LinkTap G2S Wireless Water Timer – Requires Gateway – Smart

LinkTap G2S Wireless Water Timer – Requires Gateway – Smart Irrigation Tap Timer with App, Cloud Controlled Watering, Weather Awareness, Manual Control & Digital Lockout, Easy Install, IP66 Waterproof
From the brand

One App, One Gateway
Weight: | 450 g |
Dimensions: | 10.2 x 7.3 x 16.3 cm; 450 Grams |
Brand: | LinkTap |
Model: | TP-2BS |
Colour: | Grey |
Dimensions: | 10.2 x 7.3 x 16.3 cm; 450 Grams |
Purchased one of these in 2020, and just purchased two more! Hookup is pretty easy, and the newer models are even more water-proof and user-friendly. I can, from anyplace in the US, water my northern NH veggie garden. Very happy with this purchase.
Don’t waste your money on those big box store digital timers that fair and never work right. I’ve wasted so much money on the cheaper alternative
The cost for these are steep I agree, but once you get it set up and have the app open your whole gardening world changes. Auto rain delays and auto watering increases when it reaches a certain temperature. The genius is in the app and kudos to whomever created it.
I really like the timers from this brand. You can manage everything from your phone once it’s set up. It’s even connected to your local weather and can skip watering sessions if it’s just rained. But what I really like is their service. I’ve had a couple of issues with my timers and every time Jack from their tech support has been super responsive and have also sent me replacements when we couldn’t resolve the issue. Cannot recommend them enough.
I purchased 2 timers and a gateway almost a year ago. During the winter, one of the timers kept draining the batteries. I contacted LinkTap and they immediately replaced the unit. I’ve bought an additional unit because they are so easy to control from their app. I can’t wait for them to broaden their product offering.
Avevo gi acquistato un LinkTap qualche tempo fa e mi sono sempre trovato bene. Ora ho acquistato il secondo senza hub usb e nonostante la distanza dall’hub il segnale buono.
L’app per il controllo fatta bene ed intuitiva. La durata delle batterie buona, come molto importante anche la segnalazione del flusso di acqua per il periodo di irrigazione.
Altro aspetto importante il salto automatico in presenza di previsioni del tempo che segnalano pioggia.
I wasn’t really able to use in Google home; it wasn’t really an option, it works with Google Assistant, but it’s not all that. It has a lot of potential and more application.
Hallo, ich habe mir das Gert vor meinem Urlaub bestellt. Als ich aus dem Urlaub zurck gekommen war,alles ok alle Blumen haben berlebt, noch mehr sie sahen super aus. Schnelle Installation, mega, immer wiede
Tried three similar products before finding huge success with this one. Bought two for two sprinkler zones, and kept our gardens irrigated while we were away for three months. The three big differentiators for Link-Tap are 1) The app and website are robust, intuitive, and really feature rich. You can get as deep as you want with programming various plans but all of it is easy to do. The alerts and graphics really stand out from the competition. Wi-Fi connectivity was very reliable. 2) Easy set up. I’m neither a techy nor a Luddite and I had it all up in maybe 20 minutes. 3) Build quality. All the components are well engineered and constructed. Honestly this system took a huge amount of stress out of keeping a custom garden sufficiently watered through the summer months from 7 hours away. Thanks for making something that actually works!
Aunque son caros, funcionan muy bien y con mucho alcance (tengo uno a unos 50 metros del receptor superando la transmisin la vegetacin y las paredes).
I’ve now used this for 2 seasons and it’s been solid. The user interface on the app is pretty industrial looking and isn’t the best, but this thing just works. I store it indoors during the winter time.
Arbeiten bereits den ganzen Sommer fehlerfrei. Die App ist ausreichend.
Die Sprachanbindung an Alexa ist noch stark verbesserungswrdig.
Bei mir hngen die 4 LinkTap G2S Bewsserungscomputer im Schuppen und sind vor Regen geschtzt. Leider sind die Batterien von hinten zu wechseln. Eine dauerhafte Montage wird dadurch erschwert. Auch an einem “normalen” Wasser-Verteiler gibt es leichte Probleme, so bald man mehrere Bewsserungscomputer anschlieen mchte.
I have a total of 3 of these now and they have made maintaining a yard without full inground sprinkler systems much better.
There is no limit to how many sessions you can program it for. Planting new grass seed? You can water it many times a day to keep it wet. Away from home and realize it’s extra hot and you forgot to update a plan? You can run it from your phone.
Lots of features like low or high GPM warnings that can send you alerts so you know if something’s gone wrong in your system, fall-off warning, ability to auto suspend watering based on rain amounts (forecasted, does not sense rain, does it on internet info).
Also helps you track exactly how many gallons you are using, and even how much water cost that is.
Used for lawn watering with hoses. Set up zones and easy programmed. Works good so far, just started using.
Einfache Installation
Perfekter Service/Support
Einbindung in IObroker mglich
Resurchenschonend da Regenabschaltung
Lange Haltbarkeit der Batterien, geringer Stromverbrauch
I have 2 of the gateways and 3 different G2S valves, they are all incredibly easy to install, activate and s create schedules for. I use one as a main water shutoff for the outdoor spigots at my house and the others are a garden timer and an automatic pool line to add water when it gets low. They are so much easier to use than the manual ones and don’t really cost that much more than them. I had one issue with a G2S battery seeming to drain more quickly than the other 2 so I emailed tech support at 7:30am. I had a response, the unit was diagnosed and problem resolved by 7:40 that morning. You will not beat their tech support/costumer service.
Nach ein Paar Wochen im Einsatz kann ich nur gutes berichten.Gute Wlan Verbindung.Keine Ausflle.Viele Einstelmglichkeiten ber die App.Volle Wasser Kostenkontrolle.Klare Kaufempfehlung ohne wenn und aber !
Box ist leider nur ber LAN anzuschlieen.
Kein WLAN!
Zigbee funktioniert in bewhrter Weise.
Auch hier der Hinweis, keine Repeterfunktion bei den einzelnen Wasseranschlssen. (Begrenzte Reichweite)
Zero bugs with the android app. Well worth the price. So good I bought a second one for the intermittent back garden faucet/tap. The timer has an integral flow meter which is super useful. Has a plug in IP/internet gateway, and talks zigbee to the timer and other devices. Zigbee is a far better suited comm’s protocol for such low bandwidth battery powered devices. Only need one gateway, make sure you choose that option. Very well built, semi commercial quality.
Update: was hoping to be able to upgrade my review to 6 stars. Unfortunately one of my units failed after 6-8 months.i reached out to support and they immediately replaced the unit, receiving it in only a few days. I have to admit, I’m super impressed with their support and service. These devices are so worth it – it was a painful 3 days actually watering manually for one leg of my stuff. Lol. Kudos to Jack for handling it quickly and being so responsive.
Original post: This is my third one of these, all using the same gateway. Simple to use, well thought out, and it simply works. I’m running soaker hoses as a drip line for my raised beds. I combined it with an Ecowitt weather station gateway and 3 of their moisture meters. So now I can remotely monitor the moisture level, track changes over time, and turn on the houses if needed – even when traveling for work! Next step is to hook them up to my rain barrels from my water catchment an a 12V RV pump running on solar. Having Taplink’s flow meter is ensuring I’m sizing my water storage appropriately as I know exactly how much I use over time. Can’t say enough good things about TapLink. Not the cheapest solution but definitely an excellent one.
3 appareils installs
Haie avant haie arrire potager , on ne peut faire plus simple pour l’installation, wifi fonctionne merveille. Je vais pouvoir partir en vacances tranquille
Ne regardez pas le prix , il les vaut largeme
Using this to auto-fill my pool. This is the second one I bought. The last one cracked and started leaking after a year of use. At least I didn’t have to buy the gateway again.
The gateway needs to be hardwired to Cat5/6. Mine is through a single uninsulated basement wall about 20′ away from the device and my signal strength is reliable but weak.
It does allow for very simple timers and keeps track of the flow so I can see how much water is added to the pool daily. This, coupled with a generic hang-on float switch pool filler is great to check for leaks or see if something is out of the ordinary.
I tried using the B-Hyve version thinking maybe the APP and gateway would be more consistent. It wasn’t. It ended up failing but not telling me there was a problem. The LinkTap, despite cracking and leaking, has generally been more reliable.
Install as easy and required no Teflon tape.
Je recherchais un programmateur pour remplacer mon programmateur d’arrosage Gardena Master pour l’utiliser avec un slecteur automatique 6 voies Gardena.
Il correspond exactement mon attente, possibilit de programmer 6 arrosages quotidiens (un par voie).
Les plus para rapport ,mon prcdent programmateur:
– Facile utiliser/programmer
– Les alertes et le suivi sur l’application mobile
– La prise en compte de la mto (Internet) pour ne pas arroser quand la pluie est prvue
– Le dbitmtre pour surveiller sa consommation d’eau.
La mise en uvre est simple et pourrait l’tre encore plus s’il tait possible de scanner les codes barre (ou via QR code) pour enregistrer/associer le programmateur avec le Gateway.
Utilis depuis 15 jours, aucun soucis de fonctionnement.
Ich bentige das System fr die Bewsserung eines Gartens in einem Ferienhaus. Zuverlssige Funktion und sichere Internet-Anbindung mit mglichst umfassender berwachungsmglichkeit waren daher wichtige Kaufkriterien.
Nach den ersten Wochen in Betrieb bin ich begeistert:
Geht sehr einfach ber’s Smartphone und ist innerhalb von wenigen Minuten erledigt.
Es gibt zum einen alle denkbaren Bewsserungsprogramme, diese sind auch einfach ber die App zu programmieren und zu aktivieren bzw. deaktivieren.
Darber hinaus erffnet die Durchflussmessung ganz neue Horizonte: Whrend des Bewsserns wird in der App die aktuelle Durchflussmenge angezeigt, so dass man auch aus der Ferne einschtzen kann, ob die Bewsserung korrekt funktioniert. Eine Statistik zeigt zudem die Historie der je Bewsserung und insgesamt verbrauchten Wassermenge.
Ebenfalls ntzlich sind die Alarm-Push-Meldungen, u.a. wenn aufgrund eines Leitungsdefektes zu wenig oder zu viel Wasser fliet. Die jeweiligen Alarmschwellen sind einstellbar.
Angesichts der Funktionsvielfalt ist die Bedienoberflche durchaus nutzerfreundlich gestaltet und punktet auch mit sinnvollen und gut verstndlichen Anzeige- und Hilfstexten.
WLAN bzw. Gateway:
Das Gert nutzt kein vorhandenes WLAN, sondern bentigt sein eigenes Gateway, das per Netzwerkkabel direkt an den Router angeschlossen wird. Das ist auch gut so, denn die Verbindung ber das Funknetz des Gateway ist deutlich besser als das bliche WLAN. Konkret: Die Entfernung zwischen Router mit Gateway und Einsatzort betrgt in meinem Fall insgesamt ca. 20m. Das Signal geht durch 3 Wnde hindurch und dann quer durch den Garten. An dieser Stelle habe ich mit dem normalen WLAN keinerlei Empfang. Mit dem Gateway ist die Signalstrke mit 73% (wird ebenfalls in der App angezeigt) jedoch noch sehr gut.
Anbindung mehrerer Gerte: Die App erlaubt die Ansteuerung mehrerer LinkTap Computer ber das selbe Gateway. Ich habe fr zwei verschiedene Sektoren 2 Gerte in Betrieb, auch das funktioniert tadellos.
Die LinkTap Gerte arbeiten mit je 4 AA-Batterien. Nach rund 6 Wochen Nutzung mit 2-3 Bewsserungen 30 Minuten pro Woche ist das Batterielevel bei beiden Gerten immer noch auf 100%, d.h. die Batterien drften viele Monate halten.
Nachdem ich mich seit Jahren mit diversen “smarten” berwachungskameras, Fernschaltern etc. und deren vielfltigen Funktions- und Verbindungsproblemen rumgeschlagen habe, bin ich von der Qualitt, der cleveren Funktionalitt und der Verbindungsstabilitt des LinkTap Systems sehr positiv berrascht. Klare Kaufempfehlung.
Replaced my Orbit B-Hyves with these because the Orbits were so unreliable. Had some much trouble keeping them connected – maybe it’s our internet service, I don’t know, but these are working flawlessly!
I have installed two of these units in my yard and they are operating awesomely! The app is super easy to use. They are pretty far away from the house (we are on a 3.5 acre property) and they connect with no issues at all with our wifi at the house. Super satisfied!
After successful installing the same product at home, we installed this to our parents home to make watering easier for them. My parents in the 70’s, love the simple phone control of this watering system. They know how to do the programing and manual on / off control. Excellent product.
It was relatively ease to set up the gateway and the links. I set up my system and monitored for one month. It was flawless. Then I was able to leave town knowing that my garden is watered while I am on vacation during the dry season.
il terzo che compro.gli altri due nessun problema, ma questo forse per una scarsa pressione, continua a mandare poca acqua nonostante non sia programmato per irrigare
Qualcuno mi pu confermare questo mio dubbio o meglio segnalare al produttore???
Aggiornamento del 21 Dicembre 21,
Contattato venditore che ha risposto prontamente con efficienza ed efficacia, inviandomi un nuovo apparecchio in sostituzione.e sicuramente mi dar grandi soddisfazioni come i due precedenti
Provato e funziona perfettamente
Einer meiner 4 Taplinker ist knapp 2 Monate nach Ablauf der Garantie ausgefallen. Das Magnetventil schlo nicht mehr, ich bekam zwar sofort eine Fehler/Warnmeldung vom System, habe das aber in der Nacht nicht mitbekommen, sondern erst am Morgen, nach dem Aufstehen. Somit lief die ganze Nacht ausgerechnet der Rasensprenger.
Nun ja, Amazon kontaktiert, aber die argumentierten sich aus der Nummer raus, weil, wie gesagt, die Garantie just abgelaufen war. Dann schrieb ich den Support von LinkTap an und schilderte das Problem.
Nach nicht einmal 24 Std. kam die Antwort, es handele sich hier wohl um ein bekanntes Problem, welches leider bei vereinzelten MV auftritt, das tte ihnen sehr leid und ich mge ihnen meine Versandaddresse mitteilen, um mir ein neues Gert zuzusenden.
Dieses kam gestern von Amazon geliefert bei mir an.
Das nenn’ ich mal Kulanz, der ganze Vorgang hat gerade mal eine Woche gedauert, vllig unkompiziert, wie selbstverstndlich und das ist es bei weitem nicht.
Viele Gre an dieser Stelle an “Jack” vom Support.
Nur noch mal eben so am Rande, meine ersten MV’s habe ich mittlerweile 4 Jahre und die funktionieren einwandfrei mit immer noch den ersten Batterien!!!!!!
Best timer on the planet. Goodbye Cloud Hozelock… you snooze you lose.
Il prodotto eccellente e funziona benissimo.
Come suggerimento faccio presente che nell’app se scegliete di fare irrigazione sulla base di giorni pari e dispari sappiate che il pari e dispari si riferisce alla data ( e non al giorno della settimana) , per cui se il mese ha 31 giorni e avete impostato il pari, irrigher il 28, il 30 e poi salter 31 e 1 e irrigher nuovamente il 2 del mese dopo.
Per irrigare a giorni alterni scegliete “Modalit intervallo” e impostate “irrigare ogni due giorni”
L’applicazione molto versatile e vi consente di sorvegliare o cambiare irrigazione anche da remoto.
Soddisfa ogni esigenza.
The LinkTap was easy to install and the software is excellent. Many options in terms of programming and user friendly. I had a problem with one of the two units and technical supports was excellent. I highly recommend the LinkTap!
The app does control more than one zone. Each zone requires one timer
Very flexible.
Would like to see a “Rain delay” button instead of a “Deactivate plan”.
Update on 9/152021.
Timers continue to operate perfectly. I noticed that one timer’s batteries seemed to declining more quickly than expected, so I asked LinkTap Support to evaluate. They evaluated that the device was faulty and to expect a new device from Amazon. That’s exceptional!
This company does it right!
Update 9/192021. Received replacement from company via Amazon today, as promised. The timer that used batteries a bit too fast has continued to perform its programmed tasks perfectly. Will install it tomorrow.
This is by far my 2020 purchase. I was priced $6000 for an inground system. With a few link taps sprinklers and hoses I have exactly what I need for less than $1500. The user interface could use some work but once you get used to getting around the bells and whistle’s that it offers is far superior than other products I’ve purchased. And I also like controlling the sprinklers from my phone. You can’t go wrong with this product I’ve been using it for three months and I’ve had zero issues. I’ll come back and update this should I have any problems.
Instead of an in-ground sprinkler system that costs $$$ way more than I care to spend, I have three of these hooked up to exterior spigots, each going to a different impact sprinkler. I love that I can turn them on when I want to from my cell phone, they will automatically skip a water if it rains, and they are so easy to set up and use.
I also have one on my drip irrigation hose so I can water my veggies and flowers easily. Gives me peace of mind when I’m away that I’ll still come home to healthy, happy plants and a green lawn.
This is an amazing product. It works really well. Active development of the product as well. Recently added Local Home Assistant Integration via MQTT Broker. Support responds really quickly and knows their product very well. I rarely leave reviews, but this product and company deserve the 5 stars and more!
Wow, this is so much better than the orbit one. I love the features in the app. The UI can be overwhelming, but i still found my way around it.
If the valve body was like 1/8″ smaller in depth I could fit multiple side by side in one of those 4 way manifolds. As is, I think you can squeeze 3 in.
Leider hatte der mir zuvor zugesandte einen technischen Defekt, mit dem Wasserzhler. Er zhlte sporadisch die Wassermenge nicht und lste somit einen Abfall Alarm aus. Der LinkTap Support half extrem rasch und professionell indem sie mir das Produkt kostenfrei fr mich, austauschten. So geht Kundenservice, Danke.
Ich kann nur jedem der eine Automatisierung und eine Integration ins Smart Home anstrebt, dieses tolle Produkt sehr empfehlen.
Jetzt hoffen wir mal und sind optimistisch, da dieses Produkt ein paar Jahre tut was es soll.
It takes about 30 seconds to install into an existing irrigation system and about 5 to 15 minutes to setup the schedules, depending on what you want.
The rain skip feature is great and save watering an already soaked garden.
Support is fantastic with extremely quick responses considering the time zone difference.
Also easy to integrate into other home automation systems for even more control.
The G2 version with the integrated flow meter provides useful information about the amount of water used as well as warnings for excessive flow that would happen if the hose falls off or splits. Plus it reminds me to turn the water back on at the beginning of the season when it detects that no water is flowing.
And now the S version has the manual switch on the body so it is really easy to turn on the water when standing next to it. Before if I wanted to water some new plants I had to get the phone out to activate the instant mode.
It might not be the cheapest option but you get the quality and features of far more expensive systems so it is excellent value for money.