Salewa Women's Ms Wildfire GTX Walking Shoe

Salewa Women's Ms Wildfire GTX Walking Shoe
From the brand

Dimensions: | 30.2 x 26.3 x 11.3 cm; 1.04 Kilograms |
Model: | 00-0000063487 |
Manufacture: | Salewa |
Department: | Women's |
Dimensions: | 30.2 x 26.3 x 11.3 cm; 1.04 Kilograms |
This is the 2nd pair husband has bought! He says the best most comfortable shoes he’s ever owned for walking or bumming around. This is a man who wears Danner boots, Irish Setter boots, he has said the fit, is spectacular as soon as I put them on I knew these were going to be worth every penny….he’s 66, 170lbs and walks 1-3 miles, 3 days a week he wished he known about these years ago when standing/walking on concrete for work…
Lo uso tanto en va urbana para caminar distancias de varios kms como en montaa en diferentes tipos de suelo y cumple sobradamente, muy polivalente.El pero es que es bastante dura y creo no est indicada para personas con patologas en las rodillas
Spedizione perfetta e tempi di arrivo giustissimi, scarpe come da descrizione e perfette. Ho preso il numero 43 avendo la misura del piede 26,5 cm ed risultata una scelta azzeccata. Staremo a vedere la riuscita nel tempo.
Adoro questo marchio, sia per il design che per i prodotti. Ho avuto una wildfire per pi di dieci anni, non ho camminato molto ok, ma la scarpa ancora molto buona. Ho deciso di prendere il modello nuovo un po’ per piacere personale e un po’ per lo sconto notevole (pagata 88 euro circa). A questo prezzo atomica, ma di base resta sempre un’ottima scarpa. Di solito indosso 42 o 42.5, per questo modello ho scelto il 43. Alla prima calzata risulta bella aderente, ora aspetto di farci qualche bella escursione.
Ottimi materiali e rifiniture molto buone.
Prodotto arrivato puntuale, sulla marca niente da eccepire ho preso un numero in pi porto il 40 ho preso 41.
Sono rigide, pianta stretta, pur essendo un numero in pi.
Provate su percorso breve a mio giudizio sono pi indicate in arrampicata specifica che in camminata pura.
die Ms Wildfire GTX sind wesentlich schmaler geschnitten als meine MTN Trainer. Unbedingt eine Nummer grer nehmen. Meine 1 Nummer grer liegen an wie eine 2. Haut – perfekt fr meinen Fu. “Neu” fr mich sind die Pomoca Sohlen. Vom Empfinden her sind sie wesentlich weicher als die brlichen Vibram Sohlen und sie sind in Stein-Moos-Nass Metier besser haftend. Wie schnell sie sich ablaufen und verschleien muss ich mal abwarten. Fr Waldlauf bestens geeignet. Sehr guter Schuh, den man immer eine Gre grer nehmen muss und keine sehr “breiten” Mittelfe haben sollte. Passen sie zum Fu, ideale Waldlaufschuhe aus meiner Sicht.
Dies ist mittlerweile das dritte Paar dieser Schuhe, die ich mir gekauft habe.
Fr mich sind es die besten Wanderschuhe.
Zu den wichtigen Details:
Sie sind eher schmal geschnitten und fallen grssengerecht bis ein wenig kleiner aus. Zum Vergleich: ich trage sonst 45-46, in Adidas Sneakern auch 46,5 – diese Salewas trage ich in 46,5 und sie passen super.
Ich habe oft das Problem, dass Wanderschuhe zu breit bzw. Volumins sind. Dieses Problem habe ich mit den Salewas nicht.
Die Sohle gibt ausreichend grip in bisher allen Lagen: Von kleineren Spaziergngen ber den Wanderurlaub auf Madeira bis zur mehrtgigen Httentour haben sie bisher alles mitgemacht – und sehen noch super aus!
Von mir gibt es also eine klare Empfehlung!
Really enjoying these – good comfy fit with enough room at the front to prevent toes getting crunched on descents; good grip across surfaces; shoes feel strong and supportive and they look fab. Very happy with these!
I’ve had these for about three months. I’ve worn for cycling, walking in the cold and wet weathers and must say I am very impressed. Haven’t heard of this make before so took a gamble and glad I did now. Very comfortable, warm and keep your feet dry
Slightly tighter fit than expected and may go up a half size next time but have stretched a little. Comfy on long walks and great for walking the dog through wet areas. No wet socks is a winner!
Trs confortables et respirent la qualit.
Bonne accroche et impermables, et remplissent leur fonction sans tre lourdes.
On peut envisager de bonnes balades mme escarpes. Il m’arrive de les porter dans la vie de tous les jours juste pour le confort qu’elle offre.
Je recommande vivement.
J’espre que cet avis vous sera utile. Si c’est le cas merci de l’indiquer.
Shoe is really good for general tactical activities, low level non-weight carrying roles in military bases. Moving around a harbour area.
Would be perfect for airsoft, military, and outdoors.
Could use with getting rid of the orange eyelet.
Friend of mine bougth the same pair of shoes and in the box he got a spare insoles, but I got mine today and the insoles missing, What I should do
Half a size up recommended if you don’t have regular feet symmetry. Awesome aesthetic and fit. Build quality looks awesome out of the box. Feel very secure and good traction. I’m using for hiking so I’ll post further after extensive
Good and stable shoes with good grip and they look good. Been yousing them in muddy and rocky mountain tracks and they work perfectly.
We got the shoes surprisingly soon in these time’s.
Excellentes, un peu chaude en cas de forte temprature, le Gore=Tex, bien que respirant, limitant malgr tout l’vacuation de l’humidit gnre par la transpiration.
Concernant la rsistance, peu de recul, mais le produit est vraiment bien fini et agrable porter.
Un plus pour le systme de semelles volutives.
Cette chaussure de randonne est tout simplement gniale, elle est lgre mais elle protge bien le pied : on se sent en scurit pour la marche tout terrain.
La livraison (gratuite par Amazone ) est rapide et sans reproche.
When my old discontinued Lowa boots finally gave up the ghost I began my search for a well constructed, supportive, and stylish low hiking shoe. I use my boots for work, hiking, and casual wear and prefer good arch support and flexible lacing. I found all these attributes and more in these Salewa Wildfire GTX boots. As my size varies from 10.5-12, depending on the shoe I ordered them in 11.5 and 11, which allowed me to compare. After selecting the 11, I’ve found the fit to be perfect! I can’t assess them for long term service as they’re new, but I’ll probably order a second pair in case they’re discontinued.
The sizing is a bit smaller, I normally wear size 7.5 – 8. For the trekking shoes I normally go for 8.5 . Salewa 8.5 were too small with the trekking socks, so I had to replace them for size 9. After finding the right size I was very happy with those shoes. They come in nice, bright colors and are really comfortable. Highly recommended.
I give it 4 stars because the shoe is of excellent quality, if the sizing issues were not present I would have given it an easy 5 stars…