Forest Master FMSS Smart Splitter Manual Log Splitter Axe

Forest Master FMSS Smart Splitter Manual Log Splitter Axe Wedge Maul

Forest Master FMSS Smart Splitter Manual Log Splitter Axe Wedge Maul

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Log Splitters

Dimensions: 18 x 7 x 160 cm; 13 Kilograms
Model: 3630857878285
Part: 3630857878285
Manufacture: Forest Master
Dimensions: 18 x 7 x 160 cm; 13 Kilograms

40 Responses

  1. YukikoBurrell says:


    Utilisation par une femme pour fendre des petite bche en 2 ou pour du petit bois. Trs fonctionnelle. Je recommande. Bon ide de cadeau pour les gens qui chauffent au bois

  2. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    My husband found this easy to use, did the job amazingly well, not too much effort required.

  3. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I bought this a couple of months ago, and have just assembled it, after the fourth log the bottom chisel bent on the top edge making it harder to split wood

  4. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Very easy to set up, I used a ‘sleeper’ as I didn’t have a stump available. Once in operation it is proving fantastic as I can no longer use an axe properly, due to arthritis.

  5. Garrett Hulfish says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Screw fittings wore loose and then broke in use. Need to be more substantial for what otherwise is a good produc

  6. Anonymous says:


    Sono molto soddisfatto dell’acquisto, fa il suo dovere se montato come si deve. Le viti che tengono la parte fissa purtroppo dopo qualche mese si spezzano. Consiglio di fissare con chiodi lunghi e spessi.

  7. Anonymous says:


    Fendre le bois avec cet outil, est facile. Il faut simplement respecter le mode d’emploi pour son installation sur un Billot. Pour fendre correctement et facilement prendre soin de regarder le sens du fil du bois, puis le placer entre la lame fixe au billot et la hache. Cela permet de fendre rapidement les bches de bois.
    Je suis satisfait de cet achat. Reste voir l’efficacit de cet outil dans le temps.

  8. SteffenDarby says:


    Cette article marche utilis que sur du Chne. Coupe environ 30 40cm bien sec mieux, il fend en1 ou 2 coups bois de 30cm , 2 4 coup bois de 40cm, 5 6 coups bois 50cm il faut descendre le marteau avec force pour moins de coups . Bon article un peu haut par contre fatigue paule

    Pour couper bois bien sec

  9. CallieCloud says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersSuper easy to use.
    Good instructions
    Good and very satisfying exercise.
    Wish I’d bought it years ago.

  10. Anonymous says:


    En gnral, avec 5 6 coups de masse, le morceau de bois se fend.
    Ma femme, avec ses 60 kg, c’est amus essayer.
    Elle arrive fondre le bois sans aucun problme.
    Maintenant, voir dans le temps si le matriel tient.
    Personnellement, je suis confiant, la qualit a l’air d’tre l…

  11. LeanneChiaramon says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    You will need a decent size base log as per the requirement, take time to ensure the base is level. Mark drill point as per the instructions which are easy to follow, the critical bit is to ensure you drill the hole for the support arm as square as possible as this is guide for the blade. Very easy to set up and does what it says on the tin (split logs). I strip down and clean after every use and have not used the locking thread solvent. It’s so easy to use that even my young Grandson could use it (under supervision).

  12. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersI love it.
    If it wasn’t for getting osteoarthritis in my shoulder and elbow, I would never have thought to look for a log splitter, but I wish I had . . . a whole lot sooner.
    This is a substantial piece of kit, with easy-to-follow instructions, that’s well made and should last me forever.
    Have a look at the photos and you will see that I had to improvise a bit in setting it up (just hope it doesn’t affect any warranty) as my trusty chopping log wasn’t the required size, but it worked for me. In fact, it worked so well that I got a load of damp to wet logs chopped up within an hour or so and without the Forrest Smart Splitter they would have taken me a few days because of the pain in the elbow and shoulder.
    There is no impact to any of my joints when using the Smart Splitter, and the cut logs don’t fly everywhere like they do when using an axe. I even did the kindling using the main piece because as soon as I started using the mallet (who knew kindling could be done with a mallet?) with the sticking -up-blade, the elbow started to ache.
    It may sound daft but I really enjoyed using this kit and with using both arms I’m going to have two great looking biceps without bingo wings, and I wasn’t tired and in pain afterwards. I’m on the look out for a bigger chopping block and hope to set it up properly when I get the chance.
    Have a look at the photos, they include all my redundant axes!!
    I would whole heartedly recommend this product.
    Allison, aged 56

    Feeling dumb that I didn't know this 'Smart' Splitter existed

  13. ManieBlackburn says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Assembly was easy. I would suggest as big a stump as you can manage to mount it on. As for the ease it gives to splitting logs its well worth it. Far superior to a lump hammer and log splitter, and safer then using an axe. Delighted with my purchase!

  14. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersHo acquistato il Forest Master dopo aver rotto diverse accette.
    Inizialmente ero un p titubante nell’acquistarlo,ma dopo aver letto un p di recensioni ed aver visualizzato un numero considerevole di video,mi son deciso.
    Devo dire che esegue il suo lavoro in maniera egregia,dimezzando lo sforzo che si farebbe con una normale accetta.
    Da considerare soprattutto che il rischio di farsi male praticamente nullo,a meno che non siate degli sprovveduti.
    3/4 colpi ed il ciocco di legna (diametro medio 30 cm) rotto. Ci vuole qualche colpo in pi per i ciocchi pi nodosi,ma si riesce comunque ad ottenere il risultato.
    Ottima la funzione della lama fissata sul ceppo che aiuta,e non poco,a rompere i ciocchi di legna pi duri.
    Un consiglio:
    Per montare il Forest Master,dotatevi di un ceppo di almeno 45/50 cm di diametro per avere pi spazio di manovra per i ciocchi pi ingombranti e cercate di fissarlo ad almeno 8/10 cm all’interno dal bordo del ceppo,in modo da consentire un equilibrio di pesi.
    Cercate di montarlo pi dritto possibile per facilitarne il movimento in fase di lavoro.
    Per il resto,reputo la spesa un ottimo investimento,sia dal lato pratico del lavoro,sia dal lato della prevenzione per gli infortuni.
    Aggiungo infine che possibile affilare le lame con un’apposita pietra(da acquistare a parte).
    Mi ritengo molto soddisfatto e ringrazio Amazon ed il venditore per avermi fatto scoprire questo prodotto.

  15. Krissy90220 says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersWe think this will be a great addition to our woodturning saga. BUT what is not emphasised when we looked at the advertisement was that it requires a LARGE block of wood to mount the machine on to. So we have not been able to use it yet until such block 35cm x 35cm x 35cm is found.

  16. WilliamMcElhane says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Can be hard work after a while but works well for even decent size logs.
    Rather noisy if your neighbours are in bed because they work nights….apparently.

    Would recommend for the price, feels well made and cutting edges are holding up well.

    Works well and does what it's supposed to do

  17. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Would have been helpful to know you need a 35omm x 350mm block to mount this on but once I’d found a tree stump big enough its working well.

    Setup instructions a bit confusing as some parts already assembled when arrived

  18. MissZippy says:


    Fonctionne trs bien. Le seul problme c’est le support. Sur le billot de bois il faut bien percer la verticale pour que ce soit droit et avoir un billot bien solide.

  19. celestina says:

     United Kingdom

    Brilliant and so easy to use great for big and small logs and great for sticks

  20. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    An amazingly easy tool to use on all types of wood and log sizes – simply excellent with superb customer services also.

  21. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Awesome product. So easy to use. Massive productivity boost to creating logs for my log burner. Easy to assemble.

  22. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Brilliant safe way of chopping logs and kindling. Something my Husband has always done with an axe and now I can do too with this and it takes very little effo

  23. Emory57Gmgalgh says:

     United Kingdom

    Seller put it as used, but come in original box with all instructions, like brand new never used
    Very happy

  24. JorgPannell says:

     United Kingdom

    An excellent product. Makes producing fuel for a log burner a breeze! Great!

  25. Isabella says:

     United Kingdom

    Easy to set up and works well to split logs

  26. Anonymous says:


    Il prodotto esattamente come descritto e si dimostra di una certa utilit. L’ho acquistato per evitare l’uso di un’ascia che avrebbe svolto lo stesso lavoro in meno tempo ma con molti pi rischi per la mia schiena. Con questo attrezzo si lavora in sicurezza ma lentamente per cui ho preferito affiancargli uno spaccalegna elettrico.

  27. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    great but still a bit of a strong arm needed

  28. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I was pleasantly surprised by this thing. Amazing, I have been to chop very large logs with ease for my age and little strength.

  29. Tim Stevens says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersThought I would try this after seeing video. It really does work as shown. Chopped big round chunks of tree up with minimal effort. The ease of use 4 star is for 2 reasons. 1: You really need a 30cm diameter and 30cm high bit of wood to fix it to. Despite having lots of pieces of wood, couldn’t really find one with both measurements but still works. 2: when taking it apart to put in the shed, picked up the wrong bit and gave myself a blood blister. Wont do it that way again. But to cut chunks of cut down tree trunk and kindling, brill. Well happy!

  30. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Excelent product , well made and easy to use .
    Would recomend this to any one who is thinking of getting a log splite

  31. [email protected] Dan Forcella says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersMy husbands new garden toy!! He loves it and it’s safer than him swinging an axe. Does the job

  32. AbrahamRubio says:


    Trs simple d’utilisation, pas besoin d’avoir une force norme pour l’utiliser. Tout est inclus dans le colis, mme le fort pour percer la souche. La seule difficult rside dans le perage de ce trou, qui doit tre le plus vertical possible. Pas facile faire …

  33. PC Gamer AU says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Not as efficient as the video suggested, but still useful for someone who finds wielding a splitting axe difficult. Very time consuming to split a large quantity of logs. Only really suitable for supplying a single woodburner.

  34. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersPour le montage du fendeur de bches, aprs avoir acquis un billot plutt gros, la difficult est d’y percer un trou VERTICAL de 20 mm sur une profondeur de 12 cm, ce trou servant fixer la barre de maintien de l’ensemble.
    Comme le fort livr est trs court, il y a beaucoup de chance que le trou ne soit pas vertical. On ne voit la non verticalit du trou qu’une fois la barre de maintien en tout l’ensemble penche de ct. J’ai du percer 3 trous pour en avoir un peu prs vertical dans les 2 directions
    Le fendeur a une certaine efficacit bien que j’en esprais plus. Pour certaines bches, il faut lancer le marteau 2 ou 3 fois pour fendre la bche.
    Le gros avantage est que la bche est fendue exactement l’endroit souhait (c’est ce que je recherchais).
    La 2me lame, prvue pour tre visse dans le billot l’oppose de la lame suprieure, n’amliore pas l’efficacit du fendage car les fibres du bois sont rarement dans l’axe de la bche.
    J’utilise cette 2me lame visse uniquement pour fendre du petit bois, tel que visible sur l’une des photos du fendeur. Celle-ci est vraiment efficace et rien que pour cela, je suis content de mon achat.

  35. Anonymous says:


    Livraison rapide, produit conforme la description, 30 moins cher que d’autres modles smart splitter sans diffrences apparentes ( 89 avec livraison gratuite c’est plutt bon march contrairement aux autres modles vendus entre 120 et 140 euros sur le net, ce qui me parait cher pour ce type de produit). Idal pour fendre du bois dj fendu en gros morceaux, ne pas esprer fendre des billes de bois ou alors c’est sportif. Seuls bmols l’installation, fort de 20mm trs bas de gamme donc pas vident de faire un trou propre de 12cms dans la bille pour y mettre le manche. Idem pas forcment 2 clefs de 10 sous la main pour serrer le guide du poids. pour le reste a fonctionne bien, l’ensemble l’air solide ( voir dans le temps). C’est parfait pour un complment voir un peu plus que du complment en s’nervant bien.

  36. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    How did I live without this? Bought this as I had a slowly degenerating shoulder joint and axe swinging was not getting easier. This gadget does the swinging for you. I love i

  37. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersJ’tais assez mefiant quant l’efficacit du dispositif.
    Ce systme est rellement efficace et surtout il evite les mouvement trop brusque provoqus par une hache. Il fend sans trop de difficult des buches avec des nuds sur du bois de moyenne duret. J’en suis trs satisfait et l’utilise souvent, je gagne du temps et de la fatigue. Parfait pour moi

  38. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our Usersmy husband is over the moon
    tool copes with large pieces of wood but will not cope with xxxxlarge will have to cut down a little first
    overall v impressed would recommend

  39. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersAs a design its an excellent product. Things to be aware of are: The log you attach the splitter to needs to be sturdy/flat with a completely horizontal top; It is harder work than you expect but works better on seasoned dry wood rather than unseasoned; It works on all sizes but the larger the log the more cumbersome it is to set up. My suggestion is you still need a grenade to split the log first if large.
    But it is really quite good fun when you get it going 🙂

  40. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I have some giant logs that I tried to chop with a maul to no avail this chews them up for breakfast.