Relish – Simple Portable DAB/FM Radio and Music Player

Relish - Simple Portable DAB/FM Radio and Music Player for Seniors

Relish – Simple Portable DAB/FM Radio and Music Player for Seniors, those with Dementia and Alzheimer’s or Visually Impaired – Large Buttons, Simple Design, Easy to Use

From the brand

Relish - activities and games for the elderly and those dealing with memory lossRelish - activities and games for the elderly and those dealing with memory lossRelish - activities and games for the elderly and those dealing with memory lossRelish jigsaw puzzle for the elderly and people with memory lossRelish - activities and games for the elderly and those dealing with memory lossRelish - games and activities for the elderly and those suffering with memory lossRelish - games and activities for the elderly and those suffering with memory loss

Dimensions: 33.29 x 22.4 x 16.6 cm; 1.72 Kilograms
Model: RD001
Colour: White, Grey, Clear
Batteries Required: No
Batteries Included: No
Age: 16 years and up
Dimensions: 33.29 x 22.4 x 16.6 cm; 1.72 Kilograms

55 Responses

  1. LowellDehaven says:


    Lo regal para una persona que tiene demencia que gustaba mucho la msica. Desde luego, para la persona que tiene demencia, no es sencillo utilizar ni este aparato ni ninguno, pero para los personas que le acompaan lo ponen de una manera muy sencilla y la msica es muy beneficiosa para ellos.

  2. BarneyBannan says:


    My 93 yr old mother is in hospital for an extended stay and unable to watch tv. We bought this hoping that she would at least be able to turn it on and listen to some music. She is VERY not tech savvy and with age it has gotten worse. This radio has been great for her. Because of her location there were few choices of stations that played music that she liked. I simply went out, purchased a USB key and loaded it up with music of her generation. The sound quality is surprisingly very good and mom is able to use it with ease. I definitely recommend it. I can’t speak of batteries since we are able to plug it into a wall socket. Yes, it is expensive but having my mother be able to use it without a problem makes it worth the price for us. Also, the instruction booklet was very clear to understand for people that might not be very tech savvy.

  3. Anonymous says:

     United States

    We got this about two and a half years ago and it is still working, though I never set up the Mp3 player part for my loved one. The radio antenna isn’t very functional and we had to attach a wire hanger to consistently get a strong signal, like back in the day;) so that’s ok but it does mean we had to put the unit on the floor and at a weird angle for operation. The sound quality is ok and all that. Ease of use for my LO is excellent but we wish we had more radio stations she likes around here 🙂

  4. Mike Kitchen says:


    Je nach Bundesland werden unterschiedliche DAB+ Sender angeboten. Die Information welche Sender das dann sind, findet man auf Digitalradio-Punkt-De.
    In Deutschland kann man nur DAB+ empfangen. Normales” DAB luft garnicht in Deutschland.
    Also DAB als Beschreibung zum Radio ist etwas verwirrend, weil es ist DAB+ gemeint.
    Und wenn dann das Radio noch an einem Standort mit gutem DAB+ Empfang betreibt, hat man auf jeden Fall eine groe Auswahl fr Oma oder Opa.
    Und genau das ist bei meiner Mutter der Fall.
    Also ich bin sehr zufrieden mit dem Radio.
    Der Empfang und Klang ist gut.
    Die Bedienung und Einstell-Mglichkeit ist super.
    Und man kann 3 Radio Sender einstellen. Das ist bei einem hnlichen anderen” Radio nicht so.
    Sobald man USB einschaltet, startet die Auswahl immer wieder vom zuletzt gespielten Stck. Shuffle Mode zustzlich wre schn, gibt es aber nicht.
    Es ist ein Netzteil dabei, aber Batterie sind auch mglich.

  5. GemmaPollack says:

     United States

    As easy to use as advertised. Price is absurd for a very basic radio, but that simplicity is necessary for dementia patients, and for reasons I can’t understand no one seems to offer a similarly simple product at a lower price point.

  6. Diana says:

     United States

    It needs a skip button for skipping a song on the USB thumb drive, and the option for an external antenna wire would help with reception. Deep in the depths of assisted living centers radio reception isn’t so great. Works best sitting in a window.

  7. product review – Новини Google says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersThis product does what it’s supposed to do–simplify the user experience. For that, I am glad I have it and am grateful that it exists. It makes me happy to see my loved one using it. But as others have said, why on earth is it so expensive? It feels like simply taking advantage of an unsaturated market. We are desperate and willing to pay for these simplified products, so we do. That doesn’t inspire brand confidence, trust, or good feelings. Product Complaints: The 4th programmable button is really just for a playlist from a thumb drive that you would insert in the back with MP3s or something? Very weird and out of date. Then you’d have the drive sticking out the back and it would be confusing to my loved one. So just know that basically you will only have 3 channels. Lastly, I’m disappointed in the volume control. The quietest setting is actually still pretty loud and I would have rather just had it on as background music sometimes, not always the main event. I also worry about disturbing others at that volume. But I guess they just assume that people who would be using it might have hearing impairment and might run the risk of turning the volume down so much that they wouldn’t understand why it wasn’t playing anymore, so there’s that.

  8. Jonathan Heller says:

     Netherlands 🇳🇱

    Makkelijk te bedienen en de mp3 functie is geweldig. Klank is gewoon ok.

  9. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Teuer aber gut fr blinde, oder nicht technikaffine Benutzer. Einmal einstellen Kopfhrer ran und alles ist gut. Vielleicht bisschen klobig.auf Pflegeheimnachttischen aber geht in der Praxis gu

  10. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Bought this product for my 88 year old Mother whom is blind. Super easy. Sound quality is good. We both love it. Could not ask for anything to be easier to use. She only uses the 3 radio settings. Very pleased. Thank you!

  11. Gear Patrol says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersZunchst einmal: Das Radio macht genau das, was es soll, 3 Radiostationen kann man speichern, was im allgemeinen ausreicht, da die meisten Leute hufig doch nur immer denselben Sender hren! Die Tasten sind ausreichend gro und fr jeden, nicht nur Senioren, leicht verstndlich und gut zu bedienen. Wer mit den unten angegebenen kleineren Mngeln leben kann, fr den ist es eine klare Kaufempfehlung.

    Jetzt die kleineren Mngel, daher von mir auch nur 4 Sterne:

    1. Eine Speichertaste ist jedoch ausschlielich fr eine USB-Playlist(e) fest vorgegeben und nicht als Stationstaste zu verwenden! Das empfinde ich schon Mal als den ersten kleinen Mangel: Ich habe das Radio fr meine 93-jhrige Tante gekauft, die hat von USB-Playlisten und mp3 usw. noch nie was gehrt und sie ist auch nicht dement, sieht aber nichts mehr, deshalb habe ich ihr dieses Radio gekauft. Da hatte ich gesteigerten Erklrungsbedarf…(Was ist das, eine USB-Playlist ??), auf den ich gern verzichtet htte! Jetzt hat sie eine Taste ohne Funktion und wenn sie nicht bemerken sollte, dass sie die falsche Taste gedrckt hat, ist fr sie das Radio kaputt weil stumm und die Batterien werden wahrscheinlich auch noch geleert, weil das Ausschalten vergessen wird!

    2. Der Ton knnte besser sein: Fr ein Radio dieser Gre (viel grer als ein z.B. ein AMAZON EchoDot) htte ich einen satteren Sound erwartet, selbst mein kleines DAB+ Nachttisch-Wecker-Radio (von TechniSat) hat einen besseren Klang! Der Sound ist mittenbetont, Hhen und tiefe Bsse saufen in einem nicht sehr transparenten Klangbild ab, was gerade noch so als ausreichender Klang bei mir durchgeht. Wer nicht sehr anspruchsvoll ist, wird das vielleicht OK finden, ich aber nicht. Meine Tante hat nix weiter dazu gesagt …!

    3. Der Lautstrkeregler an sich ist wirklich schlau realisiert, da es sich um einen Drehring an einer festen Achse handelt. Sehr gute Idee! Wo ist hier der kleine Mangel? Leider ist die Konstruktion aber nicht ganz zu Ende gedacht: Die Lautstrke wird digital geregelt, man hrt deutliche Sprnge der Lautstrke beim Drehen, sie wird in (zu) groen Stufen laut oder leiser eingestellt. Geschmackssache …

    Das ist aber noch nicht alles: Obwohl die Regelung offensichtlich digital stattfindet, hat der Drehring sowohl in linker als auch in rechter Richtung einen Anschlag! Den kann man leicht berdrehen und das stellt fr demente und sehbehinderte Anwender ein unntiges Risiko der Beschdigung des Radios dar! Bei digitaler Lautstrkeregelung spielt ein Anschlag keine Rolle, man legt einfach digital eine Min/Max-Lautstrke fest und speichert beim Ausschalten die letzte Lautstrke, so macht das jedenfalls mein Autoradio! Da kann eine mechanische Sperre entfallen…

    Wer bis hierher durchgehalten hat und alles gelesen hat kann selbst entscheiden, ob er/sie/divers mit diesen Mngeln leben kann, ich habe das Radio jedenfalls behalten und meine Tante ist soweit zufrieden. Vielleicht nimmt der Hersteller meine Rezension (translation is possible with for example) als Verbesserungsvorschlag wahr und tut was, das fnde ich prima!

  12. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Meine 93-jhrige fast blinde Oma, die auch ein Hrgert trgt und schwer hren kann, liebt dieses Radio nach der ersten Woche ber alles! Es ist genial einfach und ihr Leben wird so viel besser dadurch. Sie kann es sehr gut bedienen (nachdem ich ihre Lieblingssender eingestellt habe) und versteht den Ton sehr gut. Es ist jeden Zent wert! Ganz groe Empfehlung!

  13. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Brilliant product … on the expensive side but easy to use and looks grea

  14. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought this for my mother who has both dementia and macular degeneration in the hope she might use it. Time will tell.
    My impressions are the sound is a rather mid end and not up to the price tag. What you are buying is a basic mp3 player and radio and paying a premium for ‘the simplicity of design’. That could be improved in my opinion. Legibility would be improved if the dark grey used was replace by a deep navy blue and having a handle would be handy. Whilst the buttons ae big I know I am going to have to put stickers with bigger darker writing near them.
    I can’t work out in what order the mp3 player plays the music but at least it doesn’t stat from the beginning each time.
    I knew what I was buying but it still seems pricey for what you get.

  15. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Achet pour une personne avec alzheimer. Je l’ai programm facilement. On choisi 3 chanes de radio et on y ajoute une cl usb avec sa musique prfre. La personne s’y retrouve facilement. Par contre le prix est lev pour une simple radio.

  16. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Shame it does not have a handle. Set up was easy and the controls simplicity just right.

  17. Anonymous says:

     United States

    This is great because it’s so easy to select one of the four sources and adjust volume. Bought it for aging mother, thinking about one for our house. Would be nice to have a second usb selection.

  18. MollyTallmrkz says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersI work with individuals with intellectual disabilities and this radio is perfect. I have two cons:

    1) Playlist needs a forward and backward button! I hate that the playlist starts from the beginning each and every time. The individual never makes it to the end of the playlist!

    2) Needs a handle to easily carry from place to place.

  19. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersThe radio was a Christmas gift that has already improved Mom’s quality of life. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to increase the joy in the life of a loved one.

    Setting up the USB playlist required support from Relish (which was really great!). Additional information is in the works, including planned videos. In the meantime, here is how I created a playlist of show tunes for Mom (I used a MacBook Pro running macOS Monterey Version 12.6.3):

    1.) I used a San Disk V3.0 32GB USB. Higher capacity USBs might be problematic, but 32GB should be plenty of room for over 2,000 songs. This is a Version 3.0 USB. A prior version USB did not work for me.

    2.) I formatted the USB as “ExFAT”.

    3.) The audio files must be in MP3 format (I converted the audio files to MP3 format using a separate application.)

    4.) I copied the files directly onto the USB using the MacOS Finder application. No directories were created.

    5.) I was careful to always eject the USB before removing it from the computer.

    6.) I turned off the radio before inserting the USB.

    7.) The audio files played in the order that they were copied onto the USB.

    Hopefully this information will be helpful to you. Enjoy!

  20. Anonymous says:


    Das Demenz-Radio ist ideal fr unseren 95-jhrigen Vater, der feinmotorische Schwierigkeiten hat und gerne das Radio einschaltet wenn er alleine ist und gerade keine Hilfe zugegen ist. Da haben sich die Entwickler offensichtlich viel Gedanken gemacht und die Praxis mit einbezogen. Fr das Netzgert war sinnigerweise auch ein Adapter fr eine Euro Steckdose dabei. Ein sehr empfehlenswertes Gert fr diesen dafr bestimmten Anwendungsfall. Auch die “Programmierung” ist denkbar einfach.

  21. LouannWooden says:

     United States

    We got this radio for my dad and it was absolutely perfect for him. A fool proof solution with easy to use buttons and a simple volume dial. He absolutely loved it and could operate it himself easily!

  22. EmelyDJSufoszxb says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI bought this radio for my dad who has Alzheimer’s as he only listens to a couple of stations and was having trouble finding them when he had to retune on his old set, in addition some of the music that played wasn’t to his taste so I wanted something that would play off an mp3 stick that I could load with his favourite music.

    Dad loves this player. It is very simple to use without lots of distracting displays and extra buttons which would just confuse him and I’m so glad I got it… however the unit does have some strange quirks that anyone buying it should be aware of…

    1) mp3 have to be copied over to the USB stick is a very particular way (outlined in the manual) and can’t be nested in folders. If you don’t copy them over EXACTLY as instructed then it will miss out songs or play them in a weird order. I have never come across this weird behavior in any other mp3 player before and it caused some confusion to start with.

    2) There is no way to skip forward or backwards with the mp3 tracks for the dementia user which means if there’s a song they don’t like they can’t skip it, which is somewhat annoying.

    3) The volume dial turns smoothly but the volume itself is digital and goes up in jumps which is disconcerting.

    4) The sound quality is best described as “warm”, it definitely favours the mid and low sounds, which at least for my dad was good as his hearing to high pitched sounds isn’t very good.

    5) the FM tuning is a bit hit and miss, you can increase it on .5 steps but sometimes you need finer control for some local stations which is doesn’t have.

    6) The labels that come with it have “MY PLAYLIST” already pre-printed for the 4th mp3 button. However for my 90 year old father he doesn’t understand what that means and if I tell him he just forgets a few minutes later, it would have been nice if the labels were just completely blank so I could write in something he would understand.

    Having said all that, I am so glad I bought this device as it’s made dad’s life more pleasant.

  23. HilarioCoghlan says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersThis is a fantastic radio! It is only FM, but the description says so, so that should not come as a surprise. Simple to set up, simple for the person I care for to use. He loves it and shows it off to his friends. The only reason I gave 4 stars instead of 5 is that I’d like to see (1) a handle or at least a notch in the top of the back that could function as a handle and (2) some way to advance to the next song when playing from the USB port. Would definitely buy this again!

  24. Leijah Petelka says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    The radio looks good and is so easy to use. Presetting the stations is simple, instructions very clear. Very good sound. Really pleased with this radio. My elderly mother is enjoying her music again!

  25. tjohnson says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersPerfekt fr meine 99jhrige Mutter, die kaum noch sehen kann, ein gestrtes Kurzzeitgedchtnis hat und nicht mit Technik klar kommt. Hier haben sich die Entwickler wirklich Gedanken gemacht – einfacher geht’s nicht. Gerade scheinbare Kleinigkeiten” zeigen, dass die Bedienung sehr durchdacht ist; z.B.: der Einschaltknopf und der Ausschaltknopf sind verschieden gewlbt: der eine nach auen, der andere nach innen, so dass man sie durch Fhlen unterscheiden kann, falls man die Aufschrift nicht mehr lesen kann. Fr diese Gre ist der Sound sehr gut. Auch die Tatsache, dass die Lautstrke nicht bis zum Stummschalten” heruntergedreht werden kann, finde ich super. Programmieren geht problemlos und einfach. Fr Menschen, die schlecht sehen knnen und bei vielen Einstellungsmglichkeiten und Knpfen berfordert sind, ist dieses Radio ideal – der Markt gibt da ansonsten nicht viel her. Ich bin froh, dass Menschen so etwas entwickelt und gebaut haben – Dankeschn dafr!

  26. LesleyPalmquist says:


    Ich habe das Radio fr meine Oma gekauft, damit sie immer eine gewise Unterhaltung in der Wohnung hat.
    Meine Oma ist technisch sehr unbegabt, weshalb ich ein Radio mit simplen Bedienelementen gesucht habe. Optik, Klang, Lautstrle, Empfang und Bedienbarkeit sind solide 5/5.
    Lediglich der Preis ist meiner Meinung nach deutlich zu hoch – 3/5.
    In der Summe 4/5

  27. ShondaAGRs says:

     United Kingdom

    Happy with this , easy to work for the elderly , etc

  28. Anonymous says:


    Das Gert ist fr Senioren hervorragend geeignet. DAB+ und USB Anschluss sind einwandfrei. Wiedergabe der auf USB-STICK gespeicherten MP3 Musik klappt problemlos. Tasten und Lautstrke Regler fr Menschen mit Sehschwche gut zu bedienen. Klang sehr gut. Meine Mutter, 90 Jahre alt ist begeistert.

  29. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Just plugged this in at the memory care unit. Music is the patient’s primary communication and life. Staff was impressed with the simplicity and ease of on and off preprogrammed settings.

  30. Anonymous says:


    Das Radio ist super. Einfache Bedienung der Voreinstellung. Meine Mama ist fast blind und kann so das Radio mit den voreingestellten Programmen bedienen, ohne versehentlich etwas zu verstellen. Besser geht’s nicht.

  31. Lorrine3745 says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought this for my neighbour too as she recently was diagnosed with dementia and got so frustrated that she can’t use her previous radio anymore and lives on her own. This one’s so easy for her to use and she says she has it on all day – fingers crossed she keeps being able to use it.

  32. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersThe simplicity is appreciated. Easy to set up and to use. I converted much of my iTunes music to MP3, and loaded the tracks onto a flash drive. All of my “non-extender” type flash drives fit within the cavity, so that concern might be overstated in the comments I’ve read.
    I put over 400 tracks on the drive and use it to keep my Mom (in her 90s) soothed. The sound quality is very good! My only rub is the inability to “pick up where it left off” on the playlist. Turning the unit Off, then On again and selecting the drive player results in the playlist beginning at the start. It’s a very minor annoyance. How minor?…I’m buying another one for my In-Laws!

  33. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI bought this for my Dad who currently suffers from the later stages of dementia and is staying in a care home. He was a musical person before he became ill, playing in orchestras etc, and unfortunately staying in a home doesn’t offer him much in the way of musical entertainment. Phones/iPods/normal radios are too difficult for him to use.
    Thank god we found this! It’s simple and easy to use with large buttons that are unlikely to be pressed by mistake as well as an accessible display at the back that allows us to easily save my Dad’s favourite stations. The customisable cards are a nice touch, and the box comes with extra cards for variation. Despite struggling with most simple tasks, my Dad is able to use this with little to no help!
    Watching him enjoy his favourite songs is a real delight and of course a great comfort to him. Absolutely recommend it!

  34. BeatricBsi says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Easy to set up for elderly parent, clear and easy to use.

  35. Anonymous says:


    Wenn das Gert erstmal eingerichtet ist, funktioniert es perfekt. Ganz einfache Bedienung, gerade fr ltere oder eingeschrnkte Menschen perfekt.
    Nachteil: kann nicht ganz leise gestellt werden, sehr lauter und fieser Ton beim Ein-und Ausschalten.
    Optik ist, nennen wir es mal zweckmig…

  36. Anonymous says:


    Sehr schnelle Lieferung und dieses DAB-Radio ist sehr einfach zu bedienen ( auch die Einstellung der Sender ). Die verdeckte Sender-Einstellung hilft, da nichts versehentlich verstellt wird und ist damit fr Senioren sehr gut geeignet. Auch sehr hilfreich ist der USB-Anschlu, um eigene Musik abspielen zu knnen.

  37. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersMy father has limited vision following strokes, and suffers from confusion and dexterity issues as a result of Parkinsons.

    Yet this is simple enough he can still operate this in his hospital bed, and listen to the outside world or his favourite music.

    Amazing piece of technology, simplified. So well thought through. Even the contouring of the buttons aids him to use it.

    Delighted we chose to buy this.

  38. EileenBuckland says:


    Der Hauptvorteil ist, dass eine Person, die fast nicht mehr sieht, an der Senderwahl nichts mehr unbeabsichtigt ndern kann. Bislang hatte ich nichts Entsprechendes gefunden und im Eigenbau die betreffenden Knpfchen selbst berklebt. Das hat nie so richtig funktioniert. Da halfen der Fachhandel bis hin zu Optikern und Akustikern auch nicht weiter. Ich habe den Eindruck, dass hier Leute am Werk waren, die sich mit den Problemen dementer, schlecht sehender und schwer hrender Personen mal wirklich befasst haben (geschtzte Einstellungen, wenige und fhlbare Knpfe, Anschluss Kopfhrer).

  39. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersWir haben das Radio fr eine demente Verwandte gekauft. Die Bedienung ist supereinfach weil es nur eine minimale Anzahl von Schaltern und Knpfen hat, die alle intuitiv zu bedienen sind. Hilfreich ist auch, dass es aussieht wie ein Radio (sogar mit Antenne). Man kann drei Sender speichern. Das beste ist aber der 4. Kanal, den man mit einem selbstbespielten USB-Stick bestckt. Wir haben darauf ihre” Musik kopiert, Schlagern aus den 50iger- und 60iger-Jahren, Hits die jede/jeder aus ihrer Generation kennt. Man wei ja, dass das Musikgedchtnis von der Demenz viel weniger betroffen ist, aber das zu erleben ist wirklich beeindruckend. Die alte Dame begann sofort mitzusingen und zu strahlen. Das ist ein groes Stck Lebensqualitt!

    Kleines Manko ist, dass die Beschriftung des Gerts Englisch ist. Wir haben die drei Wrter An”, Aus” und Lautstrke” einfach ausgedruckt und aufgeklebt. (Keine Sorge, die Bedienungsanleitung ist auch auf Deutsch dabei.)

  40. CandraZFTX says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI bought this for an elderly, partly sighted relative who loves it because she can now listen to her favourite radio stations and music without getting lost in buttons and dials she can’t see and doesn’t need. It’s relatively expensive, but worth every penny.

    UPDATE: I deduct one star, having found that the playlist starts from the beginning every time. Maybe a user with dementia won’t mind, but someone with poor eyesight does!

  41. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    For an old person with eyesight issues this is very easy to use. Only a few buttons to learn and very simple.

  42. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Great quality. My 93 year old father with dementia loves it!

  43. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersThis product is the perfect solution for those suffering dementia. Only simple buttons, and in our case, I had my grandson load a flash drive with some calming Christian music and it just plays. No commercials, no talk shows or political programs. My wife’s room is just filled with calming music. The radio itself has rich tones. I recommend it to anyone far any situation where the user is no capable of dealing with the controls on most any type of player.

  44. Anonymous says:


    Excellent device. Very well made. Loud and clear audio quality on both FM radio and USB playback (DAB isn’t usable in my region).

    It is very deliberately limited in features, and that might frustrate someone setting up the device. However that’s the key to the product, keeping it as super simple as possible for the end user and the device achieves that. Lots of nice touches like big clear text on the on/off buttons and the volume knob. And the word Volume on top of that knob is static, it doesn’t rotate with the knob.

    The firmware is a bit basic. It’s sensitive to the format (partition table) of some USB sticks, so some don’t work out-of-the-box but it is possible (but complicated) to reformat any USB stick to work with it. It only works with MP3 files. No AAC, FLAC or anything fancy, no M3U files. It’s practically impossible to stop the thing from doing a shuffle play, shuffle is not as random as it should be, and the end user can’t skip tracks. But these are all minor niggles.

    Batteries last about 2 weeks for me with Amazon Basics 10,000mAh rechargeables, using the radio for something like 4 hours a day.

  45. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersBought this for my elderly father who’s currently in hospital as there’s no form of entertainment on the ward. He has rapidly enhancing dementia and struggling to do very simple tasks (even writing simple words, as I’ve just discovered)..However, he is able to manage this radio. Great design and he’s really loving the tunes and even remembering lyrics and artists. Wonderful product and intend to purchase more from Relish.


  46. danielle says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersMy dad has early onset Alz and he loves this radio so much. I think he feels empowered by being able to operate it on his own. Music lifts his spirits so this is important to his quality of life. Setup is easy behind the covered settings area, perfect idea. The lowest volume is still quite loud, as other reviews mention. Has not been a problem for us. Ive setup the 3 radio buttons and downloaded some sermons on the usb stick. Love the options. Glad to have this!

  47. Pete Davison says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI brought my dad this for Xmas, he doesn’t have dementia but he is getting on and small buttons etc confuse him. He loves it, uses it everyday. The sound quality is really good too, I highly recommend

  48. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    A really easy to use radio that has some great functions

    It is a DAB radio that also allows you to plug in a USB for own choice of music.

  49. JeanettGirardi says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I bought this as gift for my aunt after looking around for ages for something that would be useful to her throughout all stages of her dementia. I thought it was good that the packaging had no mention of dementia as I was worried it might offend her. I can’t wait to give this to her at Christmas now and enjoy some music together!

  50. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersThis arrived yesterday and was set up immediately desite being a Christmas present. My Mum loves it. She wanted a battery operated radio to sit on her kitchen table.

    We’d already tried a posh Roberts retro one but weren’t happy with the sound quality (which was both surprising and disappointing at the same time.) Mum has macular degeneration and struggles to see to tune in regular radios. Often the preset buttons are small or there are lots of them which can be confusing and can lead to the presets being lost if she presses the wrong button.

    This is perfect. Off and on buttons are different and the preset buttons are easy to navigate. The sound quality is perfect for our kitchen. So all in all we are delighted with it.

    The only negative is build quality. The white mesh on one side is flush with the unit. The mesh on the other side isn’t. It is about 2mm higher. It won’t bother my Mum as she won’t ever notice it and it won’t be an issue for me unless it actually seperates from the unit at some point. But for the price, I feel it is something which should have been picked up by quality control. Without that defect I would’ve given in 5 stars.

  51. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersI purchased this for my mother in law who struggles with technology. She loves music so I thought we would give this a try. I have to say, what a high quality and well-designed product! Everything has been thought of – I set up the stations and also created a playlist of her favourite music. She loves it and is perfectly able to use it on her own. Highly recommend it!

  52. KristalBequette says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI am really pleased with this radio. It is ideal for my dad who is suffering from dementia. He has listened to the radio his entire life and gets a lot of pleasure from it. Most radios are now completely baffling to him. This is ideal. The buttons are simple.

    We uploaded playlists of songs we knew he enjoyed. This works really well for us.

  53. jamphel says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersFinally!! Have been looking for a radio suitably for my grandmother for ages as she loves music, but normal radios are much too complicated! This one is perfect, the functionality and simplicity is perfect for her. Simple buttons that can easily be found (her eyesight is poor), easy choices and the ability to personalise! She loves it, and can use it without any support required. Great product, super stylish too, and I would highly recommend!

  54. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersOther radios and music players are too easily changed by accident.
    This product allows the intended user(s) to feel comfortable using it, whilst also enabling their carer(s) to set the stations and USB on their behalf.
    If I was to suggest an improvement, it would be to allow for a few more stations to be preset, as three may not be ample enough for everyone.
    The display card can be changed (four additional new cards are provided). There is also information on how to order more new display cards if needed.
    The instruction manual is easy to follow.

  55. The Kings Fund Information amp Library Service says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersI bought this for my granny who is 101 but does not have dementia. It’s such a fantastic product especially it’s smart design. I pre-programed her favourite stations and set it up for her, it was easy to use and most importantly she finds it simple too! Every time I call her I can hear music in the background- she absolutely loves it!