Alpine S-S40 4″ 2-Way Coaxial Speakers

Alpine S-S40 4″ 2-Way Coaxial Speakers

About Us
First came radio, then black-and-white and color TV, computers and car navigation, smartphones and the new age of AI. Alps Alpine is always at the forefront of innovation, paving the way to the future with technology, giving life to all manner of creations. As a components supplier, we have built up technology and experience to support product creation for fulfilling society’s expectations as a partner in the design of functional devices the world needs. Providing a taste of the future, it is packed with exceptionally refined technology unique to Alps Alpine, including support for hover gestures and re-creation of subtle control sensations like the push of a switch. “Art” has its origins in a word for “technique” and initially there was no distinction between them. Like artists, we continue to perfect our technique, or technology, so we can bring value to society. We do this by shaping the future. That is one of our roles.
Weight: | 1.34 kg |
Dimensions: | 30 x 30 x 30 cm; 1.34 Kilograms |
Brand: | Alpine |
Model: | S-S40 |
Manufacture: | Alpine Electronics |
Dimensions: | 30 x 30 x 30 cm; 1.34 Kilograms |
Upgraded my 986 stock speakers for these, had to trim them to fit brackets but they have amazing sound quality and only regret is not doing this sooner. Didn’t upgrade head unit or amp and they work and fit perfectly
Ho sostituito le alpine serie e con queste perche se alzavo la voce facevano una sorta di flautolenza molto forte che mi faceva saltare dalla paura, con queste ho risolto il problema
Confrontate a dei coassiali della pioneer queste suonano meglio, soprattutto sulle alte frequenze, pi naturali. Per quanto riguarda le basse frequenze.. queste sono influenzate pi che altro dalle predisposizioni (nel mio caso una Toyota Aygo prima serie), per cui difficile darne un giudizio in tale ambito
Die kleinen Boxen machen einen schnen und klaren Sound in dem Microcar meines Sohnes. In die Verkleidung pan nur 10er Boxen und diese sind wirklich empfehlenswert. Man kann keinen Monsterbass erwarten, aber der Sound ist klar und sehr natrlich. Einbau war simpel und seither ist mein Sohn zufrieden.
Gutes Produkt mit einem ordentlichen Klang.
Erwartet fr den Preis kein Highend Produkt!
Aber eine gute solide Verarbeitung und angemessene Klangqualitt.
Daumen hoch..
Good for small car.
Pretty loud, but don’t expect too much from a 4 inch speaker.
Best on the market after several tries.
Bit expensive.
Had to be modified so it could fit in my Peugeot 107.
Bass is good, but of course not what you would want.
Hab den LP in einen Flipperautomat eingebaut. Die Auflsung im Hochtonbereich ist fr diesen small cost LP berraschend gut!
Wurden im Wohnmobil ber der Sitzgruppe an Stelle der originalen Lautsprecher verbaut. Zwischen dem Klang liegen Welten.
Fiitted in a BMW F30 with a complete Alpine hifi installation (2 x S S40 10cm, Sub SWT 1254, amp PDX-V9 + LOC LC2I from Audio Control ). Good sound quality, more sound level than needed. These speakes have 10cm in order to fit in the doors but need a DIY spacer (made from MDF)