leikefitness Adjustable Weight Bench Foldable Workout

leikefitness Adjustable Weight Bench Foldable Workout Exercise Bench with Automatic Lock for Upright Incline Decline and Flat Full Body Exercise GM58101(BLACK)

Dumbbell Fly
Exercise your chest and arms.
One-Arm Dumbell Row
Exercise your latissimus dorsi and shoulders.
Exercise your abdominal muscles.
Seated Dumbbell Curl
Exercise your bicep.
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Color | Silver | Black | Silver |
Adjustable | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Foldable | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Product Weight | 14.5KGS | 14.5KGS | 14.5KGS |
Dimensions: | 132.08 x 34.04 x 113.03 cm; 14.5 Kilograms |
Brand: | leikefitness |
Colour: | Black |
Manufacture: | leikefitness |
Dimensions: | 132.08 x 34.04 x 113.03 cm; 14.5 Kilograms |
Reference: | GM5809 |
Solid and comfortable weight bench. Simple, quick assembly. Needless to say, reasonably priced with super fast delivery. Very happy with this purchase.
This is well made , I’m a bit erm , chunky and it takes my weight perfectly. Perfect for sitting on and lifting the ten kilo kettle bells. Highly recommend.
The package came with the bench pretty much pre assembled – only needed to fit the feet.
Surprised by the highly quality of it.
It’s not as sturdy as a $800 bench your commercial gym has but it’s perfect for the price poi
Great bench, quality is good.
Boyfriend would only make the seat longer (6’1”)
Overall happy with the black Friday purchase.
Lo recibi como esta publicado, y no me costo demasiado armarlo (aunque las instrucciones son PESIMAS).
Esta muy bien para uso domestico, y parece ser bastante robusto hasta el momento.
Very happy with purchase for price point. Had over 3 months now with no issues.
This Bench is actually the proper height so you can plant your feet flat when push weight. I am 5’8″ and perfect height for me. Very comfortable. Only improvement I could suggest would be more adjustment for positions. The current positions work well for me but others may want more.
Just completed my first work out with this bench, so far it seems to be of good quality, and sturdy and stable. One gripe I have is the top most position is hard to lock into place. Other than that I like the bench.
Bench appears to be good quality. I measured the bench height as 16″. I’m 5’8″ and this bench allows me to have both feet flat on the floor. Adjusts easily to different configurations.
Product is very sturdy and was delivered on time as promised. The $30.00 discount was a bonus.
Respecto a envo , hubo retraso de 4 das aprox. Cuando lleg todo ok.
Respecto al empaque, todo ok.
Respecto al producto, es material de buena calidad, es bastante slido, cumple cabalmente con su funcin. Lo uso mnimo 4-5 veces a la semana para ejercitar (peso 77 kgrs, y he llegado a usar peso de 40 grs). Llevo usndolo 2 meses y todo est perfecto. Lo nico que podra mejorar son dos cosas: Uno.- la estabilidad del asiento (el respaldo perfecto) , a veces se mueve un poco, solo aprietas las turcas y ya. Dos.- Los manerales que se usas para poner en diferentes posiciones el banco y el asiento, deberan tener una ayuda visible para saber claramente donde aprietas para cada posicin, le tienes que andar adivinando, aunque es fcil agarrarle el modo.
Llega arma en un 90 % y el restante 10% est sper fcil, no ms de 15 min.
Excelente producto!
Easy to put together, surprisingly sturdy. Used a lot by our hockey guys and no complaints. A nice add to our basement gym.
I love this. It was easy to assemble. It is quite sturdy and appropriate for me. I am 6’0 and weigh around 220 lbs. I am able to get good shoulder support and back support on this. The cushion is a tad too hard for my liking but I can live with it. The seat is wide enough for me. It is not wobbly and the knobs are of good quality, enabling me to to adjust the positions on the backrest for various exercises.
The only crib about this is the lack of decline position. I use the bench primarily for chest exercises and it is a disappointment that the bench does not offer decline positions. But overall, it is a good product for light to moderate exercise at home.
Es un artculo ideal para entrenar en casa, bien empaquetado (aunque la paquetera se encarga de poner a prueba su envoltura), buenos acabados, fcil de armar y en trminos generales cumple con la descripcin con la que se anuncia. Lleg un par de das antes de lo programado.
i was hurt fairly bad several months ago and was making small recovery but now with the bench i’m making better strides in my progress. I do not think it’s easy (for me) to adjust the bench up and down because of the injury i have but my husband adjusts for me and it works great for me. We have had no problems with the product and would recommend it for any one that wants a reasonable priced bench and is not in need of the more expensive product. thank you
Excelente servicio de envio…el banco esta muy bueno para complementar tu gym de casa….
Excelente banco para entrenamiento en casa, el nico inconveniente que encuentro es que tiene una base muy pequea al frente, lo cual provoca que no tenga la estabilidad deseada, pero en general lo recomiendo ampliamente.
Really good quality in materials, only thing is I find it a little difficult to fold up and down, but other than that it’s a great bench for the price.
Me hubiera gustado que entre posiciones 2 y 3 tuviera otra ya que el rango es muy amplio y queda o muy abajo o muy arriba, se ve resistente salvo porque se arruga muy fcil el vinipiel y espero vaya a dura
I have been using it for a little bit and I love it. THe different seat postions are perfect for my routine.
Only snag I had was that one the plastic slider (the lowest one) was not holding on the the adjustment handle. I dismounted it an applied hot glue to its inside and fixed it.
Also, I applied blue locktite to the screws for the feet holder and one dried, I applied silicone lube to th washers on both side. Now the Screws remain solidly in place and the silicone allows the foot rest to move with a bit of resitance.
the above are details. The bench is great! and of good quality! Very sturdy.
No es pesado por lo que se mueve con facilidad y la manera de doblarse ayuda a ahorrar espacio, pese a ello no lo usara para levantamientos ms grandes, aunque da un mximo de peso yo intentara manterme muy debajo de eso para evitar accidentes. Como equipo de entrenamiento en casa es bastante bueno.
The Item meets my expectations and appears to be of good quality. Unfortunately it got damaged during the transport. One if the corners of the back rest is damaged. Not mendable. I’ve ordered a new one and will be returning this one. Too bad.
I’m giving it a 4 as the bench appears to be a well built bench. I also love the foam density. Note to manufacturer, add more padding to protect the corners.
I like this bench. Was easy to assemble and cushion is thick and comfortable and sturdy. I like the adjustable angles and the foot/ankle rest. The only bothersome thing for me is that the gap in the seat where the seat angles is a little large and can be uncomfortable but I rolled up a small towel and stuffed it in there and it’s better.
It only just arrived, but I’ll give my thoughts. I’m only using it for home fitness, so I can’t speak for what happens if you use a lot of weight.
I’m 6′ 2″ and I find it big enough – if you’re more than a couple of inches taller, you might find that your head doesn’t quite rest comfortably on the back when seated.
I haven’t found any side to side wobbling or other instability like in the seat like a previous one I had.
Adjustment is easy and smooth.
The foot support attachment – well, I question that it’s of any use.
I feel that the covering vinyl could be a bit tougher – it feels a bit thinner than I would like.
All up, I’m pretty happy with it, especially considering the price.
Upholstery/leather-ish cover is so so, but seems durable, and good for the money spent. Very gym-equipment like confident action on the pin movement between incline, decline and flat. And the seat moves also. All very solid while using.
Amazing value for money. Look no further.
La panca robusta, facilissima da montare, precisa negli innesti. E’ stabile quindi aiuta molto.
Per ora non ci sono segni di cedimento, unico grande neo che molto bassa. Per farla stare sopra lo stand per il bilancere devo ispessirla sotto altrimenti tocca e nn sta nella verticale del bilancere..Un vero peccato perch sarebbe stata perfetta, visto il materiale robusto. Un po’ triste il roll per i piedi, praticamente inutile, forse perch la panca molto bassa
This bench does everything that I expected for the price. I would have given it a 5 star review however the fit and finish of the upholstery on the bench isn’t the greatest…it is functional but I can see it having problems after some months of use.
It’s better than the cheap stuff, if it holds up in the following years at my home then I’m sure it could be used in a smaller commercial gym.
I didn’t buy it because it was foldable but it’s a nice feature if you need to save space when not using it.
The only downside is that I had to buy the version with an oval front foot. Do yourself a favor and buy the one with identical back and front foot. They’re at the same price anyway.
After much research, this Bench ticked all the boxes. Assembly was quick and easy. I work out 5-6 days a week at home with heavy weights and the quality of the bench has held up really well. Overall I would recommend this bench for at home use.
El banco est bien tapizado, tiene buenos ngulos y se ve resistente (sin poder establecer el lmite de peso). Es parecido a los bancos de gimnasio, pero ms pequeo y ligero, apto para gimnasio casero. Consider que si tuviera 10 cm ms de altura y una base ms amplia podra pasar por un banco de gimnasio. El distribuidor enva el producto rpido, en mi caso lleg antes de la fecha programada.
*easy to assemble (3 pieces)
*spring loaded hinges for easy adjustment
*660lbs max weight
*fold it up and store it
*so far so good on the sturdiness (2 weeks now)
*the cushioning and covering will probably be the first thing to go.
*stitching a little loose
*im 6″1 and would of liked another 2-3 inches for full head clearance (not a big issue if you slide down a bit).
I would recommend this bench at a $150.
Sin embargo tiene algunos detalles que podran mejorarse como lo es el tambaleo cuando pones el respaldo o el asiento en una inclinacin, no queda completamente fijo, pero no afecta para nada lo que vayas a hacer, el material con el que est hecho el respaldo y el asiento se siente de menor calidad, pero no me ha dado problemas de que se despegue o se desgarre, tambin creo que la pata frontal circular es el detalle ms negativo que tiene este banco, pienso que sera ms estable al tener el mismo diseo de la pata trasera, pero de ah en ms, es un banco que te permite trabajar muy bien con peso y tiene la ventaja de poder ser plegable.
Una ltima cosa que me gustara mencionar es que lleg muy bien empacado, semi armado, solo tuve que instalarle las patas. Viene con su manual y una llave para apretar los tornillos, que siempre se agradece.