ViewSonic M2 Full HD Smart Portable LED Projector
ViewSonic M2 Full HD Smart Portable LED Projector for Gaming, Family & Home Entertainment with WiFi Bluetooth and Harman Kardon Audio – Metallic Bronze

Dimensions: | 7.37 x 22.35 x 22.35 cm; 1.3 Kilograms |
Model: | M2 |
Batteries Included: | 2 AAA batteries required. |
Manufacture: | ViewSonic |
Dimensions: | 7.37 x 22.35 x 22.35 cm; 1.3 Kilograms |
Origin: | China |
Proiettore full HD di ottima qualit sia per la qualit di fabbricazione sia per qualit di immagine. La messa a fuoco automatica funziona perfettamente e la profondit di campo sufficiente per un montaggio leggermente obliquo rispetto alla superficie di proiezione. L’ altoparlante sorprendentemente potente ( volendo non servono altre casse). App interne inutiliSe volessi usare , per esempio, prime video converrebbe acquistare un dispositivo esterno, tipo firestick .
Uno de los mejores proyectores que he tenido. La imagen abarca toda la pared y la resolucin es increble. Para el tamao y peso que tiene esperaba que la imagen estuviera algo pixelada, pero estaba equivocada. Sin duda vale la pena comprarlo.
P.S dejo un video con la maravillosa Miley Cyrus como prueba.
I bought a few projectors and this one is bar none the best in this price range. Brightness is actually higher than my nebula mars 2 pro(500 ansi lumen). Autofocus is a little wonky if you position it really far(200 inch screen) and have to resort to manual focus. Neat little leg underneath so you can put it on the floor. Remote is unidirectional so you can point it anywhere. App remote is basically useless and only use it for last resort if you cant find your physical remote. Fan is quiet for this price range.
El Viewsonic M2 Full HD es un buen proyector con excelente image y una resolucin Full HD. Sin embargo, mi experiencia con este producto no fue perfecta ya que compr uno a travs de Amazon Warehouse y result ser defectuoso. Desafortunadamente, tuve que devolverlo.
Adems, es importante mencionar que este proyector no viene con una batera incorporada, por lo que debe estar conectado a una fuente de alimentacin para funciona
Software di gestione limitato e molto scomodo da usare: mancano alcune regolazioni per la geometria e per arrivare al menu di regolazione sei obbligato a diversi passaggi. Puoi utilizzarlo anche come Smart TV ma la procedura per installare le applicazioni inutilmente complicata. Neri troppo alti restano troppo grigi. Scarsa sensibilit del WiFi. Audio deboluccio. Mancano fori per fissarlo. Buona luminosit. Compatto e leggero molto comodo da portarsi appresso. L’ho comprate usato su Amazon ne derivato un buon rapporto qualit prezzo. Forse a prezzo pieno non l’avrei comprato.
Coming on to the M2 this item jesus christ! the difference was immediate the item for a start is 4 times bigger than the M1 so don’t expect it to fit in your pocket – secondly its a premium build larger product with a real quality feel to it, its like the M1 was made as a kids version of this item, this is a proper machine.
Picture quality straight out of the box is sharp and deep with rich colours and depth extremely sharp, in all fairness I couldn’t tell between this picture and our LCD TV its that good.
For the price it totally stacks up and justifies its price point – very impressed, it comes with a premium carry case and remote- none of it has been made cheaply – even the packaging is a knockout , with layers of sleeves and boxes and presentation, one of the best hifi/av purchases I have ever made..
I’ve had this for about six months now, I can’t complain about the picture (awesome) or the sound (…awesomer…?) but the user interface to move around the menus, screen cast, is awful. You can get versions of Netflix and Amazon Prime to use straight from the main menu, but the remote just doesn’t know how to move around the user interfaces of those apps… it’s mostly guesswork and luck.
That being said, the quality and portability is great, and hooking it up to a HDMI source is easy.
I would recommend this for presentations, especially with high res videos and music, but not as a home cinema projector.
– Excelente tamao de imagen (+120″)
– Tamao reducido
– Resolucin 1080p
– Excelente audio
– Se puede nivelar su altura
– cuenta con puerto USB tipo C
– Se puede utilizar con una batera externa para usarlo en exteriores.
– El brillo puede mejorar, se recomienda tener un espacio oscurecido. (unas cortinas black-out)
– El ruido que hace su ventilador puede resultar molesto
– Solo una entrada de HDMI
– No cuenta con batera interna
– Las aplicaciones nativas estn en resolucin SD 480p
– Tienda de aplicaciones limitada
It is a good portable projector with adequate brightness. Sound quality is also good. 45W PD from USBC port makes it super portable.
For some reason, the item box has arrived with security seal tapes peeled! (as shown in photos)
Although the projector works fine, I’m still thinking of returning it as I’m not sure I’ve received a brand new item. You don’t want to get a used or refurbished item if you paid a brand new price, do you?
Is there any way to make sure my item is not used or refurbished?
Regarding the projector quality;
it does work and the picture quality is good for this size despite the colors are not perfect however I feel like it’s a bit overpriced. It seemed a quite simple item. I expected more detailed settings for example.
If you don’t worry about that size and lamp life etc. it might be better to go with a little more expensive projectors.
Overall I’m happy with the projector if I can get explained why I received an item with security seals peeled otherwise I’m still thinking of returning it.
Pros: Decent device for the price. Plays most files (also 3D) from usb. Colours, size really good. Quiet, and portable.
Cons: Silght issue with audio lag, delay in all mode. Keytone features kinda useless because the audio lag and frame skipping. 3D can’t be used wit keystone on. Hopefully all gets fixed in the future.
Not too bright, needs night time or very dark rooms to really enjoy it, but guess it’s the size limitations.
Could be 2 HDMI port.
Really impressed going from a Viewsonic m1 mini to the m2e. Picture quality seems excellent to my eye and the neat size makes it unobtrusive and easy to move it sound. Paired with an appropriate battery pack, it can easily be used anywhere there a flat wall. I get just over 3 hours playing from a Cygnett 20,000 mah powebank. On the downside, the on board apps are almost useless, the focus can be fussy, the auto keystone isn’t great on the horizontal pane (but can be adjusted manually) and the bluetooth connection can produce a noticeable lag in audio. I get round the 2 of these issues via a firestick and the combination of these 2, plus a decent Bluetooth speaker, makes for an excellent ‘movie night’ round our house.
Great little projector, excellent brightness and picture quality. Sound quality is fantastic too
Absolutely delighted with projector.
Easy set up
Picture is great
The built in speakers are fantastic but has added benefit of Bluetooth so no wires needed for bigger speakers if wanted
This is my 3rd projector and this has by far and away the quietest fan. So quiet you forget it’s there
Firstly I hate big TVs. Just the sight of them in a room turns me off. I decided to try this for my bedroom as I sometimes like to watch movies from my bed.
When I first got it the built in apps were useless so I bought a Roku dongle which works amazingly well. There seems to be more built in apps now but I haven’t tried them. It is quite compact and I have it on a camera tripod at the end of my bed pointing at the end wall. My wall is painted kinda dark and it has no problem showing a bright clear image. Admittedly it struggles when the window shutters are open but I mainly use it last thing at night.
The auto keystone correction is good. The manual 4 corner alignment can be a bit tricky to get right but works well once you do.
Sound quality isn’t great but is acceptable. I connected it to a bluetooth speaker but there was obvious latency which made it hard to watch certain dialog heavy programmes.
I really like being able to put it under the bed when I don’t want to see it or bring it into another room. I’m not a really cinema buff so am happy with the performance of this device.
Viewsonic M2 in really nice piece of equipment, small enough to be called portable but packing enough punch to provide a home cinema experience in a dimly lit room or during a day if the curtains are closed. The app store is kinda clunky, some apps might need a mouse to be operated properly, so one star gone from my final verdict.
Now the bad part.
It is advertised as not having to be centered as the software will take care of correcting the screen. It’s not entirely true. Using H keystone or 4 poins correction really cripples fps. Playback becomes choppy and movies almost unwatchable. Turning this options off gets rid of the problem.
Viewsonic M2 is still a compact, able and nice piece IF you’re able to accept that one of its selling points is basically useless. If not, substract 2 stars from the score.
I literally fell in love with this product.
The setup is incredibly easy. The home cinema experience with Harman Kardon speakers is unbelievable. With this product, it’s like you purchased a smart TV, cause you can instal entertainment apps like Netflix, Amazon Prime, youtube, BBC iplayer, Spotify and even Google Chrome.
I don’t hear any fan noise which is also perfect.
I am using it on my bedroom wall and don’t think I’ll feel the need to buy a projector screen.
Daher kann ich hier nur subjektive Eindrcke liefern.
Ich betreibe den Beamer mit der Leinwand “celexon Basic” mit 90″ Diagonale. Es lohnt sich sicher irgendwann mal eine bessere Leinwand zu holen. Leider ist sie nicht ganz plan, was aber bei dem Preis wohl noch nicht drin ist. Aber von der Leuchkraft her bin ich mit der Kombination aus dem Viewsonic M2E und der Leinwand durchaus positiv berrascht. Angebracht ist der Beamer mit einer einfachen Deckenhalterung. Es ist zwar schn, ein portables Gert zu haben, aber das mal “eben schnell aufstellen” birgt die Gefahr der Stolperfallen durch herumliegende Kabel. Und insgesamt ist die Ausrichtung jedes mal etwas fummelig. Mit kleinen Kindern scheidet diese Einsatzform dann auf Dauer ohnehin aus.
Die Helligkeit reicht, um in einem leicht abgedunkelten Raum betrieben zu werden. Bei kompletter Abdunklung wird das Bild naturgem noch besser, aber das Gert ist durchaus auch schon vorher benutzbar.
Skeptisch war ich auch ob der niedrigen Auflsung bezogen auf die Diagonale. Aber aus ca. 3 Meter Entfernung strt es mich (und meine Familie) berhaupt nicht. Bei statischen Bildern ist zwar eine Rasterung zu erkennen, aber im Film fllt uns dies nicht mehr auf. Wer 4K bentigt, muss eben etwas tiefer in die Tasche greifen.
Von der Farbwiedergabe kann ich persnlich auch nichts schlechtes berichten, fr mich sieht das Bild gut aus, so wie es ist.
Der Kontrast ist natrlich nicht so gut wie bei einem Fernseher oder deutlich teurerem Beamer, aber im komplett abgedunkelten Raum sind auch dunkle Passagen kein Problem. Bei Dmmerung kann es aber bei sehr dunklen Szenen schon mal dazu kommen, dass man nicht mehr alle Details erkennt.
Da unsere Leinwand aber in einem recht dunklen Raumabschnitt ohne Fenster im direkten Umfeld liegt, ist das fr uns kein Problem (auch tagsber).
Hervorzuheben (zumindest fr mich als Einsteiger) ist der sehr gute Autofokus, welcher das Bild von alleine scharf stellt, ohne dass man umstndlich am Beamer herumstellen muss.
Der Beamer ist (inkl. Autofokus) in unter einer Minute hoch gefahren, was auch OK ist fr uns.
Betrieben wird der Beamer von uns ausschlielich per HDMI (Zuspieler sind ein AV-Receiver + Nvidia Shield/Fire TV/Blueray/Nintendo Switch). In diesem Modus gibt es kein Problem.
Es ist natlrich nicht alles perfekt. So ist das installierte Android System vllt. nett gemeint und reicht vllt. auch fr eine einfache Diashow per Miracast, aber mangels offiziellem App Store ist man sehr eingeschrnkt bei der App Auswahl. Zwar kann man auch Browser installieren, aber da ist der Beamer dann schon von einem einfachen Youtube Stream berfordert. Es ist daher dringend zu empfehlen, einen HDMI Zuspieler wie z.B. ein Fire TV zu verwenden! Da das Gerte nur Full HD beherrscht, reicht hier auch ein lteres/gnstiges Modell.
Ein weiteres Problem hatten wir leider mit dem beigefgten Netzteil. Dies hat nach 3 Wochen bereits seinen Geist aufgegeben. Da ich den Fehler schnell diagnostizieren konnte, habe ich mir kurzerhand ein neues Netzteil geholt, welches seitdem seinen Dienst tut (falls es jemanden interessiert, wir verwenden ein Netzteil mit dieser Bezeichnung “Outtag 15V 16V 18.5V 19V 19.5V 20V 90W” hier bei Amazon, das passt auch an den Beamer mit den beigefgten Steckern).
Der Beamer bietet wie die meisten in der Preisklasse auch kein Lens Shift, so dass man sich bei der Ausrichtung etwas mehr Mhe geben muss. Einmal fest installiert ist das dann aber kein Problem mehr.
Alles in allem sind wir fr den Preis weiterhin sehr zufrieden. Filme oder Serien schauen macht viel mehr Spa als mit dem “kleinen” Fernseher. Zusammengenommen haben wir weniger ausgegeben als mit einem gut ausgestatteten 4K-TV fr ca 1000. Sicher auf Kosten der Bildqualitt, dafr aber (fr uns!) mit deutlich mehr Fun.
Finally I now have a projector that has a decent image, a clear image with good quality images. The item isn’t heavy and is easily able to fit in my suitcase which is what I wanted. The sound coming from the projector sounds nice but I still use my Bluetooth speaker. The options on the menus are good, and allows you to change the size of your screen to what suits you, this is great. The only things that bothers me a bit are that the hdmi slot is too close to the micro usb slot, so if I plug in my firetv stick, I can’t fit the micro usb. Also, mirror casting my phone to the screen was a bit fiddly, the playing of videos from Facebook was jumpy and playing well, need to fix that. Other than that, it’s great, small, compact, got a case, and batteries for remote.
Great piece of kit.. a little dim. Found that 1000 lumens is at the limmit realy. Reading reviews, 3000 seems to be the recommended brightness. However it’s not a problem to me. I went for the portability more than anything. Comes with a great little shoulder bag to hold everything in transit. .. one neg, the remote is a bit lightweight but holding out well so far .. speaker is great and conectivity is fine .. If like me, portability is a predominat requisite, go for it ..permanent location ..go for something brighte
Top projector only thing you will need a sound bar with it.
I like this projector a lot. It is nice to be able to run a powerpoint directly from a memory stick although for me this didn’t handle embedded video so I had to revert to plugging in a laptop for this.
An all round great projector. Manual keystone adjustment and place projector where you want and still project onto screen [ within reason ] is brilliant. 1080p HD projection is great. You get trick play features such as zoom and rotate when you display photos and in my opinion the VLC player app works the best for your vids and movies. You can also store your films and photos on the projectors internal storage. The file system for this projector is NTFS. The projector is money well spent. Quick update,,,if you use the projector inverted the apps that you [ home install ] wont work ! I contacted Viewsonic about this before xmas 2021 and they NEVER got back to me. If you want to load your own apps you cannot use the projector inverted [ upside down ] ceiling mounted !
It’s just ok. A lot of improvements needed. Sometimes the picture just goes blurry. Yo it’ll have to turn it off and back on, sometimes several times before it’s regains automatic focus.
– Portability (needed to be easily packed into carry-on/checked baggage or a gear bag)
– Accuracy (bright enough to be at least partially visible in a lighted space, good focus and color reproduction)
– Adjustability (significant control over projection properties like keystone)
Overall, I think this is a really promising unit, by those metrics.
At 7.2″ square and 2.1″ tall, the projector is about the size of a microwave dinner, and the included power block has been kept small too. Although not noted in the listing, it ships with a soft carry case that would be fine for people taking it to a friend’s house or what have you; however, I will be buying a custom hard case for travel.
I knew it wasn’t going to be as bright as non-portable products that I’d used, but given that they are around 4x bigger the M2e punches well above it’s proverbial weight. Images are clearly visible in a room with ambient daylight, and at least discernible in standard overhead light (I’m sure a direct spot in a gallery or exhibition hall would overpower it, though).
I’m pleased with the accuracy of the projection as well. The auto focus seems to work most of the time, and there’s a manual mode if you need it. To the degree I’ve tested it, the image looks sharp on a typical wall surface, and also on the fabrics I tend to use in my installations. But perhaps more important to an artist (or movie buff), the color reproduction is quite solid. None of the preset modes is garish (I think I’m liking “Brightest” the best for neutrality) but if you aren’t quite happy with them there are sliders and user profiles available. I looked at a LOT of reviews of different portable projectors and was really concerned about the sorts of color distortions that were possible, so I’m feeling relieved on that front.
Operating the M2e is simple, with a friendly user interface, and economical/intuitive remote. Keystone problems can be tackled via Auto mode or with a 4-Corner mode that will really help me deal with the weird surfaces and spaces I tend to use. This level of adjustability was a big reason for my purchase, and I am legitimately impressed with the ease of use and results. There are a few ways to get your images through the projector: USB C, USB A, and HDMI. But that brings me to the CAVEAT: I was honestly shocked that you apparently can’t loop video when playing off of a storage device. This is obviously something an artist or retailer, etc. would need and I’m baffled as to why it’s not there (especially when it’s an option for music playback). Thankfully, although I’d never suspected such a glaring flaw would exist, I often overthink things and had happened to have purchased a separate media player (Micca mplay mini) which does allow that function. Alternately, I’m guessing laptop users can loop from whatever player app they’re using. But you can’t just plug a thumb drive in and walk away. Weird design decision that mars an otherwise nifty piece of gear. (One other irritation is that there are zero physical controls on the device itself. Lose remote and that’s it.)
Specs-wise and considering my limited use so far, I think this is the best possible portable projector for the specific demands of a traveling artist. But make sure you have your playback needs covered!
Its not a bad projector the problem is with the pricing . . .
There are same or even better projectors for the same price or even cheaper
Yes this is more modern and small but what more important is the picture quality
And that is not that good for the price
In bright light its barely visible
And at night the colours are not the best
Especially people skins
Also for gaming ita almost useless
And im not really sure but this one what i got was refocusing randomly in a bright light sometimes when i had a bigger size of picture
And had a burning smell but wasnt hot at all so i dont get it
Anyway its not worth the price!!!
Maybe around 400 its a good projector
So i sent it back
Here are all the pros of this projector IMO:
Build quality,
Quality of the picture and colors,
Many connectivity options,
Ability to use a power pack for portable use,
Nice carrycase,
3 year warranty,
3D capable,
Supports 4K,
Short throw lens,
Decent Lumens for a portable projector, Can display a nice image in partly lit rooms,
Harman Kardon speakers are more than OK for portable use,
Being portable and lightweight it can be carried everywhere easily,
Auto Focus is a big plus for portable use and works great every time,
Auto Vertical Keystone works great and very convenient,
Horizontal Keystone adjustment allows for angled positioning of the projector which is a great convenience. I personally have not experienced any drop in frame rate when Horizontal Keystone or Corner Adjustments are used with firmware v1.0,
USB-C connection works great for screen mirroring. I was also able to get “Chrome Home” and “Viewsonic vCastSender” work perfectly on my smartphone for Wireless Casting. No need to purchase a Chromecast device.
Bluetooth connection works great with BT speakers/headphones.
The default Aptoid TV (v3.2.5) is old and needs to be replaced with a newer version (5.1.2) and can be done easily. You will then get lot more app choices to download,
The remote is not backlit,
vRemote smartphone App is too limited in scope, should have at least all the features found on the physical remote control as the projector does not have input buttons on the box and if the remote control is lost or broken vRemote is your only option until you get a replacement remote.
No Dolby/DTS output from the projector, only stereo,
Voice control works but I usually find using the traditional methods of input faster and more convenient.
No zoom function. You have to move the projector fore and aft to fit the image to your screen properly. Not a big problem with fixed projector installations but inconvenient for portable use which requires you to move the device quite frequently.
Tips for usage:
For wireless casting or playing media from a home media server always use WIFI 5Ghz for stutter free, reliable streaming. 2.4Ghz band is too crowded and subject to interference from neighboring routers. I can stream 1080p, high bandwidth video from my server with no problem when I connect the projector to 5Ghz band.
You can further enhance the sound from the projector by using blue tooth sound bar/speakers with a subwoofer,
You can also be discreet in your listening by using blue tooth headphones,
Overall this is a great little native 1080p projector if portability is important to you. There are much cheaper brands out there around $250-300 Canadian, but none of these manufacturers has the history, experience and quality ViewSonic has in display devices. They also offer a 3 year limited warranty and if/when you need it, you know the manufacturer will be here to honor it. That, plus the design and portability of this projector is enough for me to accept the premium price over the many “me too” brands that offer deals that seems “to good to be true”.
UPDATE (March 24, 2022 )
After nearly a year of ownership, I can say that I am generally happy with the performance of the projector with some caveats:
– The software still needs to be improved. I have the latest update but still have some crashes (OS and Apps) from time to time. Also the update took a long time to install and had to restart the whole procedure once because of a freeze.
– The WIFI/BT dongle stopped working after less than a year and occasional use. The projector does no longer recognize the dongle. It’s a shame that Viewsonic used such a cheap dongle from an obscure manufacturer. Definitely needs improvement in this area. I contacted Viewsonic support and expect to get a replacement. I will update the review once the claims is settled, but I remove one Star from my rating due to the software and dongle problems.
UPDATE (July 2022)
Been a while since I’ve got my WIFI/BT replacement dongle and the customer support from Viewsonic was quick and professional as i expected.
Bought this for my motorhome to watch from the phone whilst away. Currently we connect wirelessly to an LG project but that is broken so bought this as a replacement, BUT once we connected we tried to stream Netflix and it only streamed the sound. I’m guessing it is some protection software or something, but it seems silly as if I connect via a wire to the HDMI socket it would work fine (not tested as I want wireless). Anyway, returned it as it is not what we wanted. That being said, it was really bright, easily bright enough to watch in daylight, and the auto focus and auto keystone was brilliant. Shame, but hey ho 😉
Very compact and a great portable projector. Easy to set up and connect to other tech. Good picture.
Most intriguing is the 4k and HDR issue. I use a Roku stick and all I can say is that the 4/8k you tube videos look downright astounding and the (apparently HDR-enabled) colours are significantly more vivid with the output from the M2/Roku compared to same from my PS4. The M2 comes loaded with picture settings you can fiddle with but the settings are so good out of the box – I use the ‘TV’ setting and have never felt the slightest need to alter it – plus it has a Frame Interpolation setting (remarkable at this price point!) which lets you smooth out juddery motion if that’s a problem for you. I use that setting on some of the 4k drone videos on You Tube and it works fine. I also want to point out that the M2 is flawless at locking onto the frame rate and Hz of whatever you feed into it. Some projectors can’t do this so you get juddery playback but watching panning shots on various movies I can see significant improvements in fluidity and general smoothness. I don’t want to go on too long (lol) but IMO this is a phenomenal piece of kit and if you can pick it up for the just under 600 I paid for it then I highly recommend it. And if you’re looking to step up from the under 200 budget projectors the M2 really should be your next stop. Trust me, this is a great projector for the money!
easy to use, great picture quality, brilliant colours. very decent.
dit: update March 2021. An automatic update to the operating system was rolled out aspect ratio issues mentioned above are now completely fixed! Thanks to ViewSonic tech support!
All I can say is “wow”
I would highly recommend the view sonic m2. It says in the description it can handle a 100inch projection. But my picture with mario kart is 120inch and the projection is still so crisp and clear. It would go even bigger but I cant get the m2 any further back. The price is abit steep but I think it’s worth it.
Die Bildqualitt hat mich positiv berrascht, inkl. HDR Support etc. Die 1200 Lumen sind ja die Viewsonic typischen “LED-Lumen” – Nativ sind es wohl 500 ANSI-Lumen. Viewsonic argumentiert hier mit den intensiveren Farben von LEDs und dem damit verbundenen Eindruck von mehr Helligkeit im Vergleich zum Klassischen Beamer. Das nehm ich dem Beamer durchaus auch so ab, ob es jetzt “gefhlte 1200 Lumen” sind oder was immer das Marketing da behauptet – keine Ahnung… Das Bild ist gut und der Raum muss nicht komplett abgedunkelt sein, ist aber weit entfernt von Tageslichttauglichkeit. Das kann man von dem aber auch nicht erwarten.
Der integrierte Lautsprecher ist erstaunlich gut, damit kann man schon mal nen Kinoabend bestreiten. Klar ist das kein High-End Sound mit Subwoofer, aber was integrierte Boxen angeht kann man nicht meckern.
Hier kommt der erste Kritikpunkt – Es luft zwar letztlich ne Art Android, aber es ist uralt, ohne Google Store und nicht gerade mit vielen Apps gesegnet. Es ist wohl ein Quadcore verbaut und man kann manuell Android Apps per APK installieren (KODI Mediacenter oder VLC Player z.B.), aber wirklich performant ist das nicht immer und dann dreht der Lfter ggf. auch noch mehr auf (Tipp: Der USB-Anschluss erkennt Keyboards problemlos, ist besser fr Download per Chrome…). Zumindest Netflix und Prime Video gibt es – aber wenn bei Netflix im Store schon anzeigt wird: “Erfordert Maus” erzeugt das nicht gerade Vertrauen 😀
Die Grundfunktionen funktionieren aber gut, also Bluetooth Verbindung zu Boxen, Automatische Trapezkorrektur, Autofokus usw. Bildschirmspiegelung z.B. vom iPhone funktioniert grundstzlich, zickt aber bei den Streaming Apps (vermute mal die aktuellen DRM Standards werden nicht support von der Uralt Software..), Youtube funktioniert.
ACHTUNG: Abraten wrde ich von der Option der 4-Punkte Korrektur, um das Bild exakt an die Leinwand anzupassen. Das lsst sich zwar wunderbar einstellen – auch fr ein leicht schrges Bild, allerdings scheint der Prozessor damit ganz schn zu kmpfen, d.h. das Bild kann anfangen zu ruckeln (hab ich zumindest am HDMI-Anschluss gemerkt) – nach dem Umschalten auf die klassische automatische Trapezkorrektur ging es wieder…
Ich hab ein FireTV am HDMI, der ber den integrierten USB-Port auch gleich mit Strom versorgt wird. Das funktioniert gut, auch wenn ich HDR mitunter manuell aktivieren muss und es nicht automatisch erkannt wird.
Schn ist, dass der Beamer sich per USB-C mit Strom versorgen lsst, also auch unterwegs per PowerBank mit Power-Delivery Support.
rgerlich finde ich, dass der microSD Steckplatz immer noch keine microSDXC Karten untersttzt, d.h. bei einer 32GB microSDHC Karte ist Schluss. Eine 200 GB Karte wird nicht erkannt. Schade, dass sich da seit dem Viewsonic X10-4K nichts gendert hat.
Mobiler Einsatz:
Hier bleiben eigentlich keine Wnsche offen – man kann den Beamer mobil mit Strom versorgen per PowerBank, hat verschiedenste Optionen zur Hheneinstellung (3 schraubbare Gummife, einen frei Einstellbaren Halterbgel und auch ein klassisches Stativgewinde) und eine Tasche ist im Lieferumfang dabei.
Wer ohnehin den HDMI Anschluss als Quelle nutzt bekommt einen kompakten, mobilen und leisen Beamer mit klasse Bild und Ton.
Wer mageblich die interne Software und die entsprechenden Apps nutzen will – “Das ist nicht der Beamer, den Du suchst” Dann eher zustzlich noch mal n paar Euro investieren fr nen FireTV Stick
So happy with this! Picture is so good! Love the auto focus feature! Built in speaker isn’t great but ticks all other boxes
Great projector. Compact size and bright projector easy to connect to external speakers via Bluetooth.
Used during lockdown for outside movie nights south portable screen.
Most importantly the projector itself is quiet, I would say 20db which you can’t really notice.
Nice case, portable. Bought a Yoobao 26800 mAh 45w power bank works perfect with it. We enjoy it nightly, i love it, but to be fair I gotta tell you the cons so you know what your getting.
-the remote feels like sometimes you need to push it more than once but it could be lag, or has to be perfectly aimed, not sure yet but it lacks compared to other remotes, especially considering the year it came out.
– smart apps are lame considering a mouse is required, again pointing to the lame remote that should be able to move the cursor in netflix. Roku made this a non issue. Seriously viewsonic, this is weak considering smart tvs been around a while.
– the fps seems to be less than 30, sometimes 10 when watching via roku. I’m tech savvy and have yet to find the perfect settings to fix this. Could be the 4 corner adjustment causing it to lag.
– 4 corner adjustment, hmm, glad it has it, but it shouldn’t have to. The auto keystone works good ONLY if its perfectly level, and your screen is perfectly level (like a blank wall with extra room to spare) however soon as you put it on a limit size (like a pull down screen) where the edges need to be perfectly lined up, you’ll need to use the 4 corner adjustment to line it up, which overrides the auto keystone and then seems to lag and slow down the frames per second.
– all of these point me to belive it has a weak processor that can only handle so much. At first I thought it might be my roku sick but roku stick works fine on all my other TV’s and is a higher end 4k stick. We have very fast internet so i don’t feel like it was a connection issue.
– HDR says it has it, even shows in the options, but says off and grayed out, even thought roku supports hdr it doesn’t seem to want to turn on in the m2. No other settings to turn it on, maybe it will get a firmware patch someday. Not sure it needs it, it’s already rich in color and contrast. But just knowing it should…
Summary- still glad I spent extra for the HD and lumens, I can live with the issues or work around them.
I have purchased 4 projectors in the last 6 weeks, trying to find the best one for my small home theater setup.
This is by far THE BEST one, full led, virtually SILENT, the speakers are very very good, the interface is extrenely responsive and the build quality is astonishing.
Really perfect product.
UPDATE JUNE 29th, 2020
So now we have tried the projector several times.
1. Photos: I Included one at sunset to show that image is amazing with the sun not fully gone. A second photo to show our set up using apple TV. The video clip shows movie in darkness, with all my accent cafe light and tree spot lighting on behind us and did not effect the image. This was good so you have some light to walk around the yard and be able to see and not trip.
2. Speaker: YES, YES, YES YES… it connects to SONOS!!!!!! We were able to finally get it connected vie APPLE TV. We bought the new Sono speaker that has been sold out and it has AMAZING sound…. SO HAPPY!!!!
3. Customer phone service: Positive, they pick up phone calls fast and try to help. Negative, they really cannot help you trouble shoot anything and are not familiar with products enough to help. To their defense this is during Covid, when company’s may not have normal staff working.
4. The 2.5 hours of cordless viewing…is for the other model, NOT the M2. Because the listing has many models I miss read. Bummed out, but was not a deal breaker as I found that I can use the C PORT to plug projector into a POWER BANK ( has to be Min 45W or the port will not work).
We LOVE IT! I spent hours researching and made a list for OUTDOOR movie theater. There were a lot of reviews online for the M1 but that model is so different that M2. This is why I had to leave a review as there are not that many and based on customer purchase videos found online it looks like it has been more popular outside if USA. I took that as a good sign as I worked for a European company for 20yrs and was amazed how in last 10 years they seem to be more advance / tech savvy customers.
1. Picture amazing, I was worried because a lot of web site say for outdoors you need min 2,200 Lumens.
2. Sound, not bad. Will be connecting speaker via cable, until we can research more the Bluetooth situation. From all the research I know a lot of projectors are struggling with offering Bluetooth feature. I hope we can figure out how to connect to SONOS!
3. WIFI all good, we used apple TV with this projector.
4. Looks AMAZING, I really did not want to get a big and clunky looking projector. I had back up Epson and BenQ in this price range in case this one did not work. This one is slick and looks so good with out home decor. I was worried that at 100″ + size image would loose quality, but did not. Looks great.
5. The 2.5 hours of cordless viewing was key. Have not tried this out, but this is another reason I chose this. I want to be able to move it around the house if needed and especially for CAMPING or California blackouts were are stuck with not electricity.
I will add photos as soon as my projector screen is up end of this month.
PS. There is one consumer video online, were he plugs the Viewsonic WIFI stick to the back, That is possible, but get in the way of adjusting projector. Thanks to watching another video in a language I do not speak ( picture speaks a thousand words) I say they hooked it right in the same place compartment it comes in. The instructions book makes it a bit confusing.
PSS. I wish they did not clump all these Viewsonic product in one Amazon listing, as I had to go through all 30 pages to find the 3 reviews on this model.
Let me first start by saying I love piko projectors and have purchased several over the years. The technology has constantly surprised me since the day I first got one. When I found the view sonic m1 projector (older model) a few years back I instantly fell in love. However it was lacking in picture quality and brightness. The focus wheel would get loose over time and my remote snapped from repetitive use due to its thin frame.
Here’s a simplified list of my thoughts on this projector.
* True 1920 x 1080p resolution. It’s so clear it almost feels like 4K due to the lack of a pixel border.
* Bright 1200 lumens is enough to cast clearly in a dark room with indirect sunlight. At nighttime the image is so bright, the screen glows the surrounding walls as a normal monitor or tv would.
* The speakers are good, but of course they are not studio grade. The base is non existent but it can get loud with out distorting. I’d say they are better then a iPhone but not as good as a Bose speaker.
* noise is perfect. The unit is so quiet and I mean quiet. It virtually is silent compared to my laptop or a console.
* the menus are well designed and navigation is a treat.
* the auto focus feature is perfect. The remote also has a refocus button.
* key store adjust is also great. It had horizontal and vertical adjustment. You can also edit the four corners of the screen to stretch it perfectly, but keep in mind this will cause a small time delay as the projector processes and distorts the image.
* the remote is small but dense and feels very high quality. The buttons are clicky not mushy and don’t have a rubber Finish but a matte finish
* Connecting to WiFi allows you to use your phone to broadcast. I found this a useful feature but I already have a chrome cast and a Apple TV. I did not notice that much lag.
* sturdy build quality and stand to prop it up correctly at any angle.
Honestly there are not many.
* The price. At 700$ (tax) it’s a pritty big pill to swallow at first. However you fully get what you pay for.
* Video ghosting. It’s not a huge issue but while playing certain games I noticed a small blur outline around moving objects. It’s hardly noticeable in movies but in video games it’s detectable but not distracting.
* key stone correction ( corner distorting) causes the projector to lag at 0.1 seconds or so. It’s to a point where you can notice it while gaming. This is a easy fix luckily, just don’t use the setting to stretch the edges.
* no portable battery. Unlike most piko projectors this model does not have a battery. It makes sense because it’s a new breed of piko projectors that is more designed for a home theater. I’ve read it can be powered by a backup battery but I haven’t verified that personally.
* micro sd card slot can’t read 64 gb cards or higher
* the onboard media center software is basically bootleg Asian bloatware. It’s not a showcases feature but it’s worth noting.
Final thoughts. For the price I can’t imagine a better projector. For my room my projector has become a daily use item. If your in the market for a projector like the m1 projector but want quality over mobility and afford it, be sure to pick this up! There are many many bad projectors out there that lie about the specks or sacrifice quality. Hope this review helped!!