Rende molto di pi addosso che in foto, mia figlia non l’ha pi tolta e pur indossandola da mesi (anche sotto la doccia) non diventa scura n macchia di nero. Non metto 5 stelle perch un anello della chiusura si rotto quasi subito
I’ve waited until this item was reduced as thought it was expensive full price.
The picture on the model doesn’t do it justice its very pretty on. The crystals are around 3/4 of the necklace then goes into normal chain but it’s enough to show the front all crystal. I like tge fact u can change the length too. I’m quite large so it was good to be able to get a comfy fit.
Definitely recommend
Schmuck ist immer ein heikles Thema. Als Mann mchte ich damit die Schnheit meiner Frau unterstreichen. Mit der Choker-Kette von Swarovski konnte ich bei ihr ein echtes Ass aufschlagen. Was ist zu beachten: Es ist eine Choker-Kette, sie ist deshalb sehr enganliegend am Hals. Ich habe zur Sicherheit gleich eine Kettenverlngerung in silber von Swarovski noch dazu bestellt. Das hat den groen Vorteil, meine Frau kann sich aussuchen, wie sie die Kette nun selber tragen mchte, mit oder ohne Verlngerung.
Die Verarbeitungsqualitt ist wirklich hochwertig und gerechtfertigt fr den Preis. Swarovski Steine sind keine Diamanten, aber wundervoll filigran geschliffenes Kristallglas. Fr mich ist das schon echte Kunst, Glas so bearbeiten zu knnen. Diese Feinarbeit merkt man in dieser Kette. Genial gemacht finde ich auch den Swarovski-Schwan. Hier lohnt sich das Umdrehen des Schwanes.
Eine Lnge von 40 cm hat die Kette inklusive der Verlngerung. Das Silber ist rhodiniert und schtzt so vor Anlaufen. Leichte 9,3 Gramm hat die Kette nur an Gewicht und ist somit fast nicht sprbar auf der Haut.
Mein Resmee: Es mssen keine groen Klunker sein, um die Schnheit der Frau zu betonen, die man liebt. Von mir gibt es deshalb funkelnde volle 5 Sterne !
Swarovski has some strange ideas about the length of necklaces and chokers and appear to frequently describe one as the other and vice versa. With this, they are hedging their bets and describe it as both a necklace and a choker and, in this case, it can be both. There is an extension chain built into the links so that you can shorten or lengthen the chain and wear this as either a choker OR a short necklace. I like it both ways, so it is really a 2 in 1.
There are a series of short crystals forming the main sweep of the (I’ll refer to it as a) choker and they extend to the side of your neck, but not along the whole length of the item. Five larger crystals, all different shapes, hang between those smaller crystals in a drop design. They look nice and create a contrast, albeit I may prefer some symmetry and perhaps have pairs of droplets in the same shape.
The choker comes in the usual blue Swarovski box and inside a slip case. The choker is held in place by film to protect it during shipping and a piece of foam under the lid will help once that is removed. It is an attractive item that can be worn in two ways and would make a good gift.
Sehr tolle Kette es funkelt wie tausend Sternen ist als Weihnachtsgeschenk gedacht sehr gute Qualitt : klein aber fein”.Danke bin sehr begeistert empfehlungswert immer wiede
This choker is beautiful. I really like it and goes well with any low cute dress especially black. I love how it catches the light and sparkles against the collar bone.
This Swarovski choker is beautiful and desirable.
While in it’s box it doesn’t shine so much but once you take it out into the light it is transformed.
It will shine and sparkle as the light hits the well cut stones on their different angles.
This is not bling. IThe choker is classical and elegant and a joy to look at and to wear.
The choker size is 36cm and it has a lobster clasp with a small Swarovski swan attached.
I didn’t know what rhodium plating was so I did some research. Below is some useful info.
“First things first, rhodium is a rare and precious element that can be 10 to 25 times more expensive than gold. Rhodium is a member of the platinum group of metals and is silver-hued, highly reflective and does not tarnish or corrode. It is harder than gold and is highly durable.
However, rhodium is a very brittle metal and is not easily shaped or formed. As a result, pure rhodium cannot be made into jewelry. On its own it can easily crack and break somewhat like glass. But when used to plate other jewelry, rhodium enhances the durability of the metal.”
“Although rhodium plating is commonly used in jewellry, not many people know what it is. Rhodium plating is used to enhance the luster and durability of metals such as silver and white gold and gives a smooth, shiny finish to the jewellry. It is especially attractive when used for diamond rings, as it can really enhance the brilliance of the diamond.
Is rhodium plated jewellry safe to wear?
Yes, it is. Because rhodium plating is hypoallergenic, you won’t get skin reactions by wearing rhodium plated jewellry. This is because rhodium does not contain any allergens such as nickel. In fact if you have a piece of jewellry that is causing you skin reactions, rhodium plating the piece can eliminate this problem.
This is an impressive looking choker necklace, with a string of smaller sparkling crystals with five individual larger crystals pendant from the main string of different cuts – left to right: round, drop, oval, trillium and square diamond.
This attractive looking piece will definitely be sophisticated and classy worn for a special soire but can also add elegance to smart day wear – not the kind of thing to be kept in a box but to be shown off as much as possible.
Aesthetically I would have a preference for the larger pendant crystals having some uniformity or symmetry rather than being all different, but that’s just a personal opinion. It’s still a classy item, and Mrs E. L. Wisty likes it very much.
The necklace arrived well packaged. They look great, the crystals have a beautiful shape and in the light they have a special shine. It fits well and is very comfortable to wear. The metal from which the necklace is made is also good. The necklace is very beautiful.
Die Halskette ist ausgezeichnet verarbeitet. Die Steinchen und Kette funkeln sehr edel. Witzig, dass die Steinchen unterschiedlich geformt und gefasst sind. Das macht die Kette irgendwie unkonventionell und besonders. Die Kette fhlte sich sehr gut auf der Haut an. Und die Kette ist deutlich beweglicher als wir von der Abbildung her erwartet htten. Die Kette hat eine maximale Lnge von einundvierzig Zentimetern. Die krzeste Lnge sind die angegebenen sechsunddreiig Zentimeter. Die Kette wertet jedes Outfit subtil auf. Besonders cool, wenn man die Kette mit einem eher sportlichen Outfit kombiniert. Ein tolles Geschenk, das edel in einer dunkelblauen Schachtel prsentiert wird.
The Swarovski Women’s Necklace is simply stunning. Featuring world-famous Swarovski crystals displayed on a brilliant white Rhodium plated chain, every woman of distinction should have this beautiful piece of jewelry in her collection.
The first photo is intended to showcase the unique design. Notice the distinct shapes of the crystals (round, square, pear, and etc.) that hang from the chain; the incredible array of white stones that adorn the chain; and of course, the fire. The intent of the second photo is to help you see the fire for yourself. In fact, Swarovski’s crystals compare favorably against natural diamonds for their exceptional quality including precision cut, clarity and color. The lady you love will not be disappointed.
I highly recommend Swarovski’s Women’s Necklace to everyone.
I love crystals and choker-style necklaces, so when I saw this product it was love at first sight.
This necklace really is breathtaking. It is dainty and delicate enough to look classy, but catches the light beautifully, drawing the eye right to it. It manages to command attention without being gaudy, which is so rare in jewelry. The uniqueness of the necklace is great too, with the different shaped cuts of crystals dangling down, each one adding a new layer of visual interest.
It came packaged really securely, and the blue Swarovski box wasn’t damaged during shipping. The quality of it is really nice too, and the clasp feels very sturdy and secure.
I can’t think of a single necklace-wearing person who wouldn’t be delighted to receive this. Whether you’re shopping for yourself for an upcoming event or self-care treat, or for a gift for someone else, I cannot recommend this enough. It really is a fun and elegant necklace.
Fr meine Freundin habe ich das Swarovski Tennis Deluxe Mixed Halsband bestellt. Dieses ist mit seinen vielen kleinen Swarovski Kristallen ein wirklicher Hingucker und wirkt gerade bei schickeren Anlssen genau passend. Es verleiht einem das ntige Etwas.
Die Verarbeitung des Halsbands bzw. der Kette ist wie bei Swarovski blich wirklich hervorragend. Hier gibt es absolut nichts zu beanstanden. Das beginnt sogar schon bei der hochwertigen und edlen Verpackung und geht dann ber in die Kette und auch deren Karabinerverschluss.
Meine Freundin hat sich insgesamt sehr ber das Halsband bzw. die Kette gefreut und von daher sind wir beide auch sehr zufrieden und finden den zwar nicht niedrigen Preis dennoch gerechtfertigt.
Rende molto di pi addosso che in foto, mia figlia non l’ha pi tolta e pur indossandola da mesi (anche sotto la doccia) non diventa scura n macchia di nero. Non metto 5 stelle perch un anello della chiusura si rotto quasi subito
I’ve waited until this item was reduced as thought it was expensive full price.
The picture on the model doesn’t do it justice its very pretty on. The crystals are around 3/4 of the necklace then goes into normal chain but it’s enough to show the front all crystal. I like tge fact u can change the length too. I’m quite large so it was good to be able to get a comfy fit.
Definitely recommend
Schmuck ist immer ein heikles Thema. Als Mann mchte ich damit die Schnheit meiner Frau unterstreichen. Mit der Choker-Kette von Swarovski konnte ich bei ihr ein echtes Ass aufschlagen. Was ist zu beachten: Es ist eine Choker-Kette, sie ist deshalb sehr enganliegend am Hals. Ich habe zur Sicherheit gleich eine Kettenverlngerung in silber von Swarovski noch dazu bestellt. Das hat den groen Vorteil, meine Frau kann sich aussuchen, wie sie die Kette nun selber tragen mchte, mit oder ohne Verlngerung.
Die Verarbeitungsqualitt ist wirklich hochwertig und gerechtfertigt fr den Preis. Swarovski Steine sind keine Diamanten, aber wundervoll filigran geschliffenes Kristallglas. Fr mich ist das schon echte Kunst, Glas so bearbeiten zu knnen. Diese Feinarbeit merkt man in dieser Kette. Genial gemacht finde ich auch den Swarovski-Schwan. Hier lohnt sich das Umdrehen des Schwanes.
Eine Lnge von 40 cm hat die Kette inklusive der Verlngerung. Das Silber ist rhodiniert und schtzt so vor Anlaufen. Leichte 9,3 Gramm hat die Kette nur an Gewicht und ist somit fast nicht sprbar auf der Haut.
Mein Resmee: Es mssen keine groen Klunker sein, um die Schnheit der Frau zu betonen, die man liebt. Von mir gibt es deshalb funkelnde volle 5 Sterne !
Collana fine e bella luccicosa.
Arrivata integra, ben confezionata ed imballata all’interno con un cellophane che la tiene fissa e stabile
There are a series of short crystals forming the main sweep of the (I’ll refer to it as a) choker and they extend to the side of your neck, but not along the whole length of the item. Five larger crystals, all different shapes, hang between those smaller crystals in a drop design. They look nice and create a contrast, albeit I may prefer some symmetry and perhaps have pairs of droplets in the same shape.
The choker comes in the usual blue Swarovski box and inside a slip case. The choker is held in place by film to protect it during shipping and a piece of foam under the lid will help once that is removed. It is an attractive item that can be worn in two ways and would make a good gift.
Sehr tolle Kette es funkelt wie tausend Sternen ist als Weihnachtsgeschenk gedacht sehr gute Qualitt : klein aber fein”.Danke bin sehr begeistert empfehlungswert immer wiede
This choker is beautiful. I really like it and goes well with any low cute dress especially black. I love how it catches the light and sparkles against the collar bone.
This Swarovski choker is beautiful and desirable.
While in it’s box it doesn’t shine so much but once you take it out into the light it is transformed.
It will shine and sparkle as the light hits the well cut stones on their different angles.
This is not bling. IThe choker is classical and elegant and a joy to look at and to wear.
The choker size is 36cm and it has a lobster clasp with a small Swarovski swan attached.
I didn’t know what rhodium plating was so I did some research. Below is some useful info.
“First things first, rhodium is a rare and precious element that can be 10 to 25 times more expensive than gold. Rhodium is a member of the platinum group of metals and is silver-hued, highly reflective and does not tarnish or corrode. It is harder than gold and is highly durable.
However, rhodium is a very brittle metal and is not easily shaped or formed. As a result, pure rhodium cannot be made into jewelry. On its own it can easily crack and break somewhat like glass. But when used to plate other jewelry, rhodium enhances the durability of the metal.”
“Although rhodium plating is commonly used in jewellry, not many people know what it is. Rhodium plating is used to enhance the luster and durability of metals such as silver and white gold and gives a smooth, shiny finish to the jewellry. It is especially attractive when used for diamond rings, as it can really enhance the brilliance of the diamond.
Is rhodium plated jewellry safe to wear?
Yes, it is. Because rhodium plating is hypoallergenic, you won’t get skin reactions by wearing rhodium plated jewellry. This is because rhodium does not contain any allergens such as nickel. In fact if you have a piece of jewellry that is causing you skin reactions, rhodium plating the piece can eliminate this problem.
This is an impressive looking choker necklace, with a string of smaller sparkling crystals with five individual larger crystals pendant from the main string of different cuts – left to right: round, drop, oval, trillium and square diamond.
This attractive looking piece will definitely be sophisticated and classy worn for a special soire but can also add elegance to smart day wear – not the kind of thing to be kept in a box but to be shown off as much as possible.
Aesthetically I would have a preference for the larger pendant crystals having some uniformity or symmetry rather than being all different, but that’s just a personal opinion. It’s still a classy item, and Mrs E. L. Wisty likes it very much.
The necklace arrived well packaged. They look great, the crystals have a beautiful shape and in the light they have a special shine. It fits well and is very comfortable to wear. The metal from which the necklace is made is also good. The necklace is very beautiful.
Die Halskette ist ausgezeichnet verarbeitet. Die Steinchen und Kette funkeln sehr edel. Witzig, dass die Steinchen unterschiedlich geformt und gefasst sind. Das macht die Kette irgendwie unkonventionell und besonders. Die Kette fhlte sich sehr gut auf der Haut an. Und die Kette ist deutlich beweglicher als wir von der Abbildung her erwartet htten. Die Kette hat eine maximale Lnge von einundvierzig Zentimetern. Die krzeste Lnge sind die angegebenen sechsunddreiig Zentimeter. Die Kette wertet jedes Outfit subtil auf. Besonders cool, wenn man die Kette mit einem eher sportlichen Outfit kombiniert. Ein tolles Geschenk, das edel in einer dunkelblauen Schachtel prsentiert wird.
Fnf Sterne von uns.
The first photo is intended to showcase the unique design. Notice the distinct shapes of the crystals (round, square, pear, and etc.) that hang from the chain; the incredible array of white stones that adorn the chain; and of course, the fire. The intent of the second photo is to help you see the fire for yourself. In fact, Swarovski’s crystals compare favorably against natural diamonds for their exceptional quality including precision cut, clarity and color. The lady you love will not be disappointed.
I highly recommend Swarovski’s Women’s Necklace to everyone.
This necklace really is breathtaking. It is dainty and delicate enough to look classy, but catches the light beautifully, drawing the eye right to it. It manages to command attention without being gaudy, which is so rare in jewelry. The uniqueness of the necklace is great too, with the different shaped cuts of crystals dangling down, each one adding a new layer of visual interest.
It came packaged really securely, and the blue Swarovski box wasn’t damaged during shipping. The quality of it is really nice too, and the clasp feels very sturdy and secure.
I can’t think of a single necklace-wearing person who wouldn’t be delighted to receive this. Whether you’re shopping for yourself for an upcoming event or self-care treat, or for a gift for someone else, I cannot recommend this enough. It really is a fun and elegant necklace.
Fr meine Freundin habe ich das Swarovski Tennis Deluxe Mixed Halsband bestellt. Dieses ist mit seinen vielen kleinen Swarovski Kristallen ein wirklicher Hingucker und wirkt gerade bei schickeren Anlssen genau passend. Es verleiht einem das ntige Etwas.
Die Verarbeitung des Halsbands bzw. der Kette ist wie bei Swarovski blich wirklich hervorragend. Hier gibt es absolut nichts zu beanstanden. Das beginnt sogar schon bei der hochwertigen und edlen Verpackung und geht dann ber in die Kette und auch deren Karabinerverschluss.
Meine Freundin hat sich insgesamt sehr ber das Halsband bzw. die Kette gefreut und von daher sind wir beide auch sehr zufrieden und finden den zwar nicht niedrigen Preis dennoch gerechtfertigt.