Tamiya TAM58630 RC 58630 Plasma Edge II TT-02B 1:10 Buggy

Tamiya TAM58630 RC 58630 Plasma Edge II TT-02B 1:10 Buggy Assembly Ki

Differential Type | Gear |
Drive Type | Gearbox |
Led Light Buckets | No |
Led Lights | No |
Motor | 540-brushed type |
Requires A | 2-channel radio gear |
Scale | 1/10 |
Shock Damper | Oil-filled damper |
Special Feature 1 | Torque-tuned motor is included |
Special Feature 2 | The TT-02B Chassis is the buggy evolution of Tamiya’s popular 4WD entry level unit, the TT-02 Chassis. |
Special Feature 3 | Bathtub-type frame has longitudinal battery and R/C mechanism placed flat for low centre of gravity. |
Special Feature 4 | 4-wheel double wishbone suspension features long arms and white colour CVA shock units, and is combined with high-grip square spike tires to give excellent traction. |
Special Feature 5 | Features fluorescent yellow star-dish wheels. |
Special Feature 6 | Includes stickers to decorate the body, plus masking stickers for use when painting. |
Special Feature 7 | Front and rear gearboxes have differentials to ensure smooth cornering. |
Suspension & Terrain Use | Fully-independent double wishbone & Off-Road |
Dimensions: | 48.58 x 23.19 x 15.24 cm; 1.58 Kilograms |
Model: | TAM58630 |
Colour: | Multicolor |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Age: | 14 years and up |
Assembly: | Yes |
Dimensions: | 48.58 x 23.19 x 15.24 cm; 1.58 Kilograms |
Quantity: | 1 |
This is a Tamiya, so in kit form. Usual high quality Tamiya build.
Would have been 5 stars but disappointed to find it was supplied with a Carson esc which are junk and prone to failing and burning up. I would advise immediately using an official Tamiya esc instead.
Das war schon in meiner Kindheit ein gutes RC Einsteiger Gefhrt jetzt selber fr meinen kleinen gekauft. Preis Leistung ok
Non so… ma gi vedere tutti quei bei pezzettini (di alta qualit) sparsi nella scatola mi riempie di soddisfazione!
Tali prodotti sono concepiti non per essere pratici e funzionali, ma per aggiungere passione… alla passione!
Il kit include, oltre al motore spazzolato (MABUCHI RS-540), anche il famigerato regolatore di velocit (ESC) TBLE-04S che pu essere configurato sia in modalit brushed che brushless.
Cosa manca e cosa bisogna acquistare per completare l’assemblaggio e giocare con l’automodello?
– Telecomando a due canali con annessa ricevente da installare sulla vettura.
– Servo motore per lo sterzo (TSU-03 della Tamiya oppure i pi reperibili CS-3/CS-6 della Carson).
– Pacco batteria, NiMH a 6 celle da 7,2V (consiglio 3000 – 4500 mAh) con connettore compatibile.
– Caricabatterie dedicato oppure universale (in quest’ultimo caso con annessi cavetti e attacchi compatibili con il connettore Tamiya).
– Spray specifici per policarbonato, in modo da colorare la scocca dopo averla accuratamente ritagliata e lavata (la casa consiglia colori Tamiya PS-49 e PS-5).
– Forbici, pinze, pinzette, cacciaviti, brugole e… tanta pazienza.
Purtroppo questi modellini in kit, rispetto alle controparti “RTR”, in fin dei conti, non sono molto economici per ci che offrono in termini di prestazioni: gli ingranaggi all’interno della confezione sono tutti in plastica (molto resistente ma pur sempre plastica) e la velocit massima con il regolatore/motore di serie si aggira intorno ai 35Km/h. Il divertimento risiede tutto nell’assemblare, capire, improvvisare, migliorare e, a volte, anche sbagliare.
Daltronde, rimane comunque un’alternativa decisamente pi economica e meno frustrante dei “micropezzetti venduti con il contagocce in edicola”.
E poi, la soddisfazione nel montarla non ha prezzo… ma solo passione!
I went with an 80A ESC from Surplus Hobby and went with a brushless 3650 / 3900KV motor, and Zeee 5200 3S battery. This RC setup is very fast and handles nice and solid. I want to try it in a large parking lot. so I can go full throttle for more than a few seconds. I had hit a brick lining in a yard and it held up well, nothing loosened up, this wasn’t full speed but maybe 10 to 15 mph.
I want to note some things to be aware of.
1. Ball Bearing upgrade… I upgraded to ball bearings, tried the Tamiya brand TT-02/TT-02B ball bearing pack and I found that the bearings for the wheel cups were too small in diameter and were loose in the wheel cups. Yes, they would work but are not a good tight fit. If you are upgrading to ball bearings, get the Fast Eddie – Tamiya Plasma Edge II OR Neo Scorcher TT-02B Sealed Bearing Kit which has the proper size ball bearings.
2. During testing the Tamiya ESC was bad, I will need to contact Tamiya for a replacement so I can use the included brushed motor on a basher car. When turning on the ESC there was a sizzling sound and won’t go into programming mode to change to brushless, just a flashing green light.
3. There was an extra washer, which was good because I used it to screw in the backplate where you need one screw. Without the washer, the screw just pops in past the backplate. The instructions didn’t mention this, but that seems to be where the extra washer Is used.
4. The servo I bought had a screw that wasn’t long enough, and the screws in the kit didn’t fit. I had to go to the hardware store to get a screw that was long enough. This isn’t an issue with the Tamiya kit, but rather something to be aware of with the servo you use.
5. The shell is clear and will need to be painted, so be prepared to buy paint.
6. UPDATE: I tried a generic brand aluminum drive-shaft and joint-shafts. The driveshaft wax not long enough and there is too much play, so much that the front joint-shaft can be pulled right out of the bevel gear that connects with the differential, while installed.
**Go with Tamiya brand aluminum driveshaft and joint cups and those fit correct.
The plastic driveshaft and joint cups included in the kit fit correctly fine andcseem to hold up well. The aluminum parts ate noticeably lighter.
7. The instructions are great, I started with youtube videos then found I could follow along with the instructions quite well. It took me much longer to build this kit up to this point, but I was taking my time and learned a lot from this build and feel I could get through another build much quicker next time.
Compared to WLToys; you will spend more on the Tamiya kits, but the replacement parts are easier to come by in the US and with less waiting than ordering parts from China. Additionally, if you want to go with the more powerful brushless engines, you will not need to deal with super-glued bolts for motor mounts (WLToys) that will need heating up to get them loose.
This is a Tamiya TT-02B kit and you will need the following to complete building:
Radio system (transmitter/receiver); I use a Flysky FS-GT2B ($30.99)
Servo for steering
Battery (The speed control is set up as Brushed and with Tamiya plugs) I updated to brushless and LIPO batteries
Charger for the battery
Tools; Screw drivers highly suggest the Tamiya screw driver kit for Japanese Industry Standard screws, hobby knife (remove plastic parts), scissors to trim the body cover
Spray Paint for the Car Body
Included with the kit
Brushed Motor
Brushed Electronic Speed Control
Kit building experience
This is not the first kit that I have put together and experiences will differ in the time and frustration of putting these together. If you have a six-year-old waiting for you to put this thing together while going crazy, this will be a patience building activity. The instructions are clear and very detailed, and attention to detail is key.
Lipo/brushless upgrade:
Drive shaft and differentials are plastic. I added aluminum prop shaft, joints, and bearings. The front propeller gear disconnected on the second run while using a brushless motor. Shimming the front propeller bearings with folded aluminum foil kept the propeller shaft in place and now the car maintains four wheel drive regardless of crashes, flips, bouncing around. So far, I have only ran the car on grass and am still tinkering before abusing it on ramps and jumps.
Overall a great experience for myself and for my children who are getting into the RC hobby. I didn’t want to purchase a TLR or Team Associated kit to see it ran into a curb or tree at full throttle and see $200+ broken on the first run.
I really liked that it fealt like a old school build. Not a lot of high tech add ons
Anleitung mit Bildern und Untertitel in Deutsch, leicht zum Aufbauen! (Ca. 6 Stunden)
Habe einen alten Brushless- Motor eingebaut mit 500W -was eindeutig zuviel ist. Dennoch berlebte dieses Modell ohne defekt einen Sechsfachen berschlag auf Schotter.
Steckt Sprnge mit Rampe (20cm) gut weg. Lack ist bisschen abgekratzt am Heckflgel aber das ist nicht schlimm. Ich kann den Buggy nur empfehlen.
Brushless Modelcraft phase 3 500w
Hammer Gert, macht richtig laune ber das gelnde zu gleiten”.
Nicht nur der Zusammenbau macht richtig Spa. Die erste Ausfahrt hat alle meine Erwartungen bertroffen. Auch ohne Tunning Teile macht dieses Modell richtig Dampf. Dies ist mein erstes Modell aber mit Sicherheit nicht mein letztes!