Beurer EM50 Menstrual Relax, TENS and Heat for Natural

Beurer EM50 Menstrual Relax

Beurer EM50 Menstrual Relax, TENS and Heat for Natural Menstrual Pain Relief, Suitable for Endometriosis, 15 Intensity Levels, Rechargeable Battery, Wear Under Clothes, Medical Device, Red

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Weight: 0.23 Kilograms
Dimensions: 9.5 x 19.3 x 1.5 cm; 70 Grams
Brand: Beurer
Model: 64854
Batteries Included: 1 Lithium Polymer batteries required. (included)
Manufacture: Beurer GmbH
Dimensions: 9.5 x 19.3 x 1.5 cm; 70 Grams
Origin: China

30 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    Anys patint el dolor de regla el dia que baixa i l’endem, un dolor que ni medicaments ni postures ni meditaci ni bossa d’aigua calenta no havien aconseguit eliminar. Per fi he trobat l’nica cosa que funciona! Quan s massa fort el dolor, pujo la tensi elctrica i faig 40 minuts en lloc de 20. Com nova!

  2. Anonymous says:


    While the product does not take the whole pain away, specially if you suffer from extreme pain, it does help a whole bunch, and I don’t know about you, but I will take any help that I can. It actually made me feel a lot more functional than otherwise. I now recommend this to any woman who suffers from strong cramps.

  3. Harriso2408 says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersIch wende das Pad nicht nur bei meinen Menstruationsschmerzen an, sondern auch bei schmerzen im unteren Rcken oder Nackenschmerzen. Es hilft sehr gut und ich bin sehr froh das ich mich fr den Kauf entschieden habe. Ja es ist nicht gnstig aber von mir gibt es definitiv eine Empfehlung den auch die Handhabung ist einfach zu verstehen.
    Wer es fr unterwegs braucht, sollte sich aber einen kleinen Stoffbeutel oder hnliches zustzlich zulegen. Ansonsten echt top.

  4. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersJ’avais investi dans le livia que je ne supporte pas mais par contre le beurer m50 me convient parfaitement.
    Antcdents d’endomtrioses multiples oprations, colon irritable et douleurs pelviennes chroniques et tout ct gauche du ventre depuis au moins 10 ans.
    La fonction chaleur et tens combinaison parfaite pour me soulager. Plusieurs modes et franchement le ct discret est intressant je sais que nous ragissons toutes de faons diffrentes mais sait-on jamais que mon commentaire aide car j’ai hsit un an et demi et je l’ai command en urgence.
    Bonne batterie mais dommage car pas de boiter de transpo

  5. Anonymous says:


    Plusieurs intensit de chaleurs et de vibration cela marche trs bien et soulage bcp les douleurs je le met mme pour travailler et tant dans le commerce je bouge pas mal et cela ne se retire pas. Par contre je trouve que quand je l’utilise longtemps a commence brl malgr que je suis au minimum

  6. James R. Hood says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersTodos los meses lo paso fatal los primeros 3 das del ciclo.
    Empieza una tensin en el bajo vientre, se transforma en molestia y ah ya le tomo el analgsico, pero a veces mi tero es ms rpido que el antiinflamatorio y degenera en clico encerrndome en el bao y pasndolo fatal. Este aparato ayuda a alargar ese ltimo paso hasta que la pastilla hace efecto y desaparece el dolor. Me evita retorcerme de dolor! Hay ocasiones que tengo que ponerlo al mximo pero junto a mis analgsicos es el equipo perfecto contra la dismenorrea
    Y lo genial de este TENS es que no tiene cables colgando y es sper discreto debajo de la ropa, as que lo llevo en el trabajo y lo uso mientras trabajo de cara al pblico y sin problemas!
    Le quito una estrella por no tener un estuche para el transporte y porque solo viene con 2 parches, que te duran una semana porque para el prximo mes ya se seca. Pero lo soluciono con AliExpress

  7. CathariBunbury says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersJe l’ai maintenant depuis plusieurs mois et cet appareil m’a sauv ma vie. Les deux premiers jours de mes rgles sont les plus douloureux, je me plie de douleur mme avec des cachets.
    Il y a plusieurs intensits de vibrations et on peut mme mettre un mode qui chauffe le ventre. Je m’en suis mme servie quand j’ai eu ses maux de ventre.
    Les patchs sont efficaces, je vais pas tarder en racheter d’autres car ils commencent tre sales mais malgr a ils collent toujours bien.
    Ds que l’appareil est mal ou plus coll a votre ventre, il se stop automatiquement.
    Je recommande fortement.

  8. GZGJayneptukyvc says:


    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersIch habe mir das Beurer EM 50 Menstrual Relax gekauft, dass ich weniger Regelschmerzen habe. Ich bin positiv berrascht! Es lindert meine recht starken Schmerzen innerhalb weniger Minuten was bis jetzt kein Schmerzmittel geschafft hat. Es haftet sehr gut an meinem Bauch. Ich hatte anfangs Sorge, dass es nicht hlt, da ich doch etwas beleibter bin, aber nein die Pads haften sehr gut. Bis jetzt hab ich Stufe 6 von 15 ausprobiert und dabei schon eine sprbare Erleichterung gefhlt. Einziges Manko ist, dass man eine leichte Rtung bekommt von der Wrmefunktion. Die Wrme kommt mir jedoch gar nicht so viel vor wie das bei einer Wrmeflasche der Fall wre. Vielleicht knnte man dies noch verbessern.

  9. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Purchased this for my partner after buying a few cheaper similar products although the build quality of this product was unequivocally better than others that I have bought in the past.
    Pros:good pain relief
    Cons:the gel adhesive pads are sold separately

  10. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Sometimes I wish it was bigger so it could relieve pain across a wider area. Also, the little ‘battery’ in the middle gets quite hot sometimes, so you can’t leave the heat setting on for too long.
    But it really does help, and it’s good that you can change the settings on it.
    I recommend starting with it on a low pulse to begin with, as it feels quite strange at first. It works so well for me though!

  11. Jon Linkov says:


    Golden Review Award: 85 From Our UsersGrundstzlich funktioniert das Produkt und erfllt seinen Zweck: Schmerzlinderung.
    Die Wrme verbrennt einen nicht direkt und die Vibration hilft, den Schmerz zu “vergessen” und weitestgehend ohne Schmerzmittel ber den Tag zu kommen.

    Es ist wunderbar leise, hlt gut am Krper und kann bequem unter der Kleidung getragen werden.

    Nun zu den Negativpunkten bzw. Produktverbesserungsvorschlgen:
    – der Akku hlt nicht einmal 2h durch bei mittlerer Einstellung –> normalerweise halten Krmpfe den ganzen Tag an
    – eine “Session” geht nur 20min
    – nachdem der Akku aufgebraucht ist, muss das Gert 1-2h geladen werden –> schlecht, da die Krmpfe ja noch anhalten und frau doch zu Schmerzmitteln greifen muss
    – Whrend das Gert aufldt, kann man es nicht benutzen –> wre alles halb so schlimm, wenn dieser Faktor nicht wre
    – Die original Klebe-Gelpads sind teuer
    – Es gibt einen sehr lauten Ton von sich, wenn es sich abschlt oder wenn der Akku schwach ist

    Ergo: Frau bruchte zwei von diesen Gerten = 115, sowie mehrmals im Jahr Ersatz-Gel-Pads.
    Es wird hier Mal wieder Geld am Leid anderer verdient. Schade.

    Fr mich ist hier Preis-Leistung nicht ausgeglichen, weshalb ich es zurckschicken werde. Wenn oben genannte Verbesserungen eintreten, wrde ich das Gert definitiv behalten.

  12. NestorMcLeish says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersI was a bit sceptical about whether this would work but was pleasantly surprised. I love how the machine goes through different pulses and you can change the levels to what suits you best. It’s such a comforting feeling and saves my husband from having to drum his fingers on my tummy to get any relief. I would highly recommend this product and I never bother with writing reviews.

  13. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersJe l’utilise depuis quelques temps car j’ai des rgles extrmement douloureuses et voil la chaleur est uniquement sur la petite bande du milieu et chauffe la limite de la brlure il faut faire attention, les vibrations sont pas mal jusqu’ dire efficace je ne sais pas mais si vous avez un peu de ventre l’adhrence n’est pas au max pour un bas ventre la bande rigide du milieu empche de s’adapter tte les morphologies c’est un bon produit mais je ne trouve pas a miraculeux non plus vu le prix une bouillotte classique pour la chaleur est bien mieux, pour les vibrations chacun est diffrent je trouve a agrable mais a ne me soulage pas.

  14. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersBought this for my wife, as she gets really bad pains during that time of the month. Now she uses it everytime! That’s a massive thumbs up from her. So if you’re thinking of getting this or similar, it does work and it’s not a waste of money.

  15. EzraClarylub says:


    Golden Review Award: 24 From Our UsersJ’ai achet ce produit aprs en avoir eu un du mme genre, le Urgo Moon.

    Mes 2 avantages que n’ont pas le Urgp Moon :

    Le prix : bien moins lev pour ce produit ci.
    La fonction chauffante absente que le premier ci-dessus
    Il a un prise USB C pour le recharger contrairement l’autre.

    Dn conclusion je suis bien plus contente d’avoir celui-ci

    Les points ngatifs de ce produit :

    Seulement 20 minutes pour un cycle contrairement l’autre.
    Pas de rglage de la temprature de chauffage.

    Le vrai :

    Il est rechargeable et donc bien + rentable que les patch jetables (que j’achetais chez Aldi par exemple)

    MAIS :

    il faut voir avec son gyncologue et son moment de contraception avant de l’acheter.

    Il est pratique la maison mais pour le travail je vous conseille ceux coller sur la culotte et jetables qu’on trouve dans le commerce.

    Voil puisse mon avis vous tre utile.

  16. Salvado31T says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our Users

    Best Christmas present ever!! Absolutely love it 😍

  17. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersJ’tais sceptique au vu de certain commentaire. Finalement j’aurais d l’acheter bien plus tt !

    C’est trs facile d’utilisation, il n’y a que 3 boutons, donc pas besoin de les voir pour pouvoir changer les programmes en cours d’utilisation.

    Le dispositif est assez fin pour passer sous n’importe quel pantalon. J’ai mme t faire une sance de pilate avec.

    Le soulagement est rel avec les lectrodes et/ou la chaleur. Cela m’a permis de ne pas prendre de mdicament anti-douleur, alors que j’ai des trs trs fortes douleurs. Je le conseille vraiment.

    Les rglages permettent d’agir sur :
    – la chaleur : on ou off, il n’y a pas de rglages d’intensit de la chaleur _ je trouve a un peu dommage. La chaleur est trs agrable et se diffuse bien. En revanche, au bout de 5 min je trouve a trop chaud et je l’arrte.
    – la puissance d’lectrostimulation : il y a au moins 6 modes diffrents en frquence et en intensit diffrentes. Cela permet de s’adapter chaque sance, c’est trs confortable, j’ai ressenti un soulagement immdiat.

    A toutes celle qui ont des douleurs et qui hsitent, je vous recommande ce produi

  18. LouieMassaro says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersMine arrived quickly and was really easy to set up and start using. Heats up well and the TENS is good strength even when not at highest setting. Slightly expensive but worth i

  19. StepaniSZLS says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersPurchased it for a friend, she says best thing she ever tried , she sorry she got one earlier would highly recommend

  20. KennethPpt says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersPartiamo dal presupposto che soffro di dolori mestruali molto forti, crampi che mi bloccano a letto per almeno 2 giorni. Nel mio caso non ha tolto i dolori, ma in alcuni momenti li ha alleviati in attesa che il medicinale facesse effetto, sia con TENS che con solo riscaldamento. C’ da dire per che non usavo un’intensit molto alta, ma se l’aumentavo troppo provavo disagio alle gambe.
    Purtroppo i gel pad sono soltanto due, mi sono andati bene per questo mese ma devono essere gi ricomprati. La consiglio per chi soffre di dolori lievi, o per chi in attesa dell’effetto del medicinale

  21. Owen Gough says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 13 From Our UsersSo I can’t fault how I feel when this is on. However I can’t seem to use any other usb-c chargers to charge it. The original charger died and I haven’t been able to use it since and nothing charges it. Even the apple branded ones!! This is my second machine on just over 14 months and I’m looking at having to invest into a third. Not happy that it won’t allow any other usb-c chargers to charge it.

  22. MargaritoKOR says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 15 From Our UsersI brought this as after having a mirena coil fitted I begain having on and off cramps most of the time, and the period pains were worst than i had before having it fitted. I didnt want to keep taking painkillers so thought i’d give this a go. It works for me in about 5 mins of turning it on. At first it was a bit confusing on how to turn it on but after reading the instructions i got the hang of it after a few tries.
    I get really bad cramps when i am on (one time I had to go to A&E after calling NHS 111 and they told me to go as i couldnt handle the pain even after taking the max dosage of paracetamol, ibuprofen and buscopan), But i havent been able to test in on one of those cramps yet as not had one yet but will try to test it when i next get one and put it on my review if i remember. I have tested it on the medium pain cramps (the ones where you can no longer ignore the pain and have to seek pain relief) and it works on those for me. I havent had to take any painkillers and there is no pain while it is on for me.

  23. Purushottam Gaurav says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 11 From Our UsersOnly downside is that it keeps turning off after 20mins and when you’ve severe PMT and cramps you need it to stay on!

  24. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersI’m happy with the product as a whole, the tens feature is great for pain relief. But the heat feature left a red mark on my skin. So it’s quite easy to burn yourself I think.

  25. JohnettLZZW says:

     United Kingdom

    I have struggled with painful period pains since I was 17. Painkillers usually work but they can take a while to work. I wish I had got this product sooner! My pain disappears when I use it! So happy I bought this product. Definitely worth the investment .

  26. Jonathan Fields says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersLight weight and easy to wear, the warmth of the heating pad is comforting but not very strong. Tens machine is helpful in tandem with pain meds for my own endo

  27. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    My husband bought this for me. I am using it for my low back pain and it helps pretty dramatically when it’s on and quite intense. It’s small enough to leave on for a while and the adhesive pads work well for around 5 uses. I have not tried it for period pain but I imagine it would work fairly well but not endo pain. It’s too shallow to touch that.

  28. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersThis is the first time I’m using a TENS machine and glad I went for this one – it’s discreet under a pair of joggers or a dress, perfect shape/size and has been quite helpful in managing endo pain (at least for moderate pain so far).

    It lasts about 2 hours (6 x 20 min sessions) until it needs charging again which isn’t the most convenient for me but I’m not sure if I’m expecting too much. It would’ve been absolutely perfect if it also had a remote so it can be used when out or in the office without needing to go somewhere more private to fiddle with buttons!

  29. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersIt’s a great product – It def helps me a lot with my periods cramps. I use it at work, it’s very discreet. I really recommend this produc

  30. DanaeSutcliffe says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 17 From Our UsersAfter struggling with severe endometriosis pain for a long time, even after 1 use I can tell this device will be my new best friend.
    Pain instantly feels more bearable.
    The combination of the heat and pulses is so relaxing.
    Would 100% recommend, well worth the price tag.