Nikon Z6 II + Z 24-70mm Mirrorless Camera Kit (24.5

Nikon Z6 II + Z 24-70mm Mirrorless Camera Kit (24.5 megapixel, Ultra wide ISO, 14 fps Continuous Shooting, Eye-Detection AF, Dual Card Slots, 4K Full HD Video) VOA060K001

More of everything. Create fearlessly.
Weight: | 705 Grams |
Dimensions: | 21.5 x 10 x 6.9 centimetres |
Brand: | Nikon |
Model: | VOA060K001 |
Part: | VOA060K001 |
Colour: | Black |
Batteries Included: | 1 Lithium Ion batteries required. (included) |
Dimensions: | 21.5 x 10 x 6.9 centimetres |
Bought this for our holiday in July to replace a Nikon D7100 SLR.
To say that the weather was inclement is an understatement and as a consequence I haven’t used it much but I am itching to use it. Just need to sell the old one now to fund the change – but well worth it.
I have been a Nikon user for more than 10 years and until Z6ii I was using Dslr of Nikon.
I thought too much whether it is worth to switch to mirrorless or not, especially since I have concerns about auto focus.
But when I get Z6ii and tried it, I was impressed by auto focus. It is fast and reliable, also there are many different modes.
Genrally it is a Nikon body which I have always been impressed by ergonomics and Nikon z6ii is no difference. Photo quality is really great as well as low light performance.
Also the kit lens 24-70 f4 is really a great lens.
I can only recommend this kit. If you don’t want to wait for Z6iii just get this one.
Only drawback for me is use of cfexpress type B and sd card at the same time. I wish both would be same type and preferebly sd cards.
El cuerpo y la cmara en s es la leche. Solo hay un pero, el objetivo del kit es muy ntido pero tambin vietea bastante. Si o si hay que corregir el vieteo en ACR o Darktable o Lghtroom, etc.
La cmara es la leche.
Decided to move back to Nikon after a 5 years with Sony mirrorless. It took a few weeks to get to grips with new user menu etc but love this camera now. Just back from first holiday with the Z6ii and i couldn’t fault it. Loving the touch screen menu and shooting apps. The 24-70mm kit lens is perfect and also highly recommended. Most modern zoom are optically great now. but this one is near perfect.
Also, if you have any old Sony lenses like I have, i also bought an adapter to use those lenses with this camera and again they worked just fine, autofocus and all.
I can say hand on heart, don’t fear a switch if you are thinking about doing it.
Tengo una D7200 y estoy contento por lo bien que lo hace , pero esta Z6II lo que mas me gusta es la iso estn muy mejoradas, y mejora de todo es que lo que ves en visor es lo que saca en realidad cosa que en la D 7200 no es as.
Las dos ultimas fotos estan tomadas con Sigma 150-600 Contemporary , la primera a 150 mm, y la segunda 600 mm esta a una distancia de 11km.
Und nicht bereut.
Die Kamera ist bestens geeignet fr die aufwendigere Fotografie. Alles an richtigen Platz, alle Funktionen tun das was sie sollen.
Nach mehrwchigen Tests bzgl. des Objektivs sind meine anfnglichen Bedenken verschwunden. Es ist kein Highend Modell aber das Preis Leistungsverhltnis passt. Ich nehme es gerne mit.
My only feedback is the white balance comes off a little orange but I love it. Xxx
Mejor de lo que esperaba, el envo fue muy rpido aunque DHL no me generaba ninguna confianza el paquete lleg perfecto y en plazo.
Una gran compra.
Ich bewege mich in der Akt-/ und Fetischfotografie und mache zu 90% Portraits. Da die Gesichter hier meistens eh mit Masken o.. bedeckt sind strt mich der “schlechtere” Autofokus (im Vergleich zur Konkurrenz) hier weniger. Videos mache ich ab und zu, ist aber nicht mein Hauptfokus. Der Sprung von der D3300 war so mchtig dass es die beste Entscheidung in meiner eigenen kleinen Fotografiegeschichte war diese Kamera zu kaufen! Inzwischen habe ich meine Objektivsammlung auch um die Z-Objektive 50mm 1.8 und 28-75 2.8 erweitert. Aber was soll ich sonst noch schreiben: es ist eine moderne Kamera die wirklich sehr gute Fotos schiet!
Die Einstellungsmglichkeiten sind vielfltig. Besonders gefllt mir das Speichern von drei individuellen Einstellungsprofilen auf dem Wahlrad. So kann man schnell zwischen seinen Lieblingseinstellungen wechseln ohne erst alles neu einstellen zu mssen.
Die Abbildungsleistung ist fantastisch. Klare und Detailierte Bilder in jeder Lichtsituation. Hngt natrlich auch etwas vom verwendeten Objektiv ab.
The handling of the Z (both the Z6, which I already had, and the Z6 ii) is very intuitive and fingers fall naturally to all the controls.
I don’t have big hands, so to be fair the control placement won’t suit everyone, but general opinion seems to be very much that the ergonomics are excellent.
Autofocus is improved compared to the Z6. There are a couple of new area modes, including for human eye AF and animal eye AF.
The faster buffer is of no interest to me, but I guess if you like to spray and pray it might make a difference for you. I’m not convinced that it’s ideal as a sports camera, but I have no experience in that so I can’t be sure.
The dual card slots may interest some – I’ve never had a problem with any digital camera and a single card slot, so although it’s nice to have the feature it’s not a big deal for me.
In handling and looks this is basically identical to the Z6. That’s a good thing.
If I’m honest I don’t feel any massive speed difference because of the new dual processors, but there is a bit more “confidence” in acquiring focus.
For anyone with a Z6 I don’t think there is really enough in terms of new features to make this a must-have upgrade. With the latest firmware on Z6 it was already much improved in autofocus.
That said, I suspect there will be firmware updates for the Z6 ii that will bring autofocus improvements, so I do expect it to continue getting better for a while yet.
My main interest is in street photography. I haven’t found the size of the Z6 (or Z6 ii) an impediment and it can be just as discreet as something smaller like a Fuji X100V.
I’ve also used an old Helios 58mm with a cheap m42>Z adapter and manual focusing is relatively easy with the Z range. I’ve also used some older F lenses with the FTZ adapter and they work well, although not quite as fast and smooth as native Z glass.
If you’re looking for a full-frame camera and haven’t yet settled on a camera, or system, I don’t think you can go wrong with the Z6 ii.
You can get an original Z6 at some bargain prices now, so the difference could go towards a lens, but I have a feeling future firmware updates will make the Z6 ii an even better performer.
I don’t have Sony or Canon to compare autofocus with, but in everyday use the real question is whether any system will do what you need it to do.
I can say that the Z6 ii requires a little bit of thought (as does the Z6), but once you know its particular ways of working you shouldn’t be held back by the camera. I’ve tried the eye AF and it works, but it still requires a little bit of manual intervention sometimes. That’s my experience with it. I’ve seen lots of YouTube videos that say it’s superb and in some cases better than Sony and I’ve seen some that say it’s still not quite there yet. As ever, your personal mileage will vary dependong on what you shoot and in what conditions.
Low light focus is pretty decent, which is useful when I’m doing night street photography. And of course a weather resistant body and lens is great for traipsing the streets in bad weather (which I’ve done and just wiped the camera and lens down after with a microfibre cloth).
About the only negative I can find is how difficult the focus square can be to see sometimes. I’d like an adjustable colour, or brightness. Especially with the very small focus square I sometimes almost literally cannot see where it is. I would hope a future firmware update would fix that.
I have no need for the grip, so that’s not very exciting to me. But if you really need a grip at least this one offers you extra controls. And the USB-C charging and powering is very handy.
The new battery, EN-EL15c, has a bit more capacity. Trouble is original Nikon batteries are very expensive. I’ve bought some Baxtar equivalents and they work exactly like the originals, but at much less than half the cost.
As far as the kit lens is concerned, I think the quality is superb and gives some cracking results. Coupled with the effective IBIS, you can get some sharp shots even at lower shutter speeds.
I’m pretty unsteady (age related), but in playing about I’ve found I can often get away with 1/15th of a second. That’s not as low as some people claim they can get, but for me 1/250 used to be what I needed for a steady shot.
The IBIS definitely works well for me and extends my shooting possibilities.
In fact I like this Z6 ii so much that I’m seriously thinking about getting a Z7 ii as well, for landscape work.
One other thing. Everyone goes on and on about how small and light the Z’s and lenses are. I don’t think they’re small!
They’re not as massive as some, but they are not small and the lenses aren’t either. In fact the lenses are downright ugly, but that doesn’t affect the quality of the results.
I will say this. If you’re doing a 4-6 hour walk around London with this camera and lens round your neck, shooting street photography, you’re going to feel the weight! To be fair, if you used anything similar you’d feel the weight, but if you think about models like the Ricoh GR iii, now THAT’S a small and light camera.
I’ve used Snapbridge with this (and my Z6) and it’s ok, but it could be a lot more consistent in connecting. It works, but I don’t think as an APP it will excite anyone.
The raw files can be beautifully processed, but even straight out of camera jpegs are great. The various profiles are very customisable so you can shoot to taste.
The LCD and the viewfinder are both excellent. I know some cameras now have even higher-res viewfinders, but the one in this Z is really high quality. As to the screen, either you’re a fan of a tilty screen, or you hate them.
I’ve thought of one other thing I don’t really like. The kit lens requires you to twist it to unlock it for use. That’s a pain in the behind. I know it keeps it a bit smaller when not in use, but big deal. It’s not like it’s actually “small”. It’s just a tiny bit “smaller”. I’ve never liked those twist to unlock lenses.
I’m really not sure upgrading from a Z6 makes financial sense for anyone at the moment, but if you’re new to the Nikon system I think I would probably jump into the Z6 ii.
Let me just start by saying I just love this Nikon Z6 II + Z 24-70mm Mirrorless Camera Kit.
I have been using Nikon DSLR cameras with the smaller DX-format sensor with a number of Nikon DX-format and FX-mount prime lens for many years now as well as a number Panasonic DSLR’s with the micro 4/3 frame format and prime lens. That said I have been watching the release of the latest mirrorless new full frame DSLR cameras with great envy.
Since receiving the Nikon Z6 II + Z 24-70mm Mirrorless Camera Kit I have been literally blown away by the possibilities with this camera and is versatile zoom lens. It uses Nikon’s Z mount and a large 24.5 MP full-frame sensor to capture the maximum amount of light possible, enabling clean, detailed images across an ultra-wide ISO range with incredible low light performance producing stunning images I could only dream of before. Low-light AF works down to -6 EV with and an f/2 (or faster) lens.
In use this camera and lens combination capture videos and picture on another level with a wide array of options to help you achieve what you want and what you need. This Nikon Z6 II camera is a high-end mirrorless camera, that captures better quality compared to its mirrored counterpart and has simpler mechanics and higher shutter speed.
The camera kit comes with the truly superb Z 24 — 70mm F4 S lens. A lens so versatile and bright with gorgeous bokeh that I don’t feel the need to reach for a prime lens any more.
The Z6 II also features an enhanced autofocus feature, which is one of them most notable upgrade from its predecessor the Z6. Nikon has added a wide area AD mode, which will auto detect face and eyes in both human and animal subjects. You will also be able to narrow the region in which the camera will autofocus and hunt for faces providing you an option of pre-selecting the face you wish to focus on. It has also improved the focus even in low light without using the low light AF mode, which is slower.
h Z6 has nt n, but tw D 6 mg rr nd t’ the dul rr nd th extremely hgh rfrh rt tht enables th mr t tur lrg mg burt wthut mng frame. To help with that extra through put and large files the Z6II has dual card slots so you can use UHS-II SD cards in one slot and XQD cards, or the latest ultra-fast CF express cards, in the other.
The body of the Z6 II camera is still solidly built using magnesium alloy, which provides an incredible balance to provide an excellent grip on the camera. It uses a 24 MP full-frame BSI-CMOS sensor, which provides to provide a full-sensor UHD 4K video with up to 30p. Nikon says that they promise a free firmware upgrade to 4K video with up to 60p, which is a significant jump for the quality and they said it is due on February of 2021. Something to look forward to.
nother feature of th Z6 th n-mr fv- tl Vbrtn Rdutn. h perfect fr bth td vd and stills nd makes it possible t ht fv t lwr dlvrng sharp ht n lwr lighting conditions. This also makes it possible to tur mthr vd ftg wthut mr hk.
The shooting rate of the camera has been upgraded to 14 frames per second, but this is only for shooting in single AF point, which will hit its dynamic range down to 12-bit raw. If you would however want to track your moving subject, it will still shoot at 12 frames per second. Thankfully for long hand held shots the camera has a good firm grip and although not as light as my other smaller frame cameras it has a very good weigt balance to it.
The viewfinder is still the same with its predecessor at 3.68M dot OLED, which is still a whole lot better with some of the same priced camera competitors. With this, it has improved the lag and blackout when capturing fast-moving objects with the rear screen unchanged from the previous model.
With the significant upgrade of the camera, it has also upgraded the battery to power the device. It uses the latest EN-EL 15c battery, which has a 20% higher capacity compared to the one used in the previous model Z6 I. This results on average of approximately 400 shots using the rear LCD per full charge or approximately 340 shots using the viewfinder per full charge. If you want to charge the battery, the camera has a USB type-C socket for charging so that you can use it for more shots.
I have never enjoyed myself so much using any camera as I have with this Nikon Z6 II + Z 24-70mm full frame camera especially in low light with this awesome lens it enables you to create a gorgeous bokeh at any focal length I wish.
One thing I really love it that from a work flow perspective using the Nikon SnapBridge app on my iPhone 11 Pro synced in the background by Bluetooth to the Nikon ZII, my photos and video automatically sync with the app and my iPhone and Mac Mini. Within minutes of taking the shot everything is synced and backed up on the cloud ready to edit or share. Absolutely awesome. What’s more there is considerably less editing to do now as the JPEG’s are very usable without any post production work.
I would like the articulated screen toalso flip to face the front of the camera as well making it more friendly for vlogging. However with the option to use an external field monitor with clean video out from the HDMI port at the flick of the thumb using the photo / video selector next to the Disp button its not an issue and it couldn’t be easier to use as a webcam as I do regularly for amazing sharp video calls with incredible bokeh.
Ultimately, I could gush on all day as I am totally smitten by this camera and frankly I cannot recommend it highly enough.
The literature claimed the camera kit would take my photography to next level, which is what I wanted. The camera body is solid, ergonomic and comfortable. The deep grip was comfortable and stable. All the controls are logically placed and intuitive to use. With the lens attached, the camera felt well-balanced and easy to use. I couldn’t wait to get outside and take some photographs.
As someone more used to bridge cameras, I left everything on automatic to get an idea of what the camera could do. The image in the viewfinder was larger than expected, pin sharp and filled with all the information needed around the edges. I zoomed in on my subject and placed my finger on the shutter button. The camera focused instantly and took a photo that turned out to be sharp and vibrant with well-balanced, realistic colours, despite the low light at this time of year.
The camera performs superbly in low light conditions. The automatic settings take the hard work out of taking photographs. It’s simple to select the area you wish to focus on using the viewfinder grids. And everything works instantaneously — from focusing to storing the photographs on the SD card. In burst mode, the camera fires off shots like bullets, perfect for wildlife photography.
Once used to the feel and capabilities of the camera, I switched the lens to manual mode to take control of focusing, leaving the choice of shutter speed and aperture on automatic. Autofocus can be a bit hit and miss when photographing insects on flowers and birds in trees. With the lens set to manual, a single focus grid is displayed in the viewfinder. The grid turns from red to green to confirm focus on the desired subject. It removes the guesswork and allows you to concentrate on composition and the photograph itself.
The video capabilities also exceeded my expectations. The picture quality was a surprisingly sharp HD when played back on my TV. The sound from the built in microphone was excellent and comparable in quality to the external mic I also used. The camera automatically focuses on the subject and can track subjects, such as my dog, even when zooming in and out.
Transferring photographs to a PC is simple with the USB cable supplied. It’s fast USB3 with a C connector for the camera. By downloading the Snapbridge app to your phone, you can use Wi-Fi to select and quickly transfer photos to your phone, making it easy to upload them to social media. I’ve yet to try the remote control of the camera using my phone, but it’s on my to-do list.
The back screen can be pulled out and tilted for more difficult shots. If you wish, you can select the focal point, zoom and take pictures using your fingers as you would on a mobile phone.
The menus offer a huge range of choices, which can seem a little overwhelming until you download the excellent manuals from Nikon’s website. One of the more useful features is the ability to programme stops on the mode dial to suit the kind of photography you want to pursue.
In the few weeks I’ve used the camera, I’ve only scratched the surface of what it can do, but so far I’m impressed with the quality, performance and results. This is a stunning camera that’s fast, easy and intuitive to use, has a quick and accurate autofocus which produces top quality images and videos. There are no negatives so far and I look forward to discovering more of the Z6’s capabilities.
If you’re looking to take your photography to new levels, this might be just what you’re looking for.
I received the camera kit so that included a 24-70mm lens and this arrived in a rather large Nikon box. Inside was the camera body, 24-70mm lens, lens hood, battery, charger plus power cable, USB cable, cloth bag, strap and instruction manuals.
After unpacking everything and giving it a once over to admire how nice this camera looks and feels in the hand I set about charging the battery. This took a good couple of hours to get to 100% but once ready I popped it into the camera complete with an SD card.
One of the nice features of this camera is that it will accept SD and CF cards, previous Nikon cameras I’ve owned have been one or the other so this is great to see and all hidden behind a flap on the side. On the opposite side of the camera body is another couple of flaps with access to various ports, mini HDMI, USB, Microphone etc.
In the hand, the weight of the camera body feels no more than the D5300 I currently use, however the lens that came with it seems to be of a metal build and noticeably heavier that the lens I have on the D5300, which is plastic, however when attached to the Z6, the lens makes the camera feel well weighted and comfortable to hold.
The lens has a little resistance point on it when unlocking/locking for use which caught me out at first but soon becomes second nature when using it.
The camera body has all of the usual controls you tend to find on a Nikon camera, they’re all well laid out as is the user interface on the LCD display and if you’ve ever used a Nikon camera before you’ll feel right at home very quickly.
In use I found this to be a simply stunning camera, the clarity of the images is superb and I hope that comes across in the images I have uploaded. Low light conditions don’t seem to be a problem for the camera and I’m genuinely surprised at the tones and levels that have been produced with the default out of the box settings.
The image of my cat on the chair was taken in a room with a single dim side light on the opposite side on a bleak rainy grey day – no flash used at all! The camera focused superbly on his eyes, at least when he decided to look at me! The image of my D5300 was taken with just the light from a computer screen to light the shot!
Taking images is rapid and almost silent, a genuine joy to use. The view finder, which becomes visible as you look through it rather than available all the time, is bright and clear as is the LCD display. The only downside for me with the LCD display is that it doesn’t fold out to face front on. Given this camera will record 4K video this might be an issue for those thinking of using it for YouTube however it is something that can be overcome with an external monitor but maybe something for Nikon to review when producing the next iteration of this camera.
Recording video on the default settings was very promising indeed, auto focus with the kit lens was very quick even with difficult subjects and the resulting video looks bright and sharp.
Pin sharp images
Stunning low light photography
Extremely fast focus
4K video
Intuitive Nikon user interface
Dual card slots
No front facing LCD screen
Even though I was provided this camera for review I would have no hesitation in replacing my current camera or recommending it to others. I am truly converted!
A solid, well-engineered camera that feels sturdy with natural feeling access to controls. As a newcomer to Nikon (shooting professionally using a competitors equipment for 13 years) I am very impressed at how comfortable it feels in hand even without a grip. Attaching the included 24-70mm kit lens the camera feels nice, well balanced and well made. Included in the package is a nicely designed, if a little loud for some, neck strap that is easily attached to the camera and is comfortable around the neck. The Z6II has dual cards, SD & CF Express, the SD is ideal for photography and short video clips but the CF Express slot allows the user much faster transfer speeds, perfect for 4K Film. The body has plenty of control options and the design of the layout ensures this has minimal impact on the aesthetics. Inside there is a full frame sensor, so the focal length you choose is the focal length you get in 35mm terms.
After charging the battery I was desperate to see how it felt taking a shot in poor light and less than ideal conditions without touching anything on the camera. I switched it on and raised it to my eye, on the half press the camera automatically detected and focused on my pet cats eye, a full press finished the shot. I didn’t do anything by way of assessing the conditions, checking settings or anything that would normally come natural to me. To my surprise I got a shot perfectly exposed, sharp and well-toned image. The 5-axis built in stabilisation had meant the shake often associated with a slow shutter speed was minimal, barely detectable. When taking the shot the camera felt responsive, quiet and natural to use, to me that was what I was desperate to find out, the feel.
I managed to use the iPhone app and connect to the camera within a couple of minutes, making downloading and sharing the images quick and simple. The quick out of the box shot was downloaded and was nice quality even when zoomed in on the Iphone. So far the camera was ticking all of the boxes.
The camera produces beautiful jpg images and the RAW is versatile in lightroom, Im going to invest in a cf express card too take advantage of the high definition video capabilities. The included kit lens has performed admirably in most situations but I will get a few prime lenses on this beauty of a camera. I used this in the studio and quickly transferred the images to the iphone for social media, the speed and accuracy of the autofocus is excellent.
In all this is a solid and very fast performing camera that I have found intuitive to use and producing results that are very pleasing to the eye. It will benefit from some prime lenses to take full advantage of its rich video features.
Very fast & accurate focus
Video features
Focus tracking
Dual card slots
Easy to navigate menus
Yet to find any.
Although I was provided this camera for review, I would certainly consider it as an option if I was upgrading my current equipment, the features included are excellent.