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Marshall Monitor II A.N.C. Headphone – Black

Marshall Monitor II A.N.C. Headphone - Black

Marshall Monitor II A.N.C. Headphone – Black

Monitor II ANC
  1. Marshall Headphones ANC
  2. Marshall Monitor II ANC headphones
  3. Marshall Monitor II ANC headphones
  4. Marshall Monitor II ANC headphones
  5. Marshall Monitor II ANC headphones
  6. Marshall Monitor II ANC headphones

Play, pause and shuffle your music. Adjust the volume of your device and control phone functionality.

” data-position=”triggerHorizontal” />M-BUTTON

The multi-function M-Button lets you switch between three different equaliser presets or alternatively, it can be programmed to instantly access your voice assistant. It’s up to you.

” data-position=”triggerHorizontal” />ICONIC SOUNDACTIVE NOISE CANCELLING


Monitor II A.N.C. headphones utilise advanced active noise cancelling technology that continuously pinpoints and measures ambient noise in order to block out the things you don’t want to hear. Now you can focus on what matters most – the music.

Monitor II A.N.C.

Marshall Headphones

Noise Cancelling

Control Knob

Collapsible Design

Phone Functionality


Wireless Charging

Up to 30 hours


80+ hours

Noise Cancelling

Control Knob

Collapsible Design

Phone Functionality


Wireless Charging

Up to 30 hours


30+ hours

  1. Major IV Major IV
  2. Major III Bluetooth Major III BT

Weight: 320 g
Size: One size
Dimensions: 7.37 x 14.48 x 20.57 cm; 320.35 Grams
Model: 1005228
Colour: Black
Batteries Included: 1 Lithium Ion batteries required. (included)
Manufacture: Zound Industries
Dimensions: 7.37 x 14.48 x 20.57 cm; 320.35 Grams
Size: One size

36 Responses

  1. LottieBPUah says:


    Eran para un regalo y al parecer le han encantado

  2. LiamYoung says:


    Der Name ist einfach Programm und das Produkt hlt, was Marshall verspricht! Ich finde sowohl Optik, als auch Sound mega. Das Einrichten ist ein bisschen hakelig, aber dann lufts! Ich kann sie nur empfehlen!

  3. Anonymous says:


    La cuffia fatta molto bene ed adempie egregiamente alla sua funzione con una riproduzione audio ottima!
    Anche la durata della batteria, cun il volume impostato al 60% e con l’attenuatore di rumore disinserito, quella indicata dal produttore, anzi un paio d’ore in pi. Io l’ho presa per collegarla via Bluetooth al computer e il PC l’ha vista immediatamente, senza alcun problema, ma…… ho provato, dopo alcuni giorni, a collegarla al mio smartphone (Xiaomi) e a quello di mia moglie (Samsung S21) e non c’ stato verso di farlo, i due telefoni proprio non la vedono!
    Se l’avessi acquistata per usarla con i telefoni avrei dovuto restituirla.

  4. Austin Parker says:


    The sound is ok not something out of the world but its too heavy for the gym.

  5. Anonymous says:


    I liked the built quality , compared with other top brand headphones , little heavy compared to other headphones but not an issue , sound quality it good

  6. GenaMacartney says:

     United Kingdom

    ANC is good enough as you’d expect, battery life is great, the controls are incredibly well thought out, folds really nice and compact, solid build. Can get a bit weighty on the top of your head after a while, and for me personally my right ear cup doesn’t seal perfectly every time.

  7. Anonymous says:


    Tricky to pair but apart from that excellent sound quality and comfortable

  8. Anonymous says:


    Beautiful headphones, unquestionably the best build quality on the market, sound is also extremely premium, BUT the boise cancelling is not that great, noticeably less able than its competitors, including budget brands like Soundcore (Q35’s) which have significantly better ANC. Unfortunately, I purchased these for long-haul, and they are just not up to the challenge.

  9. by Hanna Horvath says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI tried some of the Bose and Sony ANC headphones, but I wasn’t completely satisfied. Sony had a great ANC function, but the sound felt as if it was coming from a tunnel. I decided to order Marshall’s thanks to the reviews I read, although some commented that their ANC is not as good as Sony’s. To be honest, I didn’t understand the difference. I have been using them daily at a noisy office and recently to several flights and I’m really happy with the quality of the sound, the ANC, the telephone reply and overall functionality. They really worth their money!

  10. Anonymous says:


    La calidad est increble, pesan un poco lo cual da esta sensacin de calidad los cojines son muy suaves, los materiales resistentes y el sonido en cuanto a Rock se refiere est perfecto, al conectarlo con el cel el volumen no es muy alto, pero en la computadora si, esto con Bluetooth, con cable en ambos dispositivos el volumen es mayor. Si eres fan del rock y Marshall sers fan de estos audfonos. La conexin y rango de distancia es mucho mejor y mayorque con los Mode II inclusive que las bocinas.

  11. JannieChuter says:


    Super Kopfhrer, einiges Manko ist das nach jetzt einem Jahr 2-3 mal das ANC gesponnen hat. War auch 2 Mal so schlimm das ich die Kopfhrer nicht nutzen konnte.

    Aber im Gesamten echt Super Kopfhrer.

  12. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersBastano pochi minuti per apprezzare il suono, bilanciate ottimamente per l’ascolto del rock e l’heavy metal, bassi e medi ottimi le cuffie risaltano quando arriva la gran cassa e la chitarra elettrica. L’app comoda per gestire la configurazione delle cuffie, regolazione del nois cancelling e i comandi dello stick, inoltre nel app ci sono 3 tipi di equalizzatore che io tengo sempre su rock perch ben equalizzato.
    Ho provato vari modelli partendo dalle major e le ultime che ho usato prima di queste erano le motif anc e le user ancora su lavoro, invece ora per la palestra e gli ascolti da casa queste assolutamente, se ti piace ascoltare la musica queste cuffie ti fanno venire ancora pi voglia di ascoltare.

    Per chi ama il rock

  13. [email protected] Pete Larson says:


    Tengo estos audifonos apenas como 1 mes, y la entrada del auxiliar ya no funciona bien, la salida del audio del auxiliar se escucha super feo, en cuanto a las demas funciones estan al 100% y en inalambrico tambien funciona al 100% y el audio super genial, pero es el unico detallito que me salio, el cable esta bien , lo comprobe en una bocina que tengo , de la misma marca, una stockwell II, y el sonido con el cable auxiliar esta de 10, entonces por ende puedo decir que la entrada del auxiliar de los audifonos es la que me esta dando problemas

  14. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I have had Marshall headphones for a while now, and every time I get a new pair they keep getting better! I had the Mid ANC headphones before this pair, and the Monitor II headset is something else!

    The noise cancelling is far superior, and the ability to change the EP on the headset from your phone is very good. I really like the ANC button which allows for you to quickly listen in ‘monitor’ mode to your surroundings. Great if there is a train announcement, or someone is talking to you. They are also a lot comfier to wear than the Mid ANC headphones in my opinion, though I do miss the gold Marshall sound!

    All round, the best headphones I’ve ever had.

  15. KayleighHoughto says:


    Las primeras dos semanas funcionaron bien, se escuchaban normal y la cancelacin de ruido estaba bien. Lo nico que no me gust es que no me apretaban tanto la cabeza, si me acostaba o corra se caan fcilmente. Despus de casi 3 semanas de repente comenc a escuchar un ruido molesto, como si estuviese corriendo aire a travs de los audfonos, todo esto desde mi cuarto totalmente en silencio, en cuanto paso este problema no dud en devolverlos. Planeo comprarlos nuevamente desde la tienda oficial de Marshall. Es la primera vez que devuelvo un paquete en Amazon. (Cabe recalcar que compre un producto con caja “daada”)

  16. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersSon lo que esperaba aunque yo que uso lentes tengo que acomodarlos bien si no me lastiman.
    El sistema de cancelacin de ruido es bueno aunque no perfecto, creo que sony esta mejor en ese tema, pero no los cambiara 🙂

  17. MarjoriGarrard says:


    Abgesehen von der schicken Optik berzeugt mich auch einfach der Klang sehr. Hatte sie jetzt 1,5 Jahre fast tglich genutzt bis leider ein Bgel sich lste – aber direkt bei Marshall angefragt und jetzt gibts kostenlos neue einfach top!
    Die Freisprech Funktion ob PC oder Hamdy via Bluetooth funktionier perfekt mchte ich nich mehr vermissen.

  18. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI’m the owner of 20 odd pairs of headphones of all different types and styles and these are in my top 3.great for rock and prog music, all the features work really as you would expect and LOVE the graphic EQ that allows you change and shape music to your taste. The one fly in the ointment was I had a problem with the headphone cable it kept cutting out, so I sent an e-mail of to Marshall it was like a court of inquiry into the problem (I read other reviews that Marshall’s customer service was RUBBISH TO SAY THE LEAST, WON’T HELP CUSTOMERS and make you feel like a criminal to get a simple 10 cable replaced as I need this cable for an old I-Pod and Minidisk)after speaking to a friend they said get in contact with Amazon as they were the purchasers and guess what 15 minutes on the phone and the PROBLEM SOLVED. I have had problems with Amazon before and they always fix things promptly. will think twice before buying anything from Marshall again, the morale here is keep the customer happy (10 cable) and they will spend more money as I said earlier GREAT HEADPHONES, and AMAZON keep up the Great customer relations. CHEERS…..

  19. ElouiseHarper says:


    C’est un trs bon casque. Personnellement c’est surtout son design qui a motiv mon choix, il est trs soign et le ct Vintage lui donne vraiment un truc en plus, on peut sans problme le mettre dans la rue. Niveau qualit sonore c’est plus que convenable mais pas aussi juste que les Sony ou bose de la mme gamme
    En rsum si comme moi vous ador le design prennez le, si vous privilgiez la qualit sonore, tourn vous vers les bose et Sonny de la mme gamme de prix
    A la rduction de prix est pas ouf mais personnellement, j’accorde peu d’importance cette fonctio

  20. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThese headphones are awesome about 90% of the time, the other 10% is when A.N.C. start acting weird and generating weird noises on the right ear cup/speaker. Maybe it’s random maybe it’s related to longer usage times, thing is, it’s a downer, when it happens you can either turn off A.N.C. completely and keep using the headphones without it, or turn the headphones off (use it wired) (not use it) for a while.

    I complained with Marshall and they sent me a new pair with the same problem. I hope a firmware update can solve it in the future. But for now, it works 90% so I just stopped overusing it.

    For people like me who are wondering if they could be used as Monitors for studio work, yes they can! The no-equalisation default setting would already make it good to be used on Bluetooth, but in the wired option they are perfect (no latency), if you have a decent audio interface you would prefer to have it wired there anyway.

    So yeah, I still recommend them, just be aware of the A.N.C. intermittent bug.

  21. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersI wanted update my review because I tried them outside today for the first time and you can hear the window really bad, I tried increasing the anc to max but it made no difference and I had to take them off.. It sounded similar to when you tuch the backs with your hand but more like someone was rubbing a towel against them and it wasn’t that windy!
    I’ve purchased 4 different sets of headphones this week Sennheiser, Powerbeats, Bose and the Marshall absolutely smash the competition by miles and miles… I’ve spent hours going back and forth and the Marshalls just sound astonishing like there is a band playing live in your room and they work with windows, no audio delay when playing game’s I’m really shocked just how amazing these sound compared to the rest..
    If you’re looking for headphones that are truly high quality with no audio dele then I’d definitely recommend giving these a try, I own a set of beyerdynamic custom game and these actually sound better than them!!

  22. Anonymous says:


    Der Kopfhrer hat meine Erwartungen voll erfllt. Ein guter natrlicher Klang nur die app ist Mll.
    Da ich diese nur fr die Grundeinstellung brauchte und einiges am Kopfhrer selbst einstellbar ist habe ich sie wieder gelscht was fr mich nicht so schlimm ist.

  23. Paul Norman says:


    He probado todos los modelos anteriores, estos auriculares estn muy por encima. La comodidad no tiene comparacin, son ultra cmodos, la msica se oye con mucha calidad, sobre todo la msica con muchos bajos, es una pasada. Aslan bastante, yo voy a trabajar en autobs y prob a sentarme junto a un grupo muy alborotador, no oa nada de lo que decan. El nico fallo es que al hablar por telfono en sitios ruidosos no se oye muy bien. No los utilizo para hablar pero, en cambio, para realizar videollamadas con el ordenador funcionan a la perfeccin. Volvera a comprarlos. Es una pena que no traigan una funda ms dura.

  24. Anonymous says:


    Je ne vais pas mentir, je suis fan de Marshall.
    Dj en possession d’un Marshall III que j’ai us jusqu’ la corde, je devais le remplacer car un couteur a lch.
    J’ai t bluff par l’ANC ! Le son du mtro est un vieux souvenir. Attention par contre en traversant car les voitures ne s’entendent plus 😀

  25. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Better than the Bose. Lighter and smaller silhouette. Looks great too. Well made. Sound is really good. App easy to use and easy to pair.

  26. Jen Wheeler says:

     United Kingdom

    Sound quality was great, interface is fine. Sadly, no app for MacBook, but can use iPhone or Android to configure. Only disappointment was about comfort – they seem to really clamp on your head and using for more than an hour is not that nice.

  27. Anonymous says:


    Hallo Leute,

    ich schreibe nicht oft Rezessionen, aber dieser Kopfhrer hat es definitiv verdient. Kurz zu meiner Person und Musikgeschmack.

    Ich bin Mitte 30 und bin selbst Drummer in 2 Rockbands. Ich hre berwiegend Hard Rock, Classic Rock und Heavy Metal. Ich habe jetzt so ziemlich alle Brands an Kopfhrern durch und dieser hier ist mit Abstand der Beste den ich je hatte. Die Hhen kommen klar und unverzerrt daher, die Mitteltne harmonieren meiner Meinung nach perfekt mit den Hochtnen und werden durch einen nicht zu bersteuern Bass fantastisch abgerundet”.

    Wer einen Kopfhrer fr HipHop, Rap, Electro oder Rn’B sucht ist hier ganz klar nicht gut beraten.

    Wer einen Kopfhrer fr klassische Stcke (Vilvaldi – Four Seasons), Indie Rock (The Manchester Orchestra – The Silence, Rock (von A wie Aerosmith – Z wie Zeplin) sucht kommt hier voll auf seine Kosten.
    Marshall kann unglaublicherweise auch richtig gut Kopfhrer.

    Die Marshall App gestaltet die Einstellungen des Kopfhrers praktisch und einfach. Tadten am Kopfhrer knnen individuell belegt werden. Auch eigene Audioeinstellungen knnen simple und einfach eingestellt werden.
    Die Bedienelemente am Kopfhrer selbst machen einen guten und soliden Eindruck.

    Der ganze Kopfhrer ist stabil und einwandfrei verarbeitet.

    ber das NC kann ich nicht viel sagen, es ist mein erster Kopfhrer mit NC. Aber wenn meine Frau telefoniert im gleichen Raum und ich ohne Musik NC anschalte hre ich sie nicht mehr!

    Von meiner Seite aus klare Kaufempfehlung!

    Rock und Heavy der Extravaganz!!

  28. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersIf you like the Marshall brand and have used the Marshall speakers, go for these. The headphones look sturdy and cool. I like the audio quality though this is subjective. ANC is not bad but most professional reviews say not as good as the latest Sony. Headphones feel very comfortable once you get used to them. Connecting with Bluetooth is not flawless but not too problematic also. Audio quality and microphone are pretty decent for phone calls. The best part is the controller joystick which makes it super easy to use the headphones. I would think this is much better than touch or tap controls offered in other brands. Overall, solid all round headphones.

  29. LenoraIKHkagryx says:


    Hatte Marshall als Kopfhrer erst berhaupt nicht auf dem Schirm- was soll ich sagen:
    Hammer Optik, super bequem auch nach lngeren Tragen, hochflexible Muscheln die sich winzig zusammenfalten lassen. Dazu die geniale Bedienung mit dem goldenen Joystick und 2 Tasten an den Bgeln.
    Fr mich das Wichtigste war der Klang- habe mehrere gute Kopfhrer bereits gehabt. Klangbild ist super klar ohne Schrfe, Bass vllig ausreichend und nicht so knstlich aufgeblht wie bei manchen Wettbewerber. Klingt sehr neutral mit guter Trennung von Instrumenten mit allen Genres.
    Den Kaufauschlag hat fr mich aber letztendlich die mgliche Kabelverbindung gegeben. Nutze ihn als DJ auch am Mixer- hier wirklich druckvoll und punchig ohne weiche Bsse. Gute Abschirmung von Aussengeruschen auch ohne ANC. Schalldruck clubtauglich.
    ANC funktioniert problemlos und reicht fr mich-habe hier keine Vergleiche.
    Ist definitiv Multipairing-fhig mit 2 Gerten. Akku Laufzeit sensationell .
    Mit Videos vom LG-TV oder MacBook Lippensynchron ohne Verzgerung
    Fazit: wrde ich sofort wieder kaufen 🙂

  30. Sara Coughlin says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersExcelente construccin, los materiales son de primera, la bolsa de almacenamiento esta bien construida y de calidad, siendo el tope de gama de Marshall en mi opinin deberia tener un estuche con los mids ANC, la calidad de sonido es muy buena, suficiente presencia de los bajos, sin opacar las demas frecuencias, los medios menos predominantes pero suficientes y balanceados, los agudos bien claros sin ser estridentes. En mi opinion le hicieron falta los codecs de alta definicin, nuevamente es poco ideal que productos de la misma marca mas basicos si manejen codecs como aptX y estos solo SBC, aunque eso es suficiente para el uso de los servicios de streaming mas usados.

  31. Anonymous says:


    Dopo diverse cuffie provate (tra cui anche senheizer) ho apprezzato questa marshall soprattutto per la comodit. Le porti per diverso tempo senza sudare l’orecchio, anche se hanno il loro bel peso. Ma si distribuisce bene sulla testa e sull’orecchio. Comodossimo l’unico “joystick” per controllare volume, tracce e play/pause che ti permette di usarlo anche con i guanti. Inoltre ha 2 pulsanti aggiuntivi ben accessibile multifunzione. Uno lo uso per il toggle con l’ascolto ambientale. In pratica mette in pausa il brano e attiva i microfoni cos non devi togliere le cuffie per sentire i rumori ambientali. L’app a corredo ben fatta anche se l’equalizzazione personalizzata non fa un gran lavoro. Bilancia le frequenze senza enfatizzare nulla. Se aggiungi bassi, come se togliesse medi e alti per bilanciare. Non ottimale… Il volume di ascolto buono. Pi alto rispetto alla media delle cuffie di questa fascia. Il suono bilanciato, molto dettagliato, soprattutto per voci, chitarre e alti. Il basso non si “sente” sull’orecchio fisicamente, come avviene su cuffie come le beats. MA presente e bilanciato. E’ fatta per chi ama un suono pulitissimo, dettagliatissimo ma senza eccessivi bassi. Fatta soprattutto per musica rock, ma io ascolto un po di tutto ed apprezzabile su ogni tipologia. E poi l’estetica… che dire! Certo, non fatta per i pi giovani, una cuffia da “pap”, quale sono io! Altre info: L’ANC funziona bene e si pu modificarne le impostazioni dall’app. Ha il jack cuffia (fondamentale, cos la si pu usare anche al pc), il ritardo del bluetooth accettabile ma si vedono i video sul cellulare senza ritardi percettibili. Si ricarica tramite usb-c. La stella in meno solo relativa al fatto che l’equalizzatore dell’app non fa un gran lavoro e avrebbero potuto darci un pizzico di bassi in pi da poter gestire. Meglio usare i loro preset. Ma nel complesso: TOP!

  32. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersHaving tested the BO H9i and the Sennheiser Momentum 3 and being disappointed with the the controls and software of the first and the clumsiness of the latter I decided to check on the Marshall’s newest product.
    I intend to use my headset mostly at home for Hifi listening. Hence my main points are Sound, Comfort when wearing long time and good Control.
    The controls of this headset are by far the best among all headsets I have ever used (including some JBL and Bose older ones). The rocker bottom works fabulously and the 2 additional bottoms placed far apart and at a place where you can instantly find them are in a another class compared to randomly working touch pads or small bottoms that are hard to locate on other headsets.
    The Monitor also folds into a very small package and is the most classy looking. For traveling it is the best (including the impression you will make on others wearing a Marshall).
    Unfortunately the sound of the headset is clearly in another league (a lower one) than the B&O and Sennheiser. No matter what words the marketing specialist use to describe the “Marshall sound” the sound is less detailed and the sound stage is narrower than both the others. With the equaliser set on the standard “Marshal sound” they sound horrible. Bass is way to strong, and the high notes covered with its “wall of noise” of all other frequencies. With some tweaking it is possible to improve it, but the equaliser in the app lacks detail with just 4 sections of the frequency range. Also the headset has limited loudness – surprising given the rock heritage. Here the Sennheiser Momentum has no competition according to what I know.
    The Ear-cups of the Monotor are very soft and comfortable, but a lot smaller then Sennheiser and a bit smaller then B&O and with little ventilation and space inside. My ears got hot quite fast.
    If there was a Hybrid of the Sennheiser Momentum Ear-cups and sound with the beauty and controls of the Marshall Monitor it would be the best headset ever made and unbeatable.
    As they are now they probably are the best choice for people traveling a lot that are not so keen on the absolutely best sound. This is a high class product, no doubt, but with a bit of compromise. The price difference to the other headsets reflects that well.
    I can not compare the ANC of this headset with others as that is not a feature I was keen on. For me it worked well enough in all of them.

  33. UFKAleidasb says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersAttention, les commentaires que j’ai lus sont identiques pour le Monitor Bluetooth et le Monitor II ANC alors que les deux n’ont rien voir. J’ai essay les deux puisque dans un premier temps j’avais achet le Monitor que je n’ai jamais russi faire fonctionner en Bluetooth, je l’ai donc retourn et j’ai dans un second temps, command le Monitor II ANC plus cher. C’est un superbe produit, lger, agrable porter, un son gnial, une application associe trs bien et il est super simple utiliser. En plus si vous rencontrez un problme, Marshall a un support web par chat qui est trs performant. D’ailleurs, pour ceux qui disent que le voyant led n’est pas bleu mais blanc, c’est parce qu’ils n’appuient pas assez longtemps sur la commande (seule commande sur le casque trs pratique), Il faut appuyer 15 seconde et non pas 4.
    Il parait que la rduction de bruit est moins performante que les casques de la concurrence, moi je trouve a trs bien. L’autonomie, rien redire.TOP

  34. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersTLDR: These headphones sound better than all Marshall’s previous sets (which is saying a lot from someone who loves their other headphones), they’re also the most comfortable Marshall headphones, the ANC works well, the app/connectivity can be a little buggy (though not enough to keep me from recommending them).

    I have (and do) owned a lot of headphones, including 3 pairs of different Marshall headphones, these are my favorite of the bunch. I initially chose Marshall over the competition due to the unique styling and simple control method, I hate capacitive buttons and overly complex interfaces. Since my first pair of Marshall headphones I was hooked, not only do they look better than the competition in my opinion, I find the sound profile very appealing for a large variety of music.

    If you’ve tried and liked Marshall’s other headphones (authentic ones, not replicas which are common), you’ll be a fan of these.


    1) These sound very much like the original Monitor Bluetooth, but with better bass depth and more clarity. They are also FAR more comfortable than the original Monitor which was really my only complaint with that set.

    2) I also own the Mid ANC, and that set is great as well, but these are much more comfortable.

    3) These have a much better sound stage than the original Monitor and Mid ANC (though I still recommend both of those sets for their price ranges).

    4) The ANC between these and the Mid ANC is pretty similar with a slight edge going to the Monitor IIs.

    5) I’m a big fan of the build quality on not only these, but all Marshall headphones. They’re very robust and feel very well built, the Monitor II though, is a step above even the rest of their lineup… I don’t see these wearing out anytime soon, and I’m someone who never bothers with carrying cases, my Monitor I and Mid ANC both show very little wear despite being tossed into camera bags and back packs for years without cases.

    6) These surprisingly fold up even smaller than the original Monitor, which was already a remarkably small set when folded up, very handy for transport.

    7) The monitoring button is excellent, ALL headphones should have this. Being able to touch a button and have my music not only pause, but outside sound amplified into my ears is a game changer. Being able to just touch a button to talk to a co-worker and then touch it again to get back to work is amazing.

    Now on to the cons list…

    1) Though these are a big step up from the original monitor (as noted above), I still don’t find them to be perfectly comfortable after long periods of time. I wear my headphones while working for hours at a time, and these will start to make the top of my head a little uncomfortable after about an hour or so, after 2 or 3 hours I have to move them or take them off to give my head a break.

    My ears however, are never uncomfortable in them which is a huge step up from the old Monitor and the Mid ANC, those I couldn’t bare for more than an hour. If you’re looking for the most comfort though, I’d look at something else, though for most uses, these are perfectly fine.

    2) I’m not a fan of the app. The app mostly works, and I think it’s smart to implement as a way to make sure you’re getting authentic headphones (there are a lot of fake Marshall headphones out there), but I just don’t find it very useful or necessary. If you like to tweak your EQ (and for some reason don’t want to do it with a 3rd party app), then it can be useful… and I guess you could use the ANC slider in some situations, but I’ve not felt the need to mess with it, I just leave it at 100%.

    The problem with the app though, is it will often take a long time (or fail entirely) to connect to your headphones. It also will say it’s made a change, and then when you back up to another screen you see that the change you just made didn’t save. I mostly just leave the app alone though, so I don’t knock it too much for that.

    3) Sometimes when pushing the before mentioned monitor button, when I push it again to return to my music the ANC will activate, but the music will not resume. Then upon entering my music player I see that the music is indeed playing… but I’m not hearing anything. The only thing I’ve found to resolve this is to disconnect and reconnect the bluetooth… not a deal breaker since it doesn’t happen ALL the time, but it is very frustrating when it does happen.

    Overall, I’m very happy with these headphones and would certainly recommend them to anyone. I have not tried the Bose 700s, but I have used the QC 35ii and Sony 1000xm2, and I find the Monitor 2 sounds better, looks FAR better, has better controls, and about equal ANC… but importantly, with the Marshalls I don’t notice that cabin pressure feeling at all and noticed it quite a lot with the Bose and Sony’s, your mileage may vary.

  35. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 13 From Our UsersThese sound great and are VERY comfortable. The sound signature is top-notch. Compared to the QC35, 700, Monitor, 1000XM3, yes they are on the heavy side (320g) when you put them on a scale but once on your head, you don’t notice the difference that much. I can keep them on my head for 10+ hours straight without issue. To me, the pads feels as soft as my QC35II. As I own both the original Monitor Bluetooth and Monitor II ANC, I won’t go into a detailed review, but I’ll just point out the differences between the two so it helps you “making that purchase decision” 😉

    – Small cups, on the edge of being “on the ear”. My small ears still fits in.
    – Magnetic earpads feels premium
    – Hinge earcups only, might not fits everyone’s head prefectly
    – Micro USB
    – Single Bluetooth connectivity
    – APTX Codec
    – No tuning possible (not compatible with the Marshall app)
    – 3.5mm input jack may also be used as an output to connect a friend’s headphone

    Monitor II ANC:
    – Slightly bigger and deeper cups, I would compare them to the QC35II
    – Clipped earpads (less premium feel but holds tighter than magnetic)
    – Hinge + swivel earcups so they can lay flat and fit better
    – USB-C
    – Multipoint Bluetooth connectivity (2)
    – SBC Codec only
    – Marshall App compatible (ANC tuning, EQ, auto-OFF, “M” button customization, …)
    – 3.5mm jack for input only, disables Bluetooth radio when plugged in

    So here you go, hope that helps in some way.

  36. mobrookes says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 24 From Our UsersI was a bit skeptical when I first tried ordered these headphones, but after some testing, I truly believe that these are the only $300+ bluetooth headphones that are worth the price.

    PROS (and there are many)
    +Sound quality is perfect. As usual, Marshall doesn’t disappoint. Music is punchy and immersive. Textures in the music and instruments are also very clear. Great listening experience overall.
    +ANC is better than most. Cancels out a majority of fans and outdoor noises when I work. After testing a variety of different ANC headphones, I would say the Marshalls lose out only to the Bose NC700 and Sony WH1000xm3.
    +Build quality is excellent. The hard plastics, metal, and faux leather construction make for a durable and premium feeling device. The faux leather, although nowhere as nice as genuine leather, is still very soft and offers plenty of padding.
    +Design is phenomenal. I would usually lump design in together with build quality, but the design on these is so overwhelmingly brilliant that I had to speak on it separately. There are several elements that make the design of these so great. 1st, they are slim and offer a low profile look while wearing them. 2nd, these headphones fold up in just about every imaginable way. Depending on how you want to store them, you can fold them up similar to how Beats fold up, or how the WH1000xm3’s fold up, or the ATH50mx, or… you get my point. 3rd, The button placement on these are exactly where they need to be. Although some other headphones have very nice touch controls, Marshall chose to keep their knob control which works as well as, if not better than any touch controls that I’ve tested. The knob works well and intuitively- up and down for volume, forward and backward for skip/reverse, and press and long press for play/pause and on/off. In addition, the ANC and multi-function buttons are placed on either side of the cups exactly where the headband connects to the earcups. When touching your headphones, they line up exactly where your thumbs would be.
    +The app is another aspect of this headphone not only works, but exceeded my expectations. Just like other companion apps, they have a battery indicator and offer some customization buttons. However, Marshall’s app takes it a step further and offers full ANC/ambient sound customization. Using the app, ANC and ambient sound’s effectiveness can be toggled from 0%-100%. The app also allows the user to assign different functionality to the multi-function button, toggling between the equalizer, Google assistant, or your device’s native voice assistant. If you choose to set the multi-function button to equalizer, you will be able to toggle through 3 different sound settings, 1 preset Marshall tuning, and 2 other optional presets that can also be tuned with a full eq.
    +Comfort on the Monitor ANC II’s is also spectacular. The earcups cover my ears completely with a relatively loose clamping force. This causes less pressure on the sides of my head compared to many other headphones. However, this looser clamping force does not negatively impact the seal or the stability of these headphones. They sit well on the head even when looking down or jumping up and down. The headband padding is also very thick and soft, with no pain after 5 hours of continuous use.
    +Battery is top of the line. With ANC on full and the volume at around 70%, I was able to get 18 hours from 100% to 50% battery. I have no doubt that these headphones will be able to meet the 30 hrs that Marshall has listed. Additionally, due to the USB C charging port on these headphones, fast charging will fully charge the battery in about 2 hours.
    +The 3.5mm audio cable that comes is the box is top notch in terms of quality and length.
    +Like most other ANC headphones at this price, the Monitor II’s feature multipoint, allowing it to connect to two devices at a time, for all you multitaskers out there.
    +Bluetooth connection is very good and stable. Setting my phone down at the corner of my house, I was able to walk all throughout my two story house, through walls and floors, without losing connection or experiencing crackling. This was a feat, few headphones were able to achieve.
    +Microphone works great. Testing these with discord’s playback testing feature, my voice came in loud and clear. Some other reviewers have complained about a lack of microphone in wired mode, but rest assured that is not true. While the 3.5mm cable that comes in the box does not have a microphone, the mics in the headphones will still work during wired mode, whether the headphones are on or off.

    CONS (and these are small nitpicks)
    -Long press time it takes to power on the headphones is approximately 5 seconds, which is a bit too long for me, especially when considering powering off only takes a 2 second long press.
    -No hard case. This is quite a bummer, considering how well these were designed. I would have loved to see what Marshall could have done with a case design. That being said, due to the variety of ways the Monitor II can be folded, just about any case available should fit these headphones.
    -Coming in at 320 grams, the Monitor II’s are a bit heavier than much of the competition. However, after hours of testing, I can safely say that I have experienced no neck pain.
    -No sensors in the earcups, so you’ll have to manually pause the music when you take them off (feature has been a bit buggy on other headphones I have tested anyways, and for many of those, I would end up having to pause them on my own just to make sure they were actually paused)

    I simply cannot praise these headphones enough. While there are some areas where other headphones score higher (sound quality:MW65, Beoplay H9i, B&W PX7 and ANC: WH1000xm3, Bose NC700), no other pair of headphones offer such a complete set of features that all work exceptionally while still offering a decent price.