Greenworks GD24X2TXK4X Cordless Strimmer for Small to Medium
Greenworks GD24X2TXK4X Cordless Strimmer for Small to Medium Gardens, 40cm Cutting Width, Bump Feed, 2mm Dual Nylon Line, Two of 24V 4Ah Batteries & Twin Charger, 3 Year Guarantee
From the brand
See all Greenworks Tools
Dimensions: | 24 x 2 x 12.7 cm; 6.15 Kilograms |
Model: | 01-0002108107UD |
Part: | 2108107UD |
Batteries Included: | 2 Lithium Ion batteries required. (included) |
Manufacture: | Greenworks |
Dimensions: | 24 x 2 x 12.7 cm; 6.15 Kilograms |
sto usando questo prodotto da qualche mese e sono soddisfatto, buona durata delle batteria, buona potenza del motore e buono anche il peso. osservazione positive anche da chi l’ho prestato.
Ottimo attrezzo per la manutenzione del proprio giardino; fa tutto bene quello che deve fare (taglio efficace sia con filo nylon che con lama d’acciaio, durata della batteria buona con velocit 1, sufficiente con velocit 2, buon tempo di ricarica delle batterie 2-2.30 h, facile, dopo un p di esperienza, l’interscambio degli accessori, rumorosit lieve, comoda modalit di allungamento del filo). Unico difetto per ora: il prezzo elevato dell’acquisto!
Tutto sommato soddisfacente, discreta autonomia sufficiente per piccole manutenzioni periodiche giardino orto prato. Unica pecca, l’allungamento dell’asta +- di circa 10 cm. non per me sufficiente, la mia statura di 1,90 cm, di conseguenza per tenere la parte di taglio, soprattutto la lama rigida, parallela al terreno sono costretto a flettere le ginocchia oppure piegarmi, il ch, oltre al mal di schiena, non sarebbe il modo ottimale per usare in sicurezza l’attrezzo!!! Non so se sia possibile avere un’asta pi lunga almeno di altri 10 cm oppure se sia modificabile?
This large-sized grass trimmer is a bit of a beast. It’s big, heavy, and has a cutting width that’s close to/bigger than the capabilities of some lawnmowers. I’m surprised by the characterisation of this as for small to medium gardens: with the twin 24v batteries and wide cutting path this really seems like overkill for a small garden. I ordered this to use in a half acre plot.
This comes in need of a small amount of assembly – easy enough to do, though the diagrammatic instructions could be a bit clearer and are not particularly well-structured (one step in the QuickStart guide has batteries being installed before the two main parts of the machine have been connected up or the handle added).
The strimmer comes with a trimmer line head preinstalled, though an included 10″ metal blade can be used instead. The height of the hand hold is adjustable over about 5″ on the stem of the tool.
The battery charger comes with both 2 pin and 3 pin plug power cables. The 2x 4.0Ah batteries arrived without any pre-charge, so you can’t expect to run this straight away. This is a 48v tool only and has to be used with both batteries installed. The battery charger is quite noisy when it’s in use – there is an inbuilt fan which makes a bit of a whining noise that’s not exactly pleasant. This noise stops once the batteries are fully charged.
The quality of the plastic components to this, especially the side hold section to the handle, doesn’t feel as good as that on other strimmers we own (even little, significantly less powerful, models made by Ryobi, Murray, and Sprint), but nonetheless on the whole this feels pretty sturdy, and the heavy duty trimmer head makes those from our other models look like toys.
I was quite pleased to receive this to try. A few years ago we bought the Ryobi One+ 18v brush cutter to replace a petrol McCulloch. My Dad (who does most of the strimming in our garden) finds/found the handlebar setup on both of these machines a bit awkward and would have liked a similar product but with a regular handle – there was no such beast. This Greenworks version ticks the boxes on that front.
With the batteries installed (and with only an accompanying shoulder strap rather than a full chest harness) this seems heavier to work with than the Ryobi, however the wider cutting path reduces run time significantly.
I’ve been waiting for treatment of a medical problem for more than two years, and for me this is both too heavy and too long to manage easily – but Dad (who’s in his 70s) has no problem with it at all.
The price point for this does seem quite hefty, but it’s for a complete kit with two high capacity batteries, whereas when we bought our Ryobi it was a bare bones machine (we already had batteries and a charger), so on the whole the price point seems fair. Particularly if you’re contemplating other tools from the Greenworks range that don’t come with batteries included.
Does seem to get through line a bit faster than we would like to see, when replacement filled heads are 18.
Machine lgre (par rapport a une thermique), fabrication srieuse on sent la qualit de la marque. Je peux travailler avec, une bonne heure et demi sur la petite vitesse et a coupe trs bien!!! en vitesse 2 c’est pratiquement pareil qu’une thermique le bruit en moins!! Ce recharge en 2h30 environ. Trs bonne machine!
Dopo aver utilizzato attrezzi a motore ed elettrici, il passaggio ad uno a batteria stato di grande soddisfazione. Leggero quanto basta, completo con lama e filo, batterie a lunga durata ed utilizzabili anche sugli altri altrezzi greenworks che cosi possono essere acquistati privi di vatteria e con un ottimo rapporto qualit prezzo.
Per adesso mi ha soddisfatto anche con l’erba alta con il disco sono riuscito a tagliare anche rovi spessi certo non si pu chiedere una autonomia mostruosa ma tanto comprando una macchina a batteria si sa gi in partenza che non il suo pregio per chi non ha fretta di finire il lavoro ottima
This is much lighter than my old one, I am quite sturdy and find I can use this without the harness. The charge lasts long enough for a long session. It does a lot of strimming in the 25 minutes the charge lasted for. I have an acre garden and did all the trimming in two 25 minute sessions. Strim line easily cut through nettles, young brambles and tall day grass.
La compr para cortar maleza en una finca de 600m, la puse el disco y ha cortado de todo, tiene una potencia como una de gasolina, no pesa apenas, no hace ruido, las bateras duran una hora, mientas recoges se cargan, estoy encantado con la compra.
Achet pour ma femme, en complment d’une Stihl FS85 thermique. Finalement je m’en sert aussi tellement j’arrive faire quasi le mme boulot qu’avec ma thermique. J’y passe un peu plus de temp pour les herbes hautes… mais sans besoin de mettre un casque antibruit.
Compter 1 heure de travail pour des herbes sauvages et hautes de 30 60 cm de haut. En condition plus classique, 1 heure 30, voir un peu plus. Les batteries rechargent en moins de 2 heures.
Sommes trs satisfaits de notre achat.
Ich finde es ist ein tolles Gert um ein verwildertes Grundstck anzugehen. Ich habe diese schwarze Metallsscheibe zum mhen verwendet. Kleinere Strucher und fingerdicke Bume waren kein Problem. (Da ich es aus einer Retouren-Sendung gekauft habe war es etwas gnstiger.)
Usually use petrol strimmer. Found it easy to assemble. Charging easy. Have only used it in strimmer mode and it compares to petrol strimmer. Strimmer line good quality. Battery life about 40 minutes with long grass. Weight balanced. Would recommend this strimmer.
Powerful strimmer and brush cutter, better than expected, batteries take exactly 90 mins to charge and the strimmer lasts a good 45 mins under constant use around the garden.
Sicher verpackt kam der Rasentrimmer in einem lnglichen Karton bei uns an. Die Montage des Trimmers ist wunderbar einfach und selbsterklrend. Zum Lieferumfang gehren unter anderem eine leicht verstndliche Bedienungsanleitung, Werkzeug fr die Montage und zwei Akkus. Wir steckten die Teile zusammen und schraubten sie fest. Beide Akkus waren vollstndig geladen und so konnten wir sofort loslegen.
Das neue Gartengert wirkt hochwertig und robust, im Vergleich zum kleinen Rasentrimmer ist es der Knig. Im Vergleich zur Motorsense ist der Greenworks angenehm leicht und dennoch wirkungsvoll. Erfreut waren wir von der Power, die der Trimmer mitbringt. Mhelos knnen wir damit die Halme und Unkraut an schwer erreichbaren Stellen krzen. Fr kleinere Bsche und Stcke wechseln wir den Faden gegen das beiliegende Sensenblatt.
berzeugt hat uns der Betrieb per Akku bei hervorragender Leistung. Somit brauchen wir bei der Gartenarbeit kein strendes Kabel mitfhren und es ist kein Kraftstoff notwendig. Eine Ladung der beiden Akkus reicht fr etwa 30 Minuten Gartenarbeit, wobei sich beide Akkus im Gert befinden mssen. Die Akku-Anzeige zeigt anhand von drei Balken, wie viel Saft noch brig ist. Durch die Luftkhlung werden die Akkus geschont.
Der Rasentrimmer arbeitet erstaunlich leise und strt geruschempfindliche Nachbarn kaum. Das Gert hat in etwa Lautstrke eines Akku-Staubsaugers. Etwas gewhnen mussten wir uns an den einschultrigen Gurt. Fr Gartenarbeiten wre ein Geschirr rckenfreundlicher und wrde sich noch leichter fhren und tragen lassen. Durch das Gewicht von ca. 5,5 kg und die praktischen Handgriffe ist das jedoch verkraftbar.
Beim Trimmer lsst sich der Faden leicht anbringen und genauso einfach nachfllen. Ist der Faden whrend der Nutzung aufgebraucht, wird er durch kurzes Antippen im laufenden Betrieb nachgeschoben.
Das neue Gartengert von Greenworks finden wir groartig, es ist eine Bereicherung fr die Gartenarbeit.
Despus de probar esta recortadora solo puedo decir que es una autntica maravilla, tanto por potencia, como por peso y autonoma.
Vengo de utilizar la tpica de gasolina, siendo un engorro siempre con la garrafita de gasolina, las mezclas, que si ahora no arranca, que si vaciar el depsito cuando terminas, la buja. Etc En esta mquina, pones las bateras y a trabajar, no falla nada y todo est listo.
El tema peso, tambin es fundamental, ya que es muy cmodo trabajar con apenas 4 kg, y esto se nota cuando llevas muchos minutos.
La vibracin es casi inapreciable, ni por asomo a una de gasolina. Este punto junto al del peso son fundamentales para trabajar confortablemente.
El sonido es mnimo, as como en el de gasolina si no me pona cascos protectores, tenia riesgo de producir problemas en el odo.
Las bateras tienen la ventaja que son compatibles con muchas de las herramientas de la misma marca, por lo que podemos compara las mquinas sin las bateras para ahorrar dinero. Tienen un botn de testigo de la batera restante.
Viene un cargador doble, lo que hace que la carga de dos bateras sea bastante rpida. La duracin de las bateras esta en torno a los 40-45 min. adems como la utilizo intermitentemente, me dura practicante una maana
Para realizar la tarea, tenemos dos opciones, o bien ponemos el cabezal de hilo (que viene ya puesto) o poner el disco metlico (es recomendable para hierbas de gran tamao de tronco). El hilo no es el normal redondo, sino que hace estras, lo que hace que tenga ms poder de corte.
Tiene un sistema el cabezal de hilo, que al darle un toque contra el suelo, automticamente libera hilo. Esto viene genial para cuando se va degradando el hilo, no tener que parar de trabajar y sacar el hilo manualmente. El dimetro de corte son 40cm, suficientes para hacer los bordes y esquinas que no llega el cortacsped.
El mango tiene un recubrimiento de goma que lo hace muy agradable y a la vez seguro. El gatillo es de seguridad, y para poner en marcha la recortadora debemos hacer una combinacin de palancas para que funcione. Me parece genial esta idea, ya que en casa tenemos nios y as estamos mas seguros.
En el lado izquierdo del mango, tenemos un selector para elegir entre la velocidad 1 y 2 (como si fuera un taladro vamos).
El punto de anclaje al “arns” esta bastante equilibrado, y esto hace que se reparta bien el peso entre la zona del motor y bateras y la de las cuchillas.
Motor eficiente sin escobillas, esto alarga su vida til y reduce el consumo de las bateras.
Totalmente recomendada.
Der GREENWORKS Akku-Rasentrimmer GD24X2TX mit Li-Ionen-Akkus von 2 mal 24V und einer Schnittbreite von 40cm, mit verstellbarem Zusatzgriff, geteiltem Schaft und einem Doppelsteckplatz-Ladegert:
Das Gert kommt zerlegt im Karton, ist aber relativ leicht zusammenzubauen, allerdings muss ich mir selbst bei der Montage des Handgriffs mit einer Schraube behelfen, da sonst der Griff nicht optimal sitzt.
Und das Fadenmesser ist zum Schutz mit einem Klebeband gesichert, dessen Entfernung einige Geduld erfordert, auerdem lsst die Montageanleitung sehr zu wnschen brig!
Das Gert ist mit einer kompakten Doppelfadenspule ausgestattet, und der Lieferumfang beinhlt auch noch ein vierschneidiges Messer fr grberes Gestrpp, dem der kraftvolle Trimmer ebenfalls Herr wird! – Dieser Rasentrimmer berzeugt mit seiner Schnittbreite von 40 cm sowie einem Fadendurchmesser von 2mm und ist somit fr kleine bis mittelgroe Grten perfekt geeignet.
Dann lade ich die beiden wirklich kraftvollen Akkus im luftgekhlten Doppel-Ladegert auf, und das geht sehr flott. Schlielich wird noch der Tragegurt eingehngt und angepasst, und schon kann’s losgehen:
Und da kommt wahrlich Freude auf, denn dieses Kraftpacket tanzt frmlich ber die Rasenflche! Und obwohl das Gert ob seiner soliden Bauweise nicht ganz leicht ist, so fhlt es sich dennoch spielerisch, geschmeidig und angenehm an. Es liegt gut und ergonomisch in der Hand und spielt sich so richtig mit den Grashalmen, auch mit hheren und dickeren, die Bedienung ist ein richtiges Vergngen, ganz besonders auch, wenn man das Trimmen mit anderen Gerten kennt! Und das Ergebnis lsst sich sehen, es ist sauber und bodennah. – Auerdem ist das Gert aufgrund seiner Bauweise verhltnismig leicht zu reinigen und gut zu warten!
Auf eines mchte ich aber besonders hinweisen: Durch die Doppelfaden-Spule, die Drehzahl sowie die Kraft des Gertes werden vereinzelt Stngelteile u. dgl. mit einiger Wucht weggeschleudert. Daher ist ein Gesichtsschutz in Form eines Visiers sehr empfehlenswert, unbedingt empfehle ich jedenfalls einen Augenschutz!
Dieser Akkutrimmer ist seinen nicht ganz geringen Preis absolut wert und er steht nach meinem Dafrhalten einer benzinbetriebenen Motorsense in nichts nach, ist darber hinaus aber viel leiser, sauberer sowie bedienfreundlicher: wirklich ein ausgezeichnetes Gert, das ich nur wrmstens empfehlen kann!
I asked my husband to do this review:
This Greenworks 48V Lithium Cordless Strimmer is a great addition to our gardening tools.
It is a heavy duty strimmer (compared with our old cheap one from B & Q) and has proved very effective in tackling long grass in our wild areas. It comes with a metal cutting plate which, fortunately, we have not had to use yet. However it looks like a really serious piece of cutting equipment.
Where it suffers a little is in adaptability. I find it a bit on the heavy side for edging lawns or strimming brick patio weeds, although a younger person would have no problem with this.
It operates on two 24v batteries that have me about fortyminutes of work time. They are very easily fitted and take about an hour to recharge.
Altogether a very useful tool for a large garden like ours.
Der Rasentrimmer von Greenworks kommt gut verpackt in einen aufklappbaren Pappkarton an.
Enthalten ist:
-Gleich ein Pluspunkt zu Beginn smtliches Werkzeug was zur Montage bentigt wird ist schon dabei (Kombiwerkzeug: Ringschlssel/Schraubenzieher, Demontagestift)
-die Schnellladestation mit zwei Steckpltzen( mit EU- und Englischen Stromstecker) Leistung Output 25V DC 4A
-zwei Akkus mit der Kapazitt 21.6V 4Ah 86.4Wh 24V max
Man braucht immer zwei Akkus fr den Betrieb
-Der Rasentrimmer, der noch fertig montiert werden muss.
Die Fadenspule ist bereits montiert
-vierzahn Metallsense mit Schraube und passcheibe (25cm Durchmesser)
-Montage, Sicherheitshinweise und Gebrauchsanleitungen in diversen Sprachen, auch in deutsch.
Ein paar Infos noch:
Das Gert ist ungefhr 175cm lang
-Schnell demontierbar, das lngste Teil ist 90cm lang
Wiegt mit Akkus 5,6kg (leichter als vergleichbare Gerte)
Nutzungsdauer ist bei mir meistens so 30 Minuten und dies ohne Leistungsverlust auch im hohen Gras
(Maximale Laufzeit ist mit 40 Minuten angegeben)
Schnittbreite Faden: 36,6cm/40,6cm
(Je nachdem wie man das Begrenzermesser einstellt)
Die Montage ist wirklich sehr leicht und kann anhand der bebilderten Anleitung auch von Laien zusammengebaut werden.
Wenn man den Trimmer mit der vormontierten Fadenspule verwenden will, wrde ich sagen man ist in 15 Minuten einsatzbereit, natrlich wenn die Akkus vorher schon geladen wurden.
Der Trimmer kann in zwei teile geteilt werden.
Das lngste Teil ist 90cm lang und kann damit problemlos im Auto mitgenommen werden.
Insgesamt ist der Trimmer ungefhr 175cm lang.
Einfach Druckknopf eindrcken und zusammenstecken und die Schraube mit dem Plastikflgel festschrauben.
Ansonsten ist die Verbindung aus stabilen Metall.
Ansonsten nur noch das Schutzblech mit dem Fadenlngenbegrenzer (Messer) anbringen.
Haltegriff und Schultergurt anbringen und schon ist man fertig.
Umbau, Fadenspule/Sense:
Man kann die Fadenspule leicht wechseln einfach den Demontage Stift oben einstecken und die Spule kann abgedreht werden.
Achtung: es ist ein Linksgewinde
Dann kann man auch die Mettallsense einsetzen.
Das besondere: Man muss nichts am Schutzblech abbauen und kann direkt nach der Montage loslegen
Akku und Ladegert
Die Akkus haben die Leistung 24V max und 4Ah
Beides wirkt auf den ersten Blick etwas billig mit den glatten Hartplastik. Da sind andere Hersteller schon etwas weiter, da sind die Akkus oft mit Gummi als Schutz gegen Strze ummantelt.
Es ist aber alles funktionell und die Akkus knnen per Knopfdruck den Ladezustand des Akkus anzeigen (3 LED Anzeige).
Was ich nicht so gut finde:
Das Ladegert hat einen Lfter, der zwar nicht extrem laut ist, man hrt aber ein leichtes Summen im ganzen Haus.
Das ist bisher der erste Doppeladler den ich habe der Lftergerusche macht. (berhitzungsschutz)
Aber dies ist wirklich schon meckern auf hohen Niveau.
Wichtig fr die Nutzung:
Die Akkus mssen beide gleich voll geladen sein, ist einer leerer geht der Trimmer dann aus wenn ein Akku leer ist.
Die Akkus knnen in 24 anderen Gerten der Firma Greenworks verwendet werden.
Meine Erfahrung:
Schutzhandschuhe, Schutzbrille festes Schuhwerk und passende Kleidung an und ab gehts:
Sperrtaste bettigen und Startertaste drcken und schon ist der Trimmer schnell auf vollen Touren (5600 U/min)
Der Trimmer hat egal, ob mit Faden oder Sense wenig Vibrationen, eine echte Wohltat fr die Arme.
Die 5,6 kg Liegen auch gut in der Hand und knnen mithilfe des Schultergurts leicht bedient und der Trimmer kann przise genutzt werden.
Ich hatte auch keine Leistungseinbrche beim Gebrauch egal ob beim Kantentrimmen oder im freien Feld.
Der vorinstallierte Faden ist 2mm dick und hat eine gute Qualitt. Der Faden schneidet zuverlssig und reit nicht schnell ab. Der
Faden kann einfach mit einen Schlag/drcken in der Mitte ein Stck herausgezogen werden.
Die Lautstrke des Gerts ist auch absolut in Ordnung.
Ich kann diese Gert wirklich bedenkenlos empfehlen, die Leistung reicht locker um die Kanten ums Haus zu krzen.
Die geringe Vibration und das leichte Gewicht (fr ein Akku gert) geht auch nicht in die Arme und das arbeiten geht leicht von der Hand.
Trotz der Verbesserungswrdigen Akkus/Ladegert gebe ich volle 5 Sterne, es ist einfach ein gutes Gert.
Diese Bewertung ist meine freie Meinung. Wenn ein Produkt schlecht ist, bewerte ich es auch so. Egal ob selbst gekauft oder zum testen zur Verfgung gestellt.
Recortadora de hilo GD24X2TX con batera Li-Ion 24V, dos bateras de 4Ah y cargador doble. Marca Greenworks Tools.
La ventaja de las herramientas de esta marca es que utilizan una batera de 24V que se puede utilizar en mltiples mquinas de la misma marca y as no necesitaremos montones de cargadores y bateras diferentes. Podemos comprar bateras sueltas y mquinas que vengan sin batera, segn necesitemos.
Caractersticas tcnicas:
* Ancho de corte: 40 cm.
* Motor sin escobillas de 5.600 rpm.
* Dimetro del hilo: 2mm.
* Empuadura adicional ajustable.
* Varilla de 2 piezas.
* Potencia de la batera: 2 x 24 V.
* Peso: 4 kg.
Dentro del paquete nos encontramos con la recortadora desarmada en dos partes, una proteccin para la zona de corte, una empuadura ajustable, un disco de corte (la mquina viene con el cabezal de hilo instalado), dos bateras de 4 ah 24V, un cargador de bateras doble y manuales de montaje e instrucciones en espaol.
Esta es una mquina potente y nos ser de gran utilidad para rematar esos lugares donde el cortacesped no es capaz de llegar, como por ejemplo bordes de pared, rboles, lugares de mal acceso, etc. Es adecuado para csped de tamao pequeo y mediano.
El cabezal de corte es de nailon de doble hilo y nos ofrece un ancho de corte de 40 cm. El hilo va enrollado en el cabezal y sale automticamente al golpear este contra el suelo, es el sistema habitual en este tipo de recortadoras.
Debe funcionar con las dos bateras cargadas, no se debe utilizar con una cargada completamente y otra a medias, la mquina se parar cuando se agote la batera con menos carga. Gracias a su cargador doble no hay problema ya que se cargan las dos a la vez.
Se incluye un disco de corte que utilizaremos en lugares donde la maleza sea ms abundante y difcil de cortar. Tambin hay accesorios opcionales que podemos comprar para diversas tareas como poda, recorte de setos, etc.
Ya he tenido la oportunidad anteriormente de probar otras herramientas de esta marca y la verdad es que me gustan, tienen una muy buena calidad de fabricacin y son mquinas muy duras y resistentes con precios muy competitivos. Esta recortadora es una mquina muy potente y cmoda para trabajar, es una gran opcin frente a las recortadoras de gasolina, ms ruidosas y contaminantes.
This 48v trimmer is a great bit of kit. It’s easy to put together and there’s a strap to go around your body to take the weight off. It’s not that heavy to be honest and it’s very well built. It comes with a steel cutting blade and the usual nylon cutting reel. It effortlessly cuts through long grass and thick weeds with the nylon cutter and for bigger stuff like bracken etc the steel cutter gets the job done no problem. The battery’s last for ages and there’s a power level gauge on each so you know how much power there is.
I have a few green works tools and I’m always impressed with the build quality of them. I can definitely recommend this trimmer if your in the market for a solid battery driven garden trimmer.
Having reviewed quite a few, new range Greenworks tools. my first impression of this strimmer is good, very good in fact. Quite a few have covered assembly already (below average instructions but overall pretty easy) so mine will focus on performance and the all-important value for money. Performance wise, the GD24X2TX impressed all round. Build quality is good and whilst it’s not the lightest on the market, with the batteries in situ it is well balanced, easy to handle & easy to use. For domestic use, the 40cm cutting width is more than sufficient for small to medium sized lawns and the brush cutter is extremely robust and capable of destroying even the most hardy weeds. What impressed me most however was the battery performance and power which is not far of my old petrol model & easily as effective in getting the job done. We have a large garden 1/4 acre and I was pleasantly surprised that in over 45mins use to trim the entire edging, the batteries held put superbly with no loss of power whatsoever & whilst the attached video may sound loud, trust me when I say it is about half that of my petrol model with the added benefit of zero fumes, zero odour. Going forward, I’ll be using the Greenworks as having satisfied myself that the power matches that of my petrol model, the advantages of cordless makes carrying on with a machine that requires ear muffs to use comfortably seem pretty pointless! To summarise performance then the GD24X2TX offers –
* Durable and efficient brushless motor
* Innovative double battery system — All the benefits of 24V, all the power of 48V
* Petrol performance
* No emissions
* Quiet and low vibration operation
* No fuel or cables to worry about.
* Lower running & maintenance costs than petrol equivalents
* Interchangeable battery system — 1 battery, multiple applications
The last point (interchangeable battery) leads me nicely on to value. This is where I really struggle to give good advice as try as I might, I cannot source a price for this strimmer without the double battery pack! With this in mind, if you have no other Greenwork tools and like the range (all I have tested thus far have performed well above average), then this is definitely a good investment. The double battery gives you all the benefits of a 24v machine but with 48v power (which makes one heck of a difference) and the entire range works with the same batteries as do most of their power tools. I have seen other Greenworks equipment advertised without batteries (I particularly like their leaf blower & vac) and they all seem very competitively priced. End of the day if you only plan to purchase one or two items then the cost here doesn’t warrant investment, but if you like the brand and plan to invest in 3 or more, then the Greenworks range is most certainly worthy of consideration. I’ve docked one star for this reason and if I could, I’d dock another half star for the mind boggling range of model variations offered by Greenworks (nothing beats simplicity). But for that petrol power, dual head and more than impressive endurance, this is an easy 4 star strimmer and recommended.
I was expecting this just to work out the box but there were quite a few instructions to work through. In retrospect it was fairly simple, the “brushcutter” mystified me for quite a while until I realised it was optional and not needed for my basic use.
Once I figured everything out I found the strimmer quite easy to use and not too heavy that I couldn’t control it easily. I’m short for a man and it could easily be adjusted for my size. Not having a power cable makes it really easy to take it to the furthest reaches of the garden and the battery lights give you a guide to how much charge it has left. Turning it on, once you get the hang of it, is easy, and the safety is well designed so you couldn’t possibly turn it on accidentally.
The power of the tool is quite impressive and it’s surprising how powerful it is given the threads are just thin wires. You soon get a feel for how close you can cut to and what to avoid.
It’s quite a bulky item to store but you can dismantle it into two halves, charger and batteries. It needs to be stored somewhere dry.
I was given an old Flymo strimmer with a little roller on it to allow me to edge the lawn. It was alright, but if I gave it any real work to do it seemed to go through the strim cord like crazy, and for the light work it could manage, it didn’t take long for me to realise that using a pair of long-handled shears was quicker and neater than using that Flymo.
This Greenworks cordless string trimmer is a much more purposeful tool, and I won’t be giving it away to anyone. This is the sort of strimmer that can handle some pretty big jobs, while the batteries hold out.
Charging the two beefy batteries is via the charger provided, supplied with both 2 & 3 pin mains power cords. The charger is fairly noisy in use as it has a cooling fan built in, noisier than you might expect. While the batteries are charging, a green LED flashes, staying steadily lit when charging is complete.
Initial assembly is not difficult, with just the string guard and handle needing attaching, and the only tool needed is a cross-head screwdriver which is included in the set. The position of the handle can be set to suit the operator.
The strimmer seems well-made from good-quality materials. It doesn’t feel over-engineered, but everything seems as it should be. The drive is via a shaft through the centre of the strimmer. (I’ve photographed the square connector for the drive shaft.
Once assembly is complete, the two halves of the strimmer fit together and lock in place via a sprung pin and a locking nut with a handle to facilitate tightening, and you have about six feet of strimmer to work with. Both batteries must be used and when they are clicked into place, you have quite a heavy tool, so the shoulder strap is a useful inclusion, and makes operating the strimmer much easier.
Talking of operating, there’s a double action switch, with one of the switches having a sprung pivot which needs to be moved out of the way so the switch can be depressed (see pic). It looks (and perhaps sounds) like a bit of a faff to start the strimmer up, but it really isn’t. Despite dire warnings of the strimmer being noisy, I found it impressively quiet in use. Using the strimmer is easy and accurate, with the shoulder strap taking the weight of the strimmer and leaving your hands free to accurately guide the cutting action.
The radius of the cutting action is limited by a cutting blade which trims the cutting cord on the underside of the strimmer. This limiting blade is reversible (held in place by two cross-head screws), giving you an extra inch of cutting radius if required. (See pics)
There’s a switch offering two speeds of operation, but I noticed no difference in speed in either switch position, and the note of the spinning cord remained the same in position 1 and 2. I don’t know why that is, maybe it’s a perception thing and I’m just really bad at telling the difference in speed.
There’s a 10″ blade included in the set, and swapping out the string hub for the blade is simple enough, but there really needs to be a store for the various tools and bits needed to swap between the blade and the string. (As it is, I’m using an Amazon E1 size box and it’s holding the instructions, charger and batteries, tools, bits and blade nicely. I’ve tied the nut, dome and washer for the blade together with a tie-wrap in the correct orientation, so they don’t get lost and the blade is quick and easy to fit when I want to use it.)
When you’ve finished using the strimmer, it’s quick and easy to disassemble into two halves for convenient storage. I’m quite charmed by this, as my old Flymo strimmer is both big and awkward to store.
This strimmer costs over 300 at the time of writing, and that seems a bit expensive for what you get. If I had a 300 for a strimmer, I’d start by researching the best petrol strimmers and then looking at what cordless strimmers offer that petrol strimmers don’t. So I did.
Reliability is one thing cordless strimmers offer, and quiet operation is another, as are low emissions. (I’m not mad on the smell of an engine running following me around while I’m doing the garden.)
This strimmer charges fairly quickly, gives a good 40 minutes operating time, and I know it’s going to work when I want to use it (after charging), which is more than you can say for a lot of petrol strimmers. It’s also pretty quiet in use (for a strimmer), which is another big plus for me.
So yeah it’s a lot of money, but if you want a relatively quiet but powerful cordless strimmer for the annual “clear the jungle out in the back garden”, I can’t actually point to an obviously better alternative.
This is a great trimmer + bush cutter and is very handy because it’s cordless so you can go anywhere. You get a 2 battery charger + 2 24V batteries that work on the whole green works range. A lot lighter that I was expecting to be honest and very tactile. I think the price of just over 300 is a little on the high side so maybe shop around before buying the quality will be the same where every you buy it from and the quality is as good as my black & decker and flymo the brands I normally buy but seeing these green works now I will recommend them too. One thing to note the image is a bit misleading because you just get the blade that fits on the end instead of the wire NOT a whole arm with the blade on.
This is a well built and quite powerful yet reasonably quiet strimmer. It was quite easy to assemble out of the box although as usual the picture on the box was more useful than the instructions. The batteries (2) are easy to fit and remove and there is a helpful indicator of charge level when you press the button(s). I was congratulating myself and ready to charge it for a spin only to notice another full page of instructions overleaf and worse still more contents of the box unused. The picture was no help this time and the items didn’t seem to feature on the list of contents. Further reading mentioned a ‘brushcutter’ and I can only assume this is what the extra disc and fittings are. Internet research tells me that this is for even heavier work. Thankfully I don’t need it as the instructions for fitting this look pretty complicated, as indeed they do for changing the line. I expect they are managable but I couldn’t find any help online (no U-tube video for this model). When I did trial it on some rough grass it made short work of it and I only needed to use the first speed setting. I can’t comment on how long the charge lasts as didn’t have a lot to do. It is well balanced and handles well although quite heavy after a while.
I’ve taken a star off as there doesn’t seem to be the edging function which other models have, i.e. the head does not rotate (or if it does I can’t get it to and certainly no indication that it does in instructions.) This is quite a limitation as that was the primary use for my old one-other models in the same range do have this so bear it in mind if you are looking for a lawn edging tool.
So, I have a robot lawnmower, which is great apart from the fact that it leaves a 10cm strip of lawn un-mowed all around the edge of my lawn. So, I was looking for a battery powered trimmer to ‘mow’ this strip and also to nicely edge the lawn quickly and without messing about with cables and extension leads.
I suspect this items is a little bit overkill for my needs, but here are my honest views.
There was a bit of assembly, but nothing too taxing. Working out how the handle attaches was the only slightly tricky part, but hopefully my photo helps. Basically, the guard needs to go on to stop you getting covered with grass cuttings (4 screws to align and tighten with the included tool), then the handle goes on and after that you just click the 2 halves of the strimmer together. Again, hopefully the photos help — align the spring-loaded ‘nipple’ with the hole and bring the 2 poles together: simple and makes taking it apart for storage/transport easy too!
Charge the 2 batteries with the included charger for an hour or two until the lights turn solid green, slot them into place and away you go.
There are small levers on the top & bottom of the shaft which need to be pressed together against the shaft to start the trimmer, and there’s a safety feature that prevents you from doing this accidentally.
Once it’s spinning at full speed the thread becomes invisible and when you’re using the trimmer it’s as if there’s an incredibly powerful jet of air emanating from the bottom of the trimmer — the best guide as to the cutting width initially, is just to look and see which blades of grass are disappearing! With practice I’m sure I’ll get to know exactly how to position the trimmer to cut exactly the spots that I want to tackle.
I did the whole job in just a few minutes, including the lawn edging.
Really, I suspect this is designed for much more demanding tasks — significant areas of very overgrown lawn that a mower couldn’t handle, or edging large areas, for example. It feels like a very robust and high-end bit of kit, if somewhat long and heavy for fiddly bits of edging on small lawns. It certainly can be done though.
The two batteries together go for an impressive amount of time, and each has a button that you can press to see how much juice they have left, as indicated by 3 LED lights. These batteries can be used with other Greenworks devices such as lawnmowers, hedge trimmers etc, all of which seem to be highly rated on Amazon.
In summary, aside from the bulk and weight, which is a necessary aspect of such a high quality ‘professional’ feeling unit, there’s little not to like. Wandering around your lawn cord-free tackling those stray blades of grass is actually quite fun and liberating.
If you’re in the market for this sort of device, don’t hesitate!
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