Midland C1363 Radio and CB Wireless Dual Mike with Analog

Midland C1363 Radio and CB Wireless Dual Mike with Analog and Digital Mode with Bluetooth Connection – 1 , USB Charging Cable, Car Microphone Holder with Adhesive,Yellow,Pink
Connected via Bluetooth to your smartphone, DUAL MIKE WIRELESS can handle regular phone calls, listen to music and, through the CB TALK app, developed by MIDLAND and free to download (currently over 500,000 drivers have downloaded it worldwide ), chat with friends and colleagues – in turn connect to this application – without distance limitations. | The interface that appears on the application screen closely resembles the controls on the popular MIDLAND ALAN 48 “CB radio”, and the functions, even if they are digital and advanced, look very friendly. Application support becomes indispensable on many occasions. It is very appreciated the possibility to release geolocated “windows” through voice messages in which to signal any road problem, such as queues due to accidents, closed localities, radars, etc. | For recharging, in addition to the classic USB cable provided, MIDLAND offers as an option a very convenient docking station, which can be positioned anywhere you want inside the cabin, thanks to the three different supports provided and able to provide the “microphone” With wireless charging. |
Dimensions: | 12 x 21 x 7 cm; 15 Grams |
Model: | C1363 |
Batteries Included: | 1 Lithium Polymer batteries required. (included) |
Manufacture: | Midland |
Dimensions: | 12 x 21 x 7 cm; 15 Grams |
Origin: | China |
Hay un video por ah que dice que si funciona pero no caigan en el mismo error, no funciona, es un video fake. El nico micro bluetooth que funciona es el QYT BT-89, hagan caso y no pierdan su tiempo como lo perd yo.
IMPECCABILE MIDLAND -ottimo, essenziale , stile anni 80 . diciamo che con i tempi moderni avrei preferito un mike piu’ piccolo , personalmente uso salotto perfetto ( CONNESSIONE IMMEDIATA ,OTTIMO AUDIO ANCHE CON VIVAVOCE SIA CELL. E APP ) ma per la guida un pochino meno pratico
una pecca i vari porta mike : di plastiche un po’ deboli ma ci sta’
valutero’ comunque anche l’ auricolare
Ce micro est indispensable avec CB Talk, tant chauffeur routier de nuit, le temps est moins long sur cette application. La batterie est suffisante de mon ct pour tenir toute la nuit, mais doit tre recharge tous les jours.
Le gros problme avec ce micro, c’est le partage de la connection bluetooth avec d’autres appareils (oreillette, autoradio etc….), ce micro a besoin d’une exclusivit sur le bluetooth est n’est vraiment pas partageur !!
Ma solution pour viter ces problmes:
Un “vieux tlphone ou tablette”, avec CB Talk et le micro connect dessus, puis un partage de connection internet avec le tlphone principal, et c’est parfait. L’avantage de ce systeme est d’conomiser l’ecran de votre tlphone principal, car CB Talk ne met pas l’cran en veille, et reste allum en permanence quand l’appli est lance.
L’investissement est vite oubli tellement l’utilisation est facile et pratique. Si vous aimez la CB, n’hsitez pas.
A bientt sur CB Talk (David30)
Merci aux utilisateurs et copains de CB Talk qui mon conseill dans l’achat de ce Dual Mike.
Love this, brings back the memories of years ago. Really easy to download the app and lots of channels to listen in too or get involved with. Sturdy bit of kit to. Does not look or feel cheap.
That was a gift for my husband. This it connects with Bluetooth so you can use it easily not only on the Midlands app but like a Bluetooth speaker(listen to music too) Its good quality for the price.
Great for the hubby, a HGV night driver. There’s a community with these radios keeping each other posted on traffic weather etc and most importantly night work can be lonely they jeep each other company. Brilliant purchase was suppose to be for christmas but he couldn’t wait to use i
The mic can be used with the CB app via your phone and you can also us it as a hands free device to use with phone calls, it can also be used as a Bluetooth speaker which makes it louder than your phone, ideal if you use a sat nav etc.
It’s well made as would be expected with Midland as they make quality CB products!
I love EVERYTHING about this Midland DualMike, it connects to my phone via bluetooth, it is a hands free phone kit, a bluetooth speaker and a mike to use on the mobile phone app “CB Talk” by Midland. then with the Midland WA-CB dongle, you can use it with your actual CB Radio “only with 3 Midland CB radios” It has a great feel, and Great Sound. I love it.
4 Kollegen berzeugt denen ich den Link von Amazon gesendet habe fr diesen Artikel. Unterdessen hat
sich auch auf dem Midlandfunk-App-Nutzer, weit ber die Landesgrenzen hinaus herumgesprochen, dass
wir das Midland Dual Mike Wireless, C1363, Bluetooth- und CB-Mikrofon, kompatibel mit CBTalk-App, DS benutzen, zusammen mit dem Midland-App fr Android un Apple IOS System mit PlayStore gratis herunter geladen werden kann. Zu dem gibt es ein Hilfreiches Youtube Video fr die Anleitung. Alles Zusammen einfach Genial. Per Internetverbindund zu Hause oder auch Unterwegs per Smartphone mit eingeschalteten Modus Datenvekehr, berall eine Verbindung haben kann 100 % Funktioniert. Siehe Foto
und das Video an. Bestelle Dein Mikrofon bei Amazon, die Lieferung geht schnell und man ist mit Freunden in aller Welt Live verbunden!
Mit freundlichen Grssen aus der Ostschweiz auf Midland Dual Mike Wireless, C1363, Bluetooth- und CB-Mikrofon, kompatibel mit CBTalk-App, DS HE9 Amateur TYROS 1 Dieter.
As above, great quality device with a build quality that has impressed me and other drivers. The speaker is super loud so even with music on you can hear other users. The microphone is great so you don’t even have to use it right up to your mouth. Works great with the app with minimal bugs, battery life is perfect and will last me all day on a 10 hour drive. Great bit of kit for keeping legal with the Midland CBTalk app
Iv got to say its fabulous well made Mic easy to pair up with your phone easy to use in my lorry and stops me getting caught on my phone and fined.
Its worth the money all day long I paid 109 some people say its expensive.
I say you can blow that on Take aways for the family in a month . Iv got something to show for it.
So a big fat from me Deano from northwest Lancashire
Just received my duel Mike and wow can’t fault it one bit did think it was as load as it is can’t belive buying one open more features well worth buying
This is a nice product.
Ok it’s a bit pricey but it does exactly what it says on the tin and it’s built to last a lifetime.
U can use it in your car as a hands free set for your mobile phone so that’s handy.
Has a nice light around the mic and u can change colours and that makes it look cool.
After a having this mic for a week I got inspired and brought a CB.
But to use this just for your CB talk app it’s a cool addition especially when driving.
If u see me online say hello. Mikos.
J’espre que la CB “renatra de ces cendres” grce ce nouveau systme de transmission. En tout les cas, j’adore l’utiliser en campingcar !
Point ngatif:
* Il manque un genre de spirale caoutchouc (comme un cble de mic) pour une attache de scurit sur son support ou sur le tableau de bord.
* La port du bluetooth est trs faible. (A peine 4m)
* J’aurais bien aim aussi avoir un petit cran LCD pour relayer quelques info de l’application..