Manfrotto MK290XTA3-3W, Tripod with Ball Head, 3 Way Head

Manfrotto MK290XTA3-3W, Tripod with Ball Head, 3 Way Head, for DSLR, Compact System Camera, Mirrorless, Aluminium, Black

From the brand

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Weight: 5.6 Pounds
Dimensions: 77 x 15 x 15 centimetres
Brand: Manfrotto
Model: MK290XTA3-3W
Part: MK290XTA3-3W
Colour: Black
Dimensions: 77 x 15 x 15 centimetres

51 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    La qualit Manfrotto non si discute.
    Ottimo prodotto, robusto, stabile, pratico nelle sue funzionalit grazie a manopole ergonomiche di dimensioni contenute. Consigliato.

  2. Anonymous says:


    Je cherchais un trpied pour remplacer mon actuel beaucoup trop lger (pourtant de la mme marque) pour poser ma longue vue.
    Il est facile mettre en place et rgler. Il permet de positionner l’appareil (ici principalement ma longue vue) dans la position que je souhaite. Et le mouvement latral est facilit par un engrenage fluide.
    Il est par contre un peu lourd mais c’est un compromis ncessaire sa bonne stabilit.
    Il est fourni avec une sacoche de transport.

  3. Anonymous says:


    Ormai sono diversi mesi che utilizzo il prodotto e non ci sono stati nessun problema, la qualit del prodotto per i suoi materiali ottima.

  4. Anonymous says:


    Qualit professionnel trs stable facile d’utilisation matriaux de bonnes qualits pse son poids sa permet une bonne stabilit de l’appareil photo grosse rotule parfait pour faire des panoramas ou vectorama

  5. MattieWinkler says:


    Buon prezzo come usato sul marketplace di Amazon. Praticamente nuovo. Per il momento sono soddisfatto, la testa sembra abbastanza fluida (certo, per cose iper professionali occorre rivolgersi altrove, magari sempre Manfrotto, ma su un altro livello).

  6. DesireeFreitas says:


    Por ahora, dos aos de uso. Lo utilizo para un telescopio de observacin de aves. Va bien. Es transportable, se monta con rapidez, no se deteriora y tiene suficiente estabilidad.

    Lo positivo: una gran marca. Despliegue y recogida de patas fcil. Material que no se deteriora. Ligero y transportable. Suficiente solidez para un uso normal.
    Lo negativo: Vibra levemente con el viento y con la manipulacin. Cuesta algo apretar los pomos del cabezal para fijar la posicin.
    Conclusin: Podra ser ms robusto y estable, pero sera ms pesado y dificultara el transporte. Es adecuado para un uso como el que yo le doy.

  7. Anonymous says:


    Das Stativ von Manfrotto bietet fr seinen Preis eine ausgezeichnete Funktion.

    Positiv hervorzuheben ist die Qualitt, in der Manfrotto seine Produkte verarbeitet.
    Das Stativ ist ein Dreibein Stativ mit zweifachem Auszug. Das Stativ steht sehr stabil, auch im vollstndig ausgezogenen Zustand.
    Durch die mitgelieferte Stativplatte werden auch schwerere Kameras wie zum Beispiel eine Canon 5D Mark IV gut gehalten.

    Natrlich kann man fr diesen Preis keine Magnesium oder Carbon Ausfhrung erwarten und muss sich dementsprechend auf das Gewicht des Stativs einstellen (siehe Produktbeschreibung).

    Das Stativ ist ideal geeignet fr Personen, die nach einer sehr guten und sicheren Lsung fr ihr Equipment suchen.

    Das Stativ braucht im eingezogenen Zustand sehr wenig Platz und berrascht im ausgezogenen Zustand durch seine Gre.

    Insgesamt werde ich das Stativ mit der Note 1,5

  8. Paul Vale says:


    In linea con le aspettative, fatto veramente bene, funzionalit ottima non saprei cosa altro chiedere, unica pecca non prevedono di serie punte terminali che vendono a parte ma non so nemmeno se compatibili con questo modello

  9. Simon Jary says:


    Es hat mir alles gefallen. In der Preiskategorie ist keine Wasserwaage inbegriffe

  10. Anonymous says:


    Lo uso para un telescopio terrestre. La rtula es suave y puede bien con el equipo. Quizs en das de viento es un poco justo y vibra ms que otros ms pesados, pero hay que elegir entre cargar peso continuamente o aceptar las limitaciones de un equipo ligero. Calidad precio muy buena.

  11. Anonymous says:


    Ottimo cavalletto pensato per i video/filmmaker con una semplice testa mobile che , comunque, funzionale. Naturalmente un cavalletto da viaggio che offre, per, un’ottima stabilit e robustezza con, al contempo, gradevole leggerezza. Si percepisce che un signor cavalletto e non una cinesata.

    La testa fluida in dotazione funziona bene, rimane fluida anche con pesi abbastanza sostenuti (il mio rig arriva ai 3,5 / 4 kg in certi casi) ma non regolabile in precisione sulla resistenza del movimento. La vite dell’inclinazione va stretta forte, altrimenti tende a spostarsi e inclinarsi sempre di pi (sempre con pesi importanti) dato che non c’ un sistema a contrappeso.

  12. LannyProuty says:


    Bonjour, j’ai quand mme renvoy 3 pieds avant de choisir celui-ci d’un tarif norme pour moi de 179. Il est parfait et dpasse de beaucoup en qualit les autres trpieds de prix infrieur. La longue vue est stable et sans jeu. Les pieds sont robustes. Le tout sera un peu lourd, mon mari est muscl A noter que pour une longue vue moins lourde de 700 gr un trpieds en vente 42 et parfait .
    Si vos moyens vous le permettent, ne cherchez pas ailleurs et gagnez du temps bonne journe et bonne recherche

  13. Ride Magazine says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    This tripod is pretty good actually. Good quality and smoothe operation. I can keep a wobble free focus on stars at maximum 66x on my celestion spotting scope. It is perfect for birding!

  14. JaninaRancourt says:


    Avevo in mio possesso la versione standard senza testa mobile (in modo tale da poterla girare di 90) di questo treppiede e ho optato per questo piccolo upgrade.

    La qualit dei materiali mi sembra leggermente inferiore e cosa pi grave, secondo me, l’assenza di una sacca per poterlo trasportare.
    La versione senza testa mobile invece ne provvista e i due cavalletti ci stanno perfettamente.
    Non me lo sarei aspettato da Manfrotto.

  15. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    So much better than I hoped for so I bought a second for a different need.

  16. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Not the lightest carbonfibre but easily makes up in height and stability

  17. MarisolK29 says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Smooth and easy to use, everything you want from a fluid head tripod and everything you’d expect from Manfrotto

  18. Anonymous says:


    El trpode est bastante apaado, funciona correctamente y tiene un peso muy adecuado para su uso. La rtula… esta rtula de vdeo es una broma, muy lejos de la calidad de MAnfrotto. Entiendo que es una estrategia para abaratar pero no vale para nada.

  19. Anonymous says:


    Aktuell bin ich mit dem Stativ zufrieden.

    Was schade ist, das Manfrotto es nicht fr ntig hlt eine passende Tasche mit zuliefern. Da mir das durch andere Rezensionen bewusst war, gibt es diesbezglich kein Punkt/Stern Abzug deswegen.
    Aber dennoch ist es schade das keine Tasche dabei ist.

    Nun zum Stativ selbst. Von der Qualitt/ Wertigkeit fhlt sich das Stativ schon sehr gut an.
    An die kleine Platte muss man sich erst dran gewhnen. Ich hatte vorher einen actiongrip von walimex und da ist die Platte um das 3 fache grer.
    Hier bin ich auch etwas enttuscht das es keine zweite Platte dazu gibt.
    Aber auch das war mir durch div Bewertungen bewusst.

    Ich hab ne canon1dx eine 5d mit Batteriegriff und ne 7er.
    An objektiven das 85mm1,2 / 50mm1,4 / 50mm2,5 macro/ 17-40mm4,0 / Sigma 150-600mm
    Die Kombi 1dx und das 150-600 wiegen grob 3,5kg und ist die schwerste Kombi bei mir.
    Gefhlt kommt man mit dieser Kombi an seine Grenzen vom Stativ. Hab ich es bisher gebrauch? Nein.
    Das Stativ kommt bei mir fr Produktfotografie zum Einsatz und das ein oder andere Shooting wo es mir wichtig ist immer den selben Ausschnitt zu haben fr die spter Bildbearbeitung.

    Ich bin 185cm gro und wenn ich die 1dx auf dem Stativ habe kann ich ohne mich gro zu bcken durch den Sucher schauen.
    Wobei bcken der falsche Ausdruck ist. Ich neige mein Kopf etwas herrunter wrde besser passen.
    Und die Mittelstange ist nicht ausgezogen.

    Was mir an dem Stativ sehr gut gefllt und schon zum Einsatz kam, ist das ich die Beine einzeln vom Winkel her einstellen kann. Zwei Beine waren ganz normal ausgefahren und das dritte Bein hab ich bis ganz nach oben stellen mssen und auf der Mauer abgelegt, eigentlich im 90grad Winkel und konnte so ganz nah ran an die Mauer.

    Ob ich das Stativ an die Grenzen des machbaren bringen werde…., mit dem Gewicht der 1dx und dem Sigma 150-600 knnte ich auf jedenfall nah dran sein.

    Das Schwingungsverhalten vom Stativ bei Langzeitbelichtung hab ich noch nicht getestet. Bei Tag konnte ich bisher nichts negatives feststellen.

    Der mitgelieferte Kopf ist vom bedienen her fr mich okay. Wenn man vorher einen actiongrip hatte muss man sich umgewhnen :-).
    Vielleicht hol ich mir demnchst noch ein anderen Kopf. Aber das eilt nicht.

    Kann ich das Stativ empfehlen?
    Auf jedefall kann ich das. Fr den Profi / Berufsfotografen knnte es mit dem Kopf der dabei ist eher die zweite Wahl sein oder ein akzeptabeles Ersatzstativ.
    Fr den Anfnger und Hobby Fotograf wrde ich es klar empfehlen knnen.
    Wobei hier auf das zulssige Gesamtgewicht geachtet werden sollte.

    Also, ihr msst euch bewusst sein das es keine Tragetasche und keine zweite wechselplatte dazu gibt bzw diese im Preis mit enthalten sind. Einzeln knnt ihr die Sachen natrlich nachkaufen.
    Ich selbst hab mir jetzt noch ein Satz Wechselplatten bestellt da ich sehr schnell gemerkt habe wie mir das wechselnder Platte auf die andere Kamera auf den Sender ging.

    Wem das alles bewusst ist und damit leben kann, der wird mit dem Stativ zufrieden und oder auch glcklich sein.

    Wer auf Zubehr inkl achtet und ihm wichtig ist, der sollte nach was anderem schauen.

    Ich gebe zufriedene 5 Sterne.

  20. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Really impressed with this tripod, super sturdy and the fluid pan head is so smooth. I use it for digi-scoping watching whales and dolphins. Yes it’s a little heavy but I can live with that.

  21. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersJ’ai achet ce kit trepied+rotule (trepied 290 xtra + rotule 128RC) pour y fixer une longue-vue terrestre afin d’observer les oiseaux (ma longue vue pese environ 2,5kg)

    Excellent trepied stable et solide, je ne regrette pas d’avoir achet du Manfrotto (la promo du black friday valait le coup, j’ai donc prfr mettre quelques euros supplementaires dans un Manfrotto plutot que de prendre un trepied Amazon Basic, clairement l’achat du trepied c’est un investissement).

    Tres stable, il y a un crochet sur un ct du trepied qui permettra de le lester d’avantage en cas d’utilisation extrieure par grand vent.

    Mouvement tres fluides , il faut par contre trouver le bon reglage pour maintenir la longue vue et lui permettre de bouger facilement, rglage pas evident a trouver.

    Un petit bemol sur le poids de la rotule qui a elle seule pese pres d’un kilo et qui rend l’ensemble trepied/rotule/longue vue un peu lourd sur l’epaule quand on sort avec (deplacements a pied entre plusieurs postes d’observation a l’exterieur dans mon cas).

    Parfait avec une longue vue

  22. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Really pleased with the tripod not to heavy to carry around and 128 head is brilliant.

  23. LovieCEXPshmpx says:


    Mi piacciono la presenza della piccola livella a bolla e la facilit con cui si regolano le parti mobili per orientare al meglio la telecamera.

    Ho scelto questa versione di treppiede perch mi utile per fare riprese di conferenze dal vivo che trasmetter poi in diretta su Internet.

    Ricercavo quindi soprattutto la buona stabilit per quando tengo fissa la telecamera e la possibilit al tempo stesso di ruotarla in maniera fluida quando devo riprendere gli interlocutori da sinistra verso destra e viceversa..

    Discreto treppiede anche come supporto per fotocamere per foto panoramiche (la mancanza della testa a 3 vie per regolare anche l’inclinazione delle fotocamere non un grosso problema, potendo sopperirvi in seguito al computer in fase di editing delle foto)

  24. Anonymous says:


    One of the best in this price range, the tripod sturdy and stable even with heaver lenses and camera’s. Recommended to buy..
    Worst packaging I experienced from seller, the product came in its orignal box and that too in open condition, five star for product and one star for packaging

  25. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersPratico digiscoping cio telefotografia con cannocchiale da 7 anni e questo il terzo treppiede che compro e che utilizzo. Il primo era un oggetto super economico comprato al negozio cinese, leggero da trasportare ma poco stabile e con molti laschi anche una volta bloccate le parti mobili. Il secondo era un treppiede da 40 euro, migliore del precedente ma pur sempre oggetto di progetto e costruzione economici, gi meglio come immobilit con i meccanismi bloccati, abbastanza compatto e leggero da trasportare comodamente. Sentivo per la necessit di avere un oggetto pi robusto e che mi permettesse movimenti pi decisi e precisi. Devo ammettere che questo treppiede mi soddisfa in pieno: ha delle belle gambe tubolari di grosso diametro, che scendono da sole e veloci quando si aprono gli sganci. L’impugnatura in gomma molto pratica per il trasporto e funge da maniglia. La colonna centrale perfetta perch, se c’ bisogno improvviso di alzare l’attrezzatura, in un attimo si riesce ad alzare. La testa ha tutti i movimenti e blocchi che si possano desiderare, le maniglie di serraggio fanno una bella presa e bloccano perfettamente la testa. Molto utile la livella a bolla inclusa nella testa. Il fatto di poter aprire completamente le gambe e all’occorrenza montare la colonna al contrario per riprese raso terra sono un plus da non sottovalutare, degno completamento di un buon progetto. Non sto qui a lamentarmi che questo treppiede pesa perch se non si riesce a portare in giro quel poco di peso vuol dire proprio essere dei pappamolla. Certo non leggerissimo ma se si vuole robustezza e stabilit non ci sono santi, ci vuole massa. Ed buon segno di materiali tosti. Quando esco in natura con la mia attrezzatura, adesso treppiede+cannocchiale+fotocamera fanno 4,5 kg. Quando si cammina con l’attrezzatura basta cambiare mano ogni tanto oppure appoggiare il treppiede, con le gambe estese, sulla spalla, e si risolve senza problemi. Se si vuole qualit, ci vuole sostanza, quindi ben venga un treppiede robusto. Nella scatola dell’imballaggio inclusa anche la sacca per il trasporto: ‘ di tessuto abbastanza fino ma sembra robusto ma il cordino di tracolla sembra un p esile. Ad ogni modo a me non serve e lo trovo piuttosto inutile, voglio vedere chi quel fotografo che trasporta il treppiede in una sacca tale. Avevo provato questo treppiede in un grande negozio della mia zona ma quando ho visto che dovevano ordinarlo e ci volevano 2 giorni e soprattutto che veniva a costare 30 euro pi di Amazon, ho preferito ordinarlo qui. Ottimo prezzo, a questa cifra non si pu trovare di meglio. L’unica cosa che ha da invidiare ai treppiedi professionali che quelli sono pi leggeri essendo in fibra di carbonio. Consigliato a tutti quelli che usano attrezzatura di una certa qualit e costo e anche piuttosto ingombrante. Con tale attrezzatura non si scherza e ci vuole un treppiede serio, qual’ questo.

    un ottimo acquisto

  26. KendraS31ejta says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersThe legs are great really sturdy and stable. The locking system works well and there is no movement when locked.

    You could spend 170 on Amazon just for the legs only, so you can’t complain too much about the head. But it isn’t the best quality and the arms feel a little spongy. I use a Benro geared head or a Manfrotto video head with these legs and it works perfectly.

    I would recommend buying this tripod but upgrade to a better head as soon as possible. That said, I’m using this professionally, so this might suit a hobbyist fine.

  27. DXUDavidxptyy says:


    Il made in Italy, non c’ niente da fare, vince col rapporto qualit/prezzo.
    Del resto Manfrotto leader del settore da anni.
    il treppiedi giusto per il reportage di viaggi: 2,5Kg per avere la giusta stabilit e robustezza.
    Ha una gamba con impugnatura in gomma per portarlo in maniera pi ergonomica a mano.
    C’ una piccola livella a bolla ed ogni movimento gestibile grazie a tre piccoli goniometri: zentitale, azimutale e orizzontale.
    Inoltre la garanzia estensibile per 10 anni registrando il prodotto sul sito della Manfrotto.
    Mi aveva fatto preoccupare la consegna del pacco: non era sigillato in una busta impermeabile o in uno scatolo “Amazon”, ma dentro c’era tutto con la testa gi montata. Non so se la prassi.

  28. AletheaMartinov says:

     United Kingdom

    Love this tripod, looks professional. Cannot wait to use for real with some birdspotting.

  29. AlexandBigham says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Sturdy and stable, it’s a great tripod for video, spotting scopes and long lenses. It’s also impressively tall when fully extended.
    The drawbacks are the considerable weight and length when compact.
    Overall not great for carrying round on your shoulder all day, but for setting up and staying in one place, a very decent tripod for the price.

  30. Shanon Maglente says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Been using a few tripods for video/photography over the last 15 years, this one trumps them all. Strong, stable and light/compact enough to strap to the side of my backpack. Quick and easy to set up, perfect for ‘run and gun’ videographers.

  31. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great Quality – Good Finish and very Functional. A very good set of legs. Lightwieght yet very sturdy. No issues.

  32. Antoine9717 says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    very nice tripod…it came with a part missing and manfrotto sent me free spare immediately.

  33. Aaron says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent tripod, with Manfrotto you know you are getting quality, would recommend!

  34. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Took me a bit of getting used to with two mechanical controls for its head. It’s lever released legs are a great improvement on my old Slik’s twist adjustment, but the head is not a patch on the Slik’s single one does all fluid head handle control. Nice and stable even with my heavy old Kowa 82mm telescope. But overall I find I am using it far more than the Slik and am well satisfied with it.

  35. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Quality product. It took me a while to realise the base plate is reversible if you change the pin with the screw.
    Very smooth head.

  36. Kailla Coomes says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersIch habe das Manfrotto MK290XTA3-2W 290 Xtra Kit Alu-Stativ fr meine Kamera mit Super-Tele gewhlt, weil ich ein Stativ wollte, dessen Stativbeine so lang sind, dass ich mich beim fotographieren nicht bcken muss, und zwar ohne die Mittelsule ausziehen zu mssen! Denn man weiss ja, dass ein Stativ zwangslufig einen Grossteil seiner Steifigkeit verliert, wenn die Mittelsule ausgezogen wird. Tatschlich ist das Stativ wirklich sehr stabil! Natrlich wird damit die Lnge des Statives im eingezogenen Zustand (und auch das Gewicht) etwas grsser, aber das habe ich von vorne herein bewusst in Kauf genommen!

    Das Neigen und Schwenken geht ganz sanft und stetig vor sich, ohne jedes Ruckeln. Man muss nur die betreffenden Flgelmuttern so weit anziehen, dass sich die richtige Dmpfung ergibt. Das Stativ ist also sogar fr Videoaufnahmen geeignet, bei denen man ja ganz smooth neigen und schwenken mchte!

    Die Griffauflage am Griff vom Stativkopf und einem der Stativbeine ist aus einem weichen, angenehmen, griffigen Material. Am Stativ wackelt michts, und alles passt exakt. Das Auf- und Abbauen geht ganz schnell. Die Schnellwechselklemme hlt meine wertvolle Kamera sicher und fest. Die Bein-Gelenke lassen sich in verschiedenen festen Winkeln abspreizen, und die Sule kann man umdrehen fr “ganz-nah-am-Boden-Makrofotos”. Und wenn die Klemmen der Stativbeine mal an Klemmkraft verlieren sollten, ist sogar ein kleines Werkzeug am Stativ festgeklemmt, um die Haltekraft nachziehen zu knnen!

    Ich habe das Stativ zwar erst ein paar Monate, aber ich kann es sehr empfehlen; ich glaube, nur der Profi braucht ein aufwendigeres (und teueres) Modell.
    Ich wrde es sofort wieder kaufen.

  37. Todd McDonagh says:

     United Kingdom

    Lovely quality tripod, one of the best I’ve used for the money.

  38. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Got this as a replacement for a much loved Velbon tripod that broke, as I am now more out in the elements I wanted something sturdy versatile and wouldn’t break the bank and this ticks all the boxes, it really was a toss up between this and a tripod that converted to a mono pod,but I am glad I have got this .
    Its sturdy and a little more weighty than my last tripod but that’s good ,tested in some very windy weather and got no movement at all very impressed
    and the positions this can get in to its like a transformer it can got from high to insanely low and can get places where most tripods cant venture.
    its quick to set up and tear down,the only grip i have is the ball head i have used better from manfrotto but for the price its a must buy

  39. Srikanth Voruganti says:

     United Kingdom

    Very light, easy to extend and a great price. Love i

  40. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersTired of the 20-30 wobbly chinese offerings, I was determined to gift my partner with a ‘proper’ tripod to compliment her camera kit and 25-125x zoom monocular. I did my research and was very gratified to see that I’d made the right choice.

    The fluid head is very smooth, and a particular feature I like is the ability to splay and lock each leg independently, from the usual 30-ish degrees, all the way out to full horizontal, suiting a range of instances where it’s difficult to site the feet for stability (rocky terrain, etc). This is afforded by depressing a catch at the top of each leg to release lock, moving the leg out, then progressively moving the leg back down against a ratchet for positioning.

    Incidentally, I mentioned to a work colleague that I was purchasing a ‘proper’ tripod as a gift, and without further clues he asked… “Is it a Manfrotto?”. It just so happened that his friend was really into photography with some serious Canon kit, and used Manfrotto tripods himself – hence his asking.

    If you’re serious about a decent tripod, I can heartily recommend the Manfrotto brand as it’s hard to see how anyone could be disappointed.

  41. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    It does just what I wanted it to do and what I expected it to do you can’t ask more than that.

  42. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 16 From Our UsersHe ain’t heavy, he’s my brother; so the song goes. Well this tripod ain’t my brother and is very heavy. If you ever get bored of photography, keep it cos it would make an ideal defensive weapon. If you want to take pictures at the top of Scare Fell Pike please please order the optional pack horse.

    So the weights a huge disadvantage? Not really; to get smooth panning video the weight actually helps it stay rigid without the need to weigh it down with your camera bag or a small child.

    It’s built better quality is top notch and holds my Canon 80D and standard kit lens whilst yelling “is that all you’ve got, bring it on you lemon”

    So apart from the tripods attitude problem a top top purchase.

  43. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    It’s a touch heavy, but stable and reliable. Smooth tracking in both horizontal and vertical planes.

  44. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersLove this tripod! Having shopped around, this was one of the most competitively priced fluid head tripods. I’ve used some of manfrotto’s entry level / compact tripods, and they weren’t great, but this one is a step up into the professional level. It has changed the quality of my video work, silky smooth movement, love it!

  45. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersGreat tripod. Handy feature to be able to film overhead. The only reason I’ve chose 4 stars instead of 5 is that the reach of the tip section does not extend very far, so depending on how high you intend the tripod to be, the legs are often restricting the view below, and how far over it can go.
    For general purpose though, well built, sturdy tripod.
    Additional tripod head purchase is required.

  46. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    This is a wonderful price of kit, it exceeds all my expectations. Ok it not light, but I already have two lightweight tripods and needed somwthung much sturdier to cooe with the windy conditions we experience in the north. Well done seller.

  47. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I’ve bought this product for a trip to see the Northern Lights. I just simply love it! Very easy to mount your camera, light, adjustable at different hights.

  48. RafaelaHrv says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our Usersbigger and heavier than expected – yet extremely solid. perfect for my need – star photography

  49. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersWell pleased and it’s as steady as a rock with my 150mm-500mm Sigma lens and camera

  50. ScarlettHudspet says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersThe tripod arrived on time and was exactly as specified, perfect for my photography needs, a good stable tripod and smooth pan and tilt movement, along with adequate height for my six foot body, enabling easy use of my DSLR and long lenses, complete with remote shutter control cable.

  51. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersI bought the Manfrotto to replace a very old plastic tripod which has served me adequately for many years and with which I was happy until parts began to wear and it became unusable.
    On opening the box I was surprised at how heavy this tripod was. It was also sturdier than I expected, much more so than my old tripod, in fact, it was much, much better than I expected.
    It was easy to set up and with a little experimentation I was able to achieve everything described in the instructions within a matter of minutes. Mounting the camera (Nikon D5300) was fairly simple.
    Once fitted the head is secure and firmly held (more so than my previous tripod) and the pan and tilt easy to control. I did not buy this tripod to shoot video but I found that whilst the pan facility worked well, the tilt was a little stiffer than I would have liked, even when fully open and, unless it becomes freer with use, is not really suitable for smooth video. Possibly video enthusiasts would prefer rather longer handles than are fitted here too.
    Extending and fixing the legs is simple and, once again I was surprised by the height achievable. With one section of the legs extended it is stable but, obviously, at its maximum height with both sections extended and the centre section raised it is slightly less so though usable. There is a hook on which to hang a weight to stabilise the tripod if necessary.
    The tripod came supplied with a carrying bag with a drawstring closure.