SMALLRIG Strip Softbox with Quick Release Pressing Design

SMALLRIG Strip Softbox with Quick Release Pressing Design, 30 x 120cm (11.8″ x 47.2″) Bowens Mount Softbox with Beam Grid & Diffusers for Studio Lighting, RA-R30120-3931

Weight: | 1300 Grams |
Dimensions: | 20 x 20 x 83 centimetres |
Brand: | SMALLRIG |
Model: | 3931-CF |
Part: | 3931-CF |
Colour: | Black |
Dimensions: | 20 x 20 x 83 centimetres |
I previously used Godox folding softboxes until they were folded incorrectly (very easy to do) and never re-opened properly again (an often reported problem). I replaced them with a pair of these SMALLRig softboxes and am very glad that I did.
I really appreciate how easy these are to open and close. Together with the high quality bag and carry-strap, they are pretty straightforward to bring along. They appear to be well made and have done well in their first months of use. While they were not cheap, they are considerably less expensive than gear designed for the full-on professional and a good fit to the needs of the prosumer/energetic hobbyist.
Leicht aufzustellen, stabile Mechanik. Super Aufbewahrungstasche ist dabei – mit Wabe, usw.
I have other brands but these looked so good and my decision to buy them has proved a good one .
The quality is outstanding as I find applies to all of this brands gear .
Open and close in under a minute .
Silver reflective surface is really good
These come fully complete with everything you need , grid etc
Great buy
Excellent quality and performance, and the ease of setting up and putting away beats some of the top of the range softboxes (Broncolor etc) out there. Will be looking with interest at the rest of the Smallrig range as my photography studio evolves.
There’s nothing to dislike it’s a brilliant product full stop.
I’ve been pleasantly surprised at the quality of light coming from the softbox. Nice lightweight softbox in a nice carry case. It pops into place quickly and also folds back extremely easily. It provides beautiful lighting for great photos. The locking mechanism works well and well made.
I would highly recommend this product.
Geliefert wurde die Softbox von SMALLRIG schnell und gut verpackt in einem riesigen Karton.
SMALLRIG steht fr super hochwertige Kameraprodukte, von Lichter bis hin zu Kamerakfige.
Hier mal ein paar Informationen zur Lampe:
Modell: RA-R30120
Gre: In diesem fall die 30 x 120 cm Version, es gibt auch noch eine Nummer Grer (60 x 90cm)
Anschluss: universellen Bowens-Anschluss
Lieferumfang: 1 x Softbox, 1 x Stoffgitter, 2 x Diffusoren, 1 x Tragetasche, 1 x Benutzerhandbuch
Die Softbox verwendet zweilagiges Softlight-Gewebe in Industriequalitt und eine hochreflektierende Beschichtung.
Wichtig hierbei handelt es sich “nur” um eine Softbox OHNE Licht, das muss man separat erwerben. Eben mit dem Bowens-Anschluss. Gibt es natrlich auch von SmallRig.
Auch ein passendes Stativ ist auch nicht dabei, dieses gibt es ebenfalls von Smallrig.
Die Verarbeitung ist TOP und macht was es soll!
Coming in a grey bag, the softbox needs folding out from its collapsed state. To assemble the four ribs need pulling out from the collapsed position until they click into place. Included in the bag are two diffuser panels and a beam grid. One diffuser sites about halfway inside the softbox and is held in place by four velcro tabs. The other diffuser and the beam grid stick to a thick band of velcro that runs just inside of the edge of the soft box.
At the base of the softbox is a Bowens mount, making this softbox compatible with Bowens mount lights or compatible adapters. I’ve used it with a Bowens compatible speedlite holder to use one of my speedlites as my light source. On the mount there is a thumbscrew that, when loosened, allows you to rotate the softbox to the required angle.
Fully assembled, the softbox measures 120x30cm on the opening edge and is about 50cm deep from the edge back to the mount.
It did take me a couple of goes at assembling the softbox before I realised that the easiest way to push the ribs into place is to lay the softbox with the mount on the floor and then push down on the inner surface; my first few attempts I was trying to hold the mount and pull the ribs back which seemed to take a couple of tries to work.
In use, the larger size compared to the umbrella I have been using does help spread the light and therefore give a softer overall light to my portraits. The fact that it comes with a storage bag means I can pop it up or down quickly when setting up or tearing down, which means it is something I can happily use without having to plan too much, except about where I’m going to position it. The two diffusers and beam grid allow you to use the softbox in different ways making it a great addition to your kit.
The following is review of the SMALLRIG Strip Soft Box. It comes in a cardboard box with the actual rolled up, umbrella type soft box in it’s own smart, well-made zipped carry case that itself seems durable plus it stands upright with the soft-box inside it! – see photos. There is NO stand supplied nor is one quoted as being included in the specifications – this is just the soft box as illustrated. The actual soft box assembled size is 30cm x 120cm (11.8 inches x 47.2 inches) and has a standard Bowens type mount ring. I am using it with a portable camera speedlight with a Bowens mount, which when inserted into the base can be rotated to assorted angles when using my flashgun (see included photos) and handy when requiring a flash either in locations such as outdoors or difficult to light when no mains power is about for studio type flashes. It also comes with two beam grid diffusers that are attached by Velcro type fastenings that make it more versatile. You can use it at any angle – letterbox or portrait or anything in between and secured in place by one knurled locking screw. Setting it up is so, so easy as there are ‘click’ type fastenings – none of the bending rod’s routine to get it into shape here and is done in mere seconds. A friend who occasionally does wedding photography is quite impressed with it plus being portable suggests it would be easy to stow in the car boot. The soft box once unfolded is easily erected as pointed out above as it is well designed, lightweight and comes from a prestige name in photographic equipment with the actual item appearing to be quite durable. Recommended
This softbox is one of the Small Rig range that I have grown to adore, it arrives in its own bag and assembles with a few clicks, a little velcro and voila off you go. The system they have employed for securing the outer poles is simple, open out until it clicks into position and the catch on the solid mount locks it. The velcro diffusers do a great job of softening the light and the grid gives you a more focused and controlled light. Very good quality, its now a main part of my setup and the quality means it will last. Recommended.
This is a very nice reflector, even though it has a fairly high cost.
It has an umbrella-style design that quickly unfolds (or collapses). The standard Bowen mount can be rotated and locked, and it’s pretty easy to set up. You get two diffusers and a light guide which Velcro into place.
Lightweight and comes in its own good quality bag for safe storage or transportation. A doddle to use and gives really good even light, being so large.
This softbox is a great addition to my studio. This softbox was assembled in minutes, its materials is so good. I love the sizes not too small and not too large. There are two diffuser layers, plus a grid, which together make for nice smooth light where you want it. The velcro parts work great and the bowens mount allows for easy installation on the light stand. The umbrella-type mechanism is durably made of solid metal. The kit comes with 1 x Softbox, 1 x Fabric Grid, 2 x Diffusions, 1 x Carrying Bag, and 1 x User Manual. Highly recommend it.
Smallrig ist mir bekannt fr gutes Zubehr rund um die Fotografie. Diese sind meist deutlich gnstiger als die Alternativen der namhaften Hersteller. Meist sind sie von recht guter Qualitt und halten was sie versprechen. So nehme ich auch schon mal gerne die Teile von Smallrig.
Die Softbox wird von Amazon in einem Karton schnell und gut verpackt geliefert. Zum Lieferumfang gehren der Schirm ein kleiner und ein groer Diffusor sowie ein Strahlgitter. Alles ist sauber und gut verpackt in einer Transporttasche die im Karton geliefert wird.
Die Softbox wird quasi wie ein Schirm an ihren vier Ecken aufgespannt. Ein spezieller Ring in der Mitte arretiert hierbei die vier Ecken und sie rasten automatisch ein. Der Schirm mit seinem reflektierenden Inneren ist somit schnell aufgestellt. Weg mag kann die Diffusoren und das Strahlgitter noch installieren, ansonsten ist die Softbox durch den Bowensanschluss schnell an der Leuchte befestigt.
An der Rckseite der Softbox ist im Ring des Bowensanschlusses noch eine drehbare Scheibe die erlaubt die gesamte Softbox nach den eigenen Vorstellungen zu drehen. Eine Rndelschraube sorgt fr den ntigen Halt in der perfekten Position.
Fazit: Alles was man braucht um das Licht seiner Studiobeleuchtung weicher zu machen. Schnell auf- oder auch wieder abgebaut ideal fr das Studio oder auch drauen. Dazu noch in guter Qualitt. Was mchte man meh
This is an excellent quality softbox. Easily the quickest softbox to get up and running that I have ever owned. It pops into place quickly and also folds back extremely easy with very little effort. This is designed for the Bowens mount and makes it also really easy to attach. The included diffuser and beam grid provide a nice even light which is exactly what I was looking for. The quality so far seems great and very happy with it.
I have used soft boxes for many years, often they are difficult to assemble and fiddly, this soft box took less than 2 minutes to assemble. Simply open out the soft box, click them into place, attach the diffusers and optionally the grid…done!. The quality of the product is higher than all I have used before, the light nicely diffused and with the grid you can easily create controlled, directional lighting. Even attaching it to the light is simple, often bowens mounts are tight or not quite perfect but in this case the softbox attached easily and securely clicking into place. I will certainly look at more like this for my video and photography work in the future.
Qualitt: +++++
Verarbeitung: +++++
Raumausleuchtung Fotografie: +++++
Anwendung: +++++
Aufbau: +++++
Stabilitt / Robustheit: +++++
Flexibilitt: +++++
Funktionalitt: +++++
Preis- / Leistung: +++++
Die Softbox bietet alles, was man von ihr erwartet. Bowens Anschluss, solide Verarbeitung, ordentliche Qualitt sowie eine einwandfreie Funktionsweise.
Alle unserer Softboxen belassen wir meist aufgebaut in unserem Fotostudio stehen, bauen diese nur zusammen, wenn Bedarf anhand eines Fotoshootings auerhalb besteht. So verlngert man unter anderem die Haltbarkeit solcher Softboxen um ein Vielfaches. Diese hier macht vom Erscheinungsbild einen robusten sowie soliden Eindruck und das erste Auf- sowie Abbauen sowie mehrfache Wiederholen besttigt uns unser Gefhl. Alles weiterhin in einem einwandfreien Zustand.
Der Preis ist fair und der Aufbau ganz okay
Die Leuchtkraft hngt natrlich von der Strke der verwendeten Leuchte bzw. in unserem Fall Blitzlichtes ab. Da die SMALLRIG Strip Softbox ber einen standardisierten Bowens-Mount verfgt, findet man eine groe Auswahl an Lampen / Studioblitze, die entsprechend der individuellen Bedrfnisse gewhlt werden knnen.
Klasse Lantern, top Qualitt.
Wir bedanken uns fr die Zeit zum Lesen der Bewertung und hoffen so, weiteren Interessenten geholfen zu haben.
Mit freundlichen Gre
One of the biggest selling points of this softbox is how easy and quick it is to set-up. Previous softboxes I’ve owned you’ve had to manually insert the rods which was such a faff, especially when you get to the last rod where it requires a lot of force to get in place and it just takes an unnecessary time to sort out.
This rectangular softbox by SmallRig took me about 3 minutes to set-up everything up, that’s including putting on both layers of diffusion and the grid (opening and locking the softbox into position was the quickest part!).
You can get some great results with this product when used with the right lighting equipment; you can get a nice control of how soft or direct the light is by using the included diffusion layers and grid, all of which stick on via Velcro.
When the softbox is not in use, it can be stored neatly inside the included carry case which I must say, looks very smart! It’s nice to see SmallRig opting for a case with style.
Overall, I’m very pleased with this product.
Smallrig continue to produce an excellent line of lights and lighting accessories. The Smallrig softbox is a perfect accessory for their light series; in the photos it is attached to a 220b. The soft box comes in its own bag; it attaches to the light via a Bowens light; which gives a strong positive affix to the light. The photo showing the back of the soft box mounted to the light shows a screw at the bottom of the image; this allows you to tension or loosen the rig to allow you to rotate it around the light. Screwed down the box won’t rotate if you knock it. It’s a metal on metal mount so a bit scratchy – adjust it between takes
The soft box is rectangular – 60 x 90cm at the wide end. There are four umbrella style arms that positively click into place on the mount. There is a photo showing the button to release them – out of the box the release was very stiff – you had to pull the arm up into the mount to allow the button to work. Folded down the mount easily fits into the included bag – along with the two diffusion sheets. This is very effective; the light coming out is free of hotspots and effectively gets rid of shadows.
The inside of the soft box is shown in the image with the light cob visible; isn’t a 3d textured material; its a stitched metallized material. To improve diffusion SmallRig have used two diffusion meshes. There is an inner screen and then an outer screen; both attach with velcro inside the soft box.
The side on view of the soft box is the best I could manage to show the even light coming from the soft box; it does a very good job. If you need soft lighting for photography or video and your light has a Bowens mount this is a good choice. The materials all feel good – from the solid metal mount and robust release pins to decent stitching on the diffusion sheets.
Die Softbox ist qualitativ sehr hochwertig. Das Aufspannen und wieder zusammenbauen geht einfach und ohne greren Kraftaufwand. Die Diffusor wird nach dem berspannen gut gesichert. Der Schnellverschluss passt sehr gut auf fertig eingerichtete Standleuchten mit Bowens Mount Systemen. Die Leuchte und das Stativ sind nicht enthalten. Eine groe. Tasche zum tragen der Softbox ist im Set enthalten. Alles wirkt sehr Professionell. Ich bin noch Laie und kann von daher nur fr diese Box sprechen, die mir sehr gut gefllt.