouse I can get away with while still having decent stability, and I never seem to get both in the amounts that seem balanced. I picked up the ZA13 and I’m blown away. Not only is it small and easy to chuck around but it’s very stable due to the large back hump making contact with the lower palm. I’ve not felt this level of both maneuverability and stability in a mouse before, it really is something very special. I’m not saying to ignore the large models of this but I don’t think they offer anything that special. If you want a larger stable mouse get the EC2, and if you want a finger tip get the FK2 (other mice besides zowie are available but if you use claw you owe it to yourself to try this mouse out. There’s a reason it’s got cult status online.
Yes there’s things that could be improved. The clicks are a little hollow for me, I’d probably like to see 5-10 grams off the weight. The stock skates are mud skates (Zowie should include their own speed skates rather than two sets of mud skates) etc. But shape is king and everything else is pretty minor. If you use claw, whatever your hand size (23+ might want to try the ZA12) get the ZA13
Ich hatte mir damals vor 7 Jahren die ZA-11 geholt weil ich sehr groe Hnde habe und gerne den Palm-Support htte. Nach 6 Jahren ist meine alte ZA11 kaputt gegangen und ich hatte auf eine Logitech G-PRO Wireless gewechselt, leider enttuscht gewesen, schlechte Akku-Laufzeit und das Mausrad war Day-1 kaputt. Man kennt das Sprichwort, “Never change a running System” – die ZA11-C ist wie der Vorgnger perfekt und sogar noch besser geworden – die Maus mag zwar nicht die leichteste sein doch vom Sensor und generelles Handling eine glatte 10/10 – BenQ enttuscht einfach nicht 🙂
PS: RGB/LED Belichtung ist unntig bei einer Maus – die Hand liegt eh 90% der Zeit ber den Lichtern 😀
Ser breve, si puedo !!!! si das con el modelo que se adapte a tu mano nunca cambiars de marca, mi mano mide 18cm y me va como un guante este ratn, ojo yo soy agarre de GARRA AGRESIVO, no tendr lucetitas ni historias y tiene cable, pero bueno, lo importante de un ratn es la comodidad y que sea decente sus clips y su sensor y este lo tiene, esta marca de ratn lo utilizan los que compiten ser por algo. Vengo de razer vioer y logiteccccc y historias extraas que te dicen que tiene el ratn 1000000000000000000000000 dpi, en fin, y recuerda no es la flecha es el indio. Csgo!!!!!!!!!!
El ratn BenQ ZOWIE ZA11-C es una excelente opcin para aquellos que buscan una ergonoma excepcional para agarre de palma y/o garra al jugar a FPS. Su resalto inferior proporciona un apoyo cmodo para la palma de la mano, y su inclinacin hacia adelante es perfecta para un agarre firme y cmodo de los dedos. Aunque su configuracin de rango de DPI y frecuencia de rastreo solo se puede ajustar a travs de un botn en el mouse, esto no compromete su rendimiento en lo ms mnimo. Sin embargo, algunos usuarios pueden sentir que su tacto es muy suave, por lo que se recomienda agregar algunos grips de agarre extra. En general, el BenQ ZOWIE ZA11-C es un ratn excepcional para usuarios con manos medianas a grandes que buscan un ratn de juego cmodo y preciso.
Leggero, ottima texture, bel feeling dei tasti, comodo ed ergonomico da tenere sia in claw che palm grip, solido e senza scricchiolii (come potreste vedere segnalato da alcuni su youtube).
La rotella ben definita e non salta gli step come accade in diversi Logitech. Tasti laterali ben posizionati al contrario per esempio del G pro / G203 / G305. Il cavo non si sente quasi per niente e non mi ha creato problemi. Mouse ottimo per FPS. Molto minimalista come tutti gli Zowie, niente software da scaricare, si settano i parametri la prima volta e basta. Sono inclusi piedini di ricambio.
Unica pecca la spedizione: arriva direttamente nella scatola Zowie, quindi la troverete tutta ammaccata e con segni dovuti al trasporto, all’interno per il mouse sufficientemente protetto.
Resta da verificare la durabili
Mouse leggero adatto x varie prese va bene amche x chi ha mani piccole
I have tried over 10+ gaming mice, mainly for fps games like Apex Legends, Valorant & Call of Duty with numerous hours of Aim trainers. This mouse is very small & the weight is perfect, the coating with my mouse was perfect & this shape is definitely endgame for my aggressive claw as the hump just locks your hand into the mouse amazing!!!!
Die Maus fhlt sich wunderschn in der Hand an, Das Maus Rad, die Seiten Tasten und das Kabel sind viel besser als die von der vorherigen Version.
Da die Maus so leicht ist, macht es mega Spa damit zu zocke
Cable is actually good, feet are alright for most gaming, weight is quite nice for zowie and build quality is great as expected. Clicks are actually really light and easy to press which was surprising coming from the old 3310 za13. 24 step scroll is nice but it’s still too stiff and so is middle click
J’ai test beaucoup de souris (20+) donc tous les grips possible, je dis a pour faire comprendre que j’ai une certaines connaissances des souris MAIS c’est surtout les prfrences personnelles !
Positif :
Je cherchais une souris avec un vrai maintien de la palme et c’est la meilleure pour a.
La qualit est irrprochable, pas de craquements, tous les cliques sont bon.
La forme est excellente pour un support de la palme de la main
La taille est bonne pour mes mains (19x10cm)
Relaxed claw/plam grip parfait, mme si c’est plus fait pour du claw je penses vu que la “bosse” a l’arrire met les doigts dans une position qui correspond plus au claw mais le palm marche trs bien.
Ngatif :
J’avais la Pulsar xlite wireless qui pse 58g donc je dois encore m’adapt au poids de celle l (70g)
Ce poids permet un meilleur contrle des micro ajustements, avec une souris au poids trs lger on peut avoir des problmes pour rester stable.
La molette est assez dur, pour appuyer et la tourner ce qui peut tre positif pour changer d’arme, on sent trs bien les crans.
La forme (oui j’ai mis aussi dans positif) qui est excellente cause aussi, malheureusement, en palme grip d’appuyer sans le vouloir sur le clique droit, ce qui peut tre gnant, il faut trouver la bonne position.
Les petits “bump” qu’ils ont mis sur le bout des cts pour une meilleure accroche n’est pas du tout ncessaire pour moi et peut causer de la douleur, il faut un temps d’adaptation.
Cette souris est excellente pour mon relaxed claw/palm grip, la qualit est excellente mais peut tre optimis !
Si Zowie l’a fait dans les 65g, wireless et sans les bumps sur les cts, cette souris est clairement du “end game” pour moi !
J’espre que Zowie va avancer au lieu de rester sur leur lauriers mme si il y a plus de positif que de ngatif !
Plus qu’ attendre les prochaines sorties !