Driver and wheel together as one unit. The design of our saddles and handles is matched to the shape of the body and leads to a better distribution of opposite forces. Uncomfortable pressure points and related complaints are eliminated.
Ergon developers are also passionate cyclists. They develop and test new concepts and ideas extensively where they are used – in the heat of the race, on the road, in the forest and on the bike paths throughout the city.
100% of our research and development performance takes place under one roof in beautiful Koblenz in Germany. From computer simulations to fast 3D prototypes to the final form of the product, each process is closely linked and subject to careful control.
Pro riders and teams.
Professional drivers play an important role in developing our products. The sporty competition drives demands to a higher level, while the detailed feedback from riders who spend life in the saddle leads to improved product design for everyday cyclists.
Intended use:
Touring, city, commuting, MTB.
Touring, city, commuting, MTB.
Touring, city, commuting, MTB.
MTB, Marathon, CrossCountry.
Trail, CrossCountry, MTB Tour, Fitness.
Trekking, touring, commuting.
S (Small), L (Large).
S (Small), L (Large).
S (Small), L (Large).
S (Small), L (Large).
S (Small), L (Large).
Small/medium, medium/large.
2 anti-allergic, harmless rubber compounds of different hardness; TÜV tested.
2 anti-allergic, harmless rubber compounds of different hardness; TÜV tested.
2 anti-allergic, harmless rubber compounds of different hardness; TÜV tested.
2 anti-allergic, harmless rubber compounds of different hardness; TÜV tested.
I finally bit the bullet and purchased these. Makes my ride much more comfortable. The wider ends on the grip better support my wrists and the side bars allow me to sit up straighter. Makes riding more enjoyable.
I finally bit the bullet and purchased these. Makes my ride much more comfortable. The wider ends on the grip better support my wrists and the side bars allow me to sit up straighter. Makes riding more enjoyable.
These were easy to install, and I carried an allen wrench on my first ride to make some adjustments until they felt correctly positioned. They fit on the handlebar tightly, no problems with slippage as others have said, and the indexing on the bar end makes it easy to ensure both bar ends are adjusted identically.
I bought the large because i have big hands (another reviewer said it had nothing to do with hand size, but manufacturer website says it does), and I’m glad I did because they seem a little shorter in length then what I removed. Very satisfied, being able to change hand positions more often really helps on long rides.
ive seen a lot of reviews on these mention that they can break if your bike gets knocked over. thats not the products fault. they do what theyre designed to do, give you more grip positions on your flat bar bike, and they do it. i tried a few different types of grips before these, these ones are solid as normal grips and the “arms” are long enough for a full hand grip even with my XL hands. i can ride as long as i want and dont have to worry about hand numbness or wrist pain. i also like that the grips and arms can be positioned independent of each other. i was worried that they would twist because they only lock in one place, but theyre solid once theyre on.
I put the Ergon G5 grips on my flat bar commuter/fitness bike, and I’m so glad I did. These aren’t cheap, but being able to change to multiple hand positions is a game changer and makes my long weekend rides and 16-mile round trip commute much more comfortable. I was afraid they would feel flimsy, but they are rock solid, even for a 6’2″, 200+ pound rider. Quick tip for putting them on if you’re mechanically challenged like I am — put the grip and the horn sections together *before* installing on your handlebars. You can adjust the horn once it’s on your bike.
der rechte Griff ist Werkseitig vormontiert, der linke nicht, somit habe ich mir sehr schwer getan den Griff zu montieren. Nach mehreren Versuchen war dann die Montage erfolgreich. Der “Beipackzettel” von Argon sollte berarbeitet werden indem die Erklrungen nicht in “Fachchinesisch” geschrieben werden.
Initially bought a copycat product called MEETLOCKS. Which seemed ergonomic enough, but after two weeks of use really started wearing on the inside of my hand, after a month had to discontinue use.
Bought these original Ergon grips and these have been amazing, and not much more expensive than that crappy rip off.
Perfekt fr den Umbau meines Copperhead 3 zu einem Touren-MTB. Nun hat man bei lngeren Strecken verschiedene griffmglichkeiten. Mchte nicht mehr ohne diese hrnchen fahren. 1 Stern Abzug fr kleine optische Materialfehler die bei so einem hohen Preis nicht sein drften.
Die breite Handballenauflage finde ich sehr angenehm und die “Hrnchen” ermglichen, dass man fter mal umgreifen kann und so nicht dauernd die Hnde/Arme einseitig belastet.
Insgesamt machen die Griffe einen sehr stabilen Eindruck und sind einfach zu montieren.
Gute Qualitt, einfache zu montieren und zu verstellen, bis die richtige Einstellung gefunden wird.
Da ich immer fters Rckenschmerzen bzw. nach einer halben Stunde Fahrradfahren das rechte Bein einschlief, bekam ich von meinem Physiothetapeuten den Tip, den Lenker so weit einzustellen, dass man relativ aufrecht sitzt.
Lenkereinstellung war schon im oberen Bereich, ein neuer Lenker nur mit grerem Umbau zu realisieren.
Dann diese ergonometrisch geformten Griffe gefunden. Auf den ersten Blick etwas teuer, aber jeden Euro Wert. Seitdem sind o. g. Probleme verschwunden.
Mein jhrlicher Fahrradurlaub an der Mritz, mit einer tglichen Leistung von 100 bis 150 KM, ist Dank dieser Griffe wieder mglich.
Von mir eine klare Empfehlung.
These come as a handle bar grip and bar end all in one unit. They are held on by one allen bolt. So fitting and adjustment are very straight forward. I personally like the ergo GP5 as they are a large bar end, which is what I wanted. There are shorter versions in the range and so there is a good choice. They are made to a high standard and I recommend them.
I purchased these and have been offered no inducement to write a review.
Einen Preis fr Schnheit gewinnen die Teile nach meinem Geschmack nicht, aber das ist es auch nicht, worauf es mir bei solche einer Investition ankommt. Mir geht es darum, dass ich nach lngeren Touren (deutlich ber 20 km) keine tauben Finger habe. Nach einer ersten Probefahrt mit rund 40 km hat das auch ganz gut funktioniert, leider tat mir danach aber das Handgelenk weh. Ich gehe davon aus, dass sich das mit ein wenig Feineinstellung noch beheben lsst, allerdings htte ich mir gewnscht, dass ergo hier ein wenig mehr Anleitung fr die Installation gibt. Es ist zwar beschrieben wie man den Griff allgemein montiert, aber ber die richtige Ausrichtung im Detail findet sich nicht wirklich etwas. Auch ein Montagevideo von ergo brachte wenig brauchbare Erkenntnisse. Andere Stellen im Internet sind da schon etwas auskunftsfreudiger aber am Ende war alles, was ich fand eher nach subjektiven Empfinden ausgerichtet.
Very nice comfortable touring bicycle grips. Gives me a choice of hand positions. Quite expensive but German quality. Just be careful to order the correct ones.
The quality of these grips is absolutely first class. They definitely ease any aches or pains from the palms of your hand or wrists.
However, and there is a however, they are monsters. They’ve make the bike feel like it is twice as wide as it actually is. After using them for a few rides, I chose to go back to the GP1’s. Not because these grips are no good, they just seem slightly too big.
The GP1’s give exactly the same padding, but they don’t feel as enormous. Of course, the great thing about the GP fives, is that you can change your hand position on long rides. If you are doing long rides, then maybe these are the ones to ease fatigue.
I also think the GP1’s are better value as these are way more expensive.
Yes they are comfortable. They are also very expensive. Maybe trying some different handlebars first would be a cheaper option. I already had wide bars. These made the width far to big going through gaps. However, they are comfortable and it’s nice to change position to ease the aches.
With arthritis affecting my wrists, I needed to improve my ride comfort by changing my handle bar grips. These alternatives were a great improvement, providing a multiple of hand positions to ease the pressure on my hands – particularly during a long leisure ride. They were easy to fit and adjust but do need a torque wrench to tighten correctly. My bike shop obliged during a recent service. A little bit expensive, but have paid dividends in improved comfort.
Got these to fit on my Elliptigo bike, they are a lot cheaper than the original ones, but the quality is just as good and these are cheaper in price but not quality, they are very comfortable to use and help a lot for hill climbing, I recommend these
I just installed these on my 80lb adventure ebike and they have been fantastic. The bike and I are both tall and these allow me alternate hand and body positioning by adjusting my grip frequently during my often 2-3 hour rides. Being as my bike is unusually large the GP5 grips do not stand out looks wise like they might on a normal size bike but in any case, it should be all about comfort and utility and these grips provide both better than anything I have seen. They are pricey but considering my 400 – 500 miles a month ride routine they are a great bang for the buck purchase.
Re the grips slipping, you need to properly torque the screw to 8Nm as is indicated in the install instructions and printed on the grips next to the hex screw. 8Nm is pretty tight so you should use a proper a torque wrench or have a bike shop help you out.
Easy to fit and totally awesome. Fitted to my Carrera MTB and love the Ergon design styling that gives you plenty of grip combinations with effortless comfort. Rubber grips are that good you wouldn’t necessary need gloves. Expensive but well engineered (Spend well – spend less). Buy some and you won’t be disappointed.
I will prob contradict myself here but these grips are realy good.I Owned the gp3 version for my last bike which were great as well,these realy take a lot of finger tingle away as its something ive suffered on bikes for years.BUT 50 quid,come on.If you ride a lot you cant realy put a price on comfort.BUT 50 quid come on haha.Sorry just checked my order form 59squids
All good with the transaction. Wanted to do upgrades on my new-used KHS hybrid. Was fairly confident that I’d have a problem with the install due to the 700mm bar and Shimano rotary shifters, not enough bar length. I was correct with a short landing left for the grips. I went to plan B and replaced the rotary shifters with a shimano upgrade, which has less landing on the bars. I didn’t want longer bars and wanted to change out the shifters anyhow. Shifters arrived, performed the exchanges. Have about 8 rides on these. Takes about 90% of the blood circulation issue out of the picture, then with the horns, you get 100% out with periodic position changes. I did all my final adjustments in my living room during the inital install, taking time to eyeball, micro adjust, set horn angle off the natural angle of your arm and wrist. The set screws provide a very snug fit. After going out for a maintenance operational check, I retorqued everything down and haven’t performed any more adjustments. The local bikers tend to stop by during ride-break and inquire about these.
All good with the transaction. Wanted to do upgrades on my new-used KHS hybrid. Was fairly confident that I'd have a problem with the install due to the 700mm bar and Shimano rotary shifters, not enough bar length. I was correct with a short landing left for the grips. I went to plan B and replaced the rotary shifters with a shimano upgrade, which has less landing on the bars. I didn't want longer bars and wanted to change out the shifters anyhow. Shifters arrived, performed the exchanges. Have about 8 rides on these. Takes about 90% of the blood circulation issue out of the picture, then with the horns, you get 100% out with periodic position changes. I did all my final adjustments in my living room during the inital install, taking time to eyeball, micro adjust, set horn angle off the natural angle of your arm and wrist. The set screws provide a very snug fit. After going out for a maintenance operational check, I retorqued everything down and haven't performed any more adjustments. The local bikers tend to stop by during ride-break and inquire about these.
It seems to be well made and it was easy to install. They are pretty comfortable but don’t completely alleviate pressure against your hand. I don’t think any grip like this does anyway. I bought these because it had the incorporated extender grips which I’d plan to install. They are okay. They appear to be hard plastic with some (not enough) softer rubber insert. They provide the ability to have a different grip and riding position which is nice but I wish they were a little better material and more soft rubber for comfort. also I wish they were a little longer for more grip area and positioning. These were very pricey. Ergon is a good name and you’re paying for that name. I probably could have accomplished what I got from this for much less money. But still a decent grip.
So comfortable to use, 4 hour rides and never any discomfort form hands. Don’t need the horns this long, would have gone with the 3s if I had seen them first but good for protecting you hands and bike in tight spots
Brilliant! if you suffer from any kind of wrist pain then these are an excellent addition to any bike. They give so many options for hand position that you can keep riding and rest your wrists at the same time. They take a little practice to get the pads in the right place – took me a couple of rides to get them perfect. Worth noting that you can only use the alternative hand placements going up hill since you won’t reach the brakes 😉
Oh, they were dead easy to fit, too! Any amateur can fit these 🙂
Very well engineered grips. The palm is made of soft plastic which gives cushioned support. Especially matched with gel gloves for a comfortable ride which absorbs road chatter. I really like the style of the bar ends which give three positions to rest your hands on long rides and gain leverage when climbing out of the saddle. Only downside is the bar ends could be a little thicker as I have large hands. Overall very satisfied with this purchase. You can’t go wrong.
Ero scettico su queste manopole, non tanto per la qualit, su cui c’erano pochi dubbi, quanto per l’effettiva utilit delle appendici (o corna che dir si voglia) che sempre pi di rado si vedono sulle MTB recenti. Le appendici le avevo usate tanti anni fa su un paio di MTB con forcella rigida e mi ci trovavo benissimo (specie in salita). Passato poi a una bi-ammortizzata non le avevo pi adoperate per paura di snaturarne l’assetto, dando inoltre alla nuova bici un aspetto troppo vintage. Pian piano quindi ne avevo perso l’abitudine. Il mio scetticismo tuttavia era infondato: alla prima uscita ho potuto (ri)assaporarne tutta la praticit, non solo per affrontare pi comodamente le salite, ma anche per la possibilit di cambiare spesso la posizione delle mani sul manubrio, combattendo stanchezza e formicolii vari. Appendici a parte le manopole, anche in presa classica, sono comodissime e permettono di attutire molto l’effetto delle vibrazioni sui polsi grazie al design ergonomico e a materiali di qualit. Utilissime quindi per combattere/prevenire efficacemente malesseri tipo l’epicondilite. Il montaggio abbastanza semplice, occorre solo avere un po’ di pazienza per regolarle al meglio (trovare la giusta inclinazione di manopole e appendici) in virt delle proprie esigenze e conformazione fisica (oltre ovviamente che delle geometrie della bici). Faccio notare infine che ha differenza di quanto si potrebbe pensare le manopole consentono tranquillamente anche di impugnare il manubrio tenendo due dita fisse sulle leve dei freni (come in tanti fanno in discesa).
These were bought on my account but my husband writes more readable, entertaining reviews than I ever could. so here are HIS words with which I totally agree!
“My wife wanted something like these for actual relief of issues she was having in positioning as we were starting to ride longer distances. She’s smart like that. As we were looking through options and doing some reading these came up. The longer “horn” was touted as a better fit than some of the shorter ones we read about. She made the choice-love that gal. Once I saw them I wanted some as well. For only one reason, they look absolutely bad azzzz! I had to have them! Of course now that we have ridden about 50 miles (16 today) with them….no doubt the best $60.00 (X2) we have spent on this cycling habit-so far. They offer a variety of comfortable options for hand and arm positioning while riding. Even the plain palm down grip is more comfortable because of the wider platform (than even Specialized body geometry grips I took off my bike). These Ergon GP5 grips are very adjustable – you can find the exact right position for yourself. If you are riding further than the corner store with Toto in a wicker basket, spend the $60 bucks already.” 🙂
Ich habe die Lenkerhrner seit September 2016 im Gebrauch, fast 2000km damit zurckgelegt und ihnen dabei einiges abverlangt.
Aus meinen gemachten Erfahrungen heraus kann ich sagen, die Teile sind teuer, ja, dafr aber jeden Cent wert.
Bei mir haben sie schon zwei schwere Strze berlebt. Bei einem Sturz wurde sogar der eine Hcker abgeschlagen und ich dachte schon dass war’s fr den Griff.
Aber von wegen, zu Hause hab ich bemerkt das ich ihn nur neu anschrauben muss.
Und ganz ehrlich, bei einem Sturz ber bzw. auf den Lenker ist es mir deutlich lieber, der Griff gibt nach und bohrt sich nicht in den Fahrer.
Jeder Griff besteht aus zwei Teilen, dem Griffkrper und dem Barend (Hcker). Beide Teile lassen sich unabhngig voneinander verstellen.
Am Anfang ist das ein bisschen fummelig und bedeutet dass man schon etwas herumprobieren muss, wenn man aber einmal die richtige Position gefunden hat sitzen sie perfekt.
Die Griffe halten Bombenfest, bei mir hat sich da noch nichts gelst obwohl ich zum Beispiel beim Bergauffahren stark an den Barends ziehe, ja beinahe schon reie.
Die ergonomische Form des Griffkrpers mit der Ausbeulung nach innen finde ich persnlich sehr angenehm, richtig eingestellt verhindert er dass das Handgelenk zu weit nach unten abgeknickt wird.
Was ich super finde sind die Hrner. Bei langen Fahrten kann ich die Hnde in verschiedenen Winkeln auflegen, das entlastet die Handgelenke deutlich.
Ich nutze dabei auch die nach innen zeigenden Enden der Hrner, dann liegen meine Hnde halb auf dem Ende, halb auf dem nach vorne zeigenden Teil und damit schrg mit ca. 45 zur Lenkerstange.
Ich fahre meistens ohne Handschuhe, zumindest im Sommer, und auch nach Stundenlangen fahren mit entsprechend schwitzenden Hnden kleben sie nicht und hinterlassen keine Rckstnde an den Hnden. Da hab ich mit Griffen anderer Hersteller schon deutlich schlechtere Erfahrungen sammeln drfen.
Anfangs fand ich sie ziemlich teuer, mittlerweile finde ich sie preiswert und wrde sie wieder kaufen.
I have a hybrid/comfort bike for exercising in the evenings and weekends. I already have a pair of large hand grips with extended pad; but, still had hand numbness after 15-20 minutes of riding. I upgraded my gloves to OutdoorMaster Half Finger with Shock-absorbing Gel Pad and that got me up to 30-40 minutes before numbness would start to hit. The Ergon GP5 have a larger hand rest pad to spread the pressure and I like the handles to change your hand position for added comfort without sacrificing control of the bike. I’m still playing with the best handle position for comfort; but, I like them a little higher up than in the near horizontal setting.
The handle bar hole on the Ergon grips seemed to be a touch too big or my handle bar is a touch too small in diameter because the Ergon grips slipped on with not a lot off effort and rotated freely once I put my palms on them. I experimented with double wrapping black electrical tape the length of the grips on the handle bar and using hair spray to lubricate the bar/tape (YouTube trick). The grips went on with some resistance and took some effort once the hair spray started to evaporate after a while to adjust for the most comfortable hand/palm angle. I also had to insert the grips all the way to the end where the handle bar ends were near to the Ergon adjustable hand grip hold attaches with the Allen topped screw. If not, the Ergon handles will come loose/off when riding. Because of this, the supplied decorative end caps were too long to insert; but, no-one will notice. I have no grip rotation when riding and the handles are very secured on the ends. You may not have the same issue with your bike like I did.
I even ordered a 2nd pair for the wife’s bike because I like the improvement in comfort so much.
Always loved Ergon grips but always wished they didn’t have closed in ends that prevent the use of bar-end mirrors. Now the new GP series have bar-end plugs, I can pair these beautifully with Mirrycle mirrors – result!
Chose the GP5 as I have a Bosch equipped ebike and, even with the Intuvia unit removed, I still have the vulnerable connector base exposed if ever I need to up-end the bike to remove wheels. These are long enough to protect the connector base (along with other bar-mounted accessories) when the bike is upside-down.
Not used much because of bad weather but a comfortable addition to my Whyte Stirling which had standard Ergon grips from new. Like the feel and the longer grips give a good range of riding positions. Got into the habit of using this type of grip having used alloy ones on my, now vintage, Muddy Fox for many years – can’t be without them now.
Not used to torquing my components so will have to buy a suitable torque wrench so as not to do the typical man-thing of over-tightening for future accessories of this quality.
I ride 7 miles to and from work. (14 miles a day 6 days a week). I experience a lot of numbness in my hands and fingers especially on the way to work which has a lot of downhill sections.
These have been on my bike for about 6 months now. They are easy to fit and take almost all of the numbness out of my fingers and on the occasions I do feel numb I am able to move my hand to a new position. These are one of the best buys I have made for my bike.
I bought the Ergon GP5 L for my new Scott Sportster 20 Hybrid. It’s grips were just round and hard on my hands for longer cycles. I had the Ergon GP5 grips fitted in minutes. They are fantastic. Their ergonomic design supports my hands brilliantly in the standard holding position. The extensions allow me to change hand position and are great for hill climbing. The grips are sturdy and very well made. They also look very well.
They are not cheap but they are worth their price.
I finally bit the bullet and purchased these. Makes my ride much more comfortable. The wider ends on the grip better support my wrists and the side bars allow me to sit up straighter. Makes riding more enjoyable.
These were easy to install, and I carried an allen wrench on my first ride to make some adjustments until they felt correctly positioned. They fit on the handlebar tightly, no problems with slippage as others have said, and the indexing on the bar end makes it easy to ensure both bar ends are adjusted identically.
I bought the large because i have big hands (another reviewer said it had nothing to do with hand size, but manufacturer website says it does), and I’m glad I did because they seem a little shorter in length then what I removed. Very satisfied, being able to change hand positions more often really helps on long rides.
ive seen a lot of reviews on these mention that they can break if your bike gets knocked over. thats not the products fault. they do what theyre designed to do, give you more grip positions on your flat bar bike, and they do it. i tried a few different types of grips before these, these ones are solid as normal grips and the “arms” are long enough for a full hand grip even with my XL hands. i can ride as long as i want and dont have to worry about hand numbness or wrist pain. i also like that the grips and arms can be positioned independent of each other. i was worried that they would twist because they only lock in one place, but theyre solid once theyre on.
Habe nun alle Gren durchprobiert, diese ist die mit Abstand beste.
der rechte Griff ist Werkseitig vormontiert, der linke nicht, somit habe ich mir sehr schwer getan den Griff zu montieren. Nach mehreren Versuchen war dann die Montage erfolgreich. Der “Beipackzettel” von Argon sollte berarbeitet werden indem die Erklrungen nicht in “Fachchinesisch” geschrieben werden.
I like the design a lot, they work well but there’s a hard plastic feel to uprights so that’s why not 5 stars. A softer upright grip is needed.
Initially bought a copycat product called MEETLOCKS. Which seemed ergonomic enough, but after two weeks of use really started wearing on the inside of my hand, after a month had to discontinue use.
Bought these original Ergon grips and these have been amazing, and not much more expensive than that crappy rip off.
I ride to work every day. I had a wrist issue that was making my rides very uncomfortable. My old grips were definitely exacerbating the problem
Within 2 weeks of these my wrist was feeling much better. Now when I ride my other bike it feels weird and uncomfortable
Die breite Handballenauflage finde ich sehr angenehm und die “Hrnchen” ermglichen, dass man fter mal umgreifen kann und so nicht dauernd die Hnde/Arme einseitig belastet.
Insgesamt machen die Griffe einen sehr stabilen Eindruck und sind einfach zu montieren.
Gute Qualitt, einfache zu montieren und zu verstellen, bis die richtige Einstellung gefunden wird.
Da ich immer fters Rckenschmerzen bzw. nach einer halben Stunde Fahrradfahren das rechte Bein einschlief, bekam ich von meinem Physiothetapeuten den Tip, den Lenker so weit einzustellen, dass man relativ aufrecht sitzt.
Lenkereinstellung war schon im oberen Bereich, ein neuer Lenker nur mit grerem Umbau zu realisieren.
Dann diese ergonometrisch geformten Griffe gefunden. Auf den ersten Blick etwas teuer, aber jeden Euro Wert. Seitdem sind o. g. Probleme verschwunden.
Mein jhrlicher Fahrradurlaub an der Mritz, mit einer tglichen Leistung von 100 bis 150 KM, ist Dank dieser Griffe wieder mglich.
Von mir eine klare Empfehlung.
These come as a handle bar grip and bar end all in one unit. They are held on by one allen bolt. So fitting and adjustment are very straight forward. I personally like the ergo GP5 as they are a large bar end, which is what I wanted. There are shorter versions in the range and so there is a good choice. They are made to a high standard and I recommend them.
I purchased these and have been offered no inducement to write a review.
Einen Preis fr Schnheit gewinnen die Teile nach meinem Geschmack nicht, aber das ist es auch nicht, worauf es mir bei solche einer Investition ankommt. Mir geht es darum, dass ich nach lngeren Touren (deutlich ber 20 km) keine tauben Finger habe. Nach einer ersten Probefahrt mit rund 40 km hat das auch ganz gut funktioniert, leider tat mir danach aber das Handgelenk weh. Ich gehe davon aus, dass sich das mit ein wenig Feineinstellung noch beheben lsst, allerdings htte ich mir gewnscht, dass ergo hier ein wenig mehr Anleitung fr die Installation gibt. Es ist zwar beschrieben wie man den Griff allgemein montiert, aber ber die richtige Ausrichtung im Detail findet sich nicht wirklich etwas. Auch ein Montagevideo von ergo brachte wenig brauchbare Erkenntnisse. Andere Stellen im Internet sind da schon etwas auskunftsfreudiger aber am Ende war alles, was ich fand eher nach subjektiven Empfinden ausgerichtet.
Very nice comfortable touring bicycle grips. Gives me a choice of hand positions. Quite expensive but German quality. Just be careful to order the correct ones.
However, and there is a however, they are monsters. They’ve make the bike feel like it is twice as wide as it actually is. After using them for a few rides, I chose to go back to the GP1’s. Not because these grips are no good, they just seem slightly too big.
The GP1’s give exactly the same padding, but they don’t feel as enormous. Of course, the great thing about the GP fives, is that you can change your hand position on long rides. If you are doing long rides, then maybe these are the ones to ease fatigue.
I also think the GP1’s are better value as these are way more expensive.
Yes they are comfortable. They are also very expensive. Maybe trying some different handlebars first would be a cheaper option. I already had wide bars. These made the width far to big going through gaps. However, they are comfortable and it’s nice to change position to ease the aches.
With arthritis affecting my wrists, I needed to improve my ride comfort by changing my handle bar grips. These alternatives were a great improvement, providing a multiple of hand positions to ease the pressure on my hands – particularly during a long leisure ride. They were easy to fit and adjust but do need a torque wrench to tighten correctly. My bike shop obliged during a recent service. A little bit expensive, but have paid dividends in improved comfort.
Got these to fit on my Elliptigo bike, they are a lot cheaper than the original ones, but the quality is just as good and these are cheaper in price but not quality, they are very comfortable to use and help a lot for hill climbing, I recommend these
Re the grips slipping, you need to properly torque the screw to 8Nm as is indicated in the install instructions and printed on the grips next to the hex screw. 8Nm is pretty tight so you should use a proper a torque wrench or have a bike shop help you out.
Easy to fit and totally awesome. Fitted to my Carrera MTB and love the Ergon design styling that gives you plenty of grip combinations with effortless comfort. Rubber grips are that good you wouldn’t necessary need gloves. Expensive but well engineered (Spend well – spend less). Buy some and you won’t be disappointed.
I will prob contradict myself here but these grips are realy good.I Owned the gp3 version for my last bike which were great as well,these realy take a lot of finger tingle away as its something ive suffered on bikes for years.BUT 50 quid,come on.If you ride a lot you cant realy put a price on comfort.BUT 50 quid come on haha.Sorry just checked my order form 59squids
All of my bikes came with reasonably good grips but none were anywhere near as good as these. Once tried there is no going back.
It seems to be well made and it was easy to install. They are pretty comfortable but don’t completely alleviate pressure against your hand. I don’t think any grip like this does anyway. I bought these because it had the incorporated extender grips which I’d plan to install. They are okay. They appear to be hard plastic with some (not enough) softer rubber insert. They provide the ability to have a different grip and riding position which is nice but I wish they were a little better material and more soft rubber for comfort. also I wish they were a little longer for more grip area and positioning. These were very pricey. Ergon is a good name and you’re paying for that name. I probably could have accomplished what I got from this for much less money. But still a decent grip.
So comfortable to use, 4 hour rides and never any discomfort form hands. Don’t need the horns this long, would have gone with the 3s if I had seen them first but good for protecting you hands and bike in tight spots
Brilliant! if you suffer from any kind of wrist pain then these are an excellent addition to any bike. They give so many options for hand position that you can keep riding and rest your wrists at the same time. They take a little practice to get the pads in the right place – took me a couple of rides to get them perfect. Worth noting that you can only use the alternative hand placements going up hill since you won’t reach the brakes 😉
Oh, they were dead easy to fit, too! Any amateur can fit these 🙂
“My wife wanted something like these for actual relief of issues she was having in positioning as we were starting to ride longer distances. She’s smart like that. As we were looking through options and doing some reading these came up. The longer “horn” was touted as a better fit than some of the shorter ones we read about. She made the choice-love that gal. Once I saw them I wanted some as well. For only one reason, they look absolutely bad azzzz! I had to have them! Of course now that we have ridden about 50 miles (16 today) with them….no doubt the best $60.00 (X2) we have spent on this cycling habit-so far. They offer a variety of comfortable options for hand and arm positioning while riding. Even the plain palm down grip is more comfortable because of the wider platform (than even Specialized body geometry grips I took off my bike). These Ergon GP5 grips are very adjustable – you can find the exact right position for yourself. If you are riding further than the corner store with Toto in a wicker basket, spend the $60 bucks already.” 🙂
Aus meinen gemachten Erfahrungen heraus kann ich sagen, die Teile sind teuer, ja, dafr aber jeden Cent wert.
Bei mir haben sie schon zwei schwere Strze berlebt. Bei einem Sturz wurde sogar der eine Hcker abgeschlagen und ich dachte schon dass war’s fr den Griff.
Aber von wegen, zu Hause hab ich bemerkt das ich ihn nur neu anschrauben muss.
Und ganz ehrlich, bei einem Sturz ber bzw. auf den Lenker ist es mir deutlich lieber, der Griff gibt nach und bohrt sich nicht in den Fahrer.
Jeder Griff besteht aus zwei Teilen, dem Griffkrper und dem Barend (Hcker). Beide Teile lassen sich unabhngig voneinander verstellen.
Am Anfang ist das ein bisschen fummelig und bedeutet dass man schon etwas herumprobieren muss, wenn man aber einmal die richtige Position gefunden hat sitzen sie perfekt.
Die Griffe halten Bombenfest, bei mir hat sich da noch nichts gelst obwohl ich zum Beispiel beim Bergauffahren stark an den Barends ziehe, ja beinahe schon reie.
Die ergonomische Form des Griffkrpers mit der Ausbeulung nach innen finde ich persnlich sehr angenehm, richtig eingestellt verhindert er dass das Handgelenk zu weit nach unten abgeknickt wird.
Was ich super finde sind die Hrner. Bei langen Fahrten kann ich die Hnde in verschiedenen Winkeln auflegen, das entlastet die Handgelenke deutlich.
Ich nutze dabei auch die nach innen zeigenden Enden der Hrner, dann liegen meine Hnde halb auf dem Ende, halb auf dem nach vorne zeigenden Teil und damit schrg mit ca. 45 zur Lenkerstange.
Ich fahre meistens ohne Handschuhe, zumindest im Sommer, und auch nach Stundenlangen fahren mit entsprechend schwitzenden Hnden kleben sie nicht und hinterlassen keine Rckstnde an den Hnden. Da hab ich mit Griffen anderer Hersteller schon deutlich schlechtere Erfahrungen sammeln drfen.
Anfangs fand ich sie ziemlich teuer, mittlerweile finde ich sie preiswert und wrde sie wieder kaufen.
The handle bar hole on the Ergon grips seemed to be a touch too big or my handle bar is a touch too small in diameter because the Ergon grips slipped on with not a lot off effort and rotated freely once I put my palms on them. I experimented with double wrapping black electrical tape the length of the grips on the handle bar and using hair spray to lubricate the bar/tape (YouTube trick). The grips went on with some resistance and took some effort once the hair spray started to evaporate after a while to adjust for the most comfortable hand/palm angle. I also had to insert the grips all the way to the end where the handle bar ends were near to the Ergon adjustable hand grip hold attaches with the Allen topped screw. If not, the Ergon handles will come loose/off when riding. Because of this, the supplied decorative end caps were too long to insert; but, no-one will notice. I have no grip rotation when riding and the handles are very secured on the ends. You may not have the same issue with your bike like I did.
I even ordered a 2nd pair for the wife’s bike because I like the improvement in comfort so much.
Chose the GP5 as I have a Bosch equipped ebike and, even with the Intuvia unit removed, I still have the vulnerable connector base exposed if ever I need to up-end the bike to remove wheels. These are long enough to protect the connector base (along with other bar-mounted accessories) when the bike is upside-down.
Not used to torquing my components so will have to buy a suitable torque wrench so as not to do the typical man-thing of over-tightening for future accessories of this quality.
These have been on my bike for about 6 months now. They are easy to fit and take almost all of the numbness out of my fingers and on the occasions I do feel numb I am able to move my hand to a new position. These are one of the best buys I have made for my bike.
They are not cheap but they are worth their price.