GOMO Balance Bike – Toddler Training Bike for 18 Months, 2
GOMO Balance Bike – Toddler Training Bike for 18 Months, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Year Old Kids – Ultra Cool Colors Push Bikes for Toddlers/No Pedal Scooter Bicycle with Footrest (Blue/Black)
Looks Just Like a Big Kids Bike!
Aside from simply owning a bike, the real truth is kids just want to be cool like their big brother, sister, cousin, or even the kids down the street. So we made the GOMO to be most “real-looking” bike they’ve ever seen!
Forget boring single colors, the GOMO comes in many fun, two-tone designs: Pink & Teal, Black & Green, Blue & Black, Red & Grey, and more. And check it out – they even get cool “big kids” graphics too!
Choose their favorite color and watch them ride around confident and proud.
Weight: | 3.22 Kilograms |
Dimensions: | 78.23 x 30.99 x 17.53 cm; 3.18 Kilograms |
Brand: | GOMO |
Model: | CAF0755 |
Colour: | Blue / Black |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Nextsport |
Age: | Toddler |
Dimensions: | 78.23 x 30.99 x 17.53 cm; 3.18 Kilograms |
We ordered this bike for my 3 year olds birthday. Both my kids 3 and 5 love the bike. Perfect size. Very sturdy.
Super simple to assemble.
My 5 year old was hesitant about trying it for less than a minute.
The first night she was a little shy of it but still tried. By the second night she can ride approximately 40 feet without using her feet.
Her confidence is growing and I am a happy dad! I highly recommend this product!
Arrived VERY quickly. Great bike considering its cost.
My 3 year old loves it, I can’t wait for spring to arrive so he can ride it outside of the house! He will be doing laps around the sofa in the living room until the snow melts 🙂
This bike sits low enough that a 2-year-old can straddle it flat footed. Seems sturdy and is easy to adjust. Back wheel was a little out of true, but no matter. It’s not a high end racing bike.
This is perfect if you’re looking for best bang for your buck. The bike is more cheaply made then I was expecting and the tires are not rubber. However my five year old loves it and it gets the job done!! Would buy again!!
ous avons command ce velo pour notre petite fille de 20 mois, un peu tard pour cette saison, mais elle l’adore et sera prete pour le printemps. velo semble solide, ajustement facile, tres attrayant aux yeux des enfants, semble solide . satisfaite de mon acha
Il est parfais tout est super facile a ensembler en moin de cinq minutes .
Me semble solide et les couleur sont belle livr une journe plus tt que prvue!!
Mon fils a trois et il est trs heureux!
My daughter 5 yrs old was so excited and learned to ride a bike in just 3 days! Definitely worth it!!!… We love the bright cute colors of the GOMO bike, we are definitely keep it for my younger that is 14 months. 🙂
This Balance bike is the perfect way to transition from baby bikes that require no balance on the way to 2 wheeled peddle bike. A great way to teach your toddler.
My 3 year old loves it! She already knows how to pedal her trike. My husband and I thought a balance bike would help her gain more experience when she gets a big girl bike with pedals. My husband put it together, he says it wasn’t hard to do. I have heard so many good things about these types of bikes and my 3 year old loves it!
This is a great bike for the cost. However, the tires are a hard plastic not real.bike tires. We had a hard time getting the seat and the handle bars to lock in if it seeds to a little lower. We were able to finally tightening it down.
Light weight and easy to throw in the trunk. Handle bars often loosen and need to be readjusted. A little short even on the highest seat setting but my 4 year old loves it and prefers it to her training wheels.
The bike came in 2 days before my daughters 4th birthday party. I ordered the cute pink one and we hid the box in our shop until we could assemble it the morning of her party.
She wasn’t the only one surprised. The bike was neon green instead of pink. It did work out ok and she still rides the bike but asks for a pink one daily.
This bike is lightweight and perfect for the 2 year old I purchased this for. She will be able to handle it well and I’m sure love it as much as my son loved his. Upon opening and putting together we found a clamp to be missing. I contacted the seller by email and received a response within the hour on a Saturday. By Monday they confirmed no need to take it apart to send it back but had my address to directly ship to me the missing clamp. A few days later it was here and I could not say more about their customer service. Sometimes things happen and they handled it quickly and kindly. Very happy with this purchase and this seller!
Daughter learned to ride the bike right away using her feet to push. Within a couple of weeks she was balancing. The bike feels solid and has withstood being dropped on the driveway numerous times. It would have been nice to have a kickstand to stand the bike up, though I guess the kickstand may get in the way of pushing with feet. Hand brakes also would have been a nice feature as daughter drags her shoes to slow down, but hand brakes would bring the price up on this bike. As our daughter will outgrow this bike in a year, we didn’t want to spend a lot on it. Overall the GOMO is a great value.
The handlebars twist when my granddaughter falls so we have to straighten them and sometimes the seat. You can”t tighten them anymore because of the plastic parts they used will break. She did learn to balance a bike with in a couple days with the bike which was great. The age group they tlk about is a little off. Our granddaughter is 4 and the bike is to small for her. The only reason we are keeping it is it helped her and we have another grandchild who is less then a year old so she can use it.
We’ve had this for 18 months now. It’s held up really well and is well built. Easy to assemble. The quick release adjustment on the handle bars did break when my husband assembled it but that could easily have been his doing too, not necessarily the failure of the part. Handle bars still stay where they’re adjusted even without this. I wish it had brakes as now my daughter is really getting good on it but has to do the Flinstone stop where she drags her feet. Overall a good buy though.
My 4 year old daughter really enjoys her balance bike. She can balance great on it going down hills and I recommend getting this before transitioning to a bike with training wheels. Super easy assembly and nice looking bike.
My daughter loves this. It’s easy to adjust and nice quality for the price. I couldn’t wrap my head around paying a ton of money for a bike she would quickly grow out of so this is a nice option! She’s getting the hang of it rather quickly
Not my favorite balance bike. I couldn’t get the handlebars connected right and had to take it to a bike shop for some help! Now it’s all put together. It’s super cute and looks sturdy. I don’t like the foot rests because they stick out too far and get in the way of my daughter’s stride. The customer support with the seller was wonderful. They were very attentive and willing to help.
This bike is just right for our little girl. At a 1/3
Of the cost of the more expensive bikes, what a deal! If you’ve looked at getting a bike that your kids will outgrow in a year or 2 anyway, why pay $200. This bike is well worth the savings and highly recommended
First, this bike is so easy to assemble, not tools need it, my daughter that is 5 years old and taller for her age, was so afraid to learn the bike without the train wheels after we try this and couples of videos, she loves it, she practices every day even inside of our hose, her skill improved tremendously for one day to other, she says, she will never change this bike.
This bike was perfect for my 2 and a half year old daughter! We wanted to get her something that she wouldn’t get bored with as quickly as most of her other toys, and something that she would be able to use for a few years to come. So far this little bike seems to be just the right buy to achieve both!