Core Weightlifting Shoes, Powerlifting & Bodybuilding Shoes

Core Weightlifting Shoes

Core Weightlifting Shoes, Powerlifting & Bodybuilding Shoes, Squat Shoes with 3 cm Heel

wl shoesbarbellvelcrostrapperfectforcrossfit


On top of the raised heel and straps, our weightlifting shoes also come with a non-slip EVA wedge in the midsole. Yet again, this is another way to reinforce support on your feet and allow you to lift properly.

The extra stability our gym shoes provide go a long way in protecting athletes like you against injuries. Our product’s features aren’t just for style and performance, but also for safety.


While we designed these training shoes for true-blue power lifters, our footwear also works well for CrossFitters!

Many CrossFit exercises are akin to what lifters do, thus making these shoes just as functional for that fitness regimen. Snatch, clean, and jerk are some examples. Squats and thrusters are part of the program too. If you’ll be doing a lot of these, our lifting shoes are the ideal choice.


Make fitness buffs and lifting enthusiasts happy with these Olympic weightlifting shoes as a gift!

Our product has all the stability and features that they would want out of their workout footwear. At the same time, it’s a very stylish choice. It stays true to the sensibilities of Nordic design with its minimalist appearance, clean lines, and comfortable or airy vibe. It’s the perfect gift for birthdays, holidays, and other special occasions!

Dimensions: 25.91 x 21.34 x 9.65 cm; 600 Grams
Manufacture: Core
Composition: Fabric 50%, TPU film 35%, PU 15%
Department: Unisex
Dimensions: 25.91 x 21.34 x 9.65 cm; 600 Grams

34 Responses

  1. JoycelyTodd says:


    je chausse du 43 habituellement, pied de 28 cm de long. j’ai choisi au hasard la pointure 45 et c’est parfait, pied non stress ni comprim ni flottant, par contre un peu lourd pour sautiller lors de mes mouvements ( je suis dbutante en haltrophilie, donc tre patiente pour les volutions ^^ ).
    envoi rapide ( merci prime ) du jour au lendemain, suite une erreur d’envoi de produits ( paniers pliables au lieu de ces chaussures) des services d’amazon pour la 1re commande.
    rsultat final = contente !

  2. ValentiS70 says:


    Bonnes chaussures, confort lors du bench, prenez une pointure au dessus! Et comme d’autres l’ont dit, la semelle s’en va trs facilement, je les utilises que pour bench sinon elles sont dans le sac, pourtant elles se barres trs facilement, changer les semelles et c’est good

  3. Anonymous says:


    Der Schuh hat ein sehr gnstiges Preis-Leistungsverhltnis, mit dem Black-Friday-Preis war er ein Schnppchen. Die Verarbeitung ist gut, der Fu erhlt von allen Seiten Untersttzung und festen Halt. Die flache, absatzlose Sohle ist hinten erhht und untersttzt die Ferse bei Kniebeugen und anderen schweren bungen. Soweit ich beurteilen kann, hinterlsst die Sohle auch keine schwarzen Spuren auf dem Fuboden.
    Der Schuh hat 5 Sterne verdient. Einen Stern ziehe ich ab, weil die Grenangabe nicht auf den deutschen Markt angepasst ist. Ich habe Schuhgre 44 und musste um zwei (!) Nummern grer in Gre 46 umtauschen. Ich bin sicher, dass auch andere Kunden hnliche Erfahrungen gemacht haben.

  4. LeelePrimm says:


    Scarpe veramente ottime per squat e stacco, danno una grande stabilit e aiutano ad ottenere il massimo del rom negli esercizi.
    Molto resistenti e addirittura a quanto pare impermeabili.
    Le consiglio vivamente.

  5. Abhishek Pratap says:


    Le ho comprate perch sentivo che con le normali scarpe da ginnastica perdevo di stabilit durante l’esecuzione di alcuni esercizi in palestra, con queste scarpe sento i piedi ben saldi dentro le scarpe e che le scarpe hanno un buon grip a terra.
    Super consigliate anche vedendo quanto costano le scarpe dei marchi pi famosi.
    Consiglio di prendere una taglia in pi se si ha una pianta larga come ho fatto io perch comunque veste molto aderente.

  6. Anonymous says:


    Molto buone e stabili in modo per chi dovesse fare esercizi in cui richiede stabilit dei piedi come nello stacco e nello squat, una cosa che consiglio di prendere almeno una misura pi grande rispetto a quella che si ha

  7. Anonymous says:


    Queste scarpe sono un must have per chi fa palestra a livelli medio alti.
    Il Tacco rialzato
    La Suola piatta ed Antiscivolo sono gli alleati perfetti per chi necessita il giusto sostegno durante le sessioni pi Dure.
    La particolarit di questa scarpa appunto il Tacco rialzato che permette una maggiore flessione della gamba, una maggior attivazione dei muscoli delle gambe e sopratutto la sua struttura ben avvolgente e solida dona stabilit in ogni movimento.

  8. DeniseDupre says:


    Scarpe comode e molto utile per la palestra nn solo per squot o stacchi ma un po’ per tutto, l’unica cosa vi consiglio di prendere un numero in pi, io porto la 46 ed ho dovuto prendere la 47

  9. TomasBeaurepair says:

     Netherlands 🇳🇱

    These shoes are great for your form when squatting. They force you to have proper feet stance and overall form of the squat is better wearing these shoes.

    Helps avoid pains in the knees and hips before, after, and during squats.

    The only slight issue is that the insoles slide up towards the heel if you do even a small amount of walking in these shoes. During a workout this does not happen or if it does it is a quick and easy fix.

  10. Mamiverse Team says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Ich finde die Schuhe super, sie stabilisieren und helfen bei allen Trainingseinheiten und bungen, auer Kreuzheben.. (Das sollte man ohne Schuhe machen.) Man steht bei Kniebeugen sehr sicher und stabil.
    Einziges Manko dieser Schuhe: Sie stinken nach einer Zeit wie Sau, da das Material vollsynthetisch ist. Bei dem Preis muss man halt Abstriche machen.
    Habe Angst, sie in die Waschmaschine zu packen.

  11. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Drop intressant de 24mm.
    Esthtique pas au top mais en revanche trs confortable et c’est bien ce que l’on recherche et faisant du sport.
    Rapport qualit prix correct pour des chaussures dhaltero faisant le taff.

  12. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Pnktlich schnelle Lieferung.
    Habe erste paar Schuhe leider umtauschen, jetzt eine Nummer grer bekommen, trage Konform sehr gut, fe habe super halt, jetzt nach 2monaten verrutscht die innesohle, habe diese jetzt getauscht gegen andere Einlagen von Dr.Scholl, die verrutscht nicht, also auch hier 1stern Abzug wegen den innen Sohlen.
    Ansonsten klare Kaufempfehlung

  13. HildredLoyau says:

     Spain 🇪🇸

    A pesar de medirme con la tabla que indica y pedir una talla que me ira con 0,5 cm de margen aprietan as que los devuelvo para pedir una talla ms.

    Por lo dems en mano sin estrenarlo se ven muy bien la calidad, construccin etc.,.. creo que van a salir geniales y va a ser una buena compra

  14. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Queste scarpe sono ottime e mi sto trovando benissimo, offrono una stabilit incredibile e sono molto comode. Gli unici difetti che posso trovare sono la soletta che dopo pochi usi si stacca, ma basta incollarla come un po di colla e non da pi problemi. Un altro difetto che nella parte anteriore, la punta della scarpa un po sottile e con il passare del tempo finisce per consumarsi per la pressione delle dita e delle unghie.

  15. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Started taking my lifting seriously this year so invested with these shoes. Purchased a 10.5 size and they fit well.

  16. SusannaKindel says:

     United Kingdom

    Been olympic lifting a few years!!
    Loving these Shoes!!!

    Been a dream lifting with them!!

  17. Desire Athow says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Scarpa comoda che rende molto stabile qualsiasi esercizio di accosciata squat in primis, piccola nota io di solito vesto il 44 su molti marchi di scarpe ma con questa serve un numero in pi

  18. RebeccaLDN says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Chaussure qui fait le taf, a voir dans le temps si a tient. Petit bmol je chausse du 46 en Nike, j’ai prix du 47 et c’est pile poile, il aurait limite fallut du 48 mais cette pointure n’hsite pas.

  19. Amber17Xra says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Sono stabili e solide. Forse all’inizio un po’ strette sulla punta, ma si sono aggiustate con il tempo.
    Per me che ho il femorale lungo, sono ottime, infatti riesco a fare squat senza dover pi compensare con la schiena. Consigliate anche per fare altro, non per correre, in nessun caso

  20. VanceTorrez says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Le scarpe sono di sicuro per un uso mirato alla pesistica buona qualit e giusto compromesso tra prezzo e prestazioni .

  21. DarrellMullins says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Trs bien , un peu serrant mais sinon cela ne me gne pas donc trs apprciable ce produit.

  22. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersCalzano leggermente strette, porto il 43 nike e di queste ho preso il 44, per il resto niente da dire.

  23. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersSuper consigliato, cambia completamente l’appoggio, la stabilit e l’esecuzione degli esercizi. Unico accorgimento per chi fosse interessato a comprarle: prendete un numero in pi al vostro. Io ho sempre portato un 41 ma in questo caso la calzata stretta, le punte toccano. Le ho rese per sostituirle con il numero in pi

  24. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Need more time to really assess but so far so good

  25. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    If you want a good value first pair then I would recommend. I’m a beginner at lifting, and they have made a huge difference over a pair of trainers…. My coach seemed to think they were good value as well.

  26. Meredith Melnick says:

     United Kingdom

    It is so great for stability and all round weight training.

  27. John Cotter says:

     United Kingdom

    They are perfect just they are 1 size smaller than the regular shoes

  28. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Really comfortable and is already helping with my posture when squatting

  29. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    as a regular gym user who struggled squatting with pain in my hip flexors and used to have to stand with heels on plates these are a great product. Can squat again pain free and sorted my form out. Have used them for 3/4 weeks now and seem sturdy and well made.

  30. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Nothing to dislike about these shoes.
    Nice snug fit, well balanced thanks to the flat sole.
    Noticed my squatting improved immediately, deadlifts too.

  31. Nicole Edsall says:

     United Kingdom

    I’m a size uk12 and bought these as a first pair to try em out. These are solid shoes. Only gripe would be they are a big snug round the mid/ front of the foot but other than that I’d recommend them. Helps with getting nice and low on the squats and front squats.

  32. WilheminaPruett says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersGreat shoes! They fit perfectly and the heel is solid thus improving force transmission into the bar for improved squat performance.
    Highly recommend to anyone who wants a good pair of shoes at an affordable price.

    Great Weight-lifting shoes!

  33. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The built up heel is handy for those of us with limited mobility but want to get the benefits of a-to-grass deep squats. The raised heel makes a better range possible for leg day.
    The sole has little grip so beware of wet floors but so far the shoe is holding up well in the gym.
    Fit is perfect – I got a snug fit and they have shaped well to my average width feet.

  34. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersHab mir die Schuhe frs Beintraining gekauft (logischerweise…) da ich nach mittlerweile 25 Jahren Workout Knieprobleme bekomme. Die Verschiebung des Schwerpunktes und der gute Halt haben dafr gesorgt, dass ich zum ersten Mal seit Monaten weitestgehend schmerzfrei trainieren konnte. Merke auch die Hftmuskulatur wieder deutlich mehr. Preis/Leistung Top, gute Verarbeitung. Aussehen ist ziemlich “klobig”, was mir aber egal ist. Knnte fr Leute wichtig sein, die im Gym auf ihren Style achten. Bei der Gre tendenziell eher eine Nr grer whlen.