Philips NanoProtect HEPA Filter – FY3433/1

Philips NanoProtect HEPA Filter - FY3433/1

Philips NanoProtect HEPA Filter – FY3433/1

Pet Hair

Dust mites

Mould spores

Pollen and dust

Estimated duration 24 months 12 months
Specifications Removes allergens, dust, pollution, bacteria and some viruses such as H1N1 Effectively reduces volatile organic compounds and odor
Efficiency Captures 99.97%* of particles 0.02μm**
Material: NanoProtect Filter Activated carbon filter with bee mesh
* Tested by a third-party laboratory in 2015, with an initial air flow filtration efficiency of 2.1 in/s
** The filter was tested with the NaCL test spray according to DIN71460-1 standard on the IUTA
Compatibility The entire range of 3000 series purifiers The entire range of 3000 series purifiers

Weight: 420 g
Dimensions: 27 x 5 x 37 cm; 420 Grams
Model: FY3433/10
Part: FY3433/10
Colour: Black, White
Pack Quantity: 1
Batteries Required: No
Batteries Included: No
Manufacture: Philips
Dimensions: 27 x 5 x 37 cm; 420 Grams
Quantity: 1
Volume: 1 litres

16 Responses

  1. HarrietSecombe says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Bought the Philips Air Purifer few years ago. This Hepa Filter works brilliantly in our home & a trusted brand. Unit says when filter needs changing which is approx once a year.

  2. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Good quality, genuine part. Perfect fit and function. Used as replacement for previous filter which lasted about 18 months.

  3. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersFiltre particules parfait pour notre purificateur Philipps AC3259/10.
    Il est efficace environ 18mois sachant que nous faisons tourner l’appareil en continue.
    Mon mari, tant trs allergique au pollen, se sent vraiment mieux depuis que nous utilisons ce dispositif donc merci ce filtre

  4. HollieVidal says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    This replacement filter set was actually a better fit than the original that came with the new Philips air cleaner. Not sure how it compares to cheaper alternatives as this is the first I’ve replaced ?

  5. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    These are extremely expensive for what they are in my opinion, but they do work.

  6. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Title says it all. Expensive, but really fast delivery. Northern ireland

  7. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Changes colour over time so it’s clearly picking crap out of the atmosphere

  8. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersRecambio original para el Purificador.
    Adems de la satisfaccin general con el uso del producto Por
    Ms de un ao, comparto la prueba de “fuego” superada.
    He cambiado el Filtro a propsito de un desagradable incidente del incendio del piso de un vecino. El olor a quemado en mi piso pasado el susto del Incendio era terrible as que aprovech de poner a trabajar a tope el purificador y en pocas horas logr prcticamente desaparecer todo el olor.
    Filtro original para un excelente purificador.
    Espero que mi opinin haya sido de utilidad.

  9. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersTengo un purificador con este filtro desde hace dos aos ya. Si bien es cierto que se nota que el aire est mucho menos cargado la nica pega es que no dura los 24 meses ni mucho menos, dura un ao o menos, que an as est bien. Yo tengo el purificador puesto todos los das y cada semana cuando limpio se nota que absorbe todas las partculas del aire. Adjunto una imagen con un filtro usado durante un ao y otro nuevo.

    Cumple sobrademente pero no dura lo propuesto

  10. rebeccaharkinscross says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    It’s a filter so hard to see if it is working but it gets dirty so I guess that it must.

  11. Patrick Daniels says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersWer einen Luftreiniger sein Eigen nennt und hufig nutzt, kennt das: Man muss regelmig neue Filter bestellen. Bei mir ist das etwa alle 10 Monate der Fall, der Luftreiniger fordert dann zum Austausch auf. Ich habe immer einen neuen Satz Filter “auf Lager”, damit ich nicht auf die Leistung des Luftreinigers verzichten muss.
    Die Leistung der neuen Reinigungspatrone ist super, der Philips-Luftreiniger filtert wirklich eine Menge heraus. Trotzdem finde ich die Filter recht teuer, ich wrde die Hlfte des Preises fr angemessen halten, da ja schon der Luftreiniger nicht gerade billig ist…

  12. LatashaSolorio says:


    Lo nico malo es que me dur menos de 6 meses, y no 2 aos como promete la marca, de resto estamos encantados porque es el mejor filtro y el mejor purificador que hemos probado, incluidos algunos de la misma casa.

  13. PhillipDickerma says:


    Il prezzo dei ricambi elevato, la durata ovviamente dipende da quanto a lungo si fa lavorare e in che tipi di ambienti; ammetto che ho continuato ad utilizzare il filtro oltre il periodo consigliato (ovvero ho bypassato il messaggio di richiesta sotistuzione) per chiaramente l’efficienza cala sempre di pi fino a rendere il tutto abbastanza inutile. Quando posso cerco di acquistarlo, la differenza non appena si installa un nuovo filtro si sente e come

  14. Tyler Lacoma says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    What can I say? If you have this Phillips air filter, this is the only filter that will fit it, so you don’t have much choice. But this is a seriously good product. Together with the carbon filter and the pre-filter, it captures pretty much everything from cat hair to the smallest pollen. Hayfever is pretty much gone.
    Also, we recently had a fire in a nearby house. Some smoke got in through our air vents. The air filter went on full and after a while the air inside was actually cleaner than outside.

  15. IndiraHodgson says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersDie Filter von Philips sind spitzenklasse! halten bei mir ca. 5-6 Monate im Dauerbetrieb ohne Erkennbarem Geruch. Ich vergebe deswegen nur 4 Sterne weil der Filter durchaus ein wenig gnstiger sein knnte!

  16. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersRecambio original de philips para el purificador de aire. Si quereis el original comprar este, el que veis por 50 los dos filtros el blanco y el negro es otra marca, no es el original de philips.