2023 Newest CARPURIDE 9 Inch Touchscreen Wireless Apple

2023 Newest CARPURIDE 9 Inch Touchscreen Wireless Apple Carplay Android Auto Portable Car Radio Receiver Mp5 Player with Mirror Link/GPS/Siri/Google/FM,Dashboard Mounted Car Stereo
Make Every Drive More Enjoyable

Wirelessly Android Auto & Wired Autolink
- Android Auto: Android Auto can for wirelessly/Wired connection.
- Android Autolink: Android Autolink Wired Connection ONLY. Use the high-quality data cable to connect to the USB port of our car stereo, and install the projection APP “AutoLink Pro” according to the phone prompts.
Bluetooth enabled for wireless hands-free calling
Is there a paid software upgrade?
Is’nt paid. The software is constantly optimized and upgraded, we could send you new free upgrade software. (Please send us your order number and version number)
How to customize the boot LOGO screen?
It is FREE. Send us the picture and the item vesion number (find in setting).
What should I do if I receive a broken product or accessory?
If problem about cables, cigarette lighters, brackets, etc., please tell us, we can send you new replacements. In addition, the product provides 1 month free returns and 2 year repair.
What should I do if cannot connect to mirroring or other functions?
This product is a complex functional product, which may be used incorrectly, resulting in failure to connect. You can tell us for help
Dimensions: | 24.4 x 15.9 x 10.9 cm; 980 Grams |
Model: | 901-black |
Manufacture: | Carpuride |
Dimensions: | 24.4 x 15.9 x 10.9 cm; 980 Grams |
Origin: | China |
So far so good with the screen. I have been using this on wireless CarPlay mode and have had no issues. I use aux cable for audio and there is no there also.
Great product screen size is great for Maps and Mirroring your phone.
I have an old car, and I’ve been wanting a new system that supports Apple CarPlay for quite some time. But they are all pretty expensive, plus you have to pay to have it installed. This is the solution! It has several mounting options, so I was able to find one that worked for me. It has all of the inputs/outputs needed – I can even set up a backup camera and add separate microphone (although the unit seems to have a fine mic without the need for another one).
The display is beautiful, the touchscreen works very well. I’m very happy with this device!
> Update: Als ich eben zum Fahrzeug kam, lag das komplette Teil samt Halterung im Innenraum. Der Saugnapf hatte sich einfach mal von der Scheibe gelst, deshalb erstmal einen Stern Abzug. Sollte das die Tage nochmal passieren, werde ich wohl retournieren.
Die Halterung ist etwas minderwertig aus klapprigem Plastik, und kann mit den technischen Vorzgen des Gertes leider nicht mithalten.
Eben eingebaut, passt sehr gut ins Interieur meiner B-Klasse.
Bisher bin ich zufrieden, alle beworbenen Features funktionieren soweit gut.
Verbindung mit dem iPhone 14 pro schnell und problemlos.
Eine Verbindung per AUX-Kabel ist zu empfehlen, da die verbauten Lautsprecher nicht gut klingen.
Beim telefonieren scheppert es nur, und man kann kein Wort verstehen. Das liegt aber sicher nur an einer falschen Einstellung meinerseits, da ich mich noch nicht so intensiv damit beschftigt habe.
Der Touchscreen ist ok, aber eben nicht mit einem Handy zu vergleichen.
Vor allem beim navigieren eine echte Bereicherung mit dem groen Monitor.
Auch Apple und Amazon Music, sowie Apple Karten und Google Maps verfgbar.
Gegenber den beiden kleineren Modellen auf jeden Fall besser, schon wegen dem Widescreen-Format.
* Night map mode isn’t automatically switched on in Android Auto. Already reported it and they replied it’s a compatibility issue. Still I can enable it in settings but have to go all the way enabling it every time I start the engine.
* If you shut your engine, say at a railway crossing, and the start the engine back, it will shut down because the car turns off auxiliary power during engine start. Then it takes some time to restart and connect. Perhaps a small built-in accumulator will be enough to survive engine start without a shutdown.
* Slow reaction to scrolling gestures, etc. Might be an Android Auto issue though.
* Not so many good installation options. The fixed holder doesn’t have a telescopic leg, so it will be likely to deep to touch it while driving. The suction cap has a telescopic leg but it is quite wobbling itself.
* No good way to hide wires. Maybe allowing them to go thru the holder would be better.
* Wired connectors on left and microphone on right, why not the opposite? Looks like it was made for a right hand cars.
I don’t have anywhere to place this in my car unfortunately so I don’t use it everyday but I do use it whenever I need a satnav as its 100x better than my cars own one. I found it really easy to set up and connec
Ho acquistato questo prodotto per la mia moto: invece di pagare fior di quattrini per un navigatore originale “vecchio stile” ho voluto provare questo e devo dire che vale ogni euro: ha davvero tante funzioni e tutte funzionano bene e sono semplici da usare.
Partiamo da CarPlay, la funzione che uso di pi: il collegamento iniziale si fa seguendo le istruzioni a display, molto semplici, basta collegarsi al device bluetooth che indica sullo schermo e dare il permesso a CarPlay dall’iPhone e siamo connessi. Dalle volte successive il collegamento automatico all’accensione e non mi ha mai dato problemi.
Per l’audio, sia per CarPlay che per tutte le altre funzioni, si pu usare l’altoparlante integrato, che fa il suo dovere per quello che ma non un gran che, oppure una connessione AUX 3,5mm o Bluetooth. Io, dato che lo uso in moto, l’ho collegato al mio interfono bluetooth e funziona benissimo, quindi immagino che non ci siano problemi nemmeno con un’autoradio bluetooth.
Si pu collegare una telecamera per la retromarcia, non inclusa nella confezione, cosa che non ho fatto e quindi non posso recensire, ma la possibilit c’.
L’alimentazione fornita da una USB-C che si pu usare con l’alimentatore accendisigari in dotazione, che uso regolarmente e non da nessun problema, oppure con un alimentatore USB. L’unica cosa di cui accertarsi che supporti l’USB PD(Power Delivery), perch il display richiede 5V a 3A, e non tutti gli alimentatori hanno questo amperaggio.
C’ anche un microfono integrato, inutile per la moto, potrebbe essere utile in auto se non collegati al bluetooth della macchina, e un sensore di luminosit che fa un ottimo lavoro quando, ad esempio, si entra in una galleria.
Se non si vuole collegare il cellulare ha anche un ingresso USB A per le chiavette con file musicali o video(non andrebbe usato per vedere video in movimento ma mi sembra di capire che non ci sia nessun meccanismo che lo impedisce), e un ingresso microSD per lo stesso scopo.
Tutto sommato per l’uso che ne faccio(CarPlay per mappe, telefonate e controllo della musica), devo dire che non ho mai avuto nessun problema e anzi, ho contattato l’assistenza per farmi fare lo splash screen di avvio personalizzato e me l’hanno mandato insieme a istruzioni dettagliate su come fare a installarlo.
L’unica pecca, se proprio gliene vogliamo trovare una, che il display non ha una luminosit estrema e quindi in condizioni difficili potrebbe essere pi difficile da vedere.
We had a problem with the bracket but it was promptly replaced by suppo
Fahrzeug-Navis habe ich nie benutzt, ich war seit Anfang an von den dynamischen Routen bei Google-Maps mehr berzeugt. Carplay ging bei mir auch immer problemlos, Navi brauchte/wollte ich auch gar nicht, Mobil spiegeln und gut ist.
Dann die Abholung und der Schock: 2023 gibt es noch Autos mit nur einem … Radio??
Nach dem Schock kam die freundliche Bitte, das sofort auszubauen und gegen ein normales zu ersetzten. Denn selbst im Internet hatte ich kein einziges Bild bei diesem Fahrzeugmodell gesehen, dass ein einfaches Radio eingebaut hatte! Dann der zweite Schock: Die eigenbe Werkstatt macht/kann das nicht. Das ist zu aufwndig und kompliziert und “muss” ab Werk gemacht werden. Gehts noch??
Auch Autohifi-Spezialisten scheuten wohl diesen Umbau weil zeitaufwndig und dadurch kostenintensiv. Und das neue passende Gert wrde auch nochmal ein kleines Vermgen kosten, alles unverhltnismig.
Okey…also PlanB: Eigene Recherche und los. Nach mehreren Stunden und einigen Videos von Schraubern spter dann die Erkenntnis, dass der Hersteller seine eigenen Mechaniker/Mechatroniker hassen muss, um solch eine Konstruktion zu machen.
Aber das Gute an diesem Radio ist der halbwegs moderne Funkstandard! Das ermglicht die zuverlssige Auswahl und Priorisierung von Quellen! Und jetzt endlich kommt das Zusatzgert ins Spiel: Erst hatte ich die ganz groe Version, aber das war mir persnlich whrend der Fahrt dann doch deutlich zu gro. Zum Glck gab es das auch In einer fr mich idealen Gre und wurde ber dem vorhanden Radio befestigt. Mittels 3M Kraftklett sitzt es zuverlssig an seinem Platz.
Es geht mit Anschalten der Zndung an und nach ca. 20 Sekunden verbindet es sich automatisch mit meinem Handy. So, wie vorher beim anderen Fahrzeug auch. Einfach, dauerhaft, fehlerfrei. Apple sei Dank! Und das per wireless Link, ich muss mein Phone noch nicht einmal aus der Tasche nehmen.
Die Verbindung vom Mobile zum Bildschirm ist prima und strungsfrei und der Bildschirm zeigt alles sehr gut an und lsst sich problemlos bedienen.
Fr mich die ideale Lsung inzwischen, weil ich so im Radio Uhrzeit, Temperatur und Datum die ganze Zeit angezeigt und im Blick habe und der darberliegende Bildschirm mir alle anderen Informationen dank Carplay liefert. Mehr wollte ich nicht, aber viel mehr kann das Gert wohl noch – dazu kann ich aber keine Aussage treffen. Aber so glatt, wie das bei mir luft, knnte es auch mit Android laufen. Das werde ich aber nie erfahren denn genau Android Auto hat mich aufgrund der ganzen Probleme frher zu Apple gebracht: Im neuen Kleinwagen meiner Tochter wollte ich mit ihr damals die Verbindung einrichten, doch sie hat einfach nur das Kabel ins iPhone gesteckt und es ging sofort! Und genau so ein Aha-Erlebnis hatte ich jetzt auch bei diesem Gert: Einstecken, besttigen, fertig.
Danke Carpuride!
I requisiti che cercavo erano:
-dotare la macchina di CarPlay per usufruire facilmente dell’infotraffic RealTime (quello nativo della macchina non real-time) e per navigare meglio nelle playlist musicali e mi podcast
-mantenere un aspetto ‘pulito’ in macchina, senza, o quasi, cavi
-schermo grande e ben leggibile (sono astigmatico e presbite)
-non peggiorare l’ottima qualit audio della vettura
-alimentazione USB type C (per usare un alimentatore accendisigari standard e non specifico)
-attacco posteriore di tipo standard che mi permette di trovare in futuro piedistalli o clip differenti.
La scelta ricaduta su un display ultra large come il Carpuride W103.
Il dispositivo ha davvero un bello schermo. Nella descrizione riportato ‘IPS 2.5D’ e sembrava intendessero che fosse leggermente curvo, ma non questo il caso.
Io l’ho appoggiato al posto del display dell’infotaiment originale e devo dire che bellissimo. A parte il fatto che non riesco a fissarlo in modo stabile, mi rende inutilizzabile la fruizione del sistema originale, per cui ho optato di appoggiarlo davanti al cambio. In entrambi i casi il risultato molto piacevole; ho tralasciato per ora l’ancoraggio al vetro.
Per me la soluzione ideale sarebbe trovare un sistema basculante davanti al visore originale.
Vediamo invece la parte di connettivit audio.
Le possibilit sono:
-cavo aux (io l’ho evitato per ridurre i cavi in giro per la macchina) e mi sembravano un ritorno al passato
-altoparlante integrato; audio nulla a che vedere con quello della macchina e decisamente scarso
-trasmissione FM: qui cominciamo a ragionare, ma i disturbi sono evidenti e mortificano il car stereo
-trasmissione Bluetooth: qui purtroppo c’ incompatibilit e il Carpuride non trova il BT della BMW (mi risulta che anche Aud abbia la stessa incompatibilit)
Ho trovato una quinta soluzione che risolve egregiamente.
Se si configura il tutto con una variante rispetto alle istruzioni si ottiene:
Il telefono trasmette in streaming
-Musica al car stereo
-telefonate (compreso microfono)
-una parte della voce di Siri (es lettura dei messaggi)
Carpuride riproduce messaggi Siri comprese indicazioni stradali
Ovviamente la riproduzione musicale/podcast o altro si interrompe quando CarPlay commuta su Siri.
Comandi al volante
Dal volante posso passare al brano successivo o precedente, mantenendo l’usabilita a cui ero abituato. Questa possibilit non dovuta al Carpuride ma al telefono che continua ad essere in comunicazione con il car stereo.
L’avvio automatico e istantaneo, tuttavia dopo aver provato il mirroring con AirPlay del display, la commutazione su CarPlay non sempre cos super automatica e talvolta deve essere richiamata.
La plastica discreta, vediamo se resiste al caldo come quello dell’estate scorsa. Suggerisco di rivedere il contenitore e farlo pi sfizioso e sviluppare ulteriori clip per l’installazione in auto.
Il display abbastanza reattivo, migliore di quello della Toyota CH-R via cavo.
Il software funziona bene, di fatto serve solo per la configurazione del telefono, ma potrebbe essere fatto meglio. Suggerir qualche modifica
Ich betreibe es mit einem iPhone 13pro.
Meine bisherigen Erfahrungen damit:
Verbindung zwischen dem Carpuride und iPhone einwandfrei per BT und Kabel
Gestochen scharfes Display, Darstellung der Karte ohne Verzgerungen bei google Maps
Die Tonqualitt bei Musikwiedergabe per FM ist schlechter als mieserabel, das kann man komplett vergessen
Die Tonqualitt bei Musikwiedergabe per Kabel ist auch mieserabel.
Der Equalizer ist lediglich schn anzusehen, Klang bekommt man damit berhaupt nicht hin.
Das Gert ansich funktioniert tadellos, die Tonwiedergabe ist aber so extrem schlecht, dass ich mir berlege, es nur aus diesem Grund wieder zurckzugeben.
Verbinde ich Carpuride nur mit dem Lightning- Kabel mit dem iPhone, kann ich mein Handy wie bisher direkt mit dem Auto per BT verbinden. Audio-Wiedergabe ist dann perfek
Installing the carplay is relatively simple. In our experience it works best with the included dashboard mount rather than using the suction cup to fix it to your windscreen. With the dashboard mount bracket, the mount (and therefore the carplay screen) is firmly affixed to the car dashboard, whereas with the windscreen mount (which we tried out first), it kind of hangs there and whilst driving can wobble around due to the motion of the car.
The carplay is powered via the12V cigarette lighter inlet in your car, therefore you need to bear this in mind when installing it, as there will be a power lead running from the carplay down to the 12V socket.
Connecting the carplay to your phone is an absolute doddle. This is just done via your phone settings and once connected I found everything pretty self-explanatory for how it all works. Furthermore, the screen mirroring is great, allowing you to quickly and easily put on something for the kids to watch or whatever with zero fuss or bother.
To connect to my partner’s car stereo and speakers we used the included 3.5mm AUX connection, rather than attempting the wireless connection functionality. This proved incredibly simple, and as soon as it was plugged in her Renault recognised the device straight away and allowed the audio to play through the internal speakers within the car.
The radio functionality is excellent. The screen and general setup are incredibly easy to use, and the sound quality is spot on. Similarly, the GPS Navigation works seamlessly with Google Maps to provide you with excellent on-screen SatNav. In fact, this is probably better than the built-in SatNav I have with my Hyundai Tuscon.
The overall quality, look and feel of the Carplay is far beyond my expectations. The screen is smooth, polished and very receptive to touchscreen use. The picture quality is also far beyond what I 0065pected. When watching videos/movies on the screen, the picture quality is easily akin to that of a tablet such as an iPad. Again, seriously impressive.
For it’s ease of setup, the quality of the build and the screen display, and the flexibility with installation and the Apps on the device, I’m seriously struggling to find fault with it. I guess for older cars than the ours there may be issues with the integration / sound quality through the speakers. However, for us we found this all to be easy and excellent. Recommended.
My husband uses this in his car for longer trips and its great. The music function isn’t ideal as the speakers on the monitor aren’t the best. We’ve connected it to the car stereo via aux cable to resolve this though.
The screen is bright and responsive, it’s ideal for using maps on longer journeys.
This however did not support connection to older, midrange samsung phones so be aware of this hefore purchasing
L’ho installato su di una Renault Clio del 2007: l’auto non aveva un ingresso AUX, quindi ho dovuto comprare un cavo apposito per la Clio da collegare all’unit audio dell’auto per “attivare” l’ingresso AUX.
Si accende molto velocemente, e a quanto ho capito si pu pure personalizzare la schermata di inizio (io non l’ho fatto ancora).
CarPlay si accende automaticamente, e l’iPhone collegato senza fili “replicato” sullo schermo senza alcuna interazione o azione necessaria.
L’interfaccia quella nativa di CarPlay e molte applicazioni sono disponibili. Whatsapp non apre la lista dei messaggi, ma li legge al loro arrivo e permette di rispondere a voce.
Siri si attiva con apposito comando vocale, oppure tenendo premuto l’icona in basso a sinistra. Siri funziona, ma a me sembra sia impostato per funzionare solo se si completa la frase senza pause dopo aver detto Hey Siri. Poco male, perch fa tutto quello che gli si chiede.
Ho usato il vivavoce, e chi dall’altra parte sostiene si senta molto bene. Immagino prenda la voce dal microfono in basso a sinistra della parte frontale. Pensavo la voce di chi dall’altro lato potesse creare eco riprodotta tramite AUX invece non sembra il caso.
Le applicazioni funzionano tutte bene, incluso Apple e Google Maps, ma anche Spotify, TuneIn e altre.
Occorre secondo me impostare anche correttamente le impostazioni del dispositivo nelle impostazioni quelle fuori da CarPlay, ad esempio disattivando il suo speaker interno, che utile davvero solo per le indicazioni stradali.
I supporti che vengono forniti sono OK per fissarlo da qualche parte, ma forse sarebbe stato pi utile avere qualche soluzione per le bocchette dell’aria oppure ad esempio usando la ormai inutilizzata porta CD.
La replicazione schermo funziona via AirPlay, anche wireless, anche se immagino che non permetter di vedere contenuti “protetti”, e forse meglio cos per la sicurezza. Magari con Android pi permissivo il sistema.
A me non arrivata la videocamera posteriore, e penso che sarebbe un gradito upgrade, in ogni caso c’ l’ingresso per la stessa, quindi penso basti comprarne una che sia compatibile.
Anche per motivi di sicurezza, meglio far passare bene i cavi in modo che non intralcino la guida, e magari pensare ad una modifica che permetta di attaccare l’alimentazione direttamente alla batteria, cos da eliminare l’instabilit prodotta dalle prese accendisigari che si staccano facilmente.
Mi riservo di aggiornare la recensione se ci saranno novit positive o negative. Per il momento rifarei l’acquisto, e lo consiglio vivamente a patto di capire che non si tratta di una soluzione nativa per l’autoanche se ci va molto vicino!
Great way to upgrade older cars, came nicely & securely packaged. Fits perfectly on my dashboard, was easy to set up and easy to use. Came with different mounts. Has voice control which is convenient and I love CarPlay!
Brightness is adjustable, which is great for me as I’m prone to sinus headaches/migraines from excessive brightness. Touchscreen is easy to use and not too sensitive and the screen is very high resolution.
The screen is quite large though, 9 inches to be specific. So gotta be wary where you place this on the dashboard to make sure your view isn’t obstructed/limited(slightly). Has a USB slot too, which is a nice added extra.
Now the reason why I have taken a star off is due to the price. It is on the pricey side, but I guess you get what you pay for. Definitely a luxury item for your older car. In my opinion, it is worth it and seems sturdy can tell it will last a very long time.
Unlike others that require more technical knowledge to install 2022 Newest CARPURIDE 9 Inch Touchscreen Wireless Apple Carplay is really easy to set up. Literally just plug in and play – based on my Iphone 11.
The quality of the screen is really good and touch screen works well. I like how big it is and works a lot better and stays connected unlike my built in one.
Easy to use it is literally bigger version of your phone. The navigation is brilliant as I can see the GPS directions a lot better than just straight off the phone. I didn’t have any problems at pairing my device and could connect without any problem.
It is a pricy device but I believe it is worth the money as you can take it from car to car and never pay for a new one again unlike the one I had installed in my car a while back.
The holder could be a tad better. It took a bit of a fiddle to get it set up and stuck on but it’s staying on and holds the screen in place so can’t complain.
Personally I love it.
Packaging for this was simple, no unnecessary extra cardboard and everything inside was packaged well and securely. Everything on the cover tells you everything you need to know and was (as far as packaging goes) really nice. Comes in its own branded box and the pictures look good and eye-catching. Inside was:
1 x Car stereo radio
1 x Self-adhesive bracket
1 x Car charger
1 x 3.5mm AUX cable
1 x User manual
Radio itself looks rally nice and sleek and is definitely a great product for older cars that can’t get screens, or my first thought was van or lorry drivers wanting a smart system.
I mounted it using the suction cup on the dash and my first thought was that it is a lot of wires everywhere but f you route them properly and hide the wires I can see it looking nice.
Powered by the cigarette lighter make sure you unplug it when you turn the car off as in mine it wanted to stay on and that could drain your battery.
Loading up it loads straight away and connecting to my phone via Bluetooth was very easy like any other device.
Android auto booted up and is exactly how it should be but one thing that really annoyed me was that everything on the device was super huge and there is no setting anywhere for you to change the size settings for the display.
The audio is plugged into the aux unit of the car to get it to come out the speakers and was as youd expect no delay and sounds as if it’s the radio. Does have built in radio function and the option to route in a reverse camera but the downside to that again is mass wires everywhere unless you route them well.
———-Good points———-
Good quality
Easy to Use
Good value for money
Looks Smart
———-Bad Points———-
Setting for sizes or brightness can not be changed
Lots of lose wires
My hubby has installed this in our old camper van. It was easy to do and it looks great. Perfect for linking up to our phones for maps or just to listen to music. It’s a sturdy little unit and looks great. It’s very responsive and very easy to use.
Nice addition to a car with no existing display
-Android Auto or Apple Car Play
-Quick connectivity
-Optional reversing camera
-Able to use external speaker
-FM radio for phone audio
-Bright screen
-Responsive interface
-Poor quality speaker (though good enough for podcasts)
-Wobbly mounts using adhesive
-DC power connector instead of USB
Android Auto
I have been using this screen in my car that doesn’t have a screen. So far it has worked very well, with pairing being simple and connection each time being quick. I am using Android Auto wirelessly and Google Maps works very well, whilst also having Spotify playing at the same time. It is quite responsive and intuitive to use with the on-screen buttons being quite large. Whilst in Android Auto, and I assume Apple Car Play as well, there is a grey round button that opens some options for the displays own software. These are volume up/down/mute and a Home button to take you out of Android Auto. I would have liked a physical volume button to more easily change the volume as it would be distracting to change whilst driving, but if connected to the cars system it would not be an issue.
The display is quite bright and easy to see. I didn’t have any issues with glare or the sun making it unreadable. It is quite large so is easy to see and use. I was conscious of where I was placing it though as to not block my vision. The screen is responsive to inputs and I didn’t notice any delay when pressing a button and the screen responding.
There is an in-built speaker which works well enough, but don’t expect anything special. Music doesn’t sound great but is good enough if you’re not too fussed or listen to podcasts a lot. The sound system in my car is quite poor and the screen isn’t much worse which is nice, but neither is good. If your car has an aux port then you can connect it to the display and use your cars sound system. By default, the display speaker will still play sound but this can be toggled in the settings to be off. The other option is to |set the display to work as a FM station so that you can tune your car radio to it.
Build quality does feel cheap, but doesn’t feel as though it will break. There are two mounts included: one to go on the windscreen which I am using, and another to mount directly on the dashboard. Both use an adhesive which makes sense for the dashboard mount, but I would have preferred a suction cup for the windscreen. This is as if it needs moving the adhesive will not be as strong and will likely leave residue behind. The mount sticks well and doesn’t feel as though it will come off, though does wobble quite a lot when driving. The screen does click in place well though, so I don’t think it will come off. You do have to make sure you click it in all the way though, as at first it seems like it is in place but it needs more force to go in properly.
The display is powered by a round dc cable with a 12v plug on the other end. This will be more compatible with older cars that don’t have USB, but I would have liked to see a cable included for this to be an option. There is an optional reversing camera which can be purchased and connected to the display, though I have not done this and it would require running the cable through the back of the car and all the way along to the front which sounds like a hassle. There is also an aux port so that you can connect the display to a separate speaker or your cars audio system, which would be beneficial due to the poor speaker quality.
Such an amazing upgrade to the car! Item is well packed and relatively easy to set up, you get a few mounting options but i had a great space above the cigarette lighter to hold it in place. Its used with your phone and has lots of great features, use it as a radio, satnav and more! Touchscreen is very responsive and the build quality is amazing, very happy with this!
I am using this in a Hyundai i10 with an iPhone. This is an aftermarket ‘infotainment’ system designed for use with a mobile phone. It supports Apple’s CarPlay and the android equivalent, plus screen mirroring.
I wanted it purely for the CarPlay feature. In the box there’s the screen, two mounts, an audio cable and a power adapter for the lighter socket. One of the mounts uses a sucker to attach to the dashboard, which is what I used.
Setting up was simple: I just connected my phone via bluetooth and CarPlay was activated. I was pretty impressed by how responsive the screen is, and how well CarPlay worked. Using audio and maps was easy and the large screen made navigation easy. The device has a built in speaker for audio and can also be connected to my vehicles Aux in socket via the supplied cable, however, while the phone is connected to CarPlay I use audio through my car’s bluetooth audio input which gives the best sound quality.
I’m very happy with this device – build quality is fairly decent, and it’s fast and easy to use. It’s a bit expensive, but if you want CarPlay in your car, this works brilliantly and is recommended.
I am not dead set against this device — it’s just that it mainly just uses the technology of your phone to show it all on this display. It’s quite a nice display (I went for the nine inch screen version) but sometimes the touchscreen wasn’t as responsive as I would have liked. The resolution and colours are good — and it’s versatile in as much as it’s useful to have it as a music player, video player, sat nav etc — but all of this is coming from your phone’s technology — not this — it is simply being ported across to this unit. That said — I’ve used it for the past few days and enjoyed playing around with it (as usual it’s not all that intuitive and the instructions are not as clear as they could be (something that often lets down devices of this type). It has a USB port and takes a micro-SD card (not an SD card as described in the instruction booklet!) Usefully, it has a couple of ways of attaching this to your car. I toyed with whether to give it 3 or 4 stars for ages. As I said I have enjoyed playing with this but it has its down points. At the moment it is almost 300 but with a 50 voucher off — so I will give it 4 stars for 250 but it would probably just slip into the 3 star category if that price goes back up.
Not all cars have an interactive touchscreen media interface and those that do, mainly older cars, they’re just rubbish and don’t offer anything as close to the goodies on this unit.
I’ve actually installed this in my old Corsa and it has brought my dashboard up to date immediately with a very simple set up. To use this unit you must have a compatible mobile phone which can support Carplay or Auto.
In the box you’ll get the following:
Car stereo radio main engine * 1
Self-adhesive bracket * 1
Car charger * 1
3.5mm AUX cable * 1
User manual * 1
Connection to your existing car stereo is done via FM transmission or by using the 3.5mm cable, that’s if your stereo has an aux input. The cool thing about this unit is that Carplay can be connected wirelessly or via the wired method, wireless is best and I found that my phone would link up once power was supplied to the media unit every time I turned on the ignition.
The display is touchscreen and the menus are easily navigable but I did notice that the screen transitions were slightly laggy, this is no more or less as you would find on a typical built in unit on a car.
It has built in speakers but they’re rubbish, you don’t want to rely on this for your sound system.
Voice commands work and I can make calls by purely speaking and the unit will display the call in progress.
I like the fact that I can connect a reversing camera as there’s a port for a 2.5mm connection, not all media units offer this.
The screen brightness can be set to auto, which is best, or can be manually changed.
Overall, good build quality with varying methods of attaching to the car, screen resolution is sharp and bright, interaction with the mobile is smooth with no dropouts, priced at 299.99 with a 50 off voucher available makes this a serious contender and worth placing on your shortlist.
This is ideal for older cars if you have space to mount it and don’t want to hard wire a screen in. Connection is via the cigarette lighter socket and includes a 1.82m cable to connect to the screen. Once powered up you get the device main menu as seen in the photo. Its then simply a case of selecting iplay and connect to your phone. Took less than 30 seconds to mirror my iPhone, I could then use the touchscreen to look at messages, use maps, Spotify etc.
The screen is bright enough, this can be adjusted, sound is via a single speaker on the rear unless you can attach to your car audio. Touch the screen and a small icon pops up, select this and you can easily change the volume or mute the sound. I made a call through it and although it took a little longer than normal to start dialling it did work and the call was clear through the single speaker, the other person also had no trouble hearing me.
It’s an all-plastic housing, which makes it feel cheap, but I guess means its lighter in weight. You do need space on the dash to place this which isn’t going to obstruct the view of the road – not so easy unless you have a high windscreen and an area that’s flat. Window attachment is an option but again its quite big unless you drive a truck with a big window! No option to secure to an air vent via a clamp to allow placement over any existing screen you may have.
The screen was responsive enough no issues on this side, connections to add a memory stick to store music and certainly more comfortable than viewing a phone screen for navigation. Just consider how you will mount the device and if you have space first. At around 250 at time of reviewing with the offer I still feel this is expensive for what it is, it works fine, and I haven’t had any issues connecting up and testing it. It’s only going to be suitable for those that want cables and not something hard wired. And it is possible to get similar devices with front facing camera and rear camera options included so this doesn’t have those features which would give it more uses. If you want a mirror screen and don’t mind any limitation regarding attachment or the cable power connection, then nothing wrong with this. The screen is bright enough and responsive, the internal speaker fine for navigation and calls and the option to connect to a 3.5mm audio jack is available with the included cable.
As per my title this works exactly as expected. The instructions are not necessary the easiest to understand, there are a lot of YouTube videos to watch if required, when you have it up and running it works well. I have dropped it 1 star because I think it is a little bit expensive.
This touchscreen is ideal if your car doesn’t have a central console and you’re looking to upgrade.
It comes with different mounts depending on where you want to place the screen, which is quick and easy to set up. Be warned that if mounting on the dashboard, it does take up a fair amount of space and obstructs your view a little bit.
It’s compatible with Apple Carplay and Android Auto, as well as Mirror Link, allowing you to use Sat Nav, control music, watch videos and use voice commands.
The screen itself is quite large at 9 inches and offers Full HD at 1024×600 resolution which is nice and vibrant. It has a touch screen, which is responsive and relatively quick too.
On the side of the device you have a USB, audio, cam, TF and mic port, allowing you to play music through your car speaker system, hook up a camera, input a separate microphone for calls, etc.
All in all, it’s a really good touchscreen and a nice upgrade for older cars, albeit quite an expensive investment at 299.99 for the 9 inch version, which was the price at time of writing.
I hope you found this review helpful.
I use android auto. It is very nice, and my Waze maps and all the Android auto apps are good and clear. Make sure you have the latest version of Waze, or you will have a problem with the map lagging behind your position. I had to delete my Waze, then reload it,
A second way to use the screen is use the Autolink which just mirrors your phone screen. I do that if I’m in the car waiting for my wife, and I want to watch some YouTube videos.
The 3rd way i figured out is Bluetooth. Android auto only works when my phone is plugged into the device. But, I can also connect my phone by Bluetooth without plugging it in. This allows you to play music or make phones only. ButBUT.if you connect your android auto first, the bluetooth for some reason won’t work. It shows the bluetooth, but you won’t hear anything. Also, It automatically connects to my phone’s Bluetooth when I turn my car on. As long as I don’t connect my phone via the usb cord, the Bluetooth is great. Once I connect the phone, And the android auto kicks in, I can’t hear anything on the bluetooth unless I restart the carpuride. That is truly no problem, because 99.9% of the time, I’m have everything I need through the Android auto.
I did not use the window or dash board holder. Instead, I ordered the APPS2 magnetic car phone mount that mounts in my CD player. My CD player does not get used, lol!! So why not give it a purpose. My CD player sits up high, so it gives my screen a kind of a mini Tesla screen look, without being in the way. As far as the cords, the device cord goes to the cigarette lighter..or whatever they call it now, .to connect to my car’s fm transmission, and , the phone usb cord of course goes to my phone. I got some zip ties, and braided the cords together, and just let them lay down the side of the dash, and tucked them into the edge of the ash tray Not perfect,not ugly, but really nice for me, Furthermore, with the magnetic mount, and the long cords, if I want to, I can just take the device off, the mount without unplugging it, and tuck it between my seat and the arm rest so that no one can see it. But I don’t hang out in seedy areas, so I just leave it connected when I’m out and about. Plus, my windows have a light tint, and it is really hard to see the wires from outside the car. My wife gave me 2 thumbs up, says it does not look bad at all, and it looks like all of the newer cars screens, , and she likes it. Besides, she is happy I didn’t buy a new car.
Cons: it does show fingerprints really bad, lol! But so does my wife’s 2018 CRV. Also, the android auto is not an immediate connection. It normally takes about 15-20 seconds, and sometimes I have to unplug my phone and reconnect it for it to connect to AA (I just do it before I start driving). But, sometimes, it connects immediately. I haven’t figured out that sweet spot yet where it just connects all the time..I’m sure it’s operator error, But, those are very very minor things.
Now, if you have an older model car that is paid for, and runs great (like mines), and you just want to spruce up that dash board without that new car or new Tesla payment this device is the way to go. I will update as use and events warrant.
7/27/2022- a quick update for two things. In regards to the device. It is great. I am really enjoying it. The device does have a red light that shows it is plugged into power. When I initially plugged it into my car, the red light was facing up, and I noticed the red light was kind of annoying when I’m driving (especially at night). So, I plugged the device in with the light facing down. That improved it 100%. Now, no distraction at all, and the red light looks like the ambient lighting you also find in newer cars. A hidden bonus..woohoo!!
However, in regards to my magnetic cd mount. My APPS2 cd mount is good. But, after 2 weeks of driving it fell out of the cd slot. What I discovered was that the little 3 little pads that hold it inside of the CD player slid off due to the carpuride weight. BUT..BUT. Quick fix, and I’m back in business. The adhesive used on the mount is not strong. So, I just reglued the 3 pads with some Krazy glue. Let it sit for a couple of hours, and now, no problems.at all. As a matter of fact, it is holding my carpuride screen even better . There is very little movement when I’m driving.
3/25/2023-things are still going great. However, I recently bought a new phone (a REVVL6 by T-Mobile.). Now, things have gotten better. My new phone immediately connects to the carpuride WIRELESSLY!! there is no delay for AA anymore, and I only plug in my phone to charge it (if I need to). I just get in, start the car, and within seconds the AA connects. Also, all of the new Google map updates on my phone still appear on my screen. So, I now have split screen when I use Google maps and my music. The Krazy glue to my magnetic phone holder is also still holding up.