Reboot MIG Welder 145A MIG Gas/MIG gasless/MMA/Lift TIG

Reboot MIG Welder 145A MIG Gas/MIG gasless/MMA/Lift TIG Welder 4 in 1 Integrated Welding Machine 230V IGBT Flux cored Wire/Solid Wire MIG Inverter Welding Machine MMA MIG MAG
From the brand

How did we start?
In order to realize the lightness, simple operation, long service life and high quality of the welding machine to break through the creation and differentiated design ability of the welding machine, a team was formed to study and design the product.
Why are our products unique?
Specialization. Focusing on the field of welding machines, we examine the functional characteristics, appearance, components used in the machine, circuit board layout, and the results of repeated tests.
About after-sales service?
We provide three years of after-sales service for every Reboot user.
Weight: | 10.8 kg |
Size: | RBM1450 |
Dimensions: | 47 x 32 x 31 cm; 10.8 Kilograms |
Model: | RBM1450 |
Colour: | Black |
Batteries Required: | No |
Manufacture: | Reboot-EU |
Dimensions: | 47 x 32 x 31 cm; 10.8 Kilograms |
Size: | RBM1450 |
Poste souder multifonction complet, arc, tig mig avec une bouteille de gaz part,.. j’avais une machine 3600 euros et elle fait que tig mig et elle fait 10 fois plus gros.
Je suis trs content de mon achat et je recommande
The welding set had all that I need as a hobby tool. The only issue is the instructions should be clearer to read.
Used this welder a few times now did a good repair to a chassis without issues using gasless.
Used gas indoors and worked perfc
I’ve been welding for over 30 years and this piece of kit is brilliant small light and easy to use
Used regularly it handles my gorilla welding needs, really easy to use machine
Very nice little welder, but quite powerful.
I using it with flux core is really easy to use.
Just ordered now TIG set I will test it, how it works with tis machine.
Completa pero no profesional, le falta cosillas pero muy til . Llevo a meses con ella y ningn problema , ahora le comprar la antorcha de tig , una pena que no tenga impulsos
Hace poco compr la reboot 160amp la cual se me averi, he vuelto a optar por la misma marca y darle una nueva oportunidad ya que estuve a punto de comprar una cevik.
Es muy fcil de usar y verstil ojal salga buena por qu los resultados obtenidos son muy buenos tanto con hilo flux como con arco
Wasn’t yo sure what to expect have had sip mig welders and Clarke in the past ,this was easy to set up and it works well long term not sure but up to now impressed.
Inizio con il dire che sono un hobbista e che per imparare ho usato una saldatrice ad elettrodo degli anni ’70, quindi passare a questa stato una bomba!! la velocit e il risultato della saldatura impressionante. Usata anche ad elettrodo ha un’ottima potenza e l’elettrodo di “attacca” molto meno. Ma la svolta con la torcia MIG (non ho ancora il gas… per il momento solo gasless) devo dire che sono molto soddisfatto. Ho realizzato come primo lavoro “importante” il cancello in foto, la parte della saldatura stata la pi divertente. Il filo in dotazione inoltre di ottima qualit, migliore se paragonato a quello che si trova nella principale catena di hobbistica.
Solo un difetto, dato da un tasto che fa male contatto, l’interruttore che seleziona MIG/TIG/MMA va un po’ smosso, l’assistenza stata veloce nel rispondere (in inglese) con whatsapp, e mi ha messo in contatto con un altro acquirente che aveva avuto lo stesso problema mio. Mi ha gi rimandato l’interruttore di ricambio anche se ormai il difetto quasi sparito.
consiglio sicuramente, aggiorner in caso di novit!
Just bought this four in one welder as my wolf as just packed up I set it up with the 1mm flux core wire which was a little fiddly as I have big hands and feed the wire through I thought it was not feeding as it was so quiet or it could have been the noisy fan. Feeds very slowly but very smoothly compared to some of the mig welders I have used. So I cut some 20×2 mm angle and did a test weld could not believe how smooth this little welder is I cannot wait to get a bottle of argon and try the tig set up only downside to this kit in a box I only received one 1mm tip but I can live with that. I have worked as a welder for over forty years and for the money you can’t go wrong
Wish I had one of these years ago. So easy to weld with it. Seems good quality and well made.
Very small, light and portable. Plenty of power for welding and the current is easily adjustable.
Great little welder for the money. Unlike some of the cheap Igbt welder from China. This one actually seems to out correct power (Amps). Hot start and arc force are nice features too. Semi synergic in the fact you have presets for different size electrodes. All in all I’m very pleased with it.
The fact your sent flux different to the size of nozzle fitted. Makes you jump the first time you try it.
I used an 13A RCD at wall socket – extension lead (2500w) with built in trip switch and plugged in another RCD. I attached a quick connect box to machine instead of attaching 13A plug. Over kill, yes, making sure I don’t fry anything on the house circuit.
I got it to learn to weld and it’s just the right tool for the job.
Premetto che la uso in modalit gas con CO2 e filo da 0.8.
Arrivata in ottimo imballo e ben protetta con all’interno tutto il necessario per cominciare (bombola esclusa ovviamente).
Manuale molto semplice ma, effettivamente, la saldatrice veramente intuitiva da regolare in base allo spessore da saldare. Ho costruito un BBQ da 420 kg quindi ho saldato sia su scatolati da 4mm che su lamierini da 0,8 e, dopo poche prove sui materiali per capire la miglior regolazione in Ampere, stato un gioco da ragazzi. Considerando anche che, fino ad oggi, ho sempre saldato solo con elettrodo.
Piccolo problema iniziale con un falso contatto di un pulsante (a volte andava a volte no), mi sono messo in contatto con il servizio clienti che ha immediatamente trovato una soluzione inviandomi il pezzo di ricambio.
In conclusione non posso che essere pi che soddisfatto, macchina molto performante a un ottimo prezzo e un servizio clienti degno di questo nome. Vista la positiva esperienza ho acquistato anche la taglierina CUT 50 della stessa azienda.
Just load the supplied reel of wire, pull the trigger and weld! The supplied reel is a no gas flux cored wire, so no further connections or gas bottles are needed, but to put a bottle of argon/CO2, you just need to connect a pipe to the back of the machine. The settings on the front of the machine give easy selection of mig/mag, stick or tig with preselected amperage and wire speed feeds, so cutting out the instant guesswork for an easy start. These can be altered to suit your own requirements. The instructions supplied are self-explanatory as to the set up. Also when I had query, customer services were quick to respond and helpful.
I have used several welders over the years and this is definitely the easiest and most versatile to use.
bought this welder to do welding for my car, never welded before but I have started getting the hang of it with this easy to use welder. It does the job for welding 3mm steel that I need on my car. I will be buying more products from the company in the future.
Amazing value and easy to use. I’m new to welding but this kit has made learning different techniquesuch easier for the price. I recommend buying some auto darkening goggles as it will give you two hands to use. Decent gloves and probably a apron recommend too. You need to install your own plug (I put a 32a commando plug on on my fuse board on a empty 32a rcd and use a 4mm core arctic flex as an extension to the unit.)
Certainly does what they say, used continuously for a couple of without any problems
Everything worked as it should ,great value and easy to use
What a good little welder no a welder my self but found it easy to use with the controls
I cavi sono abbastanza lunghi, per un uso Hobbistico sono pi che sufficienti per “dimenticarsi” la saldatrice sul proprio banco di lavoro; per riparazioni sul campo possono risultare di lunghezza limitata.
Anche nel secondo caso la lunghezza comunque ragionevole considerando il prezzo complessivo del prodotto.
Ci sono anche settaggi specifici in base al diametro degli elettrodi che si utilizzano.
Ho avuto modo di usarla per periodi prolungati di tempo e non ha dato segni di surriscaldamento o altro; anche in un uso intensivo la saldatrice mantiene la sua potenza inalterata ( l’elettrodo si fonde sempre nella maniera ottimale.)
Qualit dei materiali.
Il porta elettrodo molto ergonomico e di ottima qualit, solamente le persone con mani molto grosse posso trovarsi in difficolt nell’impuglarlo.
Nonostante il peso l’involucro della saldatrice robusto e in grado di sopportare piccoli “maltrattamenti”; nel limite del ragionevole ovvio.
Facilit d’uso.
Il manuale di istruzioni in inglese e poco esaustivo.
Alla prova del prodotto non riuscivo neanche a innescare l’elettrodo facendomi iniziare a disperare.
Dopo varie prove empiriche sono riuscito a comprendere la macchina. (Spiegher tutto pi avanti.)
Mancanza di accessori di base.
La confezione risulta priva di maschera e spazzola, obbligandovi a comprare tali oggetti in separata sede.
Non ha una custodia rigida, per cui vi consiglio di trovarle un posto “sicuro” nel vostro magazzino/ripostiglio.
Non disperate se la saldatrice non innesca al primo utilizzo.
Sotto il display trovate tre colonne, guardate quella di estrema destra impostataela, attraverso il relativo pulsante, nel pallino di centro.
Mi ripeto, CENTRO.(Non mi ricordo esattamente la scritta, ma quella colonna dev’essere impostata su -off-, lasciando perdere l’impostazione TIG e quea che cita ON nella riga.)
Fatto questo la saldatrice inizier a lavorare come si deve.
Potete incappare in un altro inconveniente: la saldatrice cambia i parametri da sola.
Mi capitato, in pi occasioni, di modificare il settaggio della macchina e come per magia, dopo pochi secondi e con mio grande sconcerto, la vedo tornare sui parametri di base.
Dopo aver tirato gi qualche santo dal calendario per farmi aiutare, mi accorgo che la saldatrice ha una funzione di salvataggio.
Dopo aver impostato la macchina secondo i vostri bisogni schiacciate la manopola con cui cambiate la potenza della macchina, noterete che la manopola si sposter all’interno con conseguente click.
Quella la funzione di salvataggio, se non effettuate tale procedura la saldatrice torner inevitabilmente sui precedenti parametri.
Io la uso nel controllo automatico di corrente e non mi sono trovato mai male, l’elettrodo non sembra incappare in problemi di temperatura.
Proprio questa difficolt di utilizzo fa scendere a quattro stelle la mia valutazione.
Now for the customer service aspect. After about 5 months of weekend warrior type use, the IGBTs burned out of the welder. Finding the correct email for was a little harder than I would have liked, but I did get a response that it would be taken care of and I was given some options. I went with replacing the unit. I got a brand new unit at my door in about 3 business days. They did request that I ship the defective unit back. That really is the only thing with the replacement that I would have liked to see handled better by sending me a return shipping label rather than me paying for return shipping.
For someone looking to learn, I would recommend this unit and the company. Is it a low price point and the customer service is much better than I would have expected for the cost.
1.This welder ships with everything shown in the last picture. Its in a ready to weld stick(arc) and mig flux core (no gas) state with a .030 tip installed. Just add flux core wire. (Exept for the possibilty of line 2 below)
2. Mine shipped with 2 identical .030/.035 smoth v groove wire drive wheels (smooth v is for solid gas wire) but I’ve read they can ship with a grooved wheel as well for flux core wire (better traction without crushing the wire). I have been using flux wire with the smooth wheel however with no trouble yet.
3. Obvious point but in will say anyway for new to welding people, for Gas Mig this unit will require an a mixed gas bottle and a regulator/flowmeter with about a 1/4″ id barbed output fitted for the supplied hose to welder. Also remember to switch front wires to set the welder to DC positive electrode for gas mig (flux core requires the wire feed to be DC negative). Install solid .030/035wire as well. (Change the tip to correct size wire as well. You can also weld with .26 wire no problem with this machine if you acquire a .6mm wire feed roller. Currently this is a good source for the exact roller needed.
4. Yes, the voltage and wire speed are married, and one changes with the other by default, BUT if you cycle the Volts/Inductance button, on the right side of the welder, to “V” you can reduce or increase the volts compared to wire speed in a range from -5v up to +5V which is more than enough to fine tune. For most welds the default Wire speed/volts relationship works great.
5. For TIG welding you will require a WP17 Tig Torch and a Gas Tank with Argon. Sold separately from many vendors including The Reboot Store. Important to note that this is a lower end unit and it does NOT control gas flow or arc voltage for TIG. Gas flow is done in this case by the valve on the TIG torch and welder in TIG mode will be constant on at full chosen voltage with a LIFT start method used to start the ARC. This means you will NOT use the arc trigger on any of the TIG torches (connection from torch will be left unused) and the torch gas line will connect directly to the gas bottle, not the welder as it has no gas flow control under TIG operation. You will simply connect the Tig Torch lead to the Neg- front plug and the ground lead to the Pos+ front plug . Your tig torch choice will have either a female or male treaded gas hose end, neither of which will work on a barbed hose connection, for the supplied clamped gas line (if you chose to buy a regulator with and output fitting to use a clamped line like supplied) and you will need to buy the correct output fitting for the threaded TIG gas line or remove the threaded end from the hose and clamp to the barbed output on the regulator.
I hope this helps some byers.