Braun Silk-épil 9 Epilator, Hair Removal with SkinSpa

Braun Silk-épil 9 Epilator, Hair Removal with SkinSpa SensoSmart Epilator +13 Extras, Electric Shaver and Trimmer, Wet and Dry, Gifts for Women, UK 2 Pin Plug, 9-990, Rose Gold

Shave and trim
The shaver head turns the epilator into a fully functional shaver, while the trimmer cap lets you trim hair if you prefer.
High frequency massage cap
The new Silk-épil 9 comes with a massage cap to help reduce the sensation of pain, so you can experience an extra gentle epilation.
Wet & Dry
100% waterproof, you can epilate in the bath or shower. Epilation becomes virtually painless with frequent use in water.
Deep body massage
Braun’s massage pad provides a powerful massage effect on the body. Helps tone skin and improve skin appearance by stimulating circulation.
Dimensions: | 19.7 x 26 x 7 cm; 795 Grams |
Brand: | Braun |
Model: | 4210201190301 |
Batteries Included: | 1 Lithium Ion batteries required. (included) |
Manufacture: | Braun |
Dimensions: | 19.7 x 26 x 7 cm; 795 Grams |
Volume: | 0.02 litres |
Ich habe mir dieses Gert gekauft weil ich es satt hatte, stndig rasieren zu mssen. Mittlerweile besitze ich dieses Gert seit einem Jahr und bin sehr zufrieden damit. Es war meiner Meinung nach sogar der beste Kauf des letzten Jahres! 🙂 Der Grund, warum ich mir dieses Gert nicht schon frher zugelegt hatte war, dass ich Angst vor eingewachsenen Haaren hatte und gehrt habe, dass es super wehtun soll, sich zu epilieren.
Jetzt, nach einem Jahr regelmiger Inbetriebnahme dieses Gerts kann ich aus Erfahrung sagen, dass ich glcklicherweise offensichtlich nicht zu den Leuten gehre, die Probleme mit eingewachsenen Haaren haben worber ich auch sehr froh und erleichtert bin. Von den Schmerzen her tut es meiner Meinung nach nicht mehr weh, als das Augenbrauen zupfen. Es ist also im Prinzip wie Augenbrauen zupfen an den Beinen”. 😉 Was ich ebenfalls sehr gut finde ist, dass dieses Gert wasserfest ist und man es dadurch problemlos mit unter die Dusche nehmen kann um bspw. seine Haut zu peelen. Ich peele meine Haut einmal in der Woche, um eben abgestorbene Hautzellen zu entfernen und eingewachsene Haare vorzubeugen — was auch die allgemeine Empfehlung ist.
Insgesamt bin ich super glcklich und zufrieden mit diesem Gert und kann es nur weiterempfehlen.
When I first saw this on Amazon I thought it was expensive but wow, it was worth it! The shaver is wonderful and the epilator is just incredible. I have had an old Epilady epilator for years, which really hurt and left my skin quite red but the epilator on this is no more uncomfortable than using a razor. I haven’t used all the massage tools etc yet but no doubt they will do a good job. Couldn’t recommend it highly enough. I would give it ten stars if I could!
Regalo natalizio a sorella ottimo rapporto qualit prezzo apprezzato moltissimo
Mdels, ich sag’s euch: ihr werdet es nicht bereuen. Ich habe bis jetzt immer nur rasiert. Da ich viele Muttermale habe, kam Lasern nie in Frage ( auch zu teuer ).
Ich hatte immer Respekt vor dem epilieren und habe es mal vor ca 10 Jahren mit dem epilierer meiner Schwester probiert und bin gestorben vor schmerzen.
Ich wollte dem ganzen eine Chance geben, da ich mit Beinen geplagt bin. Was soll ich sagen, beim ersten Mal epilieren hat es etwas geziept aber beim 2. mal schon fast nichts mehr zu spren. Ich epiliere immer am Ende d. Duschvorgangs, damit die Haut weicher wird und fhre vorher ein Peeling durch. Danach kommt rasiergel drauf und los gehts anfangs 1x wchentlich und spter dann immer 2-wchentlich durchfhren. Ich bereue es, dass ich mich nicht frher getraut habe. Sogar die Arme epiliere ich mittlerweile . dadurch, dass man Nass epilieren kann, ist es sehr angenehm. Die Massagebrsten habe ich noch nicht probiert. Brauche ich auch nicht wirklich. Der mitgelieferte Beutel ist schn und hochwertig. Wirklich Top.
Ho comprato il depilatore Braun Silk-pil 9 per un regalo. il prodotto comodo da usare, ricco di accessori e Il servizio amazon ottimo.
Lo uso sempre, la luce molto comoda, ma ha talmente tanti accessori che spesso nemmeno si usano.
Estoy encantada con ella, noto que ahora me salen menos pelos, as que para m un acierto. La recomiendo.
es una pasada, me he depilado zonas impensables con las antiguas versiones; este ultimo modelo est muy conseguido, apenas se nota el dolor. Ademas tiene muchas otras opciones de uso. Super recomendable (es una inversin a futuro, espero que me dure tanto como la anterior, cerca de 25 aos!!)
La tengo hace mucho ya y funciona muy bien, la nica cosa es que tooodos los accesorios no vales para mucho si la comprara de nuevo lo hara sin ellos
J’ai rcemment achet le Braun Silk-pil 9 SkinSpa et je suis extrmement satisfait de mon achat. La tte de rasoir est ultra-large et enlve facilement les poils, mme les plus courts. Le systme de massage intgr aide rduire la douleur et la sensation de tiraillement. Le systme de nettoyage en profondeur est galement un plus, il nettoie en profondeur les pores et laisse ma peau douce et lisse aprs chaque utilisation. La batterie dure longtemps et la prise en main est confortable. Je recommande fortement ce produit tous ceux qui cherchent un pilateur efficace et confortable utiliser.
La cosa pi comoda la testina pi ampia dei modelli precedenti.
Buona tenuta della carica anche nel tempo se se ne fa buon uso.
Non ottimale il fatto che non si possa utilizzare mentre in carica e che i tempi di ricarica sono abbastanza lunghi
Avevo il vecchio modello di diversi anni fa che ormai non si caricava pi
Questo modello fa meno male molto maneggevole prende ank i peli pi corti e le spazzole usate sotto la doccia sono favolose consiglio
Vorrei aggiornare la mia recensione dopo un anno,epilatore funziona bene tutt’oggi, e molto comodo da usare sotto la doccia e la lucina LED permette di non mancare singolo pelo.
Parlando di accessori di cui sono due spazzole esfolianti,massaggiatore in silicone,sono perfetti. Invece il trimer-rasoio ha smesso di funzionare gi dopo un anno, pur usando di rado
Ho usato per tanti anni il mio epilatore silk pil.. uno dei primi che era uscito. E mi sono trovata sempre bene. Ma era tempo di cambiare e dopo aver confrontato tanti epilatori hho deciso di acquistare quest’epilatore.. L’epilatore arrivato nella sua scatola originale tutta intera. Ci sono tanti accessori molto comodi e pratici da usare. Non ho ancora usato tutti ma sembrano tutti molto utili. L’epilatore funziona molto bene, ma come tutti i rasoi e epilatori rimangono cmq sempre peli incarnati.. L’epilazione non fa male, tranne ovviamente se si usa su peli un po’pi duri come sotto le ascelle e zona bikini quando viene usato per la prima volta..
Il prezzo va pi che bene, visto che nei negozi costa molto di pi. Quindi si risparmia conprandolo su Amazo
Vi dico subito che non che il dolore sia pari a 0. NON E’ POSSIBILE visto che ti strappa i peli direttamente dall’anima, MA meno doloroso di quelli che ho provato finora. Io ho un pelo molto resistente e il bulbo sempre molto sottopelle, tuttavia con questo silk epil riesco ad ottenere risultati identici alla ceretta. Naturalmente ci vuole pi tempo, ma perfetto, soprattutto per l’estate.
In particolar modo questa serie ha davvero un sacco di accessori, quindi se sei alla ricerca di qualcosa che ti aiuti a mantenere la tua skin care, questo perfetto. Il prezzo un po’ alto, ma paghi tutta la qualit.
It’s a great item and I was lucky enough to get it on offer. Had I paid full price I would have been a bit grumpy about it. If buying again, I would get this version without the facial brush. I think just the stand-alone epilator with shaver attachment in this range is sufficient. I was extremely impresses with the shaver bit; I did my armpits which hadn’t been done for months (don’t judge me!) with a view to epilating them after, but it wasn’t necessary as the shave was so close and neat.
I had a Braun epilator about 10 years ago, and this is much better and hardly more than a tingle. Overall, I’m very pleased with it, but it is a bit overpriced unless you get it on offer.
Should have bought one of these years ago. I found it completely painless but did miss quite a few hairs. I will just have to be more careful in future
savoir que (sur moi en tout cas) il coupe en racine la majorit des poils, sans les piler vraiment…
Il a des points positifs comme la lumire qui permet de voir de prs que l’on oublie pas une zone, le ct waterproof, le nettoyage facile, le fait d’tre alert par la lumire orange si l’on appuie trop fort… Cependant il faut savoir (et je pense que ce n’est pas un dfaut de fabrication ) qu’il perd en autonomie de batterie au fil de l’utilisation. Srement l’obsolescence programme…
A noter galement que, vu le prix du pack, les accessoires ne sont franchement pas une petite rvolution au niveau des gommages… Autant prendre uniquement l’epilateur seul si vous n’avez pas d’argent gaspiller, en tout cas pour ma part je n’ai trouv aucune utilit aux accessoires, y compris pour les ttes de prcision ou de sensibilit concernant l’epilateur qui ne change, Je l’utilise donc sans aucune tte. Son utilisation est nanmoins pratique, la prise en main et la lumire est agrable… Par contre je dconseille la vitesse 2 l’pilation si vous voulez viter au maximum un “rasage” plutt qu’une pilation.
Bilan tout de mme mitig pour l’investissement coteux et la bonne presse de la marque.
Per me la svolta di questo prodotto che si possa usare sotto la doccia, cosa che lo rende meno doloroso e che anzi aiuta ad occupare certi tempi “morti” come il tempo di applicazione della maschera ai capelli, o simili. In questo modo sono quasi sempre ordinata.
Altra caratteristica utile che funziona senza filo, quindi lo si pu portare in giro facilmente.
Uso poco le testine per l’esfoliazione (e forse anche per questo non ho mai l’effetto “pelle liscia” generato da una ceretta), ma invece uso la testina massaggiante con della crema per favorire il drenaggio delle gambe e credo sia una bella coccola da concedersi ogni tanto.
Ho riscontrato anche una buona durata della batteria: lo uso pi e pi volte prima di doverlo ricaricare (facendo anche passate rapide visto che lo passo pi di frequente e si accumulano meno peli).
Amazon super puntuale.
Uniche cose non super sono:
1) il dolore che si prova minore (soprattutto se si usa il silk epil sotto l’acqua calda), ma non certamente sparito – e non mi aspettavo che sparisse
2) come anticipavo, la pelle non viene super liscia per via di qualche peletto incarnito, ma forse anche perch non uso le testine per lo scrub (anche se invece uso di tanto in tanto uno scrub diverso)
Sottolineo che non sono una grande fanatica di epilatori quindi non ho provato chiss quanti modelli. Ho per fatto una lunga ricerca prima di acquistare questo e sono soddisfatta. In generale quindi valutazione molto positiva
I bought this to replace my old Braun epilator which was well over 10 years old. Fantastic epilator! Still a little bit painful, but certainly less painful than my old one. It also does a much better job or removing really short hairs and in far less time. The light on it is handy too. Really pleased with this! Would definitely recommend! 🙂
Way way better than old type one, however still imperfect in sense of effects. Often Got to roll up and down many times to get all hair caught and removed
First time ever using an epilator and never waxed before so was a little nervous.. After showering I used the epilator on my armpits and was surprised how I managed to tolerate it. It wasn’t as bad as I thought. Of course it was slightly painful, but as it went on, it became easier. Very impressed and nice smooth pits. 🙂
I already had a braun epilator which old bought 10+years ago (that’s how long they last!) but the battery was going fast so I upgraded to this one, and boy am I glad I did!
This is less painful, lasts longer and covers more area! I tested it out on the bottom half of my legs and was so pleased I did my armpits too! Never normally groom this much on a Monday!
Definitely very pleased with purchase
Recommend! It is painfull but possible to survive. I wasnt using for many years and now decided to buy. Wasnt that bad as
I was thinking. Saves my time in the shower every day. Worth every . Dont be scared to buy. I am not writing reviews for each product I buy but for this worth it. Batterry lasts 2h. Skin was irritated but need to mention that if U will use aloe vera or any other moisture cream wont be bad.
So I got this for Chrimbo, never epilated before and was a bit apprehensive
So charged it and the next day did my legs dry on gentle (slow), I won’t say it was pain free as it wasn’t but I consider it more discomfort than actual pain.
The next day because it wasn’t as painful as I was expecting I decided to do my underarms but this time in the bath so wet.
2 days on did my legs & underarms again for the strays, my legs & underarms are so smooth.
Love the exfoliating head that fits to the epilator too just a bit disappointing that Braun are no longer doing the replacement brush heads feel that as long as they are selling the attachment they should still be selling the replacement brush heads.
Now the facial brush I’ve used once feel due to it running off of 1 AA battery it lacks a bit of power but I suppose for the face it’s ok.
All in all I’m really happy my legs & underarms have never been so smooth
This is an incredibly solid epilator and feels like a good unit when in hand. Results are solid although whether it’s significantly better than a hand held razor is not obviously clear. For speed and convenience though this does the job. Battery life is decent too. It’s a nicely presented package, very well constructed and delivers good results.
This is the second one I have bought the first was for my wife and she was pleased with it , so I have got this one for our daughter for a Xmas present .
The epilator has a chunky body that fits reasonably well in the hand. Requires 2 hours charging from empty battery. The plastic body is generally quite smooth and shiny, with just a few textured strips on the back. I wouldn’t have minded a bit more anti-slip texturing for when using wet. The device has two speed settings, controlled by a dial on the front. These are euphemistically described as a ‘gentle’ setting and an ‘efficient’ setting in the manual. Translated, they mean — works reasonably but a bit slow, and ‘Ohmylifeeveryhairfrommybodyhasjustbeenrippedoutandnowmylegsareonfire!’ The head is quite wide, so covers a sizeable area in a single pass. This includes alternative ‘caps’ for use on the face, and with massage function — to use these, you unclip the epilator cap from the top (this lifts up at the sides) and simply clip on one of the alternatives. To use this as a shaver, the entire functional end comes off — ejected by means of a button on the back of the device.
The facial cleansing brush is nicely made, with a neat, hand-comfortable design. This is a fairly simple brush with just two speed settings and no facial zone timers inbuilt. The brush comes with a single, regular cleansing head pre-installed. It’s soft and feels pleasant, and the combined price point for the two devices seems reasonable. Replacement heads can be bought in 4 packs including regular, extra sensitive, exfoliator, and beauty sponge.
A silver fabric storage bag is included.
Although I liked both devices I’m not entirely convinced that the pairing is the most logical. The epilator does include a head for using on the face — but it’s not ideal to use a facial cleansing brush just after epilating, as skin is more than usually sensitive. The epilator is a rechargeable device with a built in battery and charges via a 2-pin shaver plug. The facial cleansing brush runs on 2 AA batteries. The pairing would make more sense if they could be used together or shared a common power supply. As it is, it feels a bit like selling a bundle consisting of a microwave and a bundled utensil pot — because they both go in kitchens.
Works a treat! Little bit difficult to get to grips with as I found not all hairs came out and I had to go over a bit to get the right angle. I attempted my bikini line first and then went the hole way the day after! Painful but bearable (I’ve had waxes before) but this was my first time so I can imagine it will get less painful and easier to use! Would recommend going to save me loads on waxing! Arrived way quicker than expected too!
Braun Silk-pil 9 SkinSpa 9-961v Wet and Dry Epilator, Cordless Hair Removal 4-in-1 Epilator/Epilation, Exfoliation and Skin Care System + 12 Extras
As a racing cyclist, I used to shave my legs…but that was over 50 years ago so I thought it would be better to ask my daughter to test this new epilator from Braun. These are her observations .
I have gone from using a Silk Epil 5 epilator to this new model, the Silk Epil 9 — what a difference!!
Using some epilators is not always very comfortable, it does take some getting used to and can be a little painful depending on the length of the hair. Not so with the Silk Epil 9 — it states “virtually painless epilation” and I must admit I thought this was a bold statement to make, would it be possible ? I stand corrected for doubting them !
Epilation with the Silk Epil 9 is far more effective than the Silk Epil 5 given the pivoting head and there was not a single painful moment.
It is very easy to use, the charge lasts a long time and it is comfortable and easy to hold for all areas of epilation. The SensoSmart technology seems to help to make sure you get all hairs no matter how short and without having to press too hard and damage skin. I am blonde and therefore have always struggled to find any missed hairs after I have finished so apart from the accuracy of this model, there is also a light that allows you to clearly see all hairs and make sure you go over them.
The set comes with shaver and trimmer heads so you can switch attachments to shave or trim sensitive areas — this is obvious but not something I had on the previous model so makes life a lot easier.
Also included is a facial cleansing brush — had some problems opening the battery compartment but once the batteries are in its fine. I haven’t used this brush a great deal so far but on the first try I was impressed with how clean my face felt afterwards and will be using this more often.
I can’t recommend this the Silk Epil 9 enough. Epilators are not cheap but choose a good one and it will give you long lasting hair removal and given how easy this model is to use and how accurate it is with such little effort; I think it’s the perfect choice — the attachments are a bonus!
A real winner !
This is the best epilator that I’ve used, and by some margin. The flexible head adjusts to the contours of my legs meaning less missed hairs, and the clever roller design makes the whole experience a lot less painful! There’s a light that makes it easier to pick out hairs and a pressure sensor to tell you when you’re pressing too hard. It’s waterproof with a comfort grip that makes it easy to hold when wet. It’s cordless and charges up quickly in only a couple of hours. You’ll need one of those two pin shaver / electric toothbrush type plug sockets / adapters to charge it though which doesn’t come supplied. The epilator handle has three heads: one for epilating, exfoliating and shaving. There’s also a separate facespa unit that runs on batteries (two AA supplied) and that also comes with three of its own heads. All of this fits into a really nice travel bag. It’s a pretty big pricetag, but it’s a great product that gives top quality results.
I’m so pleased that I bought this. It wasn’t painful at all, perhaps that’s because I’ve had my legs waxed for so many years the roots are no doubt very weak. I now have beautifully smooth legs and won’t be going back to waxing.
I have tried it on my bikini line & that was painful so I’ll keep the waxing for this area.
This is an impressive set, including everything you need to gain and maintain great-looking skin. The centrepiece is the wet-dry epilator, which is a first in having a flexible head. It’s a very effective epilator, certainly as good as the wet-dry LadyShave. Epilation is a love-it hate-it thing and, while this one won’t necessarily convert anyone, it is as good as it gets for epilation, and epilation in the bath or shower is a definite plus. It works for almost three hours on one charge, so there is no risk of running out of power halfway through. This duration is common to range.
The FaceSpa included in this set is very good, too. It’s a lot better than the rather basic one included in the Philips Lumea set, but it lacks the features you get with the Magnitone Bare Faced 2. Still, you get two brush heads with it, and a sponge head.
At 369.99 (February 2020), it is certainly not cheap, but we’ve not found a better epilator out there at any price. The price has been much lower in recent months, dropping to a terrific 184.99 here on Amazon in February 2020. Even at its usual price, it is a worthwhile investment because the flexible head makes it a superb wet-dry epilator.
I love this Braun 3 in 1, shaver, trimmer and epilator. It’s cordless, has a perfect pivoting easy grip handle which makes life so much easier. Extra-wide epilator head with 40 micro grip tweezers. You can use it wet or dry and it has a built-in light so you can see the tiniest hairs and the light turns red if there is too much pressure. Everything has been thought of with this epilator, there is even a locking switch. Charge it up for 2 hours before using, it should last for just under an hour before it runs out. There are two speed modes on the epilator, when you use it for the first few times it is probably best to use it on the 1st mode and to stretch your skin with two fingers or the other hand, if you do this there should only be very little pain it any, if you do feel some pain remember that it gets less and less each time you use this epilator and if you use it under water, there is even less pain. When you wax you have to have embarrassing slightly hairy legs before you can wax again, not with this epilator for it gets rid of hair only 0.5mm long.
The facial cleansing brush is also very good, it’s quite small and has two speed modes, the brush is beautifully soft for the skin on your face and is excellent for removing make up.
The shaver head is designed for speed and has a very useful trimmer cap which uses the side cutter for trimming hair and it gets the hair the exact length you want it. I am delighted with this Braun set, I have always used razors before but that is in the past.
One thing I will point out, Braun give two pin plugs with bathroom appliances for saftey reasons, if you are going to use it in any other place than the bathroom you will want a three pin or an adaptor. If you like my review please press the ‘helpful’ button.
It’s been 2 weeks since my second leg epilation and they are still not needing another go yet. Under arms are coming through as fine hairs and you can hardly notice that they are growing back at all, unlike when you shave. Loving the epilation thing still!
Let me start by saying, i tried an epilator when i was in my mid-teens and it hurt so much it put me off using them….until now. I thought i would give this a go now my pain threshold has developed more. I am so glad i did!
I started on my legs and this epilator hardly hurt at all. Of course it is pulling your hairs out, so a little pain is involved but nothing to what i remember as a kid, i didn’t even scrunch my face up as i did it. The armpits however, a little face srunching but manageable (do a bit at a time). I used the appropriate cover attachment for the face and that hurt like heck but i struggled through most of it (like plucking nose hairs). With the face i found that it doesn’t seem to pull out thick whiskers but there were only so many times i was going to try. The face is so sensitive anyway and the first experience seems to be the worse in all areas. The second time i done my legs, i hardly felt it at all. I shaved one leg and epilated the other (same with the underarms), i found the hair on the shaved leg was obvious and thick. The hair on the epilated leg wasn’t even noticeable. You could feel the hairs on the epilated leg but they were definitely finer, unlike the shaved leg which would cause stubble rash if rubbed up against my partner. The epilator has a handy LED light on it when it is on and normally i would say this is a gimmick but in this case it really does help show the hairs that you have missed. So overall, the epilator is great! I have been totally converted and will not be going back to shaving again. I think in time the hairs will need less and less attention and my skin will stay smoother for longer. After the first time it is easier to use, although i do keep turning it off by accident, as the on/off button is so easy to push with your thumb but this is not a major issue at all. It also comes with a two pin charging plug, so make sure you have an adapter.
So, for the epilator this is a good product but this comes with more ‘stuff’. The shaver head is ok. I’ve never been fond of electric shaving, always done wet shave but as electric shavers go this is good and does what it says on the tin. I have never needed so many brushes in all my life! I understand an exfoliating brush but then i am stumped, not sure what to use them all for in my day to day life. There is no massage attachment in this pack either, which i was looking forward to but when i read what was included it doesn’t include this item but does have a picture of it. It does come with a beauty sponge which i think you use for massaging moisteriser into your skin, again, i prefer hands but if you want a pamper day then why not use a tone of moisteriser and rotate it in with an electronic device. These beauty attachments are part of a separate hand held device which runs on a AA battery (included in pack).
The pack also includes a small cleaning brush and a dusky pink, faux suede case, which is really nice. You can pack it all up into the case and take it on holiday with you if you want or just to store it all in at home. It comes with a quick use guide and a proper instruction manual. The head of the epliator and shaver do rock and moves in line with you curves, making this easy to use and pretty thorough.
Overall, i love the epilator, i think the technology has come a long way and it is worth the initial hair pulling experience to get the results. You’ve got to think long term with this product as well, the more you use the epilator the less you are going to need it in the future (i think). This pack includes a lot of stuff which i think would be irrelevant to most people though but i can say that everything in the pack is good quality. It comes with everything you need except a two pin adapter. I love this mainly for the epilator, the other bits are nice to have but i would prefer a cheaper price and to get rid of some of the brushes but a positive experience all in all.
Epilating is uncomfortable and can be painful to some. I used the epilator on my legs and underarms but also tested it on my face and body to remove some fine fuzz. The epilator is excellent and so effective, everything i epilated was smooth in seconds and lasts. It comes with some different caps for different ways to epilate (massage head, quick, sensitive area) but I actually found it most effective when there is no cap fitted at all.
The motorised head is pivotal for good manoeuvrability and is very comfortable. It has an optional shaver/trimming head which also works very well and an exfoliating brush. My item arrived with no charge but fully charged in less than an hour and the charge is long lasting. The charge cable comes with a shave plug fitted so you may need to use a 3 pin adapter for charging around the home. It is also waterproof so it can be used in the shower, however I wouldn’t like to submerge it or use it in the bath.
The other exfoliator tool i found not so good, it came with a battery already fitted, I haven’t used it much at all but have found it quite weak and the battery is already running out. There is a spare battery provided but to be honest I won’t be using this tool much at all. There are various exfoliating brushes provided and you are recommended to change them every few months. There is a nice storage/travel case provided which everything neatly packs away into.
I recommend this item although the RRP is very high. I would also only buy this again as the epilator only if available.
Lately, I had begun to question this attitude. Using disposable razors obviously can’t be good for our environment, and like others, I have been looking at ways to cut my plastic consumption. I began to consider purchasing an alternative, which would be re-usable and therefore more eco friendly, and so I was really pleased to be offered this epilator to review.
I will admit to a certain amount of trepidation – I had read reviews that epilation is very painful, and could recall vividly the unpleasantness caused by my early razor trials! However, I am very pleased to discover that – as with most things_- the passage of time has refined and reduced negative aspects. The epilator was far from the horrendous experience I had imagined,and definitely wasn’t as painful as an 80s razor! At worst, it was slightly uncomfortable on its fastest setting, at best it was pain free on the slower speed. Unlike it’s 80s counterpart, the item itself was surprisingly light and easy to handle – I was able to grip it easily in my palm. It was simple to use, adapting to the curves on my legs effortlessly, and held its charge well.
Most importantly, I was really pleased with the results – my legs felt smooth and hair free, and no nicks or scratches at all! The results lasted well – even for a middle aged gal! I am definitely a convert – No more disposable razors for me! This epilator comes with a variety of attatchments, which in all honesty, I haven’t tried yet, but which make this an adaptable tool. All the attachments and the epilator can be stored in the drawstring bag which accompanies this product. If I had to find a negative, this bag is slightly on the small side, but really that is just nitpicking – I found it easy just to store the extras in the bag and keep the epilator itself in my drawer. I can genuinely say that I have been very impressed with this product – I wish I could let 80s me know that the future is bright – at least in terms of pain free hair removal!
This is the kit i have been after, the full kit with so much included i don’t know where to start so happy with this, I will list what was in the box
1 x Epilator
x Braun FaceSpa
1 x Pouch
1 x Shaver Head
1 x FaceSpa Sensitive Brush
1 x Cleaning Brush
1 x Trimmer Head
1 x FaceSpa Cleansing Brush
1 x Charger
1 x Body Exfoliation Brush
1 x FaceSpa Beauty Sponge
1 x AA Battery included
As you can see there is loads, from Facespa and body exfoliation
This is wonderful it is like the total beauty face and body kit.
If this is your first Epilator then there is a little pain at the start until you are used to it but then once you start to notice how smooth you can get your legs and other parts it is hard to go back to shaving or waxing.
This is a bit of a multi purpose kit s it contains a number of different features, ranging from shaving, facial cleansing and epilation. In some respects, it works like a normal shaver (which it is) and is very easy to fit the appropriate shaving attachment.
However, it is equally as easy to fit all of the other attachments (facial and skin contact cap and facial cleansing brush) and the skin is left feeling impressively smooth.
Given that the current selling price is less than 100 (by a penny), this seems like a really great value kit, given that in some cases, a dedicated shaver can cost that amount and this is no worse at shaving than any other such product.
These devices keep getting better and better as the designers keep perfecting the machines.
The Braun Silk-pil 9-880 is an improvement on the earlier models so if your old depilator is showing signs of ageing it could well be worth replacing with this newer improved model.
This kit includes a really excellent facial brush which really makes this an excellent kit and has everything you should need.
Now to the review.
The device has an easy to grip handle which allows you to really direct exactly where you want the epilator to work. The extra-large head ensures a faster more even action too which is a welcome improvent.
The great benefit of this machine is that it is waterproof so you can use it in the shower without worrying about damaging the device and the machine is easily and quickly cleaned.
I would always ensure you let it dry with plenty of air. before storing it in the bag. A subject I will return to later in this review.
The epilator as I say is good it vibrates to ensure hair removal is as painless as possible. (If you have an older machine you will be pleasantly surprised at home much better the new Braun does this.
The epliator plucks rather than shaves so the result, smooth skin and the effects which last much longer.
All the body areas are covered underarm, bikini line and great results are easily obtained with a bit of practice.
If you must shave the tip is to let the machine do the work and there is a really useful red light to warn you if you are pressing too hard.
The trimmer works really well and the results should be exactly what you want to achieve.
The cleansing brush is excellent.
People new to this tool are genuinely surprised at just how well the cleansing brush cleans and buffs your skin. The makers claim it has results six times better than a manual buff and the time has taken is much less freeing you up for other maintenance jobs.
Niggles. The bag is too small for the device pure and simple. If I were you I would get a much better looking and roomier bag rather than the endless struggle to fit all the kit in the small bag.
Lastly, the device actually looks quite cute, not an essential I grant you but much better than the old Victorian-looking ‘chamber of horror’ devices of yesteryear.
All in all an excellent kit.
I am utterly thrilled with this. Very good value I think. So here are the positives in no particular order…
1. Supplied with a nice bag to keep everything together.
2. Rechargeable! Hurrah! Mine has a two pin plug, which was a bit annoying at first as I thought i would need a converter, until my husband pointed out that I can just plug it into the bathroom sockets.
3. Easy to use. Handle is a good ergonomic design that is comfy to hold and doesn’t slip out of your hand. Heads are easy to change.
4. Minimal pain. I have a very high pain threshold I admit but still, I was scared to try it, but I was really surprised how little it hurts to use. Definitely make sure hair is trimmed before you epilate, but having done that, I can say that doing my legs was not painful at all and doing my face was also fine. I haven’t tried it on my under arms yet but I am hopeful. Remember to stretch the skin.
5. Really useful having a shaver included. This works brilliantly and means you can seamlessly trim any hair that is too long before you epilate and also that you can ‘sculpt’ hair you wish to keep but that needs neatening up.
6. Can use in the shower / bath if you wish. My teenager is sensitive to pain and finds warm water opens the pores – making hair removal easier, and cool water soothes the skin.
7. Different heads for different areas of the body. So you can whizz over your legs but then be more targeted / precise in other areas.
8. Effective and long lasting. Removes all my visible hair (you may need to go over the area more than once of course). The results last longer than shaving or waxing in my experience – around 5 days for me before I notice I need to epilate again.
9. Good battery life – nearly 3 hours. I can’t imagine wanting to use it for longer!
The facial exfoliation tool is a nice extra but I find the heads need replacing quickly so I would rather just use my usual products for that and likewise I am happy to exfoliate my legs etc with a regular brush.
No negatives that I can think of. Very impressed and would recommend.
I have been a huge fan of epilators for ages and now this one is amazing. It charged up fully in around 2 hours and the charge lasts around the same, I think. So on one charge, this could go on a holiday without plug and converter. NB you do need a converter, this is a 2 pinned contraption. I found it works brilliantly, even on short hair. The longer the hair is, the more painful it is and that’s where this is good because if you take the hair off in the bath when it’s longer, it is a lot less painful, hardly at all. I find the knee area to be worst. This has lots of good accessories for keeping a person hair free. There is a shaver with it, which works well. There is a separate tool for your face (or other regions.) It is a battery operated massage type of brush for slightly deeper cleansing. The batteries are included. This is a nice addition, but not essential. It say the brush with regular use will need to be replaced every 3 months. I am not sure I will, but will use it on and off until it shows signs of wear. This whole epilator kit is brilliant. I would not use anything else. I do wish that once done it would last weeks, but I can go a max of 6 days before having to use it again which is pretty good. Watch out for ingrowing hairs with this method of removal, skin brushing is helpful. Thoroughly recommend this product and would hate to be without it.
I got my wife to road-test this epilator / shaver. She has a poor past relationship with epilators and it took a bit of persuasion to get her to try this one. Suffice to say that she was pleasantly surprised. She used the epilator function both wet and dry and experienced only very, very minor discomfort and no rash or irritation afterwards. The smooth skin effect was much longer lasting than she achieves with mere shaving. She found it to be light and easy to hold and manipulate. The shave function is as good as any electric ‘lady-shave’ she has ever used. She recommends the facial cleansing brush function for pre-make up use because she found she achieved a smoother, flawless, healthier made-up look than she would get by using simple face-cleansing wipes prior to applying her make-up. She would recommend despite her initial scepticism.
Delivered by Hermes in an Amazon branded box.
Opening this Braun Silk epil 9 100 there are so many attachments I wasn’t sure which to try first .
I admit when it comes to epilation I’m somewhat of a wimp ! But this silk epil also has a razor attachment which came in very handy to cut the hair growth to the right level for epilation . I love that it can be used wet and dry .
Using it dry turned out to be a big no no for me ( like I said WIMP) . But using it in the shower I barely felt the hairs being ripped from my skin as the water was pounding over me .
It took a while to make sure all those pesky stubborn little hairs were gone but I really feel like it was worth it !
This model also comes with face spa attachments it has interchangeable brushes which include one for deep cleansing and one for sensitive skin along with a make up application / beauty sponge .
This is very expensive at 185 but the price of hair free body parts is worth it , especially when you realise that multiple epilation will eventually stop the hairs regrowth . I’m very happy to recommend this wonderful Braun Epilator.
You get a lot for your money with this epilation set. Braun makes quite a few variants on the basic epilation theme. This model is a comprehensive hair removal device with five different modes of use. This 9-880 set adds a separate rotating facial brush for makeup removal. Only the epilator/shaver is rechargeable, the facial brush needs two AA batteries to power it.
The epilator/shaver comes with two different heads: ‘tweezer’ and ‘shaver’., which are easy to swap.
The tweezer head uses a familiar rotating cylinder that plucks hairs from the skin as it turns. It’s wider than older models used to be and also pivots to follow contours. The instructions, which are very well-written, state that hairs as short as 0.5mm can be plucked. A really useful feature is the bright little ‘SensoSmart’ light that illuminates hairs as you move the epilator up your leg. Two caps are included for legs and underarm/bikini: ‘massage’ for more comfortable use, and ‘skin contact’ for closer contact. A third cap is used for the face, with a smaller contact area for finer control. These caps are easy to fit and remove making the epilator very convenient to use. If you use too much pressure the SensoSmart light turns red.
The shaver head is designed to give a quick foil shave to legs, underarm and bikini areas. It also has a trimmer cap that uses the side cutter to make trimming hair possible, to 5mm length.
The epilator is rechargeable with built-in batteries and is sealed so that it is waterproof for use in bath or shower. The instructions say that this is less likely to produce discomfort when you start to use it.
The separate rotating facial cleaner has a small soft brush for quickly removing makeup. The brush is detachable for cleaning and eventual replacement. It has two speeds to suit the skin type. The facial brush cleaner is not waterproof.
This a nice set, with a smart soft pouch with two compartments, to keep everything in. The build-quality is superb and everything has been thought through. You can tell that Braun have been doing this for a long time and have produced a very competent tool that makes a potentially messy chore much easier. The price offers good value and I expect this device to give many years of service, with a 2-year international guarantee as standard.
This is a very good epilator.
I haven’t used an epilator before, so jumped at the chance to try this one. Braun is obviously a recognised and reliable brand.
The set arrived neatly boxed.
I might have opened it the wrong way, but one side was perforated so I went for it, and it acts like a lid. Open it up and there’s everything neatly set out.
It now won’t shut securely again. I know i know, i don’t really need the box once it’s opened and used…
Anyway. The instructions for use are clear, everything is individually sealed and was straight forward to put together.
I was prepared for it to make me yelp, but it was much easier than expected. I have blonde fine hair, so that probably makes it fairly painless.
I also like the facial brush. I had one a while ago, and find them easy to use and very effective. Plus they are small enough to take anywhere in an overnight bag.
Currently priced at just under 100.
I hope you find this review helpful, thanks for reading.
Firstly this is the best epilator I have ever used!! I am quite experienced with using an epilator and have used Braun products in the past but this latest one is brilliant!! The massage head makes it so much less painful and makes all the difference. Great for manoeuvring around the contours of the body, especially the underarms and the backs of the knees.
It was also super quick, normally I dread when I have to epilate because sit takes so long but with this it honestly took the same time as it would to shave, I didn’t have to go over the same area again and again it just took out all the hairs in one go.
I do prefer to use this dry but if you did want to use it wet I would recommend using it in the bath than in the shower. I found in the shower the epilator struggled to pick up the hairs but in the bath if you make sure that your leg is fully submerged so that the hairs float upwards it’s a lot easier for them to be grabbed. I also found this a lot less painful, especially for the bikini line.
The other guard heads are great for epilating the face and getting more defined areas.
The electric shaver is brilliant at getting a close shave and also the trimming head is really easy to use and gives a nice neat and tidy look.
The face cleaning brush, in my opinion, isn’t really worth getting. I would use it on the body, maybe to exfoliate after epilating but I wouldn’t recommend it on the face especially if you have sensitive skin, I found it really scratchy if you put any kind of pressure on it, and it didn’t remove all of the make up on my face.
In the box you get the epilator itself, shaver & trimmer attachment with trimmer comb, skin contact epilator cap, facial epilator cap, massage cap, facial cleaning brush with included batteries, epilator cleaning brush, charger and a large soft pouch for storage. The epilator is rechargeable and has a built in Lithium-Ion battery that lasts for about 50 minutes of continuous use on a full charge, and recharging takes around two hours. The epilator uses a propriety charging solution, and the included charger in the box uses a Europe plug, so you’ll need an EU to UK plug socket adaptor for charging the epilator.
The epilator is small, lightweight and ergonomically shaped so it is comfortable to use. The epilator head itself is detachable from the body, so replacements are easy should you require a new epilator head. The epilator has a locking switch to turn it on with two speed modes (one for gentle epilation, and two for efficient epilation), so it would be hard to switch it on by accident. Whilst the device is powered, there is a white LED light (named SensoSmart) that helps with visibility of hairs on the skin, but the LED turns red if two much pressure is being applied.
The epilator comes with three different caps that can be used for epilation on different areas of the body. The default massage cap increases comfort whilst epilating, the skin contact cap allows for closer skin contact for certain areas of the body such as the underarm, and a facial cap which covers the wide epilator head for more direct hair removal specifically for the face. The epilator is rated to remove hairs as short as 0.5 mm, and as its fully waterproof it can be used in the shower to reduce skin irritation and make the hair removal process even less painful and more comfortable. It does work on dry skin as well, but wet skin greatly reduces irritation and make the hair removal process smoother according to my Mum who used this product and found it very comfortable and easy to use with much less pain than waxing.
The facial cleansing brush is small and compact, making it easy to throw in a wash bag if travelling. It has two buttons on the back for power and speed setting that allows you to cycle between two speed modes that decrease or increase the rotation speed of the brush head. The unit itself is powered by two AA batteries (included), it’s not particularly powerful and it is not rechargeable like the epilator. It is a fairly cheap product in comparison to the epilator, it’s really just been included in this product set to this to make it more of a gift set box. It’s a nice addition to have, but not entirely necessary. It is recommended to change the facial cleaning brush head every three months which can be bought as a separate part.
Overall, as a 3-in-1 hair removal set this is a great choice & a fantastic gift idea that is nicely presented and good value for money. You’re getting a flagship level product as well as extra attachments that enhance its functionality, plus some nice little bonus gifts as well.
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For a long time, i have tried to figure out the most pain free option to hair removal, And so far i have found that waxing causes the most pain, Whilst shaving does not remove enough of the hair before it grows back as itchy stubble. Most epilators tend to pull the hairs on my skin causing friction burn. So i had stayed away from them for a while.
This epilator set however has surprised me, As it has been pretty much a pain free experience, With no yanking and it feels quite natural on my legs and underarms. The set comes with multiple attachments to help me exfoliate excess skin, Cleanse dirt from my pores, And can handle wet and dry shaves. So far this has been the best option for a pain free experience.
At just under two hundred pounds, this set is expensive and as a pack, I’d question its value. The Silk-epil 9 is worth buying as it’s a definite step up on previous models: a smaller handle for maneuverability, the new flexible head which makes underarms and around knees so much easier. I like, too, that the epilator head can be swapped for a shaver head for those of us who love epilating for the longevity but like to shave after for the silky smoothness. The ‘body’ brush/exfoliator head is a good idea as a way of preventing ingrown hairs but it’s too small to really be effective.
The separate face brush, though, is not great: it’s battery-operated and just doesn’t have the power needed – so Braun can throw in different brush heads but they don’t make it any better. I preferred the older sets where this second device was a battery operated mini epilator, ideal for eyebrows.
So the model 9 Silk-epil is definitely better than previous editions but I’d buy it alone if possible – the rest feels like a way of justifying a premium price and doesn’t deliver.
Although it says it’s virtually painless when used in the bath, I did just that to remove leg hair and found it still pretty painful but not as bad as doing it on dry legs. It also seemed to get more hair off – especially really small ones. I don’t think I’ll be trying it on any other areas but the lower leg though – it needs tight, firm skin to be effective and safe – stick to using the shaver on more delicate areas unless you are very brave! The shaver can also be used in water or with shaving foam and as it has a wider head than normal shavers, it doesn’t take as long to complete the task.
There’s also a cute little facial ‘scrub’ brush (battery operated) which looks quite brutal in the pictures but when you actually look at it for real, the bristles are really soft and gentle on the skin. I’ve used it once because I have acne prone skin but I don’t think it’s something that should be used more than once a week. My face was quite red afterwards and later went really greasy and shiny as if my skin was trying to rehydrate after its intense scrubbing! Might be good for giving the feet and toenails a good clean and massage, especially in summer when the feet are on show more often, although I haven’t tried it.
I’d definitely recommend this kit although it is rather expensive but, then again, you get what you pay for and it is one of the best I’ve ever used. It also charges up really quickly and lasts a long time, so well-worth the money in the end!
Hauptgrund dafr war, dass er auch unter der Dusche oder in der Badewanne angewendet werden kann. Denn wie gesagt, mein frherer Epilierer war ungemein schmerzhaft und unangenehm, das wollte ich mir nicht mehr antun.
Also hier zu einem sehr guten Preis bestellt und nach Erhalt sofort ausprobiert.
Schon beim Auspacken stellt man fest, dass sich Braun beim Design sehr bemht hat. Es ist gar keine Schande mehr, es offen im Bad zu platzieren, sieht sehr schn und wertig aus. Ebenso ist viel Equipment dabei, die man sich in der Artikelbeschreibung gerne nher anschauen kann, ich lege euch auf jeden Fall die Peelingaufstze sehr ans Herz! Der Epilierer ist Akkubetrieben, was ich schon aus Nachhaltigkeitsgedanken sehr schn finde und hat neben den Aufstzen ein Ladegert und eine Aufbewahrungstasche dabei.
Bei der ersten Anwendung habe ich noch nicht zu 100% an die Wasserdichtigkeit des Gertes geglaubt, daher habe ich ihn “nur” in der Duschpause auf nasser Haut angewendet und auch dort war ich schon berrascht, dass es kaum wehtat! Da es an den Beinen so gut lief, dachte ich mir, nehme ich die Achseln gleich mit. Massage-Aufsatz angebracht, dann ist der Epilierkopf nmlich sogar schwenkbar, und aufgehts. Das hat natrlich etwas mehr geziept als an den Beinen, aber das Ergebnis war dafr wirklich toll. Ich muss mich normalerweise tglich rasieren und jetzt nach nur einmal epilieren hatte ich schonmal 5 Tage Ruhe. Nachlegen musste ich auch nur weil die Haare natrlich unterschiedlich lang/kurz waren und daher manche noch nicht greifbar fr die Pinzetten waren, ausserdem haben Haare verschiedene Ruhephasen, was bedeutet, anfangs wird man noch fters zum Epilierer greifen mssen, aber dann werden die Abstnde immer lnger. Der Schmerz war bei Runde 2 auch schon erheblich weniger, eigentlich fast nicht mehr vorhanden. Mglich dass sich die Haut wirklich schnell daran gewhnt oder dass es damit zu tun hat, dass ich diesmal unter flieend Wasser epiliert habe.
Auch ans Herz legen mchte ich euch die Peelingaufstze (blau und lila), da ich sie selbst anfangs fr unntig befunden habe, aber Gott sei Dank dann doch noch ausprobiert habe (wenn man sie denn schon Mal hat 😉 ). Vor allem meine Beine sind immer sehr trocken und durch jahrelanges Rasieren habe ich knieaufwrts immer unter eingewachsenen Haaren und Rasierpickelchen gelitten, welche sehr unschn anzusehen sind. Nun benutze ich fast tglich die sensitive lila Brste unter der Dusche mit Verwendung von Duschgel und am Abend vor dem Epilieren den blauen, strkeren Aufsatz.
Bringt echt eine ganze Menge! Meine Beine sind schon nach kurzer Zeit sehr viel glatter und schner geworden. Also alles was Frau so mchte 😉 😉
Den grnen Massage-Aufsatz habe ich zugegebenermaen bisher nicht ausprobiert, genauso wenig wie den Rasier- und Trimmaufsatz, falls sich dazu noch etwas ergibt, werde ich den Bericht natrlich aktualisieren.
Ich bin auf jeden Fall sehr von dem Gert berzeugt und kann es vorbehaltslos weiterempfehlen, vor allem da sich der Preis auch nach einiger Zeit lohnt, da man sich die teuren Rasierklingen spart!