beyerdynamic MMX 300 premium over-ear gaming headset (2nd

beyerdynamic MMX 300 premium over-ear gaming headset (2nd Generation) with microphone and suitable for PS4, XBOX One, PC & Notebook
From the brand

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Dimensions: | 7.62 x 7.62 x 15.24 cm; 332 Grams |
Model: | 718300 |
Batteries Included: | 1 Lithium Polymer batteries required. |
Manufacture: | beyerdynamic |
Dimensions: | 7.62 x 7.62 x 15.24 cm; 332 Grams |
Origin: | Germany |
Everything is good, bought these about 2 years ago, but I’m getting tired to fight with that left headphone lower volume issues caused by lower quality wire in mic swticher section, once I touch it in a specific way it goes kinda good but it almost always feels like left head phone volume is like 5-10% lower volume than the other side which brakes all the good experience of these headphones.
Dieses Headset hat eine Klangqualitt die absolute Spitzenklasse ist!
Es ist selbst jetzt fr 239 immer noch sehr kostspielig aber das Headset ist jeden Euro wert.
Ich hatte bereits einige teuere “Kabellose” Headsets und die haben bei langen gaming Sessions
immer mein Gehirn gegrillt. Das kann nicht gut sein mit dem 2,4GHZ Sender und Empfnger
direkt am Gehirn!
Deswegen bin ich wieder auf Kabelbasiertes Headset umgestiegen und dieses gegrillte Gehirn ist
nicht mehr vorhanden auch bei stundenlangen Sessions.
Auf der Beyerdynamic Seite gibt es Rcklufer fr unter 199 mit Garantie und allem drum und
dran. Wer nicht bereits ist 239 dafr auszugeben wird dort fndig.
Allen anderen sei gesagt. Es gibt nichts besseres als dieses Teil. Gemtlich zu tragen, leicht, die
wichtigsten Einstellungen direkt am Kabel zur Hand. Kein Schnickschnack nur perfekte Deutsche
Sound Engineer Art. Schlagt zu wenn Ihr berlegt. Ihr werdet es nicht bereuen.
Ich betreibe es direkt am PS5 Controller. Eine Soundkarte brauche ich nicht. Kann es gar nicht
voll aufdrehen. Die Kritik am Bass (da lege ich Wert drauf) ist vollkommen unbegrndet.
Speile es in COD ohne die Kopfhrer Bassverstrkung und nur auf Kopfhrer Profil. Der Bass ist
bereits vollkommen ausreichend und mit Verstrkung berlagt der Bass nur wichtige Raumdaten
im Spiel. Schritte oben, unten, neben unter ber Dir.
Top Gert super Happy, Danke Beyerdynaik. Schicke Tasche auch zum reisen dabei.
Sehr grosser Minus Punkt geht an den Mikrofon arm…ca nach 3 Monat Nutzung ist mir das Mikro fast abgefallen… das Problem ist auch nicht unbekannt laut den ganzen Foren.
Verstehe nicht warum beyerdynamic dies nicht behebt.
Gesamteindruck Sehr gut mikrofon klang top
Mikrofon arm sehr schlechte Verarbeitung
Great sound quality and comfortable, but the two issues that hold this back from 5 stars imo, is that the top end volume is fairly low. This headset does not nearly as loud as other headsets I have owned. Even after adjusting window sound settings etc, the peak volume is only about 60% or 70% of other headsets. Second, The mute function for the mic isn’t the most reliable. I will have the mic set in the mute position, and it will pick up loud noises in my environment. Often, it will even pick up loud videos or music being listened to with the headset itself.
Le produit fonctionne bien, c’est un modle de casque trs connu. Il faut veiller bien enfoncer la prise jack ct casque sinon le micro ne fonctionne pas. J’avais lu beaucoup de commentaires indiquant que le micro ne fonctionnait pas car il fallait bien enfoncer la prise jack, effectivement je pensais l’avoir bien enfonc mais le micro ne fonctionnait pas, je me suis rendu compte qu’il fallait pousser beaucoup plus fort afin que la prise s’enclenche correctement.
Der Sound ist klar und im Vergleich zur Konkurrenz sehr auf Stimmen (hohe Frequenzen) fokussiert. Bei einer kritischeren Meinung jedoch fehlt es bei der Qualitt des Sounds etwas an Tiefe und Klarheit bei diesem Preis. Der Bass ist auch nur wenig vorhanden und die Lautstrkeregelung ist meiner Meinung nach etwas leise insgesamt und es tut sich im Vergleich zu anderen Kopfhrern etwas weniger bei der Lautstrke, wenn man diese mal eben regeln mchte.
Das geschlossene Erlebnis ist teilweise da, denn man hrt schon noch etwas seine Umgebung bei einer geringeren Lautstrke.
Das Mikrofon ist im Vergleich zu anderen Headsets gut. Ich persnlich aber habe mir etwas mehr Klarheit gewnscht, da es ein tick blechernd klingt. Diese Kritik ist aber auch schon eine anspruchsvolle Meinung heraus entstanden. Dennoch ist es klar und mit Popschutz versehen, wobei man eher weniger Strgerusche hrt und der Kopfhrer-Sound wird zu 99% komplett aus den Mikrofon herausgefiltert.
Das Headset ist sehr leicht und hat eine gute persnliche Anpassung der Gre. Fr lngeres Tragen ist es gut gerstet, jedoch kann es ab und zu etwas unangenehm sein und man rckt es etwas zurecht. Dann aber geht es wieder fr eine Weile lang.
Es besteht zum grtem Teil aus hochwertigem Hartplastik, das fr bequemeres Tragen bei leichtem Gewicht verantwortlich ist, jedoch wirkt es meiner Meinung nach vielleicht etwas anfllig. Metall ist nicht enthalten und am Kopfteil fhlt es sich wie hochwertigeres Kunststoff an, das aber mit Klettverschluss abnehmbar ist. Die Ohrpolsterung besteht aus Mikrofasern.
Bei diesem Preis ist es nicht perfekt und meiner Meinung nach etwas zu teuer, da es meist nur gut in jeder Kategorie abschneidet und mich persnlich nicht 100% zufrieden stellt.
Da es mir so in dieser Form das erste mal passiert ist und ich nicht wei, ob dies normal ist und fter hier vorkommt, merke ich es eben nur an. Bei meinem Exemplar roch das Kabel, das sich eher wie Gummi anfhlt, sehr stark nach Rauch von Elektrogerten.
Wer Wert auf Tonqualitt und Mikrofon legt aber kein komplettes Setup kaufen will, trifft mit dem Gaming-Headset die perfekte Wahl. Das Aussehen ist schlicht aber schick und ist auch fr lange Gaming Zeiten gut geeignet.
Meine Nachteile sind das das Kabel fr mich etwas zu kurz ist. Mein PC steht auf meinem Tisch etwas 1m entfernt. Da Kabel habe ich hinten angeschlossen und um meinen Monitor gezogen. Ich kann mich gerade so nach hinten lehnen. Und etwa 7-8 Monate nach Kauf habe ich bemerkt das das Mikrokabel nicht mehr so gut hlt. Also der Kleber hat sich wahrscheinlich gelst. Ist zwar bisschen nervig aber ndert nichts an der Mikrofon Qualitt!.
Chose trs importante pour les joueurs consoles il faut imprativement utiliser une carte son externe, si vous utiliser le casque directement branch sur la manette vous aurez une qualit du Micro degueulasse, donc attention
Si non pour les joueurs pc comme moi aucun soucis, la carte son n’est pas du tout obligatoire vous avez juste a brancher les deux port mini jack et c’est parti pas besoin de logiciel spcifique
Les + :
-Le faible poids du casque
-La structure du casque est extrmement basique mais c’est du solide et inspire la durabilit (arceau en aluminium)
-Le micro assez rigide, vous le mettez a la bonne position et a bouge pas
-Le micro de trs bonne qualit, certainement l’un des meilleurs pour un micro casque intgr
-La prcision sonore du casque, en jeu vous entendez tout les petits bruits autour de vous, c’est impressionnant
Les – :
-C’est un son assez neutre, la plupart des casques du march pousse les basses au max la c’est pas le cas, a surprend au dbut
-Aprs plus de 2 semaines d’utilisation je trouve que le haut de l’arceau fait mal, obliger de le dcaler toutes les 1h30/2h de jeu (apparemment a devrait aller avec le temps, je mettrais jour mon avis)
Sitz auf dem Kopf, wer solche Riesen mag – wie ich, ebenfalls sehr angenehm, weich, komfortabel.
Komplett unbrauchbar, und fr den Preis unverstndlich, ist dagegen die lieblose Gestaltung des Mehr-Funktionen-Kabelschalters:
– der Lautstrkeregler geht zwar bisher gut, das Drehrad knnte aber etwas grer und griffiger sein
– auch der Hub des Muting-Schalters, sowie seine optische Sichtbarmachung (nur ein schmaler dunkelroter Streifen – Platz ist ja genug an dem Teil – nur nicht genutzt) knnten grer, und vor allem mechanisch strammer funktionieren, alles irgendwie lasch – was zur Gre des Gesamtteiles berhaupt nicht passt …. ?
Der absolute Minuspunkt, und deshalb auch keine volle Punktzahl, ist jedoch der schmale Taster, gegenber dem Lautstrkeregler.
Das ist der Taster fr Gesprch annehmen/auflegen.
Der geht so leicht/lasch dass meine Frau (fr die ich das Teil gekauft habe) stndig da drauf kommt, und das Teil dadurch unbrauchbar fr sie wird …. (logisch – die geringste Berhrung da drauf – ob man nun eigentlich an die Lautstrke wollte – wo man ja quasi zwangsweise diese Taste drckt ! ! , oder nur den Pullover beim Arbeiten gerade ziehen will, PLUPP – und das Gesprch ist weg.
Komplett schlecht gelst.
Gerade versuche ich das Teil zu zerlegen, um die Taste zu deaktivieren ….
Nachtrag: ich habe den Taster (Gesprchsannahme/Auflegen) mit einem kleinen Schraubendreher herausgehebelt und verkehrt-herum (zur Abdeckung des Loches) mit Expoxydharz wieder aufgeklebt.
Nun kann meine Frau das Teil wenigstens nutzen … 🙂
Der Tragekomfort ist unschlagbar, die Polsterung ist weich und bequem, so dass ich stundenlang spielen kann, ohne dass es drckt. Der Klang ist sehr klar und detailliert, ohne zu basslastig zu sein, was fr ein Gaming-Headset wichtig ist.
Leider musste ich das Headset zurcksenden, da das Mikrofon, das an einem Flexschlauch am Kopfhrer befestigt ist, sich gelst hatte und herunterhing. Das war sehr enttuschend, da ich nach einem Headset suchte, das lange hlt und nicht schnell kaputt geht. Glcklicherweise bietet der Hersteller Ersatzteile an, was ein Pluspunkt ist.
Insgesamt bin ich von der Qualitt des Beyerdynamic MMX 300 Premium Gaming Headset beeindruckt. Es hat groes Potenzial, aber das Mikrofonproblem hat es fr mich ein wenig getrbt. Dennoch wrde ich es weiterempfehlen und hoffe, dass mein Exemplar nur ein Einzelfall war.
Bought this today, packaging was ok, but absolutely fantastic headset, I had conversation with friend via Discord, he said the mic voice quality fantastic, Oh boy..Quality of Bass is awesome, i have not played any games yet, but kept on listening to music. i feel its totally worth buying this headset. If you feel the sound is low then install FxSound from microsoft store, its should amplify it to next level without external dac/amp
I have been lucky enough to do a side by side comparison with some Astro A40, some OG Kingston hyper X cloud 2, HyperX cloud alpha and Razer Kraken.
I’ve tested on Xbox via optical stereo, optical Dolby and USB Dolby Atmos playing Rainbow Seige and on a stereo system.
In my view the MMX300 are the best of the lot but only marginally better than the cloud Alpha when used side by side. MMX are great for hearing footsteps, small but important sounds and not blowing you concentration with over emphasised explosions. IMO the treble and bass are tuned for high end gaming audio where hearing specific sounds is more important than getting lost in a beautiful sound scape.
AnaAdded bonus is that they are the only headphones I’ve tested that when plugged into the Astro Mixamp pro and are muted the Mixamp lights turn red and when unmuted the lights turn white.
The only down side of the MMX300 is that the inline volume and mute control is fiddly and hard to use one handed let alone when you’re in the middle of a game.
Comfort wise they really haven’t been a problem for me, 3-4 hours has not been an issue. I wear glasses for gaming and whilst the MMX300 are not as comfortable as the for example the most comfortable Astro A40s, MMX 300 comfort was not an issue. Mic is the best I’ve ever had on a gaming headset, but then again I’ve never had a headset where microphone quality has presented any kind of issue. Reviews seem to place an exaggerated emphasis on mic quality imo.
In Summary: The sound quality, spatial separation and positioning of sounds is super high end, prob better than you need for gaming but amazing if you are lucky enough I have it. If you’re not looking for a competitive advantage, then you might want to equalise the sound a bit to reduce the treble. Some people have reported MMX300 are not that comfortable but I think you’ll be very unlucky if you are one of the people that really notices this and thinks it’s an issue. The sound quality is exceptional but if you already have a 100+ pair of headphones I don’t think you’ll be blown away, unless they are A40s
The audio quality is great, although I wouldn’t class myself as an “audiophile,” but they are reportedly on par with the 770s, which are renowned for their excellent and affordable quality.
The microphone is surprisingly amazing too, usually headset microphones are quite bad, but this one is not.
For 200, really an amazing set of headphones. Expect I will be using them for a long long while.
Let’s start with comfort. These had a great seal even with the original pads. However those original earpads were far more firm than I would’ve liked. They did not feel premium for the price paid and I’d get soreness within an hour or 2 or use when paired with the clamping force. To some they have no issue but after switching to Dekoni choice leather pads they were infinitely more enjoyable to wear on my head. Seal was better and soreness went away completely. I do however highly recommend going for real leather pads like the sheepskin variants as the pleather began peeling off after only a year or so. No issue with the headband until recently the pleather on that as well has begun falling off. This resulted in the Velcro peeling off the strap itself rather from itself, resulting in that image attached.. otherwise buildwise everything else has held up to time.
Noise cancellation was in line with other headphones I’ve worn, but the Dekoni pads improved them in that regard.
On to audio. I’ll start of the physical cable as it relates. Do first make sure it’s plugged in all the way as it’s a tight fit. It’s held up to time just fine but the volume control has been extremely poor since I bought them. I’d imagine this might be something they fixed by now, hopefully. It gets moved easily when brushed up against something, and when it does, the audio fluctuates between clear in both ears to uncentered and hollow-sounding. As long as I keep it maxed it’s fine most of the time, so otherwise it’s rather useless in than respect.
For the audio itself, the high treble was something that took a while to get used to, but not as harsh as something like the ATH-50s were. One great benefit of the treble though is the amount of detail it provides. I’m not exaggerating when I say I could hear so many small audio cues far better compared to the Game Zeros which were flat and muffled sounding when put side by side. And on that topic, sound stage was much better as well. No issues pin pointing any sounds.
The bass can go fairly deep however isn’t heavy or that exciting for music. For music they respond greatly to a bass boost and also my Soundblaster’s crystalizer setting, as otherwise the audio is somewhat too neutral to me.
Lastly the microphone. This was the biggest selling part from me as I was looking for a professional sounding mic on a headset while having audio great for music/games. As far as I’m aware this is as good as it gets for headsets and the only thing that comes close is the Antlion mic. The only flaw being that it is not detachable. Pop is minimal and volume/clarity is far better compared to Game Zero and others. With my Game Zero and Cloud 2s I always had an issue with the input volume but none with this one.
Other than that there’s a lack of features for the price point but nothing beats the mmx 300 in regards to all-roundedness, so I still find them to be worth the price. However to be perfect they require some earpad replacements, probably an amplifier, and bass boost for music—only then they become 5 stars worthy.
One of the better sounding headsets that I owned. Mic is very clear as well. There was an issue with the cable when it arrived, but after contacting the seller they sent me the replacement cable in a couple of days.
Short mobile cable for controllers and a split cable for PC LAN gaming is nice. The inline volume control and mute is well made unlike others.
The sound quality for closed cans is perfect and the mic noise cancellation works with a barking dog in the next room with the door open.
Yes they are expensive, but the build and sound quality justifies the price. If your main use case is a quiet room then use open cans for a better sound though.
I put 4 stars because the cable with the “y” connection was faulty. Fortunately comes with two cables and the one with the straight conection was good so we had to buy a “y” extension and it was perfect.
Even though the item said everything was in good condition there was this problem. I believe that the returned products should be better tested before re selling them saying they are working 100%.
The product itself is real good. Good quality, good sound, good microphone, good isolation.
Purchased this for my amazing boyfriend and he’s soo happy with it. So happy that he can’t hear me talk anymore. Or perhaps he’s just ignoring me. But overall, I’m very satisfied with the smooth transaction.
– Fehlende Software
-Ohrpolsterung und Form
Die Kopfhrer sollten meine alten ablsen, da sich aus nicht nachvollziehbaren Grnden bei meinen G933 Kopfhrern ein lautes Knacken auf beiden Seiten entwickelt hat, das stellenweise wirklich unangenehm laut war. Ebenso ging mir das Geknirsche des Kunststoffes tierisch auf die Nerven. Bei jeder kleinsten Bewegung hatte sich der Kunststoff lautstark gemeldet. Dies waren somit auch die ersten Bedingungen fr ein neues Headset: Es sollte gut verarbeitet sein und einen fehlerfreien Klang bieten.
Nach langen Recherchen, Vergleichen und persnlichen Erfahrungsaustausch mit Freunden habe ich mich gegen Corsair, Logitech & co und fr das Beyerdynamic entschieden. Ich habe mir bewusst viel Zeit zum testen gelassen, damit ich auch wirklich keinen Stuss als Hilfe fr andere schreibe.
Was mir besonders positiv aufgefallen ist, ist das geringe Gewicht im Vergleich zum G933, was wohl daran liegt, dass dieses Headset kabelgebunden ist. Das der Unterschied wirklich so stark ist htte ich allerdings nicht erwartet. Hier komme ich auf den ersten Punkt zu sprechen, der mich gestrt hat. Die Klinkenkabel mssen mit recht viel Kraftaufwand in den Kopfhrer gesteckt werden. Die sitzen dann zwar wirklich bombenfest, allerdings besteht meiner Meinung nach die Gefahr das Kabel zu arg zu knicken und daher zu beschdigen. Das htte man eventuell ein wenig benutzerfreundlicher lsen knnen. Beim ersten testen ist mir dann auch aufgefallen, dass man hier etwas mehr Zeit investieren muss zum richtigen Nutzen, anders als bei anderen Headsets wie dem Logitech, wo es eher Plug und Play mig luft. Besonders fr die Mikrofonqualitt ist es entscheidend, die richtigen Einstellungen zu whlen, ansonsten hrt man sich leise oder dumpf an. Wenn man das in der entsprechenden Software getan hat (Mainboard onboard Soundkarte oder nachgerstete Soundkarte) kommt man dem vollen Potential des Headsets bedeutend nher. Kleiner Kommentar hierzu, ich finde es nicht gut das man hier vom Hersteller so allein gelassen wird, nicht jeder hat vor eine Soundkarte nachzursten um hier in den Genuss der besten Funktionalitt zu kommen. Da mein Realtek Treiber fr das Mainboard nicht upgedated werden kann (Mainboard zu alt, neue Version nicht kompatibel) habe ich hier am Anfang sehr viel Zeit verloren. Eine Software vom Hersteller knnte hier die Lcken schlieen und ich halte das bei dem Preis auch durchaus vertretbar als Kunde das zu fordern. Die empfohlene Software seitens Beyerdynamic ist von einem Drittanbieter und muss monatlich/jhrlich abonniert werden… finde ich hat einfach nen faden Beigeschmack. Hat man dann alle Einstellungen zur Persnlichen Befriedigung gendert wird man feststellen, dass das Headset einen sehr ausgeglichenen Klang hat. Nichts wirkt zu aggressiv oder bertrieben. Das G933 hat hierzu im Vergleich eine viel Bass-lastigere Ausrichtung, das merkt man relativ schnell. Was die Funktionalitt in Shootern angeht, hier kann das Headset meiner Meinung nach punkten. Die Richtung, woher sich jemand in meine Richtung bewegt, die Schritte und Entfernung ist mit bung sehr gut einschtzbar (hngt allerdings auch viel von entsprechenden Spielen ab!). Was bei lngerem Spielen dann aber sprbar wird, ist ein leichter Druck der Ohrmuscheln auf den Ohren. Ist nicht wirklich dramatisch aber habe ich auch schon anders erlebt und knnte dem ein oder anderen bei lngeren Gaming-Sessions vielleicht unangenehm sein. Ebenso knnte die Ohrmuschelform ein Problem sein fr Menschen mit groen Ohren. Auerdem ist das Material der Ohrmuscheln nicht ganz mein Fall, es ist mir schlicht zu warm. Je lnger man das Headset auf hat, desto mehr merkt man das, besonders an warmen Tagen. Hier wre ein Mesh-Gewebe eine bessere Lsung gewesen. Die aktuelle Version des Headsets, das ich besitze, hat ein Zwischenstck zum Muten/Entmuten des Mikrofons. Tut was es soll, auch wenn sich mir die Funktion des Tasters an diesem “Kontrollstck” nicht wirklich erschlossen hat.
Fazit: Es handelt sich durchaus um ein hochpreisiges Headset, allerdings wird man hier mit guter Verarbeitung und wirklich einwandfreier Tonqualitt entschdigt. Wer kein Problem damit hat, sich auch mal in der zugehrigen Software des Mainboards/Soundkarte durch die Funktionen zu wuseln um ein optimales Ergebnis zu erzielen, wird mit dem MMX300 definitiv zufrieden sein!
Guys I felt like these were ZEN1 not zen2… they didn’t have the treble softening foam pads inside like on YouTube…. NOT JUST A GAMING HEADPHONE. Really, try the Dekoni sheep skin for Bayers on these. Softens the treble. Too harsh for my taste on stock pads. And it’s also V shaped. Unfortunately I returned these because I prefer a much more aggressive mid range and well balanced sound. But YOU WILL FEEL THE BASS! if that’s your jazz. Highly recommend with a DAC grab the ifi hip dac easily portable on the go as well. With that xBASS. Feels like BOOMBOX in your EARS :D. But unfortunately for me. It was a choice between HifiMan Sundara (open back) and these. The Sundaras clearly gives more of that eargasm specially on a ifivhip dac hooked up on a pc. Also on phone but a little less. Mid range felt muffled and muddy to me. So the vacals weren’t as prominent of course. Specially on sound of silence. It’s a taste thing. If you like electro though 100% you’ll love these. And these Bayers will sound better than any other wireless crap you got.
Probably the best closed back wired gaming headset by any measure. Also has a pilot vibe going on which is very cool. The price goes on high quality components with no distractions.
And they’re fantastic for music and any other applications, comparable with the best non-gaming headphones in this kind of price range.
One person who tried them disliked the earpad material because it’s like fuzzy velour and set their teeth on edge, but that was it for dislikes.
Such a good headset but if your looking for space awareness I would consider a open back design these are a premium headset and the mic is probably one of the best I have heard as a raw unedited microphone.
Second to none. Fantastic build quality, great sound stage and studio quality (or very close to) mic.
As an owned of the gen1 which is still going after 7 years I decided now was the time to get the gen2! All I can say is wow the last set where incredible and these build on that. The wire being detachable is such a plus point and you get two of them AND finally a mute button which is a real life saver on xbox. This headset works perfect on my ps5, series x, xbox one and ps4 no problem sound quality is flawless and perfect for hearing people sneak up on you it’s gets a 10 for everything but comfort on the headband for me as that took a week to become softer and less painful. The gen1 never had that pain so that’s the only reason I mention it. If you are thinking about buying tat like astro etc just forget about them and get this audiophile headset its incredible!
Very nice sound quality for gaming! An upgrade from the Astro A50s which are also really good. Used with Cyberpunk 2077, COD Black Ops Cold War, COD Warzone, AC Valhalla on PC.
You get what you pay for. Great build quality & very comfortable even when worn for several hours. Excellent clarity and mic. Used on Xbox X & Series X. When I have used an elite v2 controller I have used Dolby Atmos to boost the volume. However no need to do this with XSX controller. More of a controller matter than the headphones. Excellent headphones. Highly recommended.
I bought this to use for conference calls and was amazed at the sound quality which is better than any headphone I’ve ever used. The quality of the microphone is also excellent. I’ve worn these all day at times and found them to be very comfortable.
They’re relatively light at 290 grams, great given their sturdy steel frame. They’re comfortable, though like most Beyerdynamic headphones, the clamping force is fairly high around the ears. So as usual, place them around an object larger than your head for a few days at night and they’ll be good to go, at the expense of noise isolation obviously.
They sound very neutral, and listening to recodings of your own voice is so clear that it is almost confusing…
I compared it against a good lav mic, my former Sennheiser pair and the microphone of my logitech 920 webcam: it beats them all in terms of vocal range, volume, ambient noise suppression and clarity. The Sennheiser wasn’t too far, but sounded very nasal and needed more gain to offer the same output volume.
So when Beyerdynamic writes “extremely high-quality condenser microphone” on the box, they’re not lying. We’re in the territory of high end broadcast microphone quality, perfect for podcasts and voice overs.
So yes, they’re amazing. Pricey, but it is justified, as it’s clearly a professional grade device.
The headphones are designed specifically to interface with the 3.5mm jacks on your computer (or phone for that matter). They come with two cables – one that ends in a combo mic/headphone jack and one that splits into separate mic and headphone jacks. I haven’t used the combo, i have solely used these headphones on my gaming PC and used the split cable. Its relevant to say that I use these for Sim racing and need to hear the car and environment sounds, but also communicate with other drivers.
So, after plugging in the headphones everything functioned great. But the microphone was very quiet – basically inaudible to other users. This is easily fixed however by the windows settings for the microphone – go to levels and set volume to max and boost to max (+30dB). If you cant find the boost slider then you may need to update your drivers or go through the soundcard dedicated software (which is sometimes tricky to find..). This should get you up and running with all computers.
The next thing was i had no idea how much of a benefit ‘sidetone’ has been giving me. My previous headphones had this built in (Astro A50 wireless – older generation). Basically sidetone takes the unfiltered microphone signal from the mic and sends it directly to the speakers in the headphones, allowing you to hear what you are saying. The isolation these headphones provide from the outside world, plus the relatively loud volume of the sim, meant my voice was completely inaudible to myself. Fine for others in the game hearing me though. For some this wont be a big deal, but for others that have had headphones with this feature in the past it might be very weird. I can imagine living without this feature in a sim racing setup as communications are infrequent, but with other games that require constant communication it would be too much of a compromise for me personally.
So, to setup sidetone there are a few options. First, you need to understand that it is not a feature that Beyerdynamic has in any of its regular (non-broadcast focused) headphones. There are 2 options you can try in windows right off the bat. The first is under mic settings and check the box for ‘listen to this device’. The positive to this is that it provides clear and loud signal from your mic to your headphones. The well documented catastrophic failing (for this use) is the lag – it is unbearable. Other users may have a different experience, but mine was very negative. The second option is to go through the speaker settings, the levels tab, and find the input that corresponds to the mic (it could be simply ‘microphone’ or something a bit more obscure like ‘FB in) just max the volume slider and uncheck the mute to find which one gives sidetone). Once you’ve done that you should have good sidetone with no lag. Within the windows environment there maybe more options related to 3rd party software. Musicians may be able to provide more guidance on how DAW software deals with this.
I had two different experiences. On my non-sim rig the volumes were just fine and the amount of sidetone was okay. I did have to boost the mic volume up to max vol and 20dB boost (one notch down from max), which introduced a fair amount of hiss into the equation – but I was trying a comparison to my sim rig settings and deliberately turned up higher than what you would need in an office type environment or ‘light gaming’ were headphone volumes are much lower. Note that both setups only had motherboard based on-board sound, not separate internal or external soundcards. This may give you additional options – but do the research, sometimes the options focus on the sound out and not the sound in.
if my sim rig had the same sidetone volume as my other PC then I would probably have stopped there, but the volumes were just too low. The next option get complicated. Sidetone is what we call something that musicians use all the time. For a singer, being able to hear their own voice is critical, and this is called ‘mic monitoring’. The setups are quite straight forwards but need additional components. The first thing you need to know is that the mic on this headset is not a passive mic. Its a back-electret design that needs a voltage (not really a current incidentally). You may not know this, but your computer mic-in actually provides a voltage (3.2v on my sim computer, 2.8V on my other PC). Any setup that doesn’t provide a voltage between 1.5v and 9.0v to the mic will simply not work. As a note, within this voltage range it seems that the level of voltage doesn’t change the level of mic output. its more like a switch for an amplifier circuit in the mic itself. it works or it doesn’t.
The setup that worked for me was to buy either a USB audio interface (M-Audio 192/4) or a stage type ‘personal monitor’ – but critically it needs to be something that can supply something called Phantom Power. This is a 48v signal that is ‘sent’ to the mic. It is designed for high quality condenser mics – i.e. not this one! (desk mounted separate mics for podcasts or studios etc are often condenser mics). So to make this work you need to step down the voltage to something in the acceptable window. On the Beyerdynamic website it states that 48v will damage the mic., it might not, but don’t be temped to try it – you may regret your decision. Instead a component like the Rode VXLR+ adapter is what you need. Plug that in in series with your mic-in in your new piece of kit (m-audio for me), hook up the device to your computer using suitable cables (XLR to 3.5mm jack for the mc and 1/4″ jack to 3.5mm jack for the line out from your computer). Enable phantom power to power the mic, and you now should be able to get a good loud mix of sidetone direct from the mic and game audio (or whatever) from your computer.
Note: On the Beyerdynamic website it states that you need to find a Phantom Power to T-Power adapter. You do not need to do this. T-Power is 12v, could damage your mic and is exceptionally difficult to find as it is basically obsolete technology – Phantom power replaced it. To be accurate what you need (and what I created) is called ‘Plug in power’ – a low voltage Phantom Power, just like the soundcard in the computer.
This journey took me many hours and a lot of wasted time as I discovered more things I never knew. I had to back out of a few rabbit holes and return a few items that didn’t work out. Just be aware that if the windows options don’t provide the volume you need, you may need to return the product for a SteelSeries/Astro/etc that do have sidetone, or jump in with both feet and start buying cables and electronics to do the job with the beyers.
The end result is I have high quality headphones, and clear loud sidetone that is controllable and mixable, and the ability to control my speakers from the same USB interface. Additionally my electric guitar may be dusted off an I may try my hand at recording – that is really what the USB audio interface is designed for – not us gamers!
I hope this helps someone that has similar questions. And all of the above is correct to my knowledge, but my knowledge is less than a week old, so if anything in the writeup above is incorrect, i ask that you be constructive with feedback!
Parlando della qualit, gi soltanto indossandole verrete ammaliati dalla loro aura di qualit estrema, isolano benissimo e sono comodissime, padiglioni molto soffici e con incavo, quindi vanno ad avvolgere le orecchie senza premere sulla cartilagine. Posso subito dire che c’ una distinzione netta delle varie frequenze: bassi, medi e alti si possono apprezzare alla grande, anche con file audio lossless come gli mp3 ogni strumento musicale ben distinto. Vi divertirete ad ascoltare come queste cuffie riprodurranno i vostri brani preferiti, la differenza palese nella qualit, hanno solo bisogno di essere pilotate a dovere. Riguardo il gaming, con queste cuffie starete sempre un passo avanti, ve lo posso assicurare: ogni suono perfettamente comprensibile da dove arriva e di che tipo , per esempio si pu intuire se un nemico sta camminando al piano sotto a voi (suono pi ovattato), se sta camminando all’aperto, se vicino a voi e si sta girando da accovacciato. Ogni rumore perfettamente chiaro. Prima avevo delle cuffie molto economiche pagate 30 e faticavo molto a comprendere i suoni, tanto che dovevo seguirli con il mouse per cercare di comprenderne l’origine, cosa che spesso purtroppo non avveniva perch lo avvertivo da un’altra parte ed comunque una cosa molto frustrante, ma adesso non ho pi bisogno di seguire i suoni con la visuale e perdere altro tempo ad interpretarli. Altra cosa che mi viene in mente anche il rumore generato da fenomeni atmosferici quali la pioggia sulle varie superfici differenti, oppure dei passi sul fango, sul pavimento ecc.
Il microfono eccezionale, qualit inarrivabile dagli altri headset. Non rimovibile ma lo si pu far ruotare fino all’archetto, mentre l’asticella di libero movimento. E’ provvisto della spugnetta antivento ma io l’ho rimossa, l’audio si sente meglio a mio parere, basta che per non ci si va a soffiare mentre si parla, ma ne consiglio la rimozione.
Sono davvero soddisfatto, ribadisco per che per sfruttarle al 100% hanno bisogno di un DAC esterno, io uso un Sound BlasterX G6 e ve lo consiglio. Certo, il prezzo finale per pochi.
SI) Chi ha sistemi potenti e vuole giocare ad alti livelli, per gli audiofili pi fissati, per chi lavora con il suono ecc.
NO) Ascoltare semplicemente musica dal cellulare/tablet/portatile, piuttosto risparmiate e andate su qualcosa di molto pi easy, cuffie del genere non vi occorrono.
– Ho allegato diverse foto dei componenti principali: cuffie, padiglioni in tessuto, custodia per cuffia e accessori, custodia aperta + cavo classico jack 3.5 mm ed infine il cavo Y per collegare il microfono (ve lo faccio gi vedere collegato in foto). Non l’ho fotografato ma disponibile anche un adattatore a 6.35 mm.
Quite simply brilliant. Solid microphone, amazing comfort, perfect headphone clamping force. Nice and bassy strong lows, clear mids and fantastic highs. Don’t get the other gaming headsets because most gaming headsets are not the best headsets for gaming ironically.
To put it in to context I have Sennheiser HD 598SR, and Philips Fidelio X2HR, of which both are excellent headphones.
When I initially compared it to them I was disgusted by how dreadful it sounded, it was like a cheap 20 headset, but thankfully one of the 1* reviews on here fixed my issue with the cable not being correctly inserted, and now… WOW.
This isn’t just a good gaming headset, you could literally buy this just for music and movies and still be impressed. It is an expensive product, but the build quality is immense, they are exceptionally comfortable, and the sound is truly great. The bass, middles and trebles are so refined and well separated that you can hear all those distant foot steps with pin point accuracy (like an open headset) but with the extra bass oomph that they are often lacking. The soundstage is obviously not as big as an open headset, but it isn’t far off, and because they are closed you don’t hear everything going off around you interfering with the sound.
Music wise, heavy metal, dance, Hip-Hop are all very well suited, but you could throw any genre at them and appreciate their ability. These are pushing audiophile quality in my opinion, and they sound overall better than my HD 598SR. The Philips Fidelio sound better than the MMX 300 but they are open back and you’d need a Vmoda boom mic to use it as a proper gaming headset.
I find this headset is very bright sounding, which (when cranked up loud) can be a little piercing at times, but the same goes for the Fidelios too, I think that’s mostly down to apex legends sound effects though to be honest.
Genuinely, this is an excellent headset, in fact, it is probably the best (closed) headset you can buy, they can be picked up for around 130 in A grade condition and you will not find a better headset for 130. I used to have some astro a40 trs and they are genuinely awful sounding compared to these. Astros are ridiculously over priced for what they are, don’t fall for their clever marketing.
Wearing this headset feels like I’m using cheats as it’s so easy to pinpoint where enemies are coming from. Love the sound signature of these with crisp treble and bass that adds gentle warmth.
Knocking off a star since the mute switch doesn’t work but it doesn’t really bother me.
Also comes with a 1/8 inch to 1/4 inch adapter.
After using gaming headsets for years, I thought it was finally time to up my listening game. After doing a lot of research, Zeos Review of these, I had no other option but to buy these straight away. Not only is the mic of high quality but the audio is a massive step up.
Changed to the Dekoni earpads and made a huge difference in the sound. They now sound like high end headphones at a good price.
Pretty much the best stereo headset you can buy.
Exceptional mic.
Very clear and specious sound.
Clamping force when opening in the hands feels like it would be quite high but once you get it on it’s fine for hours at a time.
Good at isolating outside noise.
Love em.
This is far out the best headset I’ve ever owned .
Crysrsl clear sound , easy to hear footsteps in games and really really good all-around headset for all kinds of media. Purchased mine at 169 euro and it’s worth every penny. Highly recommend …
They are worth every penny, I bought and use them along with Syba USB 2.0 amp/dec.
This is the best quality of sound in closed headphones you can get anywhere in that price range, or even for 300 euro.
This is not your standard overpriced garbage branded as gaming, these are just great headphones for everything.
Only downside, the cushions aren’t the best, but they are good. (and you can always replace them)
Furthermore the microphone appeared to fail after a few days so returned them. Maybe I just had a dud pair, but I’m going to have to think hard about whether I want to trade off stunning sound for an inability to hear my own voice.
The sound quality is good enough, definitely not the best I’ve heard, I’d say its on par with the custom one pro.
My only issue is if the cable breaks it doesn’t look like you could replace it with a normal cable and replacements will probally cost alot. Most headsets usually die around the little in line controller so I hope this one lasts abit longer.
The mic is the shiz and works well with the astro mixamp noise cancellation.
I’ve had Game zeros, A50’s and top of the range turtle beach’s and it has to be said…none of them touch this headset. The sound stage is awesome, the bass is fun and they are comfy. They don’t require an amp, just plug in and away you go.
I had many headphones used mainly for gaming. This one so far the best I ever had. Closed design do you wont hear noise around you and u can focus on game. Perfect fit and very confortable even after lomg session. To connect cable to headphones you have to use significant power. Mute button very useful. Microphone is very accurate. I can recommend this headphones to everybody. All this reflect price
Great sound awsome for gaming, took me a few hours to tweet the sound though to get it right. The mic sounds amazing to a friend thought I sounded like I was on the radio.
Die Magabe war ganz klar, den MMX 300 an meinem GSX 1200 pro betreiben zu knnen, weil ich das Sidetone-Feature unbedingt brauche (und sich das zwar auch via Windows realisieren lsst, dann aber unertrglich laggt).
Das Headset kam sehr schnell an (Amazon Prime). Es ist in seinem Karton gut, aber nicht bertrieben verpackt. Das mitgelieferte Case ist etwas voluminos, weil die Hrmuscheln nicht drehbar montiert sind. Das hat in Punkto Haltbarkeit sicher Vorteile, beim Transport braucht es dafr etwas mehr Platz. Das Mikrofon findet im Case auerdem schlecht Platz: Es liegt auen und der Schaumstoffdmpfer wird gegen die Hlle gepresst.
Das Headset sitzt sehr gut und fester als das Sennheiser Game Zero (das gut sitzt, so ist es nicht). Jemand mit groen Ohren knnte Probleme damit bekommen, dass die Ohrmuscheln zu klein sind (die des Game Zero sind grer). Auch bei lngerem Tragen empfand ich das Beyerdynamic MMX 300 2nd. Gen als sehr angenehm, mit einer Einschrnkung: Die Mikrofaser-Ohrpolster fhlen sich fr mich unangenehm rau an und werden mir viel zu warm. Deshalb ein Tipp fr jeden mit demselben Problem: (Kunst-) Lederohrmuscheln sind hier deutlich angenehmer. Das wird von Beyerdynamic in deren Shop auch optional angeboten; damit ist das Headset allerdings als kundenspezifische Anpassung von Rckgabe und Umtausch ausgeschlossen. Das Game Zero kommt dagegen von Haus aus mit Kunstlederpolstern.
Man hrt mit beiden Kopfhrern von der Umwelt eher wenig – mit dem MMX 300 vielleicht noch etwas weniger. Bestimmte Frequenzen kommen aber durch, auch wenn der Kopfhrer Ton wiedergibt. Man hrt z.B., dass jemand in der Nhe redet, versteht aber nicht mehr was. Das ist allerdings sehr gedmpft und lsst sich bei nicht allzu groer Umgebungslautstrke gut ausblenden.
Im Betrieb mit meiner externen Sennheiser GSX 1200 pro Soundkarte stellte sich leider etwas Ernchterung ein: Die 32-Ohm-Variante des MMX 300 2nd. Gen ist in dieser Kombination deutlich leiser als das Game Zero. Selbst mit voll aufgedrehter Lautstrke am ins Kabel integrierten Regler des MMX 300 2nd Gen und voll aufgedrehter Systemlautstrke fiel es zurck.
Das Mikrofon hingegen ist top und Sidetone (sich selber beim sprechen hren) funktionierte mit dem GSX 1200 pro einwandfrei.
Ergonomisch dem Sennheiser Game Zero unterlegen finde ich die im Kabel untergebrachte Stummschaltung und Lautstrkeregelung: Beim Game Zero gengt es zum stummschalten, das Mikrofon hochzuklappen, und der Lautstrkeregler befindet sich auen an der rechten Hrmuschel. Beim MMX 300 2nd Gen. muss man eher hinschauen oder fummeln, um diese Regler zu bettigen, beim Game Zero funktioniert das intuitiv. Auch das Kabel des MMX 300 2nd Gen. gefiel mir nicht ganz. Es hat einen ungewhnlich dicken Gummimantel, der es einerseits sehr solide, andererseits aber auch unhandlich macht. Beim einstecken und drehen der Kabelklinke am Kopfhrer, oder wenn man den Kopfhrer hinlegt und wieder aufnimmt, verdreht es sich gerne und wirft dann Wellen, was sich wegen der Dicke und Steifheit des Kabels unangenehm bemerkbar macht. Das Kabel ist deutlich mehr im Weg als das Kabel des Sennheiser Game Zero mit sehr stabilem geflochtenen Mantel, das sich ebenfalls gerne verdreht, aber dabei weniger auffllt.
Klanglich erschien mir das MMX 300 2nd. Gen. sehr ausgewogen, przise und klar. Besonders Bsse empfand ich als nicht berzogen, sondern druckvoll und sauber. Einen signifikanten Qualittsunterschied zum Sennheiser Game Zero habe ich aber nicht empfunden (was natrlich subjektiv ist und ich will niemanden widersprechen, der objektive Kriterien pro und kontra das eine oder andere Gert anfhren knnte.). Es gibt gengend Audiophile (oder Mchtegerne solche), die um so etwas einen Glaubenskrieg anfangen oder mir fr meine Meinung ihre herzliche Geringschtzung ausdrcken wrden, aber klanglich gab es fr mich persnlich keinen berzeugenden oder gar zwingenden Grund, unbedingt umsteigen zu wollen.
Insgesamt habe ich mich deshalb gegen das MMX 300 2nd Gen. entschieden, wobei den Ausschlag ganz klar die zu geringe Lautstrke gab – fr alles andere gibt es Lsungen (Ohrpolster) oder es ist eher nebenschlich (Kabel). Ich bin aber aus verschiedenen Grnden nicht bereit, zum GSX 1200 pro noch einen weiteren Kopfhrerverstrker zu spendieren.
Wenn man den MMX 300 nicht an einer GSX 1200 betreiben will, sollte man darauf achten, dass die Quelle entweder eine ausreichend hohe Leistung hat oder man sollte auerdem die Anschaffung eines Kopfhrerverstrkers in Erwgung ziehen, was zustzliche Kosten und zustzlichen Aufwand bei der Nutzung bedeutet.