NETGEAR Wireless Access Point (WAX214)| WiFi 6 Dual-Band
NETGEAR Wireless Access Point (WAX214)| WiFi 6 Dual-Band AX1800 Speed | 1 x 1G Ethernet PoE Port| WPA3 Security | Create Up to 4 Separate Wireless Networks |Ceiling and Wall Mou
Control Wireless Device Access
Supporting multiple SSIDs, the WAX214 delivers up to 4 separate and secure wireless networks to protect and manage device access.
Flexible, Discreet Mounting Options
Easy installation on a wall or ceiling provides the optimal WiFi network coverage in an out-of-the- way location.
Easy Setup Wizard
The NETGEAR setup wizard makes setup and configuration simple.
Weight: | 380 g |
Dimensions: | 16.09 x 3.33 x 16.09 cm; 380 Grams |
Brand: | NETGEAR |
Model: | WAX214-100EUS |
Colour: | White |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | NETGEAR |
Dimensions: | 16.09 x 3.33 x 16.09 cm; 380 Grams |
J ai enfin pu trouv l emetteur Wi-Fi qui couvre mes besoins, signal stable et de bonne qualit. Mme travers plusieurs murs pais en pierre de 60 cm je capte quasiment fond. Le top pour moi. Service client un peu long avoir au tel mais trs bon conseil concernant le choix du produi
Der NETGEAR WAX214 WLAN Access Point bietet eine beeindruckende Leistung fr den Aufbau eines zuverlssigen und sicheren WLAN-Netzwerks. Mit seinen positiven Merkmalen wie Power-over-Ethernet (PoE), WiFi 6 und einem schlichten, platzsparenden Design berzeugt er sowohl in Bezug auf Leistung als auch sthetik.
Die PoE-Funktion des NETGEAR WAX214 ermglicht eine einfache Installation und flexible Platzierung. Der Access Point kann direkt ber den Gigabit-Ethernet-Port mit Strom versorgt werden, ohne dass ein separates Netzteil erforderlich ist. Dadurch wird die Installation erleichtert und eine saubere, aufgerumte Umgebung geschaffen.
Das WiFi 6-Feature bietet eine starke bertragungsgeschwindigkeit und Kapazitt, was zu einer schnellen und zuverlssigen Verbindung fhrt. Mit Dualband-Untersttzung von bis zu 1800 MBit/s und der Mglichkeit, sowohl das 2,4-GHz- als auch das 5-GHz-Frequenzband zu nutzen, knnen Sie ein optimales WLAN-Erlebnis genieen. Die Sicherheit wird durch die Untersttzung von WPA3 gewhrleistet, was Ihre Daten vor unerwnschten Zugriffen schtzt.
Ein weiterer positiver Aspekt des NETGEAR WAX214 ist das schlichte und platzsparende Design. Dank seines kompakten Formfaktors und der mitgelieferten Befestigungsteile lsst er sich problemlos an der Wand montieren. Die einfache Montage ermglicht eine flexible Platzierung in verschiedenen Umgebungen, sei es im Arbeitszimmer, Home Office oder kleineren Konferenzrumen.
Trotz der begrenzten Anzahl von LAN-Ports bietet der NETGEAR WAX214 WLAN Access Point eine zuverlssige Leistung und erfllt die Anforderungen an ein schnelles und sicheres WLAN-Netzwerk. Mit seiner starken Leistung, dem praktischen PoE und WiFi 6, sowie dem schlichten und platzsparenden Design ist er eine gute Wahl fr den privaten Einsatz. Beachten Sie jedoch, dass bei Bedarf mehrere kabelgebundene Gerte zustzliche Netzwerkgerte wie einen Switch erfordern.
Produkt ist sehr einfach ber PoE oder auch Netzkabel zu installieren. Die Einrichtung ist ebenfalls selbsterklrend. Aufgrund der Baulichen Gegebenheiten reicht der Empfang nur gerade so ber 3 Etagen aber dennoch bin zufrieden!
Se stai cercando un internet access point di qualit superiore, non cercare oltre!
Questo access point offre una connessione stabile e veloce, consentendoti di godere di un’esperienza di navigazione senza interruzioni. Grazie alla sua tecnologia avanzata, puoi sfruttare al massimo la larghezza di banda disponibile, sia che tu stia navigando su Internet, guardando video in streaming o giocando online.
La marca Netgear un vero punto di riferimento nel settore delle reti, e questo access point non fa eccezione. La reputazione di Netgear per la qualit e l’affidabilit dei suoi prodotti una sicurezza. Puoi stare tranquillo sapendo di aver scelto un marchio di fiducia.
Inoltre, l’installazione e la configurazione di questo access point sono molto semplici e intuitive. Anche se non sei un esperto di tecnologia, sarai in grado di impostarlo rapidamente e iniziare a utilizzare la tua connessione senza problemi.
Che dire, prodotto eccellente, facilissima la configurazione, cercavo qualcosa di potente per portare il wifi in tutto il sottopiano, finalmente stabilit di segnale e potenza viaggiano di pari passo.
La staffa presente all’interno della confezione ti permette di fissarlo facilmente a muro oppure a soffitto.
Ottima consegna come sempre da parte di Amazo
Working well , no issues . Have WiFi 6 all around the house
Replaced Virgin WiFi with this plus PoE switch and placed in the attic space. Top down WiFi across most of the house now. Like most WiFi, it will not do well through solid walls/ceilings, but is not specific to Netgear. Very easy set up and configuration.
Achet pour renforcer le rseau dans une vieille maison, je ne regrette pas cet achat. Coupl une alimentation poe il fonctionne merveille ce qui est pratique pour l’installation. En injectant 800 mb/s j arrive avoir du 250 mb/s en wifi quelques mtres. Au dbut un wifi de configuration se cre. Il faudra passer l tape prametres pour crer votre (ou vos rseaux car on peut en crer plusieurs) rseau. Le paramtrage et simple et ne ncessite pas de comptences particulires.
Impossible d accder avec 1 poe (dns)Impossible d obtenir 1 accs au travers d 1 desktop…
Contact tlphonique avec assistance netgear. Trs bon support. Problme dns rsolu. Bon signal mais tres infrieur celui de la box au mme endroit en 2.4 et 5 ghz
Zro toile pour le guide d’installation qui est tellement succinct qu’il a t inutilisable pour moi. Ce commentaire s’adresse ceux qui ont achet cette borne et qui veulent la retourner parce que la mise en service est trop complique.
Pendant la configuration, le systme demande de dfinir un ‘mot de passe’ ET une ‘phrase de passe’ (je ne savais mme pas que a existait). D’aprs ce que j’ai fini par comprendre, le mot de passe sert crer le rseau qui n’est pas le mme que le rseau par dfaut (WAX214xxxxCONFIG-ONLY) et c’est la phrase passe qu’il faut saisir quand ce premier rseau par dfaut apparait dans la liste des rseaux disponibles.
Pour ce qui me concerne, c’est mon fils qui a mis en service avant que je ne renvoie cette fichue borne Amazon pour non fonctionnement.
I recently converted my garage to an office and need to put in a WIFI Access point for connection to various devices.
What I love about this one is that it looks clean, has Poe (power over ethernet, so no power cable) and has a good solid signal.
Obviously to use the Poe you will need to make sure the hub you connect it to has that facility on it.
It has a pretty good range , but like most access points, it doesn’t like too many thick walls
On the hole very happy with i
J’ai achet ce point d’accs pour remplacer un de la marque Ubiquiti qui semblait l’poque (2021) tre un trs bon achat. Grosse dception lorsque ma connexion a volu et est passe de 100/10mbps 500/20mbps. Pas moyen de dpasser les 250Mbps en download en tant juste ct du point. Bref je recherche un nouveau point accs et je tombe sur celui ci, en Wifi 6 (parfait quasi tous mes appareils sont maintenant compatibles). L’installation se fait d’une facilit dconcertante via une interface Web (enfin!!! Car il y en a ras de le bol de toutes ces applications pour tout et qui exigent d’tre prsent sur place pour collecter les informations du point d’accs ou de payer pour un abonnement inutile). Une fois le tout paramtr, un petit speedtest en tant pas spcialement ct et voil que je peux enfin profiter pleinement de ma connexion 500/20Mbps ! La couverture est trs bonne et les dbits respects ! Voir la capture du speedtest ! Merci Netgear pour ce produit de qualit ! Je recommande.
Acquistato perch uno degli AP poe con wifi 6 pi economici, devo dire che sono molto soddisfatto. Per me, che sono pi tecnico, perfetto perch facile da installare, la pagina di configurazione veramente completa, pu creare pi reti diverse con restrizioni diverse (anche associandole a VLAN). Per chi in casa ha il lato pi estetico perfetto perch sottile, bello, discreto, resta vicino al muro, e le luci si possono spegnere dalla configurazione.
Nel mesetto in cui stato su non ha mai avuto nessun problema e la connessione molto stabile anche attraverso un muro pieno di mattoni. Copre anche zone che non avrei mai sperato di coprire, che mi hanno sempre dato fastidio negli anni quando il telefono magicamente perdeva segnale in un angolino del giardino. Sono sorpreso, dato che ho letto in qualche recensione qua sotto che non copriva benissimo (e lo ho preso comunque perch sarei stato felice se avesse solo coperto una stanza), ma la mia esperienza stata completamente diversa. Lo ho gi detto pi volte, ma mi ha piacevolmente sorpreso! Lo consiglio
The Netgear access point was easy to set up and only took a few minutes to get up and running. I attached it via an ethernet cable from the WAN output of my main router and it recognised the signal immediately. The online configuration was pretty painless too. The only drawback is that the unit was shipped without a power cable, which for the premium price was a bit disappointing. Luckily I had a compatible spare power lead, but had I not had one, I would have returned the unit.
Great signal no issues. Setup is difficult because the Netgear site wouldn’t pick up that I was connected so it’s impossible to finish my setup, stuck in config WiFi but it works.
Ha un ingresso che fa anche da alimentatore se collegato il filo ad uno switch.
Ho etto che alcuni hanno avuto problemi di configurazione quindi ho letto i manual che ho scaricato dal sito.sono spiegati in maniera un po’ complicata. Ma onestamente non c’ questa enorme difficolt.
Ticolleghi tramite browser, crei un account netgear, crei poi la ua rete WiFi e password. Si possono creare fino a 6 reti mi pare e bloccare gli accessi.
Ricezione: io sono un caso a parte perc ho la 30 Mega massima e li raggiunge. Per ho muri spessi, e Nell stanza accanto prende bene ma male in quella successiva. E nella mia stanza ho in mezzo due angoli di muro isolanti E il risultato che prende ma non oltre i 10 mega e ogni tato se sposto pc/tablet si scollega. Cosa che non penso cambi con altri dispositivi.
Dove riesce la connessione l’ho trovata sempre stabile
Ho per notato da due settimane, dopo circa3-4 mesi di utilizzo, che spesso si scollega no i dispositivi anche se sono abbastanza avicino.
Per mantenere una connessione pi stabile, avevo messo nelle impostazioni che si riavviasse ad una cert’ora della notte un paio di volte a settimana. Si pu impostare quello che si vuole. E consiglio questa procedura
Very happy, price is fair and better access points than ubiquity in that price range
Just Works. Easy to set up and connect to existing Network where you need wireless access
Instructions clear and easy to follow.
This is a POE (Power over ethernet) item so if you do not have that then you will need to find a power adapter for it like I did.
I was having endless issues with the virgin wifi, so I bought 2 of these one for upstairs and 1 for downstairs
A lot of the issues I was having were from low signal levels from lights and switches that had WIFI even items like the central heating thermostat and programmer and portable devices. After checking what WIFI channels were in use, some users had set there routers and network devices were going across 8 channels. others on adjacent channels
Removed all WIFI lamps and placed into dustbin as their Output WIFI signal strength was very week
Ipad was complaining about wpa2 and disconnected a lot
Step 1 plugged AP1 into Netgear Switch 1, logged onto AP1 set it to a fixed IP and set WIFI to channel 6
Set Security to wpa2 and wpa3. Set user access name and Password
Step 2 plugged AP2 into Netgear Switch 2, logged onto AP2 set it to a fixed IP and set WIFI to channel 11
Set Security to wpa2 and wpa3. Set user access name and Password
You can only set up the 5g to default frequencies I left this AUTO
Put all devices over to new AP1 and AP2 now a few still objected
Set router WIFI to modem mode which then refused to connect anything and cut off Internet access left for 30 min still no joy unable to access router so it was a router reset
Tried this 3 times all screwed up
Next reset Router Access name and Password
Set up DHCP to exclude the IP addresses Id’s I had used
Had a bright idea to just turn WIFI off, but this just turn’s itself back on although you have saved the router config later on in the day.
It looks like most devices are working OK. The Apple devices are using WPA3 and have stayed connected OK
Amazon Devices all working
Amazon Speakers working fine. I have turned off MIC’s
WIFI light Switches are OK and have stayed connected
WIFI CH Programmer and Thermostat staying connected
Still have issues WIFI 3 x light controllers looks like they are to meet the dustbin
Over all pleased with the improvement
The lack of WIFI channels on the 2.4 g network is a major problem that is difficult to resolve. however the 5 g network is available and ready for use. Just a word about this AP restricts you to the lower 5g channels
After trying and failing with another brand I swapped to this. This Netgear one worked first time when connected and was super easy to configure. Would recommend.
We’ve recently been upgraded to 300Mb FTTP but were only getting 30Mb wifi (measured 2m from the access point and 5m vertically on the floor below) from my TP Link access points despite the ethernet cable to the point showing 260Mb download speed . I replaced one with the Netgear WAX214 and am getting 190Mb through a heavy desk and wooden floor into the living room below. I think that this is a very impressive improvement. I had read some of the reviews that led me to think that the set up was tricky. However, I thought that it was straightforward even for a relative Luddite like me. There are extensive controls available which I have yet to do much with but I’m sure that they will satisfy the more computer-literate. I have no problem recommending this POE access point to anyone.
Depuis 2 ans j’avais remplac le Wi-Fi trop peu performant de ma box SFR THD (fibre FTTLA) par un routeur archer C60. C’tait beaucoup mieux mais ce routeur ne dispose pas de port Gigabit (1000 mbps) et donc mon dbit tait toujours brid en dessous de 100 mbps et le besoin du Wi-Fi par le appareils de plus en plus nombreux ne cesse d’augmenter j’ai dcid de changer par ce point d’accs Wi-Fi 6 de chez Netgear. Je regrette juste de ne pas l’avoir fait avant ! De 90 de passe plus de 400 mbps ! C’est juste norme !
(je n’ai que 400 environ car j’ai une installation fibre 1000 mbps partage (500 pour mes quipements filaires et 500 pour mes quipements sans fil en gros pour faire simple).
Le botier chauffe un peu, mais normal vu ce qu’il endure avec tous les appareils connects (environ un vingtaine) la maison. Je l’ai pos sur mon meuble, mais il y a absolument tout ce qu’il faut pour le fixer au mur ou plafond. J’apprcie ne pas avoir d’antenne, et la discrtion du botier.
Simple to setup access point that works entirely standalone without any cloud or management controller, all the network configuration options I’d expect to find in a business AP. That’s what I wanted for a home environment but lacks all the visibility and statistics you’d get from something like Ubiquiti Unifi, the only reason I mark it down to 4* is that connected client list is no more than a MAC address and SSID list.
Signal is good, reaches throughout my 1500sqft home and to the bottom of the garden (about 20m) with enough bandwidth to fully utilise an 80Mb fibre connection.
Der Access Point wird in einem einfachen und recyclebaren Pappkarton geliefert.
Mittels PoE ist sie Stromversorgung ber ein einziges Kabel (Ethernet >=CAT5) mglich, was die Installation sehr vereinfacht.
Die Einrichtung erfolgt ohne jeden online-Zwang lokal am Gert per WLAN oder LAN.
Das einzig kuriose am Gert ist die Platzierung der LAN-Buchse an der Oberseite vom Gert. Ist das noch egal, solange der Access Point an der Decke montiert wird, sorgt das dafr, dass das Kabel bei der Wandmontage an der Oberseite herauskommt.
Das sieht nicht nur doof aus, sondern erzwingt den Einsatz von flexiblen Netzwerkkabeln (entweder mglichst dnne Kabel oder direkt Flachbandkabel), um das Kabel seitlich oder nach unten herausfhren zu knnen.
Montiert man den AP einfach “falsch herum”, stehen das Netgear-Logo und die LEDs auf dem Kopf, was auch bescheuert aussieht. Wre der LAN-Port an der Unterseite, htte man die Probleme nicht.
Trotzdem handelt es sich um ein sehr gutes Produkt, die WLAN Ausleuchtung ist noch einmal wesentlich besser als bei den vorher verwendeten Telekom Speed Home WiFi, die vom Signal her schon nicht schlecht waren.
Ich wrde den AP jederzeit empfehlen.
Wichtig: Nutzen Sie kein PoE, mssen Sie das Netzteil zustzlich erwerben, es wird nicht mitgeliefert! Kostenpunkt: Ca 20-30, je nach Lieferbarkeit!
I am very impressed by this product in terms of its performance, the flexibility of its features, and the excellent user interface. There is however a bug with the initial installation that you need to get around.
When you first install the product you are encouraged to connect to a special setup WiFi network that the device creates. When you do so, a first-start window appears that asks you to set a password for the device, and give the WiFi network a name and password. However when you do this and click apply all that happens is that this window re-appears with the fields blank again. You can never get beyond this point. I tried multiple computers but none worked. It is not apparently a browser issue as the window which appears seems to be part of the connection process to the device rather than a browser window.
What you have to dot set it up is connect the device to your network with an ethernet cable, then find out via your router what IP address it has picked up using DHCP. Connect to this address and you get the opportunity to set up the device in a similar way as when you connect to its setup WiFi network, but this time it actually works. After that you can set it up in whatever way you want through the excellent user interface.
The version number of the firmware is and I am sure this will be updated soon to address this issue, but at present you are stuck with using the workaround. I worry for Netgear – I think they will have many of these sent back needlessly by people who can’t work out how to get around the problem and it is a shame, as otherwise it is a great product. Obviously many people who don’t work out how to connect to the device will never even get the opportunity to update it to a newer firmware version, so until the product in the channel is updated to a newer fixed version you need to be able to follow the instructions above.
There are two other things to mention. Firstly, this device is not an extender (evil devices that they are) but a wireless access point which needs an ethernet backhaul. Secondly there is no power supply in the box, so if you don’t have a POE switch or similar you will need to buy a 12v DC 1.5A PSU to go with it.