LEGO 42131 Technic App-Controlled Cat D11 Bulldozer, Model

LEGO 42131 Technic App-Controlled Cat D11 Bulldozer, Model Building Set for Adults, Remote Control Construction Motor Vehicle

A mighty building challenge
Celebrate a construction icon
Build your own authentic version of the Cat D11 bulldozer with this impressive LEGO Technic set. Assemble all the details, then explore the many mechanical functions and use the CONTROL+ app to operate your bulldozer.

Raise and lower the ladder using the app.
” data-position=”triggerHorizontal” />Authentic ripper movementThe app delivers realistic movement, letting you control the ripper.
” data-position=”triggerHorizontal” />Data at your fingertipsPut your bulldozer through its paces using the controls and dashboards in the app.
” data-position=”triggerHorizontal” />
Dimensions: | 58.2 x 48 x 17 cm; 500 Grams |
Model: | 42131 |
Material: | Plastic |
Colour: | Multicolor |
Pack Quantity: | 3854 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Age: | 18 years and up |
Assembly: | Yes |
Dimensions: | 58.2 x 48 x 17 cm; 500 Grams |
Material: | Plastic |
Quantity: | 3854 |
Ce monstre de technologie est un plaisir monter des heures et des heures de plaisir pour le voir prendre formes petit petit. Rien que lorsque vous recevez la botes qui est enorme vous en avez deja les frissons comme un grand enfant devant son cadeau de Nol
Niveau montage pas de temps mort on ne s’ennuie pas, c’est pas rptitif et tres bien dtaill page par page. Ce genre de Lego me pousse l’addiction, grande Fan depuis toute petite j’ai toujours envie d’en acheter, les Lego moderne aussi bien que les anciens modele sont est resteront toujours indmodables. Si ce modele vous plait n’hsitez pas et faite vous plaiisi
I bought this as a present for my wife for Christmas. It took her quite some time to finish building it, but it brought her great joy making it. It’s a very heavy and robust set. If you look what kind of engineering went into making this package, you can understand the price point.
Ho temuto un poco sull’integrit del pacco ma era solo la scatola un po’ malconcia e scocciata. Per il resto tutto perfetto e un po’ di sconto non fa male.
This is not an easy build, and that is great! It has some really interesting ways to put together its pieces, and the result feels really large. Very much enjoyed.
Brought at a good price from Smyth Toy store (sorry amazon) haven’t previously build the Lego technic Land Rover & the Bugatti chirion this was the next challenge which I thoroughly enjoyed building in the dark evening of winter. It’s not that difficult to build as some comment suggests but each to there own.
I got a the led light kit for it just for it to stand out a bit more I didn’t follow that instructions thoroughly ( there is exposed wires to be seen)
My only criticism is once it build moving around takes a lot of care I though I’d transport it in my car (once build) for my nieces to see bad idea!
The tracks likes to come undone , putting it upside down and the air con pod and one or to pieces come loose . My advice is hold it under the bonnet and picker to move about it’s temperamental.
It great to look at a good conversation staters
The gear box is well thought one motor controls the gearing 1 motor each for the tracks .. and a slight delay when operating different functions to avoid gear jamming.
In currently building a excavator as it was a ‘retired’ Lego set it was difficult to find & wasn’t cheap.
Buy it you won’t regret it.
Had to delete and redownload the app a couple of times to get it to connect.
Controller needs batteries that dont come with it. For 300 I would kind of hope for batteries with it!
Although once the near 3900 pieces were all assembled (a good few hours later!) it was great fun to drive around and pick up the kids toys!
Kids loved chasing it and controlling it too. All in all, if you have the time and funds to get this, its worth it!
Ich bin schon lange ein Lego Fan, und hab mit dieses Modell gekauft. Es macht Spa es zusammen zu bauen. Ein Stern Abzug fr den Preis da es wirklich viel zu teuer is
Ich habe diesen Bulldozer meinem Bruder zu Weihnachten geschenkt und er war ganz begeistert, einschlielich der gesamten Familie.
LEGO ist LEGO und was frher Spa gemacht hat, macht auch heute Spa – nur eben mit mehr Teilen.
Fr den Aufbau sollte man trotz der sehr guten Anleitung schon einige Stunden einplanen. Dann kann es losgehen und zwar mit einer smarten Fahrzeugsteuerung, was gro und klein viel Freude macht.
Die Qualitt und die technische Funktionalitt sind berragend und daher kann ich trotz des wirklich sehr hohen Preises nur 5 Sterne vergeben.
J’ai termin le montage de ce Lego Technic. Le rsultat est bluffant : trs raliste et agrable piloter grce la tlcommande interactive par le smartphone. Attention bien suivre les instructions de montage ; il faut prendre son temps. Je pense que cet article ne convient pas aux enfants de moins d’une douzaine d’anne. Malgr le prix assez lev, c’est sur Amazon que j’ai trouv le meilleur rapport qualit prix.
die zweite Kalibrierung. Das Schiebeschild wird so eingestellt das es nicht mal den Boden berhrt und bei den Aufreier hinten dran passiert das selbe.
Da haben die Ingenieure ein meisterleistung entwickelt. Die Technik die hier drin verbaut wurde ist genial. Und ich finde mittlerweile den hohen Preis auch gerechtfertigt. Den Liebherr Bagger habe ich auch, aber der Bulldozer steht von fer Technik her bei mir auf platz eins.
Mouldking, Cada …etc habe ich auch. Sorry … Ich finde die haben alle ein mieses Technik Design.
Very complex but very rewarding model, not for the faint hearted, many hours of fun.
Explications pas toujours trs claires, difficults manipuler l’engin car on ne peut pas le poser facile.
Exemple pour mettre les piles, il faut le retourner !
Exprience de construction agrable il ne reste plus qu’ l’essayer.
Fast forward about 20 years and I have the same joy as i did when starting to build that set – but also a sense of awe at how far Lego has evolved. I’ve watched on the side as various collaborations were released. I have at times been very tempted to purchase the Batman 1989 automobile and was shocked at some of the details and operation of the vehicle. But this is on another level completely.
The box is impressive. It’s massive. You’d think the item was already built. Thankfully it is well packaged as these days Lego boxes are just as collectable as the items inside.
After opening the box delicately, inside there are a ton of numbered bags and a chunky paper manual. Building for the first time using the bags is much simpler. Should you ever need to take this apart and build from scratch – it will take many many hours longer.
The build is very similar to my original technic racing car however with much for connections that perform a function that you appear to be able to either manually perform – or can be operated using the smartphone app. The latter option is good for as long as Lego supports it – would have been nice to have computer software on Windows or Mac that could be installed beyond the typical lifetime of smartphone apps should this ever go away
Whilst I’ve not yet finished building this after many hours here and there – it certainly looks impressive – not as good as the box unfortunately with the super nice lighting studio they have, but still impressive in a ‘look how complex that Lego is!’ sense.
Once complete – I’ll definitely be looking for a display box – as if I remember correctly, my racing car used to gather dust in place – needing a regular can of compressed air to clean!
… indeed rather bigger than I was expecting and far to intricate for this non-engineer. But it’s well designed and the pieces feel robust so I’m giving it five stars on that basis.
Let’s cut to the chase. With almost 4,000 pieces to contend with, putting
this Lego Technic Bulldozer together was never going to be a walk in the park.
You’ll need patience and commitment. Lots of patience and commitment!
Which is why Mrs Wolf has dived head first into the project; she has both in spades.
Mrs W. loves Lego. Especially Star Wars Lego. She’s an absolute fiend for it!
I can tell she has been enjoying this experience by the many little self-satisfied
grunts and growls that she makes under her breath as she is hard at work.
She tells me that the enormity of the task is made far easier by the manufacturer
thoughtfully organising the pieces into “bite-sized” packs allowing for a modular
approach to construction. The printed instructions are also clear and helpful.
By all accounts my Best Beloved is about half way through building it, so
she hasn’t got as far having the thing moving around the cave just yet.
I am told that the there is an App which is the key to it springing fully into life.
If she experiences any problems I’ll let you know but so-far things are looking good.
Mrs Wolf is happy in her endeavours and if she is happy then, of course, I am too!
It’s a winner. Clearly!
For as long as I can remember I have been a big fan of Lego, as an adult I became an engineer which is a job I really enjoyed. I tend to think that it was the use of Lego and one other well known building toy that gave me the mindset to become an engineer in the first place. When I had my own children I used to help them with using and building with Lego although some of the kits were becoming more advanced than just normal bricks by then. Nowadays I’m lucky enough to be able to play with my grandchildren and I’m also now helping them to learn skills using Lego which now has become not just a toy but is a masterpiece of scaled engineering.
When I ordered this amazing kit I had my five year old grandson in mind but on arrival this is much to advance for a young child so I decided to keep hold of it for myself as I still love to build intricate models, lol.
On opening, this Lego set is nothing short of amazing, it has what looks like a never ending amount component parts which build into a terrific working scaled model of a Cat Bulldozer.
Along with the multitude of parts comes four motors and a hub, these require six AA type batteries for the power which you will need to supply yourself. Everything on this model from the caterpillar tracks to the ripper on the back and the blade at the front build nicely and look amazing. Many of the assembled parts work just as the full sized version would and even the smaller units pivot into place as a working model.
Once assembled, this is a large monster of a fully controllable scale model, then with the rams fitted and powered with the batteries this can be controlled using the downloadable Control+ app on a smart phone. This will then allow the user to fully control the movement of the bulldozer along with control of the blade and ripper with very realistic speed and abilities, there are even adjustable parts to allow the tracks to work as intended just like on the real thing.
I have thoroughly enjoyed this fantastic kit, the price tag might seem to be quite expensive but there has been a lot of thought and design put into this machine, not to mention the sheer number of well made and precise component parts, so I believe that this is well worth the money and will keep any lover of Lego or model building in general entertained for many hours.
An amazing and high quality remote controlled working model for a multitude of age groups.
Only taken him 3 and bit weeks to build but he loves it ! Amazing concept but goes over my head but has kept him busy pretty much 3/4 hour a day for last 3 weeks
Damals wie heute sind der Kreativitt beim Bauen keine Grenzen gesetzt. Lego schafft es aber auch seit damals immer interessant zu bleiben und entwickelt sich mit immer neuen Sparten weiter.
Eine Sparte davon ist Lego Technics.
Die raffinierten Bauwerke von Lego, gepaart mit zustzlichen Komponenten, wie beispielsweise Motoren, Getriebe, Zahnrder, Achsen und Pins erwecken die Bauwerke zum Leben.
Ein wirklich mchtiges Bauwerk ist der LEGO Technic Cat D11 Bulldozer mit seinen 3854 Teilen.
In den 2 Anleitungen ist sehr detailliert erklrt, wie sich die insgesamt 28 nummerierten Ttchen in 8 Bauabschnitten zu einem riesigen Bulldozer zusammensetzen.
Auf die Altersangabe von 18+ wrde ich jetzt nicht so viel geben. Wer imstande ist, die Bilder Schritt fr Schritt nachzubauen, bekommt das sicher schon mit 10 Jahren hin.
Whrend des Aufbaues kommt auch die CONTROL+ App ins Spiel, um die Teile mit Funktion zu testen.
Nicht, dass man hinterher feststellt, dass man einen Fehler gemacht hat und dann wirklich viel zurckbauen muss.
Wirklich sehr durchdacht und eine nette Motivation, den Bulldozer fertigzustellen.
Wenn man endlich fertig ist, erwarten einen viele Spielereien. Die 2 Motoren bringen 4 Funktionen mit sich.
Das Schild vorne kann im Winkel und in der Hhe zu verstellt werden.
Auerdem kann auf der Rckseite der Reizahn hoch und runtergefahren werden.
Die Leiter lsst sich hoch und runterklappen. Zudem lsst sich der Bulldozer steuern.
Er kann wie in echt nach vorne und hinten fahren. Sich nach Links und rechts bewegen und sich auf der Stelle drehen.
Das alles funktioniert allerdings erst, sobald man die Batteriebox mit 6 AA-Batterien gefttert hat.
Fr den stolzen Preis kann man doch erwarten, dass Batterien beigelegt sind, oder?
Mich strt etwas das Handling mit der App. Ich erinnere mich an andere Modelle zurck, bei denen eine Fernbedienung beigelegt war. Das Handling war damit deutlich besser.
Von den Aufklebern fange ich jetzt gar nicht erst anbedruckte Steine wren wirklich schner gewesen!
Der Cat D 11 ist grentechnisch wirklich ein Monstrum und bentigt ausreichend Platz zum Hinstellen.
Mit der Lnge von 57 cm, einer Breite von 37 cm und einer Hhe von 26 cm nimmt der Bulldozer am Boden mehr Flche ein als ein Backblech, um mal die Ausmae zu verdeutlichen!
Mir gefallen die vielen Details wie beispielsweise der 12 Zylinder Antrieb hinter der Tr, bei dem sich die Kolben bewegen, der manuelle Kettenspanner und das Fhrerhaus.
Es macht einfach Spa, das Monstrum das man selbst erschaffen hat zu bewegen.
Ich bin kurz davor, mir noch ein LED-Beleuchtungsset von einem anderen Hersteller zu bestellen. Das macht den D11 in einer Vitrine zum absoluten Hingucker!
Die Verarbeitung ist so weit super, der Spielspa ist gegeben und auch das Aufbauen war interessant, trotz der berausfhrlichen Anleitungen.
Preis/Leistung stehen trotz der Gre keineswegs im Verhltnis!
This comes beautifully packaged with each section separately bagged as all lego kits do but this one is one steroids!!
Pieces are best kept until needed.
There are two really thick manuals to give you an idea of how complicated this is.
Ors is not finished as it is taking us some time as we are not experts by any means.
We are retired and thought this would be something challenging to keep s busy apart from endless jigsaw puzzles.
It is certainly challenging and definitely keeping us entertained!!
Then I think you’ve probably already made up your mind and just need a mini bulldozer sized push!
If like me, as a child you loved Lego construction vehicles (and/or simply eyed them enviously in Toys R Us), then this kit is 100% for you! From the first impression of the huge, heavy box you know you’re in for a treat. And this kit really delivers. The build itself is a treat as you get to play engineer in the way it is constructed. The build took me and my 5yo son approx 12 hours as we take our time with a bit of knolling during big builds.
And the final result is nothing short of spectacular. The final build is absolutely huge. And it really works. You can literally drive over small objects and lift things up with the blade. The motors operate smoothly albeit with a slight delay between functions. This is because you can’t do multiple operations at the same time, eg: operate the ladder whilst the vehicle is moving. There is so much detail involved that makes it seem realistic, such as the way the tension is released from the track with a track adjuster to allow you to put it on/take it off. This really is the ultimate bulldozer build.
The app itself is really good too, with the option to switch between a bulldozer style control layout and the more traditional remote control vehicle joysticks layout. Personally, I preferred the traditional remote control layout but it was great fun to pretend I was operating the bulldozer with realistic controls.
One thing I was surprised to learn is that this is the first official CAT Lego kit! I could have sworn I recall CAT LEGO construction vehicles from my childhood, but they were simply yellow and not official CAT sets! So in that regard, this kit stands to be something of a collectors item (if you need to convince a significant other that this is indeed an investment and, ahem, not a toy).
Gripesnot many here to be honest. One of my main concerns is the longevity of app support. Lego tends to be passed down to kids/grandkids and I really hope the app is still available in some form. It would be a real shame to lose the motor abilities. The motors are a huge selling point of this kit so they really need to be supported. And finally we come down to the price. At an RRP of 429, this is undoubtedly expensive. I would say at anything below 350 (I’ve seen it drop as low as 300), this is worth snapping up for the nostalgia factor and being the first every official CAT set alone. From the build to the impressive final product, this is a real joy. You won’t regret it!
1. Wanted to give it to the kids as a gift but I’ve changed my mind. Absolute monster of a toy I’d say. Greta remote control
2. Yes and in terms of sturdiness I’ll rate it at an 8/10. It was fun putting some parts together as well.
3. It’s huge and I love it. Excellent value for money product.
This is an impressive Lego Technic build. I got this as a joint activity to do with my two boys, 7 and 11. Whilst they can cope with most of the build instructions, this definitely needs adult involvement for some of the stages.
There are two detailed full colour manuals provided. These are in the usual Lego format and very clear and easy to follow. There are nearly 4000 pieces so this will take a good while to complete. We are about half way through and have probably invested about 10 hours into it, but that is with quite young children.
All the components are to the standard Lego high quality. We have built the chassis so far and it’s obvious that this is going to be a very large vehicle, one to think about if you don’t have much space to store it afterwards.
The mechanised and electronic aspects are actually quite challenging to put together, much more so than what I have seen on other technic sets. The kids enjoyed learning about them though and we were able to hook up the servos and motors outside the model to see them working, which was quite cool. I’ve tried the app and it connects and runs the motors as expected. There is a battery box which runs on 6 batteries which also acts as the bluetooth receiver for the app control. Similar to what you see on lego train sets. Connection works first time, most of the time, but can very occasionally fail.
Overall, this is a very good and very technical lego build, which comes at a fairly high price point. It is rewarding and satisfying to build and I personally have found it to be a great family activity to do with the boys. Once built, I’m not sure how long the boys will want to play with it before they lose interest, but this will sit on a shelf in my office for sure. Thoroughly recommended for the enthusiast.
This is the grown ups version of Lego and the design and quality are awesome.
My son has several of the Adult Lego items and loves relaxing with them.
They do seem very expensive when first seen but the time taken to make these and the end result is so very worth the time and money spent.
Attention to detail even stretches to the colour and decals on this vehicle. a copy of the biggest CAT the D11
This is a remote/ app controlled vehicle and to see this working is a masterpiece.
Everything is included in this true to life model except for the batteries and it will require 6 x AA batteries
Definitely a ‘best’ present
This is amazing, took a week to build few hrs a day , my pops has others in the range , it comes in sections in bags to build section by section , it’s great for kids at heart ! It’s well worth the money as kept him happy and busy , brilliant product and great gift idea !
My first thought on getting the package and looking into the box was, ‘wow’! Not something just for fun but more a fun project. Looking forward to building it over several weekends with my son. It’s a grown up kit, but I think he can join in with supervision. Essential connectivity required with an app and lots of places where you need to be careful not to set yourself up for problems later in the build. 18 bags in the main box (see pic), 8 further bags plus 4 motors in the additional box (see pic), with the most daunting part of the kit – the instructions! Nearly 4,000 pieces but all well divided, with clear steps. 627 in part 1 and 510 in part 2 – all 1137 steps, bit more than a John Buchan novel. Hours of fun, to balance against the price tag, no doubt with some frustration as well and a definite sense of achievement ahead. You need the space for this, but really looking forward to building a collectors’ item.
***Handy to know***
In the case of the instructions being lost or misplaced, LEGO offer a replacement instruction manual on their website.
You just need to click on the corresponding kit, download the pdf and print it.
First of all I under-estimated the size (and weight) of this box. It is huge and it is heavy! This is not your average box of lego!
I’m sure most adults with or without children, have heard of the ‘LEGO’ brand which has won an award for “Best Toy Of The Century” (Twice!)
Originally designed and aimed at children over half a century ago…. LEGO undertook some extensive market researching over the last decade and as a result has identified a large proportion of adults across the world, also enjoy building with LEGO bricks.
The AFOLs (Adult Fans Of Legos) were given their own platform to submit ideas and vote on new products, and this is a prime example of one of the kits designed for adults, voted by adults.
This is quite a “WOW!” piece of equipment.
An App controlled CAT D11 Bulldozer
The set includes:
3854 Pieces of LEGOs
2 x no. 15 motors
2 x large motors
and 1 x hub
This Cat replica measures over
10 in. (26 cm) high
22 in. (57 cm) long
14.5 in. (37 cm) wide
Use the CONTROL+ app to operate your bulldozer. Bring the bulldozer model to life as you drive and steer, then raise, lower and tilt the blade or raise and lower the ripper and ladder.
There is a QR code on the box that you scan to download the application to bring your bulldozer to life.
Make sure to thoroughly read through the instruction manual before starting the build!
Take note of any difficult or intricate steps, and plan ahead for those sections.
Sort and organize all of the LEGO pieces by colour and shape before beginning the build.
Start with the smaller, simpler sections of the build before moving on to larger or more complex sections.
Assemble each section fully before moving on to the next.
Double-check that each section is correctly built before moving on to connecting them together.
Follow any specific guidelines or tips provided in the instruction manual for connecting sections together smoothly.
Take breaks during the build as needed, to prevent frustration and exhaustion… This should be an enjoyable and rewarding experience!
This is a demanding Lego set. However the instructions are excellent and very clear, though a klutz like me did find it difficult on a few occasions. All of the components are of a very high quality. Everything works and for once all of the product claims are justified.
The price is very high but this is an exceptional product.
You will need 6 X AA Batteries for the main battery pack which serves as the Bluetooth controller, make sure you have these and not in my case, getting to the part when you add it to the main frame only to discover late at night that you do not have any. The App itself is available on Android and OS, it is not the best app, during the initial testing before I could sign off on stage 2 of the build, it took several restarts to complete the testing and after 6 restarts it finally took a firmware update. But it was very satisfying when the test completed with all green ticks to show my effort had worked.
This is a complicated set to build, so plan to take your time with it but once the first 3 sections (bag sections) are complete and the main frame to the build is complete, it becomes more like a traditional LEGO Build and is just hugely satisfying to see it all come together which for me, took a solid week of evening building sessions. The box alone gives the size of this build, it also has two quite think instruction books for both the early technical side and then the final cosmetic building of the D11 and again, the instructions are excellent with clear images to show you how your build should look at every stage for comparison and also clever piece guides so you know exactly the correct piece is because there are so so many. Overall, having this completed and controlling it with my phone via the Technic App, the very high tier price of this is clearly aimed at the hobbiest or very keen LEGO builders but that satisfaction once fully made and moving is worth it.
Just about the pinnacle of Lego toys, this is basically a build your own remote control bulldozer. Takes ages and it’s hard on your fingers. Read the instructions, take your time and you’ll have a blast building it and will end up with a toy that has bags of re-play value.
This is huge pay attention this is for adults not children all bits are individual bagged and I’m ready to start building instructions are very clear and I will keep you all updated with pictures as I build and then a video of use once it’s built it’s bigger than I tough should take me a few weeks to build so watch out for more pics
The build is fairly straightforward – all the parts are meticulously divided and pre-packaged into little plastic bags so they’re more manageable. Following the manuals’ instruction was mostly easy, though some of the more fiddly sections took a few tries to complete. I paid extra attention to the moving parts, as I wanted to make sure they would all function properly. The app-controlled functionality was a bit lacklustre though, and the controls felt unintuitive to me personally. Overall, I had loads of fun with it!
This is very impressive. It is well presented with 2 really good quality instruction books. The Lego is all sorted out into bags to make it easier to build and find the pieces. My father is really excited to get started with it. I reckon it will keep him happy throughout the winter.
I am not so impressed with the price but then I guess I am not a Lego enthusiast. When ordered it was 320 but then rose to 370 and has now dropped to 301 so definitely grab it whilst it is reduced.
Zu dieser Serie gehrt der appgesteuerte Cat D11 Bulldozer mit 3854 Teilen. Das Set ist fr Klemmfreunde ab 18 Jahren gedacht, was ich selbst nur besttigen kann.
Der Zusammenbau ist eine Herausforderung, die man nicht an einem Abend erledigt hat. Vielmehr sa ich rund eine Woche an dem Modell, denn der Zusammenbau geht nicht wirklich leicht von der Hand. Der Lieferumfang hat es ebenfalls in sich. Der riesige Karton beinhaltet nicht nur Tten fr 8 verschiedene Aufbauschritte, auch liegen Motor, Batteriepack, Elektrik und zwei Anleitungen in Form von dicken Bchern dabei. Die Bcher haben wir ein Querformat, was zwar blich, ich jedoch immer etwas unpraktischer finde als hochkante Anleitungen.
Die Anleitung geht Schritt fr Schritt vor, bei manchen Bauteilen findet sich zur besseren Bestimmung an den Unterseiten eine 1:1 Abbildung, an der man das gesuchte Bauteil abmessen kann.
Das Batteriepack wird sehr frh verbaut und sitzt daher mitten im Bulldozer. Bisweilen ist der Zusammenbau etwas knifflig, denn die Teile mssen schon richtig sitzen, damit ein Zusammenbau mglich ist. Andere Teile drfen nicht zu festsitzen, um ihnen etwas Spiel gerade bei Bewegungen zu ermglichen.
Leider wird auch bei diesem Set, das nicht zu den gnstigsten zhlt (UVP: 499,99 EUR) wieder mit Stickern gearbeitet. Das ist sehr unschn, denn man muss darauf achten, dass die gleich richtig angebracht werden und dennoch kann es passieren, dass sie sich mit der Zeit ablsen.
Ist man an einer bestimmten Stelle angekommen, wird es interessant. Die App kann heruntergeladen werden und via Bluetooth verbindet sich das Smartphone mit dem Bulldozer. Erste Funktionstests werden durchgefhrt und das Skelett fngt an, sich zu bewegen. Dabei sollte man den Anweisungen in der App folgen, denn hier ist eine Art Tutorial eingerichtet, das die ersten Tests ausfhrt und einen durch die Funktionen hindurchfhrt.
Natrlich war beim ersten Starten der App ein Update notwendig gewesen, irgendwie hatte ich dies schon erwartet gehabt. Zum Glck dauerte es nicht allzu lange und danach funktionierte die App einwandfrei.
Der Zusammenbau ist wirklich eine Herausforderung, macht aber auch Spa und mit der Zeit erkennt man auch, was man denn da baut. Bei den beiden Ketten ist wieder Fingerspitzengefhl gefragt. Nicht nur was das Anlegen betrifft, auch die Lnge der Kette muss passen. Wir haben hier einige Male nachjustiert.
Ist der Zusammenbau abgeschlossen, geht es an den umfangreichen Test. Auch hier mussten wir immer noch einmal eingreifen. Teile neu setzen, drcken, lockern oder fester drcken. Hat man wirklich alles an dem gedachten Platz, fhrt und bewegt sich der Bulldozer einwandfrei und ziemlich lebensecht. Er ist von der Gre her umwerfend und dabei so detailgetreu konstruiert, dass es Spa macht, ihn anzusehen, zu entdecken und mit ihm zu spielen. Die Appsteuerung erfordert etwas Geschick und bung, aber man kommt schnell rein und kann ihn recht schnell sicher steuern.
Der appgesteuerte Bulldozer ist ein Monstrum, aber es macht Spa, trotz schmerzender Finger danach, ihn zu bauen und zum Leben zu erwecken. Die Verbindung mit der App funktioniert einwandfrei und die Steuerung ist fr mich przise genug.
For lovers of the construction world as it is dedicated to the massive Cat D11 Bulldozer.
The model can be controlled remotely via a dedicated APP.
You can drive it remotely, steer, raise and lower the blade.
It is a marvel to build and a satisfaction for the soul to see the final result.
Crafted with minute attention to detail, each piece has a precise function.
Not a simple “bulldozer” but a mechanized piece of furniture.
3854 pieces of immersive construction, an amazingly detailed project bulldozer, it is twenty two inches long and when finished it is motorised so you can drive and control it with a app on your phone, out of the box the excitement begins full instructions included, its powered by six AA batteries.
The quality of the pieces is very good and they fit together firmly, when finished it can be driven and steered, raise and lower and tilt the blade and the ripper and ladder, this is sold as a adult kit and I can understand why it’s very detailed and complex to build, it would make a great gift, it will look great when finished displayed when not in use, very pleased with it, it’s expensive but I think worth the price.
This is an initial review as the box has only just turned up and I haven’t begun making it yet, but WOW!!
I feel like a child in a candy shop with a grin from ear to ear, this build is not for the feint hearted and if you have not built a challenging Technic set before I recommend putting this on the back burner until you have worn off your fingerprints on a couple of simpler sets first.
The numbers are just bonkers THREE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND FIFTY FOUR pieces, ONE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY EIGHT construction steps and TWENTY NINE bags of lego. They couldn’t fit all the instructions in one book so you get two and a box that is the biggest bit of Lego cardboard I have ever seen.
I have done a quick unboxing video so you can see the stupendousness of it all and I will be back to update when I have finally got it together to let you know how the build went. But from an initial reaction to the box, if you want to blow the socks off any technics fan and you have a wad burning a hole in your back pocket, look no further!
Right then I’m off for some self inflicted RSI’s and will enjoy every second of them… talk soon!
So I’m back! Yep WOW pretty much covers it, that was quite easily the biggest bit of lego that I have ever built…It took me about a week to build working in the evenings when the children had gone to bed and a bit of building with my five year old on the weekend, although he was mainly making weapons out of the connectors and then getting frustrated when I needed the bits for the build…
A couple of notes from the build, there is a motor test half way through and I was worried as the motor was not spinning the gears in the right directions, they were the right bits moving but in the wrong direction to the app. I had a quick google and couldn’t see any helpful info on this so I decided to plow on anyway, I have to admit that I was a tad nervous looking at how deep I would have to dig into the model if I had got it wrong but it turned out that when I fired it up proper after completing it that it was fine and the app must have just been laggy or imaged wrong. So if you have the right bits moving don’t worry too much about the engine test!
I was wondering why I had been asked to review this set as its not the newest out there and I think they have updated it from the original model to add track tensioners which work well and another welcome moving bit for everyone to play with.
I might have had one bit missing from the set, but it was from the bag that my son was helping me with, so it could just have been him, but it was a 3 length grey stick which I have plenty of from other sets so no biggie, also you can request bits that are missing from Lego if need be.
The build was pretty immersive and as it was such a big build even though it was quite sided ( LHS, RHS ) you were not completing the same steps too close to each other most of the time so it didn’t feel too repetitive, well apart from the blade which is a bit repetitive and right at the end where you just want to finish and give it a go!
Great gear selecting mechanism so the motors drive different parts using a stepper motor to select the correct cogs, you will get it when your building it! Instructions were clear and concise and not overly complicated just really BIG and it was a definite sense of achievement on completion.
Do not do what I did and drive it through sand! I have now filled the whole thing with magic sand which I regret and it does not come out easily… lesson learned.
I have really enjoyed this set and I know i’m very lucky getting to try this for free in return for an honest review. I hope you can hear a bit of the child like excitement in my voice in the video counting the bags of lego out of the box, I have really enjoyed it and as I said in my initial review if you have got the cash you will not be disappointed with this set, its bonkers in all the right ways!
Anyway enough from me, and I hope this review has been helpful in one way or another, at least I have built the thing!
As described and as advertised.
Amazingly well packaged and presented.
This would make a superb gift for Lego modellers and kit builders but it’s big so you’ll needed to confirm that they have the space to build and the space to store the built bulldozer.
Amazing mindfulness construction project!
This is detailed and a big job so not necessarily ideal as first or novice Lego builder.
Obvious tips. I used little ramekins to put the hundreds of Black, Blue and red connector pins in. I sorted out all the pieces for each section before I started.
Original review below.
This like I said is part one of a Lego build. I only have 3854 parts to go. Opening the box and seeing all the parts plus 2 thick books of instructions is certainly daunting. But I am sure with a bit of patience I will manage. This bulldozer definitely costs a lot of money, but looking at all the parts I can understand why it does. I am hopefully going to start the build in a couple of days time and I will keep you updated with photos as I go along.
I rate this 5 stars in anticipation of hours of fun building this.
Part 2.. 30 mins and 2 hours are the new photos (doesn’t look like I have done anything I know) I have just started to build this and now I know why people love Lego technic. I thought it’s just Lego, it’s for a child not for an adult ( I am getting old as I Am 63) , I’ll build it. Nothing special. But I was wrong, this is just awesome, I can’t remember the last time I was so happy doing something. I am taking my time because I don’t want to get to the end. The instructions are so cleverly designed. I have a day off on Sunday, so I will continue then.
I can definitely see me buying more. Don’t tell my wife.
Sundays build seemed to go well until I tested it with the app.. it was doing the right things but not necessarily in the right order. I will now have to take it apart and see where I went wrong. Aagghh!!
Today (Thursday) I think I have sorted the problem, I re built all the gear controls. No idea where I went wrong, but it seems fine now. Sunday is my next build more pictures then.
As you can see the last photo was Sundays progress. Now 10.5 hours into the build and that is just stage 3. Part 4 on Thursday.
Sorry for the late update (a week has past), I have done another 2 builds as you can see by the last couple of photos. Next stage is part 7, I know that this has taken way longer than it should, but I am still enjoying this. Next build on Sunday. Maybe photos of the finished D11 then? let’s see what happens.
A LEGO 42131 technic app controlled Caterpillar D11 bulldozer, this is going to take a month to build, especially as it has 3,855 pieces to it.
The completed machine need 6 AA batteries for it to work, you can also control it via the CONTROL+ app, drive, steer, raise, lower and tilt the blade or raise and lower the ripper and ladder.
A detailed model that replicates the original cat D11, it has authentic colouring and detailed graphics that Cat enthusiasts will love. The model came with detailed step by step instructions on how to build, as usual.
My grandson and his dad are going to love making this, I’ll post pictures when it’s complete, in about a months time .
I’m happy to recommend.
December and it’s coming along