Nikon Z5 Body Mirrorless Camera (273-point Hybrid AF, 5-axis

Nikon Z5 Body Mirrorless Camera (273-point Hybrid AF, 5-axis in-body optical image stabilisation, 4K movies, Dual card slots), VOA040AE

Visions in full frame
See your photos and videos take on a new level of detail no matter what you shoot.
Weight: | 820 Grams |
Dimensions: | 13.4 x 6.9 x 10 centimetres |
Brand: | Nikon |
Model: | VOA040AE |
Part: | VOA040AE |
Colour: | Black |
Batteries Included: | 1 Lithium Ion batteries required. (included) |
Dimensions: | 13.4 x 6.9 x 10 centimetres |
Excelente producto, muy bien embalado en perfectsimas condiciones.
Lo que s recomendara que el producto una vez llegue a Espaa no utilicen SEUR como medio de transporte, son ineficientes y precarios.
No obstante el vendedor un 10 totalmente recomendable.
Pros: super Buen visor, sensor, Pxels, calidad de imagen de fotos de noche aunque subas la ISO no te salen con grano.
Contras: un poco grande, pantalla no es del todo articulada, objetivos z muy caros
Habe mir die Kamera vor einem Jahr zugelegt, und muss sagen – ich bin sehr zufrieden.
Die Bildqualitt ist aus meiner subjektiven Sicht sehr gut. Auf Grund des Vollvormatsensors und den entsprechenden Objektiven macht die Kamera auch bei schlechten Lichtverhltnissen noch sehr gute und wackelfrei Fotos – fr Langzeitbelichtung natrlich nur mit Stativ.
Jediglich das Angebot an Objektiven von Nikon knnte etwas grer sein.
Vorneweg, ich kann nicht Dinge bemngeln, die diese Kamera nicht hat — dafr kann sie nichts, wenn ich sie mir kaufe ist das alleine Meine Schuld. Ich brauche kein Schulterdisplay, denn es ntzt mir nur, wenn ich die Betriebsart ndere, und da reicht das Wahlrad vollkommen aus. Alle Werte lese ich im Sucher und auf dem Monitor, also warum noch wo anders.
Ich brauche kein Schwenk- und drehbares Display. Ein feststehender Monitor wre mir viel lieber, denn diese ganzen Konstruktionen erscheinen mir manchmal sehr filigran. Selfies machen ich mit dieser Kamera keine und auch keine Videos — das alles kann mein Handy viel schmerzfreier. Aber ich kanns mir nicht mehr aussuchen, denn die Hersteller hren ja alles auf die Vlogger und selbsternannten Tester, die sich gerne selbst hren und sehen
Wahnsinnige Megapixel Auflsung ist auch so ein Thema. Wo soll das Enden? Ich kaufe mir eine Kamera mit 200 Megapixel Auflsung und ein 10mm Superweitwinkel — und schneide mir mein Bild dann aus. Ist nicht meine Art. Ich lasse mein Bild im Sucher entstehen, das verstehe ich unter fotografieren. Es belastet dann auch weder meine PC noch die dazugehrigen Speichereinheiten bergebr. Und fr das gesparte Geld kaufe ich lieber ein paar tolle Objektive, denn sie machen die Qualitt und nicht die MP.
Sie hat einen super Sucher (gut, bei schlechtem Licht rauscht’s halt schon ein wenig eher als bei einigen anderen Gerten). Der Monitor hat auch keine super-Auflsung, mir reichts trotzdem zu Kontrolle aus. Der Bildwandler speichert die Bilder in der Farbvorstellung ab, wie ich sie bevorzuge.
Zwei SD-Kartenschchte sind genau meine Traum-Kombi fr Speichermedien. Die Bedientasten sind genau da, wo ich sie mir wnsche. Fr meine groen Hnde hat sie genau die richtige Gre und Gewicht
Fr mich ist wichtig, das sie das was sie hat auch gut macht – und das macht sie. Mgen andere in ihren Mega-Sphren” schweben, sie werden nie zufrieden sein, denn schon morgen kommt eine Kamera mit mehr von was auch immer. Nach der Hatz nach dem Neuesten, Grten, Besten und Geilsten verpassen sie eigentlich den Sinn – einfach mal was Schnes fotografieren.
Si vous n’utilisez pas le mode rafale (4,5 images par seconde quand mme) et le mode vido 4K (car cropp) cette appareil est parfait et vaut bien le modle au dessus (Z6II) bien plus onreux.
Bought this as a first full frame camera and I was pleasantly surprised as to how good the quality is. Can’t put this thing down when I’m out and about.
I’ve been using this camera for a few months now and I’m really impressed. The picture quality is amazing and the adaptability with the FTZ adaptor means that all my old lenses can still be used with this camera. The setup is a bit more complex than the D range, but once this has been understood, the options are endless. It is ergonomically very easy to hold, whilst allowing you to reach all the buttons without getting lost. So you can go with all the auto settings and get great quality images, or you can adjust almost everything to the nth degree to get the look and feel you are after. The number of additional lenses now available means that the amazing footage you see on TV is no longer just an aspiration, you can go out and do it for yourself for barely a grand.
Ceux qui hsitent, et bien n’hsitez plus !
Small, compact yet packs a big punch. I love this camera for stild. The 1.7 crop is a little disappointing for video though but manageable with a wider lens.
It’s a very good camera fast sharp full frame camera the stock lence it’s the usual nikon one, have used 18 to 150 lence , a pice of cake to connect to Internet computers smart devices. However I don’t take videos cannot comment on that. I would not mothball my Nixon DSLR yet!
Was fr mich wichtig war fr den Kauf, ist das Gewicht und die Lage in der Hand beim Fotografieren plus Qualittda wurde die Auswahl schon etwas enger, ich habe viele Gerte in Mrkten mit angeschaut und in der Hand gehabt. Allerdings bin ich seit langem ein kleiner Fan von Nikon, da ich schon einen kleinen Fotoapparat von der Firma habe.
Die Einstellmglichkeiten der Z5 sind gro und brauch noch eine Zeit der einarbeit, die Groen Geschwister der Z-Serie bieten da noch etwas mehr. Die Software ist etwas gewhnungs Bedrftig aber vielseitig. Per Bluetooth und App auf dem Smartphone, ist die bertragung kinderleicht aufs handy, ob Bild oder Film, vllig egal, es ist auch mglich mit der App einen Livestream zu machen, von der Kamera aus. Ein zustzlicher Pluspunkt ist dass es zwei SD-Kartenslots gibt, als Teilung fr Bild und Film oder als Sicherheitskopie fr all Aufnahmen.
Optisch finde ich sie sehr ansprechend, und hab sie auch dadurch jeden Tag in der Hand.
Jetzt heit es fr mich ben und entdecken.
Dafr gibt es eine Reihe von Grnden.
1. Verarbeitung.
Die Kamera ist tadellos verarbeitet. Ich sehe zu meinen anderen Z-Boliden hier keinen Unterschied. Natrlich gibt es von der Ausstattung Unterschiede, aber rein vom Look and Feel ist alles auf einem Level.
2. Bildqualitt.
Die Kamera macht sehr schne detailreiche Fotos. Die 24 MP sind fr die meisten Zwecke mehr als ausreichend.
3. Bildstabilisation.
Der Stabi arbeitet nach meinem Gefhl so gut, wie bei der Z6 oder der Z7. Ich merke hier kein Unterschied.
3. Autofokus
Auch hier fokussiert die Kamera so schnell wie z.B die Z6. Ich habe bisher keinen signifikanten Unterschied feststellen knnen.
4. Reihenaufnahmen.
Das grte Manko bei der Kamera. Fr mich aber kein Problem. Ich mache sehr selten Reihenaufnahmen.
Ich habe hier bewusst nur ein paar Beispiele aufgezhlt. Ich wollte auch nicht auf die technischen Details eingehen. Vielmehr wollte ich mit wenigen Worten wiedergeben, dass diese Kamera fr den Preis ein No-Brainer ist. Die Qualitt im Bezug auf den Preis stimmt absolut. Zudem gibt es immer mehr Nikon-Z-Objektive, die von der Qualitt der Abbildungsleistung allesamt berzeugen. Wer noch mehr Auwahl mchte, kann zudem auf den FTZ-Adapter ausweichen.
Nous n’avons pas le petit cran de contrle sur le dessus… il ne me manque pas ! J’ai tout sur l’cran arrire ou le viseur.
Il a un nombre de rafales rduit 4 ou 5 images / s… ce qui ne me drange pas, vu que je ne fait jamais de photos d’action…
Pour le reste… bien sr, la dure de la batterie est restreinte, il faut penser en avoir de rechange.
Vu que j’ai la bague FTZ, j’utilise mes objectifs prcdents… et c’est top.
Qualit de l’image… nickel.
Pour l’instant, j’en suis trs satisfait.
Still getting used to this camera, which is a big step up from my existing one. Menu and controls seem easy to use. All good so far.
Cumple con todo lo que necesito.
Destaco la doble ranura de tarjetas a buen precio.
El seguimiento de ojos.
Calidad de materiales.
El men interno.
En general sus prestaciones.
Slo el objetivo no acaba de convencerme, no va acorde al cuerpo, poco luminoso.
I purchased this camera to replace my DSLR D810 hoping to save on the equipments weight. There is a saving in the camera bodies and in the Z type lenses. However, I have a couple of larger lenses with standard Nikon mounts which I wish to use on the new camera, this requires a converter supplied by Nikon. When this converter is fitted to the Z5 body the combined weight is almost the same D810.
Both my old lenses and new Z lenses work perfectly and produce very high quality images, I just have to live with the weight.
The real problem is the atrocious customer service on an expensive device. My kit came with the wrong user manual. So I asked Nikon for a copy of the manual (after registering the device with proof). They outright refused. A printed manual costs nothing compared to the 1.5K price of the device. If this is their attitude for a manual that costs them pennies, I shudder to think what will happen when there is an expensive issue.
So, overall, even with the great camera, I regret not going with the investment in canon. Yet another tech company and good tech development is probably going to get ruined by the out of touch “business” people making greedy business policies.
Love this super effective and attractive camera from Nikon.
Packed with features it is nevertheless surprisingly light and compact.
Memory more than adequate.
I haven’t had an opportunity to take it on a proper field test with the ongoing CV19 related travel restrictions in place locally for me currently but with the limited range of subjects available in house and garden the camera has performed impeccably.
Highly recommnended and great value.
Solid, robust feeling build
Good EVF and tilting rear screen
Twin memory card slots
Only 4.5fps continuous shooting
4K video is cropped
24-50mm kit lens is limiting
Nikon Z6 is better value
The camera uses the same stunning electronic viewfinder as the Z6 and Z7, with a 3.69 million dot display, for a crystal-clear, near-lag-free image that is as close as you can get to a ‘proper’ optical viewfinder. Thanks to the use of top-quality Nikon optics in the display, it’s still one of the the best EVFs around.
For those making the move from a DSLR, though, the lack of direct access buttons can take some getting used to. While Nikon DSLRs typically allow you to change between single, continuous and self-timer shooting modes by turning a dial, or between AF-S, AF-C and Manual focus with a dedicated button, here you’ll need to select these options from on-screen menus. Likewise, there are no dedicated buttons for oft-used functions like metering, white balance or selecting between raw and JPEG image quality.
Ich habe die Nikon Z5, 24-50, mit FTZ-Adapter im Kit bekommen. Der erste gesamte Eindruck ist fr mich sehr gut .
Die Nikon D7200 ist schon lange bei mir im Einsatz.
Und ich muss sagen, das sich die Kommunikation zum Handy mit der alten WMU-App, jetzt erheblich verbessert hat. Zu meiner Freude!
Die neue SnapBridge strtzt nicht mehr ab, und bietet zustzlich viele Einstellmgichkeiten, wenn sie als Fernbedienung genutzt wird. Zustzlich ist die SnabBridge auch bedeutend Energiesparender geworden, was einen erheblichen Vorteil ausmacht.
Die Bilder werden beim Einschalten der Nikon Z5 automatisch zum Handy hin bertragen, wenn es so gewnscht wird.
Die SnabBridge ist anwenderfreundlich und somit auch brauchbar.
The camera itself is relatively easy to use, but I do advise reading the manual that comes with it as there is so many things that you can do with the camera, from different settings you can put this on, right down to it connecting via Internet and Bluetooth. Everything is explained in the manual, as it is extensive, but recommended read before knocking it on.
You do have to purchase and SD Card before you are able to take any actual photos for the photos to be able to save onto the card. This camera does have two SD card slots and you can decide how you wish to use the second slot, if you choose them both, whether as a back up copy for your photos so you can guarantee that your photos are definitely saved, or just as an over flow for when your first one fills up.
There is a microphone build into this camera for video recording, but I’m not going to say it’s the best of quality and is going to pick up your sound from far away, but there are things you can buy to improve the quality if you want to. The screen on the back is touch screen, which I kept forgetting, but definitely comes in handy when trying to compose a good photo. You aren’t able to see yourself if you are trying to capture a selfie style photo or video as the back screen doesn’t turn around, but again you can buy additional add-ons for that, if you want them.
With this camera you get the camera, the battery, battery charger, a strap (which ensures that I never drop it, which I need), so many lens covers as they are detachable and need protecting. You are able to connect it to you laptop via a cable that’s provided and there’s a slot for a HDMI cable (small) to be connected into the camera itself.
Do be careful when ordering as I received poor delivery when it came to this product and found it just sitting on my door step with no note or delivery notification. Anyone could have taken it and I wouldn’t have know that it was delivered in the first place. I am still yet to received a dispatch or delivery notification for this product.
This new camera from Nikon delivers 24 mp full-frame photography in a surprisingly lightweight and portable package. Following on from the success of the Z6, they have pitched the Z5 at a cheaper price to appeal to the serious enthusiast. It is feature packed, including two memory card slots, image stabilisations, and decent weather sealing. Anyone thinking of buying this camera is unlikely to just use the point and shoot program mode, but that is there too.
Most functions are accessed through the comprehensive menu system, and there are a lot of them! Best to read the full online manual, if you want to get the most out of a camera that offers a great deal of settings and tweaks. Plus points are the excellent electronic viewfinder, a wide range of shooting options including colour-changes, filters, and monochrome, together with impressive ISO capability and a variety of white balance options.
I only shoot fine j-pegs, and they have so far proved to be excellent, whether opting for centre-weighted, or matrix metering. The full frame files are large, so remember that if trying to send them online, and also make sure your memory card or cards is big enough to deal with a day’s shooting.
I would like to have seen a pop-up flash for fill-in, and the plastic-built kit lens delivers decent (often very good) results, but its 24-50 zoom range is severly limiting for portraits or distance shots. More Z-mount lenses are being offered, and any old lens will fit with an adaptor. But it would have been nice to have a longer kit lens from the start.
Otherwise, this is a great camera to move on to from a DX format or zoom compact, and it looks as if Nikon has a winner once again.
When I unpacked the Z5 Kit I was pleased that it was relatively lightweight and in fact rather smaller than I had expected. This convenience does not mean any loss to quality of the product. The camera is ‘weather-sealed’ which is a great plus when using outdoors. There is no need to worry about rain or dust. There is a strap which is useful for preventing dropping the camera, something which ruined an old Canon I used to own. Having said that, the camera does seem very robust.
The box contains some information booklets to get the owner started, but for much more detailed help you should go on-line. There is a short course available there. All the kit comes very well packaged.
What you get in addition to the Z5 24-50 Kit are a NIKKOR Z zoom lens, a strap, battery and charging cable with plug. Flash unit needs to be purchased separately. There is also a USB cable for charging the battery when necessary, perhaps when out and about. There are two slots for memory cards. Maybe use one for photos, the other for video. Bluetooth can be used for transferring photographs directly to phone, tablet or computer.
The lens is quite remarkable: it claims to be ‘the smallest, lightest full-frame zoom lens out there’ and it certainly is effective. You can use this both for wide angle views and close focus portrait. There is a tilting touchscreen — a great feature — use it to focus and shoot. If you prefer there is an autofocus which is imaginatively intuitive and produces excellent results. Above all it is fast and silent and so does not distract. The EVF is a real aid to composition. You can be confident that what you compose and see is what you will get. The camera is mirrorless which emphasises precision of definition and focus.
The camera is not difficult to use, although it has many features which will take the beginner some time to utilise. I have not yet begun to fulfil the potential of this excellent product., not least in the very limited use of video I have so far made. Nevertheless, I am excited at the potential for development and discovery. I am so pleased with the Nikon Z5 — I would recommend it wholeheartedly to the enthusiastic photographer, even if you have limited experience.
I’m completely blown away by the high quality of the photos I’ve taken with this camera, and for a complete newbie it is very easy to use. I’ve posted a few photos of my dogs and some of the area near where I live, I’m hoping to go away next month so will be making full use of it then
The camera came very well packaged, and had a few booklets with basic operating instructions, although you can go to a website and complete a short course to learn more
So what do you get for your bucks? With the Nikon Z5 Kit you get a 25-40mm NIKKOR Z zoom lens, a strap, battery and charging cable with plug. There is also a USB wire which you can use to charge the camera, handy if you’re out and not near a charging point. The battery is easily inserted into the battery charger and takes around two and a half hours to charge, unfortunately you don’t get a flash unit included, so I’ve only been able to take photos during the daytime at the moment, you also can’t save any photos without having a memory card, so I had to buy one before I was able to test the camera
When you’ve taken your photographs you can transfer them on to your smart phone via Bluetooth, use WiFi to transfer on to your laptop or desktop, or transfer via a usb cable, I chose to transfer photos via WiFi and after playing about with the settings for a while, I soon figured out how to transfer them, although I did have to download Wireless Transmitter Utility from Nikon on to my laptop to do this, but once I’d done this, it was fairly simple to send my photos over, I could then decide if I wanted to keep or delete the photos, great if you don’t have a large memory card
At the moment I’ve only got one memory card inserted but there is space for two memory cards, which is great if you take a lot of photographs, or you could use one for photos and the other for videos
To me this camera is quite expensive to buy, but I’ve been educated and told that this is actually mid range and they can cost a lot more than this, but it is a Nikon and their reputation for cameras does precede them, and I’m honoured to be chosen to test and review this camera
If like me, you really don’t know much about cameras you can use the auto focus setting to take your photos and videos, or you can learn about all the different settings (which I’m going to do). In the auto settings you just line up your shot, press the shutter half way and then all the way down, so even someone with no experience can successfully use this camera to take great shots. I’ve not actually tested the video out yet but I’m very impressed with the quality of the photos that I’ve taken and will continue to play about with the camera and all its functions over the next few months
The camera is pretty compact and although it’s not lightweight, it’s not really that heavy either, but I have made full use of the camera strap when out taking photos earlier as I didn’t want to risk dropping it
The camera is weather sealed and is a mirrorless camera, which I’m lead to believe means that light reaches the cameras sensor, creating depth, colour and more detail
I’ve had great fun testing this camera and have still got so much to learn and to play about with, this camera is great for a novice like me or an experienced professional photographer, it’s got something for everyone and I really can’t praise it enough, it’s a brilliant piece of kit and is enough to start anyone off on their photography journey, I just need to invest in a flash unit now. Nikon is a brand leader and they’ve certainly excelled themselves with this
I highly recommend this camera
Some of the very slight technical differences include: a 24.3MP sensor on the Z5 (as opposed to a 24.5MP on the Z6); a Z 24-50mm f/4-6.3 kit lens on the Z5 (against an S-line 24-70mm f/4 kit lens for the Z6); and, when shooting video in full HD the Z5 reaches a maximum of 60fps, while the Z6 can get to 120fps).
On the other side of the equation, in every aspect that really counts, the Z5 equals or virtually equals the Z6 (and is better than any other similar comparable camera by other manufacturers, in my opinion). For example: it uses exactly the same 3.69 million dot display electronic viewfinder as the Z6 (and the Z7, incidentally), which is the best I’ve used; the screen tilts up and down for low and high-level shooting (like the Z6 and Z7, again); and the auto-focus seems to be just as responsive as in the Z6, with the same number of inbuilt auto-focus points.
So: 1. Is this almost identical to the much more expensive Z6? Yes. 2. Is there any noticeable difference between either the still or the video quality of the Z5 compared to the Z6 (or Z7 for that matter)? No. 3. Is the Z5 a terrific camera for video-making and stills-taking? Yes.
I hope that helps.
I am not professional photographer but my biggest hobby is taking photos.
When I’ve received chance to try this camera I was so excited ( and still I am!)
First impression when I took out from the box was wow.
The Nikon Z5 has a 24-megapixel CMOS sensor that works with the Expeed 6 processor and is equipped with a 5-axis stabilization system with a strength of 5 EV. Efficient and accurate focusing is ensured by the camera’s autofocus, offering eye tracking mode for both humans and animals. The ISO sensitivity range is 100-51200, and the burst mode works at 4.5 fps. There was also the possibility of filming in Full HD resolution.
In addition, the Nikon Z5 has two memory card slots, USB power supply – they allow me to quickly support UHS-II SD cards and charge (with the camera off) or power via USB.
This camera is distinguished by a solid and durable housing – the camera body is made of magnesium alloy and, as the manufacturer declares, has a high level of sealing.
Another advantage is the large 3.2-inch amazing touchscreen. In addition, the Nikon Z5 was equipped with an electronic viewfinder with a resolution of 3690 thousand. points. On the back of the camera you will find a convenient joystick for setting the AF points and other functional buttons.
Of course, there was also built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity.
The new battery will allow me to take 400-500 photos on a single charge. Additional power will be provided by the MB-N10 grip (the same as in previous full-frame Nikon mirrorless cameras).
Movie recording is on an “average” level – 4K at 30 fps has a crop of 1.7x.
I would recommend this camera to anyone as it is not very difficult. I mostly use automatic settings but I’ve started looking for guide book to improve my skills working with this camera as I can see bigger potential for my photographs. There are also many groups on social media where we can find many useful tricks.
The only thing I would advise to Nikon. My camera arrived when we weren’t at home and the delivery driver left it next to our door. It is not cheap to risk being taken by someone passing by.
Extremely high quality pictures and videos Very impressive….
The kit includes a battery and charger unit, but the USB-C port on the camera can also be used to power or charge it.
The camera features both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity so you can send your images direct to your computer or another smart device. Memory-wise, the camera has two which is ideal..
Would recommend..
First impressions: it is just a good looking piece of kit. Smaller than a DSLR and also lighter but still with a bit of weight in the hand. Very think due to the lack of the mirror. Really love the design. The rear LCD tilts out to avoid the sun, very good definition.
Setup: easy. Dual memory cards which is a nice touch. I had a flashing warning for a bit and then realised I needed to set date and time! Putting on the strap always a challenge!
Lens: the kit lens is very nice, although for longer reach you’ll, of course need to invest. The 24-50mm has a slightly annoying feature in that it is very small when retracted but you need to open it up to take a photo. Only a tiny bit annoying, I get that it is to cut down the size. The shots it takes are incredible. Whether portraits or street art, the quality is excellent, no real drop of detail across the frame. I’ve managed to order a Z 24-200mm lens (really, really hard to find) which has excellent reviews and will enable me to further expand use of the Z5.
Features: I like the old school viewfinder to frame shots. A nice feature is that it only turns on when you put your eye to the viewfinder (saving battery life). If you want to go a bit “sci fi” the screne can be used to focus and also focus/shoot. It’s not really for me but it is incredibly clever.
Focus: picking different focus points is very simple using the thumb dial, I found it a lot simpler than my Canon, and it has a lot more focus points than my 6D. It has facetracking and also seem to pick out my dogs faces.
I’ve only used the Z5 for a couple of weeks but I am really in love with it. I like the build quality and the picture quality. Even on Auto mode the pictures it takes are phenomenal,and switch to the other modes gives flexibility in framing the shot.
It’s not a cheap camera but you getting some impressive really kit.
I can’t recommend it enough. For a super keen amateur (wannabe pro) like me, this is the camera to get right now.
When I was asked to test and review this camera kit, I was really excited as it sounded like the camera and lens were smaller and lighter than my previous one — and they are! It is highly portable and relatively lightweight kit, but you are not sacrificing anything.
This weather-sealed camera is what is known as a mirrorless camera — I believe this means that more light reaches the camera’s sensor, which creates more detail, depth and colour.
The versatile lens is one of the smallest and lightest full frame retractable zoom lens on the market. It allows you to capture wide angle as well as portraits (24mm-50mm F4 6.3).
I have had to do some pre-recorded videos of myself for virtual content during the lockdown and would have found the Z5’s ability to capture 4K ultra HD footage a godsend. I have not tried this yet but this camera is also capable of creating time-lapse movies and stills while filming.
It is also equipped with a fast, precise and silent autofocus that allows you to accurately follow and track your subject, having both eye and animal detection. And don’t worry about shaky images as it has an inbuilt stabilisation for clear and smooth footage and images.
The kit includes a battery and charger unit, but the USB-C port on the camera can also be used to power or charge it.
The camera features both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity so you can send your images direct to your computer or another smart device. Memory-wise, the camera has two USH-II slots so a big thumbs-up on this score.
But what’s it like to use? It’s a dream and great fun to experiment with. I have just taken some photos of my cats to give you an idea, but I am not an expert photographer so please don’t judge the camera based on my initial efforts. (All other images of the kit are taken on another smart device).
This is a comprehensive starter kit from a brand leader, which I am happy to recommend, especially to those interested in making their first foray into full frame photography. A quality product through and through.