R FLORY Bidet Intelligent Toilet Seat FDB608 Energy-Saving

R FLORY Bidet Intelligent Toilet Seat FDB608 Energy-Saving Warm Water Air Dry Remote Contrrol
From the brand




Weight: | 6 kg |
Dimensions: | 59.5 x 45 x 22.5 cm; 6 Kilograms |
Brand: | FLORYEU |
Model: | FDB608TOILET(big)_ |
Colour: | White |
Dimensions: | 59.5 x 45 x 22.5 cm; 6 Kilograms |
Montage des Sitzes:
Ein T Stck ist mit enthalten.
Dieses vereinfacht die Installation.
Trotzdessen werden einige separate Werkzeuge bentigt.
Die Montage ist nicht einfach, sollte also von einer Handwerklich begabten Person durchgefhrt werden.
Eine gute Anleitung ist enthalten.
Insgesamt hat die Installation des Sitzes um die 40 Minuten gedauert.
Von der Gre/Form ist alles wie erwartet und passgenau.
Bedienen lsst sich der Sitz mittels einer kleinen Fernbedienung.
Dort lassen sich die verschiedenen Funktionen aktivieren.
Ich finde die Lsung mit der Fernbedienung hat vor und Nachteile.
Vorteil hierbei ist, dass der Sitz nicht zu breit wirkt, da keine seitliche Steuerung notwendig ist.
Auch muss man den Krper nicht seitlich drehen um diesen Sitz zu aktivieren, da man die Fernbedienung in der Hand halten kann.
Kleiner Nachteil hierbei, die Fernbedienung sollte immer in Griffweite sein.
Die Vorteile mit der Steuerung ber die Fernbedienung berwiegen hierbei.
Der Sitz verfgt ber viele tolle Funktionen.
Eine Po-Dusche, Fhn, beheizten Sitz und einige weitere.
Die Po-Dusche ist viel Hygienischer als Klopapier zu verwenden.
Da durch die Wassersphlung alles grndlich gereinigt wird.
Das Wasser ist nicht zu stark dosiert und angenehm.
Die Wrme des Wassers wird in Lauwarm reguliert.
Der Fhn trocknet in einer leichten Brise die Stelle, sodass man schnell wieder trocken ist.
Der Beheizte Sitz ist vorallem in der klteren Jahreszeit super.
Mein Fazit:
Installation nicht einfach.
Der Sitz ist fest, wackelt nicht.
Vom Material hochwertig.
Die Hygiene wird beachtet, Dsen bestehen aus Nanosilber.
Die Funktionen sind klasse.
Klopapier wird eingespart.
Optisch ist der Sitz auch ein Highlight im Badezimmer.
Si tratta di un tipo di toilette intelligente o bidet elettronico che offre funzionalit avanzate per la pulizia e l’igiene personale, e si presenta come un sedile aggiuntivo che si installa su una toilette esistente.
Tra i vantaggi principali del prodotto abbiamo una variet di funzioni versatili che migliorano l’igiene e il comfort, tra le quali abbiamo il sedile riscaldato, che offre un tocco di comfort nelle fredde giornate invernali. Inoltre, la presenza di diverse opzioni di lavaggio, il lavaggio oscillante ed il lavaggio automatico, permette a ogni membro della famiglia di personalizzare la propria esperienza di pulizia in base alle proprie preferenze, presente anche una funzione per il lavaggio dei pi piccoli, ma fate attenzione, se premete per sbaglio quel tasto l’ugello partir anche se non vi rileva dalla seduta .
Un’altra funzione comoda quella di asciugatura, perfetta per avere una soluzione davvero completa.
In dotazione abbiamo un telecomando (servono 3 batterie AAA non incluse) dove possiamo attivare o disattivare qualsiasi funzionalit, sono presenti anche 3 tasti laterali al dispositivo che permettono di fare il bidet senza bisogno del telecomando.
Grazie al manuale incluso anche le persone meno esperte possono installare il sedile bidet in modo semplice e veloce. Questo un vantaggio significativo per coloro che preferiscono fare da soli e non desiderano dover richiedere l’assistenza di un professionista.
Nella mia esperienza per stato necessario osservare le istruzioni scritte direttamente nel filtro incluso, quindi bisogna tagliare il cavo in dotazione ed inserire il filtro in serie ad esso, cosa non proprio intuitiva.
Un’altro ostacolo trovato durante il montaggio stato il vecchio attacco del bidet, con i cavi in metallo rigido non entrava nello splitter in dotazione, rendendo l’installazione difficoltosa, ed in alcuni casi pu
richiedere dei pezzi aggiuntivi da acquistare.
Un altro punto a favore di questo prodotto il suo contributo al risparmio di carta e all’ambiente. Utilizzando il sedile bidet, si riduce o addirittura elimina la necessit di utilizzare carta igienica. Questo non solo consente di risparmiare denaro nel tempo, ma anche di ridurre l’impatto ambientale associato alla produzione e allo smaltimento della carta, per non parlare dell’intasamento delle tubature in vecchi impianti.
Tuttavia, ci sono alcune considerazioni da tenere presente. Ad esempio, le dimensioni del sedile bidet potrebbero non adattarsi a tutte le toilette, quindi importante prestare attenzione alle dimensioni del prodotto prima dell’acquisto. Inoltre, essendo alimentato elettricamente, potrebbe essere necessario considerare la dipendenza dalla corrente elettrica e la necessit di chiamare un elettricista nel caso in cui non si abbia una presa vicina a disposizione.
Un’altro neo riguarda l’angolo di apertura del coperchio, solitamente ero abituato ad appoggiarmi con la schiena, ma questo resta esattamente a 90 rispetto alla tavoletta ed oppone resistenza quando spingo con la schiena (quindi si potrebbe rompere applicando forza), apparte questo il materiale resistente ed offre la chiusura rallentata ammortizzata.
Per concludere, il prodotto offre numerosi vantaggi, lava molto bene ed ha moltissime funzioni, fate attenzione alla posizione delle gambe quando aumentate la pressione dell’acqua, potrebbero uscire degli schizzi verso l’esterno.
Spero di essere stato d’aiuto
Der WC-Sitz ist sehr gut verarbeitet und macht einen stabilen Eindruck. Er wird mit einem T-Stck geliefert, doch leider braucht man weitere Materialien und Vorrichtungen wie einen Kaltwasseranschluss in der Nhe vom WC sowie eine Steckdose. Dies habe ich in meiner Euphorie nicht bedacht. Denn wenn man schon mal in den Genuss gekommen ist einen solchen Luxus auszuprobieren fragt man sich, warum sowas noch nicht Standard in jedem Haushalt ist. Leider konnte ich Ihn dadurch noch nicht installieren und warte auf meinen Sanitrfachmann.
Ich durfte den Bidet WC-Sitz von der Marke R-Flory im Rahmen des Amazon Vine Programms kostenlos Testen, dies beeinflusst meine Bewertung aber in keinster Weise, da ich dazu angehalten bin, meine ehrliche Meinung abzugeben.
El asiento para el inodoro nos llega en una caja de cartn bien embalado y protegido, te aseguras que llegar a casa en perfectas condiciones.
Es de fcil instalacin, debes conectarlo a la entrada de agua (incluye una T para su conexin) y a la red elctrica para que funcione. Y ya podras empezar a utilizarlo. Con el mando a distancia puedes ir marcando las opciones que quieres utilizar.
Los primeros das puede resultar un poco incmodo o difcil su uso, hasta que te acostumbras y ya no sabes vivir sin el. En invierno ser maravilloso utilizarlo con la funcin de calor.
Es un producto caro, pero con buenos materiales y buena calidad. Este tipo de tapas rondan esos precios habituales.
Ich habe den R Flory Bidet Dusche WC Aufsatz gesehen und habe ihn fr meine Einliegerwohnung bestellt. Ich bin ein Freund von Smarten Verlinkungen und voll elektrischen Ablufen, somit musste ich ihn einfach haben. Nachdem ich ihn bestellt hatte, kam er sicher verpackt und vollfunktionstchtig bei Kir daheim an.
Sehr einfache Installation, komplett in Verwendung mit einer Fernbedienung.
Es wird mit einem T geliefert, um es an den Einlasshahn der Toilette anzuschlieen, und wird an eine Steckdose angeschlossen.
Es stellte sich berraschend als ideal fr Technik Freaks heraus.
Achten Sie darauf, dass sich das T in 15/21 befindet, daher mssen Sie 12/17-Reduzierstcke und eine Verlngerung fr die Wasserversorgung bereitstellen.
Diese wird leider nicht mitgeliefert, was jedoch fr den Preis wnschenswert wre…
In Bezug auf den Stromverbrauch ermglicht der Eco-Modus eine Begrenzung des Verbrauchs. Leider habe ich noch nicht errechnen knnen um wieviel der Stromverbrauch wirklich gestiegen ist.
Zusammenfassend ist das Produkt von ausgezeichneter Qualitt.
Der Preis von 329.99 ist natrlich sehr hoch und will gut durchdacht sein. Jedoch muss man sagen, das es schon ein guter Luxus is dieses Bidet Dusch WC zu haben. Es bleiben keinerlei Wnsche offen und ist durchaus langlebig als herkmmliche WC Deckel.
Im Groen und Ganzen wrde ich 4 Sterne vergebe
One of the few seats with its own built in water pump so it does not rely on mains water pressure. The hole in the seat is fine for women but men may struggle with their extra bits! Jets are quite gentle and only just adequate to provide a good clean especially with the Auto setting. If your toilet can take it, I would suggest a larger size; otherwise a good value bidet seat.
A bit narrow compared to BIOBIDET I had before but a lot cheaper.
Assez simple installer et tout est fourni pour une installation simplifie !
Il est fourni avec un T pour le raccorder au robinet d’arriv des WC et se branche une prise lectrique.
Il s’est avr, par surprise, idal pour un enfant lourdement handicap.
Attention le T est en 15/21, il faut donc prvoir des rducteurs 12/17 et une rallonge pour l’arriv d’eau.
En consommation lectrique le mode ‘co’ permet de limiter la consommation.
En conclusion produit d’excellente quali
a softer jet than other models, makes this perfect for anyone with bottom issues! i have a Vovo at home which is good but painful to use for my condition, the jet is too ‘sharp’.
i have this one at my office and it is so much better, because the jet adds air making it softer.
Doet wat het moet doen, erg makkelijk met de afstandsbediening. Veel verschillende functie en instelmogelijkheden. Onze slang bleek te kort door een andere opstelling van onze wc en watertoevoer. Dit is netjes opgelost. Prima service van R Flory
The provided two screws did not fix the plate to the toilet. I had to stick the plate to the toilet with strong glue. I fitted the electric plug myself. Connecting the water was very simple. I am well pleased with it. There is quite a choice of different ways of using it. Hot water in a temperature of my choice applied in a variety of ways. Backwards and forwards, massage, bidet. Also water pressure of my choice. And a fan to dry in choice of temperatures.
Installed for someone with a temprary dissability which made traditional wiping impossible.
First Fitted onto a uk china close coupled toilet. twyfords or similar.
second fitted to a modern back to wall unit (see further down)
Firstly I ordered the EU plug version of this FDB608 as the Amazon web page only had this version when i looked, I asked a question “where is the uk plug version” and got an unhelpful reply from the seller “select the one you want” or similar
the next day the two uk versions appeared on the same web page so that meant returning the EU plug version and re ordering.
Approximately 75mm down from the moulded plug is an inline RCD safety device. surprising there are no pictures of this apart from mine.
The position of this does just allow the plug to be inserted in a GET outdoor socket without the socket cover fouling on the RCD however as it is moulded on to the cable like the plug is, there is little oppertunity to adapt the installation to pass through a back to wall unit for example and have the ugly outdoor socket out of site.
The solution would be to cut the cable and re join it inside the unit using an inline ip68 joiner, such as :-
The water supply pipe is not over long at 600mm and has to be cut at some point along its length in order to use the inline filter which is very difficult to push on to the nipples of the filter, if you are not very strong or have limited mobility you will not be able to do this but hot water on the tube may help.
The 1/2″ BSP fittings are moulded on to the ends and one end has a male / female adapter T piece so that you could insert inbetween the connection to the cistern and its supply pipe. That is assuming that your supply pipe is flexible as they seem to be in most other countries (usualy very much on display and ugly)
In the uk we traditionally have fixed copper pipes so you will need to plumb this in,
If you can put this inline with the cistern supply connection as intended you will of course only have one isolating valve to control both the seat and cistern ( if you have one at all).
It Is far better to have an isolating / service valve for each item but then you will also need to blank off one side of the supplied T, easily achieved with a female 1/2″ bsp blanking cap – get the type with a rubber washer in.
Being standard BSP connections – this T piece will screw directy onto an isolating / service valve or any other 1/2″ compression fitting
The filter has no useful information on it other than the make and water flow direction.The instructions say to replace it annualy in normal use.I see no order information to obtain a replacement.
The seat fixes to the pan with two expanding rubber type fixings so can be secured from above. With those fully tightened there is stil some play in the seat left to right but not an exsessive amount. the seat clips on to a nylon frame once tightened and this nylon frame I believe is what causes the play. also the instructions are not very clear as to which orientation this frame should be fixed to the pan in.the picture is too small and unclear so I will include one to show that.
Postioning the frame in the correct place is also a fiddly procedure as untill you fit the seat you can not know if the frame is too far forward or backward. you want maximum space through the seat to the bowl but do not want the spray and heat openings to be jammed against the pans rim.
The seat has adjustments for seat temp,water temp,water pressure and the instructions talk about three LED lights but they mean three colours.
The top left LED is the seat temperature and my measurements are :-
unlit = off
blue =31c
purple = 34c
red = 36c
confusingly the top right LED will also light with the left one, this is the water temperature.
my measurements for water temperature are:-
unlit = 28c
blue = 32c
purple = 34c
red – 35.5c
The heat of the dryer is also adjustable/ From a pleasant warm blow to a “you must be joking that hurts”
Water consumption on auto wash is 840ml
Cleaning, the instructions say you must not use cleaning materials on this seat..hello- its a toilet. who in their right mind is not going to want to bleach a toilet seat at some point?
The biggest negative for this product is the complete lack of support.
Their email is [email protected].
So far my questions have been ignored for 9 days. those questions were:
what size is the white supply pipe?
where do I buy replacement filters
Fitting on a loo with a back to wall unit would be tricky as you would need to extend the white supply pipe which i have measured as 8.5mm OD but who knows if that is a metric or imperial lldpe tube, without an answer from Flory it is a bit of guesswork and as the filter fits in line with this size tube you can not change the tube to anything else with standard 1/2″ bsp threads which otherwise would work. perhaps leave the filter out and use standard flexible hoses or use a different filter that you can actualy buy in the future?
The end user is delighted with the seat and feels very clean and dry after using it.
Having a remote that you can hold or mount within reach is far easier than buttons mounted at the side of the pan where they will be subject to – lets call them stray splashes!
and trying to look behind you to see what button to press must be very difficult. This model wins hands down in that regard.
With adjustments for seat,water temp, water pressure, air temp, nozzle position all available on the remote the unit should suit everyone.
Update Nov 20
I have fitted another and this time it is in a back to wall unit and I have also succeeded in making it fully voice controlled via Alexa.
I discarded the supplied white water feed pipe as without removable ends it would require too big a hole to pass into the wall unit. Also with no available replcement filters I was not prepared to use their method of filtration.
I have fitted an anti scale device to the incoming water mains.
and a sediment filter into an adjoining cupboard where there was also mains available.
This installation was on a more modern D shaped toilet pan on a back to wall unit..
The seat did not fit well at all but looking at the dimensions of the two sizes of seat available I had purchased the correct one for the dimensions of the pan.
I had no choice but to make a riser for the seat to go between the seat and pan. this was made from 18mm exterior ply, sealed and sprayed gloss white and siliconed down.
This lifted the seat up 18mm but at the same time allowed it to go much further back on the pan and prevented the seat overhanging the pan as it did initially. Of course then I had to buy some deeper seat bumpers like these.
I used a chrome right angled tap connector and speedfit pipe to replace the supplied white water supply pipe.
Just some information on the other make Brookpad also sold on Amazon.
I had chosen brookpad initially and went to their website to read more. I was bombarded with one pop up and tracker after another, laughable that it said two had been sold in the last X mins at 11pm…doubtfull! I suspect an american brand who dont get that the British wont put up with lies and nonesense.
seriously go to there site and see if you can tolerate the hard sell.
I am really pleased with this product and having had this installed (and continuously used) since last 2 years, I can say that this product is performing as well today as it did on day 1 – and it was great on day one!
I contacted a professional plumber and electrician to install this and neither of them had heard or seen anything like it before. They both said it was very easy to fit although my electrician was very concerned about the suggestion of putting any socket in the bathroom! (I did expect that though). No issues with the installation at all. It has now been installed for two days and I am very pleased with it so far. I believe all the functions to be more than adequate for my use and I am really pleased that the look of it in situ is far better than I had imagined and it does not look like a disability aid. If I have any negative comments it would be that the material it is made from could be a little better, in my opinion, yes! it is plastic but there is plastic and then there is plastic. Not really a complaint though as it still looks very sleek.
You will need a qualified person to provide a fused spur connected to a RCD protected circuit, there ends the technical difficulties to installing your FLORY bidet toilet seat. I ordered my one with express delivery because the seller was based in China, it arrived a day later than expected and because of this aqua trend immediately offered to refund the cost of shipping. I remember reading on a previous review that the water was not as hot as some other products. The unit has three different temperature settings, indicated by the colour change of the LED lamp on the control; blue, purple,red. I found it plenty hot enough, using red setting. I’m very happy with my purchase and the service I have received from aqua trend, The FDB608 is every bit as good as I hoped it would be.