WYNEX Tactical Phone Pouch Molle, Smartphone Holster Bag EDC

WYNEX Tactical Phone Pouch Molle, Smartphone Holster Bag EDC Utility Cellphone Lock Card Holder Organizer Fit for Waist Belt Case Include Tactical Gear Clip

Can be hung on your belt.
Can be attached on your shoulder strap.
Compatible with PLAS and Molle System.
Manufacture: | WYNEX |
Seems sturdy, well padded, with extra loops on the outside for hanging keys etc.
Preso per il lavoro, perfetto sia in robustezza che in resistenza all’acqua. Leggewrmente ingombrante ma d’altronde offre molto spazio per riporre anche un secondo cellulare/penne/piccoli attrezzi sia che biglietti da visita.
Bought for my hubby who keeps leaving his phone lying around – he found it handy though it will take a bit of getting used to when attached to his jeans and he sits dow
Just like it said in the item description when I ordered the first one. The image does not give the product justice. Well happy with the purchase. Highly recommended to anyone looking to buy one.
Content de mon achat. Me permet de placer 2 tlphones l intrieur. Ils sont bien protgs. En plus on peut placer diffrentes cartes (crdit ou autre ). Trs pratique je recommande
Deuxime exemplaire de cet article que j’achte (le premier en noir, celui-ci en kaki. Excellent produit, dimensions parfaites. Intrieur trs doux, protgeant bien le smartphone. Cet article rsiste bien aux preuves de la vie quotidienne et des vacances actives.
Pochette molle trs pratique, facile installer sur un gilet tactique. Idal pour 2 tlphones, cartes format CB.
Does what it says on the tin. A great pouch
Aunque la forma no es muy moderna, sus prestaciones si, es un pouch muy prctico
Would of given five stars but when I have my personal and work mobile in the pack the cover doesn’t cover all the card holding slots meaning if you put cards in those lower slots they are on show for the whole world to see, also could of done with Velcro on the cover so you don’t have to shut and open the buckle every time, but apart from that it’s a good pack with good quality
Egal ob man die Tasche an der Hose am Grte oder an der Molleweste trgt. Sie ist ein super Alltagsbegleiter. Es ist Platz fr den Iclip, die Ezigarette, eine Brille, Ersatzakkus etc.das Handy kann in der Auentasche transportiert werden. I-Phone xR passt mit Hlle rei
Nice but a bit more care could have been taken with the stitching.